(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

good morning to all.

hi catz, don't think of your boss 1st.
Think of yourself, bb and Tim. Take good care of yourself then u can take care of the kids.

I think you should try getting that Sambucol for Tim after he recovers. Take care and don't worry about your boss.

Linus also screamed for like 15 seconds, then forget liao. But the same night, he was limping away (somemore saying, Aiyo aiyo that type of sound) due to the localise pain. Very funny to watch.
Piggy, Is Sambucol a Vit C supplement??
piggy: Linus so adorable. Must be very funny to watch. PD did mention that some child may limp after the injection. Lucas like got no effect, climbing & jumping as usual.

Now his fav words are "bu yao" (mean don't want), when we ask him if he wants this or that, his instant reply his bu yao with an impatient tone. He is also calling "mummy" & "daddy" non-stop, sometimes he just stand there & keep calling @ his top of his voice even though we r just sitting in front of him. strange...
It is not a Vit C, it is actually elderberry extract, an Iraseli product. Can be found in Vitakids at Forum.

He started limping only when I ask him if leg is painful? Before that, he can't remember anything... He also calls "Mama" very very often. He will call "Mama", then start to run towards me from a distance and hug my legs. (Like those Chinese drama whereby there was a long separation, then reunion....) He does that to my HB too. This often bring a smile to us and he knows it. So when he does anything that he is not suppose to do, he will "run and hug" to prevent getting scolded. I get that calling at top of voice too. kekekeke....
Piggy, Oh ok thanks will go take a look one day.

Nowadays Claira also started to say "don't want" and "I want". Sometimes in the morning before I go to work I'll tell her "darling mummy goes to work, ok." and she'll shook her head and say "don't want". Do you all find them 'parrot' now? Always trying to copy what we say.

She's also throwing tantrums now. When she can't get the things she want, she'll throw herself on the floor and start crying and I'll just ignore her.
poh, so sorry.. Rest well.. Must do at least one week of confinement..

Dun worry about the medical leave lah.. U have already put in extra for the SARS thing.. Rest well too.. Hope Tim is better..

Angel still cannot talk well.. But ask her where is her "pi4 gu3" (backside), and she will pat her backside to show u.. Ask her where is baba's pi gu, she will pat my hubby's backside.. haha.. She even imitate me bf Brian.. She pull up her top and put her pooh bear to her boobs.. I dun mind it lah, as she will get bored with it soon.. But MIL not happy, scolded her.. So now I avoid bf Brian in front of her..

Angel is starting Childcare this Thurs.. Cross fingers that she will take it well..
Hi ladies,

Need to seek your advise

Wilfred accidentally sprains his foot, I dont know should bring him to see doctor or Chinese physician? Please advise.
see doctor first.. maybe at kkh.. can xray to check that there is no fracture.. I rather dun play play by gng to chinese physician esp with kids..
yve, So funny...! Think its ok to bf in front of her la eventually she'll know. Heard that August is HFMD season so let us all be extra alert. Hope Angel takes it well.

Eve, think you better bring him see doctor first cos Chinese physician always like to 'crack here crack there'. How he sprained his foot??
yve, so cute..
I don't see anything wrong lah.. bf is a natural thing. So which childcare is Angel going to be attending? Your MIL agreed?

Thanks for the advise ladies.. I'm on MC today still. Morning sickness is getting worse and worse.. from just nausea feeling, now I am vomitting everything out. My husband says I've already shrunk in size.. aiyoh, very worried that I'm putting this pregnancy at risk but at the same time, cannot afford to stop work unless we give up our apartment :p Headache..

Eve, I wouldn't go to Chinese physician either.. best to go and seek treatment at NUH or KKH paediatric dept.

Piggy, Sambucol only contains elderberry ah? I think I'll def put Tim on vit C for immunity but not too sure what other 'hao liao' to put him on. So worried 'cos everytime he gets sick, I'll catch it from him and vice versa. I'm so fed up of being sick!!!

Talking babies- Tim is yakking away but the worst part is when we don't understand what he says - he will get very frustrated. But his vocab is pretty astounding..just that his pronunciation still needs improvement.
I dun see anything wrong with bf in front of angel too.. But MIL got so mad that she shouted at angel.. So whatever to have peace at home lor.. Think MIL dun like her to lift up her top lah..

Angel is gng to a childcare across the street only.. Even then I have nightmares imagining how my MIL is gng to push Brian in a stroller to pick angel up.. Like Angel running onto the road on her own and etc and etc.. Hope MIL can cope..
Must try to train Angel to hold on to you or HB when crossing road. Very dangerous if she run across herself.

I know it is major on elderberry. I find that this product is very good for Linus so far.
Aiyo, I very stressed when I think have to work for mortgage!! Me very loan adverse. Heard from GF that she is getting a letter from bank on a regular basis on the loan interest upward adjustment and that freaks her out.

Go to hospital and get it checked. If no fracture, then go to a good Chinese physician cos they can treat much better and faster. Children heal very quickly one.
Hi Tetra,

I bought the tickets from those booth counters at the fair.. Think the staff are from Aviliongd that u enjoy urself

Ai yo, think better nt go to Batam for now.. Hai

Hi Catz,

Hang on there ya take care and dont worry too much abt your MC baby comes first during my first trimester, it was also vomiting thruout I rem I would ta bao every evening then go home vomit first before I eat my dinner.. Ke ke ke felt terrible ya..think abt ur baby in u and u will be comforted dont worry , it will be over soon.. I guess it will be a girl this timemy feeling...

Hi Eve,

Ya better to brin see doc at KK before u bring him to chinese sinseh.. I never wana see a chinese sinseh for tui na again cos last time they fracture my mum's pelvis bone when she go for ulut.. hate them to the coreprob for old pple and young kids, where their bones are weak, better not risk cos their strength can really cos fracture leh
Hi girls,
Thanks for the advice!
After read the posts, Ive decided to bring Wilfred see doctor instead of Chinese physician.
Doctor told me Wilfred just hurt a bit, think will be recovered soon. So let see how.but hubby still think that better to see Chinese physician, headache!
Anyway, glad to see Wilfred still can walk very fast and likes to run here n there. Just that a bit unbalanced lor! :p

Wilfred sprained his foot when he tried to climb down the stairs. And hubby was the one who looked after him..*shake head*.my man always cannot take good care of kids!

Maybe ur MIL think that not so nice for a girl to lift up her top, wait next time she also does this in front of the strangers how? Sometimes certain things have to train from young.but of course she no needs to shout at Angel.
My elder son will be going to half day childcare next year(K1) and my maid will be the one who pick him up.so worried that she will mixed with others maid and become not so innocent like nowand also worried abt the safety when they crossing the road.

Didnt know that morning sickness can be so worseis it totally different from your first pregnancy? Hope it will be over soon. Hang on there!
How is Tim today? Better? Dont worry, he will be fine pretty soon. Take care!

Today the doctor was recommended me the Pharmaton Kiddi; multivitamin syrup with lysine and calcium for kids. Do you know this product? She said this product is very good and her little kids are still taking!
I remember u ever mentioned here a good Chinese physician, can I have his contact? Cos my hubby was hurt his back, went to xray and saw few doctors liao but seems like no improvement leh!

Oh really? Anyway, at this moment I think I wont bring Wilfred to see Chinese sinseh for tui na, hope he will recover soon. Btw, how's your hp business? sorry, I couldn't find the contact list for you. Perhaps, u can ask whoever not in your contact lists to sms u their contact again.
G'morning ladies, back at work today and really dragging ass :p Had to get my Dad to send me all the way here 'cos I scared if I vomit, I will surely get into a car accident. Dunno why the MS is so bad this time round.. I really merlioned like crazy.. maybe everyone's instinct is right - it will be a girl this time round

Tim is better now, back to his normal yakkety self but he still has bouts of bad coughing and his appetite is really poor. Max he can only take 3oz of milk. His cheeks and thighs have visibly shrunken.
But hopefully his appetite will pick up when he's fully recovered. Then I will prob start him on some multivits or Sambucol. Cannot risk all these germs spreading back and forth within the family.

yve, your MIL is really very kiang. She's willing to handle 2 kids for you! Wah...As for Angel, why not get her one of those toddler boogie boards (like skate board) that attaches to baby Brian's pram? Then MIL can push two of them, don't have to worry so much about Angel running here and there. My Peg Perego has a toddler stand so can accomodate one toddler and one baby.

Twinkle, yah I'm quite hesitant about going to Chinese sinseh 'cos if happen to get those kelong type, sure cause more injury.
catz, I think it is a ger too!

Haiz, regret that we din buy one of those double stroller..

Got more time to peep in here these few days cos I am on course lor..
The Chinese sinseh that I see is more of "da3 mai4" and give medicine, not suitable for muscle or ligament problem. I know of a lady that do massage for sprain or injury. You may want to try to call her and ask if she can help. Must make appt cos she very very busy. I SMS you her number.

Ya, if girl, can indulge in all those shopping.

Went to Fox at paragon yesterday and there is a sale on. 30% to 40% off. Buy 3pc, get another 10%.
Poor Catz....tahan ok! It will soon be over. Remember to drink lots of water to keep hydrated if you're vomitting. Alternatively you can also drink H2O isotonic drink. Don't become like me cannot eat cannot drink ended up put on drip. You can try eating cream/wheat cracker, banana (but not del-monte) if you have no appetite.

Yes if girl you'll just spend and spend, like endless. Today buy shorts tomorrow buy skirt, buy dress not all then hair accessories. Alamak!! Spend more money on her than on myself/hubby.

Glad that Tim is better now.

Hi Ladies
Heard that Taka is having toy fair isit??
I don't know anything about "Pharmaton Kiddi" lei.
I send you SMS liao, you got?

Heard that there is a sale from 20July to 8August. Never go and see.
Thanks for the encouragement, MG.. first tri is really very shack

Girl - even my mom hopes it is a girl 'cos she says Timothy is too active. Heh.
Catz, 1st tri is like that one...sick and shack!! See how amazing hormones can affect a person. By 2nd tri onwards you'll be fine and probably appetite will increase tremendously.
Hi girls,
Not been logging in cos Sherman has been sick. I was really worried cos over the entire weekend, his fever kept hovering between 39 and 39.6 deg, refuse to come down at all even with Panadol, plus hubby was working all of Sat. Fortunately, later changed medicine and the fever came down, but yoyo up again after a few hours.

I was so scared it might be dengue, cos Sherman's grandparent's place is nearby Farrer Court, which has had a lot of dengue cases in the past month. Then on Monday, I freaked out because he broke out in rashes! Poor thing, rashes got worse and worse, Sherman was completely plastered with rashes covering his chest, back, diaper area, arms, face and even behind his ears and head! He also hasn't eaten a single mouthful of porridge since Saturday afternoon and has lost weight. Can now see his ribs showing. Before this he always had a big round tummy, now reduced to skin and bones!

Anyway, it's probably roseola infantum, some kind of virus which affects primarily babies. The symptoms are 3 days of high fever and when the fever breaks, rashes will come out. Sherman has been lerthargic and unable to run around so far even though he has no more fever. But today got no more new rashes and the old ones don't look so red anymore, so I think he should be ok soon. Just hope he'll be willing to eat at least some porridge today. We've been trying all his favourite foods over since Sat, but he just has no appetite.
MG, yah I'm quite afraid that I'll gain too much weight :p But for now, I'd be happy if I don't see my food a second time.. :p

babyD, oh dear, poor Sherman. Yah, the whole Sparrowhawk thing must have been so stressful for your husband. Looks like Tim, Sherman and Ash are in the 'diet' club.. so sad when you see all their bones jutting out. Did they test Sherman for dengue? Don't worry, their appetite will return when their health returns. Tim's appetite is slowly returning.. vs a few days back when he only took 1-2oz of milk and 2 mouthfuls of porridge. :p
babyd, don't worry its nothing very serious, Claira got it before also. According to my PD somtimes it can cause stomach discomfort or even cough and flu. As long as fever is controlled then its a relieved.
Hope his appetite picks up soon.

Catz, don't worry about putting on weight lah just eat and be happy but its good if weight doesn't go up more than 20kg. Anyway I put on 16kg during preggy now still haven't go back to pre-preggy weight. So sad with my figure, stretch mark at my tummy, saggy tummy, saggy breasts. Worse! I didn't watch out my diet. Just eat and eat. Wondering is it becoz I used to smoke before preggy so tends to eat more now. Sob sob...!
Must have been very worrying for you to see the yoyo fever. Hope he regains his appetite soon.

Since Shermen's grandparents stay near Farrer Court, why don't you invest in the mosquito patch? Stick it on him everyday until the dengue thingy is over? (I bought the patch with a smiley face, patch is green in colour)
Mosquito patch is completely useless. I once took Sherman out on a quick 5 min walk to the tennis court because he had been asking to watch people play tennis all day *pok pok... pok pok...*. Even though he was wearing a mosquito patch, he got bitten on the legs and I got bitten on the hand which was supporting his bum (v near the mozzy patch!). When I realized it and tried to leave, the offending mosquito landed on Sherman's face and bit him! Of course after that I killed it. Ever since that experience, we keep Sherman indoors all the time but he still gets bitten. Mozzies love his blood, must be very sweet, cos the rest of the family members don't get bitten.

Anyway, just glad that it was not dengue fever after all. Was so worried when his fever just wouldn't come down. I think in order for the mosquito not to bite, have to cover Sherman with mosquito repellent containing Deet, which is the gold standard for detering mosquitoes. But not so safe for young toddlers like him who still chews his hands, so I'd rather not try the sprays on him yet. NEA is so paranoid about the mosquitoes in that area they virtually come everyday to fumigate and they have a team staked out at Farrer Court, but they still get new cases and the mosquitoes find ways to survive. Maybe they are resistant to the insectiside by now.
babyD, you can try the Johnson's baby mozzie repellant - comes in a green bottle. It worked for Timothy. At night, we keep him under a very 'gu niang' mozzie net.. that's the safest.. 'cos those mortein plug-ins didn't work at all. He got bitten 8 times in one night until he was swollen. With the mozzie net, we don't have to worry so much.
Hi babyD,

Can relate to what you are feeling now cos Phoebe just recovered from a long period of yo yo fever for almost 2 weeks due to Baterial Infection. She really loses weight during then and now I'm trying to stuff her with milk, cereal and anything to 'fatten' her.

For Mozzies problem... I bought this gadget from Kidsmall.. It's under the Piyo Piyo brand. It's an electric Mozzie repellant. It's battery operated and emits a very very soft high pitch sound (similar to sound emited by 'hot blooded' male mozzies) to keep 'blood thristy' pregnant female mozzies away. It really works wonder for Phoebe and I never leave home without it. Can try that.

And oh, I heard my MIL saying that there's one plant which you can place inhouse to keep mozzies away too. Must check with her on that..
Hi Catz,
No need mozzie net lah... our house don't have mozzies (and certainly not near any dengue areas) so don't have to worry so much when Sherman sleeps at home. Can't possibly keep Sherman in a mozzie net during the day when he's at grandpa's right? Will look out for the Johnson repellant.

FIL already got the electric Mozzie repellant that uses the high pitch sound. But only use it in the room where he naps, not downstairs where Sherman plays. The biggest problem is not being able to bring him outdoors when he's at grandpa's house. He wants to see dogs, cats, pluck leaves, look at clouds, etc etc. My dad already gave my IL's some plants that are said to be mozzie repellant, so the garden area is still safe for Sherman, but not beyond that. Anyway, the poor boy is still covered with rashes, so cannot bring him out, sure to scare everybody.
Oh dear, poor Sherman.. actually I find that those awful mozzies attack when they're asleep.. so perhaps might consider letting him nap under a mozzie net since he takes his naps at your ILs right? Do look out for the Johnson's.. it's mild yet really effective and doesn't stink of Citronella. Found those high-pitched repellants don't work lei..
Hope Sherman gets well from his fever soon.
Hi ladies
I might be going over to SilkAir as freelance cabin crew if being selected which means part-time, choose any days that you want to work. 1hr/$28 flat rate no benefits, no cpf except one free ticket per year at any SilkAir destinations. I'm thinking this could be an opportunity for me to take up part-time course. What do you all think??
Angel started half day childcare yesterday.. I was with her for the first day but kept a distance away to let her interact with the other kids and teacher.. Today, I have to leave her there cos MIL has to do something.. She seems fine when I left her this morning..
Seems like she is taking it well...
SilkAire freelance seems good for you now. Just that $28/hr, does it include the non air time?

Good for you if she really taking it well. Have you started full time work now?

The patch works so far for Linus lei "cross finger".
Ya, I think their blood very sweet one. I find that when I feel warmer, like when I am perspiring, I will be the prime target of mozzie bites too. So I guess our tods are targets cos they are very active and thus have a higher temperature than adults.
Btw, how is his appetite now?

where is angel childcare and how's the charges like? u staying in pasir ris right..my parents staying in that area too..

thot of putting Jov in those 2 hours daily playgroup next year too so that my mum can go marketing...
Piggy, yes just $28/hr and does not include non air time only flying and transit time.

My mum just called and said Claira is having slight fever. Can't wait to go home and see her...think must have gotten some virus from my nephews. Luckily is Friday already so can look after her during weekends..
Sherman finally agreed to eat some porridge last night. Rash is clearing and he is starting to run about with his tennis racket, so I think he's almost fully recovered. Poor boy has missed 10 meals of lunch and dinner, no wonder can see his rib bones.
Angel is gng to first Step childcare. After subsidy about 200 plus.. I din choose playgroup cos only 2 hrs and cannot use my son's cda acct to pay..
good morning ladies,

yve, sorry one more question...whereabout is first step childcare? the price sound pretty reasonable.

may consider it if its somewhere in pasir ris!
Piggy, Oh yes not all Giant has same promo.

yve, this first Step childcare pricing quite cheap, where is it?? Any other branches?
Piggy: Thanks for the info about the Friso. The grocery shop @ my place usually has this promo which I find it very value for $ esp the 400g tin - good for holidays.

babyd: Glad to know that Sherman is recovering. My nanny told me that toddlers will go through a long period of cough/flu/fever with poor appetite & it always coincides with the growing of the molars. That's what happen to Lucas a few mths ago.

Went to Paragon on Sat & found that ELC has some interesting games/toys just for our toddlers. I bought a few wooden animals & alphabet puzzles to add on to his current wooden puzzles boards. One of his fav is the board with fishes & it comes with a fishing rod cum magnet (bought tis @ M'sia, can be found @ ELC). Another game I found interesting @ ELC is a box which comes with 2 small boards which he can stick the insects, flowers, leaves (felt material) on. Good for show & tell. Personally, I prefer these toys than those batteries-operated toys (except leapfrog which he's still playing).

BTW, I am suppose to revert to some of the mums here on the Jasco. Let me see if I can find a map online.
Hi Mums,
After reading about the Pat schoolhouse by few mums here, I decided to go for a trial last Saturday. My babboo seems to enjoy the experience alot. Just that he was distracted at times by the big playground and the toys in other rooms.

After the trial, he conked out in the car and slept a further 1.5hour at home. Hahaha...no need to pat, no need to sing song, no need to carry...kekekeke..

I have not decided if I should sign up and I will be going for another trial this Saturday before I decide.

Mummies that have gone for few lessons, what do you think?

I am an ELC toy lover. Love their toys and during their recent GSS, I bought hundreds of dollars. :p Very worth it cos some items are as much as 70% off. I got the Wooden World series, which includes roads and train sets (like Thomas the train). I also don't like those battery operated toys cos they are very loud and sometimes have sharp edges.

<font color="ff0000">Wisdom from the mouths of babes</font>
(I bought a book recently and want to share some of the funni wise words...)

<font color="ff0000">"The sun knows when I get up so it gets up every morning just before me"</font>
Piggy, which Pat's did you go to? I've signed up for the full term lah 'cos firstly, I've had it with yaya GUG and 2nd, it's a good all-round syllabus lor. Not expecting Tim to become Einstein after attending playschool.. it's more for his social development.. so yeah, quite happy with the arrangement.. guess Slamdunk and Blanche feel the same way

ELC is really good quality stuff, like Leapfrog. FP - music drives me up the wall, tinny and not tuneful :p

Social dev- went to a birthday party on Saturday and Tim got bullied.. on 2 separate occasions, his toy got snatched away.. he doesn't know how to react so he will just cry big fat tears.. aiyoh, so heartpain to see him get bullied but on the other hand, don't want to encourage thuggish behaviour either.
I have also witnessed Lucas been bullied on 2 separate occasion @ the playground. The 1st time was the playground downstairs, and there were already 2 siblings playing there. The younger boy (about 3-4 years old) were hostile to Lucas 'cause now have to share the playground. The boy continued to show his displeasure (just through his facial expression) despite warnings by his older sister &amp; maid. So I just carried Lucas &amp; put him back to the stroller &amp; walked away. Lucas sensed that the boy is hostile 'cause he kept looking @ him when the boy kept making 'hissing' sound. I think Lucas finds it strange why did the boy behave in such manner.

The 2nd time, @ another new playground, there was this plump girl (abt 5 yrs old), kept hogging the playground. When there were smaller children climbing up, she would dash past them &amp; she stepped on Lucas's fingers once. Lucas didn't cry, too engrossed by the play. Then another dad brought his baby to sit @ the horse, she went to took over &amp; insisted it was hers. I was so pissed off, told her off that she was a naughty girl &amp; a bully. She laughed &amp; called me 'xiao'. I was ok but my hubby was very displeased by the epsiode &amp; we went off.

I think must teach Lucas how to handle such situation when he is older. Neither do I want him to be a bully. I read that there are more bullies in school nowadays. so scary!

Thanks for the input.

Catz and Tetra,
Talk about bullies. At times, it is the parents that I want to strangle!!! Really bo chap...even when they witness their child/children being very bully. There was once when I saw a Taiwanese woman (at ELC) and her 5year old child..Her child is such a bully and keep all the trains to himself and she simply speaks in mono tone..."Don't be noti...." The child simply ignore her and she sit het fat backside down without doing anything!!! Wah...me really piss off but just ren as they did not attempt to take Linus' trains, else I sure tell her off!!

As for the children that are bullies, I will glare at them very sternly and tell them that I will call the police to catch them if they dare to take toys or push Linus!!
