(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

i didnt know if she had a check in her country or not but the agent seems to imply that her x-ray was done here. it didnt clear so nno they send her for second check for a second opinion. very sian la....how ah?

MIA for quite a while...Ash was done with flu. Weird, he was ok on fri night and when he woke up on Sat morning, his nose was dripping like a tap
Immediately brought him to see his godpa (haha, his paed lah) cos was afraid he'll get worse over the weekend and clinic is close. the conclusion of the whole story, Ash is well by Tues, but mummy, daddy and grandma down!!! haha, powerful germs from a small fella :p

Catz, is the baby einstein good? Lots of songs? Was thinking of getting but noticed that Ash is oly interested in those with lots of singing. He loves wheels on the bus, esp the starting part where they sing the song. usually, play for him at meal times so that he will sit still and eat, don't want to cultivate the habit of having him running round the place when feeding. As it is, he has enough bad habits :p - eg. nursing to sleep, crying in his car seat when sleepy ....

Congrats on Summer's win!! Post photos for us to see yah

New mummies,
Welcome!!! The more, the merrier!! More kakis to talk to mah

Currently, don't have. but was talking to hubby that if we should have another one, guess we'll need one for MIL. If not, it'll be quite difficult to cope with 2 monkeys. Moreover, I have a part-time cleaner over at my place for the weekend, $50 per time. can save this amount when have maid. but currently still cherish the privacy. will get one when the need arises.

Whoa, was on MC yesterday so bb was at home with me all day. Hubby was also down with flu so I had to take care of Ash single handedly. wah, really pei fu all the SAHM man. If I have to do this all the time, I'll be damn slim!!! It's so exhausting!! Ash is so active and mobile, cannot even take my eyes off him for a moment, if not, he'll be pulling something or pulling himself to stand with some objects!!!! The best thing is he's an energizer bunny that doesn't sleep. For the whole day, he slept for less than 1.5 hour, the other of the time, he's crawling about or crawling on me. If I'm a SAHM, I'll be going shopping everyday,.... haha, just so that he'll be still in hins pram... haha...
you must be so proud of your summer!

glad to hear that Ash is well, hope you are feeling better also.

i wld recommend any baby einstein products. my boys sleep wt the CD playing at the background. also the other time, we borrowed a DVD frm one of the mommies here and they love it, the puppets, the colors and most probably they relate to the songs. my 2yr old also loves it, i bought her some baby einstein books and she can relate them both.
dunno if ash will like it since they dont really sing songs....i use to feed aaliyah in front of the tv also. juz so she will sit still and eat

i have juz gotten my 18pc DVD set of Ebay for abt $70, cheaper than to buy them separately here.
Sun Moon,
If your hubby is uncomfortable with this new maid, maybe check with the agent whether can get a replacement or not? Why she shake her body when taking the x-ray huh? Strange!
X-ray must be done here for the work permit purpose. Work permit will not successful if fail to comply the medical standard of Singapore in X-ray.
Congrats! Must post some pics okay..

Angel bit me while I was nursing her last night! That's it, no more bf for her anymore.. She has been finishing her 5oz these few days.. She even finish the 3 oz that I make at 4am or 5am when she wakes up..

Haiz, decided not to buy any dresses for angel.. She has 3 brand new ones not worn at home.. They will serve for my fren's ROM, her birthday and chinese new year lor..
I just talked on the phone with my agent with regards to your case. She told me that let this maid take one more time of X ray and ask your agent for a copy of the medical report.
After you see the report, if all is clear, then let her come. If still have problem, then you discuss with your agent. As this maid will be helping to look after Julian, she must be clear of medical problems. If only do housework and take care of adults, it is ok. But got a baby in the equation must be more careful.
haha, just when u think it couldnt get worse, i told her after the stealing incident that she couldnt sleep with her door closed at night cos we didnt trust her after that, yesterday she very drama tell me she think got ghost come and sit on her at night for two nights in a row so she wants to close the door...man....i gave in cos i thot if she can make up a story like that, she may next day accuse my hubby of going in and molesting her or something right? but shucks, just when we thought she was getting better again, she pulled a fast one.

i think we really should get another one already, this one is getting more and more siau.
To prevent stealing problems from arising again, think you must be communicate with your maid often and generally aware of what she is doing now. I hope she wont do it again.

Piggy, Wangwangboy, yap
Same as you gals I didnt have a schedule for my maid too. She knows her daily duties very well. She sometimes wakes up ard 5.45 or 6am, today overslept woke up at almost 6.45am!!!
I was so unhappy this morning coz usually I need to bath Wilfred at 6.45am, and then wake my elder son up prepare to childcare. But because of her overslept, we all had to rush these and that like mad!

Same, my maid also eats together with us. We even dun eat pork since she into our home cos she cant eat pork. We boil soup with chicken bone instead of pork ribs nowadays, really like malay family liow. Luckily we all can eat without pork.
I treat my maid well doesnt mean that when she did something wrong I cant scold her at all. I did scold my maid before but not like those crazy employer lah, just small scolding.
Same as yap, I will explain to her why Im get angry and let her understand why she kena scolded.

We should treat our maid as much as part of the family as possible lor. So far we never leave our maid to stay at home and cook her own dinner. We bring her out whenever we have family outing. We even brought her to Msia for a week instead of put her to my in law hse in Singapore. Next week she would follow us back to Msia too.

Thx. Oh, the family portraitactually is free in 5R (Come with Wilfreds new born photoshoot package). Anyway, we upsize the photo to 8R, so needs to top up $24.

Totally understand how you feel.Congrats to you!
Can I check with you gals againBabyD, Piggy, wangwangboy, Al, Yap.

When bring your maid out, ever happen or not those Bangladesh workers follow your maid and pass to her contact number in a small piece of paper?

My maid almost every time out with us encountered this problem. Luckily I ever told her some stories abt Bangladesh workers. So she normally would ignore them and let me settle the paper.
No such thing as body shake hor. If that is the case, then we don't need any radiologist anymore, can put in coin and self x ray. Radiologist will tell maid that she has to keep very still and will retake immediately if not clear one. "Shake body" don't make sense to me.
This is new to me. Never have the problem before. Maybe your maid is pretty, that is why. Tell your maid that she will be very stupid to return any of these calls cos they only want to wan wan.

It all depends on the maid. There is 2 sides of the coin. If we bring her out, she will have to help to take care of bb and not rest. If we don't bring her out, she can cook her hometown dish and eat on peace at home.
On the other hand, if we bring her out, she can go places that she don't usually go (for those with off days)and eat things she don't usually get to eat. If we let her stay home and cook, she will feel left out.

So how? Just bring her out sometimes and at other times, let her stay home. Like that got variation. Not so bad on both sides.
Hello everybody!!
Quickly take a peek here as i am now in my new dept and my collegue just walked away. Very busy as need to learn alots of things and also not convenient to login......

Yvonnechee, congrats on Summer's winning!! You must be very proud of little Summer!!

Blanche, happy to learn that our handsome Ash is well!! It is sure a load of your mind!! Do take care of yourself too.

Sasha, the Baby einstein is actually for them to watch or to help in sleeping? Does it really help in their growth?

The DVDs bought from ebay, presumably from US, can be played locally? What format is it? Thinking of getting via ebay too... seems so much cheaper than local ones!!!
Hi Ladies,

Aiyoh, too many postings to catch up.. shall read them later...

Getting a good helper is indeed very much on luck. And I can relate to how some of you are feeling now. I am lucky because my husband does most of the housechores so that I can have more time with Phoebe and my MIL also helps out in the laundery part.

After experiencing some incidents, I would rather not choose to engage one. One of our previous helper kept handing out my husband's work pants to her boyfriend!! My husband was so puzzled when his pants keep MIAing, and he asked the helper about his new pants and she replied that it flew away. He came back to monitor her one day and saw her passing his pants to her boyfriend.... hehe very funny hor, I kept laughing when he told me this and when he confronted our helper... Whenever I see some Bangladesh wearing nice work pants, I'll kahjiao my husband "Ai, I think I saw your pants leh".. hahaha, what a wife... :p

Hubby and I have agreed that we would send Phoebe to Childcare once she turns 18mths whether we have a 2nd child or not. We talked to MIL about having a helper around and she's supportive on our decision not to get one. We all agreed that by sending Phoebe to Chldcare, she would be able to learn more and be independent rather then staying at home. In this way, MIL also have more time to herself and can do whatever she likes during her free time. We find this a win win situation. The next would be deciding whether to send her to a childcare near our home or near to MIL's house cos MIL has requested to return to her 'newly renovated like new house' which is at a very very convenient location. Not a problem to us cos I have targeted a very good childcare very near to her place. Hopefully we can all migrate to her place soon and only return to ours during weekend and holidays... hehehehe Yippie!!! can have my long awaited parties and mahjong sessions soon...
hi all, i am very stressed now. ryan having a fever and running nose and cough. Have seen the pd and given med. However, ryan kept vomitting(merlion kind) after feeding him the fever med. He did it 3 times already. I dont dare to give again as I dont know how much has been digested. He vomitted almost immediately after med. The last time was maybe a minute after so I din give the med again. Like that how will his fever go down?
Hubby cant take leave so I am alone at home.

sun_moon, maid wise, be happy that you have some help. After the initial get-to-know and setting rules, should be ok. Wish I have some help now.Esp just now i had to clean him and myself 3 times, and the floor and mattress...
Sleepymom, y not u try to put the medicine inside Ryan's milk? There was once that Cherish appeared like going to have fever, and hubby told me to be kiasu and giv medicine first. Despite being an hr after her feed, she still vomit out the milk n medicine.

So maybe u shld put it inside his feed and to prevent for not finishing all, maybe u split the feeds into 2 parts....
Ocean, thought of it , but afraid the med taste will be too strong and he dont even want the milk? Did cherish finish her milk, mixed with med?
I hv the CDs which helps my sons sleep cuz they are soothing.
As for the DVDs, my 2yr old is learning a lot since they cover shapes, numbers, colors, the body etc etc. She also has the books so she is able refer to it after watching them.
As for my sons, I think it gives them visual stimulation and helps wt their memory since they are still young.

It is in the NTSC Region-Free full screen format,so its compatible to any region DVD player.
Definitely much cheaper on Ebay than to get the individual pieces here. But you have to find a seller who ships worldwide.
yvonne, congrats.. you must be very happy and the goody bag was good.. much more better than the one i got from Gek Poh CC..

Sleepymom, hope Ryan will get well soon.

Dear all, i so heartpain to see my girl got bitten by Mosquitoes.. luckily she no fever.. except that she has those big red bump .. those mosquito really bad.. bite her head.. any suggestions to prevent that

Ryan might not have vomited everything out. That time when Phoebe was sick, I encounter this too. What I did was to feed her half a dosage of the medicine instead as I'm not sure if she has vomited everything or not and I'm afraid that without the medicine, temp might shoot up again. It's best you monitor his temperature every now and then. On top of that you can sponge him with tap water and hankie, it'll help lower the temp. Forget about the Kodomo fever patch, it is not as effective as sponging. Best to check with PD when you should feed medicine again then try feeding medicine based on Ocean's method. It works for Phoebe. Hope the above helps.
HI sleepymom, poor thing.. can imagine how rough it must be to take care of a sickypoo baby. Even when Tim is well, I AM SO EXHAUSTED from all his activities :p Better not mix medicine with milk as you will not know how much dosage baby has taken. Maybe you get those pacifier for adminstering medicine?

Blanche, glad Ash is OK. Wanted to ask you - is Harris resort worth visiting? Was thinking of going.. not sure if weekends are too crowded?

Ann, try those air revitaliser with Citronella or else buy those anti-mozzie patches with Citronella. Think should be better.

yvonne, wah congrats!

yve, how are you going to stop the bf? I also feel like stopping but um, maybe go for one short holiday first then stop so that I don't have to carry so much FM. Hehe
emonster, how long do I need to sponge him? As in every 10/15/...mins ? Besides the forehead, do I need to sponge his hands,tummy...etc? What if he is sleeping? Now weather very hot, I have the fan blowing at him. And at night sometime on the aircon as his room is very warm. Can I still on the aircon and fan now? Medicine, wise, he also got another one for his running nose. Dont know can mix all into his feed?

Thanks for your advices. Really appreciate all the mummies on the forum for coming to my rescue, not just today.
u very notti leh, tease your hubby about bangladesh workers wearing your hubby's pants.. haha..

actually i have stopped latching angel for a few days.. The only times that I have been latching her recently is at night before she zz and if she wake up at night.. But these few days, she has been knocking off without latching and only wakes up at 4 or 5.. Since she is only waking up at 4am, i get enough sleep and can make 3oz FM for her then.. So also never latch when she wakes up at 4am.. So leh, supply is really down.. So leh, think can really stop bf for good leow.. haiyah, i so loh soh..
The thing abt feeding medicine with milk is only done when BB cannot accept the medicine. So, if really using this mtd, have to ensure that BB actually finished the feed, then that will be the right dosage.

Thus, i suggest can try addin it in the milk.... For Cherish, after the jab when she got fever, i add into her milk and ensure that she finished her feed. Actually, to play safe is maybe give half her feed to make sure she finished.... but i din cos i am lazy...
hey, my cousin just caught her maid doing business with the bangladeshi workers, even brought them up to the flat when they went to church on Sunday!! damn scary lah, mine is still mild in comparison but really...you know lah...all things relative lor..

so depressed, have to go china next week, then Eastern Europe the following week, think my baby wont know me anymore. so today must start only pumping once a day, guess now is the time to stop already, no choice.
oh dear, how come ryan fell sick? you must be very tired lo. Must try to take care of yourself too hor, cos if mummy fall sick, then Ryan will also suffer. Did you ask you MIL to come over and give you a hand?

Blanche, glad Ashton is ok now. So now you know being a SAHM is not easy hor. Count yourself lucky to have a able MIL to help you out. I feel that giving birth to the baby is the easy part, taking care of them, bathing them, feeding them, playing with them, while juggle with housework 24/7 is the tough part. But for a full time working mum, you gals usually didnt have to do all these, except weekend ( but most ppl goes out on weekends so the feeling is diff from being at home ). Sometimes i do wish i have such help too.... =)

My maid
latest update.. she has cleared her second checkup but hubby and i want to send her to our own doc for one more round of checkup, and also bring her previous medical report to our doc for more understanding before we decide to keep her or send her back. So this will take a few more days before i know if i will have this maid.
Hi Sleepymom,

What I did was to monitor her temp every half an hour. When it's over 37.8, I'll sponge her between 5 - 10 mins. I'll take her temp again to make sure that it has gone down. Places to sponge are forehead, armpits and inner thighs. One thing to note is to switch off the fan when you are sponging. I'll also prepare a towel to wipe off excess water after the session.

The experience mummies in my office says 37.8 still considered okay, but I don't want to take any chances, so I very kiasu, start sponging when it's 37.8. If Ryan's temp is below than whatever temp you consider not okay, then no need to sponge. It's good that you have the fan on, but try not to aim straight, keep it in the oscillation mode. My MIL is so very against me switching on the fan when Phoebe is having fever. It's good to keep the room, airy and cool. I'm not too sure about aircon, cos I don't let Phoebe sleep in aircon. But I guess if room temp is set between 24 - 26 at low or medium speed, it should be okay lah. Poor thing you very stressed out leh, must take good care of yourself hor.

I once asked PD about mixing medicine and he says it's ok and it's important for baby to finish everything for the medicine to work. That's why Ocean mentioned about spliting the milk into two feeds, I did that too. But in order to make sure she finish everything, I'll mixed the medicine in 30ml of milk. Used to mixe them in 60ml, but she couldn't finish due to poor appetite, sometimes have to pump it down and she vomitted... If you are unsure about mixing medicines into milk, best to check with PD, always best to hear a 'yes' from them.
Take care of Ryan and yourself.. emonster has very good advise for taking care of the fever... Hope Ryan get well soon..
it's really funny lor. My husband quite tall one, so when he told me the pants were passed to a bangladesh. My impression of the workers is that they are rather short mah, so maybe the bangladesh need to spend money to alter the pants lor.... hahaha, thinking of it is making me laugh again, I think I'll kahjiao him again tonite. hehehe
hi emonster, it is a common tactic that maid will exchange their employer clothing with each other; ie my maid will take my clothing and give to her friend/maid who then take her employer ones and give to mine!
1st time heard of giving to bf.
...your poor hubby but he got to buy more new pants

sleepmom, digging out my notes on fever...
here it goes for your ref :
- sponge whole body with a damp cloth; more emphasis on on forehead, neck, 2 shoulder joint, 2 leg joint as the heat will be trap there.
- also helpful to sponge bath your child. Sponge bath should be done in a warm room wtih warm water. Using damp cloth, gently rub the entire body. The child should feel damp but not dripping wet. Dry him up and change into new clothing.
(For me, if it is during daytime, I actually bath him).
- give him plenty of fluids.

p/s it is difficult to balance the temp, need to be cold and yet cannot get chill.

How do u give the medicine ? I give Xiang his medicine with the syringe given by the clinic.
I will inject out the medicine slowly into his mouth at one side and he will suck it slowly.
Nurse teach me that cannot inject straight into his mouth as he will get choked and vomit out.

Hope your boy get well soon... take care also, very exhausting when our bb is sick.

hi Ann, she got bitten by mozzie in your house ?
Sorry, no idea what to use for house.
I put anti-mozzie patches with Citronella on bb clothing when I goes to park or zoo which is effective.

hi evelyn, does your maid hv an alarm clock?
Never mind, lor if it is one-time incident.
Believe that your maid also feel bad.

These worker can pass their contact number to the maid so fast that u are not aware. Usually, I will include this issue in all my new maid training.
They don't just pass to young maid; also the old ones & not so-good-looking ones.
the advices are compiled from the 'aunties' of my office. But different mummies got different method, so I adopted what's best suitable for Phoebe lor. They have all kind of very funny advices like:

How do you know if a baby boy is about to get sick.....???

By looking at the bird bird lor, if it's 'boh boh' (in hokkien means dry dry, limpy limpy) then it's a sign that he's about to fall sick..

When I heard this, I was laughing mad... hahaha, Both 3 of them swear by this method. I personally dunno how true, maybe should ask mummies with boys here... Evelyn, any comments on this??? True anot har???
emonster,ocean,yap Thanks for the suggestions. Will try them out on Ryan. Just now he managed to drink the fever med, with help from daddy and grandma(mil). But the running nose med, with help he still vomit, but at least not as much as day time. Tomorrow I one person again dont know how

All mommies, take care of yourself and babies. So stressful. Hope I dont kenna the flu!

Whoever want to be sahm, better look around for support in case of such situations. I dont have any, except for mil who can only come after 5.30pm. Day time very charm.

Going to prep him to sleep liao. Have to monitor his fever tonight. Wont have much sleep. Worse thing is I am not able to replenish my sleep cos no one around to look after him while I rest. Sigh...
This afternoon my MIL informed me that Linus is having running nose. When I got home, brought him to PD. She asked anyone at home sick? I told her many. Both my SILs and PILs also sick. SIGH....
When I was about to put him to sleep, he start to have blocked nose, so I suck out the mucous from his nose. Aiyo, first time I do this. kekekeke... Very fast blocked nose is cleared. Immediate effect.
Just that I think when the nose start to run, the blockage will come again...

PD says that this may be the beginning. Hope it will not develope into fever. If not got to give antibiotics.

Yah, giving bath to Ryan is a quick and effective way to bring down fever. But must off all fans and air con, hor.
Hubbys pants
Hahaha, u funny leh, really cracked me up! Oh no, he so poor thing coz u want to kacau him again tonite.
I think I know what you meantIm noticed too, quite true leh. But for me looking at my boys ball ball, if its limpy limpy then he is about to get sick!

Im also feed Wilfred the medicine mixed with small amt of milk coz he refuses take medicine with syringe. Therefore have to do it in this way.
Btw, hope Ryan gets well soon. You must take care too.

You suck out the mucous from his nose??? So wei da! Im still dont dare to do that though this method very effective. I hope Linus will get well soon from his running nose and be strong not develops into fever.

Youre right, we should inject the medicine slowly into our bb mouth at ONE side instead of inject straight into his mouth if using the syringe given by clinic. But Wilfred very stubborn one, he usually doesnt want to open his mouth when we feed him medicine with syringe.
Ya, my maid does have an alarm clock. She told me actually the alarm rang oredi but she pressed it and continued to sleep. Anyway, hopefully she wont oversleep again. If not I will be late to work leh. (must leave home at 7.50am). And I also want to make sure her morning duties almost done before we leave the hse. I did tell her she not suppose to do any household chore when Wilfreds wake up. She needs to concentrate on taking care of Wilfred.
Hey Piggy, you can buy the Pigeon nose suction thingie. It has a tube you put in your mouth and the other end in baby's nose with a little tub to catch the 'gold'. Very effective

Sleepymom, I understand it's really tough. I really pei fu you to handle Ryan alone. I already tak boleh these couple of weeks with Tim at home.. haha.
Waiting for my mom to be OK so that I have an extra pair of hands.

Emon, you really very funny.. cracked me up!! Your husband must be giving you one kind of face when you kacau him yah? Teehee
sometimes when my kids dont want to open their mouth, i squeeze their nose so then they open their mouth to breathe. sounds cruel but works!

where can you find this pigeon suction thing? nv seen it before...usually those normal suction type only.

how is ryan this morning? hope he is better and you are feeling alright also.

i wld think it is definitely more effective to give the kids medicine directly than to mix in wt the milk. but of course sometimes, i also take short cut and mix in milk

rayhan seems to be having a runny nose and khayr seems to be coughing these paast 2days. this morning woke up, his nose sound kinda blocked.
hope they wont fall sick again since we are leaving in 2wks time!!
guess will juz hv to monitor them and if never improve hv to bring to doctor again. this afternoon going to town, shopping for clothes.
hv a great day all of you
sasha, you can find it where they stock Pigeon stuff. It comes with a translucent plastic box to store it. It's not like the normal nasal aspirator which doesn't work half as well!! It has a long clear tube with a mouthpiece as well as a little tub connected to it. Oh as for winter clothing, new stock has arrived at mothercare (maybe new to me.. hehe
).. a few winter jackets etc available.

Oh dear, hope all the little sickypoohs get better soon. Hugs to all!!!
Actually, I have this Pigeon thingy. Just that it was kept in my cupboard and I have no time to get it out. So I use the quick method.
I shall go dig it up again.
Actually Piyo Piyo also have the same thing. Just price is slighty more ex. Hope your two boys don't get worst. Travelling with kids is already demanding. Travelling with sick kids will be triple tiring!
Your maid stories frighten me! No wonder agents and many employers don't want to give maids off days. Many ppl tell me getting a good maid is like striking lottery. My maid still ok lah, I'm quite glad we have her, though she's still new and many ppl also say that initially their maids are ok but after a few months start to hanky panky, get lazy or create trouble. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

My maid doesn't do housework for my PIL. She only takes care of my baby. She also doesn't do any cooking for us. Weekdays, my FIL cooks for everybody. Weekends when we are home, hubby or I do the cooking. At most at my PIL's place she just help wash dishes after dinner. That's why my MIL end up sleeping at midnight everyday, cleaning up after baby. Now at least after that 2nd crying incident when I explained to her etc, she makes sure that she is the one washing all of baby's dirty clothes in my PIL's house and she will help clean up baby's play area. Otherwise my MIL have to do so much extra work on top of her own household chores (my two SILs still live at home with my PIL). When I heard that my MIL was washing baby's dirty clothes after we leave, I really felt that we were paying my maid to watch my baby sleep during his daytime naps, because that's what she was doing!

I also never encounter Bangladesh workers passing paper to my maid, but I think it's because we seldom bring maid + baby out to shopping malls etc? We rush through NTUC shopping and we're busy enough shuttling between visits to my parent's place, my PIL's, church, hubby's grandma's place etc.

I tried to decrease to 2 times pumping instead of 3. *big sigh* Couldn't get as much milk out leh! Then these 2 days it was complicated by Sherman suddenly not wanting to latch anymore. Before this he always want mummy, suddenly these few mornings he struggle and struggle, dunno whether is it he's not hungry or whether he dun want to latch anymore. I know you stop latching long ago, think I have to stop latching too. This week kena bitten 3 times when BF. Now he got teeth, pain like siau. Lucky no upper teeth yet, heard from my friend her baby bit her and kena bleed!

Hubby and I are planning a short holiday in Japan after his short work trip there. We're contemplating not bringing Sherman and leaving him + maid with my PIL. I think we will miss him a lot! I also wonder if I should schedule to stop BF by then, otherwise must pump and dump?
thanks for ur concern. i know wat u mean...i am not sure whether to travek wt them if they fall sick again. we are going to bring them to the PD now, early detection better than none. guess hv to postpone my shopping trip
Have you got your menses? Maybe Shermen don't want to latch cos menses is coming? I read that this can happen. I think I could get the that amount of milk due to using electric pump. If I use Avent manual, I will not have persevere this long. I used the manual for 3months can switch to electric after that.

I would like to go for holiday too. Just that not sure where and when.

Like you, my maid don't do housework other than what pertains to Linus. She washes Linus' clothes, cleans his playarea and cook for him only. We have another maid (that was employed by mil before arrival of Linus) to do the other household chores. There are a few maids in the neighbourhood who got a little "jealous" with my maid cos they say she very sin nang. But I think her work is not easy cos Linus can wake up every other hour at night and wants to be carried. (Especially when he is not well.)

Initially, the first maid also jealous of my maid as she has nothing to do when Linus is asleep. But now, we joked with the first maid if she would like to switch roles with my maid, she say "No, thank you." hahaha. Looking after babies really not easy.

<font color="ff0000">To all SAHM: Well done!!!!</font>
i had my menses twice so far, both time ss drop slightly only and Sherman still latch leh. Those 2 times totally off timing from each other. Now not sure when the next one is coming. If I pump 3 times faithfully and latch once in the morning, I can still get enuf milk using Avent manual. Maybe pump 2 times must pump longer and my hand gets tired, so end up less milk. Think I'll go back to 3 times schedule. Sometimes I also cannot believe I lasted so long with a tiny little manual pump. Got a few colleagues surprised that my milk/pump cooler bag is so tiny cos all those they have seen are really large. Really used the pump for more than it's money's worth by now, some more we bought it cheaper in US.

btw, I totally couldn't find any Carters stuff in Singpore leh. Tried all the places you girls said, nothing leh!? In US, the Carter Baby shops got so much selection and huge sections of the baby sections of shopping centers are dedicated to just Carters stuff. Can even find those packs of 5 onesides and face towel sets for US$10 in the supermarkets. I miss that a lot!! Wish Singapore had a Carters Baby store, I really love their stuff. Hubby turned up his nose at a lot of the baby clothes we've seen so far cos of the broken English written on the clothes. Plus so far we haven't seen anything quite as cute as the Carters Baby stuff yet. I went to Fox and was really disappointed.

Last thingy, we probably have to buy a new car seat for Sherman soon. The current one we have came with the stroller travel system, can only use up to 10kg. Can you girls tell me what you bought, how you find your car seats (hot or not, easy to use?), and how much you paid for it?
I hv seen some Carters stuff at Takashimaya. But not a lot of choice. If not I think some factory outlet carries them. I dont think the market here carry a lot of American brands except for Guess, Gap, DKNY etc etc....mostly european so a bit difficult!
BabyD, you're right lah, not much Carters stuff here.. but actually when I was in the States, I found that Oshkosh gave better value for their dressier items. I guess 'cos we got military discount also lah
As for carseat, I swear by Britax. The other good brand is Maxi Cosi. I'm very ngiao when it comes to carseat. we stopped using Tim's Graco Snugride (infant carseat) 2 months back 'cos it was quite uncomfortable for him. So I've got 2 Britax seats now. Wah, Japan!! Pump and dump is very sayang I guess. Wouldn't you consider bringing Sherman? I don't think I can bear to leave Tim.

Piggy, I like Piyo stuff but yah it's pricier just for the cuteness! Like their all-silicone pacifier is $5.50 but other brands have almost identical stuff for $3! You realy should dig out the nose suction thingie lah. More dignity.. haha
You're right. Taking care 24 hours of a baby is not easy. The carrying alone can make you sooooo tired. Then there's all the feeding and washing up. I'm more or less at my own place mot days now. Have to keep my mom away from her beloved Tim if not she will pretend pretend when we're not looking and go and carry him! Shack man..
hi all, ryan is better, at least his fever is down. His next dosage is 2pm. If he is still ok by then, I will skip it. Then at night give again before he sleep, just in case. Now have to start giving his running nose and cough med. Can hear hss cough quite phelgmy.

sasha, how do you manage with 3 kids? I find it difficult to feed med, esp the nose drops, cos he keep struggling. Even tried the gunk sucker thingy but he just keep turning his head away. Is there a way to do it by myself?

piggylee,sasha, hope your babies are not down with running nose. Is it in 'trend' now?

I think some of your maids have a better life than me... sigh

there is some type of viral infection going around...so the symptoms that ryan has are not new to me. if you dont take care, can result in bronchilitis which is wat my boys had.

we are taking him to doctor this afternoon since he is coughing and can hear the phlegm, also he seems to be breathing heavily. the other one has runny nose but no coughing. thank god both got no fever. lets see wat PD says this afternoon.

i feed the med wt syringe, i talk to them to distract them. sometimes i squeeze their nose so they will swallow. other times, i prepare a small bottle of water so right after i give the med, i stuff the bottle so they will swallow the med.

as wt regards to nose drops and suction, i hv managed to do it myself. i press their head down and hold on to their arms, they struggle but its the best way to do it...

well, its not easy wt 3 kids. hv to plan everything out well. for my kids, they hv a routine so i can work arnd that, makes my life easier. also like i said, my hubby works frm home so if i really cant manage, i 'll run in his office and see if he is available to help
