(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

hi hopeful,
yes.. must be patient... i jus went to gynae dis morning & still cldn't see anything... but he did a rather thorough scan & excludes the possibility of ectopic... dis really sets my mind at ease...

told me dat at week 5, it's still veri small & can't be seen... tell me hv to be patient & live a normal life...

hi yvoyvo,
yup.. i did told gynae dat i am still hving brown stainings.. so he gave me a jab liao... but veri painful to take the jab... he say since i'm still veri early into pregnancy, the embryo is settling down in my uterus & thus, the brown stains are implantation stains.. nothing to worry abt... the jab aids to stabilize the embryo in my womb...

hey mummies,
i did ask gynae abt eating chinese herbs & he advised to avoid during our 1st trimester.. he say as long as the herbs hv medicinal properties, best to avoid cos we dunno the effect of these herbs on our bbs... jus sharing info here..

hi girls,

hope all of u have a good weekend!

well finally manage to see my bb heartbeat when i visited gynae last week..but alas my weekend was terrible as well. dun feel good and felt nausea the whole day with bloatedness....

really hope the 1st tri will be over soon....
weekend was okay for me, but as usual the nausea feeling stays and everything i ate didnt taste so good.
It seems to have come to a point where i find that time is passing very slowly... i am kind of counting the days and weeks. Can't wait for 1st tri to be over soon too. I also can't wait to get on a plane and fly home actually.
Have to go for blood test on the last week of June, so meantime there is nothing but just focus on surviving the 1st tri lo.
hey sun moon,

do u know when is your EDD? i so blur forgot to ask dr how many weeks i am liow...he only told me my EDD is estimated @ 15/01/05...

anyone know how to calculate the week based on EDD?
i think my EDD is abt 8 Jan 05... though the ultrasound indicates that i am only about 8 week 3 days as of now. Did the doc give you the ultrasound pic? If so, it shd be shown on the paper leh!
the u/s pic only indicated the EDD date but not the weeks and days ...
if yours is 8/1/05 and mine 15/1/05, then i should be about 1 week behind u liow i guess....thats means i only at wk 7.... aiyo still a long way till 2nd tri!
funny cos my u/s pic is diff, it didnt show the EDD date but it shows the bb was 7week6days ( as of last Thursday ).

i find it a long way till 2nd tri too... and meanwhile i dont know what to do. The initial excitement seems to be replaced by worries and physical uncomfortness... and i am scared that i am being too negative. Does anyone feel the same as me? Sometimes i feel as if i am no in control of my body anymore !
Hi All,

My EDD is on 22 Jan. I m abt 6 weeks pregnant now. Same as Dolphina, I m getting terrible bloatedness, gas, heartburn lately. It lasted for the whole day and it doesn't seem to go away. As I also have a condition of gastric problems(indigestion, wind) in the past, hence I thought it could was a reoccurence of my history. But after taking antacid for 1 week, I still feel bloated as if there is a lot of gas in it. I have stopped taking the medicine and tried living with the discomfort. It is really a terrible feeling and everyday seems to be a torture to me. Sigh!

guess our gynae use different machine so it show different stuff... yupe the inital excitement no longer existed and the days seem to pass slowly too....and i cant help but hope 2nd tri to arrive asap..

hi twinkle,


yes i totally agree with you as this is what i have been going thru..its a real torture. i always try to endure and not take the antacid unless it get so unbearable..altho the dr assured me that its ok to take the medicine but i am being paronoid so try to minimise taking the medicine.

guess we must try to encourage one another at this stage and get thru with the 1st tri...

I kind of having the same feel as you... the initial excitement has slowly becoming into worries and true discomfortness. My hubby says I worry too much. But I really cannot help it leh. Most of you are having MS right? But I don't, so I'm not sure what's going on inside me. Whether is is good or bad I do not know! Just gotta wait "patiently" for my next gynae visit lor.

But I do experience bloatedness... everyday, all the time. And occasional cramps and funny feel in the tummy area. It's true we must try to encourage one another at this stage. I still have a lot more weeks to get thru' the 1st tri..
It's indeed agonising huh!
hi miao,

actually i only experience MS once or twice, its more of the nausea feeling the whole day and i will burp and burp till wanna MS but nothing came out..(sorry sound gross here)

i think its better not to have any of it...

sometimes i also find myself weird, if i feeling ok for a while, i will begin to wonder if bb okie, but when i get so uncomfortable, how i wish i can be well like a while ago ... am i confusing u all huh...

guess its motherly instinct to feel paranoid over our bb lah!
sharon, dont be disapointed, keep trying and you will hit the jackpot one day! Sometimes when you are totally off guard, things happens!

Dolphina, agree with you that we have to give each other the moral support! I guess the couple of us here probably understand what each other is going thru more than our partners isnt it?! I think have have about 4 more weeks to go before the end of 1st tri... seems a long way still.

Been thinking of starting on bird nest once 2nd tri starts... anyone planning to do so? Is it easy to prepare? I wonder if it's gonna be costly too.
Hi all..

So many postings today uh.. I was at customer's side so dun have access to the internet.. Attending long meetings that drag till lunch and make me so hungry..

I went to visit my gynea this evening.. Tried to do ab scan, but cannot see probably cos of my fat tummy and i din drink enough water. So Doc did a virginia scan and can see baby leow.. 7 mm long and at 6 weeks and with heartbeat!.. Very kewl.. But doc still prescribed hormone pills to me. She say must take till 12 weeks.. haiyah..

sun_moon, let me ask my mom on how to cook bird's nest okie?? is Hong Kong's bird's nest cheaper than in SG?

Sharon, try again.. Dun give up.. Maybe u can join in the TTC thread where they give each other lots of support and encouragement..

dolphina, i have been burping lots too.. :p and anyhow throw temper at hubby.. hahhaa.. who ask him to forget about the doc's appt today..
sharon, dun give up ok...believe most of us here did try a couple of months before hitting jackpot!

sun_moon, ya dun think our hb can really understand wat we going thru now. i suddenly have craving for bird nest 2 nites ago..but they are so costly leh...i prefer those home cook one than canned ones.

yve, i also did a v-scan in order to see bb hearbeat..maybe i also got too much fats on my ab liow...but my gynae din gave me more hormones pills. not even folic acid but i still have some left over...when should we stop taking them huh? he also never give me any pre-natal pills or anything leh...

I have problem posting messages here yesterday.
Dolphina, do u have any apetite for food. I started feeling nausea since yesterday... sigh... when I see food, I have no slightest desire at all and my stomach is never hungry, anybody experience this too?

Bird nest is actually quite ex, I think if you buy those normal grade ones, it cost at least $100 per "liang"(in chinese)
The hormone pills are inclusive in the docs fee but the folic acid is not free. u can get folic acid from guardian or ntuc pharmacy.. a few dollars for 30 tablets.. think have to take folic acid till 12 weeks.. U can take some multi-vitamins on your own too. all in one tablet kind.

yupe sometimes the thot of having my meals will make me nausea liow. u know wat with the indigestion, bloatedness and heartburn, i cannot tell whether i am hungry or not these days coz i have these feeling the whole day. so i eat based on my normal meal times...heeee

i thot usually gynae will prescibe some multi-vitamins stuff but mine din leh. maybe i ask for them in my next visit (which is in 3 weeks time---a long wait)i was given hormones pills in my 1st visit and i finish them just before my 2nd visit. then when he can detect bb heartbeat, he din give me anymore..but then hor when i take those pills it make my nausea worse leh..

if cannot wait, just buy some on your own and take lor.. my next visit is 4 weeks later.. dunno what can be seen in ultrasound then.. the pills have no effect on me.. so far, i only has some nausea late in the day, but no vomitting..
Yve, thanks... do keep me posted about the method to make bird nest. I think HK's bird nest are not cheap either but they have many shops that specialise in bird nest... so i think quality wise, there's plenty of choices.

I also have bloatedness and nausae, and sometimes indigestion for whole day. I dont have urge to eat anything but still eat normal meals lo. Can't skip meals ... in fact going hungry for more than 3 hours make me feel more nausea.

i am still on multi vit cos havnt finish... other than that, nothing else. But i did ask the doc, and he said at my stage, folic acid is not as impt so can miss a day or two is fine.
Sun moon, strange, this is not what i heard. Folic acid is very impt in the first trimester due to your baby is developing his/her major organ at this time.
An exact from the website on importance of Folic Acid.
<u>Folic acid</u>
A vitamin critical to the normal development of the fetus. Inadequate folic acid intake can lead to neural tube defects (NTDs) such as spina bifida and malformation of the brain. Consumption of 0.4 mg per day is recommended before conception and throughout pregnancy, especially the first trimester. Some women may require even larger amounts of folic acid if they are in high risk situations such as having had a previous child with a NTD. Taking folic acid is one of the best ways to minimize the risk that your child will have a birth defect.

Spina Bifida
Developmental abnormality characterized by a defect in the bones and other tissue surrounding the spinal cord. As a consequence, the nerves of the spinal cord are exposed and often damaged. Children with this condition may have trouble controlling their bladders and coordinating movements of their legs. The degree of damage depends on where the abnormality appears on the spinal cord. The higher up the spinal cord it is, the more likely the child will have serious problems with their leg muscles, bowel and bladder function.
If women take adequate amounts of folic acid they can reduce the chances that their babies will be born with this defect. For most women who do not take medication for seizures and have never had a previous baby with spina bifida or other neural tube defects, an adequate amount of folic acid seems to be 400 micrograms per day. Prenatal vitamins should meet this requirement. The folic acid should be taken before a woman plans to conceive as an important time for folic acid supplementation is the first weeks of pregnancy, a time at which a woman may not be aware that she is pregnant.
Hi Dolphina
My condition is exactly the same as urs... continued burping and no apetitite. Hope everything will be over by first trimester. My gynae says that we will only be able to hear the Baby's heartbeat next few weeks, think is next 2 weeks. When did you gals manage to hear the heartbeat?
hi ladies,

finally i managed to see my bb's sac yesterday..
it has been a agonizing &amp; emotionally stressful period for me even since i discovered my pregnancy.. cos i had spotting the day after i tested positive... with the horror stories from KK dat i might hv ectopic... i cldn't sleep well every nite...

yesterday my spotting increased &amp; i rushed to see my gynae again... &amp; finally managed to see the sac.. i am veri thkful to my gynae cos he's so reassuring... was crying at his clinic the moment i saw him...

u all were rite... our hubby will neber understand wat we hv gone thru.... was angry wif my hubby yesterday cos he say i am over paranoid.. was so angry dat i showed him the colour of my spotting (which was reddish brown) &amp; then he kept quiet... buey tahan!!!

my EDD is 28 Jan 2005... i think my bb will be the youngest in dis thread...

i am so sorry that you have to go thru so much more as compared to the some of us here. But most impt of all is that all is well now and do take great care of yourself during this time. The spotting, if is brownish, sometime is ok. I read that it could be old blood from implantation of the foetus or might even occur after having sex.

Actually as i am seeing a gynea in HK, i cant help notice some diff in treatments bet gynea in spore and hk. My gynea nvr give me specific medicine ( eg folic acid, antacid etc ), only gave me multi-vits, and he hasnt even done any hormone, blood or urine test for me as of now. And he only did ab scan for me on my abt 8th wk. I believe all these things ( may seem a bit boh chap ) has actually reduced alot of unnecesary scares and worries. I have heard from my husband's colleague that he is a doc that support doing things 'naturally'. I chose him cos i think i could agree with his method and thoughts. I find s'pore's doc are doing alot more test and scan during the early stage of pregnancy... thus some have to do v-scan and get unneeded worries. But off course i think spore docs are very professional and competent too... and given a choice i still want to give birth back home. The reason for sharing my experience is hoping i can help put some of you at ease of mind... sometimes delaying the scan and test till foetus is more developed can be a good thing too.
hi tubby,

great that u can see your bb sac now. at least can put your mind at ease knowing that everything should be alright!

take heart, guys will always be guys....they will never understand us gals...esp at this stage i guess...but at least we are here to share our joy and woes right!


just wanna to kpo a bit. is the medical cost expensive in HK?

Dolphina, i think spore's medical is so good and cheap ... how much do you pay for gynae's package plus hospital package in total? Maybe you could give me a rough figure. As for HK, I have heard from experienced friends that it could cost 5 times that of what we pay in Spore.
Just an example, in the hospital that i plan to deliver, a single room package for normal birth cost abt S$ 7000. How much is it to have a single room in hospital in singapore? Can let me know so i could do a comparison?

I have some figures from my gynea..
From 3rd month onwards checkup package, 500
normal delivery, 700
hospitalisation at eastshore 2 nights double room, 1300
epidural, 500
paediatrician, 200
total 3200
medisave claim, 1050
cash, 2150
that's so much cheaper than here! My gynae package itself will cost abt S$3000. I am planning to go for double room too which will also cost another S$5000. Heart pain for having to pay so much!

btw, weather so hot lately i tend to like drinking cold drinks. Is it okay to do so har?
I have been taking cold drinks too.. Dunno okay anot.. btw, birds nest is for second tri onwards.. so none of it for me yet..

I have no idea with my gynae and hospitalisation fees yet since its too early. i pay my gynae on a per visit basis. maybe after the 1st tri then they will intro the package i think. (not too sure!)

wow i din know that it is so costly to deliver in HK. maybe we are only paying half of wat you pay in HK like wat yve mentioned.

toking about cold drinks...i have been drinking alot too coz i cannot take plain water now so usually its fruit juice and ribena...cannot resist them.

btw how did you girls curb your nausea huh. mine has taken for the worst as i will feel nausea thru out the day....arghhh hate the kind of feeling. been eating sweets and some preserve stuff but it dun helps at all leh.
since i can't claim medisave here... i predict i have to fork out 4-5 times more cash than the rest of you in spore. Just feel unhappy for having to pay so much... imagine the amt of stuff i can buy for bb with that money!

and abt nausea ... i also cant fight it. I tried eating fruits, eating more frequently, but still the feeling wont go away. At times, I could be standing by the sink, preparing my meal and fainting spell hits me, and want to puke. I spell alot too. I dont even dare to go anywhere far.

have u thot of coming back here to deliver then? if not you gonna have to engage a confinement lady liow.

ya these days i cant stand to prepare any meal cos any kind of smell will worsen my nauseaness. for fainting spell, can you get some medicine from your gynae. no joke to have fainted esp when preggie. must be careful ok. try not to go out alone then. my gynae gave me some med to ease my nausea and dizziness but so far i try to avoid taking them unless i really feel unwell.

oh i also cannot stand big crowd now if not i will start to feel faint. but sometimes no choice esp in the train with no seat.

thru out the day i will hv this metalic taste in my mouth and this make me more nausea.
yeah, i also have the metalic taste. I didnt know how to discribe it but it's a horrible taste that makes me sick. And i used to try eating all kind of stuff to try getting rid of it, but no use leh.

I did consider coming back for the delivery but i figured it cost just as much after i factor in the air tickets for myself, husband, and cost of finding a place for confinement etc.

i have intention to get a confinement lady too, but do i need to get one as early as now? I feel like engaging one from M'sia. Flying her here for my confinement. If you ladies has any good ones ton introduce, do pass me the contacts... i will appreciate that alot!
Me too have the metalic taste which is horrible. Can't seem to find the appetite to eat anything. How long do you gals think this will last. Heard from pple that some had it thru the nine mths. Yucks!
maybe u can look around for the confinement lady after the 1st tri.

wow u intend to fly one from m'sia? how about getting your mother / Mil or any own relative...not too sure of the law in HK whether visitor can work or not. now in sg i think the law is strict on m'sia confinement lady. unlike last time. now cannot just get one over and i think need to apply work permit and pay some levy or tax or something like that.

as my mil will do my confinement so i will not engage one. sorry cant help you on this. maybe the other girls can help you.

just had my lunch and feeling not OK again! argh

today very quiet leh maybe a lot took leave for today and tomolo to enjoy long weekend.
wow you are lucky to have MIL to take care of you and baby ... i really envy that so much. We are also considering getting family member over, but they are old, and some not good at cooking. Thus we are still undecided.

I dont feel so ok today either... feeling disgusted of everything i ate. I lost the energy in me too... fatigue and tiredness took control of my body. And it's making me feel quite depress and unhappy... i hope it wont affect the baby.
twinkle / sun_moon,

we have to keep our fingers cross that this will subside at the end of 1st trim....altho some unlucky ones will have to endure for a longer period before it subsided.

feel so nausea the whole day and i can sense that i will throw up anytime.... so far i have only thrown up once or twice really hope to keep it that way...

agree that its depressing coz i cant concentrate on my work or anything else...
hi all,
Was feeling very tired the whole day. Finally reaching end of the day's work liao. Not been sleeping very well lately, have this nausea feeling whole day but never managed to throw up anything. So..... uncomfortable. Really lost most of my appetite now.

Me too. My MIL will be taking care of the me and bb during my confinement.
I just want to ask all our Jan 05 mums-to-be out there, are you all having more abundance vaginal discharge? There is no itch. The colour is something like condensed milk...at times it can be more on the yellow colour side. Wonder if this is due to the cold water that I drink or the food that I take?

I get a lot of yellowish discharge too.. So I prefer to wear panty liner during the day.

I dunno who will do confinement for me yet.. I think I just nid someone to cook and wash for me.. but MIL cannot cook leh.. :p

the nausea feeling is terrible and lasted the whole day..yesterday was one of the worst day... today i woke up feeling so much better and was so hungry this morning...hope i can maintain this the whole day

ya i also had the discharge...heard its common for preggie to have discharge and as long as no itch it should not be a problem...

heee i also drink alot of cold water these days...simply cannot resist cold sweet drinks!
yeah, i also experience that... some days only lah. Put panty liner on those days loh. But a woman once told me try not to use panty liner too much, can easily cause infection. So maybe changing panty more frequently is better.

I try boiling soup today.... hoping to trigger my lost appetite....
these days i cannot stand those food that taste too bland....must take those with stronger taste like tom yum, mee siam and chicken rice..at least i am more motivated to eat...heeee so weird!

was so happy when i felt so fresh this morning and i even finish my breakfast (1st time since preggie)... but then now like the nausea is coming back liow...

weekend coming and i really hope i can have better ones than the last 2 weeks....

enjoy your weekend girls!

hahha, we have the same tastebuds.. I keep wanting to eat mee siam.. sweet, sour and hot.. and chicken rice too!!

I had char kway teow for lunch.. quite jerlat feeling now.. gng to make chinese tea to drink.. partly also jeans are getting tight lah..
does all preggie woman like mee siam??!!! You know what, i was so desperate for mee siam and i thot i couldnt find it here in HK... then one day i was at a supermarket in town, I found the prima packages.... i was so happy... i bot 2 packs... cooked i last weekend.... tml i am cooking another pack. It's the best food for me now actually... spicy, sour and sweet... yummy singapore food!
hahhaa.. guess we just want to eat something with more kick.. wah, luckily u can find the prima packages.. is it easy to make? what soup are u making?
the prima packs are so easy to make... just add egg and fried bean curds!!! authentic enough too!

I made lean pork, peanuts, chinese cucumber and honey dates soup. Yum yum... mixed w rice and eat. Boil everything for 1 1/2 hr.
