(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be


oh so it can only be done from wk 12? icic. so i think i should be doing the test in my next visit.

do u all think its ok to travel at wk 17? had planned to go HK during that wk with my col but got to convince my HB and those folks...

sun_moon if i can the trip maybe i can go visit you provided u in town and not travelling out of HK. hehe

oh does anyone know if we can take aloe vera? those small pieces together with the fruit juices.

Hi dolphina,

I had been taking aloe vera with apple juice. why cant we take it?

Hi Sun moon,

If you cooking bird nest, remember to put some pandan leaves and some red dates. Else the taste of the bird nest is quite strong.
Dolphina, if you are coming in July... i will be in town. Aug i will come back Spore.

Yvoyvo, there is pandan leaves in HK... ( sad rite! ), but i will put red dates and rock sugar lo. Any other alternatives besides using pandan leaves??

coz some sales person from "Lo Hang Kah" told me before that if preggies cannot take aloe vera some times ago. at that point i din bother to ask much. argh should have ask more question.

now a lot of my fav things cannot take ie grass jelly, stingray and aloe vera. been having craving for these stuff recently.

sun moon, aiyo i intend to go over the National Day long weekend leh. guess u might be back in spore during that time.

oh my mum used to put ginseng slices to "dun" with the birdnest. taste great but dunno if we can still have it this way now ??
i read in some book that we shd not take ginseng now. So do take note. byw, why are we not able to eat Stingray leh? ( not as thou i have it here lah... but just in case i blur blur eat it when i come back. )

National Day I wont be here... either in Spore or already in Brisbane/Cairns. Heehee... But suppose you only going for a few days? I intend to continue my Spore stay after aussie, thus will be in Spore till end og Aug... so if you are back, we can meet maybe! Shopping for maternity clothes maybe??
ya on lah, we can meet up and go shopping together. sound interesting... anyone else interested can join us okie.

i also dunno why cannot take stingray. strict instructions from my in laws to avoid it and grass jelly. so sad right. and then hor they say cannot tell me the reasons until bb is born. argh cannot stand them sometimes...heeeee
old folks are like that la. I also have friends who tell me not to go to the zoo, not to see monkey , etc... i guess they meant for our good. But I try to have an open mind, cos you know sometimes you can't stop catching a glimspe of a monkey on TV like discovery channel, or even our very own channel news asia... so, i try not to be so superstitious too lo.

BTW, anyone going to follow the program that wong Lilin making with CNA? I just saw that it's postphoned till 3 Jul... or is it cos i am catching it from cable, thus so late? Any idea if the documentry has started in Spore itself?
hi dolphina: came back home to check on the book. need to add on more details on the neck test which is called "Nuchal Tanslucency Scan which measures the fluid collected behind the baby's neck. A space of < 2.5mm may indicate high risk when considered alongside the age of the mum &amp; her obstetric history. This test is done bwtn 11 &amp; 13 week &amp; is about 80% accurate. If results shows the possibility of an abnormality, you may request further tests. If it shows an increased risk of spina bifida, a detailed scan of the baby's spine can check for abnormalities. If the test shows a possible risk of Down's syndrome, you'll be offered an amniocentesis or CVS." [Copy from the book, not I write one...) So it may be a good idea to bring forward your appt before the 13 week. But not too worry, such risk is quite low especially if you r still young.

Maybe week 17 still ok to travel but better clear with airlines &amp; gynae.

sun_moon: juz be careful with the ginseng. play safe is not to eat too much during this time. I think if 1 or 2 slice for the flavouring in the bird nest is ok. while i was watching the recently ended hongkong serial "Sun Wu Kong" show in channel U, my granny also said dun watch as the cast is either the bull or pig head, she said better to watch "pretty things". so absurd &amp; funny but I know she meant well.

as for the aloe vera, never heard of it. sometimes drink the Pokka "grape juice with aloe vera". ok leh...&amp; the stingray, also never heard of... maybe not nice looking...perhaps better to eat better looking fishes. as for the grass jelly, also ppl say dun eat. I think not too much lah (too cooling) because every week I'll eat ice kachang once a week. I think if u know your womb is not too strong i.e. always have menstrual clamp, better not to eat too yin/cooling stuff.

ya, maybe can meet you all in Aug for shopping, need to buy some more bras in case the milk factory grows much bigger.

Not sure abt the Wong Lilin's making, thought it is 26 jun...

Today, met one doula for a discussion. not bad, very experienced in childbirth as a nurse &amp; midwife (24 years in TMC) but just started as a doula this May &amp; her 1st client gave birth 2 days ago. Going to meet another ang-mo doula next week, see how it goes...
ah... what does a doula do? what's the diff bet doula and midwife?

if anyone has any contact for midwife and is not using their service, can let me know. i still looking for midwife.
thanks tetra for the info, then i think i better bring forward my appt a week earlier. dun wanna to take chance!

sun_moon, yupe i saw the trailer that lilin show will be postponed to 3 july. very fast hor u are at wk 12 liow, can finally count down to 2nd tri!

hmmm. we can disusss more on our outing in aug when sun moon confirm her trip...

i thot midwife will be provided by the hospital? am i right to say a doula provide mental support and dun encourage the use of any epidural and inhaling gas huh?
Hi Tetra,

What it said in your book is different from what it said in the Babycenter website leh...(www.babycentre.co.uk/refcap/544491.html) very confused now, coz in the website it say NT thinner is lower risk (up to 2.0mm at wk 11 and up to 2.8mm at 13wk 6d is normal, according to the website).

I just did my NT scan yesterday, the thickness is 1.9mm and my gynae said I am at the low risk end, but, to play safe, I will opt for the DS blood test as well ( during 1st tri, measured PAPP-A and beta hCG), these combination will give 90% accuracy..

Yesterday scan can see bb moving, so excited, hubby couldn't stop " ha!..ha!.." everytime when the bb turned around, and guess what, he didn't realise that he was laughing at all.. :D

I saw from the screen that my bb was 12k6d yesterday, but when asked gynae, she only said "today is 12wk according to scan", CRL 64.3mm, normal?? anyone else got any figure to share with?
Hi dolphina/Sun Moon,

I had read some articles that we should not take ginseng at this moment as some of components are harmful to us.

I also heard from some pple saying that grass jelly will cause miscarriage. I think it is because it is too cooling.

I also intend to go over HK for holiday.. But my husband felt that it is not safe for me to travel... It just that I missed the food over there... especially smelly toufu..
tan tan,

can i know when is your EDD?

i have just managed to change my appt to a wk earlier. but the funny thing is my gynae din mentioned anything on the scan at all. i happen to hear from a friend.


yalor so many foods to avoid during pregnancy. but no choice lor.

wow you are indeed very adventurous on the smelly toufu... the last time i went i was so terrified with them....

really looking fwd to the trip as it was planned since last year with my col. so ready hope i can make it in aug..but will seek clearance from my gynae and the folks too..
Hi Dolphina,

Well, if I was indeed in my 12w yesterday, the the EDD will be 05 Jan 2005, but if I was 12w6d according to the scan, then EDD will be 30 Dec 2004. I hope my bb will be born on 01 Jan 2005, coz my mother and myself was born on 1 Jan, ha ha ha.. :D

Actually my gynae also didn't mention about the NT scan, otherwise I would choose to visit her this morning so that I can have the NT scan and DS blood test done together. Since she didn't tell me before, so I made appointment on yesterday evening, only after the NT scan she asked me whether I want to do DS blood test, then she realised that I couldn't do the blood test at the clinic as they do not have the test kits, that's why I have to go NUH again this Saturday morning.
tan tan,

oh both you and your mum are new yr bb! if your bb is also one that will be too much a coincidence..heee maybe u will be in the news everywhere. how interesting right. maybe u got to sweet talk to your little one to co-operate then.

sorry but i need to kpo abit agin. is your gynae from NUH? so the DS thingy is optional. but i usually hear people going for the triple test and not DS leh. in your case, will you still be doing a triple test then?

aiyo me all confuse with so many tests liow.

Hi, i did hear that preggie cannot take grass jelly and stingray! But i also dun noe why too...

As for Ginseng, my gynae from KK told me not to take any cos it is not good. But i read from any thread, they mentioned that only those wild Ginseng can be taken. However, as i cant differentiate them, think the best is just to avoid it!

By the way, i thot DS and triple test is the same?
No meh??
Hi Dolphina,

Ya, my gynae is from NUH, but I see her at Jurong Clinic for Women (Near CPF Building) coz it's closer to where I live.

I think all these screening tests for Down Syndrome are optional, however, if you are over 35, normally the gynae will "advise" you to do amniocentesis (take the "yan sui" and test) or CVP (not sure about the abbreviation, but it's a procedure to take "yong mao" sample by inserting a cod through vaginal). These two tests are diagnosis tests, which means they tell you definitely whether your bb got DS or not, but both carry a risk of miscarry.

DS blood test and double/triple tests, NT scan, measuring the nose bone length etc are "screening tests". These tests only "estimate" the likely-hood of having DS bb, but never 100% accurate.

The DS blood test done on 12 wk (1st Tri) will measure PAPP-A (pregnancy associated plasma protein) and beta hCG hormones, when combine with NT Scan, it gives close to 90% accuracy in estimating the risk of having Down bb.

If you miss to do the NT Scan or DS test during your 1st trimester, you can still do some screening tests during the second tri (15wk ~20wk). The second tri tests measure 4 types of hormones:
1) beta hCG
2) AFP (Alpha fetoprotein)
3) uE3 (oestriol)
4) Inhibin A

The so called "double test" is when measure 1) &amp; 2), " triple test" is when measure 19 &amp;2) &amp; 3), and so on.

If abnormal (i.e. high risk of Down bbb), will have high 1) &amp; 4) and low 2) &amp; 3).

Note: all the above information are summarised from babycenter.co.uk.

No, I will not do the triple test. Actually I am not really keen on doing the DS blood test as well, but hubby think better do it, so do lor..
he is a stingy guy, but luckily when come to these things he always quite "generous".. ha ha..
Hi tan_tan: I agree that the thickness should be in proportion to the growth of the baby depending on when the NT Scan is conducted. Gynae did mention to me that there will be a blood test in my next appt (in my 16 weeks) but not sure if it's the DS blood test...I heard that the amnicentesis has a (low) risk of miscarriage, see the picture like very painful. So unless gynae insists, then do otherwise I think your choice of having the DS blood test should be quite sufficient. oh, by the way, my last scan measured the baby @ 6.20cm @ 13w2d (based on my calendar is 12w3d). Our EDD should be quite similar, range from 30 Dec to 2 Jan.
sun_moon &amp; dolphina: did quite a fair bit of research on the doula. I hope that my pregnancy experience will go according to my birth plan of having a natural childbirth without any medical intervention i.e. episiotomy, epidural, artificial rupture of the membrane, oxytocin-induced labour, etc unless if necessary.

However, I also dun want to be hero, maybe by then cannot tahan, so when to carry out the intervention will also be stated in the birth plan as well. Certain things I specified to my gynae is being mobile (to help to dilate), having the choice to labour in the most comfortable position that I want i.e on the four (helps to relieve the backache &amp; tear), squatting, etc. I also dun want to rush to the hospital too early as I want to take the time to dilate in my home until I am ready to go to hospital. So in order to achieve the above, I need someone who is experienced in childbirth to be with me when labour from my home to hospital.

Usually doula service will also include prenatal classes (to prepare your body for natural birth &amp; also the options of intervention I can have), prenatal visits/consultation &amp; postnatal visits @ home (to see if your coping ok with bf, recovery, etc).

The diff between a midwife &amp; a doula is that the former provide prenatal care, labour &amp; delivery care, &amp; her philosophies is also been influenced by the hospital she works in. Usually she cannot be there for the whole process (if the labour takes a long time) emotionally or physically to support you. The midwife will watch the mum for warning signs &amp; if high risk, refer her to the gynae.

Doula will be there to help you manage your labour pain &amp; act as an advocate for u &amp; your hubby. Of course there are concerns as well, so I need to find one whom my gynae is also comfortable with. So yesterday, the doula I met was recommended by my gynae &amp; she has the advantage of being an experienced nurse &amp; midwife. Some of the doulas are not nursing trained but trained in child birth, usually expratriate's wife. Neither do I want a doula who wishes to pursue her personal interest of advocating a natural childbirth &amp; put the client @ risk &amp; disagree with the gynae. If I want an epidural, the doula is expected to support my decision, her role is to make sure that I have a fulfilling birth experience.

Some pple dissuaded us of our decision. But after much deliberation, we kinda made up our mind since this is our 1st experience &amp; knowing my hubb (hope he doesn't read this), he can be quite stressed if he sees me in pain (I think he also scared of blood). You can visit the website of www.parentlink.com to read the birth stories &amp; the benefits of having one.

sorri, ladies. once start writing, quite difficult to stop sometimes...can be very lo-sor.
hi oceans,

how many wks are u now? have you done the neck measurement test yet?

does that means we have to avoid ginseng thru out the pregnancy or just the 1st tri huh?

thanks TSH and Tetra for the information!
Dolphina, i am currently abt 9 wks. So still early, had not done the neck measurement. I think it is done at around 12-13 wks too. By then, the doc shld not only measure the neck, they will also check on the skin development if i am not wrong.

For Gingseng, i am not too sure. Since i was told to avoid, i just try not to take. Sometimes, it is better to play safe!
hi girls,

how was your weekend?

does anyone of you experience dizzy spell? i have been having it since fri and it usually occur in the evening and at night. as if my head is spinning badly.

my appetite seems to have improved gradually and MS getting lesser in the morning but it does occur in the evening. (MS has graduated to evening ES) heeee
hi dolphina.

I was down with the flu during the weekend.. Still having it now.. Been blowing my nose till the skin around it is peeling.. Feeling groggy from the flu medicine..

I dun have much appetite during dinner time too..

Gng to see gynea this evening..
should be 10 weeks for me now..
Hi Dolphina,
Yes, I do get giddy spells on off, but because my blood pressure is always on the low side, hence I thought it is ok. Do you have low blood pressure?

Btw, I have been getting this back pain(right hand side whenever I bent), does anyone suffer from this? Is it the tailbone pain that someone mentioned earlier in this thread?

For me, I am in my 11th week now but the bloating, burping doesn't seem to go away yet. My apetite has been very poor lately... wonder at times if it is normal to have such long MS sufferings? Really depressed at times...
hi yve,

u take care ya. drink lots of water and rest more if possible!

so exciting that you can see your bb again...

hi twinkle,
i used to have low blood pressure but these days when i go for checkup, i usually get so gan cheong and excited that my blood pressure went up.heee silly me. but the dr say its normal after repeated reading....

my gynae did warn me that i may experience dizzy spell but forgot to ask him why...

dun worry and endure for a few more wks. was told MS should subside by wk 14-16. it will soon be here! we are all counting down..heeee

ya i also have backache at times. maybe our ligaments and uterus expanding....

oh yve and twinkle, when is our EED?

Thanks.. I drinking a lot of water.. regret din take MC lor.. cos i went to see doc on Sat and spent $30!! Shocked that it is so ex to see GP now.. But heng can claim $20 from company..

My EDD is 22 Jan 2005.
Yve, we have the same EDD date, mine is also 22 Jan 2005! So coincidental ya...


Tks for the comforting words, really pray that I will be back my usual self soon... lately have been cooping myself up at home, not in the mood for anything, friens, etc...kind of bored...

You take care too!

yalor these days the med bill so exp...


u r welcome!

ya me too, have been confined at home for most weekend since wk 6 since i felt so tired and terrible from the MS....some days simply lie on bed the whole day!

dunno why seems to hate weekend now coz cant go anywhere and simple coup at home feeling even more sick with bad headache...coming to work also a pain esp when feeling unwell and MS ...

cant wait for 1st tri to end to go shopping. i have yet had a chance for the GSS and its ending soon.

wow so nice that both of you share the same EDD... anyone EDD is on 15/1?

Nice to have the same EDD as you! But i guess for all of us due in Jan, it means no chinese new year goodies for us..
No need to buy new clothes already also lah..

if u miss the GSS, there is always year end sale.. For robinson and JL, they always have sale every month also..

Think we can start to keep track of EDDs, baby gender already..

I am planning to go bangkok and bintan in august. really looking forward to it. But i think i will look like a beached whale on bintan beach.. haha..

Same here, me too feel exactly like you, can't seem to bring myself to do anything...haiz....
I hate weekends too becos have not been feeling good hence have to rest at home.

Me too have yet to go shopping, cos I can still fit in my working clothes, prob next mth can't liao...

Tks for sharing, at least I know I am not alone...
Hi ladies, good afternoon. I just came back from my gynae appointment and can't wait to log on and share the news with all of you. And I am surprise to see so many posting today!

okay, some numbers to share. Baby is at 12w3d now, and measure 5.91cm in length. We can see and hear heartbeat, and also saw baby's hands, fingers and legs, moving. So cute! From the blood test result and ultrasound, down sydrome is of very low risk... abt 1 in 3600 according to doc. He recorded the ultrasound into a 10 mins footage in a dvd for us. Heeee.... all in all, he said it is a normal looking baby and i can't tell you how relief i am and off course very excited and happy too.
Oh, for me, i love weekend cos it is the time whereby i can rest!

I dun noe, as i had suffered a miscarriage before, i find that if there is MS, it does indicate that your baby is growing well. So, just try to bear with it, ok!?
sun_moon, u happy like a bird eh?? wah, got dvd, so good.. makes all the suffering worth it hor..

wait for my news tomorrow morning, okay..
Sun Moon, glad that ur visit today was a pleasant one! Wow, so nice, 12wks and 3 days! Which meant to say that in another 4 days time, u will move on to the 2nd trimester!!

yve, wait to hear frm u tml on ur visit. For me, i still have to wait for another 4 wks!! Quite long huh!!
Hi dolphina,

Just realised that we r having the same EDD. But my gynae give me either 14/1 or 15/1. I be seeing him on this sat and I will be in wk 12 on this friday. So will be asking for the tests if he is not giving me any..
your next appt is 4 weeks away? meaning u just went for a visit right? How many weeks are u?

yalor so sad cannot enjoy CNY goodies liow since on confinement and cannot go house visiting and gathering. come to think of it "bo hua" leh coz gonna miss out on the public holiday.


u r welcome!


no wonder was wondering how come never hear from u this morning. glad to know your bb doing well. u mean the whole scanning processing will take 10 mins. that is long right. u know your blood test result immediately? is your blood test purely for DS purposes?

yalor sometimes when my MS become a bit better i will get paranoid. maybe if MS fully subsided in 2nd tri then how huh. wonder how we can determine if bb is well or not. is 2nd tri gonna start on wk 13 or 14 huh. different books say different things leh..
hi yvoyvo,

yippie finally found someone having the same EDD. my dr estimated either 15 or 16 jan. i will turn wk 12 on thur leh.

my next visit will be next wk....gonna be a long wait for me at least....heee
Hi Everyone,

i think after delivery we will all want to get our figures back right so maybe missing the new yr goodies is a blessing in disguise leh?!

Dolphina, my scan is 10mins long, cos he explaining things along the way and also point out the hands and legs to me. He also pointed out the nasal bone (NB) on the baby's nose.. and said this is a sign that my baby is normal, no down sydrome cos DS usually will not see the NB. I had my blood drawn last thurs so can see reult today loh. The test is for hep B, HIV, rebella, also can see red/white blood cell counts etc.

I am really looking forward to be 'promoted' to 2nd tri. And fyi, i have already booked tickets for spore! Flying back on the 30th July... Yippee!!!
<font color="ff6000">yve</font>, yap, just went to see doc last Thu. BB was abt 25mm (which is abt 2.49cm) at 9wks 3days base on the scan. My EDD according to LMP is 26/01/05, but my previous scan i was given 29th. This current scan, the Ultrasound stated that my EDD will be 24th. So i was quite confused. Doc told me usually there will be 1wk plus minus and asked me to use my LMP as a guide.

Sigh... felt that 4wks time is very long. Do u gals feel crampy? I also feel my tummy very pain. Hopefully, it is cos my uterus is expanding and bb growing!

dolphina, usually i heard 1st trimester start at wk 13. For me, i dun really suffered from MS, only at times felt nausea. Sometimes, i just wish that i everyday got abit of MS, u noe, just to ensure that BB is growing healthy. I cant wait to cross over the 1st boundary!

Let hope everyone of us have a smooth pregnancy followed by a smooth delivery of a healthy baby.
hi all,

Below is the EDD of all those mummy that had mention their EDD. Please update if it is wrong. Thanks.

Username EDD
Tetra (tetra) Mum-To Francis's baby - 02/1
TSH (tan_tan) - 05/1
goodfriend - 05/1
sun_moon - 06/1
yvoyvo - 14-15/1
dolphina - 15/1
miao2 (miao2) - 16/1
twinkle - 22/1
yve - 22/1
Hopeful24 (hopeful24) - 25/1
tubby (teletubby) - 28/1
Hi all...

I had a good appt with my gynea.. the baby is now 38mm long and 11 weeks.. Seems to be growing fast so now EDD is 17 Jan.. But I will use the 22 Jan as official EDD lah.. Can see his eyes, hands and feet already.. I saw him jump.. Next appt is 4 weeks later and have to do blood test then.. and also start the package with this gynea.. think I will stick with her lah.. Got 2 vitamins pills to take.. plus my folic acid and hormone pills and flu medicine, i look like a drug addict..

So this evening, i gng shopping!!! Won't be in office today, got meetings at customer's.. So see u all tomorrow..
Hi Ocean,
Thanks for the update, it is a sad new.

Username EDD
Tetra (tetra) Mum-To Francis's baby - 02/1
TSH (tan_tan) - 05/1
goodfriend - 05/1
sun_moon - 06/1
yvoyvo - 14-15/1
dolphina - 15/1
miao2 (miao2) - 16/1
twinkle - 22/1
yve - 17-22/1
Hopeful24 (hopeful24) - 25/1

Hi Yve,
Enjoy urself.. see u tomorrow...
Hi Yve,

May I know what vitamin pills you got from your gynae? My gynae gave me the calcium tablets (600mg coz I do not take milk) and Neogobion (mainly Iron, with Vit C, maganese and someother stuff, info got from website).

I suffered very severe hip joint pain (right leg) for the past few days, sunday was the worst coz I couldn't even stand and walk. Since it started after I took the pills, so I decided not to take the Neogobion yesterday (I took calcium pill in alternate day coz now I take cheese with bread on the other day), and as expected, the hip joint pain subsided and now I can walk slowly. I have yet to call my gynae about this, am thinking of stop taking the Neogobin for few days, if the pain really gone, then take again to see whether it comes back, if yes, then means Neogobin is really the culprit, right?? (full of experimental spirit huh?? :p)

Just wonder any of you experience the same?
wow,thanks yvotvo for the update... now we can see it in a glance.

Dolphina, i will stay for a month... in Aug.

sleepy day.... yawn yawn... everyone had lunch?


One is called Oscal, one is called Pramilet.. Have not done any research on what they are.. But they are both very big pills..

I spent a bomb today.. Spring's and Thyme's sales are ending tomorrow.. So today cheong down to take a look.. Okay, I have 6 bottoms, 5 tops and 1 dress in total.. Shortage of tops and dresses.. that will be next month shopping lor..

Orh, Gynea very happy that I did not gain weight this time.. Of cos lah, no appetite at all.. and have been sick.. heh heh..
