(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Khayr has been propping himself up in the crawling position. I think now he has realised that he is able to get hold of things easily. Rayhan is juz beginning to catch up wt his brother. I cant even put them on the bed and surround wt pillows cuz somehow they manage to kick the pillows off the bed!
So now, i juz let them play on the floor. Was thinking of getting them a play yard but must be big enough for them both.
Mommies, why dont you get a bed rail since you like putting your kids on the bed? Its much safer. Also then can use the rail for when they sleep in their own bed...juz a suggestion lah

Lachesiz: welcome to this thread. My baby is also supposed to be Jan 05 but was out on 29 Dec.

I thought of the bed rail initially but @ this stage, I don't think it will work for my baby. Lucas will support himself on the rail & stand up. That's what he does whenever he gets hold of something big. so now, we leave him on the 2single sized spring mattresses on the floor. still must watch..he will crawl down to the floor, kana his head o nthe floor when his arm not strong. now he can climb up & down the mattress. got once even crawl to the bathroom.
Hi everyone and welcome lachesiz!

Twinkle, I'm so so heartpain for you guys and little Kristy. I understand how frustrating it must be that in order to NOT having to leave Kristy with your PIL, you would have to quit. I hope that all 3 of you get better. Please take care and do check back here so that we can support and encourage you yah?

yve, I am also very guilty. I left Tim on my bed while I dashed into the toilet to wash my hands and he fell off yesterday. I think he fell on his fat cheek but aiyoh, my heart really stopped when I heard the thud. Thank God he seems normal but he was more manja yesterday. Hope little Angel is OK too.

JayKay, Tim reacts only to certain people or loud noises for e.g. loud screechy type of people (ie PIL!!) haha.. Don't worry, Gideon isn't suaku lah, just very very smart! I'd rather my kid has stranger anxiety so that it's not so easy to kidnap them. That said though, I wish Tim didn't have such bad separation anxiety. I used to be able to leave him in his room to play for at least 15 minutes. Now 15 seconds also cannot. He will crawl out and look for me. Sigh. Oh, that's not the worse, he can cruise also! Need to have eyes at the back of my head and 6 pairs of telescopic hands to cope with him now esp since I'm mostly at home alone with him. :p

sasha, nice to see you back and posting. Hope the little ones are off the nebuliser for good!

Piggy, my mom is going for another ablation as the prev one did not totally eliminate her atrial flutter which still puts her at risk of a stroke and plus she will have to take warfarin all her life. So hopefully this time it works... fingers crossed. Your Linus is such a smart fella! Actually I'm so used to Tim vomitting all over me.. I'd rather he vomit on me 'cos it's easier to change me than to change him! Haha
Of course, I'd rather not be vomitted on at all!

Blanche, I would so love a little hol with just my son and hubby. Maybe I'll try to persuade him to bring me to Harris Resort for my birthday. Ash is just the cutest fella. I love his cheeky eyes.

Tetra, have you tried calling the cab company? Sometimes they will send out an alert to their cabbies leh.

Sorry if I've missed anyone out. Haven't been on the comp for too long.. too many postings to catch up on. Take care.. I may be MIA for a while 'cos tomorrow is hubby's big checkup at SGH and also my mom's pre-op procedure at Mt E. Then Friday is her op.
Hey Yve, Joyce,

Phoebe also likes to explore around the floor now, she loves to sit on the floor. Was comtemplating whether to buy those 'alphabet mats' to cover a certain area for her to 'goreng'.... but read from somewhere that it actually contain some harmful substances leh.. real headache... Got a playpen for her, but my MIL also not pro in placing baby there, say very poor thing to throw her in the 'cage'
hope u saw my posting on the tingkat caterer..

i have some of those alphabet mats.. but cannot cover the whole floor right? My hubby suggest that we put one playpen in every room.. I told him siao..
Hello everyone,
Been quite busy lately...

Thanks Evelyn, for posting Heidi's pic for me! Just managed to register her for Gombak's bb show yesterday. So see you gals!

Emonster, I rushed to buy those alphabet mats for my gal yesterday.. bought at IMM kids mall. Actually I was quite desperate coz she's so poor thing.. always crawl around her cot & her ball pool. So decided to get those mats & let her explore.. It had a funny smell but I guess it will go away?
Hihi yve, yah sorry forgot to tell you thank you for the recs. My mom die die don't even want to preorder *sigh*

Regd those alphabet mats, Tim thinks it's a game to go and pull up all his mats. I read that you must buy those Made in M'sia, not China ones.. not so smelly. It's true!! I bought mine from Lifestyle shop which has branches at Thomson Plaza, Sembawang Shopping Centre and Simei Eastpoint. So right now, we can only use the tilam we bought from Giant. We also bought the Haenim playpen for Tim but he screams whenever we put him inside. Sighhhh...
hi all, talking about separation anxiety, mine also kena, my mom looking after her for the first time and she's been crying every time she's left alone with my mom, thank god the maid is familiar to her...so poor thing. today not so bad already so I hope she gets familiar with my mom.

didnt know our babies so fast grow up, last time quite blur one anybody can carry, nowadays cannot.

must rush home today.
Dear all, thks for all ur concerns!
Sorry had no time to come in as i bz packing my things. now still in office... haiz.... going to leave soon!

Got to go... Hope to chat with u all... bz bz bz...
<font color="ff0000">thanks for all the warm welcome</font>

<font color="ff0000">evelyn</font>
fancy meeting u here!
a familiar 'face'

some info on my gal. she's known as POTATO in another thread. as she's rotund like one.
she's about 8.5kg at 8 1/2 month! hefty rite? to think that she was a LBW bb at 2.22kg!

her character is starting to emerge...

<font color="ff0000">ABC foam mat</font>
just to share. i too contemplated on buying but decided to use my trusty tilams instead.
1) apparently its rather 'toxic' and it smells. so need to sun and sun and sun the mats umpteenth time to rid the smell
2) need to buy several packs to cover big area. can be quite costly
3) difficult to clean!!! esp those with alphabets, cartoons etc.. major dust/dirt trapper! so if need to, buy the plain ones.
4) as bb explore, they will pull out the foam letters, numbers etc and chew on them!
5) when ur bb starts crawling, which is soon, the mats becomes redundant as they are mobile n there's no stopping them!

there is a kind of special playmat that is colorful and serves the same purpose. its the size of a single mattress n easy to clean but quite costly.. over $100 plus.
Haiyo, Wilfred also crawls like no body business! From his bedroom crawl to the living room, from living room crawl to the dining room, from dining room crawl to my brothers room .haiya, no eyes see!

Although we put some ABC form mats in our living room, he doesnt like crawl on them at all. Like what lachesiz said, he likes to pull out and chew on them!

In his cot then another storyhe loves to stand up and walk side ways instead of crawl!
Imagine he looks so seriouslywalk a bit and look at you for awhile,

then continue walkwhen finish his walkathon then show you that kind of how lian face! Really bua tahan him leh!
Youre most welcome!
Oh ya, you get a professional did Heidis photoshoot? Can I know where the place is?

Stranger anxiety
For Wilfred, he reacts only to those people who dont smile at him. If you want to carry him but without smiling face, then he will show you this.

Separation anxiety
Not that bad. Unless he need to be carried or we can just leave him in his walker or let him crawl every where (10 to 15mins the most).
ur moving image(what are they call) very funny n apt!
trying to imagine wilfreds 'houlian'face after finishing his walkathon.
we'll hv to go back to PD this fri so hopefully they are better and can get off the nebuliser. also going back to europe in 3wks so a but anxious abt their health. worried that even if they get better, then when we get there...all the changes in weather...scared they will get it agin but will keep fingers crossed. but anyhows
thanks for ur concern

hv not really asked you re your perth trip...was it child friendly? we decided to skip perth this oct since going back europe and also the boys still a bit young to enjoy. but we are planning to go same time next yr on road trip covering melbourne, sydney and brisbane so shd be fun plus kids are older...more manageable.
yes perth is very child friendly, and in fact we have no problem traveling with the baby in his pram. If you were to go next year, i am sure you will like it. I love sydney, esp the seafood market!!! yum! What i miss most is the road trip to hunter valley... relaxing and cos was dating then, so was also very romantic... Miss those days...
The blinking gif is very cute...kekekekeke.. Wilfred so clever, can show you how lian face... Take a pic to show us leh.

Are you or hubby from the UK? I take my hat off you, travel with 3 kids, of which 2 are babies! You are VERY GOOD. Just you and your hubby? Any other travelling adult to help out?

I also tot of buying the mat... In the end decided not to cos I remembered I got 3 Yoga mats at home. They works as well and don't stink at all.
so i guess you all had a gd time eh? esp julian? great tht its child friendly...i assume its more laid back if compared to sydney?
i love sydney too, for me its paddington market. then there is also byron bay. there is juz this special thing about sydney itself....i am simply in love wt it. cant wait to go back nxt yr wt my kids!
I hope this time round, the ablation will do its job well. Did the cardio says what are the chances of her getting a stroke if this procedure is not carried out?
Personally, I feel that any invasive procedure (no matter how small) should be avoided unless ABSOLUTELY neccessary.
I hope she had "completed" what is needed at YC? If not, the warfarin that she takes will be troublesome for other procedures later.
Keep us posted, ok?
Glad to know that Khayr and Rayhan are doing fine. Dont worry too much, must enjoy the Europe trip ya. You go there for holiday or visiting family?

Angel fell down again!?! Oh no, think Angel would like to sing :
my husband is frm malta but he is half english. my MIL is frm UK. no we dont hv any other adult travelling wt us...juz the 2 of us. lucky for us my girl although can be stubborn n naughty, she's quite obedient n helpful. its tough but we manage

thanks. we are going back to visit the family since they hv not yet seen the boys...only my MIL when she came over in march. god! they are gonna get so pampered and spoilt...not looking forward to that :p
dear mummies,

been reading all your posting since my boy is born on Jan, would like to join in &amp; share our motherhood. My son detail, Ryan born in 6 Jan 05, now weigh 8.5kg at 72cm. Very active boy cos been bringing him to baby gym since his 4th mth.
wangwangboy: welcome to the thread. we have another mum here, sleepymom whose baby boy is also called Ryan. do post Ryan's pix here.

sasha: seems like a big project taking 3 young children on a plane. you seemed like an experienced &amp; calm mum so should be no problem. will be an exciting &amp; memorable trip for your family.
tetra, Ryan photo attached.

Regarding the baby falling down, I understand we mummy feel heart pain when our little fall, but if the fall are not very high we shld stay calm &amp; just carry them up cos if you get too worry, they will tend to cry more. Just from my own exprience. As mentioned, Ryan is a very active, so I am kind of use to it liao....hehehe very bad mummy. I ever saw those 'ai mo' mother also let baby crawl ard &amp; if they fall(not high) she just bring him up again &amp; the little monkey crawl like nothing happened!!!
Hi Wangwang,

Welcome to the thread. Hey, both Ryan and Phoebe share the same birthday....
Which hospital did you deliver Ryan, is it TMC??
hi wangwang,
welcome to the family

really? am surprised since not many people noe where it is to begin wt. so did you enjoy it?
i lived there for nearly a year. it was alright but here is better

i hope i manage when i am there since it is not so child friendly like it is here.

you bet its a big thing. evrything has to be prepared in advance and to the last detail. well, nothing beats being calm and controlled in a horrid situation
hopefully the plane wont be so crowded...
Thanks for all the welcome.

emonster, oh so is Phoebe bigger or Ryan? He born at 259pm, weigh 3.38kg in Glenneagle.

lachesiz, i also use tilamt for my monkey to crawl ard. Is easy to wash &amp; can be fold under bed when not in use, but he still fall on solid ground cos where got tilamt big enough to cover all over my house like what Evelyn said "crawl like no body business!!!!
Hi Gals,

I am still on MC for the next 2 days..Kristy is feeling better cos I can see her eyes not so red as yesterday and the days before..wow, babies got sore eye really take a very long time to heal... it was very red from last fri till today then I see slight improvement...

Called PD and he says continue to apply the eyes drops and ointment since the swelling has came down.. thanks all for your support and encouragement... I really appreciate...

I have decided to bring Kristy to my mom's place for trial, really pray that the maid and my mum will be ok...If this fails, I will then consider quitting my job..

Its a big move but nothing beats seeing Kristy falls sick so often.. she is so poor thing...she is not as chubby as before liao.. now she weighs only 7.5kg...haiz....

I hope your mum is doing fine, and also your hubby..btw, how is it being a SAHM? I might join u soon... ke ke ke...

oh btw, so sad some babies fell from bed.. hope they are fine now...

Take care gals, i will pop in and update once I am free...
welcome Wangwangboy... btw, what a name! Does it has anything to do with the wang wang rice crackers??? =P Ryan is cute. My boy julian was also born in Gleneagles... on the 9th Jan though.

Twinkle, hope you and Kristy get well soon. Can fatten her up once she recovers. It will be fun if you join catz and me as SAHM... then we can all go out for afternoon tea together hahahaa...
Hi Wangwang, welcome! The more the merrier!! My bb Heidi also a Gleneagles babe..

Evelyn, I took Heidi's pics at Forum - Kids picture. They are quite good.. provide those "Anne Geddes" type of costums. Think I'll go back again to try princess/angel costum, so.. sweet...irresistable!!! And all yr animations.. ha ha ...so cute!!!

After reading about the foam mats, I'm quite worried leh.. yes, it has that smell &amp; Heidi likes to chew the edges... how??? Sigh...

Sasha, Sydney has a special place in my heart too. We had a l-o-n-g honeymoon ( 1 yr) when my hb went there to learn music - drums. We left S'pore 5 days after our wedding. Those days are so memorable.. miss the lakes and George street &amp; the weekend markets! Btw, which school did your children go to? Before I became a SAHM, I was working at Etonhouse. We have quite alot of expats.. Anyway, hv a gd trip!
since new here n still trying to catch up on previous post... sorry if i sound 'stupid' or the qn have been answered in previous postings.

3 kids? wow!!!! u must be an 'expert' mummy! alot to learn from u!
can post pics of your darlings??

how does bb get sore eyes? hope kristy is better! real tough on mummy when bb not well.

ryan looks 'pretty' in the first pic!! he is a strong n healthy bb! how to resist not carrying him in the 2nd pic?
yalor, once they start crawling, theres no stopping them.. tilam or foam mat becomes redundant. my gal has blisters on her 2big toes from crawling too much!

very nice pics of heidi.. coverpage worthy!
Hi wang wang,

*Phoebe waving to Ryan gor gor!!!"

Phoebe is younger than Ryan, cos she's born 5ishpm on the same day. Was just thinking that while you were admiring Ryan in your arms, I am still stuck in the delivery suite with just 2cm dilate.... :p
Was so busy yesterday...

Btw, I have a gerfren who is pregnant and have uti.. Does any of you have experience to share? She is so sad now..

Ryan gor gor say hallo &amp; good morning to Phoebe mei mei!!! Ya 5pm me already finish my production but i already dilate since 2 jan, actual date shld be 18 jan but becos stomach really big so cant wait so keep asking my gynes to induce out for me!! So finaly on 6 jan, went in 7am, start epidual at 9am, wait &amp; sleep &amp; wait finally at 2pm fully dilate push &amp; push then Ryan out at 259pm!!

Ya he very strong especially his leg, kena kid by him sure 'blueblack'! my maid got it from him already haha... Poor girl, got blisters still crawling ard, sure very pain one but I think baby can play they sure forget what is pain one!!

Very sweet photos of heidi, saw this shop a few time when ryan is having class at the little gym. they really hv very nice &amp; warming photos on babies so worth spend!

You are right!! When i just got preggy, still dont know sex so call wangwang cos i like wangwang rice cracker! So just name my Username as wangwangboy lor...hehehe... I remember julian as a very strong &amp; cubby baby but not for my ryan. although he start soild very early at 4th mth &amp; eat whatever we give like rice, bread or cake but still dont hv 'ba ba' feeling like your julian!! sign....

Twinkle, hope you and Kristy real soon.

Although me not a SAHM, but my working days is alternate so if you mummies hv afternoon tea, pls join me in can??
hi wangwang, Ryan says hi to Ryan
Mine born on 28 Dec 04 so is gor gor. Heres a pic of my Ryan. Resolution a bit poor due to resize.

Btw, my company expats also prefer send their kids to Etonhouse. You worked as teacher before?

What is uti???

Welcome on board! Your Ryan another handsome boy! Your working day is alternate? so good! Can I know you working as?

Is this the first time we see Ryans photo? Hmmmm, look so cute and very handsome leh! jialat, so many handsome boys here, my Wilfred got no chance liow!

Dual income always the best but if really no one can take good care of Kristy, no choice lor, have to quit you job become SAHM. Why dont look for baby sitter ard you housing estate? Just a suggestion lah.

Hi ladies,
Me also become SAHM! But for TWO days only! Hehe!
on leave today and tomolo coz my elder sons childcare would be closed for two days (staffs retreat/teacher day).
Weather so hot, think later must bring my kids to library at Sun Plaza enjoy the free aircon there. Hahaha!
Eve, Thanks for the compliment. This is only second pic posted. There was another one a few days back, bigger and clearer. Bigger cos din know how to resize properly, hee. Since I recognised Angel in orchard due to the pic on the forum, I realised I never posted Ryan's pic before, so posted one then.
i spent only abt 2mths there wt friends but i have very fond memories of the place
i cant wait to bring my kids there...
anyhows, my my eldest is only 2yrs. we are still looking for a gd playschool for her. i am contemplating whether to send her to an expat school or a local one.

no lah, not an expert. am also learning along the way but maybe juz a bit more experience

i will try to post soe pix soon, still hv to upload and resize....

hey how any mommies here are SAHM? i am one also.
Hi yve,

Ask your friend dun worry... pregnant must be happy.. For UTI, most women swear by Cranberry juice, it works for my mum and me too. My mum often suffers from serious UTI which resulted in multiple hospital stay. After she started drinking Cranberry juice, she's so much better now and has hardly suffer any attacks. Can ask your friend to try. Ask her don't drink the FruitTree one, too sweet. There's Sunraysia and the other dunno Oceanspray or what, comes in big bottle of 1 litre. Cranberry juice should be safe for most pregnant ladies lah, I drank during then, but best to check with Gynae if frequent intake is okay anot.. Another thing, ask her to empty her bowels frequently, don't accumulate too much, if not UTI will resurface again. Also to avoid caffine drinks too...

How's Angel and her blue black eye???
Hi ladies,

Sasha, so envious. Would love to go back to the UK as my husband and I spent our uni days there. Sigghhhhh.. You are simply amazing. SAHM to 3 kids!! I have one and am practically zombified at the end of the day!

Piggy, yah I hope this ablation works. Actually people usually need 2 or more ablations to fully arrest the problem. Yah her problem has been solved with YC already. Biopsy showed nothing to worry about but her reproductive system is macham like 30 something year old - healthy and fertile, can you believe that? Down there so healthy and everything else koyak :p

twinkle, actually it's good to be SAHM 'cos you can bring up your child the way you want! But it's tiring though. My little monkey very attached to me these days so I have to carry him everywhere if not I'll be yelling MUMMY'S COMING DON'T CRY!!! :p

emonster, how's your fierce little girl? Still fierce fierce or not? Hehe
Cannot imagine she has such a temper but actually it shows intelligence, right or not?

welcome wang2boy!!
Your RYan is another good looking boy. He's very lanky yah? My boy is not even close to his weight!

BabyD, so are you setting any particular date to wean Sherman off the breast? Tim is taking 2 or 3 FM feeds per day now, between 5-6 oz per time! So I definitely don't have enough BM anymore. If I bf him, he'll be hungry 2 hours later! So I guess he will be off the boob in the next week. Not sure if I should still pump out whatever measly amount I have maybe once a day so that he can still have the good antibodies from BM? As for nap training, it's not going well with Tim. He CANNOT sleep at 9am. But at least he sleeps from 8pm till 7am, sometimes waking for 5 minutes at 3 or 4am then going back to sleep. How ah? Should I die die follow Weissbluth's method 'cos he REALLY cannot sleep at 9 and 1. :p
Yeah, i read from babycenter website that cranberry juice is good for UTI. It is just that she is thinking of the worst scenario with her wild imagination and hormones now.. And her hubby not in town to comfort her..
Angel still has a bit of blue black.. But I think it will be gone soon.. BBs are real hardy little pple..

5-6oz! wow.. Actually if Tim can sleep such long hours ar night, I think it is okay that he dun nap at 9 and 1.. It is a total of 11 hours of sleep from 8pm to 7am leh..
Hi Catz,

You guessed it... Phoebe is as fierce as ever... performed an incredible fierce performance last nite...

Apparently, I dun know why, I dun know how, she missed her routine nap at 4ishpm yesterday. Realised that she keeps rubbing her eyes and was really cranky when I'm feeding her. Became extremely cranky at 8 plus, so decided to gave her a bath to calm her and then tuck her to bed... Fell asleep at 9ish after 150ml of milk and then just as I thought I can finally sleep early.... she woke up screaming at 10.30pm.... can't coax her back to sleep. Can tell she's real sleepy and tired, but just couldn't sleep. She always wakes up bawling away almost immediately when I tot she's asleep already. This happens for around 3 times.

Felt real helpless so decided to try control crying.... just when she's about to cry herself asleep, I mean still making some 'not so happy' noise, my MIL stepped in and call out her name.... wah piang, Phoebe immediately jolts up and start wailing again....

Asked my MIL to come out and leave baby alone, but she prefers to stand beside the bed and see baby cry, ever ready to carry her if I give the green light. Find it pointless to continue CC since MIL refuse to leave her alone... Very reluctantly, I carried baby and sway her to sleep..... The war ended at 12.30am...

I realised that Phoebe is very used to her daily weekday routine now. If there's disruption in her feed or sleep, she'll be extremely cranky at nite. There was once, MIL fed her at 3pm and didn't feed her again at 6pm. I wasn't told of this and fed Phoebe at 7 plus. Was wondering why she kept crying at 8 plus, eliminate the fact that she could be hungry cos just had full cereal. MIL only told me at 9 plus that her last feed was 3pm.... Needless to say, that nite was hell for me to....

Aiyah, very long winded hor... sometimes really feel like doing up a timetable for MIL to follow. But after some tots, I myself also can't stick to them, how to expect her too....

Please pardon me my long post... just like to vent some steam...

*POOF* Felt better already. The power of forum... hehe
Hey yve, I'm glad Angel is getting better from her balaku. You're right, babies are such hardy little people. I'm trying not to fuss over Tim 'cos if I don't fuss when he falls, he'll continue playing. :p But of course inside my heart is bleeding lor... Yup, his milk intake suddenly shot up when I introdued formula lei.. maybe growth spurt? At least he won't be so koochierat if he eats more! As for the naps, I KNOW he needs naps in the day 'cos he will get very cranky at around 10+, 2+ and 5+. If he's tired and doesn't nap then he'll get superultrahyperactive!! :p BTW, you're still pumping for Angel? How's her intake? And how's the tingkat from Meihao?
Hi it's me again, the long winded one....

Just like to share one of my discovery... Regarding FM tin, do you wipe the edge of the tin before you pull out the foil??? Well, I was totally horrified, after checking with hubby and MIL that they do not... I always clean it with wet kitchen towel before opening, cos the edge is real dirty. Most comes with plastic lids, but believe me, the edges are still dirty. I discovered some black particles in the new tin of FM and was very puzzled, then when I saw the edge, I almost scream... It's lined with black dirt... Immediately clean the edges and scooped out almost a quarter of the FM to throw away... don't want to take risk... So mummies, please remember to clean the edges before you open the FM...
Hey Catz,
Isn't 8pm till 7am a really great improvement??! Hey, congratulations on that! Tim doesn't even wake up at night for milk at night, huh? Your sleep training is v effective! Does Tim take any naps at all in the daytime? Don't die die follow any book lah, all babies differ right? But I think at least 1 afternoon nap is needed, cos even children up to 4-5yrs old need one. I talked to a few parents, most of them say if their kids don't nap in the afternoon, they get tired and cranky. Why don't you try 10am and 2pm naps? After all, our babies now 8mths (aiyoh, time really flies hor?) and Weissbluth's 2hr rule no longer applies.

Didn't expect that I'd be the one still BF at this time. It's great to hear that Tim is drinking 5-6oz formula. Quite a sudden change hor? Just not long ago you said he was still drinking 3-4oz. Good good! I haven't set any date for myself but keep wondering when I'll stop. Pumping means I got a bit less time for Sherman after work leh, that's the only thing I don't like. After all, only have 7-9pm with him on weekdays, macham shortened by 30min pumping and then 30min travelling in the car. Left 1hr only! Miss having more time with him. His daddy in favour of me continuing BF until he's 1 yr old! Any other mums here going to last so long??

secret is to stay calm and controlled, make sure the kids know who is in charge, try not to worry and restrict kids so much and have fun!

i noe how u feel. when my mil was here, she pampered the boys so much. cry only she quickly carry. on the other hand, i like to leave them crying say for 5-10 mins so they noe that i wont come running when they cry...like that its like they play me for a fool man!

thnak god they did not get too used to mil's pampering if not i am dead...plus times 2!! cant imagine...am glad you felt better after venting your steam in the post. hey whatever helps eh?
