(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Hi Mommies,
I'm also a Sept baby...

Anyhows, finally got our air tickets settled. Manage to secure a whole row for the family since we need 2 bassinets so thats great...a bit more privacy. So far will be gone for abt a mth.

Yesterday, went shopping to get the kids warm clothes. Suntec was indeed mad! Never seen a crowd like that in a long time....

Well, hope everyone is having a great weekend also

Glad to hear that your mom is gng to be fine!! That's good news on a Monday..
I switched to using washable breastpads half way through, cos it was too ex to keep buying disposable pads...

Sherman is such a cutie pie..
catz: who knows, maybe your hubby may surprised you with your wish. After married for so long, whatever gifts can be given, has already done so. nowdays we usually spend our bd having a dinner outside. anyway, good to hear is mum & well. hope she recovers soon so that can carry her grandson.

sasha: ha...u also virgo. so having a celebration with your hubby?

Met sleepymom & Baby Ryan last Sat @ the kindermusik class, Ryan is such a good & cutie boy, he was so funny whe he made some wipering noise when mummy massaged him,and also when he fell asleep during one of the dance. Baby Lucas look forward to see Baby Ryan again this week.

sleepymom: have been playing the CD throughout the whole day from Sat & Sun. Lucas especially like the 1st & 3rd song, he will look up & wonder where the singing comes from. Daddy & mummy actually felt so sleepy after listening @ nite while he is still busily crawling around.

btw, I found out that Lucas has been "grinding" his top pair of teeth against the bottom pair. somemore very loud.
am glad that Cherish is in top 10.

Ladies..hee, i am a Sept bb too but not virgo, i am libra.. late sept..

Babyd, Sherman looks very adorable.. with long lashes.. i think my girl also have that green romper.. hee.
Wah so many Sept babies!

Guess what? We finally got broadband at home... wah lau, world of difference!!

Thanks for all the well wishes. My mom is glad to be out of jail.. it's hard to sleep in hospital when they come in and check your temp and blood pressure every 2 hours! She's soooo missing her grandson and he's missing her too.

Tetra, if Lucas is grinding, it's quite serious leh. My sister grinds her teeth and she has to have a mouthguard 'cos she ends up with stiff jaws. Maybe you should mention it to your pd the next time you see him. So nice that you met up with sleepymom. Sounds like kindermusik went better than Gymboree!

yve, those washable breastpads always leak through!! That's why I have no choice, still using Pigeon. Whatever $$ I save on breastfeeding and not buying sanitary pads, I have to use to buy breastpads!!! :p

Twinkle, I am also doing up resume these few days. Need to find job by the end of the year if not we will be pok kai. Glad that you guys are all better. So you're not quite sure whether you wanna be a SAHM? How I wish I could be SAHM until Tim is at least 18 months but oh well.. Hey you went clubbing ah? Wah biang, SO HAPPENING!!!! I used to be a party animal also.. now 'reformed'.. haha

sasha, you're lucky you got 2 bassinets! So envious of your UK trip. Did you manage to get all the winter clothing you needed for the kids?
Sherman has very nice eyelashes!

Wow, sounds like you gals and bb have fun last Sat @ the kindermusik class. Any photos to share?

heee.. Evelyn, I did most of my partying when I was in the UK. The clubbing scene here not really my thing, except for Zouk lah.. haha.. I 'reformed' already.. become XIAN QI LIANG MU! Hahahahahahaha
Twinkle still happening woh!
Thanks for all the compliments for Baby Sherman's eyelashes! Hopefully I'll have a girl for No.2 and she has such beautiful eyelashes too, otherwise she'll be jealous of her kor kor. Haiz, how I wish I can spend more time playing with my cutie... but I also think I cannot be SAHM, sure go nuts...

yve, catz,
I stopped using breast pads for quite some time already, ever since I've been pumping more and latching less. Don't really get leaks unless I'm too busy in the day and don't manage to pump until 3-4pm. I've been wondering over the weekend whether my breasts can possibly tahan storing 150ml per boob like Piggylee?! It'd be nice to pump only twice a day!
Yeah lor.. Dun think I can be SAHM too.. Angel is very active now.. just to watch over her playing is tiring enough..
BabyD, Yve
Remember Im on leave last Thursday and Friday? Just two days played with Wilfred and elder son, am already want to kow tow to them liow! More tiring than working man
I think we are gonna have like 3 celebrations for my b'day. One wt my family, another wt a friend who is also a sept baby and one more alone wt hubby. I think we are going to the Black Eyed Peas concert which falls on my b'day then maybe dinner somewhere after. But first must get babysitter for the kids lah...
Yesterday we were at Toys R Us, he bought a Discovery board game and told me ''your b'day present for this year...''i was like ''yeah right..''

Am glad to hear that your mom is ok. Must be a relieved for her to get discharged frm hospital. Must get her to have enough rest so can recover faster and play wt Tim

Well, so far I managed to get what I want. Hubby kept telling me dont buy too much since might not be that cold. I wld rather be safe than sorry. I mean, these days weather are so funny!! Am planning to finish shopping this wk then I can start packing nxt wk already.

Imagine being a SAHM wt 2 little gremlins who are also starting to get all over the place and on top of that a little bossy missy who can never stop yakking...
Hi Mums,
Wishing all Virgos a Happy Birthday.

I can't be SAHM. Will eat my own hair.

I did not take note of Pigeon breasts pad at the baby fair. But I know they are for sale there. Just did not look at the price. I only use breast pads when I wear bras that are too thin. Otherwise, when I wear normal bra, I don't wear any b pads.
Hey, Send our love to your mummy. Tell her not to exert herself so that when she can get well faster.

I think the same, better pack more clothes than less. The things in Europe are sooooo very expensive...I think. due to the strong Euro.

Wah, clubbing. Never in my vocab leh. I hated the smoke inside the pub.. But I like an occasional glass of wine...
Use to "gan bei" with the mainlanders and I can drink quite well. There was once that I drank about ten small cups of Chinese wine at 40% alcohol... kekekeke... Hope to do it again. Don't know when I can go for such "gan bei" sessions again. Gan bei and eat steam boat in the middle of Winter.... Very shiok...

Tetra & Sleepymom,
Got pics to show us? Would like to see your two boys at the session leh, can?

Looking after kids is REALLY much more tiring than working. The best is don't have to work and have a few maids to help at home. Hahahaha.
my friend is pualiana... you know her?

Sherman look very cute... very rosey!

by passed Suntec yesterday cos thought wanted to buy some stuff from carefour, but regret to get ourselves into the massive jam. No space for parking, so we u-turn and cut loss!

BTW, my maid is going to arrive today or tommorow, so i am feeling abit nervous. Dunno if we can get along or not... will be busy training her when she is here.
Yesterday nite, I was juz telling to hubby about the arrangement when we have the 2nd one, either to get a maid, or continue to use the babysitter or that I resigned to be a SAHM. So many things to consider & to strike a balance with the cost, quality family time, upbringing of the children, income, social/domestic issues (i.e. maid) etc. we come to a conclusion that I should still continue to work' cause we will lose more due to loss of income than the cost that can be saved. Then babysitter to care for the 2nd one since her serivce is good & our children can benefit from her maternal love. The elder one shall go to a child care centre when he's 2.5 to 3 yr old. Meanwhile, our part-time auntie to continue to come once or twice a week to clean our place. and lastly hubby to continue cooking for us during weekend. bingo, problem solved... if life is so simple.

piggy: we din get to take any pix 'cause mummies have to participate with the babies in the dance. anyway, th eplace is conducted in the facilitor's home so nothing much. maybe next time when my hubby goes, I will get him to take some pix. I also think that it offers more stuff than the gymboree.
Happy training.
My suggestions here: At the beginning, it is better to be very strict with maid. It is better to set a high standard in the beginning, then relax later. Especially when it comes to cleaniness and hygeine. I believe that a maid should be given respect as they are humans too. Just that if we are too lenient in the beginning, it will be difficult to change later.

Yes, if life is so simple, I will probably have half a dozen kids.
I was just speaking to my maid and asking her if there is a big difference in Singapore style of parenting as compared to Phillipines. Viola.. She told me "Singapore children are more precious than back home!" Kekekeke. I guess all is due to our upbringing and the that we are having kids later in age.
Also, cost factor is another big concern here. Now, with a new mouth to feed, our expenses has gone up alot each month. Maid, food, milk, clothes, toys, doctor, insurance... Still got no schooling costs yet! Wah, very taxing man. It is no wonder why Singapore women now are not having as many kids as our parents' time. Yes, subsidy from govt, $3K. It can cover for say the first 2 months? (delivery and hospital bills, then finished!!!) What about the next say, 25years of the child's life before he/she gain independence?
totally agree it's very costly to raise a kid in today's time. The amount of money spent is really a bomb liao. Now with a maid, will cost us more. Her food, her daily needs, all have to add on. Just hope she is going to be a great help to make up for all these cost.

My hubby going away for business trip for two weeks starting this friday... he wont be ard for Mooncake fest too... i am very very blue, somemore without him, i have to handle the new maid all by myself... so down that i dun even have the moood to eat mooncake...
Hehee, I also wish like that.living life like tai tai.but dun think I will be enjoy the life like that coz used to work like cow! In fact, dun think I got the chance to be a tai tai coz hubby not a rice guy unless he strike ToTo or 4D lah. *dream dream dream..*

Sun Moon,
Good luck to you. Hope youd get a good, reliable and trustworthy maid!
You dun have the mood to eat mooncake huh? Why not invite us to your hse? We can make you have good mood to eat mooncake! hee, just kidding lah! Anyway, 16/9 we will go back to Msia celebrate mooncake festival until 19/9 night come back to Spore.

Wow, you think so far liowif life so simple how good hor? Everything can solve very easy liow! Actually hubby and me think to have a third one, but when think abt $$$$, sian
sun moon,
All the best with maid training! Don't be so stressed. Usually if it's their first time overseas, the maid will be quite scared of you because if you send her home, she'll owe the agent a lot of money and they can't afford it. You lay down the house rules on the first day. If it's your maid's first time away from home, must assure her. If she work as maid for some time, then you just need to be firm about the rules.

Talking about maids... Hubby and I and PIL were all very nice to our maid, cos we know it's her first time away from home. She's actually quite hardworking, just a tiny bit slow, maybe because they are used to a slower pace of life. MIL and I have been told by many people that we spoil my maid, which I think is true. But we reasoned that if we treat her well, she'll treat our baby well lor. Dunno why, she's very sensitive. She burst into tears twice already. And machiam start crying, cannot stop for 1-2 hrs!! Jialat, now I'm so scared of her tears. Thing is, nobody scolded her. First time, I asked her "Did Baby sleep well today?" and she started crying, from PIL's house cry until reach our house, still crying. After dunno how long of talking to her then finally found out she was upset that my FIL said something to her which she interpreted as being unfair etc. But when I checked it out, I found out it was just a misunderstanding. But she shouldn't be so sensitive right? imagine some other employers scold their maids everyday! Second time she cried, I also asked a simple question, "When baby sleeps in the daytime, what do you do?" And i asked because I discovered my MIL sleeps at midnight everyday, cleaning up the house after we all leave because she says baby's play and sleep space must be super clean! My MIL is working full time too, so I feel really bad & thought my maid should help clean that space since baby spends the whole day at my PIL's house. Kena tears came streaming down again, I also dunno what happened. Talk to her for more than 1 hr and finally realised she thought I'm not happy with her or MIL complained, so she was super scared that we might send her to Philipines! Aiyoh... I got crybaby maid here man. All of us so nice to her she still so scared. I told her unless she steal, lie or mistreat my baby, I won't anyhow send her home one. Told her that on Day 1. We all get scolded by our bosses once in a while when they're not happy, doesn't mean tomorrow get fired right? Somemore I didn't even scold her! You all say, how ah, this kind of maid, ask simple question only cry and cry?? Hubby said nevermind lah, as long as baby ok we don't bother so much. But really lor, I never even scold her leh, next time she really do something wrong how? Really waste time talking to her man, end up that night i didn't get to play with Sherman at all and hubby had to feed him bottled EBM and put him to bed!
Yeah thats true. I mean things are definitely cheaper here. Plus more variety too.

Julian is as adorable as ever. Sorry cant give advice regarding maid issue since hv never had one in my life

Ke ke ke.. I decided I shld let my hair down after going thru so much stress lately so chio my kakis out for a nite of dinner and drink. But have to go home early not like last time cann party till 3 cos hubby will be looking at me thru his glasses and say.. harlo u are a mummy now.. ha ha ah ah ah rather not hear him nag...

I like clubbing very much and I met my hubby at a club too... (I mean thru friens lah).. ke ke ke..

As for doing up my resume, think it was quite sudden that my frien asked me to quickly submit my resume to her as her boss is recruiting. Sounds too gd a deal and working hrs are so much more regular and no OT... somemore more glam lah the job, in private banking.. nt like here.. doing chap ba lang work.. ke ke k ek
Wah twinkle, you are the most happening here lor.
Funky mama! BTW, private banking can be quite shack leh.. got quotas and a lot of your own initiative one.

sun_moon, poor thing.. after my mom is better, we definitely get together and have a good mummy-baby session yah? Hope you get a good maid! Julian is such a happy chirpy baby!

Evelyn, I have a little secret as to why I can tahan being with Tim the whole day - my whole collection of Baby Einstein DVDs.. hehe
We bought the whole set when we were in the US. He LOVES them!!! So he will happily sit there and laugh at the puppets or whatever. Of course I will sit down with him to watch also but I can fold clothes or whatever.
Can I check with mummies using Avent bottles here? Do you babies find the 6m teat slow? Just wondering 'cos sometimes Tim does complain that it's slow and I don't know what to do 'cos there are no more bigger-holed teats.
angel is fine with the 6m teat.. Hmmm, dunno how to solve your problem..

u very happening hor.. Till now, my only indulgence was one mahjong session with my gerfrens and a massage..
true, you still very hip ah?

last time i went clubbing was early last mth...that also keep thinking abt the kids back home. my hubby, if he can will want to stay out late...
My maid also ever burst into tears but so far only once.
Still remember that time when Wilfred was 4mths old. I called her from office ard 4pm. I asked her Is Wilfred sleeping now? Yes mum. Did you sleep just now? Yes mum. (Oh ya, I do allowed her has one to two hour nap during afternoon coz she needs to wake up one or two times if happen that Wilfred wants milk in the middle of the night. Im afraid that she might not have enough sleep if dont taking breaks during day time.) Okay, back to her story.....
Im noticed her voice a bit different from usual when she answered me Yes mum. Then I asked her Whats wrong with you? Everything ok or not? She said yes but at the same time started cryingfrighten me man! Thought something was happened to Wilfred. I tried to be stay calm (who knows Im so worried that time actually) and asked her Tell me what happened? Do you want me come back now? She kept saying nothing and ensured that nothing happened to Wilfred. Without any delay I told her if she still crying like that I need to come back home immediately. End up then found out she actually has homesickness, poor girl. Anyway, Im still asked my hubby go home and checked on Wilfred. (My hubbys working location quite near by).
After the incident, I tried to be sensitive to her feelings, praise her if she has done a good job, chats with her whenever Im free and ensure that she works happily with us. From that day on she likes to share with me her background, her family and her own stories. Whenever she has problems she also will let me know.
She is very hard working. Sometimes we asked her rest for awhile, she says she needs to keep herself busy so that she can stop thinking of her family. So poor thing hor?

Same as you we also told by many pple that we spoil my maid but as long as she treat our baby well, why not?
Btw, can I check with you galsBabyD, Piggy, JayKay, Al, or whoever have maid

Do you gal have a daily routine plan of the tasks for your maid? Normally what time she needs to wake up for work?
BabyD, Eve,
your maids sounds ok except maybe a bit sensitive and lonely in spore. I really hope i will be able to be a good employer, and my maid will have good personality leh. she not here yet, maybe today can fetch her. i hv draw up a schedule for her... but not sure workable or not. iits subject to changes.
sigh, evelyn dont ask abt maid lah, I just caught her stealing stuff from my mil's place...quite bad...thing is, she's been taking stuff all along, I watch and see but very stupid things like she like a river rock that kind she will bring back and hide it, but this time she took a walkman...haiya...very hard like that, she's good with the baby though so i scolded her and told her if she did it again, we would send her back.

i think piggy is right, strict first better, trouble is i am not that kind, so very hard, she has a routine of her own which works for me cos as long as she is doing something and the baby stuff gets done, i not that fussy.

i think the worst thing about having a baby is having to get a maid, that's all, if i became a SAHM, the maid is the first to go!! my maid wakes up about 7 am and i also kena complaints that that is too late others wake up at 5.30 am, but it doesnt bug me that much lah, just hope she wakes up and stops taking stuff but now we dont trust her anymore so quite sien lah, must watch always...

it starts out small then gets bigger and bigger lah...then there are also minor annoyances like my husband finding his peanut butter all gone except for a small blob left those kind, we get her her own food stuff, maggi mee, oats and cookies so she wont touch our stuff but in the end they will still want to try what you eat one so can't be helped. quite sien lah. for me i discovered my big stash of whisper pads reduced to one pack left so....

like i said, i think the bother of having a stranger in your house is the most sien part, better to do without and have a part time auntie clean but no choice cos not fair to expect my mil to look after without any help. it's also such an unnatural thing lah, a bit like slavery for them, can't go out etc. so i guess you can't help it if they go a bit nuts and cry or take stuff when they get mad, etc.

anyway, catz, mine got predilection for Hi-5 videos!! the only thing that will stop her for 20 mins! afraid she'll start talking with an Aussie accent hahaha! no offence to Aussies, but it is kinda strong man...the educational bb videos dont hold her attention much!
sun moon, good luck to you on your new maid. Dun worry, so long you treat them good, they will be good to your family. Your Julian is still adorable... Understand your lonely when hubby is away, since your new maid is here soon so keep yourself occupied & train her & enjoy your life as 'tai tai' lor...hehehe Once your maid settle down, you will enjoy your life more to play with your Julian & dun hv to worry abt all those hsework!!! Is your friend name Pollyanna Ho? I am with her now but she cant remember who you are lei...hehe....she ask what is your realname then she can recall!!

Evelyn, my maid wake up ard 6.30 o 7am everyday, i didnt really plan a schedule for her but just let her know what i need her to do. Normally she will plan hsework herself. As she is alone at home with my son when i am working so I am not very particular on hsework so long the hse is clean. And when i am not working then she will spent most of her time do up all the cleaning. Regarding homesick, I also understand most maid will miss their family so i allow her to write to her family & friends. On top, i also give her a use handphone so she can sms or call her family as & when she want(she will pay for her own top up card). I believe in this way, she will be less homesick then can working more happily lor...

sasah, same here, everytime i go out with friend also keep thinking of my baby although i know his is sleeping soundly at home. So i always enjoy staying at home watch vcd & stay beside him when he is sleeping at night....

yve, i also love to play manjong lei...
sun moon, Poly remember you now!! You bought a impreza from her somewhere last year right!! She say she old liao so take longer time to recall...sorry hai...
no la wangwangboy,
tell Polly i am her friend's wife, and she was the MC of my wedding... where she was made to speak in Cantonese... ;p she shd know who la!
nice family potrait...how much did it cost?

thats terrible to hear. thats why i still refuse to get a maid to help out.

me and hubby on weekdays rent dvds and watch at home while kids are sleeping then maybe alternate weekends go out for movie or dinner or juz somewhere nice to drink...
I told my maid on Day 1, if she ever steal, lie or mistreat baby, we will send her home. She got no money cos it's her first job and they pay all their wages to the agent for so many months. Quite poor thing lah, so we bought phone cards for her to call home and gave her stamps and stationery to write home. My maid eats with us at the same table, even bring her out to restaurants like Swensons to eat before. I hope that she trusts us so that we can trust her. We hope that if we treat her well, like family, she will also love baby and won't steal or lie to us. So far she's ok lah, I always tell her to sleep early, so she only cleans our house during the weekends. Weekdays she just do laundry and ironing only, because she spends the whole day at my PIL's. I can understand she's scared we'll send her home, but I assured her many times already. We have never scolded her, cos we don't want to stress her out. That's why I really couldn't understand why she cry and cry when I just ask a simple question. Never even say she do something wrong. Maybe Evelyn is right, she's homesick, but she denies it leh. Of course it's nice not to have to do all the housework now, but I also rather not have a maid if I have the choice.
sunmoon, haha...poly finally remember your husband name liao hehe...bought a honda thur her!

sasah, think all parent cant bear to leave baby at home for too long. My husband & me also will go for movie or dinner once awhile so that we can enjoy back our dating time....

babyD, i also think the same as you. so long we treat our maid as part as our family, she will happily work for us. Dun worry la, she will feel the warm from you & your family in no time...
haha..my one no need to treat as part of family lah...she already behave like that! haha! until we more scared of her than the other way round!!

sigh...i think best is if u can look after yourself lah. no trust issues.
yve, I used to lau nua at the Gymboree shop back in Monterey
I only managed to get a pair of shoes and some odd tops and bottoms for Tim but wah lau, the girls' stuff is so gorgeous. BUY BUY BUY!!

Wah all this maid talk.. very stressful hor? So if let's say the whole family goes out, is it usual to bring the maid along or will it be OK for her to stay at home and cook her own dinner? I *might* have to have a maid if my Mom cannot cope.. otherwise Tim will go to infantcare if I start work.

Al, wah yours is horror story but actually I got a lot more horror stories. Better not say too much if not sun_moon also freak out.

Went swimming with Tim and my sis just now so my bo is utterly wiped out right now. Have been driving my mom's car around so the poor boy is usually yelling his head off in the carseat behind 'cos he's all alone. Stressful driving!!

So darn hot today... 35degrees out!
I salute you. Caught stealing still keep her. I told myself b4 hiring maid. 3 BIG Nos. One, vain like looking for boyfriend here instead of work. Two, steal. Three, can't look after my baby. If anyone of this condition is there, I will send her back. Very hard for me to tahan to have a maid that steal....

I also try not to scold my maid. But there was twice, she really got on my nerve... I told her that teething toy can't be steamed. Just wash and dry. Then bb can play. She did not listen, go and steam it and it went all out of shape.

Another occasion, I told her not to bathe Linus until my MIL is back. She went ahead to do it! I scolded her very sternly for this.

Other than that, I am ok with her. She is a hardworking girl. Cleans well too. Just that my standard is not very high to begin with.

Whenever, we go out for dinner, if I think she is not tired, she will join us. She has dined with us as a family in many restaurants too. I gave her red packets for her bd and I let her call her mum every month. Just that, initially, when she calls her mum, her mum will be the one crying and wailing that she missed my maid very much. I was very tempted not to let her call back. But I told myself that as a mum, I will also cry if my girl goes away soooooo far to work. Anyway, she has never cried and never tell me that she missed home. But I know she will as that is very natural.

To answer your question, I don't set a schedule for my maid, she wakes up whenever Linus wakes up. Aiyo, this morning is 5+am. But I let her rest between 7pm to 9pm everyday. She can sleep or read or do anything she like at that time.
MIA 'cos got training cum brainstorming for whole of last week. Now brain-damaged

Maid... my headache. My selected maid can't come in 'cos of her paperwork and agent going to pass me his maid, ex-SIN but no experience in taking bb and child but good in housework. Hope that she is a good one and can last >2yrs.

babyD, hope your maid settle well soon. Maybe, u should give her the housework that u needed her to do instead of asking her to do less. She may feel that her job is at risk if there is not much for her to do.
Does she hv to do housework @ your PIL's house?

Al, sorry to say, if u can let her go if u can as u don't need to worry what she will do next. Difficult to live with a maid that u can't trust.
But choosing a new maid and going thru everything is also tiring.

evelyn, my maid wake up abt 6am or 7am (if we come back late the nite b4). I do hv a schedule as I hv change maid so many times (not voluntary, lah).
I don't mind to spoilt my maid if she can treat my children well. But I believe I am a fair employer and treat them with respect though I do lost my temper (only for children hygiene or safety issues but I will explain to them why I am angry over the incidents.
i also just brought Julian down for a swim and he is now sleeping heehee. but very tiring for mummy leh... now no energy liao.

regarding the maid, sigh.. agent said her first medical checkup didnt clear. X-ray no clear... they tell me maybe she shake her body when taking the x-ray! Got such thing one meh? They sending her for a 'second opinion' and i still have to wait for the report. So cant collect her yet. Hubby thinks he dun feel comfy with this maid's medical... maybe reject her. Wat you all think?? Esp those who have maids?

i love Julian's smile. Really cheer up one's day.

For maid, they have to undergo check up in Phillipines before arriving here. What do you meant by first check up didn't clear? This check up is done where? Is there meant to be more than one check up?

halo mummies, i'm back!! Has been MIA for soooo long :p
And so many postings to catch up.

Wish your mum recovers fast and able to carry her lovely Tim soon

Dun be so moody, we all can celebrate Mooncake Festival with you & Julian
My hubby also will be going for exercise in Nov for 3 weeks or so...

New moms
BIG welcome!! *Hugzz*

Never toy with the idea of getting one. Luckily Mum & Dad are still fit & healthy that can take care of the 2 fellas

On Leave
I become a SAHM for these 3 days cos parents going hoilday! Actually quite enjoy it. But very hectic cos when 1 sleeps, the other awake. When both sleeps, that = houseworks + cooking. I think I will miss it when I'm back to work

Baby show
Coincidentally Read the posting s regarding baby shows. Enroll summer @ Kg Kembagan CC & she got a consolation prize!! So happy
Actually deadline over but they still accept. Know of this baby show thru my neighbour. She enroll her son too, but in Category B, Summer in Cat A cos of the age. Initially she wore a nice white romper but before the doc assessment, she vomit, a HUGE one. No choice have to change into a red romper. I'm not very happy cos she dun looks outstanding in the red romper but no choice mah. Also forgot to clip her hair. But she manages to perform well during the assessment, crawl well, clap the toys... She is sleeping during the announcement of result. I told my huuby to wake her up, but he said dun need cos he aimed for the 1st prize! Who knows, she is the 1st name to be called so we happily got up and she got disturbed. She blur blur being carried up the stage to receive the prize.

Actually even if she didn't win, the goody bag also worth it. It contain a full size Mamil nite and a 400 g Mamil Gold. So very happy!!!
Like some of you, went to Suntec later cos hubby wants to see the comex. Really packed with cars man. In the end, park@ my office in Gateway & walk over.

Okie, I tried to post pics taken during the baby show!!
