(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

sasha, you are GOOD!! Yah my husband says I'm too kan chiong and will run to him at the slightest whimper. I DO NOT! My mom does.. haha
I guess you're right to leave them alone in a safe place for 5-10 minutes. I've been trying to do so if not I will have a very bad back from doing laundry, washing dishes etc with one monkey on my hip!

BabyD, guess you're right that the 2 hr rule prob doesn't apply but aiyoh, reading Weissbluth's book makes me feel like Tim is going to be a total retard if he doesn't nap twice a day for at least one hour each time!! Yah his nights are so good now. He does wake up occasionally and perhaps will cry for 10 minutes but we won't go into to him till after 6am. I just wish that he would fall asleep on his own for naps. It's so tiring having to carry him and then gingerly put him down. Sometimes it takes 10 over attempts to put him down! HEADACHE!! Yah I agree that it's hard to find the time to pump 'cos they're so much fun at this point of time!! I'm just worried that if I stop breastfeeding, he'll fall ill and it's all my fault! Up to now, he still hasn't fallen ill *touch wood* so I'm quite scared that he might have his first bout of flu if he has no BM antibodies. Sigghhh.... BTW, kudos to Moms who pumped exclusively with the Avent Isis. I have been using that for the past few nights and wow, it takes ages to empty out the breasts! I keep forgetting to bring my PIS back from my mom's place. Such a nincompoop! Haha

btw Catz, what formula is Tim drinking? Frisco?

My boy also must stick to schedule. Poor thing always gets his schedule disrupted over the weekend cos we take him out, go swimming, go church etc. His naps and feeds get disrupted and he also gets more tired, hence more cranky, sometimes he wake up more than once at night too. As long as it doesn't happen too often I think it's ok lah. Otherwise we all have to keep our babies at home all the time so that their schedule is not disrupted, right?
babyD, Tim is on NAN 2 (the premium one that costs about $25).. very confusing 'cos there are 3 types of NAN.
He absolutely HATES Mamil.
hahaha, I'm one of those who are still using the old trusty Avent Isis! Yah, I have the same fear whenever I think about stopping BF. Hubby and I talked about getting electric, but given the price, it seems a bit late to get one now leh, baby already 8 mths old and who knows when we'll have No 2? I used to have the same problem with putting the sleeping Sherman down, can take up to 10 attempts, so scared he wake up, but now no problem already. After you get through the transition, he'll get used to taking naps at those times and you'll eventually be able to put Tim down just before he completely falls asleep. Last time Sherman reject pacifier and bolster, now just have to rock him for 5 min with his pacifier, then put him down as he's blinking his eyes shut. He'll grab his bolster, hug it, hide his face in it and konk out.
sorry i'm hogging the forum here... forgot to tell Catz that I felt like such an irresponsible and failed mom when i first read the Weissbluth book because at that time, Sherman hardly took any naps at all and would scream often when he's overtired, both day and night. I thought gone case, my boy is going to have learning and attention span problems! Now I think most babies are ok lah, when they're tired they'll crash out. Of course if they're well rested, they're happier and easier to manage!
Hey BabyD, thanks for the encouragement. Yah I tell you I feel like such a failure and even worse, GUILTY for going out so much that he didn't develop a routine!
OK so I guess my action plan is to get him used to 10+ and 2+ naptime then hopefully he will tweak his own internal clock to fall asleep more easily at those times. Wah really peifu that you can still maintain enough supply to TBF Sherman.
Thanks for the compliments!! I believe we all have Handsome son & Beautiful daughter!!

sleepymum, hehe we shall arrange a ryan meet ryan session & it will be fun....

Evelyn, i am working in car line selling Subaru. it alternate working days so either sat & sun hv to work lor. I actually prefer this way cos i can bring my son out during weekdays which is less crownded. Me today off, so bring ryan to Jurong point & kiddy palaces is hving 30% dis!!!

Catz, if your boy jump very days non-stop like my monkey he soon will also become very lanky one! So good, your son sleep thur out, mine although get in bed ard 8pm but will 'yi yi ha ha' for milk ard 2am then water ard 4-5am n wake up at 7am!!!

Ya talk abt MIL, think all MIL the same never learn to understand our baby well & yet still want to act as they are very pro on baby!! Last weekends, when I finish bathing ryan, she came over & carry ryan away saying dont stay in water for too long cos late liao, so instead of pat him dry & put oil etc, first thing she blow both my son ears(to clear the water hor) then immediately ryan cry so loud that my husband run over & see what happened!! Can you imagine!!! She seldom visit ryan & also dont bother to learn how to handle him & just do her own way! I strongly believe that diff. baby hv diff style to handle them so in order to make them comfortable, one must understand & learn!

Ya me also interested to know how many SAHM we have?? Really 'pei fu' you mummies can 24hrs x 7days look after baby. If you want me to be one of you, think sure become crazy....
Wah, Phoebe quite fierce hor.. I also trying CC at night now.. I put angel to bed at 9 plus after her last feed with her pacifier.. But she will stand in her cot and kaypoh.. Stand until she cry.. then i pick her up, pat pat and put her down again.. This will repeat a few times until she really too tired and will fall asleep..

During the weekends, Angel's nap schedule gets messed up too.. But I still follow her meal schedule as per weekdays.. That is, 9am FM, 12 noon Porridge/cereal, 3pm FM, 6pm porridge/cereal and 9pm FM.

Ha, I find your MIL quite kuku leh.. How come did feed Phoebe at 6pm?

Oops, I am one guilty mother who dun wipe the edge of the FM tin..

catz uh,
Maybe Tim finds that FM is something new, so he is drinking more? Anyway, good that he is drinking more.. I have stopped pumping nearly 2 mths leow, i even packed away the Avent pump already.. But I still latch Angel on at night if it is needed to get her to zz..
oh yeah.. catz.. The tingkat is quite okay.. Portions just nice for 3 persons.. And the food is quite warm by the time we eat..
emonster, aiyoh I missed your posting about Phoebe's fierce performance
Aiyoh your MIL really kuku. Even if she doesn't have a fixed time to feed her, at least must feed her every 4-5 hours at least right?! I am also trying hard for a routine. Feeding-wise, more or less got routine lah but napwise, aiyoooooh. As for controlled crying, the first night, my little one cried and screeched for over an hour!!! I realise that with him, I CANNOT go in at all if not he will cry for longer. So just close the door and listen on the monitor lor. Maybe if your MIL is not around (er... send her on long vacation?) then you should try it again. Tell her that babies who don't get enough sleep will be blur blur :p But yeah, the times that Tim did not sleep well in the daytime, he will wake up 1hr into his sleep. Thank God those days are over for now. Don't worry, Phoebe will get better if you let her control cry yah? As for wiping the edge of the FM tin, hehehehehe, I am lagi guilty :p Me blur mah.. just started using FM only.. haha

yve, jiayou with the CC. It maybe will take a week and Angel will sleep through without much eh eh. You know your schedule for Angel is very solid leh. Tim doesn't take enough solids for it to be a full meal therefore he feeds more often. HOw much porridge does Angel take nowadays? Surprisingly he is taking FM and EBM with the same vigour. Maybe he is finally realising he is very small sized compared to the didis and meimeis here.. haha

wang2boy, I am SAHM but cannot make it one 'cos I don't clean the house (except for occasionally dry mopping and touch up here and there plus laundry). Hubby is the ah-sum during weekends..
Fwah you're working with Subaru ah? Got kangtao for free WRX or not? Or Forester? Teehee
OK I 'kee siao' already, better go and get a drink of water.
BabyD & Catz,
I also still pumping. 2x/day now though. Cut down by 1x and have to suffer heavy breasts by 6pm.
I very torn, on one hand, I want to stop but on the other, I bear not to..... Still getting 600ml a day on 2 pumps.
Initially, I plan stop at 6mth, then 8mth. Now still not stopped yet. I guess I will try for one year if possible. My mum bf both my brother and sis for more than a year but I only got 4months. SO I tot I should try to bf Linus as long as possible.
My mil did not bf at all and I feel that my sils and hb are not as strong as compared to my own siblings (Flu, cold, etc). SO I try to think that I am giving Linus a good foundation. This tot spur me on.
Angel loves fish porridge.. She can take one full bowl of it.. I tried organic tofu on her recently too.. Seems that she likes it.. Can get the organic tofu from ntuc.. I started to cook her porridge with mixture of white rice and brown rice.. More white than brown lah.. and she takes, but the brown rice husks come out in her shit intact..
Hi BabyD,
Haha, I'm such a 'flower leg' woman and I'm sure it runs in the family.
Surprisingly, Phoebe is okay during weekends, cos she's used to going shopping. She's cranky only when we did not bring her out....

Hey Catz,
About NAN2, some places still sell the old packaging NAN2, I remember it's around S$20.50. The new packaging with the DHA, AHA logo is retailing at S$25.80 at most supermarkets, but Sheng Siong is selling at S$24.60. The other one is NAN HA at S$29.80... So glad that I have change to NAN2, seems like 1 tin is only good for 1 week or so...

Ya lor, sometimes really afraid that my gal will get too pampered by my MIL, but can really see the bond between them. For your case, maybe your MIL only see them once in a blue moon, so especially attentive to them. At least you still got chance to try out CC, for me, not possible, cos MIL is always around. :p

Hi Yve,
I think I better stop emphasising on Phoebe's temper liao, if not next time no boy boy wants her liao. Actually she only do this when's she really tired and hungry, and dun want to drink and can't sleep, if not she's relatively friendly...

I look at Angel's schedule and realise that she's taking only 3 milk feed. Seems like Phoebe is still relying heavily on FM...

Aiyah, sometimes when my MIL is going out in the evening, she sometimes forget. But so far so good lah, only 2 incidents and she was there to witness to consequences...

Not trying to scare you but if tonite you try to clean the edges, you can see what I mean...
Wahaha, yve, you very champion.. hehe.. your last statement really cracked me up
Can get organic tofu from NTUC? Can you tell me which packaging etc? I really want to give Tim organic tofu! THanks for the tingkat feedback. So between Neo Gdn and Meihao, which one do you prefer?

Piggy, sigh.. yah lor, I'm wracked with guilty feelings that if I stop, my little poopoo might get sick. But then hor, my hubby was breastfed until 1+ and yet he has such horrible health. Then again, his mother so kuku, she told me she didn't have enough milk yet still want to bf. Sighhhhh... so proud that her son was so skinny. NO joke, he looked like a starving African kid. OK OK don't talk about MIL, if not I get high bp and cannot sleep tonight. :p

Does everyone give baby water to drink? Tim doesn't really drink water.. only a few sips during mealtimes to wash down his cereal. How ah?
Linus really don't really like porridge. I gave him fish porridge blended till very smooth, like jar food, he will give me a "Yack" face. His tongue will stick out like majiam want to vomit. Then the eyes will start to tear. Then the next mouthful, he is ok... Two mouthfuls later, again the same yacks expression. Want to angry but at the same time, find it so funny.

Linus also takes more milk than solids though I gave him 2x solids a day. I read that solids are suppose to supplement babies below one year. So not to worry that Phoebe is still relying on FM. In time, she will take more solids.

I gave water to Linus since day one. I come to the conclusion that those baby books say "No need water" for bf babies apply only to colder climate. Here, with the hot and high humidity, water is still a must, even for bf bbs. Try to stuff the bottle into his mouth right b4 he falls into a slumber?
Send our regards to your mum for her procedure tomorrow. Hope her heart will only flutter due to joy when hearing Tim calls her "Granny!" kekeke...
Btw, how is your hb's checkup?

I will be going for a nice dinner tomorrow with hubby to celebrate my BD.

Really hope that the coming year will be filled with much more laughter.
Also, hope that I strike lottery. I want to retire for two years. Go for a sabbatical with hubby and Linus. Travel the world and simply enjoy life without having to worry about anything. "Genie, Genie... Where are you????" clipart{lol}
Welcome to this thread. I keep wanting to post my welcome but keep clicking post message... Your Ryan looks very cute.
Do post more pics to share with us, yah?
yay yay, it is Friday...

yeh, boh bian.. Angel dun like FM.. So have to rely on solids lor.. Till now, she barely finish 5oz of FM every time..

Angel also got bad temper one lah.. If we take away something that she wants, she will cry and cry with her mouth so big that I can see her 2 bottom teeth..

Angel has been following this feeding schedule since 2 or 3 mths..

Cannot rem what brand is the tofu.. Think one of those normal brands lah.. It is organic, but made with seaweed to harden it leh.. So u wan to intro seaweed to Tim?

I did not give water to Angel for the first 2 months too.. believing the books that say no need water if bf.. Anyway, gave in half way cos doctor at polyclinic say to give some water to wash the mouth after feeding so that she dun get milk rash.. And frens also recommend to start giving water early to get her used to it.. Now angel drinks water from a sippy cup and can finish 100ml easily in one day.. And I mix a bit of gripewater in it lah..

I prefer Neo Garden.. Their food is more yummy, though more ex.. And they have a special set on Wed.. It is really convenient to go home, change and sit down to eat immediately.. If I go and buy dinner, end up cracking my head on what to buy and also buy unbalanced meals.. But we only have tingkat 3 or 4 days a week now to have some variety..

Happy Birthday!! Hope Linus can say mama to u as your birthday present..
I dun blend the fish (threadfin so far) leh.. Just steam, mash and mix in the porridge.. Even for pork porridge which I use spare ribs to cook, if the meat fall off the bone in small pieces, we just feed it to her too.. so far okay.. wah, threadfin damn ex leh.. One piece enough for 2 days, 4 meals cost $7!!
Wow! So many posts lIow... business very good leh! Will catch up with the postings later.

Anyway i must wish Piggy.

Happy Birthday to you Piggy! May your sweet dreams and ALL wishes come true!



Have a romantic nite with your hubby
Thanks to all mums for the BD wishes. Actual BD is tomolo. Just go "mum mum" one day earlier.

Why don't you alternate between fish porridge and cereal? It is cheaper that way. One meal porridge and another meal cereal? But come to think of it, she is not drinking so much FM, you already save $ from there.
Another thing that I have been wanting to share... Girls, I think you all should sit down with hubby to discuss insurance for baby, especially healthcare insurance. Singapore's healthcare is getting very ex. So I guess it is better to insure early.
Hi Piggy,
This was on my personal 'to do' list. It's been there quite awhile, cos I can't really find much on the web. Seems like NTUC has lots of child policy, but more for schooling, etc. Dun dare to call up my insurance agent, cos I'm afraid that she'll hound me..... Any info to share???
I do give angel cereal lah.. Usually during weekends cos mroe convenient when we are out and about.. I alternate fish and pork too.. But the food all bought and my mom gave me some fish and pork too, so have to finish up the food.. haiyoo, yeah.. she not drinking much FM.. One tin of Similac last me 2 weeks..

yeah yeah, must buy insurance for your bb.. Esp hospitalisation plan.. Angel has pink of health and life coverage from AIA leow, now gng to do some savings for her education.
Piggylee, Happy Birthday. May you strike 4D,Toto,Big sweeps...

Regarding schedule, Ryan doesnt have one also. All depends on when he wakes up in the morning. Some time as early as 6.30am, some time 8.45am. So naps also depend on when he wakes up. But normally he will somehow nap around 10am+ and around 2.30pm+, unless he wakes up real early and he will nap by 9am.

He has finally started to eat some cereal without too much head turning
But he still mainly on FM.

I went on a gerber puff hunt yesterday. Finally found them at the supermarket in paragon. Bought one of each flavour. Hopes ryan likes them. Question, since he is still not really on solids yet, is it safe to let him feed himself? I have started giving him small pieces of Baby Bites now. It is so gratifying to see him stick out his tongue to eat the bits, as he has been refusing solids so far.
Piggy, thanks! Will post more later. Ryan baby wish aunty have a wonderful birthday & wish aunty stay young & pretty!!!

Catz, hahaha...i only can affort to give you a WRX & forester brochour!! hehehee... Surprised that you know our model quite well hai!! What a updated SAHM! I also love to bring ryan out cos it so boring staying at home but luckily so far he still able to sleep at his normal sleeping time but if he dont sleep enough at the day time then he will be cracky during his sleep at night.

I also give water to Ryan from day one & he really drink a lot & even will wake up in the middle of the night to finish i big bottle of Avent Bottle!!
sleepymom, it very safe to give all the baby bites to our baby cos me give my ryan at 5th mth already!! At 4th mth, ryan start to refuse drink milk during the daytime so i got no choice & try all kinds of baby cereal, noodle, rice & porridge etc to make sure he wouldnt be hungrey. Some time i even give him my rice mix with some soup!!! hahaha...
I got pink of health and medisheild for Linus too. I bought the child accident plan too.

I know that feeling of being hounded and I have learnt to be very straight about it.

If I don't want, I just tell the agent "Don't waste your time on me cos I have no budget." Tell your agent b4 hand that you will evaluate between different companies and your hubby will make the final decision. And after you have done so, tell the agent that you have bought from another company and you have no obligation to tell him or her from who. You see, I very noti hor?
I spoke to an insurance agent and I find that I am very uncomfortable with her. So I ask for another agent to come and talk to me. Then this first agent called me and "try to ask very nicely" why i choose to buy from another agent. I tell her that I am not comfortable with the way she works. FULL STOP.

So I guess you just have to be firm lor.
piggylee: Happy birthday to you! May you always be happy & healthy. & of course striking the Toto. Actually my brother shared the same birthday as you.

sleepymom: see u tomorrow with Ryan. Lucas & me very excited to meet both of you.

As for bf, I have reduced to 1Xpumping a day, about 4oz & nurse him direct when I got home, & when he wakes up in the middle of the nites (abt 2X) & 7am before going to work.

This boy is super diaper user. For the last 3 weeks, he can poo 4-5 times on some days. each time is little bit, dun't have the habit to clear the bowel. wasted lots of diaper. It's not due to diahrea.

I am also thinking of getting some insurance for Lucas. Still comtemplating to get from which insurance company.

I also tingkat dinner but from my babysitter. Husband finds it too bland but we recongise that it's more convenient & healthy than eating outside. I really can't imagine coping with 2 -3 children. one already so busy.
Hihi everyone,

My mom is currently having the procedure. It started at 2.30 and will take minimum 4 hours. Hope this time the ablation will work.

Piggy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! I also Sept baby.. hehe
Asking my hubby if we can go for a 2 nite holiday, perhaps copy Blanche go to Harris Resort. Have a romantic dinner and maybe you will have a Lucy! Heheheheh

wangwangboy, I'm a car-nut. Actually my Dad is very car mad so with all the car mags lying around the house, I also pick up here and there lah
Your Ryan very cute lah.

yve, yah Neo Garden is pretty good overall. I catered Tim's first month from there and was impressed. Thanks for all the feedback. Hopefully my Mom will concede to the tingkat if not every evening gotta go out and hunt for food.

Speaking of insurance, I think minimum must get the Healthshield. For education, I'm not so keen in endowment as I feel that if you really need the $$, it's really locked in and the returns might not be so good. Might be better to put into bank!!

Tetra, your babysitter superb man.. can take care of Lucas, a few other kiddos PLUS cook tingkat? Wah biang eh!!! How come Lucas poopoo so many times? Tim only goes once a day MAX.. usually 2 days.

sleepymom, you might want to hold off on the gerber puff if Ryan is not really munching yet. He might choke. Let him take baby bites or Farley's rusks first lor.

BabyD, sorry to ask so much about weissbluth but hmm.. since Tim has an 8pm bedtime, I dunno how to handle if we go for a relative's wedding dinner on 11th Sept. Sigghh.. it's very important to go but I dunno how he will take the late bedtime, esp if he falls asleep in the car. What do you reckon?

Emonster, no lah, Phoebe not fierce enough to chase away all her admirers lah. She's got such a pretty face.

Twinkle, how are you?? HOpe all of you are well. Conjunctivitis is going around now. My mom's cleaner also kena.

OK gotta go. Need to bathe, feed etc Tim before going back to SGH.
Hi Piggy,
When my two kids one mth old, weve already purchased medical, education and living plan insurance policy from my hubbys BIL -NTUC Income.
Btw, have fun tonight hor, kekekeeeee

U sounds busy! Must take care of yourself and I hope your mum is all right.

Thx to remind us must wipe the edge of the FM tin. I did all the while. Hehee!
catz: yah, seems like you r very occupied with many matters. but most important, hope that your mum will be well & recover soon. u must also take care. btw, I also Sept baby. hmm..got a few virgos here.

hey I receive an email that Jay Gay has a warehouse sales up to 80% on oshkosh, levi, pooh collection @ their office building from 2 to 4 Sep. Would lvoe to go but can't make it.
Piggy, Happy Birthday!!

Oh, just wanna to thank everybody who voted for Cherish for the tangerine cutest kid. Cherish is one of the top 10 contestants!
Without your votes, Cherish will not go that far! Thanks!

Oh, sorry, I was very busy recently as I had just gone to a new dept which is further from my hse.... so lots of things to learn and no time to log in... haiz....

Welcome to all the new mummies and lovely BBs!
We had one grandma birthday party dinner at a restaurant and it was a nightmare. Sherman couldn't sleep there and was exhausted, screaming his head off in the restaurant after 9pm, but we couldn't leave early. Maid and I took turns trying to put him into the sarong sling to sleep and didn't succeed until much later. It was complicated by the many kaypoh and well meaning relatives who tried to suggest that he didn't want to sleep cos there were so many ppl around. Those who tried to play with Sherman kena screamed at with tears so after that all don't dare to say anything anymore or try to carry him. Of course when we transferred him into his car seat and out of it, he woke up too. I also got no solution for you. The good news is, it's only for one night and sometimes got no choice lor, just have to bear with it. Try and see if your Tim will sleep in your arms or in the pram. Don't think you can do controlled crying outside your own home. =)

I haven't gone shopping for my own stuff in a leisurely manner since my boy was born! Lucky I can still fit all my pre-preggie clothes, otherwise cham liao! Nowadays even go NTUC also must rush and rush. Sherman can't sleep in shopping centers lah. He's not so used to going out and I find he's still happiest when we stick to his nap schedules.

I'm so amazed that 2 x pump can get 600ml!!! Serious ah? Macham one breast can store 150ml, which is 5oz right? Must be super engorged! I think my SS will decrease if I pump less often leh, so I still pump 3 x 150ml each session and latch in the morning when we all wake up. So you mean even with 600ml, you still supplement with FM to make up the 800-1000ml that Linus drinks everyday?? Wow, your boy really milk king! Mine seems happy with 2 x solids plus 4 x milk.
Thanks all mums for the BD wishes.
Yesterday, went for dinner and then go to the Taka baby fair. Aiyo, memories man... Last year, at this time, I was shopping in the sale for newborn items like cots, etc... This year I am getting breast pads and Pigeon soap powder. I think next year, I won't have to go there cos baby will outgrow all these items.

Yah, One breast store more. i.e 170ml and the other store 150ml max. Total I can get is 620ml max per day base on 2x pumping. Yes, super engorged but bo bian. Yes, I still have to supplement cos Linus is taking 800 to 1000ml a day, on top of 2 solid feeds!! If I am not bf, I pok gai liao!!!! As he still don't like porridge, I have to alternate the solids between porridge, cereal, frisocream and jar food.

I know what you meant by rushing to buy things. I also find myself rushing ALL the time...Until I tell myself, if I go on like this, I will sure get hypertension. So I delebrately slow down and like they say, SMELL the FLOWERS...
When does the taka bb fair ends? I was at the Isetan BB fair at parkway parade yesterday, and there was not much there..
Was at Comex just now.. It is a madhouse... But I like Marina now.. Lots of space and new shops and no problem with parking (unlike suntec)..
Fwah Yve, you dare to go Comex ah? I lagi scared man... all sorts of smelly computer dweebs. Heeheeh...
So what's good at the new Marina Sq? Have not been 'cos I wasn't sure if all the shops and restaurants were opened yet.

Thanks for all the well wishes. My mom's cardiologist thinks that she has burned off all the tissue causing the irregular heartbeat but this is to be doubly confirmed in a few week's time. Hopefully she can be discharged tomorrow. She was in CCU (cardiac intensive care) for the first night. Quite scary. Anyway, thank God she's OK. A bit of minor complication caused by UTI 'cos of urine catheter but otherwise OK. Poor thing, cannot carry her beloved grandson for 2 or more weeks. Worse still, when Tim saw her today, he practically LEAPT at her even though he was half asleep. Really grandma's boy.

BabyD, Sherman looks like your hubby and I looove his lashes
Your baby's, not your hubby's, I mean. Heh
Thanks for the heads-up. I already have problems when I put Tim to bed at 8.30pm 'cos he's already super tired by then. He sleeps best if he's put down before 8pm. I guess I'll have to play it by ear. Hopefully it works!

Piggy, are there any good deals on Pigeon breastpads? I have to still use 'em at night 'cos if I sleep on my front, I end up with leakage :p Your Linus is such a milk king! You're right, we've saved a bundle on FM so far! For me, at first very seem tia 'cos Tim only drank 2-3oz, sometimes only 1oz so wasted a lot of milk.

Tetra, wah you also Virgo baby ah? So what are you getting from hubby? Last time I told hubby that I want 1 carat diamond for the first birthday as a mommy but I guess now that I see all the $$$ flying away, forget it lor :p

Got Toys R Us opening at Suntec tomorrow.. quite a lot of good deals but with Comex and food fair going on, I don't dare to go.
Catz, me just came back fr Suntec...ya you better stay at home or go elsewhere to shop, so crowded & all car park is full! got no choice but illegal park in front of life enterance!!

BabyD, your boy hv such a nice lashes!

Have not been sleeping well last night cos ryan keep waking up due to his teething..hey seem like me going to have sleepless night again..
Hi Gals,

Now updating my resume as I got a friend who wanted to recommend me a new job... hope I can get it... anyway really sian staying in this job already. Since maybe will be a SAHM, no harm trying...I heard the working hrs are very regular and no OT :p... Anyway tonite went clubbing and felt so young again ... ha ha ha

Btw, so many posting... got a hard time reading...

So glad ur mum was ok... pray for her to be ok real soon ya... We are now better, I went back to work on fri.. cos has been out of office for so long.. ke ke ke.. later kenna aim... ha ha ha ah...

yest eyes still a bit red and u can see all of my colleagues avoided me as if I am an alien.. ke ek ek ke

"Hi, I think I look like my Daddy too... He told Mummy she put up the wrong picture, this is the one that really shows off my eyelashes. Hee hee... I'm definitely not a girl girl, I'm showing off my chest!"

