(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

hi girls,

hope everyone is feeling better! i think my MS is visiting me less this week and less vomitting.... keeping my fingers crossed i will have my second gynae vist next week. during my first visit, i was already in 9th week, bb was already 2cm and the most amazing thing was i heard my bb's heartbeat. too bad my hubby was not around to share this joy

dophina, do take good care of yourself. weather has been real hot and humid so it is easy to fall sick

sun-moon, my EDD is also 5 Jan but my gynae says bb may arrive one week earlier.... so could be a christmas surprise ... my MIL will come to join us in Oct, but she only can stay max 3 months, which is very near my delivery date. my hubby says he will take care of me until MIL flies back in Jan.


Anybody can advise me this? I did not take any vitamins except folic acid but I am drinking milk(Enfa Mamma). Is it enough? Actually my gynae prescribe some Iron pills, calcium to take but I didn't take it as I am worried it will gives me constipation which I m now already facing. Understand Iron pills are rather heaty. I actually regretted not bringing back the vitamins just in case I changed my mind to take.

Anybody can advise?
thanks sun_moon and goodfriend for your encouragement!

today whole morning feeling nausea.... really looking forward to my gynae appt on fri. hope i can hear bb heartbeat too..

Hi tantan!

Yah, your blood test is not the triple test. cos my gynae told me the triple test can oni be taken at at least 15 wks or later. hmm, u reminded me of something, how come I didnt take the sugar blood test at all?

Twinkle, my gynae did not prescribe me anything other than folic acid.Dunno y aso, the nurse told me multi-vit will oni be given to me after 4 mths. she says still not necessary at this stage.Infact I oni started taking folic acid at 6 wks, which I thot was bit too late, as i oni discovered bb at that time
Hi all, have been reading your postings but never really posted here!

<font color="ff6000">Twinkle</font>, during the 1st trimester, Folic Acid is the most impt vitamin that you had to take because this is the stage whereby the baby is developing its major organs. Usually, most gynae would just prescribe Folic Acid.

For me, other than Folic Acid, i still ask for Muti-vitamin, Obimin. Doc did tell me no need, it would only be required after 1st trimester, but i insisted as i was worried that i take not enough other vitamin such as zinc and iron. I also asked if any side effect if taken and the answer is no.
is it normal to have backache and tummy cramps at this stage? today has been the worst. kinda worry that something is not right...
sun_moon, I get "tailbone" ache too..

dolphina, I get pulling pains on the left and right.. Like the muscles trying to support the heavy uterus.. Cannot imagine how painful it will be when we get bigger..
Hi all,

Ya, i also got "tailbone" ache (the lowest part of the spine), sometime very painful until can't walk properly, has to hold on a support and walk like an eighty years old Ah Ma..

For me, it happens since my 4th or 5th week, not under specific condition, can happen anytime, how about you (yve and sun_moom)?

Initially I tot I am abnormal coz my mum and sis never had this problem..
yeah, it can happen any time.. When it happens, I need to sit down, but sitting down also need to adjust until comfortable.. My job is desk-bound, so I need to walk about now and then to loosen up.. Otherwise, back pain..
mine tailbone ache only happens since last weekend i think. I didnt experience this before, but it comes and goes... i kinda suspect that it's cos our pelvis is expanding, thus affecting the surrounding areas like tummy, bladder, and maybe even tailbone lor.

Have you gals told all your friends about your good news already? Cos I have not leh...
Sun_moon, I dunno when then stop taking folic acid. your gynae should have prescribed u the rite amt of folic acid before u go for the next appt rite? for me, they always give me exactly the amt i need. Plus, I heard tat folic acid can be bought at pharmacies.

at first my hubby and me wanted to tell frens oni after 3 mths..but sometimes really cant help it. feel like bursting the news. I've already told some of my gd frens, but oni when we met up then I told them. Cos many already asking when we are planning for bb..but of cos both our family already knew, and some of our relatives. My mom was too anxious, no matter how hard I tried to prevent her from saying

I havent experienced any tailbone ache, just some backache and shoulder ache which i tink most prob is due to sitting long in office. aso realised that my pace of walking is really getting slower. oh ya, yest I experience a slight cramp in my leg while i was walking. dunno if it's tat due to preg..anyone knows roughly how long wil a pregnant woman gets leg cramps?
Ah Bunny, usually we stop taking Folic acid after the 1st trimester whereby all the major organs of our baby had already been developed. After the 1st trimester, we would start taking multi-vitamins.
Just read on the online straits time that Evelyn Tan and Darren Lim are also pregnant and expecting their baby in early Jan.... hmmm...
hi girls! I'm also due in Jan - Jan 9th to be precise. Currently based in the US but will be flying back in Oct/Nov to deliver in TMC. Nice to meet other people suffering fr the same aches and pains!

BTW, Julia Roberts is also expecting twins around first week of January
Baby boom eh?
hi Catz,

so your bb is made in USA...

hi sun_moon,
yupe saw the news...so lucky can strike so easily hor....so we have 2 celebrities having bb in the same mth as us...so exciting!

dunno why these 2 days my tummy so crampy. arghh
hi all,
i just vomited my breakfast.... just when i tot my MS is over, it comes back. I feeling so sick now. Suddenly my appetite is gone again. I wonder why like that.

Catz, why dun you want to deliver in the US? You flying back alone? Hubby in US or in Spore?
I would like to deliver in Spore too but seems tough since my hubby works HK and can't accompany me for so many months if i have it in Spore.

hope u feeling better now..

ya on some days when i thot my MS is almost over, it came back again the next day. its really annoying and does not have any fixed time....so unpredicatable.

just read a book thats says around wk 10, MS will be at the peak.... and gradually reduce until wk 18... aiyo seems like a long way to go before reaching wk 18....cant imagine still 8 more weeks to go...

MS start at week 10?? opps, i not even at week 10 yet.. :p Feeling a bit under the weather now..

i think MS thingy is depending on individual but according to the book, normally it will be at the peak on wk 10. so i think at wk 10 we will feel it more intensely and worse than any other week. and then it will subside as the weeks passes until at wk 18 then MS will be cleared for most preggie.

lets all keep our finger cross that ours will be completely gone by end of 1st tri. heeeee
Hi Dolphina &amp; Yve,

My MS had never over. I also had those feeling. Especially when I smell/see something that is unpleasant.
Waaah.. I hope my MS disappears for good!!! When I was having my blood test and the nurse said that she had MS for 7 months!! *faint*

sun_moon, the timing is not right for me to deliver in the US. My husband's course finishes just 3 weeks before my EDD and he will not be able to extend his US visa as he needs to report for work 3 days after graduation. So bopian, need to deliver in Singapore. The advantage is that it's so much cheaper and my parents can be my support system. Hopefully I get to full gestation so that my husband will not miss the excitement (plus I can scream at him.. haha)... Guess what? Every month I need to pay US$500 for OBGYN visits, not including blood tests or whatever. So just as well I am delivering in Singapore if not we need to declare bankruptcy!

I'm currently 10.5 weeks.. belly already starting to protrude 'cos I think I lost about 3 kg from the nausea and no appetite so less fats to hide the uterus. :p
morning all,

catz..really huh MS for 7 months. oh no! hope none of us here will have to go thru this...."touch wood"

din know the med cost is soo soo high in US. altho we have been complaining ours high in S'pore but compare to US its still peanuts right.

aiyo altho i have been feeling nausea, i dun think i have lost any weight. instead i have been putting on weight coz i still have my usual meals but feeling miserable thereafter....heeee
tan tan... thanks... i am in need to know more about mercury in fish actually. Cos i have been eating alot of tuna sandwich man! Worried!

Dolphina, am feeling much better today and my family are arriving today, so i am also excited about it. BTW, like you, i didnt lose weight, but gained abt 3kg... cos i still eat, and suffer from bloatedness after that. But i insist to eat if not i feel guilty for starving the bb. :p
hi all

yah lor, my friend gave birth via c-section and it cost her US$20k!!! Talk about wiping out your savings! Anyway, for US citizenship, maybe it's worth it lor.. hehe

Oh, my OBGYN here told me to keep my fish intake to not more than 6 ounces per week. Must avoid big fish like shark, kingfish, mackerel.. Tuna, salmon is OK but don't consume too much lah.

Really hope to say bye bye to my morning sickness soon man.. damn shack. Always have to carry sng mui around with me. :p The only good thing is that I lost all my extra fats from my backside.. haha

that must be exciting for you with your family visiting you. must be bz bring them around.


does that means med cost is lower if one is a US citizenship?

these days those preserved sour stuff has no effect on me liow.so sad...and the nausea feeling lasted 24 hours. no joke. sometime in the middle of the nite, i will be awoken from my sleep and feeling nausea.
hey dolphina,

Nope, US or non-US citizens hv to pay the same.. it's only those ppl without health insurance who will really suffer! In fact, some ppl are still paying off for their kid's birth when the children are going into university.. very cham man... Luckily for us we have Medisave/Medishield.

I went for my 2nd OBGYN visit today and I saw my little one!!!! He was moving around.. in fact, in the space of just a few minutes, he moved constantly.. so it was hard for the OBGYN to get a good crown-rump length measurement.. however, it seems that for 10.5 weeks, my foetus measures 12 weeks (7+cm)!!! No wonder my stomach is starting to pop out already. It was so weird to see this little fella doing acrobatics 'cos I cannot feel anything!!! Very relieved 'cos we also managed to hear the heartbeat with handheld Doppler so it's a strong heartbeat for an active baby.

Will be flying off for vacation this weekend.. hopefully I don't get too nauseous on the plane. Will update when I get back.

Aiyoh, dolphina, if sng mui no effect, how? Better eat some plain crackers before you sleep.. heard it helps to settle your tummy.
Hi catz,

Wow, it must be a great feeling to hear your baby's heartbeat.. I can't wait to hear mine..

Haiz, don't have good appetite nowadays.. did not even finish half of the noodles for dinner last night.. Hungry but dun feel like eating..

I discovered another 2 maternity shops on Sat.. I was at Great World City to look into MotherWorks and Mothers World. Found nothing interesting at both places.. But discovered a new shop called Dune on the first floor.. near body shop.. They sells cotten maternity clothes and baby clothes.. Looks like a french label and price is reasonable..

The other place I found is at Delfi Orchard, white building opposite forum shopping centre.. second floor, called BloomingChic. Sells maternity and big size clothes.. Originates from Indonesia and prices are cheaper.. E.g. a nice dress cost about 60 to 70..

Alas, I din buy anything from both shops.. waiting to buy after my next doc appt.. Next mon...

your bb is huge. at my last visit at wk 10, my bb only measure 3.18cm leh. how come so big difference from yours huh... *Scratch head*

aiyo getting worried liow... anyway enjoy ur vacation!
To all mum-to-be (Dec03/Jan 04)
So happy to find this thread as my EDD is 2 Jan 05 &amp; read from all that you are all healthy &amp; enjoying your pregnancy. Currently now in the 12 weeks &amp; can't wait to see my gyna tonite. The last scan was during the 9th week, abt 2.9cm &amp; was so excited to see the heartbeat &amp; the baby was moving his/her hand &amp; lifting his/her head during the scan. Also suffer from indigestion especially dinner for 2-3 weeks luckily has stopped now. Only concern is @ this stage, still have some spotting once-a-while. Now enjoy my pregancy, already wearing maternity clothes so that I can stick out my tummy. Agreed with the advice above on the folic acid- to take in the 1st trimester which is critical for the cell development &amp; organs formation. After 1st trimester, then take the multi-vitamin all the way. But if you're sick i.e. flu or fever, do not take iron pills especially in the 1st trimester as virus built on iron to grow. Which is why gyna do not prescribe other supplements besides folic acid in the 1st trimester. I am currently thinking of engaging a doula &amp; attending yoga class for pregnant mum. Any recommendation? Meanwhile, you all take care &amp; hope to read from you soon.
hi all mums to be...
I have just came back from the airport sending my family home. I had a very good time with them over the weekend, and seeing them off really feel so sad. I am extremely depressed now, cos i know i will miss their presence and voices so much. Suddenly it feel even more lonely here. just feel like crying...

I just bought a few maternity pants and tops. It is very expensive here. I hope these items are able to fit all the way till end of pregnancy.

MS is very serious over the weekend. Most of the food i ate are vomited out. Last night i vomited twice. I dont even dare eat much now.

Feeling very blue.....
sun_moon: perhaps juz share with you that pregancy sickness is a good sign in the 1st trimester. It is our baby's defence to toxins which may affect their growth. However, excessive vomitting requires you to see you doc. Avoid those food which you body has vomitted in the past &amp; introduce comfort food slowly, take small portion @ one meal. Since u have been vomitting for the last few days, make sure u drink more water &amp; take high sodium food i.e. potato chips, crackers to replenish sodium or you will feel dehyrated. Pregnant mums usually very emotional (as complained by my hubby due to hormone change). Look on the bright side &amp; focus on your baby, talking to your baby helps to make you feel better. Baby may feel what the mum is feeling too. Perhaps some shopping will cheer u up before the GSS ends.
sun_moon: juz find out from the above posting that u're not in Spore but in Hongkong (unless I get it wrong again) so GSS does not help. Perhaps better to have a good talk with your hubby &amp; share your thoughts. Lots of loving tender care will help to cheer you up. Don't forget that baby may feel what mum is going through. Talking to your baby or calling your family may help too. Think of happy thoughts &amp; smile.
hi sun_moon,

dun be sad okie otherwise bb will also feel it too...

hi mum-to-be,
so i guess based on your 9 wk scan @ 2.9cm, my bb should be okie @3.18 @ wk 10. wat a relief!
is your MS completed gone now thats why u are enjoying ur pregnancy now? my MS gotten worse this week. me too thrown up my dinner last nite..arghhh still not enjoying mine yet
hi mum-to-francis's baby,
thanks for the encouragement and advices. I am also in my 12 week, and EDD is ard 6 Jan. I jus did many housework to stop myself from thinking about depressing thoughts. At least i am glad i just bot some clothes cos really running out of things to wear. And I cant' wait to start wearing the maternity clothes, cos they are more comfy, and wearing them at least reminds me i am having a baby soon, and that subconscously cheer me up alot. however, i wont be able to make use of the GSS, cos i am actually based in HK. I will plan a trip back in another month's time... miss home so much.

BTW, anyone knows whether preggie woman can take Sheng Yu ( Fish )??
Sun moon, Sheng Yu is raw fish right? Pls avoid taking anything that is raw, no matter how fresh it is due to the fact that chances of bacteria growing is higher. So things like sashimi and half-boiled egg, preggies are not advised to take!
no, not taking about sashimi... it's the fish that ppl boil for patient who just underwent surgery.... I dun know what it's called in english. Think it's called snakehead.... Can we eat that?
So happy to find new friends who are going through the same pregnancy period.

Hi Dolphina:Your baby is growing well, no worries! You can actually visit this website http://www.babycentre.co.uk/ on the foetus development. It has estimated sizes for each week which is a good reference guide. I actually note down all the estimated sizes in my calendar &amp; if got bored in the office, I will take a ruler &amp; measure how big the baby is &amp; daydream how the baby "swim" in the uterus. As for the MS, luckily didn't vomit except @ times "feel like vomitting". But definitely got bad digestion &amp; constipation (@ times 20 mins in the toilet...almost sleep). I have been reading this book "Protecting Your Baby-To-Be: Preventing Birth Defects in the 1st 3 Mths of Pregnancy". Take note that mum can consume many food toxins which may not harm her but the baby as he.she has no detoxification ability yet. Body helps to protect the fetus by vomitting (even can be triggered by smell), feeling nausea &amp; bloated, averting certain food so that you dun continue to consume such food because you never know which food is ok or not until u put in your mouth. I was surpised when I learn that vegetables (supposed to be nutritious) contains alot of toxins &amp; some pregnant mums may suddenly avoid certain veg which they once liked. For eg, I use to eat chinese black mushroom but during my 1st 3 mths, cannot even forced down my throat. Later then learn that mushroom is one of the food to avoid as it is the least palatable &amp; most toxic. But this is a general guide, some pple may have enough enyzemes in their liver to detoxify such toxins (which I dun have) but I can still eat broccoli (but not as much as in the past) as compared to my vegetarian friend who loved broccoli but cannot swallow down during her 1st trimester. So it could be the food you had during your dinner which may trigger your vomitting, take note of such food. However, once after your 1st trimester, MS should stop as all the organs have been formed &amp; is not easily affected by the toxins in the food. During the 2nd &amp; 3rd trimesters, you probably will be able to eat your usual food as your baby is growing rapidly in size. I'm sure you should be enjoying your pregnancy soon

Hi sun_moon: As long as the snakehead is fresh &amp; well-cooked, it should be ok. But if you feel uneasy or do not like the taste, dun force yourself. Sometimes it could be other ingredients in the food i.e. too much ginger or spice (smell of garlic makes me want to puke) or herb.

And btw, I have just visited my gyna, baby about 6.2cm @ 12-13 week EDD become 30/12/04 to 2/1/05. Gyna thought he saw a little "dick" but could be the umbilical cord. Can see baby hearbeat, head with eye socket, jaw, spine &amp; is waving his hands (up &amp; down) as if he knows we are watching him. Gyna also did a scan to measure the neck width to determine the probability of down syndrome abt 1 in 868 chances (luckily very, very slim chance). Gyna also gave prenatal multivitamin &amp; also bought from him NeuroGainPB Plus for brain development. Apparantly, this NeuroGain is formulated with the right amt of DHA, AA, EPA, OA for pregnant mum unlike the usual Scott's cod fish liver oil. Gyna also said that I can just finish the remaining folic acid tablets &amp; just take the prenatal multivitmain which is good enough. Hope this info is helpful for all.

wah...very long message. sorri, in case bored u to sleep
Hi Mum-to- Francis's Baby,
its very good information. Thanks! I think the thing you said about the morning sickness is very true. I believe the baby is rejecting some food that i was taking the past few days. it's comforting to know that the body is able to do such a job, cos sometimes we really have no idea how some innocent food could be so harmful.

I am seeing the gynae next monday. From what you descripe about your baby, i have great anticipation to see mine too, and now simply cant wait for 28 June to come!

btw, about NeuroGainPB Plus... is it only sold by gynae? Can we get it from pharmacy?? I suppose we only need to take it from 2nd tri onwards?
Sun Moon, pai sei
mistook Yu Sheng and Sheng Yu!!
Then, i think should be no problem!!

Wow, Mum-to-Francis Baby, that's a long nick!! Thanks for the information. How's nice to be able to see so much in your last scan.
I'll be going to see doc this Thu and been praying and hoping that everything is ok!
Hi friends, this is Mum-to Francis's Baby. Too tired to type this long name so I've registered as a member using "Tetra" yesterday.

Glad to note that u find the info useful. Usually I will countdown my appt date with gyna...but next appmt have to wait 4 weeks, 19 Jul. Too bad the ultrasound scan is not available for home use otherwise would have bought one &amp; watch baby grow everyday. It's just amazing to see the baby moves inside you. Give yourself a good treat after the scan as a celebration. I had KFC for dinner but dare not eat too much...so stomach growling &amp; wake up @ 4.45am to boil campbell soup b4 going back to sleep for another hour.

sun_moon: I check with my gynae that the NeuroGainPB Plus is either sold by the gynae or @ selected pharmacy. I find quite costly, cost me $30 for 1 bottle of 30 capsules. You can take this from the 2nd trimester onwards.
hi all,

understand from my friend that gynae will measure bb neck at about wk 12 to see if bb is having down syndrome....have anyone of you heard about this? my next appt will be past the 12 wks liow. wonder can this still be done.
ops tetra, i think i have missed your earlier msg on the neck measurement.
my gynae never mentioned anything so i wonder should i bring forward my next appt so that this can be done.

oh he gave me obimin but say to take them only when MS cleared coz it will trigger MS. maybe i will ask for neurogain in my next visit.
hi ... somehow can't seems to post without registering anymore, so i just got myself registered as member. Feeling okay today, and starting to plan holiday trip back home and maybe to australia.
dolphina: gynae will still be able to measure the baby neck even if it's past the 12 wk. Apparently, only @/after 12 wk then can measure. If it's <2.5mm, gynae will then suggest further tests to confirm the down syndrome.

sun_moon: cool...to go to australia. I also love this place. Just note that some airlines will not take pregnant woman in the end 2nd trimester &amp; definitely not the 3 trimester.

tetra, i plan to go in my second tri, hopefully they will take me. I can't wait to get out of HK now, everyday i am counting down. haha.

intend to start making my first dose of bird nest this friday. Will try making it myself, will let you all know should i be sucessful.

tomorrow drawing blood for blood test. Anyone knows if i shd eat or not eat before drawing blood?
