(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Sally: Take good care of urself. Pain like mine cldnt be helped la. I guess it's becoz she is big now so lying on one side causes my skin to stretch alot more. I just have 1 more week to go so I just tell myself to hang in there. After she is born I wldnt have these pains & aches already.. of course it'll be replaced by caesarean pain... hopefully I can manage.

Hi Ming,

Don't be dishearten about bf, at least you tried. Even if you don't breastfeed at all, doesn't mean that you are not good. Me, hubby and all our siblings are all Full FM Babies (with no bm at all). We also grew up like that also. I heard, last time bf was not the "in" thing as compared to Formula milk. Wonder how true is that.

Hi Sally,

Not sure how bad is your backpain. Maybe you can try to do a bit of pelvic tilts? Find that it works for me to get rid of back aches.
Morning Ladies!

Hi Ming! Take care and be happy! Don't worry about BF...

Hi Stephy, Jia You! We will be waiting for your story.

Hi Sally, I don't think thats Braxton Hick's contractions, but more like the real thing leh. Do monitor and let your gynae know.

Hi sgmom, you are counting down already?
Hi all, im a new user but have been reading ur posts regularly. Im now approaching my 35th week & also experiencing lots of pains & aches. It gets really bad when i sit or stand/walk for long hrs. As my job requires me to sit the whole day, it can get really bad esp in the afternoon. Only gets better when i lie down straight so my only relief is during sleeping time. Anyone here sharing the same experience as me? Do you all take leave to rest at hm or ask ask doc for an MC?
Flo: Sort of. Now trying to plan wat to do & how to distribute my work. If only I get 1 more week. I can finish most of the work myself. Now gotta try to finish as much as possible & then do a proper hand-over. Now trying to rearrange my files so that my colleague can access via the server.
Welcome Evelyn!

Hi sgmom, at least you know when to hand over... me got lots of trainings and meetings for the next two weeks which I don't really dare to commit to...
Dewdrops - i will try to if i can.

Flo - you think so ? i will be monitoring it. Tks.

sgmom - hand on...1 more week plus to go !! Take Care.

I guess most of us just "lun" lor.. since it's expected that preggies heading to term experience alot of aches & pain. Just keep looking forward. U only have 5 more weeks.. prob even lesser if u are a 1st time mom.

Are u expecting a boy or girl? Where are u delivering?
ming, yah at least you tried. Don't be discouraged. Like what the rest said, most importantly is you are happy and baby is happy.
Flo: that's 1 good point abt c-section I guess. U knw exactly when u'll deliver... almost.. unless u go into labour b4 e scheduled date... so it's easier to plan. but u gals get to experience the "real" thing.. Hopefull the next one I can go for vaginal birth.
Hi sgmom, i also wan to "lun" but sometimes its really pain until buay tahan. I used to work in a lab so now temp transfer to desk job, nothing much for me to do also. Can be quite sian in the office at times so when the pain comes, really wish to head hm & rest but leave is limited also so have to plan wisely lor, sad

Im expecting a girl & EDD is 21st May. Im a first time mum so a bit clueless lor. How abt u? U delivering soon rite? Boy or girl?

Anyone here delivering in KKH? Is there a big price diff btw a class B1 & B2+ ward? Coz i heard the gynae will only be delivering for u if u are warded B1 & above. Personally i feel that there is not much diff btw the 2 since one has an extra bed more than the other. Would it make more sense to go for B2+? If the gynae not there, who will be delivering for you?
Evelyn: I'm going for c-section next week. Either Wed or Fri coz my BB is breech. EDD was supposedly 4th May. I'm expecting a girl & will be delivering at MAH. B1 ward is 2 bedded ha? Then B2+ leh? Sorry I not very sure abt KKH's ward system. I guess if the gynae is not available, their midwives will be there. Anyway most of the time the gynae only comes in to do the episiotomy, deliver the BB & placenta & then sew back the episiotomy cut (total prob not exceed 1/2 hr). Other than that.. before & after it's all handled by nurses & midwives.
Hi sgmom, I think no problem with you having natural birth the next time... my co-worker was C-sect for the first one (with twins) and then vaginal birth for the "third" child.

Hi ming, for my co-worker above, she was down with post natal blues when she have the twins, so she couldn't BF and couldn't take care of bbs... so you have to relax and be happy...

Hi Evelyn, me also work in the lab and still working in the lab (with respirator now), so you are more lucky than me. I still have to walk around and do the analysis task, plus now even worst, have to wear respirator... me no choice, one man operation... at least now no site job and no business travel...
Flo: Actually it depends on the gynae. I sounded the nurses out abt VBAC. They told me not advisable. So next time when I do get pregnant, & my doc is not pro-VBAC.. then I guess I'll have to switch gynae liao. Coz I really dun see the rationale behind cutting up myself simply coz I did that the previous time.
Hello Evelyn!
I see my GP as often as i see my gynae. See him for backaches, muscle aches after leg cramps, tiredness for mc to rest at home... He's just downstairs and under my company's panel dr, FOC so i can afford to see him so often...
sgmom: My gynae is pregnant herself so she recommended her colleague to her. Will be seeing her for the 1st time at the end of this mth. My gynae is going for her c-section also, tis is her third child. Told me she's not delivering naturally as her 1st is a breech so subsequently all caesarian so u might have to double check on the possibility of VBAC. B2+ in KKH is 5-bedded & B1 4-bedded dats y i feel not much diff to take the former. But i was tinking if my gynae may not be there, will the nurses or midwives be as good as doing the same job as the gynae. As tis is my 1st time, im really scared, can anyone give me any advice?

Florence: What kind of lab job u working? Wat's the nature of ur work? Mine is research which deals wif lots of organic chemicals dats y when i 1st knew i was pregnant, requested not to step into the lab. Lucky my company understanding & allow me to temp switch to desk-bound duties. But can be quite bored at times coz have to read journals everyday, very routine. U have to be extra careful in the lab, beside respirator, try to wear gloves all the time & stay away from those toxic stuff. And most impt dun carry heavy things, im sure ur colleagues can help.

zyp: Wow i so envy u, can see doc free everytime. So how many days MC he usually give? I seldom see my GP other than falling sick, try to "tahan" the aches & pains lor. So far have not taken any leave to rest at hm yet but planning to take soon but will be annual leave at my own expense lor.
hey shane, sorry gave u wrong info yesterday... no need to put cabbage in the freezer... cold can liao... :p
the cabbage leaf will become crispy after frozen huh? haha...
I'm going to deliver at KKH as well. Who's ur gynae?

Usually only one day mc, just to let me rest at home. I don't dare to ask for more days also. Else work will pile up by the time I go back.
U intend to take more leave on top of the 3mths maternity leave?
Evelyn: Once u change to the otr gynae I think that gynae will help deliver u. As for 4-bedded vs 5-bedded, I think not much of a diff. U not think'g of 2-bedded? After delivery u shd rest more. 5-bedded might be too crowded & noisy isnt it? Does KKH encourage BBs to room-in with mummies? If so it's also better to pick a ward with lesser beds. Can u imagine even for single room the nurse will come in many times (check on mother, then check on BB), besides tt u also have to "entertain" guests. If u have 5 pax in the room.. u can imagine the "chaos" thru'out the day
ur backpain come back again ah?? did u go n see ur gynae?wat did he say?
so take care..if sitting down is uncomfortable for u,maybe u can lie down and rest?

my ex-colleague gave birth in kkh..think she stayed in ward with 6pple or more cos tt time there is no bed available in the 4 bedder ward...she told mi tt the mid-wife very gd....delivered the bb for her..then doc on duty will come in and do the stitches for her..
Afternoon gals ...

Ming, 1st of all , congrats to you!

Agreed with the rest of the gals, u've already tried your best, so dun be so unhappy k?

Wat's VBAC? U mean 1st time C-section, then 2nd time also must C-section?
My mum gave birth my eldest sis thr' C, but the rest of 3 gals all natural birth leh ...

Agreed 1 pro abt C section is u noe when u'll be seeing ur dear little one.

I can't believe by next Wed or Fri, u'll get to see ur gal liao.

Is ur new gynea under "specialized" 1?
I do noe from my colleague whom gave birth at KKH mentioned tat only specialized gyneas will be present during the labor. If not under specialized 1, will be whoever gynea on duty tat day. As for the ward, my fren choose 4 bedded 1, ok for her as tat day not muz patients too. Sometimes not all 4 beds will be taken up 1.
I think nurse will tell the visitors to quiet down when the noises get louder.
Did u go for your ward/labor tour yet?
Btw I'll be at SGH, I choose the 4 bedder 1 w/ aircon + tv.
Juz now went to toilet..
I touched my pte part, & realize the flesh there like abit swollen. Anyone having this too?
Also quite soft soft like tat ..

Twinklets: Natural that our pte part will be "soft soft" during this period. Hormonal changes. Recently my little sis getting slight itch & got some blood (it happens when I wear panty shield for a prolonged period of time.. like a couple of mths), so I used a mirror to see. Shocked to see my little sis looked so different! Now looked so ugly. Yucks! The more I dun wan to have sex liao. Sorry huh.. abit gross I know :p

VBAC = Vaginal Birth After Caesarean. Last time it was not encouraged becoz of perceived higher risk of the uterus rupturing during vaginal birth. H/E apparently based on newer studies, they find that the risk is not significantly higher and thus this notion of continued caesarean is deemed unnecessary.
really???! I dun have a small mirror, thus unable to see. hehehe. I din really go & touch touch, today 1st time really touch & 'inspect', realize indeed very very soft.
Yeah, i dun even want to have any sex nowadays. I think so many mths liao. kekeek..

I c i c, funny back in the 70s my mum had leh ...

Oh ya Sally,
u mention u feel u got stomache but no poo rite?
I think u are liked me lor.. those are contractions.. u do feel ur belly very hard rite during that moment?

Btw, my belly can harden for hrs 1. Any1 the same like me too??

I scratched my feet but no blisters. Only those blood marks, later become black those kind..
Really bui tahan, dunno why the feet so itchy 1..
Hi twinklets, thats normal, preparing for delivery...

Hi Evelyn, me on technical service not R&D so my job is mainly to serve customers (refineries). Gloves, lab coat, safety boots and safety glasses are the norm, just after I found that I'm pregnant, then I started the respirator.
I used to travel to customer site to trouble-shoot and glad that I can stop doing that. But the lab job have to continue as I'm the only one in the whole Asia Pacific doing this, I can't be sending sample back to the main US lab for the whole year... I might just loss my job! But my job also flexi and no boss, so I just take-off once I finish my job for the day.

You're really my idol now (in terms of milkflow and also your weight lost)!!

I will also try my best in pumping more regularly. Hopefully, there will be good results. I'm also trying my very best to hang on to feeding my bb with BM. Just hope my breasts dun fail me.

Only manage to pump out 2.5oz during my 1st pump which is ard 11am, will try to pump again in a while. Hmm.. dun have any high hope abt this coming pump. Sighz

something to share with you (based on my own experience).

"How to know you're delivering soon?"
1) Drop in weight
2) Tummy "drop"
3) Feet Swelling
4) Mucus plug out (for my case, mucus plug was out on Sat and by Wed, bb's out liao)
my belly also always hard hard. only time when it's softer is when i lie down on bed...

why are ur feet so itchy? skin too dry? have u tried applying moisturiser?
Hi Twinklets,

My tummy also can harden/tighten, esp. after I have been walking around the house for some time doing housework. Can harden for half an hr to one hr. Then I try to practise deep breathing to relax myself.

Hi Icemilo,

How do you differentiate mucus plug and normal vaginal discharge? Does it always come with a bit of blood?
Hi ladies

Here is my update on my check-up.
My gal weighing 2.8kg @ 36weeks.
I told my gynae firmly that i do not wan ECV but her nurse said I shld at least tried ECV b4 deciding C-section. I was caught in a dilemma. After discussing w my hubby, we decided to try.
First, I need to put on CTG to check bb heartbeat, then after that proceed to scan my bb's position. She is actually in a good position for turning. Nurse applied powder on my tummy, my hubby was ask to see the process. My gynae gently "pinched" the bb's head and legs (i supposed) and slowly push then stay on the position for awhile and my gynae complained bb kicking her. She tried pushed further but it seem bb just dun wan to turn. I tell her its okie. I will just go for C-section Epidural. My gynae said she thinks epidural not for me coz she said i m too nervous type, but i insisted.

My schedule date is around 20-22nd April, haven comfirmed, waiting for my gynae's nurse to call me. My gynae ask me to go to her clinic b4 admitting myself to the hospital coz she wan to scan me first and mayb bb turn last min then I can cancelled my C-section and go home.

Getting really excited now
glad to hear this is normal..

I got very bad feet swelling lately.. hope i'm delivering soon ..
wat mucus plug out??

Hey me too.. most hrs like so hard .. sometimes i'm wondering whether i'm having contractions or my bb's body is very hard ..

nope, i din mention my itchness to her.. cos previously was on & off. So i juz use some cream to curb & it worked fine..
Only lately itchy like dunno wat.. especially once my legs start to swell, the 'folds' parts really very itchy.. u noe when legs start to swell, we like got 'folds' on the flesh? ehh.. dunno whether u get wat i mean or not..
Think next tuesday will ask cream from her.
Yr gynea give u wat cream??
zyp: i used to see Dr JJ Chee but will change to Dr Tracy Lim from next visit onwards. So when is ur EDD? I dun tink i will be extending my 3 mths maternity leave further, u? So have u book the ward u b staying coz i heard have to book in advance in case not enuff rooms when u deliver.

sgmom: im not very sure abt the system at KKH, so far only heard fr my gynae but the details got to enquire at Pre-admission counter. The queue always super long but plan to check during my next appt. If possible i will book the ward coz not much time to waste liao.

forgetmenot: Yah i heard that any ward that is B2+ (5-bedded) & below consider subsidised ward so gynae not guarantee to deliver for u, tink ur colleague is in this category. Glad to hear that the midwife is juz as gd, so did u check wif ur colleague if her stitches are properly done? Any complains fr her?

twinklets: Im not sure abt the "specialized" thing u mention. Juz knw that have to take B1 (4-bedded) onwards then gynae will deliver for u. That is for private patient, subsidised patients is B2+ (5-bedded) & below). Im consider a private patient when comes to consultation but not very sure if i can choose when coming to wards. Don't knw whether they limit the choices of wards for private patient dats y got to enquire during my next visit. I have not been to my ward/labour tour yet, u? U shld be delivering soon rite?

Florence: Luckly ur job is flexible at least can go back when tired so when ur EDD?
So the breathing part got help?
So this hardening of belly is more or less confirmed to braxton hick or contraction

wow, u likely to have same delivery date as Sgmom.

It is only next wk .. wow ..... so happy for u gals ..
I think my tummy has "drop"... It just look lower than before.

There's a good chance you will deliver on the same day as sgmom then... wow... more and more of us are popping... so exciting!!!!

Interested to know what is mucus plug too!!!
I'm a KKH patient. I'll be staying in B1 wards. I've already booked my bed and my designated gynae will deliver for me. If i'm a subsidise patient which means every visit i go is always changing gynae, then at the point of time when i deliver, the doc attending me will be those on duty gynae. Since you're a private patient meaning you always see the same gynae, i suppose you'll have to book class B1 and above.
my gosh... I'm getting more and more nervous as my EDD approaches...

Are u ladies ready for ur BB's arrival since you know your BB is arriving next week.
Carla: Most of my bb's stuffs ready liao. Now I'm just waiting for the "right time" to sterillise the bottles and pumps and put up bedsheet for the cot.
I heard a myth recently. My friend told me that if your feet swell and subsides for 3 times continuously, then you will give birth soon.

Don't know how true as I'm always having this "elephant" leg since my 6th mths....
Meow, thanks for ur information. My husband's colleague wife is also a private patient (meaning she see the same gynae everytime) but heard that she stay at B2+ for her 1st delivery followed by B2 for her 2nd. Since she's in quite close terms wif her gynae, she made an effort to deliver for her but according to the regulations it's not a must since hers is subsidised ward. That's y i very confused now. Did u enquire abt this when u book ur ward? So how many weeks pregnant when u make the booking? What is the cost to stay at B1 wards?
carla, i oso hv the same problem... feet has been swollen since 6 mth... so mabbe that's not a good indication for us...

twinklets, i understand wat u mean by 'folds of the skin'... my itch was bad at the toes/fingers joint... i dun hv the actual name of the cream wif me now... i'll go home check n update u tomorrow??
Ariella: So did ur gynae charge u for "pinching ur BB"? Last week he did say something abt trying to see if she'll budge. My concern is that if he tries like 5 mins then declare she refuse to turn & charge me for $300 then I'll faint. Ya our gal are just as "stubborn" :p

ready or not.. BB is coming! hahahahaha Many pple ask me if I'm excited or not. Or whether I'm afraid or not. Frankly I dunno leh.. feeling still rather numb coz I totally dunno wat to expect. Dunno how my life will change.. dunno how painful the caesarean will be. :p

My feet normally swell & subside rather quickly. Normally within 1/2 hr. Then it might not swell for the next few days. When it swell I can feel the sensation of "heat" in my feet & hands... I'll know that it's ballooning... dunno if u gals feel the same thing also.
Sgmom: Yeah
$94 for the CTG. Abit cheated actually, coz consider not successful. My FIL told my HB, 22nd instead a good date but I think I won't choose that date coz its too near my b-day.
re: Removing of jewellery & nail polish
Anyone thot of when to remove their jewellery & nail polish? I've since removed my bracelet & necklace.. now still wearing my wedding band & earrings. Wonder if it's such a good idea to remove them only when I get admitted. :-/

BTW anyone know of a good mtd to prevent the ear hole from closing? My ear "heal" very fast one. A couple of hours without earrings & I'll have problem wearing my ear-rings liao. Considering I wldnt be able to wear my ear-rings for hrs due to my caesarean.. I'm think'g of how to prevent them from closing up... Dun think I want to go thru anotr round of "punch ear hole" at the age of 30 man...
I hate to get up every morning cos sometimes my feet is so swollen that it hurts to walk.

Since my 6th mth, I have been wearing size 7 shoes (2 sizes bigger). And I can't wear skirt/dress too... cos I look very awful with the "elephant / Piggy" legs...

I guess all of us face this uncertainty... Me too... Mixed emotions... wanted to see my BB but sad that I will lose all the freedom!!!

I think can ask ur HB to sterilize and put up BB's cot while u r in hospital. Shouldn't be a problem... U must be feeling very excited right now.
Forgetmenot: Thanks for the info.

Congratulation to Poshies, Icemilo, Poohy, ming, Tigger88, Krazy and linn.

Carla_lily: Funny you mention abt feet swell and subsides 3 times continuously then will give birth coz I heard it from an old lady just yesterday.. I feet swell and subsides onces liao..

Feel so upset today. I normally don't carry more than $50 with me.. I was afraid I might pop in office so I carry and extra $50 more for taxi etc.. and I lost it in office.. the only time my wallet was left unattended in the drawer was when i visit the loo.. Sereval colleague of mine has lost money in the pass few months too...there's only less than 10 ppl in the office.. I hate to think is an inside job but.. haiii someone stole my baby's money.. sob sob

Ariella: $94 is for the CTG but not the ECV right? This visit I'll have my CTG... ECV will be performed if I intend to go for it. I think it's 2 separate charges. 22nd good date.. 20th BAD date. My mom has been urging me to NOT have my c-section date on 20th. Now can only pray that my gynae is avail on 22nd. Feeling damn "fan" over this issue already coz my gynae only does elective c-section on Weds (20th) & Fris (22nd).. any other day I'll have to pay $1K extra. My husband is insistent that we follow the gynae's schedule & heck this superstitous stuff... but then I worry that our "ignorance" will cause my daugther a good start... sigh...
