(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Tetra, to do what you're doing is really no joke.. I mean, no job and everything.. our savings are non-existent so we cannot migrate until we save enough
Anyway, still bonded, so cannot talk about it for the time being. Wah 71 boxes.. well, your loft will look nice and homey with all your 'stuff'.. yah it's amazing how much 'stuff' we all need

babyD, hehe.. OK Shernelle is kinda yucky. The other Sher name left is Sherwin. One of the ladies on the Feb 07 thread named her son that then now she's thinking of doing deed poll to change his name cos people thought it's a girl's name. No leiiii.. Sherwin is most definitely a boy's name. Sherilyn is nice.. hmm.. yah doesn't seem to be any other girl's names with Sher. My friend's girl is Cherelle though.

I really hate the name Sherwin!! Sounds too much like "sure win", too cheena to consider! Yah, thinking back, glad we called her Sherilyn.
baby: LOL, sure win!!! not bad lah, can ask her to buy toto. Sherilyn is still the nicest. why 1 month? will be quite siong? If really hit the jackpot, the gap should be about 2 years apart.

catz: don't worry lah, plan ahead and start. one year by one year - it passes by very fast. ywo years ago at this time, we visited my brother @ perth before we decided to migrate and now here we are.

we were totally way out when estimating the no. of boxes. Thought we would have the most 15 big boxes, turned out 71 boxes in different sizes.
babyD, hehehehehe.. it's definitely a cheena fave kind of name.. you notice a lot of cheena companies got 'win' inside the name?

Tetra, got a lot of things to consider.. things will probably be easier if we didn't have to consider aged parents. Aiyah. Actually 71 boxes probably got a lot of books issit??
catz: yah you are right about the name 'win' and also the consideration having aged parents.

My parents are in the early-mid 60s. My dad is still working, he chooses to work to kill time and some pocket money. He said the stress & work load is nothing compared when he was in senior mgmt positions in the last 3 decades. As for my mum, she has more energy than all of us combined except that she can be forgetful at times. They would be coming sometime in Oct with my brother & family flying in from Perth. As for my in-laws, they have 5 kids, 1 in Kobe, the other one (us) in AZ, and 3 in Spore. The modern technology has definitely made it easier for families staying apart. Honestly, I do miss my family at times.

Yup, lots of books (after going through 3 times of attrition), and personal stuff. I think we have to learn to travel lighter in life, too much attachment to the past, must learn to move on with as little things as possible. But then, we are also so afraid that we will also forget about our past. Must practise my zen mediations to gain more enlightenment. Om....
Tetra, it's great that your Dad is still working.. and wow, Oct will be very exciting for you. I'm v close to my family so I'd miss them like crazy.. even when we were in the US, I think my Dad actually came up every 1-2 months.

Om ah... er.. me not one of the travel light people.. I like my 'stuff'..haha
I'm testing increasing amounts of normal NAN formula on Sherilyn. She took a feed of 1/4 NAN and 3/4 NAN HA with no hive reaction. Today trying half and half. I'm really hopeful that she's outgrown her allergy because I've been giving her different bits of milk containing foods and she's been ok. Even if she hasn't, doing half and half might still be more palatable for her fussy tastebuds. Poor gal dropped to 8kg after that roseola virus, trying to fatten her up but she doesn't want to eat porridge anymore and her milk intake (BM or formula) is not great either.
babyD, Bethany did outgrow her milk allergies around 16 months, methinks. Yah my girl lost weight after her bad cough too... it's so hard to chub them up
Somehow after 15 months, their appetite drops so drastically.
I think Sherilyn has probably outgrown her milk allergy by now. She's been on half NAN HA, half NAN for 2 days now and hasn't had any rashes or diarrhea. She also drinks up the milk without a fuss cos the bitter taste gets diluted. Yippee!
Yay for Sherilyn!

My sister just brought my nephew to Dr Lee Bee Wah of the Allergy Clinic for a prick test.. turns out the poor little tyke is really allergic to eggs.. hence explaining his severe reaction to the flu vaccine. Surprised and relieved that he wasn't allergic to dairy or nuts.. which are harder to eliminate from the diet. You might wanna bring Sherilyn for a prick test if you're v worried.. it was rather painless and very quick.. only that Dr Lee is very fully booked since she's literally the only paediatric specialist on allergies in Singapore.
Naaah... don't really want to subject the poor gal to any more needles unless she's reacting badly to something and we don't know what it is. Recently she's been eating almost anything and not getting any rashes.

Allergies are strange and a bit unfathomable. Nobody really knows why some people outgrow their food allergies and some don't. I read up and found that there were some recent trials called oral immunotherapy that involves feeding small and increasing doses of the allergen (egg or milk) to patients with known allergies (defined by IgE against the allergen found in their blood). After a few months, the patients were either no longer allergic, or able to tolerate much higher doses of the allergen than before. Quite a few different studies done by different centers from different places, so it seems to work. There was another study on heated milk which indicated that giving increasing doses of heated milk products also helped to desensitize the milk allergic patients so that most of them could tolerate both heated milk and up to 200ml of unheated milk. Of course, some stayed allergic to both, but apparently symptoms were a lot milder than before.

I'm quite glad that we continued to give Sherilyn bread and biscuits which contain milk solids, as long as she didn't get hives. Think it might have helped her to desensitize to milk over the last few months so now she can take normal formula. We're going to stick to the half and half NAN HA/normal NAN for now until she finishes up all the NAN HA milk in the house, then try giving her normal formula exclusively.
Glad to hear that Serilyn get take half half.

It's so sad that you can't eat all those nice food out there and it's not out of choice. By the way,i kinda like the name Shermaine.

How did he react to the vaccine huh?
Yah so shocked... I was a HUGE fan for a while.. even went for his concert in Singapore and have all his videos :p Thought this kind of nutcase would live super long like Elizabeth Taylor like that.

Piggy, oh he had fever for 4 days which is a pretty severe allergic reaction lor

BabyD, true lah.. but the prick test was pretty fast, surprisingly. Interesting about the heated milk and yah Lee Bee Wah also believes in exposure as the way to go forward. Unless of course your allergic reaction to a certain substance is a level 3 or 4 then you really gotta avoid it if not sekali anaphylactic shock.
catz: yah, I attended his concert in Spore too and even had his MTV videos too that was bought long long time ago. Pity for his young kids...
ya pity his kids. But dunno what kind of weird life they have had. Actually his kids look white skinned from what I can see from their photos with masks on. Poor MJ. Genius but very troubled life.
I heard the H1N1 cases have been increasing. How bad has it been? How about HFMD cases? Over here, no HFMD (or lesser) but more head lices cases.
Piggy, I wanted to send Timo to school today but got overruled by grandma, grandpa, uncle, auntie and father..haha..

Tetra, probably around 6-700 cases today... but no widespread panic. Somehow HFMD no news... haha. Headlice is horrible! My sis caught it twice during kindy and spread to me :p
aiyo, so much objection. better not send him to school. you may have to face a revolt from them.

I remember when those days when my brother and myself were under 'treatment' at home. My mum oiled our hair with turpentine or something like that, then use the colorful strips towel to wrap like turban. We were asked not to move and sit outside the bathroom in the kitchen and we were facing the cooker hob. Now I wonder if my mum was trying to murder us... I mean what if our turban caught fire. I asked my mum a few times but still didn't get a clear answer...hmmm
Apparently, it is suppose to kill those lices as the "smell" of the turpentine will deprive them of oxygen, thus killing them. BUT put u facing the cooker hob is new.... really caught fire don't know how....I wonder why our parents can be so crazy.

I remember I grind my teeth at night when I sleep and my mum just pick up a slipper n slap my face!! I was so angry with her and thinking back now, I want to confront her and tell her off!! Really maddess...how am I to control?
Think the standard answer will be ' did it kill you?' hehehe...

I can remember some insane things my parents did too.. like driving off without me and my sis 'cos we fought.

Tetra, oh the 'good' times huh? Heheh. Yah I won't fight with them.
yah, it was funny when thinking back. Maybe there is another reason why we are asked to sit outside the bathroom, near to water if caught fire. haha...

piggy: your mum really slap u with a slipper? must have shocked you!

catz: quite cool, maybe your parents have some back-up plan. I am sure you & your sis must have stopped fighting immediately.
Tetra, PANIC AH.. they always threatened but this time they didn't even let us into the car and THEY DROVE OFF! OK it was only for a couple of metres but till this day, I can still remember my hand on the car, trying to get a grip and next minute, empty space cos they really drove off!!

Haha.. all these traumatic childhood memories resurfacing!
Yes, the traumas are remembered. I just hope I will not contribute any to Linus.

Yes, I was shocked and angry. I remember asking her how do I stop grinding if I can't control myself? She just kept quiet and refuse to answer, then when I did it again, I got slapped again.

She even told me before I go to bed that she has prepared the slipper beside her to get ready to slap me as soon as I grind.... I think that is like child abuse.
Piggy, eeks, yah really like abuse.. grinding really not your fault lor. My sister is such a bad grinder, she has a specially made mouth guard and within 2 months, she grinds holes in her guard. :p
Strange as it sounds, I can sort of understand why your mum was so draconian in trying to stop you from teeth grinding even though it's not your fault. Teeth grinding is really bad for you, causes headaches and other teeth problems in the long run. My hubby used to grind his teeth a lot. When we first got married, i would get woken up with all that grinding, wondering what's that sound. To me, it sounded like he was crunching ice cubes in his mouth! Then I couldn't go back to sleep and used to get up soooo tired. My solution (even now when it happens) is to nudge hubby's arm. He would stir, but not really wake up, shift his position and somehow stop grinding. It also works with snoring, so I wouldn't go as far as to slap him awake, but i confess to disturbing his sleep so that I can get mine. =p
I think sometimes we just don't know the amount of stress we have which leads to teeth grinding. One of my ex-colleague was so funny when she told me that her night with hubby has become un-sexy, she will sleep with her mouth guard and her hubby with the machine that help in his sleep apnea.
Tetra, haha, that sounds funny but oh so practical! My hubby has been having v bad insomnia and been disturbing my sleep.. feel like punching his lights out! :p

BabyD, when my hubby snores (very very rarely), I pinch his nose or nudge him HARD. Haha. Nobody comes between me and my sleep!
Aiyoh, pinching nose is painful!

SIL came back from KL last night with a cough. She was travelling with a bunch of friends who came back earlier and became confirmed H1N1 cases. We think she probably got it, so kids are now barred from going to MIL's place. We didn't meet her yesterday and MIL quarantined her in the room the moment she got back, even handled her luggage and clothes with gloves and mask. Think next week I have to take lots of leave until she recovers, to ensure our kids have zero contact with her and minimal contact with MIL.
babyD, yah esp with his sensitive sinus.

OMG, your SIL has H1N1? EEEEEEEEEKKKKS. will your MIL be OK with having zero contact with the kiddos?
I think they may not even bother to test her cos so many ppl in her group got it and they were together for so many days. Sigh... I had this creepy feeling this might happen when I heard about her trip. But so far SIL no fever, just cough. My PIL quite healthy ppl, nothing chronic and seldom fall ill. Anyway MIL is super paranoid, SIL stuck in her room until she recovers, should be ok. MIL even refuse to send her to see doctor, told her to walk there herself wearing mask!
hehe your MIL so funny
True lah, why expose yourself to further risk since she's not fainting away? :p Pragmatic, I like!

Tetra, actually the high risk is the under 30s, for some reason...
Your MIL is a careful person, which I think is good. At least, she don't put herself at risk and hopefully, if it is H1N1, it stays only in your SIL's room.

Blocked Nose
3days in school and now Linus got a blocked nose and running a slight fever..... The whole month at home, he was fine.... sigh...
Hi piggy,
Sherman is ok and still going to school. But we got a letter saying that the school had to close 4 classes as siblings of some students got H1N1. My SIL also well, but MIL refuse to let her go out. She only had cough, no fever. Sherilyn has been complaining though, she want to go out, and gets upset when we go to work, or when MIL leaves in the evening. She's starting to walk, took 6 steps by herself yesterday. If hold one hand, she's v steady and can walk quite far, usually go too fast then trip up.

Sherilyn is getting so cute, yesterday I told Sherman to quickly wear his clothes after bathing, otherwise the mosquito might bite him. Sherilyn was there and immediately said "bite" and pinched her own arm. She then toddled to me and hugged me, looked up at the ceiling, as though looking for mosquito like that.
yah, I find kids about 6mths to 2 years old the cutest. Cherish the moment...

I also realise that when you have 2nd one, the eldest child seems to grow up too fast. My dad sent me a dvd which he proudly produced with photos he took of the kids @ Vivocity and Lucas looked he has grown up alot in the last 6 mths. sigh...we always expect him to behave more maturely but always forgotten that he is only 4.5 yo.
I totally agree. They really have their own mind now and it's difficult to force them to do anything. Sometimes I feel like we've failed as parents, Sherman absolutely refuses to sleep without a diaper cos he's just too scared of being wet in the morning. He also developed a dislike for vegetables which is purely mental and emotional. If I hide them and feed him, he will eat without a fuss. But ask him to feed himself and he sees little green bits, no matter how small, and he refuses to eat. I was so embarrassed at a party recently where all the children (sherman's age) sat down and fed themselves whatever was put in their bowl (including vegetables of course) while S threw a tantrum and only wanted Tamago. Two of the mums said to me, "why does he get a choice? Our children don't get a choice." I didn't know where to hide my face. In the end, Sherman got his Tamago but at least he fed himself.
I can imagine Sherilyn's face when she is looking for that mosquito.
You must try to re-enact that and ask HB to take a video of it. I went thru some of Linus' old video n saw some scenes that I forgot it existed. So fun to look back and I REALLY think that he's growing up too fast.

You are not the only one with the vege problem. Anyway, upbringing differs in every family, no need to feel embarrassed. Each kid is different n I think they should be given a choice if possible as choices allow an individual to think and grow.

How's things on your side? Has your mum planned her visit yet?
babyd: I was caught in the same situations many times. Lucas still wears diapers at night when he sleeps but that's also partly we put it on for him, we are guilty of not able to wake him up in the wee morning and of course many other reasons (excuses).

Then as you know he chooses to eat only noodle and marcoroni (drop this as well now) since the day Marcus was born. So he will have his usual carrots and brocolli with soba, udon, egg pasta noodle for his every meal. Still refused to take meat. So we have been feeding him since. He doesn't like his noodle cold so that makes it more tricky to self-feed. He was able to feed by himself, sometimes he is willing to do it. On those occasions that he didn't want to or been told to do it, it will also be a showdown. I remembered one occasion @ AMK, he took so long to feed himself - complained not nice, must put ketchup, then too hot, then too cold, I think I went mad. And sometimes, he would just go on hunger strike if forced to self-feed (& he didn't want it) or it is not the usual stuff.

Then lately, we also discovered something, the main reason that he wanted us to feed him noodles is also wanting our attention, that he felt that he is being taken care of like his brother. So now, Marcus wants to be self feed, and kor kor wants to be fed. Sometimes, he will please us lots when he said he will feed himself in the restaurant. So it depends on his mood that day. We have been trying to show him that he can't have his ways all the time, sometimes a showdown but I think give him some time to understand it and I'm sure he will, given we have finally settled down after so many changes for the past 1 year.

And I too also receive remarks about Lucas's behaviour, especially from my family. I told them this boy has his mind of his own, you can't force him against his will. You can have showdown with him but you must also have the time to manage him and reconcile with him otherwise he doesn't understand. So sometimes I will respond to them like 'you tried doing it yourself and see if he will respond to it' so they have given up trying now and just give him what he wants to eat - bread, potatos which he can feed by himself, and noodles (must be fed by us).

And for the mums who ask why give him a choice, I am sorry but I think they have no clue that all children are different and to think they can impose theirs on others, I think that's it for the conversation. Mums who understand it, will fork out encouraging advice that they too have this problem and time will make it easier for all of us - let the boys have time to grow up and develop their maturity, & they will figure out on their own. Try not to focus too much on these and we forget the beauty of our boys. soory so long, but this topic really gets me up.

piggy: finally finished packing up after a few days of back breaking exercise. that really helps, I am now more emotionally stable, seeing the mess at home, makes me stressed and impatient. Now got more time for the boys, have to start spending more time with them. So brought Lucas to join me for the weekly marketing at Central Market, and them to the park cum playground yesterday. The outdoor stuff helps Lucas to release his energy, otherwise can be very pent up at home. And for my mum, she will come with my dad and brother in Oct. I am thankful that she understands, and yes I do miss her @ times.
Yes, I get really stressed when things are in a mess. Sometimes, I can't see the floor of my living room as there are toys scattered everywhere... I get so irritated, especially pre-period days! Can understand that you are unpacking your whole life from Singapore and with 2 active boys around, it's not easy.

I bet you will miss mum at times, they can be so trying at times and so endearing. My mum is very good at driving Linus up the wall by insisting on doing something even after he says no.
Aiyo.... I really wonder what's the kick of seeing a child protesting your actions and then not liking you as u always try to do the opposite. Maybe I still haven't reach the age that I appreciate some past time.

With this haze on, I get a sore throat!! I can even smell the haze before I wake up and open the doors. Terrible!!!
Thanks for sharing. It's not easy to be a good parent, impossible to be a perfect parent. I don't think I understood that when I was a child, so I only hope that my kids will eventually understand that we did our best and won't blame us for any of their childhood angst that we might have caused.

I can imagine you must be really busy coping all on your own with two boys in a new place with no help. It's hard enough in familiar home territory.

I don't think we can re-enact leh. I tried a few times, she still pinch herself and say "bite" but didn't look around for the mosquito, which is really the cutest part. Was just looking at her and thinking she grew up so fast, I didn't take enough pictures of my pretty little princess.
which is why it is good to probably have no help other than hubby, so that you can do things own time own target. If my mum is around, it will be at her pace and we probably won't enjoy our move & stay here. so i am pretty thankful that hubby is working from home now and have been doing most of the cooking.
Tetra, I'm so glad you're finally truly getting settled in. Yes, the mess does add to stress. I'm ashamed to say that after 2 years plus of living in my new place, we're still not fully unpacked BUT it's 'cos we just don't have enough built-ins. The contractors are coming this week to install the cupboards.. argghhh, more mess but at least we can pack things away. :p Thank God for my helper!

Piggy, heheeheheh... guess your mom has her quirks

Tetra, so your hubby found flexiwork? That's great!

Hubby more or less confirmed gg Afghanistan in Jan.. sniff sniff.. Nov he'll be away for training. Wah lau, sian lor. Have you seen the news about dunno how many soldiers being blown apart every single day in Afghanistan?
catz: Ok, Jan is still some time away, there is always a possibility for change. He cannot say no? or unless he also wants to go? He just recovered, rite? I think he needs rest...what will he be doing there? Does he need to be out in the streets or just base in the camp? aiya, in this case, buy him the iphone, so poor thing...haha.

there is also not enough built-ins at our new place, so most of the things are in the plastic boxes which is handy when we have to move again.

hubby doing his freelance copywriting & advertising work from home. He had done this a few times back in spore but before it really takes off, he received job offers so this time he wanted to focus on doing this. we see how it goes, I just let him do whatever he likes & evaluate the situation after 6 mths.
Ya, agree with Tetra.. Can say no to going or not? If it's for money, better think twice. How long is he going there?

If hb can do that freelance work at home, than it's really good for you. I guess as long as can bring in enough dough, then it is a blessing to be able to work from home.
How long is your lease in this place? To think that need to move and do all the packing/unpacking is a nightmare!!
By the way, Lucas started school already?

It's not too late to start snapping those pictures!! Put your camera somewhere handy. That way, you really can take lots of growing up pics.
I have so many pic of Linus bathing...haha..
Tetra, my hero wants to go
For him, God above all.. country above family.. aiks. I think he'll be based in camp... yes he will get his iPhone in Nov :p So sad

Good that your hubby can do freelance copywriting and advertising from home! Well done! So he'll be around to help you.. so lucky!

Piggy, no it's not for the money.. it's honestly 'cos he's a real GI Joe at heart.. wah lau eh.. but I married him 'cos of his lion heart, cannot complain lor. Just suck it up. Luckily I have a good helper.

BabyD, yes get a good camera phone as well as a good camera 'cos it's so sayang not to get enough snaps of them.. they grow up so quickly!

Hha.. bathing pix that we will bring out and show during their wedding...kekekekekkeek...

catz: your man really hero lah, your quote 'country above family' wah, like those olden times in China, maybe during the "Romance of the 3 Kingdoms", he must be from that era... No wonder he is in military. Government is so happy to have him.

You very funny about the part 'cannot complain', haha... Well, I chose a hubby who likes to cook, so I also cannot complain what he cooks.

Just tell your hubby, please whatever he does over there, please always have you & kids in the 1st place, don't take unnecessary risks.

piggy: Lucas only goes for his 2 days/week kindy @ a nearby community kindy. He will goes to Primary School, starting with Reception level in Jan next year. Their day is very long from 8.45 to 3.45, almost like working full time.

oh yes, kids really grow up very fast during these 3 years. Now I miss the days when the boys are like little baby. Just weighed them yesterday, Lucas is 17.4kg and Marcus @ 13.9kg.
