(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Thanks for the input.

Catz and Tetra,
Talk about bullies. At times, it is the parents that I want to strangle!!! Really bo chap...even when they witness their child/children being very bully. There was once when I saw a Taiwanese woman (at ELC) and her 5year old child..Her child is such a bully and keep all the trains to himself and she simply speaks in mono tone..."Don't be noti...." The child simply ignore her and she sit het fat backside down without doing anything!!! Wah...me really piss off but just ren as they did not attempt to take Linus' trains, else I sure tell her off!!

As for the children that are bullies, I will glare at them very sternly and tell them that I will call the police to catch them if they dare to take toys or push Linus!!

Piggy, Catz
So nice that all your children are together at the same child care....Can't go Halifax cos quite out of the way for me. Only area for me is Tanjong Katong, Mountbatten. Any subsidy under Pat's??
Piggy, yah agreed.. stupid parents should be disciplined. That day at the doctor's, my mom was showing Timothy something and this rude little boy snatched it out of my mother's hands.. my mom nearly lost it but I told her just take Timothy away from that stupid boy. :p So irresponsible lor.

MG, Pat's should have subsidy lah but they're quite pricey. Tim, Ash and Dylan are at Serangoon but Linus is at Halifax.
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2"> Hi Slamdunk, Blanche, Sun Moon, BabyD &amp; Ah Bunny</font></font>
Ive linked your blog to mine, ok?

That is good news that Sherman is recovering. Wilfred also has flu and cough these few days but luckily not so serious.
yve, Oh my god...! She looks so cute...!! Looks so grown up.. kekeke....

Catz, ya I've checked Pat's &amp; Eton for their full-day child care and they're super ex man...think its more for expats. So I might consider Cherie Hearts at Tanjong Katong. Don't know whats the feedback.
wow, angel looks so cute in her uniform. Yve, does angel cry before she leaves home for childcare? i'm quite worried for raymos as he will be attending his playgroup in 2mths time. Thot of having half day childcare for him too since the fees are almost the same for playgrp and 1/2 childcare, but bobian, cos still have 1 more year contract for my maid..if not my maid at home nothing to do.. :p

Evelyn, u are most welcome..i wanna add yr darlings' blog too, can?

raymos fell down again on sunday, this time he hurt his teeth, his gums bled. So heartpain to see blood. but guess it' okay now already. he's getting naughtier and naughtier now. everytime we go out for shopping, he will kena scolded by my hubby cos he's really very active, refuses to hold our hands when walking, run here run there..sigh..so headache! is my son too active? any of yrs same problem?
She cried when I left her at childcare yesterday and today.. And cried too when I picked her up yesterday.. Think she is still adjusting.. I peeped at her just now, she was having breakfast already..

Angel's gum bled when she fell recently too.. Her upper front tooth was loose too. But now it has "glued" back already.. Heng uh..

She looks grown up only.. She is the youngest and smallest kid there..
yve, SO CUTE!!! Gosh, your two kids are really stamped by your husband's genes
So adorable
I hope Angel will adjust soon to the childcare arrangements.

MG, yah those are the premier kindies.. :p
Hi Piggy,
So coincident, I bought Phoebe to Baby Jumper Gym at CDANS for trial too on Saturday. Quite like their program but since they are already halfway through their term, will only sign her up in Sept. Phoebe enjoyed the lesson especially the flashcards. Even hug other toddlers too when she was approached by them... real funny.
Meanwhile will try out Pat Schoolhouse in Arena Country Club soon.

Hi Catz,
Can I ask how much does it cost for the playgroup at Pat's? Still doing comparison.

Hi Tetra,
I was about to ask about the magnetic fishing board which Phoebe played in Baby Jumper Gym. She didn't cry when she was asked to put back instruments but she simply cry out loud when the teacher took this back. Thanks for sharing the info on ELC!

Hi Yve,
Wow really envy you.. Angel looks like a big girl in her uni and I'm wondering when I could start planning for another one...

Hi Ahbunny,
Raymos is a handsome boy!!!
I agree that Angel looks grown up.
Love the pic of her and didi sitting together... I feel that your son looks like you leh...

Ah Bunny,
Raymos look so cute. Linus is also very active. I think all the boys here are active.
1)When we go out, HB will hold one hand and I hold the other, he will not stand and hold his weight but instead let our hands support his weight... He doesn't know anything about sprained hands/arms!!
2) He will go behind me and push my backside...I will run and he will chase... (Supermarket marathon)
3) He walks out of our sight so quickly that at times, I felt my heart miss a beat cos he simply disappears!!
4) He will run away from me despite me calling him from behind cos he feels that it is a game... Usually, a stranger will hold onto him and "pass" him back to me. He will cry loudly when someone he don't know hold his hands.
5) He is hitting my MIL everyday. Like got something against her like that, see her first thing in the morning also hit her??? Previously, his target was my SILs, now it has become MIL...
6) The lists go on and on...

Babes Wisdom
<font color="ff0000">The last letter is Z but what is the last number?</font>
emonster, the 10 wk term at Pat's is $315... quite OK lah. Hope you find something for Phoebe soon

Piggy, yah Tim also goes running off without any regard for danger :p So scary. Smacking - I have taught him not to smack and he will have to say sorry and sayang.. so he doesn't do it. Must teach him that it's not a game.. if not he will keep disrespecting your MIL.
Thanks Evonne &amp; Piggy for your compliments

Piggy, yah raymos aso hit us sometimes, usually is the maid lah cos she wun dare to scold him mah. Sometimes when we dun allow him to do certain things, he will hit my face (if i'm carrying him), in a way like "fa xie"..if my hubby knows and sees him doing tat, he will kena scolding.
Nowadays I find it more challenging to handle Lucas when we are out. Just last Sunday, we went to Great World City. As usual, he will run in &amp; out of the shops. While we are in this organic supermarket, he saw this big red lighted button @ the bottom of the fridge &amp; he squat down &amp; press the button. Daddy had to quickly turn on the fridge &amp; apologise. When daddy tried to hold his hands, his whole body becomes soft &amp; lied on the floor (middle of the hallway). dunno what's going to be next..
Hello mummies, I'm back!

Thanks for all the well-wishes. I'm fine and alive again!

It is really tiring to be a SAHM, was at home the whole of last week and I realised that I don't think I can be one!!! hahhaa..... I keep finding excuses to get out of the house without Ryan!!!

Piggy, which Pat schoolhouse are going for trial? Is it full day/half day child care or just playgroup? Thought of bringing Ryan for trial as well. Recently, he don't enjoy his julia &amp; G class, keep cring when the teacher put on the carebear mask.

Yve, I think you can open an online store selling OPK. Hahha.... if i want to try for bb again, I will sure buy from you!

Catz, thanks for your note. Hope your MS is better now!
Glad to hear that you are fine.

Me too, can't be a stay at home mum. Sure get out of house everyday to sit in the park and gaze at trees. kekeke..
I went to Halifax (near United Square) for trial. You want to come?
poh: I was just thinking about you. Good to hear that you are getting on well. Ryan must have enjoyed himself during last week when you are @ home.

I have not thought of putting Lucas to a playgroup yet 'cause mummy very lazy to follow the fixed time routine on weekends. Weekends usually very busy, have to visit my parents &amp; in-laws. Depending if my hubby is working on Sat, I will plan the day program only on that day.
Hi poh!! Welcome back.. glad that you are well
MS is stil hanging around lah.. but oh well, just part of life right?

Tetra, yah it's tough if your hubby might be away on Saturday. I hate it when my hubby kena Saturday/Sunday duty :p Esp nowadays when I don't hv energy to take care of Timothy.

Piggy, wah Linus is quite headstrong.. maybe 'cos your MIL is soft with him?
Did you manage to find the Cheerios? Seems like all the supermarkets in Singapore have been out of Cheerios for the last 2 months, leh. I've looked in every supermarket and all of them are out of stock... Cold Storage, Giant, Carrefour, NTUC, etc etc...
Hi eve,

Its ok, tks for asking...
The shop is located at bangkit road (bt panjang) blk 260 #01-17. We do new/updgrade of m1 lines, 2nd hand phones,trade in and accessories available are too.
Hi mommies, I'll be having interview at 9am with my current company and it will be through video conferencing. Something unusual isn't it??
HI everyone..

Hope everyone is well and yes.. congratulations to some of you who are pregnant.. Well, i have been trying for no. 2 for a couple of months.. and no news yet..

Wanted to have a boy this time so only try on ovulation day so chances very slim.. haiz.. any suggestion??
I think my MIL is soft as he is the only grandchild. But I think Linus only wants to see reactions as he will study us after he hit someone...My SIL is not soft with him at all but he still does it.

How did the interview go?
Gals can I ask one very nave question? If gynae say my egg is there(ovulation) cos she scan and saw it and ask me to try the next day, chances of me hitting jackpot high?? Kee kee..pai sey to ask...
Piggy, the interview ran very smoothly. Hopefully they will convert me to perm soon cos heard that this company take quite long to process. If confirmed I can stamp myself as FTWM already.

twinkle, no need to feel pai sey la...better listen to your gynae the chances is there and also try alternate days.
Good Luck to you!
TWinkle, yes, the chances of getting pregnant is higher! Good luck, hope to hear your good news soon!

Piggy, are you sending Linus for full day or half day childcare at Pat's. Yes, I'm interested to join you for the trial... this coming Sat?

MGTeo, interview through video conferencing... hahha, only saw it on those HK show. Good luck, hope you get the job!

Catz, your boss know that you are pregnant already?

Need some advise from mummies... I went for an interview 3 months ago before my pregnacy. By the time they asked me for 2nd round interview, I knew that I'm pregnant but I just go ahead for the interview and did not inform them. On Sat, I went for my 3rd interview, today they called to say I got the job.

I should be happy &amp; glady go for this new job cos the pay is at least 40% more than my current pay. (hahah... 6 years in the company &amp; seriously under paid!) but my fear is they will not be happy or confirm me if I get pregnant again.(my target are 4 children, I'm only having one now and I'm 30+ already!) Also, it will be more stressful cos the new company is doing something slightly different from what I'm doing now. If I don't move on, I'm scared i will be struck at this current comfort zone job for another 10years! hahah.....

Any advise?
I am not sending him for childcare, only an 1.5hour programme whereby one parent is around to join in the activities. I am going for Sat at 9am. You call Caren to check if there are space left? I have sent you a private message. Kindly check.
poh, very funny rite...interview thru video conferencing but not so stress leh if face to face I sure stumble.

What's your new job?
poh: Congratulations on getting the new job. I think take the offer first, 40% pay increase is very attractive. Just imgaine how many years it will take to match the pay if you stay in the same company. Take one step as it comes. If pregnant soon, then handle as the situation deems fit. Maybe it's not as bad or difficult as what you think. Who knows, your boss &amp; colleagues may well support you. With higher pay, higher expectations, more expectations but you also have higher threshold for all these. You may be pleasantly surprised how far you can go.
hi poh,

(hi 5 tetra!) ya grab the new job! good opportunity dun knock on your door twice... heee i so $ face hor...anyway even with new job still can get preggie... do so after confirmation. they cant penalise woman for getting preggies ya..

Hi MG teo,

hope u get the job, then we can meet up for lunch often then...

hi ann,
can i check with u, have u visited dr chris chong since he went private? at Glen E or Bishan clinic?
dolphina, anyway I've been temping for this company for 1 month already so now most probably will convert me to perm cos one of the staff has already left. Now I'm only curious about their salary packages.
nope, i have not visited him since he went private.. his clinic is at Glen E. BUT i will definitely go back to him if i pregnant..
hi poh, wow, you have a good job offer - i say go for it!! and wow, 4 kids? i take my hat off to you!

MG, hope you get this perm job with good salary package.. good luck!
<font color="0000ff">Hi gals,</font>
Have been really busy at work. Hope everybody is doing fine.

Ah Bunny,
No problem. You can add mine to yours.
Ya, very common that boys tend to be very active, dun worry! A toddler is always on the move!
Btw, Raymos looks so handsome in his attire.

<font color="ff0000">Piggy,</font>
Thanks for sharing the funny wise words. Please keep them coming.

<font color="aa00aa">MGTeo,</font>
Hope u get the job with attractive salary package ya.

<font color="ff0000">Hi Poh,</font>
Congrats on getting the new job! Just go what u think is right!

<font color="0000ff">Hi Ann,</font>
Dont pressure yourself, hope ur dream come true!
<font color="aa00aa">twinkle,</font>
Hope to hear your good news soon! Ja you! Hehee!

<font color="0000ff">Hi Ocean &amp; Blanche</font>
Nice to meet you and ur darlings!
Blanche, u "pop" oredi? keep us posted ya!

<font color="ff0000">Hi gals,</font>
Some pics of Wilfred &amp; Ash over the baby show last week to share too. Too bad I forgot to take Cherish pics..:p

Handsome Ashton


Ashton: This biscuit very nice, u want?
Wilfred: No! I want u feed me!


Ashton: No problem!
Wilfred: thank you leh! (so paiseh!)

Catz, Eve Thanks!! Cross my fingers, hope to get a good salary package then it will be a good head start for me.

poh, congrats for getting this new job offer. Just take it one step at a time. Anyway hope your new company doesn't discrimate the preggies.
poh, take the job!

MG, think you will get the job lah..

Some pics of ah boy..

Yum, this drumstick is delicious!

Oops, mommy caught me eating my hand..
Yve, Brian looks so cute and round! Is he very tan ?

Think, I will take the job... but just realised today that they don't give 13th month leh! Is it a common practice now?

Piggy, can't join you tomor, hubby working. hahah... i still haven't master driving with Ryan alone! Let me know if it is good.

MGteo and dolphin, interested to go for lunch next week?
poh, I thought most companies give 13month leh.

I don't mind lunching together next week. Let me know when and what time cos me need to inform my colleague who is covering me.
