(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

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babyd, Re Cheerios, we were so desperate we emailed cold storage. They said the stock will be in 2nd week of august. Good luck.
raymos doesnt seem to be taking much solid food during lunch and dinner. Yesterday even worse, i made him sandwiches for lunch, he seemed to be so interested at first and nodded his head when i asked if he wanted to eat. after a few bites, he rejected to finish the rest. Cooked porridge for dinner,took one spoonful only. We were at a jap restaurant then. Thot he wanted to eat our food instead so offered him and he didnt want too. Just wanted to play with the spoon and the food..wah really had a bad headache man..then yesterday my hubby was so angry that he beated him in the afternoon. Thot he already learnt his lesson but in the evening, still came the same pattern. any babies with problems with meals too? raymos went for his jab on sat and he weighs 10.3 kg only. he has one feed of pediasure every nite. can't imagine if he doesnt have the pediasure..anyway, thot his fever would come on sat or sun nite but didn't...mother-in-law said that his loss of appetite is due to the jab. (anyway she always gives the same reason even though raymos didnt had any jab when he didnt want to eat previously, she always says that babies after giving a series of jab will have the post-loss of appetite) we thot so too..but the thing is, he was so active playing in the day time on sat and sun..anyway i really feel tat its due to his grandmother's constant spoiling when we are not around lor..she always gives excuses when he's not eating..yesterday she even said that most prob raymos is experiencing tooth cutting cos she claimed tat she saw whitish on his gum. (faint..)
Ah Bunny
You are not alone. Claira's having flu and cough for more than a week and her appetite is also like that eat abit then don't want already. These few days I don't know why she's so sticky to me keep whining and calling me always like to say 'don't want' and 'no' which i hardly say these to her. I think they're going to the 'terrible two' stage now. Just now before leaving my house to work I saw Claira beating the maid refusing to be carried by her. I'm feeling guilty for her behaviour wondering is it because now I spent less time with her thats why she's behaving like that. I also think she might be teething also saw whitish on her gum, the last molar cutting out soon.

Will go and read about this stage of growing. I must go and find out what's wrong with her.
Wow, so good... Did not work also got pay check? kekeke...

Ah Bunny,
Linus also like that this few weeks. Maid usually cook something like porridge, it will take soooo much coaxing before he open his mouth. After that, he will take say 4mouths, then refuse to open. So how? Make cereal lor. Make about 6 tablespoon, he will take about 5. If don't want cereal how? Give milk.

Last night, dinner for him is ABC pasta and home made sauce. I told maid not to mix sauce and pasta till before putting into his mouth. So right b4 feeding, she started to mix a little sauce into tha pasta, he ate one mouth and stopped!! He refuse to open mouth and then started to point at the pasta. I told her to give him just the pasta, he ate half of the small bowl!! Then we ask him if he want some sauce? He nods his head and started to eat the sauce only. He want to eat pasta without sauce and sauce without pasta. Very strange behaviour...

2 hours later, we go out for family dinner, he looked at those food on other pp's table and indicate that he wants to eat!!

I think there is some truth that when they are teething, their appetite drops. Linus is also teething at the molars now. So when he refuse to eat, I give him milk. Can u try giving him milk when he don't eat solid?

As for grandma spoiling, I think this is very natural process. I shall be a very irritating grandma in the future too as the little cuties are hard not to spoil. Only thing is they must not intervene when u discipline the tod. (Just my personal opinion)

How's Claira now? Don't feel guilty la... If you have to work, you can't spent the time with her. I think quality time beats quantity time.
<font color="ff0000">"When you love someone,
your eyelashes go up and down quickly
and little stars come out of you."</font>
Hi MGTeo and Piggy,
Thanks for sharing. makes me feel better now. Yah, raymos drinks milk when he doesnt want porridge etc. but i read that cant totally rely on milk. so i'm trying hard to coax him into eating. sometimes weekends for us are really tired. We are really spending 100% of our time on him on every sat and sun..even during eating, we can't even watch our fav tv programme cos has to accomodate to his barney shows. sigh..so usually, me and hubby will take a break after the weekend by not gg home after work on mondays. will miss him but i guess we aso need some rest too. Sometimes will feel guilty..Quite a dilemma though..want to have a 2nd child but looking at him..having one already so tired and cost so much..how to have one more?

Piggy,can share with recipe for the handmade pasta sauce?

Raymos has started with his 2 syllabus vocab. Yesterday his daddy was inside the toilet and we heard raymos banging on the door shouting OPEN. His other 2 syllabus words are ice cream, apple, hello, elmo. others (dunno counted or not as 2 syllabus : shoe shoe, dog dog, duck duck, bird bird, gor gor, xie xie (for thank you))
Ah Bunny
I've got the same feelings as you. Weekends are really tiring but I'm somehow used to it cos I've taken care of her full-time before. And its true that having 2nd child will be even more taxing in terms of monetary, mentally and physically tiring. I was talking to hubby just now asking him if he wants to have 2nd one both of us feel that having Claira we're very happy already wonder if 2nd one comes along will we be as happy anot. With 1 child I can give her everything but if got 2nd one we might have to thrift. But afraid that Claira will be lonely next time. Quite dilemma hor...??

Claira is quite advance lah (kanasai!!) hehehe....she can pronounce quite well though. She can say things like, 'I don't want', flower, baby bob, dirty, scared, lizard, rainbow, slides, go there, sticker, 'I want cheese', handphone etc...
Yes I agree quality time beats quantity time but sometimes they really want us to be by their side to attend to their needs. Sometimes if you notice they purposely does something which is not right to catch our attention. Sigh...if only my husband is rich!! kekeke...
Thanks for the info. Will look out for it. Sherman is quite content with just plain old cornflakes. Fortunately, the supermarkets never run out of that!

Hi twinkle,
It was nice meeting you &amp; Kristy on Bt Timah hill on Sat! Really didn't recognize Kristy with her hair all tied up. You really must post her photo here more often, she has grown into a pretty little girl.

Hi BabyD,

Nice seeing u too!! I recognise Sherman too..but mummy I m not so certain...ke ke ke..so gd looking boy.. u lucky mummy...

Ok will post more pixs of Kristy...
Btw, hope to see u at Bt Timah hill again. I intend to bring her there at least once a mth on Sats...

Kristy at Botanic garden.. btw, I m contemplating to change her christian name, so maybe going forward, we call her Jingru k...
twinkle, Kristy is such a pretty girl! My hubby see, his heart sure melt..
What a coincidence, running into Sherman!

Girls, went for my OSCAR yesterday at TMC. Baby is doing fine inspite of the fact that I've lost 5kg of weight already. Very active (even radiographer commented) but not surprised as Tim was a monkey in the womb too. I'm coming to 12 wks now.. still got MS but not so bad.. but very tired.

Next one to pop is Blanche.. on Thursday
Wow, Ashton will be a kor-kor already
Ah Bunny,
Home made pasta sauce:
1/4 of carrot, 1/2 potato, 1 small pc pumpkin, 1 mushroom (chinese dried type), 1 small pc of chicken.
Add above into a small pot of water and boil (I guess about 700ml) for about 35min. Remove the chicken. Mash the rest of items till you get a paste. Add water if necessary.

Congrats that all is fine for OSCAR. By the way, what does this OSCAR do?
Send our love to Blanche.
Is she being induced?

Kristy is a big gal now. Really grown up. Why the name change?

Sherman looks very tall in the pic taken with Kristy.

You got the job?

How is Angel at the child care? Still crying when u send her there?
Is Blanche going for induction or c-section, any idea?? Hopefully pop out on 9Aug so every birthday is a holiday. kekeke...

Think I got it. Singapore office is preparing the necessary documents but still need to wait for US office to give the figures and the green light to go. Most probably by next week I should get the letter of offer. Thanks for asking.

Your home made pasta sauce seems interesting. Thanks! Never tried before shall do it for Claira one of these days when I'm not so tired.
Hi ladies,

Blanche is due to go for C-section on 10th Aug but she might be anytime due lah
Will send her all the love from the Jan moms and babes!

OSCAR I think replaces the triple test we did in 2nd trimester.. it's a detailed ultrasound (wah say, powerful ultrasound machine
) and with blood test. I only scared of blood test.. squeezed hubby until he got no more blood circulation. Today my vein all bruised :p
Kristy's hair is so long. Aiyah, I really want a girl for No.2... praying God will give me a girl =) Sherman is generally a good boy when we go out. After hearing all the meal battles that Piggy &amp; Ah Bunny have with their sons, I'm really thankful that on most days, Sherman has a really big appetite and eats up all his food and wants ours as well. But he does throw some tantrums too, lah.

About 2-3 months ago, I bought Sherman a set of rackets to play ball with. He really loves them, especially a particular blue one. On Sunday afternoon, he refused to let go of it when it was naptime and insisted on hugging it to sleep! When his eyes were closed, I tried taking it away from his hands, but he cried, pulled it back and flipped the other direction - ended up sleeping with it. My maid said he slept with it again yesterday afternoon at naptime. In the evening, he wanted to take his blue racket with him into the bathtub and screamed through his bath when I forcibly took it away. Any of your tods here have such strong attachment to an object they have to take it everywhere, even into the bath?
What's triple test? I think I did the OSCAR when I was 20weeks last time.

Wow Sherman such a good boy...Claira's getting more difficult to handle nowadays. She's learning to be independent and also now she's having her own mind and thoughts, she knows what she wants and what she don't want. At times it can be irritating but yet quite funny to watch her replying me. One thing for sure is she's going the stage of terrible 2zzz...'headache man...'
hope u gain back the weight lost..

angel down with cough and running nose.. last week missed 2 days of childcare cos of stomach flu.. this week miss 2 days cos of cough and running nose.. Think she has adjusted lah.. see how she is this thurs..
Hello ladies,
Happy National Day!

Yve, hope Angel recovers fast. Very common to get bugs once she starts attending childcare.

Catz, take good care &amp; rest well today!

MG, congrats huh? Got the job already! All the best!
yve, oh dear, hope Angel gets well soon. Tim also got sick soon after attending weekly playgropu :p

MG, so you got the job? CONGRATS!! triple test is done in 2nd trimester I think - blood test for DS and all that. This OSCAR is a newer thing where they do it in 1st tri with the NT ultrasound.

Girls, I *KNOW* I will confirm gain back the weight..haha

Difficult tods - yep, more and more independence..but fortunately Tim is still OK inspite of being spoiled rotten by his grandparents. :p

Happy National Day!!!
Good morning everyone!

Catz, try to eat more and rest well. Wow, so fast hor, now 12 weeks already, right? From the scan, can tell it is a girl?

Yve, why not ask someone else to bring Angel to childcare? think if they don't see the mummy, she will be better.

Piggy, how is the playgroup? I'm looking for half day childcare for Ryan now. Anyone know of a good school in the west?

Mgteo, congratualtions. Welcome to the FTWM Club! Hey, we are suppose to meet up for lunch, right? Still on?
poh and piggy,
I think she just not in good mood today.. Still coughing and vomitted phelgm and milk before gng to school.. teacher said that she is interacting though. i just have to let go lah.. i check with MIL to see how is she later..
Good morning ladies, here's some news from Blanche (just received) "Baby Ayden Ang is out! 3.26kg at Thomson Medical"
Quite a bit larger than Ash.. wow!!!

yve, hope poor Angel is OK. Tim is also on and off vomitting from residual phlegm.. wah lau, clean up vomit until sian.

poh, still no news on gender.. gotta wait till one month later, scan at 16 wks!
Sounds familiar right? Cough until vomit.. Think they got the same virus lah.. Change bedsheets and clothes (both hers and ours) until sians uh..

when is your turn to pop?
Catz, I did the ultra sound at 20 weeks. They checked baby's pancreas, liver, kidney, heart etc right?? Triple test is it just blood test to check DS, anaemia, blood disorder, HIV?? Anyway let us know the gender when confirmed, k. Take care ya...

yve, must be heart pain to see her like that rite...? But nvm lah think slowly she'll be better. Claira sometimes also cry don't want me to go to work...Think it's just a phase.

Congratulations to Blanche...!!! Welcome the birth of baby Ayden.

Sleepymom, so when are you due?
yve, yah lor, my son does SPECTACULAR vomits, splat splat splat type.. the last public one he did was at Rice Table. Yeeeks.. :p

MG, yah ultrasound at 20 wks is standard - called detailed scan. Apparently this NT scan at first tri is quite a new thing, hence don't need to take triple test in 2nd tri.

sleepymom, yah everyone is hoping for a little girl. my mom says 2 boys too active, she'll end up in hospital for slipped disc. Haha
My edd is 23 Nov. Sooon....

Ryan is adjusting well in his playgroup, so i can finally come home while he is in class and do something or nothing
Last mth, I had been hovering around in case the teacher called to go get him if he cry.

yve, Angel will get used to it soon. I am thinking of putting Ryan in half day childcare next year too. Hopefully his experience with the playgroup will make it easier for him to adjust to being away for half the day.

catz, Ryan was also sick during the first week when he started playgroup. Now seems ok. His body must have gotten used to all the germs and viruses there.
Thanks for your pasta sauce recipe. Have tried on raymos yesterday. He seemed to like it, but didnt finish the whole bowl of ABC pasta..dunno if it's becos i've put too many spoonfuls of the pasta since the potato, carrot and pumpkin already quite high in carbo. I've put 5 tbs of the ABC pasta. usually how much does Linus eat? but hor, during dinner, i brought him to Swensens and ordered him a kiddy set meal. he oni ate less than half of the portion. Nowadays i realise he always want to get out of his baby chair when having meals in the public cos of the many distractions around. wabiang..cannot sit still one. very hard to discipline him outside. If we dun allow him, he will just cry loud. Sometimes very embarrassed. But generally he's still a happy baby if his wants are being granted most of the time. Haiz, ppl ard me (the elderly esp) are commenting that raymos is "gam zek" (hokkien term) and suggest me to feed him some kind of "medicine" that will improve his appetite cos when he eats, he will just open his mouth whenever the spoon comes near, but he won't swallow the food down..tats why every meal always take at least an hr to finish. The worst is, he keep on opening his mouth for the food but after a while will vomit out cos too much inside his mouth liao..anybody has same prob? do u all know where to get the "medicine"? i would prefer to go to those pharmacies instead of the chinese traditional shops.
ha, angel also likes to hold food in the mouth.. she dun chew the food, just like to swallow it straight.. so when there is too much to swallow, she will make the "wan to vomit" sound.. that's why now, she still take porridge lor.. MIL has no patience to feed her other kind of solids.. hope angel get use to chewing her food soon (and chew faster) at childcare..
Ah_bunny, Ryan is also going thru similar phase now. He is like a food taster, he will eat a few mouthful then dont want already. I even violated my own rule to never feed him outside the high chair. Sat him in front of the tv on the floor also eat a few spoonful. Had been more than a month already. If the medicine works, let me know.
i tink i will try to look out for the "medicine" either later after work or this weekend. haha..my maid says that in indonesia, they aso have that kind of similar "medicine" and it works on these "gam zek" children. dun really want to listen to those old folks' saying but sometimes really bobian have to give a try. will let u all know then. Arent u all frustrated when yr children do that? as in vomiting during eating? Last time we scolded raymos when he does tat and he would cry..now..he rarely cries after scolding, will just look at us unless his daddy comes in.
Hi Ah bunny,
Can't help but to relate what you have wrote about your experiences in Swensens. We brought Phoebe to Raffles City on Saturday and decided to pop into Bakerzin for a bite. I think she's tired and before our refreshment arrives, she's already fussing and in minutes screaming and crying loud. I can feel people staring but we are trying to act indifferent. Tot the cheesecake can calm her down but she cried louder... Aiyoh, me and husband were trying to dig a hole and hide... Eventually still managed to finish our cakes and walk out with a crying baby within 30 mins, much to the relief of other patrons... haha
Forgot to add...

Ever since I told Phoebe that's she's going for another jab, she really stop in her track and stare at me. And from that day onwards, she's stop drinking her milk. Food intake is still okay, but she's drinking less then half of what she usually takes. Quite worrying but maybe it's just a phase, hopefully.
Hi Blanche,
Congrats!!!! Hope you would post some photos soon.

Hi Yve,
Me considering putting Phoebe to childcare soon, but seems like Husband and MIL are having second tots after hearing some 'horror' stories about childcare. I'm sure Angel will adapt to the environment soon. Can I ask if it is true that there's a time limit during lunch and when time's up, they will clear away everything even though the child has not finish?

Hi Sleepymum,
Wow, Nov is quite near hor... so happy for you!

Hey Catz,
hehe... Your symptoms sounds like 'Girl Symptoms' leh. Reminds me when I'm carrying Phoebe, bad MS, lost lots of weight then (which I'm gaining back in double dosage now) and feeling lethargic....
what kind of horror stories? haiz, horror or not, but childcare is the only option that some parents have.. hmm, i dunno abt the lunch time limit.. while i was there on the first day, they feed the nursery kids until they finish the food.. and when i pick her up a few times, the slow eaters are still eating lor, they din stop them.. those that ate leow, will bath first.. but hor, the portions quite little lah.. like for breakfast, the chee cheong fan is one adult mouthful.. the lunch is half of what we feed her at home.. and since she went to childcare, she polishes her afternoon milk and dinner at home.. heh heh, so she learnt to appreciate the food at home lor..

and of cos, they fall sick at the beginning lor.. they bath the boys and gers together.. the toilets have no doors, boys and gers share.. they teach english and chinese lah, but i think it is more to let them play and occupy the time..

On the other hand, got advantages lah.. She learnt new things there.. pick up things from the other kids.. good and bad things.. She knows how to take off her own shoes now.. and carry her own water bottle (refuse to let us carry for her).. She also observe that the elder kids go to the toilet and dun wear diapers.. I hope she can be toilet trained soon..

and hor, a lot of eca lor.. like got national day party lah.. got annual graduation concert lah.. all these need parent's extra effort and money..

btw, i forgot to pack a towel in angel's bag.. i so blur.. no one's perfect hor..

Ah Bunny &amp; Emonster,
I have the problem of active baby at dinner table for about 6months already.
My solution:
1) Have toys specific for dining outside. Like for Linus, I have a few excavators and vehicles that I don't give to him at home at all. They are only for when we dine outside. I will bring a few toys, give it to him one piece at a time to cover our whole dinner.
2) Give him the tomatoes, parsley, cucumber from the table, and a plate and a fork to let him "cut and cook". Very effective toys cos he don't get to "cut" them at home. After we finish our food, wipe his hands up with wet wipes. Only problem is sometimes the floor will be littered with all the vegetables! :p

Ah Bunny,
I give Linus very little pasta only. After it is cooked, it is about half a small bowl in amount. I tot the main goodness is in the sauce. As long as he takes the sauce, the pasta only add "weight" to make him full. As for vomit after food, it happens cos my maid feeds too fast. I try to give water between mouthfuls of food so that he will swallow the food.
Seems that Raymos is scared of daddy hor?

I guess childcare is good cos they interact with others and learn to make friends earlier.
Only minus point is they fall sick lor.

Congrats and post some pics to share?
