(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be


Now u making me want to cook mee siam.. Not easy to find nice mee siam at hawker centers leh..

Your soup is a good meal in its own..

chocs uh? can eat lor.. got caffeine anot uh?.. eat but dun eat too much..

hee hee,

U gals like sour things like mee sian, guess what I like to eat best now- Fishball noodles.

Very weird, me so as u, first time in 2 weeks can eat liao, lunch time got craving for food, me surprise, I hope this will stay for the rest of the trimesters...
yalor these days taste buds so different..always have craving for hot spicy sourish stuff...hehehe..very typical preggie right...

oh and last time i can have fish soup for at least 3-4 x a wk but now the thot of it will make me puke liow.... now like not much choices for food leh since those i prefered last time no longer my fav. so sad..

toking about choc..i just had 2 pcs..heee i think as long as dun take too much at one go is fine right....

now hor very unpredictable leh, at one moment i feel terrible and at another, i will be well and vice versa...

cant wait to go back...
Hi everyone im new here.. but would like to join in as well..
Im in my 10th week now.. feeling nauseas and MS and bloatedness and all dat.. in fact just took MC today and came to my mum's place.. u see, I do not surf at home cos gotta use my hubby's office laptop..
Am hoping dat the queasiness will go away soon too.. doctor said probably taper off by 14 wk.. been having juices and ribena too.. but until I realised I was going to have a cough so stopped for a while.. MIL said cant take too much cold drinks cos not good for bb's lungs ... so u gals pls control your cold drinks intake..
just took a few spoonfuls of dinner just now.. cant eat much..
bye for now... take care!!
gd morning gals,

hows ur weekend?

hi halokitty, welcome to join us...its true cannot take too much cold drinks but then sometimes it will ease my nausea... so bo bian... heee. btw when is your EDD?
good morning...
weekend has not been so good... been blue and restless. Today feeling slightly better.
Still not much appetite, specially towards the afternoon is the worse.
Good morning gals,

Same here, blue weekend. Feel sick and nausea thruout the weekend.....

just praying that 3 mths will pass soon.
yalor, dunno why i always feel terrible on weekend. maybe coz wake up later and always lying on the bed making me headache...

this weekend my bloatedness came back again..arghhh

and my nausea will get worse in the evening...really counting down to the 2nd tri
I am in my 9th week, and feeling very tired with the nausea-ness. Is it okay for preggie woman to go for massages or aerobics? I feel like doing sth to get rid of the tiredness and the puking.
hi goodfriend,

not too sure if we can go for massage or aerobics. best to check with your gynae and dun take chance since 1st tri is the most delicate period...

for me i tend to get breathless easily even like climbing the stairs. my gynae advise can take a stroll in the park but not too strenous exercise.not sure if aerobics is one of them or not.

I m in my 7th week, only feel fatigue throughout the day. I still carried on my swimming regime twice a week , but lesser laps. Will be hitting the gym 2 weeks later for some walking and cycling exercise.

Just a question to ask, did any of your gynae prescribe any medicine for stabilising ur pregnancy? I have got this medicine name Gestrenol, I m not sure if its the right medicine coz I rem having this pill when my mense din come the last time.

Hi Yve,
You can try to buy nice mee siam at Lorong Ah Soo hawker centre. There is one stall selling both mee rebus and mee siam.

My clinic nurse said no no to massage as the strength they insert may be too much for you and the baby to take.... But I think shoulder massage should be okie...

I think it is best that you dont do too much exercise. I think it is best that you wait till ur bb is much more stable probably after the 1st trimster...
Hi dolphina,

thanks for ur info on the medicine..I m now in dilemma as i check with my gynae's nurse she told me gestrenol is for stabilising pregnancy but i called another gynae clinic, they don't even know what is it....
I m worried now , i have taken it for one week already.

Hi yvoyvo,
My fren advise that to me too but without exercising i feel really fatigue...mayb i just go for slow swimming, gym mayb later on..Thanks for ur advice.
yvoyvo, noted.. But not having good appetite recently.. maybe a bit of indigestion.. I am trying out prune juice, prunes now..

ariella, I am also 7 weeks now.. I am taking Turinal twice a day to stabilise my pregnancy too. Got to take till week 12 leh.. Think u should take it easy with exercise.. I am really counting down these next 5 weeks..
hi all...

sun_moon, how u feeling today?

i think i begin to feel better these two days..hope the worst is over and its turning for the better...is it too soon huh..getting paranoid again!

Hi gals,

Do you have trouble sleeping? I had been trouble sleeping nowadays although I am physically very tired but just cant get to sleep... Also I had felt that sometimes my body temperature went up. Not sure whether it is normal or not.
yep, I am very tired at the end of the day, but take a while to fall asleep.. It does not help that my hubby keeps disturbing me.. I just wan to be motionless then i can sleep. But he keep poking me here and there.. So angry with him..
hi... i am feeling slightly better, but the nausea is still there, and i dun know what to eat for lunch today even.
My body temperature is also higher i think, cos i feel so hot all the time. I also have difficulty sleeping... in fact, i only managed to fall asleep at 4am last night! and i woke up at 7 plus. Everything is so out of my control... husband always come back late, play basketball after work... and still blame me for not eating healthy dinner. I am so angry with him. =(

dun be angry and sad okie...maybe just explain to your HB that now its the time you need him to be around to support you. guys are like that one. must tell them straight on the face wat we wan if not they will be blur like sotong.

i also not eating healthily. have been drinking alot of sweet stuff every day..kinda worried that i may develop GD in the later stage. hope to cut down once i reach 2nd tri coz now i simply cannot drink plain water at all!!

since sunday, i only slept for 4-5 hours a nite. i can wake up around 5am and stare at the ceiling..so tired at work the whole day...
oh ya...does anyone one of you have worse indigestion and bloatedness after drinking fresh milk. i used to love fresh milk but not anymore.

have tried to force myself to drink twice but each time it will aggravate my bloatedness and indigestion.

anyone has similar experience. dunno is it really due to milk intake or just happen to be so. kinda worried i will have insufficient calcium if i dun take milk.
thanks for the comfort but i just feel a bit neglected at times. I try to take care of myself as much as i can, but who doesnt like to be pampered and have more TLC when we are going thru MS. Hubby just seems to think everything is so easy. Anyway, he did call me just now to show some concern... so i am not so mad now.

i dun have problem with milk... i used to hate milk, but i can swallow that nowadays. Very strange. I used to like orange juice and sweet drinks... but lately, the shiok feeling of drinking such drinks only last while i am drinking. Once finished, i feel like shit. The after taste make me stay away from them as much as i could.

As for fruits... i love grapes, berries, mango, etc but read that the sugar level are too high.. So now i try to buy grapefruits, oranges, green apples instead. Have to do whatever i can to control my food intake... seems to be gaining weight. Not used to my new round round face at times...

gd to hear that

yalor our taste buds gone haywire once preggies. those we like previously no longer our fav. and those we hate last time become our best friends...

hmm..i also din seem to lose weight at all. altho my appetite not too gd, i always manage to finish my food. oh gosh think i will gain more weight from 2nd tri onwards.

why do u need to control your food intake? when is your next gynae appt?
good question... i also dun know why i shd control my food intake... maybe cos i feel that i am gaining too much weight in such short time so not too right?

are you doing any exercises in the meantime? I tried but i think my heartbeat shot up real fast when i try to climb stairs... does it mean i shd try not to exert myself ?

did u put on alot of weight within these few weeks? if not then i think we should not restrict our diet too much altho we cannot eat too much also. as long as at moderation is ok i guess.

me too...i will be breathless and panting even when i simply climbing the stairs. sometimes it happen when i walking too fast also. my gynae advise to take a stroll at the park..aiyo where got time... hiak hiak so now not doing much exercises.

hope my stamina will improve soon...
i was formally abt 48kg before pregnancy, and today, i weight about 51kg liao. Is that too much...? I had eaten alot of carbo lately so guess thats why. Also also of sweet stuff. Trying to stick to soups and healthy wheaty stuff more now. I also feel that there's some water retention... look more bloated.

I hope to pick up exercising again once i reach 2nd tri.
Dolphina and yvoyvo

Thanks for your kind advice. tis is my first pregancy and i feel really at a lost. i am a homemaker since May and my husband is working overseas. i feel terrible because my taste buds are bland and i tried mee siam yesterday after reading this forum but still do not like the taste. i did not know of my pregancy till the 9th week 'cos i thought i was too tired from working too hard before my resignation. i always feel bloated and restless, throwing up.... i guess these are phases i have to go thru. i should look at the positives and be a happy mum-to-be

cheerios to all mums-to-be
hi good friend,

ya we should stay positive! but saying is easier than done esp when all the symptoms appeared. can be a real pain most of the time...sometime really feel like crying leh for me...

hee i have been eating lots of preserve and sour stuff coz my mouth have the funny taste. so funny my dad and hubby even join me eating those stuff. aiyo cannot stand them!

now we are all counting to the 2nd tri which many says is the honeymoon period.

do come in often to chat with us...

seems pretty quiet today..
hi goodfriend, dolphina,
yup, seem abit quiet today... i hope everyone feeling ok. I am for once feeling much better today. I had a good night sleep, and feel alright so far. Intend to ( after a few weeks of staying indoor ) go out and shop for some lose t-shirts and pyjamas. I find that my shorts and mini t-shirts cant fit me so well now. Dun want to buy them last min, so better start stocking up. I also intend to go to the bookshop and scout for a good breastfeeding guide book and start reading. Since i have so much free time, I better occupy those time with useful activities. I think i am going into my 10th week now based on the last ultrasound. So 2nd tri is coming very soon... so glad. My next appointment is end of this month, when i will have to do blood test... scared scared!!!
hi sun-moon,

gd to know u feeling better. i am 1 wk behind u so i should be in my 9th wk now. our 1st tri should end by end of the mth is it huh. wat blood test are you taking? my gynae never mentioned anything yet. still 1 more week before my next appt. waiting impatiently.

aiyo i must rem to ask my gynae how many wks i am liow in my next appt. kept forgetting.

hmmm i think its good to read up more info. how i wish i have the time and energy to shop coz its the great s'pore sale now. ya i need to get mat. clothings. maybe i shall wait till the start of 2nd tri first.

I went shopping today!! Bought 3 pants at Thyme, Suntec.. Total $200. A bit ex lor, but good cut and material.. tried on tops with pillow inside.. wah, can imagine how i look like when i am bigger.. Anyway, got the membershi card already.. Anyone wants to buy from Thyme can borrow from me.. They having 20% off storewide now till 30 June.. Members have additional 10% now.. 10% off during normal period..
that's cheap already yio! in HK, just one pants cos $100 plus.... can you imagine!! I intend to buy more when i come back in Aug! Hehehe... but then my problem is, when i reach 3rd tri, it will be winter in HK, so bottomline is still... i have to buy them in HK. ( Why everything also more ex for me #$%&@* ) :p

Maybe when i come back in Aug, we can go shopping for more mat clothes together! And i can use your membership card! Hee!

Dolphina, i not sure what test... think it's the so-called triple test... but i really have not idea what they are yet. Let you know once i find out.

Which other branches does Thyme has? What sizes did you buy, is it those elastic ones? Honestly speaking, I hav never shop at Thyme, is it a shop selling maternity dreses?
sun_moon, are U working in HK? i love shopping there because there are lots of varieties at very good prices. I usu picked up a lot of clothes and shoes there!

i am waiting for the ist trimester to arrive and then i will join my husband in the states. so no plan to do any maternity shopping until i am there. but i am a bit scared cos not sure if i will do alright to deliver the baby there since it is a new environment for both of us
hi goodfriend, i am not working. So i actually have alot of time at hand and thus having a baby is always part of the plan to make good use of these free time that i have in HK. I think it takes a while to settle down in a new environment but you shd be okay by the end of the yr. Anyone to do confinement for you after your delivery? Confinement is my big headahce cos i dun have family here to help me. Might be getting a confinement lady.

Actually the pants cost about 90 plus. 2 of them got 20% off, and 1 of them is 50% off.. Can't u just wear the clothes u gng to get from SG and layer on a thicker coat during winter?

twinkle, Thyme branches are at UOB plaza, Taka 3rd floor, Suntec next to MotherCare which is next to Harvey Norman. Thyme only sells maternity clothes and they are made in Canada. Clothes come in sizes XS to L but as they are from Canada, if you are really petite, you may not be able to find your size. For me, sometimes wear M and sometimes wear L, depending on the cutting.. All pants are elastic waist. 2 of mine are hugging under the belly, 1 is those with adjustable elastic and covers your whole belly. The latter type will mean u have lots of excess material when you are not that big. As one of my pregnant fren describes it, like hiding 2 chickens inside. But heard that these type of pants will hold up better when u are bigger.. cos hug the belly mah..

Haiyah, very loh soh now.. But then I a bit sim thia about spending so much in one day.. when 200 could have bought a baby cot.. :p

Anyway, Suntec has another shop called Spring at 3rd floor, the family link section. Things are cheaper than Thyme there. There is also another shop called Desiree. Never been in it, but will check it out.. Heard Motherworks at Forum and Great world city is have 50% off too.. GSS is a good time to buy things.. otherwise got to wait till year end sale..

I was on off yesterday. As I did not have enough sleep for the last 2 days, therefore I slept till 2pm yesterday. Today feeling better, not sure it is becoz it is friday or otherwise. As the last few days, my MIL was at my place. So probably not use to someone else at my house. Therefore cannot get to sleep early and comfortably.

Today was a terrible day for me. Past few days have been burping non-stop, lots of gas inside. Today I actually vomitted. Sigh... me really feel very helpless soemtimes, it feels really terrible in there, lots of gas in the stomach, burping etc but don't dare to see a doc cos not taking any medicine.
Hi all moms-to-be. I'm in my 11th weeks now
My gynae did not tell me my EDD but he says it's somewhere end of Dec 04 and 1st wk of Jan 05..hee..so excited! My bb measures 34mm at 10th week. both me and hubby feel tat it's a bit too small but the gynae says it's normal. Can anyone share with me your bb's size at diff weeks?

My gynae has also warned me not to take milk, cheese, soya bean milk, orange juice, oily spicy food as they are not good for digestion and may lead us to discomfort in our stomach. So far I have listened to his advice and my appetite has been very good all the while. Did your gynae tell u all these? we felt strange at first cos thot that drinking milk is supposedly beneficial for both the mom and the bb..??
Hi Ah bunny, think your EDD is very close to mine then. My EDD is ard 5-8 Jan, but shd baby come out one week early, then he/she will be Dec baby instead. I am excited and feeling much better these few days and i have the feeling that the MS has miraculously gone away ... i have better appetites and my mood also improved alot. I am back to the cheerful and happy mode the last few days.

I have been drinking low fat milk alot, and also orange juice occasionally and definitely ate alot of spicy food. My gynae didnt tell me not to eat anything, in fact he says as long as not something bad for baby, i can continue to eat. Maybe my gynae being an Ang-Mo have different thinking. I do have some slight indigestion some days but it was managable so far.

oh btw, my bb is 1.46cm in length when i had the ultrasound on 7wk6days.
Hi sun_moon! Glad to know someone's EDD about same as mine.. can share alot of things..but too bad you r not in Sg..if not can meet up :p . my bb was oni 2.5mm at 6 wks leh..and yours already 1.46cm at about 8 wks! I oni have abit of MS from the start til now. Oni feel like vomiting once in a while in the morning and when I'm hungry. Wah..now my office drawers lotsa biscuits and milo, cereal etc. I've started to wear dresses that are bigger size. cos pants are getting tighter.sob sob so sad..cos didnt know pregnant, just bought a new pair of Levis jeans and oni wore twice..
so worried can't get back to original figure after delivery.

I aso feel like drinking milk, but my hubby forbids me..he says i got to listen to doc. also yearning for laksa, curry chicken. btw, how old are u sun_moon?
Hi Ah_Bunny,
why do you call yourself bunny..? I love bunny... cos i am born in the year of rabbit, thus 29 this year actually. What about you?

My morning sickness has really gone down quite a bit, i dont feel nausea that much now. During the MS period, i surprisingly like to eat all the oily food, but seems like i am back to my normal self, cos i dont fancy them so much now. Prefer soupy stuff instead. As for milk, i wont stop drinking, cos the HK folks are telling me that drink milk baby skin will be fair and nice. In fact, when i had no appetite, a glass of milk with few digestive biscuits makes a good meal.

Actually hubby and myself are planning to take a trip during my second tri to somewhere for holiday before the baby arrive. We are looking into US, Canada or even Europe. But these are long hour flights and i am not sure if i can take it. Also will make a trip back to Singapore for sure in my 2nd tri.
Hi Ah Bunny & Sun-Moon,

My EDD is also around 30 Dec (based on u/s scan done on 26 May, size 1.74cm, estimated 8w6d) to 02 Jan (based on u/s scan done on 01 June, size 2.34cm, estimated 9w2d). I got some spotting when I went back to Malaysia on 30 May so got to see gynae again in less than a week time, but see how fast the bb grows..

My next scheduled appointment will be on 23 June, will have to do blood test then, gynae said will cost 200++, pocket will got burn soon..

Bunny, which gynae you are seeing? did you sign up for any package?
Hi sun_moon! hee..cos when i was small kid i thot of naming myself as Bunny as christian name cos I thot that was cute..and my sis laughed at me! I'm turning 26 in abt 2 months time. I aso feel like going for a trip b4 bb arrives..our initial plan to Japan has to be cancelled
Didnt know will have bb..hubby says choose somewhere nearer like bintan..but very sian leh..thot of something further..maybe Koh Samui? I tink the places u r thinking of going cannot leh..too far aleady, not gd for u n bb..

Hi tantan! my gynae's clinic is at Bishan. still contemplating on changing cos my gynae does not deliver at Thomson.Prefer thomson. I'm also doing my blood test on my next appt which is 5 weeks after my last appt. Hmm..something to ask u all..seems like my appts are always 4 weeks interval. my 2nd appt was 4 wks after my 1st and my 3rd appt even 5 wks after my 2nd..I've read from this forum that many actually have closer intervals during the 1st trimester..subsequently one mth interval after tat. How was yours? Tantan, your blood test referring to the triple test?by then u'll be in yr 15th wk am i right? i'll be in my 15th wk when i go for the blood test, which is on 9th July. Think the package still early to discuss rite? so far they havent mentioned anything to me. Which gynae u seeing?
Hi Ah Bunny,

I got spotting problems before so last appts was my 3rd appt (about 8w+ then), the coming appt on 23 June is my 4th appt with my SG gynae (on 1 June I visited one back in Malaysia, spotting problem as well). So it will be like 12wk+ when I next see the gynae. In fact, she said I can either do the blood test last time (8w+) or this time (12wk+), so I think this is not the triple test lor, probably just some basic blood test ( like blood sugar, protein etc). By the way, do we need to fast for 8 hours before the blood test? Forgot to ask the gynae then, perhaps I should call the clinic and check with the nurse first.. :p

As for the interval, I think it depends on gynae as well, most of the pregnancy books I read says that:

At least once during 1st tri;
Every four weeks from 12w to 28w;
Every two weeks after 28w till 36w;
Every week after 36w.

However, for my younger sister, her scheduled appt is like (She is seeing Tanny Chan at Glen E):
Every three weeks from her first visit till 32w;
Every two weeks after 32w till 36w;
Every week after 36w.
Hi twinkle,

I had asked the doc regarding the burping and gases in the stomach. It was due to indigestion. Therefore, I think it is best that we had small meals instead of heavy meals. But I am still having heavy meals.
Hi yvoyvo,

you still have burping and gases? I thought I was the odd one out who has this problem. Went to the gynae today and told him abt this too, he said it is normal and also advise me ssmall meals. But at times when the apetitite is here, u can't seem to stop anything that comes into your mind.. hee hee...

I m now 8 weeks pregnant, heard the BB's heartbeat today. It is now abt 1.5cm.
hi all,

wow so many postings to catch up! was away on Fri and yesterday on MC again..argh just when i thot my MS subsided last week, it came back to haunt me over the weekend again...sob sob...

good morning! Dolphina, i hope you are feeling better today... hang in there...! Jia You!

I am so far so good, parents visiting this coming weekend so i am very excited about it! Luckily my MS is less serious now, so i shd be able to show them ard!
