(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

My menses has gone hay wire. I got first mense on:
25th June (5days, normal flow)
17th July (4days, lighter flow)
30th July (3days, lighter flow)
16th August (8days, very heavy flow)

Last week, I checked with gynae and was told to go for pregnancy test. Aiyo, I ask nurse, I am having menses, why go for test? How to be pregnant? Nurse say, "Please go for it just to be sure..."
I was thinking to myself that the nurse "siao" liao..... Anyway, I just do a test at home lor.... Of course negative lah.

I called gynae the next day and spoke to nurse again. She told me gynae ask me to go for test in case it is pregnancy breeding i.e. miscarriage. She says miscarriage for some women is like very heavy menses.

I say then will have very painful stomach, right? Nurse says, "That is why check to see if pregnant or not is safer."

So now, instructions is to monitor for the next cycle and see how. If still very heavy or come 2 times, etc,.. then see gynae.

I don't have habit of drinking bazhen. But my menses all the while b4 preggie is quite accurate one. Now, don't know why siao liao....

Linus has a little jade attached to his anklet. That is why it looks unusual.

Piggy/Eve: I think it's good to take bazhen after mens. as i dun have the time to boil, I take the Bai Feng Pills from Eu Yan Seng. My mens also very accurate for many years. I haven't got my mens yet, think the hormone has not kicked in.

sleepymom: din get to see u today 'cause I arrived abt 11.30am, somemore the 1st one. I heard that u will be joining the class, the facilitator remembered Ryan when I asked. anyway, I have also registered for the Sat morning. Think we will get to meet next week.

feedback: Lucas enjoyed himself esp from the interaction with the other babies, movement i.e. swinging, dancing, etc. I liked the part where we passed the different musical toys around. Mummy get to play the toys, haha... carrying the baby & dance (involes swinging, lifting baby), very tiring, can burn fat.

the session started off with the greeting, baby massage, moving with baby (dancing), sit & pass-toys to make different sounds, then dance again, sit&play activity. they waived the $30 registration fee & paid $260.60 (include $58 home material) for 8 sessions. If baby can't make it for the class, can attend another class @ her place or @ Tanglin Mall (within reasonable time). this is the first class conducted @ a residential premise.

Eve: if u interested, let me noe. can check out for u if they still have vacancy. we can go together.

btw, the lesson today is very costly, drop my hp in a cab, can't track back as stupid mummy here din take down the cab no. believed the hp slipped from my pocket (i was carrying baby in a sling & a big bag myself). then came back, thot lost housekey but found it after 45mins later. so clumsy, juz because hubby is not around. anyway, lost hp (somemore bought 2 mths ago)only...just kan kai lah. as long as nothing happen to us.

and good luck to all babies participating in the contest. must post pixs here.
hey, saw a good deal in the Young Parents. $99 for family photo @ i-studio - 15 shots, 15X2R photos, 4X5R photos, 1X8R photo & 1X12R mini poster. also include makeup & hairstyling session for all. Thot is a good price as compared to some of the studio. but must show them the ad page in Young Parent. I've booked a session with them to be taken in the 3rd wk of Sep. can consider for those mums who want to take studio family shot...baby still sleeping, got time for myself, phew!
Tetra, Re the Kindermusik demo, my session din have baby massage leh. But otherwise quite similar. Ya, good opportunity for mummy to exercise too
. Love the part where the lady demonstrated the different musical instruments. All the babies just quietly looked at her, so amazing!

Ryan normally nap around 10 to 12pm. Hope he doesnt sleep during class!

See you on Sat.

Bad news, Kristy, hubby and me are down with sore eyes... it started with Kristy, me and then hubby....

Bought her to PD and PD wasn't pleased that so young caught sore eye. He asked me anybody at home has sore eye but don't have leh... then my mil told me the elder grandchild's(who goes to childcare) class got someone who has sore eye... but guess her immune system was strong hence she did not get it but brought home the virus...NO WONDER.... again we were playing the guessing game till she confessed... haiz..

I guess I have to make alternative arrangement to have another caretaker... really cannot stand already..less than a month sick twice... I am comtemplaing quitting my job or alternative bring her to my mum.. but my mum is not very fit yet cos she is still on the road to recovery, but I don't know if my maid can make it or not...

Kristy's eyes was so red and swollen... she is really a very poor gal, my heart melts when I force eye drops into her eyes.. she scream and yell ......

I am already so uncomfortable, let alone be her... sigh... bad year for me...
sleepymom: actually, I din do the massage, the facilitator was doing with Lucas while I made a call in the kitchen. I think it was the part when the mom lifted baby's left leg then right...like a warm-up.

yah, quite amazing, all the babies just look @ the lady as she sang & demo the instrument. Lucas was in awe. oh, he also sleeps around that time, after the session, he was so sleepy.

I can only read your mail when I return home. now @ mum's place. Thanks. see u on Sat!
Tks for the comforting words... there was some misunderstanding at work... hence was really upset the last few days.. but now, no time to think abt it cos busy nursing Kristy back to health...


My menses also gone haywire for 3+ mths after stop bf.. guess shld be ok.. as long as u see gynae, shld be quite safe...
Hey mommies,
Wow! Been MIA for so long...so much to catch up on. Hv been quite tied up wt activities at home. Had some houseguests frm UK 2 wks ago. Then now the twins are unwell, contracted bronchilitis which some of the babies here had a mth ago or so. So far they are doing well, on the nebuliser every 6 hourly and also on medication. Hopefully they get better soon. A bit tough since now hv to wake up at night to get them on the nebuliser. Not used to it since they hv both been sleeping thru the night since abt 4mths so a it of a challenge

I hope all the mommies and babies here are doing great and enjoying the weekend. Cheers!
I hope Kristy, your hubby & you will get well soon. Quite heart pain to hear that Kristy is getting sore eyes at such a young age. Hey, don't be too stressed out over work. Your family is more important.

Oh I see, this is the first time I see an anklet with jade. Very nice. Piggy, my menstrual cycle also went haywire. Hopefully, it will stabilise cos I really want to try for another baby next year when hubby comes back!! Hehehe...

Was wondering if Tim has very bad stranger anxiety? Brought my boy out tonight for my girlfriends birthday. My boy started crying loudly after stepping into my girlfriend's apartment and seeing so many unfamiliar faces. Just wondering if he's a suaku cos I don't bring he out regularly or every baby his age behaves like that?

Tks. PD wants her back to see him if tommorrow her eyes are still not ok as he is worried that her cornea might be infected.. really worried...

Will try not to think abt work as I totally agree with u that family matters. Was worried abt nobody looking after Kristy also as I cant afford to bring her to my mil's place as her eldest grandchild is there in the afternoon as my PIL's brings her home at abt 3 or 4pm after a day at the childcare. When she reaches home, she will start playing with Kristy and I guess she could have contacted the virus from her as u all are aware that there are so many viruses out there esp in a childcare environment, so many kids...

I don't believe in her getting sore eye from her ownself as this is an infectious disease and is passed via close contact or air borne. My PIL think otherwise..they are not so understanding.. we tried explaining to them but I guess its no point arguing over this matter as they have no obligation looking after Kristy. I am also in a dilemma as to whether I shld quit my job now.. still thinking..

btw, gals enjoy u Sunday!!
Dear all,

share with you gals some pictures that i took after the baby show.. those that my hubby took at the show were too blur liao.

look at how she bite the trophy..

Tetra, Please call Jessica of Kindermusik. She surveying whether you would like an earlier time cos she may have more than 1 class.
Hi all,
finally my laptop is up again after a whole long week!!! I think there's too many posting for me to catch up liao, I will probably read them slowly when i have more time. Just want to pop in to say hello first.

BTW, during this week, Julian has been having some strike when i try feeding. But slowly he is eating more again, so i am quite glad. Also he has started to figure out out how to crawl! Very unstable stage still, but he seems to be getting it. =)

I found the much talked about food puff from cold storage and bought 3 bottles... havent try them yet though...
Tetra, Jessica is asking whether you are interested in a 9.45am class, if there is one? Please contact her asap.

Hi, anyone has tetra's contact besides her hp, please help to pass the message. Thanks.
sun_moon, catz, can tell me which cold storage you bought the Gerber puffs from? Thanks.

sun_moon, Good to have you back
Julian jia you!


Twinkle, Hope Kristy recover soon.
sleepymom: just got a new hp today which is still charging. I will let Jessica kow if there is still vacancy for earlier class. Thanks for the message. oh ya I haven't open my email yet.

twinkle: so sorry to hear that Kristy is having eye sore. hope she is getting better. still it's better to see the PD for a checkup tomorrow. if the current situation is really bad, & baring money is not an issue, can consider taking care of twinkle esp if your job situation is not improving. but still it's a big decision, you must also like being a SAHM. take care!
Phoebe and Kristy mei mei.... are you girls feeling better? Hope you get well soon... Hugz
-from Ash Kor Kor

Hehe, we didn't know Ash's pic appeared in Motherhood... got to go buy later. After reading your post yesterday, daddy purposely went to Cheers to see if mag is here. Went again this am, haha, also don't have. Haha, daddy so kan cheong
Mummy more realistic, first thing I ask hubby is got prize or not??? haha. The YP one which he appeared, the prize is a nivea hamper, not bad lah, but more for mummy than baby!!

Batam trip
Had a very good time at the Batam trip. Ash is really much bigger now, compared to couple of months ago when we brought him Tioman. Now, can tell that he enjoys the trip and he is so much more interactive and responsive. Very very fun!!! We brought him swimming, makaning and shopping. Daddy also spend quite some time bonding with him.. haha, cos got no soccer and internet there :p

Here's the photo link if mummies interested ->
Hi Ladies,

After a no gai gai weekend at home.. we monitored that Phoebe is not exactly coughing. Mummies, please help me analyse... She doesn't cough in the morning, doesn't cough in the afternoon, not in the evening, not during feeding, but sometimes in the nite before I tuck her to bed. I suspect that she might be mimicking my MIL's coughing sounds... MIL's been coughing abit but not that serious sick coughing, just occasional cough...

Compared to my colleague's baby who is having fever and cough and phelgm whom she is diagnosed mild Bronchitis (thanks to Catz for the spelling), I really dunno what's wrong with Phoebe, just when we thought she's cleared, she starts doing some 'cute' coughs and her recent body temperature is ranging from 36.8 to 37.1 as compared to her usual 'normal' temperature of below 36.7... hiaz... Being drinking lesser milk of only 700ml...

Hi Ann,
We did managed to capture the stage's photos but it's not too good too... I guess it should be the lightings, will post once I sort out my 7 mths just downloaded photos in my laptop. Still owe Piggy some pics too...

Hi Evelyn,
No problem, will pass you the Mamil powders. Which part of clementi huh?? Tot of passing you the Mamil Nite asap, cos it's open already.

HI Twinkle,
Poor girl, going through some tough time... Hope Kristy, yourself and your hubby recover soon. Sore eyes is in the rage now, my HR colleague is on MC for sore eyes ever since last Tues till now. Mummies, please take extra care of personal hygiene, especially when you are out, must wash hands then can touch baby.

Hi Blanche,
Thanks for your well wishes!! This sotong mummy also dunno if anything is wrong with baby or not.....

Just got to know from the LJ that Ash is on the magazine leh.... So young already got Model talent... Glad that you guys enjoy the trip, will go view the photos later!!!
Good Day to all Mums...

Aiyo, so heart pain... Losing your 2month old phone..... But looking at the bright side, at least Lucas enjoyed the Kidermusik class..

I am so sorry to hear that Kristy is having sore eyes. I hope she is better now? I think it is true that your PIL have no obligations to take care of Kristy for you. Have you considered hiring a maid to stay at home to help look after Kristy? Salary + levy will be less than $600. Just that you have to have luck with getting a good and reliable maid. But at least you can "control" the maid's actions and she have the obligation to look after Kristy. Quiting your work is a BIG move. Of course if $ allows, then quit and hire a maid is the best.

The jade is a "attached on". It is actually in a shape of a ring (Like the rings we wear on our fingers) but it is very small, I just "wear" the jade ring onto his usual anklet. I remembered that when I first added the jade, he giggled and giggled when he sees the jade.
It was a funny sight. So the jade ring stayed on the anklet since then. It was my MIL's idea to let hin have the jade....

Your girl is so cute.... Aiyo, so chubby.... I like...

I was wondering where you went. Have not seen you logged in for a while... I hope your 2 little ones get well soon. It is so tiring for mummies when their little one is sick.

I think there is no way to stop your mum from carrying Tim. I can think only a way: You carrying him ALL the time so that she don't have the chance. What surgery is she going this week? I remember that she went for one not so long ago, isn't it?
Hi all,
Not a good weekend for me.. Angel fell from the bed on Sat.. Rushed to KKH, had a xray.. No fracture.. But have to monitor for 72 hrs.. She has a blue black right eye, otherwise she is as active as ever.. Haiz.. I feel that I am a lousy mummy..
Sorry to hear that Angel fell. Since Xray shows no fracture and she's as active as ever, I guess Angel is alright. Please dun feel lousy, sometimes babies are really too fast, this can happen to anyone.
You must be very heartpain now... me too. Sayang Angel for me okay!!
hi blanche, re the pic of ash in motherhood, I cant remember which issue. Could be a previous one or maybe not motherhood. I just remember I had seen ash's pic before the one in YP. So please check before you buy hor. Pai seh if cause you to waste money.
I think she is just mimicking. kekekeke... Linus also does that at times. Sometimes, the mimick is done so quickly that he starts to choke on his saliva and will puke out his milk.

I really "scared" to hear him mimick coughing right after drinking a full feed of milk. He will mimick the cough and at the same time smile or even giggle, then cough again then laugh then choke then viola.... puke...

Puke also got standard one, he will lean his head away from his body so that the puke will kanna everywhere except him. Usually kanna my shoulder and down my back or onto the floor. As for him. will remain spotlessly clean. Clever way of getting rid of mummy cos she got to clear up the mess........
yve, coincidentally, Cherish also fell down from the bed on Sat nite! Din bring her to see PD as she appeared ok... No bruise or even blue black. Had been monitoring her for these few day liao....
Wondered if must sent to see doc....
thanks all for your comforting words..

Hope Kristy and you are feeling better..

angel also likes to fake cough..

Poor Cherish.. Monitor for vomitting, blurness, unusual sleepiness, discharge from nose/ears.. Haiz, after the fall, makes me think twice of having another kid..
yve: hope Angel is ok now. keep us updated. accidents like that do happen, dun blame yourself.

ocean: good to just monitor Cherish.

piggy: yah, quite heartpain. but already "see open", anyway got new free hphone now. as long as everyone is ok, nothing else is more important. Your Linus very cute leh, he must have find it very funny to mimick & seeing mummy fussing on his vomit.

Lucas will also puke some milk if he is busily standing & sitting continuously. twice last week. last time he also try to mimick coughing but has stopped.

blanche: Ashton looks more like daddy. Looks so nice to go for a trip as a family. Ashton is so lovable, he knows how to pose for camera. U look good in the swim suit. The pix with the duckie towel is so funny.
So sad to hear that some of the babies here are not feeling well and Angel and Cherish both fell down from the bed!!! I hope you gals bb get well soon and pls take good care of them. Hopefully these "setback" will help the bb grows stronger.

Thank you. Usually after work I take MRT from Clementi to Sbwg ard 5.50pm. Must transit MRT at Jurong East Interchange. Your working place at Jurong right? Maybe you can pass the mamil nite to me at Jurong.

Your little girl is very chubby lehsoooooooo cute!!!

From the photos can tell you guys really enjoyed very much at the Batam trip. I cant stop laughing when Ash covered with Quack Quack Quack ! Hahaha!
You stayed at Harris Resort huh? (one of my company client.)

Tetra, sleepymom
So great that you gals and babies enjoyed so much at the Kindermusic. Tetra, thanks! But these few weeks quite busy, dun think can make it.

Dredging & reclamation works.

Sometime my company driver sends me home when I work late (he also staying in north), pass by Sunset way, I always think of you coz youre staying there right?
yve and oceans,
hope Angel and Cherish are alright. Dun blame yourself ok.. cos' like what emonster said, sometimes, babies move really fast..
no worries... we didn't buy any mags yet. daddy sure look and see got pic then buy one :p Think that's how the mag do biz, publish photos and hope parents will buy... and we fell into the trap!!!

Yve and Ocean,
Read in my paed clinic that you should monitor for lethargy, abnormal behaviour, unusual crying or vomitting. If nothing like that happens, should be fine. Don't blame yourself, sometimes it cannot be helped. just take it that they will have to fall before they grow up. I'm sure you've done your best to prevent a fall, but sometimes, precaution just ain't enuff, they are just too fast!

Evelyn, tetra
Yeap, we stayed at Harris. They are having some promotion, so it costs $80 per pax for 2 nights inclusive of ferry and b/fast. Thought it was quite a good deal. The rooms are clean but if you ar looking for ambience, then not really so. More a family resort

Ash looking like daddy? Hehe, some says he looks like me while other says daddy...maybe me and hubby look alike then

Yeah yeah, we got the quack towel from Aussino. Got doggy and froggy as well. I like it too!!!

Gerber puffs
Mummies, looking for gerber puffs, heard from colleague (my intel source :p) that compass point has sweet potato and banana flavour while parkway giant got strawberry and apple.

How's your mum? When's the op? You take care of yourself too yah.

My fav vid of Ash, taken during the trip. What happened was daddy's slippers got ants so he was throwing it against the floor, then baby started laughing. Daddy continously threw the slippers and he laughed and laughed. I was at spa then, saw the vid so amused

Laughing Ash
Swimming Ash

Kindermusic trial class
Any more trial classes that mummies are aware of? Thinking of joining
Dear All,

Thanks for all your concern. My hubby and I are still on MC for the next few days.. Kristy swollen eyes has went down but sill red ... hope she will get well soon... for me, I feel my body ache like hell and I got fever jus now, I was so worried jus now cos dengue fever is so common now.. I hope I will be better soon, if no, hubby down, me also down.. Kristy also so pitiful cos no one showers her attention..

I hope ur mum is feeling allrite... For tingkat caterer, Neo garden nt bad....

I will try putting kristy at my mum's place for a 1 or 2 days then see how, I really hope the maid can make it...
Sorry to intrude the thread.

Hi Ocean and yve, my baby boy also fell down from bed last week. Made me so heart pain. I have been monitoring him since 24th, till now still active as ever. Thank GOD. Now whenever I have to do/take something, I placed him on the tilam. My elder boy more worse, fell for few times when he was about 6 - 7th month, now coming 3 yrs old already.
hi mummies,

wonder if i can join this thread coz my bb not a Jan 2005. she was suppose to come 1 jan but came early on 17 Dec 2004.
Yeah, I still have that image of Angel facing down on the floor after she fell.. Haiz, so scary.. When I returned home last night, heard angel crying in the kitchen.. She fell from sitting on the floor cos my MIL put her to sit on her floor while she prepare the porridge.. So angry with MIL.. Told her to put angel in the playpen, never to let her sit unsupervised on the floor already.. Within one week, already knock the head so many times.. Not stupid, also knock stupid leow.. 72 hours have passed, she seems fine.. She is sleeping better at night already too.. Thank god..

No problem! Evelyn's Wilfred also came early in Dec.. Welcome!
Welcome welcome!
New member must show us your bb photo first leh.hehe, just joking!
Btw, your potato so cute, do share her photos here
Hi lovely mommies,

Juz an update on the boys. So far so gd...think they are getting better. Khayr (older twin), can still hear wheezing at times but everything else seems normal. As for Rayhan, he seems to be doing much better but last 2 days very restless. His afternoon naps has been reduced to average of 45 mins frm 2hrs. Also he's putting his fingers in his mouth...I suspect teething but cant seem to see anything
Hopefully, will be better by this Fri and can stop nebuliser on them...

I can see that all ur children are already weaning and taking biscuits etc. Still cant feed Khayr and Rayhan yet cuz dietitian advised not to. Really excited and looking forward to when she gives us the go-ahead cuz they are very interested in food now esp when they see us eat...their mouth open and close like a goldfish

Accidents do happen and also we are not perfect. Children hurt but they also get over it pretty quickly. Am glad that Angel is ok...
Hi Twinkle,
Glad to know that Kristy's getting better. Were you bitten by a mosqi in the daytime??? Understand that Andes mosqi only bites in day time... must take good care of yourself... Auntie emon gives Kristy lots of hugssss... sayang sayang..

Hi Joyce!!

Aiyoh, poor J, glad to know he's okay now!!

Hi Lachesiz,
Welcome to the thread, no need to mind about the the thread name, as long as you are a mummy you are most welcome!!!

Hi Yve,
Heartpain to hear Angel fell again, glad to know she's sleeping better already!!

Hi Piggy,
hehe, Linus really smart, already know how to perform 'clean puke'... after some monitoring, we concluded that Phoebe is indeed mimicking... must be careful of what we do now.. if not, next time round, I'll see my chub chub doing the same... but I guess anything but cough should be funny.... she loves to do the pig face now... hehe

Wah, you are very slim leh... I think 1 emon = 2 blanche... hehe
Welcome. Linus is suppose to be a Jan baby too but arrived in December, one week after Evelyn's Wilfred. So you are most welcome here.

Aiyo, why one more time fall down huh? Very hard to prevent falling for babies/kids. As long as she is ok, then better take the "close one eye" attitude.
Yve and ocean,
so sorry to read about your baby falling from the bed. But glad to know they are ok. Do be more careful in the future la. If have to put them on the bed, surround them with lots of pillows as a buffer. I usually do that. But now that he is able to crawl, I think i should also be more careful.

Seriously, i didnt manage to catch up on all the postings, just hope all mummies and babies are doing well the last week la.

Gerber Puff
those who interested, i bought them at Great world. Their stock running out liao, after i buy, they only left with 3-4 bottles of banana flavours. Seems to be very popular hor. gave Julian some and he finds it ok i think.
Thanks emon!

Hi yve, mine was in the lying position. Now I rather they skipped the flipping part! Aiyoo, must warn your MIL, accidents may happen once oversight!
Haiyoo, wait till your boy start to sit and crawl and pull to stand.. 1 pair of hands and 1 pair of eyes also not enough to monitor them.. They are so fast!
