(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Yes.. really praying hard now leh ..
want bb to come out fast, but on 1 hand also getting nervous .. heee.. really bui tahan ourself hor.. u noe my hubby siao 1, he said he'll miss my preggie look. Geee..

Think feeling breathless is normal 1.. especially approaching 3rd trimester. I really miss 2nd trimester, really huang jing shi dai. hahahah!

Did ur gyn mentioned ur bb big?

Poohy: Ya lor.. make us all see "green" :p But it's good.. motivation for all of us that we can be like u... seemed like samuel is an easy kid to look after huh? :p

forgetmenot: I think size of our BB is definitely a factor. Once BB is engaged prob can breathe better.

My colleague's wife just delivered last friday. Altho their BB is already 3kgs.. which is definitely not considered small. The BB still looked so tiny... Now I'm quite apprenhensive abt handling my own BB... they all looked so small & fragile...
twinklets, i oso got very bad swelling of feet n ankles since 6th mths onwards...

initially oso very itchy esp between toes and fingers... i scratched them and that area becomes crowded with small reddish blisters (with water inside)... gynae gimme cream to stop itch n when they healed, they becomes like fish scales, very very dry... now its better liao... i wear open-toe sandals and stopped eating cockles... dunno if it help anot lah...

sorry gals, think the desc a bit gross
ya hor..maybe cos i'm approaching tri 3,tt'y breatheless..
i'm so excited..reaching tri 3 liao..but at the same time scared of labour..hehehe..

yup..my gynae said tt my bb is abit big compared to bb which is ard the same wks..but i think maybe not so accurate..aftall will oni get to know if bb realli big or not when near delivery..

dun worry,newborns usu will look tiny..but they grow vv fast one..so aft one wk later,they will be bigger liao..

may i know what size of diapers u gals intend to get? was thinking of getting Size S one leh..cos it states there for bb bet 3-8kgs..u think it will be too big?
<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
same here... my shoe size increase from 6 to 7.
and it's the only pair i can wear out.
Recently, also find the shoes a bit type, must be due to swelling and water retention.
Twinklets: My shoe size didnt like increase by 1 size I think. Maybe 1/2 size? But it's not thruout the day. Only certain time, during certain days will I feel my shoes being tight. No itch leh.. but sometimes I do feel itchy on my arms. I reckon it's becoz I ate something "wrong".

Caesareah no need to induce. doc will give me a op time. they'll wheel me into the OT when it's time. I heard the doc will suck out the amniotic fluid, take out BB, clamp &amp; cut the umbilical cord, "deliver" the placenta. After that it's sewing me back lor. Apparently it only takes like 20 mins to deliver the BB.. the rest is to sew me up.
i also get pubic pain, bearable cos not v frequent. thought it's because of uterine movement or baby's positioning so never really bother...

i heard we'll know if baby's engaged. that the tummy will really go low (like gonna drop) and then the pain at the ribs area will go away. all mummies, is this true? i also have the strained pain around my right ribs...

when I did a pump every 1 hour, I managed to pump more than 600 ml a day. I then feel that there is oversupply cos my bb dun need that much a day and I din wanna freeze the milk at first... so throw away daily. I then turn to a 6 hourly pump which resulted in my engorgement last week... my breast looks slightly bigger now
Anyway the supply is very constant now... I did use cabbage leaf numerous time last week during the painful engorgement.

So maybe it would be a good idea to pump in tandem to bb feeding time... then u will ensure u are not pumping too often and oversupply which will result in painful engorgement if u dun clear your breast in time. To clear your breast during pumping... do massage your breast while u r expressing.

btw, mummies who are breastfeeding do continue to take calcium supplement etc needs those else will take from your own teeth and bone reserve.

I am using medela dual pump. But I only use 1 pump at a time.... not making use of the dual pump. Cos I havent figure out how to one man operate the dual pump.... gotta hold the dual pump and then still need to time and on/off the engine.... dunno how to do that leh. The pump is a little noisy though.... i think there is another highly recommended pump ... ameda pump or something like dat.


I think my blocked duct is gone... cos I tried to massage it for a few days and pump like mad and then nowadays i dun feel it anymore nor the pain.

re diapers,

i think it really depends on bb size. Samuel is still using pampers premium newborn rite now and its way too big for him still. He is 14 days old today and weigh 2.8kg now. The mamypoko newborn fits him better but its even more expensive. Btw, if u find good deal on pampers premium do buy them.... wow samuel already using up 3 packets of pampers premium now.... money flowing out like water ! haha...


ya i find samuel has been a good bb to look after.... he wakes up only when hungry or diaper wet ... during the nite he hardly wake up just to make a fuss or want to carry... it happens 1-2 times but is very rare. We tried not to carry him too much also... in case he start wanting us to carry throughout the nite...
zyp: that's what I heard.. but it all depends how "high" u carry ur bb. heard that those who are already carrying low doesnt feel much of a diff.
how to use the cabbage leaf to relieve engorgement ? Just put on breast ? and wat kind of cabbage ? those chinese ones ?
Hi zyp,

It's true that when baby gone low, your tummy will really drop. My gynae verified that my bb has gone lower through u/s, although not engaged yet and my family members, even my neighbours (whom I met first time in the lift) also asked me whether I am giving birth soon xos he can see that my tummy has "dropped". My bb used to "park" his feets just under my right breast (his fav spot), now can feel that his feets gone lower too.

put the chinese cabbage in the fridge. And then when u need to use it just take 2 leaf, put it on your breast. Leave it for 20min should be able to relieve engorgement. Btw, use of chinese cabbage also can reduce milk supply... so gotta use sparingly if your aim is to increase and not decrease
Hi Poohy,

Think I read in Momsinmind website or somewhere that you can keep the "breast cups" in place by using a bra? Actually I am also wondering how to manage a dual pump. Maybe on the power first then position the cups???
Poohy: Lucky u.. 14 days &amp; 3 packs of pampers premium? Wow.. so how many times do u change his diapers daily? During taka sale we bot this Japalo brand diapers.. hopefully they dun cause any issue to my girl's bum :p

i know medela has nursing bra specially to hold the 2 breast cup in place. but i dun think i will make that investment ... like everything cost money hor... haha anyway its ok for me to use single pump since i pump only 10 min per breast each time. Just regret buying a dual pump... could have save money by buying just a single pump.
Twinklets - My feet size swell to size 9 as usually only size 7 or the biggest 71/2 now look like pig throtter. =(

Dewdrops - maybe your bb is ready for engagement anytime.

Poohy - so envy you. Samuel is so kuai. You are the only one with not much bf problem. Jiayou !! My mum also tell me that after i give birth, if bb cry, don't always immediately go and carry her.

samuel feeds every 2 hour ard the clock in his first 1-2 weeks. Each time we will check his diaper to see whether any poo or whether the pampers indicative bar has majority wet. As a breastfed bb and we also give him lots of water to drink for his mild jaundice at first... he wet the diaper almost every other feed time. So we change like nobody business lor... and breastfed bb seems to poo more often... so again change diaper
We are very careful to chk him cos during his first week... he got a bit of rash on his scrotum... so we try to keep him as dry as possible so that he will recover faster... and he sure did. We din change to other brand of diapers cos pampers seems to best leh... at least its good and cheaper than mamypoko. We wont want to see painful nappy rash developed... later will suffer the repercussion... ;)
sgmom and dewdrops,
i have aunties (those in market, hawker, strangers basically) telling me 'wah tummy so high, still not yet'
so dont know how true it is. haha...

i think u have to put the chinese cabbage leaf into the freeze, and use it like a cold compress on ur breast. alternatively u can buy hot and cold pack for breast. bought a Gerber's but haven't try yet so cannot give u any review. =)

no lah i got oversupply problem due to my own "cleverness" going to pump so often. I always very kiasu scared will not have supply at first. And when engorgement sets in when I am trying to reduce... I really wanna give up immediately... even went to get the medicine to stop the supply from my GP liao. It was so painful... and my breast swell so big....
And worst my mum wasnt very encouraging ... i feel quite down then. Thank God my hubby was really very encouraging and did a lot of reading up to assure me all those pain are temporary... phew.
Poohy - It's so good that your hubby is around and with you on the bf thing. I believe it gives you more motivation to continue bf. Don't give up and hope that you will be or first successful case in this forum to give us those who have not started yet some booster...Jiayou !!
my impression is frozen cabbage leh... keke
got to refer to my antenatal class notes for confirmation. hee...
but it really will reduce milk supply. so use sparingly...
heat pack will be better for relieve engorgement and pain.
ladies - do you all feel that bb leg like to kick or rub against your stomach and cause great viabration ? i sometime feel like jelly shaking inside my stomach and sometime super hard kick boxing and worse is she will use her leg or feet to rub against my stomach very hard and make me very pain. Talk to her to stop coz i am in pain, she will use harder strength. =p My hubby say she is as stubborn as me.
hi ladies,

thanks for the info on the maternity pad w loop. I think mayb wont use it le..sound troublesome. I goin to bring along those maxi pad(stick-on)

Sgmom: My mum oso feels that my tummy have lowered. But I dun feel it le. My gal have been really active and been really giving me alot of discomfort.
Tomolo going to my gynae and will discuss with her about C-section.
Will update you all tomolo.
ariella: funny only our own moms noticed :p ur MIL leh? My MIL didnt say anything. Prob also becoz she sees me everyday.. diff to tell. Whereas my mom sees me once a week. Sometimes my girl dunno do wat inside.. will give me quite some pain below my rib-cage. Somehow I mainly feel pain when I'm lying down/trying to sleep. otr than that normally not painful one. I wonder why? :-/
sgmom - maybe your position make your bb uncomfortable too hence giving you the pain to "tell" you that she is feeling uncomfortable.
Sally: that means I cannot lie down ha? :p Coz she caused the most pain when I lie down.. regardless of whtr I'm lying on my left / right / back. Generally sitting &amp; standing i dun suffer any pain one.
Sally like mother like daughter! ur girl has v strong limbs!
i dont feel tummy shake like jelly but there's slight tremors sometimes. can feel more drastic shifting...
by the way do u feel regular rhythmic 'thub-thub-thub' like heartbeat? can persist for quite awhile. my sis-in-law said could be baby's hiccup as well... hmm... very interesting
sgmom: My MIL did mentioned my tummy lowered last week. I m staying w my mum now for the next 3 mth, she just told me she think my tummy got lowered liao. My pain usually is at pubic area, usually when waking up, pain near rib cage oso have but not as bad as the pubic area. Lying down oso bad esp when she starts "dancing" ard the tummy, I can feel muscle being tear inside.
hi gals,

I'm back.. guess what.. I'm schedule for an epidural c-section tomorrow at 1.30pm. My gynae said that my blood pressure is too high (150/100) and he said that my cervix opening is quite low because of my baby positioning is no good.

Actually, he said he can try to induce me first but if it is unsuccessful , then have to be c-section. I told him that I don't think I want to go thru such stress, that's why I have choosen c-section w/o 2nd tot.

Although I may look calm now, I may not be able to sleep tonite.. got to wake up at 6am to have my breakfast tomolo and admit at 9am.. operation will be at 1.30pm.
Hi Steph!
Thought you pop liao!!

You must be feeling really excited as you're going to see your little darling tomorrow!

All the best in your op tomorrow ... and when u're well enough, do log back and share your experience with all of us here.
Sally: that means I cannot lie down ha? :p Coz she caused the most pain when I lie down.. regardless of whtr I'm lying on my left / right / back. Generally sitting &amp; standing i dun suffer any pain one.
Wow Stephy,
very soon u can see ur BB!!!
Must update us on your birth story too... and remember to post ur BB's photo here as well.

Rest well
sgmom, i also felt the pain only when i lie down... esp when i tried to turn.
a colleague who's as pregnant as me also suffered the same. she applies medicated oil (orange/reddish color) on the area and it works for her. i didn't try though...
wow..seem like a number of us increase our shoe size huh ..

I do hope my feet can size down, or else all my shoes cannot wear after preggie liao..
Currently i'm only wear 1 &amp; only sandals too ..

yeah alot of agar-ration for the weight of our bb.. we'll never noe until we see our bb during birth..
But sometimes it is due to this agarration tat make us suffer lor.. Sometimes the bb may b small 1, but gynea want it to C section cos tot big. Scully come out only 3kg.. This happens to my fren's fren at TMC .. imagine the hospital charges incurred liao ...

mine stomach also 'dropped' alot, but head still havent engaged leh ..
Mine used to be quite 'up' 1, so i can see the difference is quite great ..

Lately the itchness really bui than. mine is on the feet &amp; the ankle there .. scratched &amp; scratched... apply cream also not muz use liao ..
wow! so excited for u! U sure cant zzz 1! how to zz rite?? hehehe!
yup , do share ur birth story &amp; photo next time!

ok gtg liao, bye gals!!!
twinklets: ya lor.. all these weight thingie is only as a guide. hardly accurate one. I heard 15% diff'ce is normal.
Hi Stephanie,

All the best to you for tomorrow!
May I know what does your doc mean when he say your baby position not good for cervix dilation?
Stephanie, all the best! i was sharg the ward with a C patient and she said she felt no pain at all, except after the operation. Take care and rest well after that. And when u breastfeed, u have to lie down for C mums.

Hi Ladies, finally i'm accessing the forum again.. my labour story:

30 Mar
9 plus: Went to clinic to be induced. Gynae inserted tablet into cervix to help it to mature. Did CTG twice.

12pm: Admitted to labour ward and wait for contractions. Typically for induced labour, pple give birth they next day, some exceptional cases on the same day.

4pm: Very bad backache (never experienced b4), lasted for a few hrs. Minor tummy ache in betwn, no contractions per se yet.

12am: Nurse has checked dilation of cervix a few times (be prepared for DIScomfort), only 1-1.5cm dilated.

Flip thru' out the night.

8.30am: Still only 1.5cm dilation. Gynae poked waterbag. Nurse said i can have epidural anytime, i said wait for pain to come on. Contractions came on shortly. Within an hr, the pain was unbearable. Pain from lower body onwards. Entonox works only a bit 4 me.

10plus: Cannot tahan anymore, asked for epidural. Nope, as opposed to wat i heard, pain of administration of epidural was ok as compared to contractions. After 15-30 min, it was still very painful, i tot liao liao, was so worried that epidural won't work on me. i asked for anaesthetician to come again. Nurse checked for dilation - 7cm. Within an hr, the cervix dilated so much, so epi. dosage was increased. Finally i feel no more pain.

2pm plus: Started to prepare to push for labour. Pushed for almost an hr (unsuccessfully) and gynae recommended to have assisted delivery (vacuum). Usually induced labour req. assisted delivery, i only learnt of this after labour.

Close to 3pm: Isabelle is born...

The story continues....
twinklets, u scratch then got small blisters anot?? my gynae said if my itchiness dun stop then she'll hv to refer me to skin specialist... heng it stopped...
poohy, kudos to you on breastfeeding. You really perservered.

i am a very bad example. When i was in hospital, in the labour ward, i tried to breastfeed. After that is round the clock bf. But baby had difficulty latching on. Nurse told me i had short nipples and baby's tongue kept pushg out, i have 20% chance of succeedg in bf. 2nd day of birth, colostrum was only a bit, milk supply haven't come in yet, and mum and auntie said i'm starving my baby. One of the nurse said tt i'm depriving my baby of milk too, i was so mad and stressed. But i insisted on bf but was kinda coerced to supplement with FM as baby was wailing. For those who want to bf.. it is perfectly fine if you're not having enuff for baby in the 1st few days of their life.

After birth, my haemorroids came back, it was the worst piles i had. I was battling with this and bf. 4th day of birth, let down was there and milk supply came on. Still have problems latchg baby on/off, went back hosp. to see lactation specialist twice. i was expressing bm every 2-4 hrs. Concurrently, my nipples are sore and v painful. i dread every feedg/express and squirmed in pain (but not everyone feels pain, and sld not feel pain if baby is latching on properly). My case was probably baby didn't suck properly (must suck the whole areola)and caused the sore nipples. Plus my impatient baby bites and sucked v strongly which aggravated the wound.

Last Thu/Fri, barely a wk of Isabelle's birth, i see blood when i was expressing the milk. Saw a couple of times. i was still expressg regularly. But due to block ducts, the breasts became engorged and v painful. On Sat, i went to see the doctor, and decided that i will layoff bf (as good as sayg stop) and let my breasts heal. Taking medication (process is reversible) but still feeling engorgement Pain (cold cabbage, hot towel alleviates pain 4 a while) which will last for 5days-2wks. In a nutshell, we have started Isabelle on FM, with a bit of frozen EBM.

i'm a failure case, so dun learn from me. My point of sharing is...be prepared to go thru' some difficulties in bf. Giving up was a dilemma.. There are many successful cases like poohy. i even took 2 months unpaid leave thinkg tt i'll bf, think maybe no need liao.

Btw, 1 recommendation. Buy NUK rubber teats bottles. i used Avent silicon teats but they are quite hard and hence baby has to suck hard, which means if combing bottle and breastfeed, baby may suck hard at ur breasts. Lactn specialist recommended NUK rubber teats which are softer and more similar to nipples.

My colleague told me, mothers are inherently noble. To me, going thru' motherhood (now) is like my cross to bear)... but i believe things will get better.

All the best in your experience.
stephy, all the very best to you!

ming, dun be too disheartened. I guess all of us are struggling with BF initially. You have tried your very best so dun be too upset.

dun be disappointed... though its good to give breastmilk.. but nothing beats been happy and being able to spend more time with bb ..
Happy mummy makes a happy bb.

I fully understand the pain when bb suckle especially when not properly latched. Thats the problem I got too and my bb keeps falling asleep at the breast. It was really painful for me when he suckle and even needs to use the nipple to induce him to latch on....
My nipple was sore and bled at first... btw, to heal the nipples.. u can apply some nipple cream... it will helps with a more speedy recovery there ;)

things will definitely get better... do take care and rest well and recover soon ;)
Ming: Dun be sad. I believe BF is really hard. If not we wldnt hear more "failure" cases than "successful" ones. But at least u try. It's already very good. Ah ya.. but I already have Avent bottles liao leh.. (altho most of them FOC).. and I'll be using Avent ISIS breast pump... advisable to change? Maybe see how things go first...

Good Morning ladies.

Today i am on MC coz my backpain become worse.
I also experience on and off stomachache pain like want to do business pain but have nothing come out. Is this call braxton hicks ?

Ming - Hope you are feeling better now. Take Care. Your story let me learn more about bf. You take care.

sgmom - maybe you can try to talk to your girl when you are lying down.
