(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

How much is the Britax and the Maxi Cosi carseat?

Item for item, OshKosh is much cheaper in US than Singapore. I personally think that the 0-12 months stuff for carters scores really high with the cute factor compared to OshKosh. OshKosh stuff makes baby sized clothes with more adult / children styles, I feel. Different type of cute factor. Carters is also a lot cheaper than OshKosh, so hubby and I always bought Carters, since it wins by both price and cute factor. We brought home a few OshKosh items but all for when he's older and running around.

Hi Ladies!

I'm at home now. MIL had a bad slip and has a swollen foot. We suspected that she might have fracture some bones... Poor thing, keep limping away last nite after my husband brought her to the chinese tuina and keep insisting that she'll be okay with Phoebe alone. So I insisted to stay at home to take care of them, if not how she go buy lunch with baby??? Fracture very pain one leh... kana once on my wrist when I met an accident.... wah piang, now think already still scare.

Glad to know that Ryan's fever is coming down. You must be exhausted, must rest more during weekend.

Hope Linus gets better soon. Regarding the Pigeon mucus sucker, quite cute lah, very effective with wet mucus, but with dry one, suck and suck also cannot come out. Only managed to induce Phoebe to laugh at red face mummy. Piggy, can you post your email add on the forum for me please. I just saw the photos which you requested, must send to you now, if not i'll forgot again. My new laptop is not updated with addresses yet. Thanks.

Aiya, yesterday didn't see any Bangladesh so forget to tease him, will do so tonite. So the theory is correct lah. I think I type wronghly lah, should be 'ball balls'. Interested mummies with baby boys can try hor...

Haven't done self shopping for long time too. I always have the urge to bring Phoebe out whenever I want to do shopping. Dunno why, but I feel leaving her at home is very cruel.
Sometimes I ask boss for time off then go shopping for my work clothes. I feel so out of place when standing with our sales team, they are dress so up to date mah.... makes me feel very malu..

Not all maids are like that. I met some with really good ones. Just that the ones we hired are jointly with my elder SIL so I seldom communicate with the maid, left it all to my husband and SIL. Because my SIL is very fierce towards her, I try not to tell her off, cos very poor thing, imagine kana from MIL, 2 SILs and my husband. Sometimes when I'm alone at home, I'll go buy nice food for her. So I'm always spared of missing clothes and ironing are done very well. It's true that giving them off days are quite risky. If they mix with those 'laujiao' then most likely they will teach them some tricks lor. I also reckon if possible, try not to, provided you would be bringing her out for window shopping every week, if not she'll be too bored then will try some stunts too.

Regarding carseats, it depends on your budget. There's this store at Tagore Lane which stores quite a good selection including Aprica. Some manufactured in Europe ranging from $150 to few hundreds. Good selection. Can try their website: www.aspirin.com.sg. About Carters, I only saw limited selections in Robinsons Raffles City and some Tom & Stephanie stores.
I have seen Carters at Tom and Stephanie at Whitesands.. They are usually onesies like rompers.. I bought 2 tops and 1 shorts for Angel yesterday.. :p Stopped myself from buying dresses online, but bought these as home clothes lor.. total damage is $12.80.. okay lah hor..
Hi mummies
I'm back to work! I bit reluctant and miss my kids leh. My parents bought 3 big toys for Wayne, he is sooo happy

And Summer thank all mummies who congratulated her
I've forgotten to bing the thumb drive to office so can't post pics of summer's with her victory smell during the baby show. Must remember to bring tomolo. very forgetful after giving birth. Anyone experience the same??

Hope your little one recover fast. The flu bug always lingers in the air. My Wayne also got mild flu,. hope dun pass the germs to his sis!! I bought them to playground last 2 evenings when I'm on leave. It happens that a little girl is having chicken pox and in the recovering stage. I guess may be over the infectious period that's why her grandpa bring her down. The children are avoiding her so as me. Quickly bring my 2 fellas to the other side of the fitness area. I know it is very bad, but to play safe than sorry mah. If kena chicken pox @ such a young age can be very terrible.

I think you are stressed up in looking after Ryan. Do you have a schedule like what sasha mentioned? Even for past 3 days staying @ home, I tried to stick to routine as normal. Try to stick to a routine, baby loves routine. That's why they love to hear the same song or story again & again, drop the same toy again & again. It sounds boring to us but it is security to them. So you plan from morning, what time he usually wake up, what time he eats, sleep. Then you slot in your activities in between. Bring him to nearby playground or shops to expose him to children playing, people interacting. This is developing him social skills. Dun cope alone in the house with the baby. But make sure he is well fed, well slept and diaper not soiled then can leave home. Bring along some water & baby bites, tissue, handkerchief & wallet. You will find them handy. Believe that you alone can bring him jalan jalan. I also brought my 2 babies to sit in LRT (promised wayne) and then drop off @ Compass Point to walk a while. Bought macdonalds & take LRT back again. You can do that

So envious you taht you are going holiday with whole family.My hubby very busy leh, after this weekend run event then have to prepare for Nov oversea exercise.I guess have to wait till Dec. But then school holiday, everywhere are so crowded!!

You very funny to ka jiao your hubby hor!!
If it's me, I will do the same!! heehee
juz came back frm doctor and bad news...khayr has bronchilitis again. hv to start him on nebulizer again every 4hrly!! then as for rayhan, PD juz increase his oral ventolin dosage...so frustrating!

i have been forgetful also since childbirth.
we going back only cause my hubby's contract states that he has to go back every 3-4mths. not really considered holiday lah...going back to 2nd home more like it

we planning to go on road trip in aust nxt yr...so that will be a holiday!
You poor thing. Take care and keep your spirit up!

[email protected]

I hope so too. I hope don't develope into fever.

I hope that it is not a trend.... Baby sick = mummy heart pain.
sasha, Poor babies. Hope they get well soon.

yvonnechee, I dont really have a schedule.
- Just the basic bath in the morning.
- Feed and then wash his clothes.
- Then play a bit and then his morning nap.
- After that is depending on what time he wakes up. If around feed time again, then feed else play or listen to music until next feeding time.
- Night time he will be sponged bath and changes around 8pm.
- Then play again until 9pm, will bring him into dark bedroom. Feed or if just fed not long, try to rock him to sleep.

Think I lazy mum. I am always hot and sweaty after his morning bath. Feel 'unclean' to go anywhere. And also have to switch off power, lock every windows and doors. Then got to prep diaper bag if going far. Think of all these I sian liao.
Plus, nowadays, weather also weird, always raining. Sometime I do think of going out to get lunch, but think of having to prep so much just to go get lunch, bleh. But is good for baby to go out I know. Me and hubby normally bring him out on Sat to Orchard or nearby mall. So that is his day out.

My place here very noisy with pple doing their windows. He sleep awhile wake up liao, also cos his nose stuffy...
hi mummies,

It is normal to hv sick baby ard this few days, my little monkey also got running nose. Can I check do your baby scream & cry (but no tear) when you try to suck out their wet mucus? Ryan hates it when we do on him, he will scream, kick & scream non-stop when the nose suction thingie on his nose! Once the thingie away from him, he will keep quite liao...think baby really hates it! Hubby always like to laugh when we do that on Ryan cos he say he like to see when Ryan 'pek chek'!!!
dear ladies,
thanks for the advice.. i think this mosquito thing really happening everywhere.. went to kiddy palace to look for the Mozzie patch and it is OUT OF STOCK.. so i bought the lotion, hopefully it will keep the mosquito away..
babyD, the highest end Britax is about $350 and I think, so is the Maxi Cosi. Really get what you pay for lah. In terms of crash tests, these two are the best. Actually OshKosh has very cutesie babyish stuff too. Maybe you didn't get to see their summer collection? Got heaps of nice ones for Tim at oshkosh. I saw so many of the stuff that we got for him over here at more than 10x the price. I'm not kidding. We got him a hat for $1 and over here, it's $25.

Piggy, for hard mucus, get the Pigeon (haha, am I a Pigeon freak or what?) pincer for that. So you suck out the wet bits and then probably the dry one will be at the nostril and you can pinch it out easily
I lagi 'pee sai' expert hor? Hahahahahah
Yes, you very pee sai expert.
I never use the pincer before, really good huh? Aiyo, your talk of the cheap clothes in US make me want to fly there today.

I just bought patch from Guardian. $6.90 per box.

Your hubby sounds a little sadistic.
A pic to share:
Aunties, my grandma was trying to feed me while my mummy eats her lunch. I sarted to move so that all the food can smear on me. I like to have a tasty face so that dog dog can come and lick me clean. Then, I don't have to bathe....

Mums, BEWARE of Dengue fever!!! Hotspots below:

Ang Mo Kio Ave 1 ( Blk 206, 207, 208 )
Ang Mo Kio Ave 1 ( Blk 303, 304 ) / Ave 3 ( Blk 302 )
Ang Mo Kio Ave 1( Blk 334, 335 ) / St 32 ( Blk 353 )
Ang Mo Kio Ave 10 ( Blk 433, 435, 437, 438 )
Ang Mo Kio Ave 10 ( Blk 444, 445, 447 )
Ang Mo Kio Ave 10 ( Blk 463, 464, 466 )
Ang Mo Kio Ave 3 (Blk 209, 210 )
Ang Mo Kio Ave 4 ( Blk 170,172, 173, 116, 117 )
Ang Mo Kio Ave 4 ( Blk 177,178 )
Ang Mo Kio St 22
Bayshore Rd (Blk 22, 24)
Beach Rd ( Blk 1, 2 )
Bishan St 12 ( Blk 126 - 128, 122,130 )
Bishan St 12 ( Blk 137 )
Bishan St 22 ( Blk 236, 237 )
Boon Keng Rd ( Blk 4, 5 )
Boon Lay Drive ( Blk 202, 204 )
Bukit Batok Central ( Blk 104, 105, 106, 115 )
Circuit Rd ( Blk 37, 42, 46, 47, 67 )
Clementi West St 2 ( Blk 705, 710 )
Clifton Vale / Mackerrow Rd
Coldstream Ave - Frankel Estate
Corporation Rd ( Blk 452, 454, 458 )
Cotswold Close - Braddell Heights Estate
Dunman Lane / Dunman Rd
Geylang Bahru Lane
Harvey Ave
Hillside Drive / Lange Rd
Hougang Ave 1 ( Blk 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 236, 237, 238 )
Hougang Ave 3 ( Blk 18, 19, 21 )
Hougang Central ( Blk 836 )
Hougang St 11 ( Blk 154, 156 )
Jalan Datoh ( Blk 16 ) / Jalan Dusun ( Blk 35 )
Jalan Leban / Jalan Tarum - Sembawang Hill Estate
Joo Chiat Rd / Marine Parade ( Blk 165 )
Klang Lane ( Blk 672A, 671B )
Lor 1/ Lor 6 / Lor 7 Realty Park -Peoples Garden
Lor 35 Geylang ( Blk 5A, 6, 8, 22 )
Lor 7 Toa Payoh ( Blk 4 )
Lor 7 Toa Payoh ( Blk 7, 9, 12, 14 )/ Lor 8 ( Blk 233 )
Lor 8 Toa Payoh ( Blk 217, 219 )
Lor 8 Toa Payoh ( Blk 227 )
Lor Lew Lian ( Blk 1, 2, 3 ) / Serangoon Central ( Blk 3, 418, 2, 1 )
Lynwood Grove - Braddell Heights Estate
Marine Terrace ( Blk 18 )
Marsiling Crescent ( Blk 212, 213, 216, 217 )
Marsiling Drive ( Blk 23, 25, 26 , 27 )
Mount Vernon Road
Ontario Ave - Windsor
Pending Rd ( Blk 225 )
Pine Close ( Blk 7, 10, 11 )
Potong Pasir Ave 1 ( Blk 105, 107 )
Raffles Institution Lane
Rangoon Lane / Sing Ave
Recreation Lane / Recreation Rd
Serangoon Ave 3 ( Blk 330, 334 )
Shunfu Rd ( Blk 305, 306, 307, 309, 310, 311, 312, 315 )
Siglap Rd ( Blk 456, 458, 460, 462 ) / Fidelio St
Sims Ave ( Blk 830, 832, 840, 844, 846, 848 )
Sommerville Rd/ Braddell Rd
Tai Hwan Close - Tai Hwan Garden
Tampines St 23 ( Blk 210, 212, 216, 221 )
Tampines St 83 ( Blk 863, 864, 864A )
Tampines St 83 ( Blk 867, 868, 869 )
Teck Whye Lane ( Blk 117, 118 )
Telok Blangah Crescent ( Blk 6, 8, 10 )
Woodlands St 13 ( Blk 101, 105 )
Woodlands St 32 ( Blk 326, 328 )
Yishun Ave 5 ( Blk 741 ) / Yishun St 72 ( Blk737, 738, 739 )
Yishun Ring Rd ( Blk 254, 257 )
Yishun St 11 ( Blk 133, 134, 144 )
Yishun St 21 ( Blk 208, 211, 212 )
Yishun St 71 ( Blk 714, 716 )
Yishun St 71 ( Blk 723, 724, 728 )
Yishun St 72 ( Blk 752, 755, 756, 757, 759, 760 )
Yishun St 81 ( Blk 865, 870 )
Ya, you are right...sometime i also felt that he very 'bian tai'!! Always like to disturb our son till he will scream for 'mama' help then I hv to go sayoung him.... How you managed to know all the above affected area? Really useful, thanks for that!!
Bian tai-ism seems to be very rampant now in adults. I think they are stress in their working environment, so looking for other ways to de-stress. My FIL ALSO LIKE THAT!!! Sometimes, I want to stuff his mouth with pong pong fruit.

Btw, I got the list from the MOH www. It is good to know and avoid such places. I think go outdoor with baby better put on a Anti mosquitoe patch.
<font color="aa00aa">Piggy</font>
Thx for the useful list. My in law staying in Yishun Blk855, think quite near 865 leh..better dun go there these few weeks, instead ask they come over to my place.
Yah Piggy, I am really pee sai expert cos when Tim was young, he used to have A LOT of boogers
Now no more.. my trusty 'tools' have been gathering dust since he was 2 months old. THanks for the list. My PIL stay at AMK Ave 1 which is a big hotspot.. so maybe I dun have to go and see them this weekend..haha
They keep a lot of plants also.

Tim kena one big balaku 'cos my sister (dunno how) swung him into the car door. Wah it instantly went blue black... very jialat. His ee-ee very guilty now.. couldn't sleep last night 'cos she scared he die in his sleep from brain haemorrhage. Thank God he is OK.. but the bruise is quite awful lor.
I hope Tim is OK. Your sis very dramatic. Her fear very extreme. Put Zam bak on his baluku, okie? Very fast ok one.
hi everyone, sorry i didnt came in the last few days cos was dealing with too mant things and wasnt really in good mood. Regarding my maid, we have some dispute with the agency but eventually we have to decide to send her back. It seems a bit cruel to do this to the maid, but since she didnt pass her medical, theres really no way i could take her in. Also i have decided to put the maid issue aside and try to manage on my own first. I believe i can do it, only problem is food, but there's always mcdonald, kfc, haha.

Yesterday my hubby few off to London liao, and suddenly my world like crumbled... i felt so so so lonely without him... in fact i cried last night and just now too. It's a bit embarassing to tell you all these la, but i just hope to get some comfort here cos i really duno how to tahan for two weeks leh. I had wanted to order mac for dinner, but now also no appetite leh.

Sleepymom, is Ryan okay already?

Catz, aiyoh Tim got cry or not ah? Must be painful la.
Hi Sunmoon,
Poor gal, hope you would feel better soon. It might be a blessing in disguise with regards to the maid issue, you might be spare the torment of having to handle a problematic maid.

Understand how you feel about being alone without your husband. I hate the feeling too. Take care!!!
Hi mommies,

Hope everyone is enjoiying their w'end.
Juz an update on Khayr, admitted in hospital last night. Probably hv to stay there for abt 3days.
So far, responding well to medications, fever comems on and off.

Will be MIA for a while then.

Take care y'all.
You take care too. Hope Khayr will recover quickly. What led to the admission?

"Hugs from Piggy" Can understand how you feel... regarding maid, I think if can't pass medical, better send back. Can't pass X-ray, most likely is TB. That is scary!!!
sasha, Sorry about Kahyr, hope he get well soon. Ryan also on the nebuliser since Friday, but the doc din say got bronchilitis. Why does Kahyr need to be hospitalised? I am a bit scared now, cos Ryan's nose is still blocked and he is still coughing. He also has slight fever which comes on and off. He kept tossing and turning at night and I cant sleep cos he will cough and will vomit if cough too hard. Me and hubby havent slept for 3 nights already. Lucky its the weekend so hubby around to help out. Mil also came yesterday noon and this afternoon to help. But tomorrow will be just me again...

sun_moon, Dont be blue. Before you know it, your hubby will be back. Why dont you go stay with your parents or ask them to come over to help? For your meals, can order tingkat like what I do for dinner. I understand how you feel. If hubby late in coming home only, I also very blue. Can imagine its worse if he is not around for 2 weeks. Hang in there.

Wa, will baby get so sick often? If have to deal with this often I dont know how to tahan?
oh sasha, hope Kahyr will recover soon! Yap, y was he admitted?

Sleepymom, dun bw scared, u just monitor Ryan and see how. It mus be very tiring for unable to sleep well with a sick bb around.

Talking abt sick BB, Cherish was sick too after the wedding dinner on Fri nite. She started to cough yesterday and this morning, she had fever. Now, am monitoring her...
Sometimes really wonder is it cos i have less breastfeeding her to only maybe one feed expressed milk, thus her immunity had gone down...

Piggy, i reallly envy that u can pump so much milk!!

By the way, despite cherish having slight fever, i still bring her for the Gombak BB show! How come i never see any of you here? Cherish din win anything, maybe cos she was sick though doc said she very gd... think the doc said that to everyone.
Anyway, thought that it is still quite worth the trip as we are given 2 milk powder free.

Sun Moon, endure.... maybe it is true... better to take care of ur BB urself than to have a maid. And recently, it appeared that they are not easy to handle with... Think positively, u will see every milestone crossed by ur BB!
emonster, piggy, sleepymom, ocean,
thanks for the comforting words. Glad to have you gals ard to keep me going on. I have already put the maid's unhappiness aside and really, the think i still prefer to have my privacy. Think julian feels the same way as his mommy. As for missing my hubby, i am still counting the days lor and hope he will be back soon.

remembered i mentioned to you that I have a license but dun dare to drive? Today i make my first attempt driving Julian to parkway. Was so nervous all the way there and back, luckily it was a smooth journey and julian didnt really cry. Phew. =p btw, how's your mom?
Hi everybody,

Sorry MIA for so long.. been busy attending weddings &amp; birthdays. My little princess had to eat cereal for the past few days coz didn't cook porridge for her..

I can identify with you.. We stay on our own too. My hubby will fly to India and Japan next month, and I always have this sinking feeling inside.. And I have problem with food too! When he goes out the whole day, many times I didn't really have breakfast or lunch or anything proper.. Only started to use slow cooker to cook porridge for Heidi. I'll be moving to the East, nearer to some relatives. Also, I have license but dun dare to drive, so always stay at home if hubby not around. Our situation same same leh!
Hi Ladies,

Good Morning!!! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

Evelyn, Yap and me were there at the Gombak show. I saw a pretty mum, dressed in blue Spaghetti top with a pretty baby dressed in pink and cute blue shoes. Is that you and Cherish??? Wanted so much to go up and ask "Excuse me, are you Oceans?" Was so afraid that I'll get the wrong person. Kept looking at the baby's eyes and it reminds me of Cherish.... Is that you??? I asked Yap if she can identify Cherish and she's also not sure.

There were so many cute babies around, some pretty angmoh babies too. So never tot of getting into the top 8. But when the results were announced, quite disappointed, cos all the cute babies were not on stage, but saw lots of the WEC's grandchild on stage leh....

Hi Sunmoon,
First drive to Parkway Parade, the place with terrible traffic and parking!!! You are a brave woman!!! My first drive from my house to the company alone without baby already send shivers down my body and left me with cold hands all throughout....

Didn't see you yesterday leh... were you there??
Glad that the maid issue is over.. Better to be more careful about the maid's health since she is gng to take care of Julian.. Come in and chit-chat with us more leh.. I understand about you not having enough time to cook a proper meal.. Since Angel has been so mobile, my MIL hardly has time to cook her lunch too..

Hoho, Angel poo and pee into her potty for the first time today!!
Understand your lonely when husband not ard especially now only left you &amp; baby at home. Since you dare to drive liao, you can go shopping, visit your parent, bring julian to baby gym etc to pass your time. Dont keep yourself at home cos it will make you more boring &amp; will think of your hubby more....then you will feel sad again. Ya, since the maid are not meant for you, is better to let her go. Who knows God is helping you cos she might be a problematic one...

Take care &amp; keep busy always &amp; very fast you are on your way to airport to fetch your hubby liao... hahaha....
I was there, but late.. Fed bb on the way there and she vomitted in the car. Also, I forgot the BC &amp; health booklet!!!! What a day to start! Nonetheless, we went thru the screening. After that, we rush straight to church, fed her cereal, and we were late again for the results!!!! Sigh.. By the way we went there, everyone leaving already, left a few still hanging around, mostly prize winners. Not bad huh, the prizes.. quite good leh..

Evelyn, thot I saw u, but that lady's child is 11 months, so defintely not you..
you and I really seems to have many similarity. Which part of the east are you shifting to?

emonster, wangwangboy, yve,
i will try to go out more if i have the energy to. It helps to kill time and keep me from thinking abt hubby too much. Also when i bring baby out, at the end of the day i will usually be very tired and will be able to sleep earlier. And when i wake i, it's one day over, so one day closer to hubby's return. =P
Hey sun_moon, I understand how you feel lah. I think not getting a maid could be a better choice after all. I think ordering tingkat is a very good idea! Please do feel free to sms me if you need company yah?

aiyah thought I could stay online for longer.. duty calls.. chat later.

sasha, hope K will get well soon. Take care!
Angel looks very cute. I love her pic sitting on potty. Majiam very "Do not disturb me sign." kekekeke

Come up here to chat more often, okie?

Update us on your 2 boys, especially Khayr. We are very concern about him.
ladies, nice to have you all to talk to. Will come in often off course. I just had a very busy morning, batch cooking some sweet potatoes and ikan billi powder for julian. He doesnt like home cook porridge, so i have to feed him cereal, mixed with IB powder lo. He is okay with that. Anyone can teach me some trick to dry the IB fast after washing? Today i fry and microwave for more then 10 mins then ok leh. And Julian was crying and crying at the background, so stress.
After washing IB, put on kitchen towels and squeeze dry.. then I microwave platefuls of it on high for 10 to 15 mins.. must move the IB around every 2 mins or so.. spread it out on a thin layer on the plate..
Have you tried various consistency of porridge? Actually cereal has lots of calcium in it leh, no need to mix in IB.. I think lah..
when you microwave the IB, do you cover the plate ? I covered the plate and end up with lots of water vapor onthe cover and the IB still remains moist. As for porridge, i usually blend it using a blender until smooth. I have added fish, so the taste maybe not nice to Julian. Didnt add ginger so maybe smell fishy??? Any good recipe for porridge that i can try?

actually cereal is very convenient for me la, no need to cook ma. And the iron and calcium is there. i add IB for taste and also to substitute the fish that he miss out lo.
No need to cover the plate.. It does not splatter much too.. The problem is my hubby will steal the dried IB to eat! I spent so much effort to dry one small batch, he go and eat it..
I dun blend the porridge leh.. one third cup of rice to half pot of hot water in the slow cooker (1.5l). Set on high and it is done in 2 hrs.. The texture is thick mush.. Steam the fish for 5 to 10 mins, mash with spoon and add to the mush.. Sometimes, add chopped spinach leaves or pre-cooked mashed sweet potato/pumpkin to the mush.. I will try egg yolk soon, cos have to test angel on allergy for the jab..
Abt the Gombak BB show, Emonster, i think that was me and Cherish!!
Was trying to recall what i let Cherish wore that day!
Remember that i wore the blue strap top, then Cherish.... suddenly recall anyhow let her wore in pink with a hat cos she had slight fever. Took the hat out later as it was quite hot!

Oh, so u all are there!!
I kept looking around to see if i can recognise any mums, oh think, BB is easy to recognised cos i see them more in photos. Wat's WEC?? Yap, the prizes really good and thot it shld be total 90 BBs (30 per group) but dun noe y end up was 108 BBs!
If they spilt the 2 hampers, 1 gift set and voucher into per winings, think all the BB will have a chance to get them!
Hahahaa... the mixed ang moh BB behind me got 2nd. The mum was sort of proud and actually heard the grandmum telling her that her BB will DEFINATELY WIN!! Wonder how come she is so sure, cos i see another very CUTE "Mixed" BB, but he din win.

Oh, yve, u already toilet-trainned Angel?{kao_confused2} You know, think Angel had grown quite alot!!
She looked so sweet and hey, her hair starts to grow liao hor!!

Sun Moon, think u r good! At least u take the first step out! If it is me, i probably too lazy.... And then, cooking, i also dun cook
I only let Cherish takes cerel and the Nestle Chicken with rice. But i add the heinz veggies in it!!
Luckily, when i left Cherish with my mum, she will cook porriage for her!
Haha.. Not i toilet-train angel.. It is my MIL's new project.. She wan to train her.. Actually it is better too, much easier to clean her butt when she poo in the potty..

Yeah, got more hair, but still not enough leh.. I bought 2 clips on Sat, clip on her hair, still drop out.. So scared that she will eat the clips, so decided to keep it away for now..
hi mommies,

juz a quik update. khayr has gotten better, they hv taken him off the nebuliser and if all goes well he might be discharged tmr. unfortunately, rayhan juz got admitted this afternoon for the same thing
i am feeling a but strained and depressed...but wat to do.

i hv not managed to read up all your post, will catch up wt wats going on when i am more free...

take care
Take good care of yourself, I know it is very stressed to have baby in the hospital. *hugzzzz*

i also loves the 1st photo!! My summer seldom wear long sleeves except when it is cold at night like tonight. she perspires so easily, I think she will resist in wearing love sleeves. Got nice baby gap long sleeves clothes she also dun like

Well done for driving to Parkway
I guess all you need is the courage to make the 1st move. Regarding the maid, forget it lah. The recent maid killing maid issue creates such a big huha, better steer off them

My Summer got some red spots, like rashes appeared last thur. It got worst on friday. I'm so worried maybe measles or chicken pox. I thot of bring her to doc on sat. But thank God, the rashes subside. So I still dunno what is that. The elderly said that is fake measles (something like that) since she is behaving normal, no fever, no cries. Anyway will keep monitor her condition. Keep the fingers cross..
You will managed somehow.. I know cos I camped with my ger for 5 days and 4 nights at the hospital before too.. This tough period just shows how great is a mother's love for her children..

angel wears long sleeve when she sleep at night in the aircon room..
Angel so cute!!! So bak bak and huggable. Just last week, I tried carryign a 8.5-9kg baby... whoa so heavy man!!!! Don't think I can handle. hehe, spoily by my little Ash :p All the mummies with heavy weights...salute you all

All mummies with sick babies..
Hope they get well soon and take care of yourselves too!

Hope this message did not come too late. Was quite busy lately. Harris is more of a family kind of place. If you looking for romance and ambience, they don't really have that much of it lah. Imagine, the hotel rooms have tiled floors, not carpet. However, to me, cleanliness level is important since bringing baby and to me, they pass in that. They are also baby friendly, which is another thing I like. Also, the trip there not too taxing on baby since it's just a half hour ride on the a/c ferry. Let me know if you need more info. Would be glad to help

Okie, pics of him taken over the weekend at Sakae. They have this booster seat that can attach to the bench that I'm on. So baby is happy cos he's machiam like an adult... kept quite thru the whole meal... that's rare



Blanche, Ash is so adorable with his two teeth! So envious.. his TMC amigo is still toothless. You're lucky that he's so guai in the highchair now. Tim used to be happy about being in the highchair for 1 hour but nowadays, haha, NO DICE!!! Yup yup, hoping to go to Harris this weekend. Haven't booked yet. Teehee.. Can you mail me? Then at least I can find out where/what to eat/do. [email protected] Cheers!

sasha, glad to know that Khayr is getting better. Big hugs to you. I know it must be tough with 3 kids, let along one unwell kid in hospital.

yve, Angel is so adorable on her potty. Hey Daiso sells potties leh.. I paid $6 for the same one. Feel so cheated. :p I find that it is so much neater to make them poopoo in the toilet.
