(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Yes, that is a smart move. Your mum is only waiting as she is not sure how your hb will take to her being there... so get your routine set up first. Good luck!! Must log in to tell us how you n family are coping. Who knows, we may join you one day...

catz/ piggy: actually if you really want it bad enough, you will do it. And if you have a life-long partner who is also committed in making this dream, it does make all the trouble worthwhile & what seems impossible become possible somehow. We know quite a few friends who also love to do this but are sitting on the fence. For us, we can't afford any more time, if I miss this time, I will fall into the next age bracket which may not give me enough points for the visa. This is already our 2nd attempt so this is it. And it is also the right time for our kids as well.

Many people have raised concerns if we can find jobs there amid the global recession. It is our concern as well so we have listed out all our plans A to Z to be rolled out if we still don't find any stream of income. One friend said that you won't die there, just take a bat & look for kangaroo - can feed you for a month. I think most important for us is to moderate our expectations, be open to any kinds of jobs that comes along and meanwhile just enjoy the journey. I shared with my friends that if you want prestige, career & money, then better to stay in S'pore. That's what our agent told us and I think it is a good reality check. BTW, my mum has happily planned to visit us in Spring and stay there for 3 months. Before she comes, I must prepare a iternary for her i.e. mahjong club, casino, market.
Singaporeans are contented people. They don't wan changes as it disrupt the family life. As such, many choose to stay here where they know what to expect. It takes lots of courage to leave with kids n not having any jobs waiting. (I think both your hb n your courage is commendable)
Came across this:

"Everyone can think of the one thing that would make life better for them.
But people are not so quick to answer the second question:
'What are you doing to make that change come true'."

So, go n have fun....and what's more is you are having the fun with your life-long partner and the family that u set up together.
tetra, like what Piggy said, you guys are choosing the difficult path n not what most singaporeans would do. When we were living in california, we frequented this little takeaway run by chinese immigrants with 3 young daughters n we marvelled at how bloody brave they were to come out n do it! For us, we've always had the dream to migrate but husband's bond runs till 2015, a bit tough to do so but we'll see how things pan out. If he does well after nato in afghanistan, who knows?
better late than never!

Any of you on facebook? Easier to keep in contact that way. More privacy
piggy: that's a good one. And thanks for being so encouraging. Well, I think my family has mixed feeling about our move. I told them that we are doing is no difference from what our grandpa had done for us - to move here from China. It has great impact because it changes the fate of our children and the many more generations down the line (probably going to have ang mo, black, etc grandchildren). Will they stay in Adelaide or AZ forever? I don't think so & should not be...once they reach early 20s, they should leave and explore the world, work in other major cities & experience a life journey full of diversity. Well, this is something my hubby & I do not have. When they are ready to start a family (if they do), they can then find a place to settle down. Who knows, maybe back to Singapore... hahaha. What we want them to be is to become a global citizen & we find that AZ can offer such path for them.

catz: When is your hubby going to this afghanistan? 2015 is very fast, 6 years is a good time to prepare for your big move. Like what we say, even refugees from Vietnam, Iraq, Africa, etc who can hardly speak English & with few cents in the pocket can settle well there with a house, car & even a boat (that's what this taxi driver from Jordan was telling us), exactly how tough can it get. We often underestimate what human spirit can do for love & survival.

can send a private message to me since u don't accept PM. I will send you my details on facebook.
Tetra, I'll PM you
Didn't know you've been on FB all this while. It's my primary source of contact for most of my friends.. haha.

Hubby ah, Afghanistan either this month or Nov. Who knows? NATO will open up global postings for him after he leaves service.. but you are right.. those refugees have the 'hunger'to just DO IT with the clothes on their back. not like us, think think think until no action. Sigh.

So will you be working in AZ? Or stay home with Marcus and Lucas?
You're not alone, my kids also look mostly like hubby. The only obvious thing of mine that they inherited seems to be dimples.

Waaa... you're already prepared to have ang mo / black grandchildren... really v liberal.
catz: I will stay home with the boys unless something fantastic comes along - something I like to do that pays ok and offers flexible working hrs. Child care is ex, it's like $60-$70 a day and we don't have benefits entitlements to offset unlike PR & citizens.

babyd: what to do, most schools in the city have like 30% to 40% from family whose main language is non-english and it is common to find things like 54 cultures in the school community - like Ms Universe contest.
Oh my god Tetra...I feel so excited for you! Everything set to go...I'm sure you will enjoy the laid back life. Slow and easy. Adelaide is one of the Austrlia cities that I like although can be quite bored some times as most of the shops close at 5pm and 7pm. I like to shop along the walking street. I think one of the worse thing about Australia is discrimination/racist other than that it's definitely a better environment to live in and a better school system for the children.
tetra, sorry me blur. Don't understand about your not getting benefits? Aren't you AU pr? Or there's some sort of probation period before you enjoy citizenship perks?

Actually there are so many asians in AU but i guess some asian groups piss ppl off like viet n their crazy gangs in sydney etc. But at least got a lot of asians lor, you don't feel like you're the only yellow skins around. But yeah there's still discrimination. It's like that all around the world. Even singaporeans discriminate. I guess it's just everywhere.
catz: we are on temporary visa, only can apply for PR after 2-3 years after we meet the requirements.

Lately there is an increasing growing community in AZ especially from China, Korea and Japan. Most locals (except those in rural places) are already very used to having Asians as colleagues & neighbours. I think alot depends on how one reacts to 'rude' treatment from the locals. Most of the time, the locals couldn't tell if you are Chinese from China, or Vietnamese, Koreans, etc, so they would rather try not to talk to you too much or not at all as you may not understand what they are talking about. Plus the point as mentioned by Catz, there are also some bad conceptions on certain Asians. Based on our personal experience, once they know you can converse in English competently & that you are from Singapore, they are usually very friendly. So it really depends on how one takes it. Anyway, they do also behave the same way to their counterparts & it is usually brushed aside after that.

I agree that discrimination happens everywhere and all this is as a result of lack or wrong information of one's culture and value system. Over here, we chinese are on the upper hand. For some, discrimination is by the things i.e. cars, where your live, job title, etc.

mgteo: Adelaide is still comparatively slow, it is like 10 years back from Perth. The shopping along their Rundle Mall aka our Orchard Road is like Wisma to Mandarin Hotel. Definitely not a shopping place like Melbourne or Sydney. But there are lots of parks, hill and coastal sea - all within 20mins from the city. Do come by for a holiday.
Tetra, OIC, I thought you had already secured the PR to go over there!! Wah that's even a bigger leap of faith than I thought!

Honestly, I've lived with Koreans and Vietnamese when we lived on military base and well, erm, they're not exactly the friendly type. :p If you converse with the locals like a ah-hem, normal person, they have no reason to be unfriendly with you BUT of course they may be 'burned' by previous encounters with said Asian people who do not know how to socialise.
catz: just like bungee jump...don't know how deep it is going to be & just hope your rope doesn't break. Two families we know have settled very well in AZ, actually move away from the suburbs where they have high concentration of Asian residents, and stay among the locals. They find that there is closer community bond in these suburbs.
Tetra, yah lor, bungee jump, precisely! But I think if you've got contacts out there in AZ, it will be easier and it makes sense not to live in Asian neighbourhoods anyway!!! Er.. usually Asian neighbourhood not so good lah. Best to stay in more expensive suburbs.
Sick is so common these days. Linus has been sniffing too. For 3nights in a row, not sleeping well, keep waking up and moving n turning on the mattress. Aiyo... my sleep so disturbed. Am so tired in the day. What happened to Timo?

When are you leaving exactly?
Piggy, Timo keeps getting cough. Last night cough until puke, then cannot sleep. So ponteng school again today lor.. Total number of days attended in term 2 --> 5 days! WALAU!!

Tetra, where are youuuhoooooo?
catz: the weather is crazy lah. Poor Tim, got see doctor already. Must be uncomfortable for him, probably have to stop milk.

as for the expensive suburbs, that is also where most of the asian reside due to close promxity to city and good public schools in these zones. these asians are quite well-off.

piggy: leaving in this thursday nite. Movers collected 71 boxes yesterday. Yes, it is 71 boxes despite 3 times of inventory attrition from the 3 X of house moving. we thought it will be just 15 big boxes, and we were so way off. And these are just personal contents, no furniture.
I think you give him a slight overdose of Vitamin C for 2days to see it stops the cough? (I gave L a total of 500mg each day when he is not well or coughing and I take 2000mg each day when I am not well too) I find it very effective when the cough is so stubborn n refuse to go away. Try it?

Wow...all set to go. Do come in here n post for us to share your experience. Take care & God Bless!!
Tetra, aiyah my son every week also see pd, some weeks twice :p So what to do? He's on pediasure. When I put him on Grow, he got ultra phlegmy. Expensive tastes :p

You're leaving on Friday! WAAAAHHH no wonder you've been so busy. 71 boxes, not surprising lah, no need to pai say

Piggy, he's already on so many supps.. haha.. Sambucus does seem to help plus the Reutefene for gut flora and general immunity plus Zaditen as lung tonic. Still waiting for delivery of manuka honeey umf 10+ to arrive too.

Tetra, I wish you, Francis, Lucas and Marcus a smooth and swift journey up to AZ. Please take care and do keep us posted on the progress once you're more settled. You will be sooooo missed!
Time just zooms by, can't believe you're leaving already! Do keep in touch here and share some photos when you've settled down there.
Guess this thread will be pretty quiet for a while.. only Piggy, BabyD and occasionally mgteo and myself until Tetra gets her internet up and running.
hi ladies, already spent half day settling in Adelaide & started hibernating.

Checked into this little nice cozy service apartment next to our rented house. At this moment, everything is perfect except the occasional rain. Temp is like 16 degree. The streets that we are staying are lined with maple trees - which is what I like. Simple stuff like this makes my happy. I will load up the photos once they are ready.
Wow, Tetra, that's quick! So when will you be able to shift into your house proper? 16 deg is only a little chilly.. sure beats the rubbish weather we have in Singapore.
Maple trees, wow... haiz, so envious. Post up pix soon, we're all anxiously awaiting!
only thing is that it keeps raining on and off. Also dare not go out. Now hubby and Marcus are hibernating. Lucas is controlling to stay awake...

Officially move in tomorrow as a ceremony. Still got to get the beds first before we can move in. Hopefully next tuesday.
Wow, good to hear from you. With internet, we may not even know if any of the mums here are in fact in Timbuktu.
Anyway, do post some pics for us yeh?
tetra, oh that brings back memories of me n hubby having no furniture when we got to the US! Hope your beds arrive
loading the photos take great deal of time. I have posted the photos on facebook.

catz/ piggy: got facebook account for me to add in my list? PM to me.
Aiyahhhhh Piggy, quick quick lah. Just create an account for Tetra's sake lah

Tetra, your photos are lovely.. aiyah really very gian. I'm so proud of you for doing this... wish my hubby's time and space would allow for it, perhaps 10 years later :p
piggy: I have pm you already.

catz: thanks lah, told my dad that this place is one of those places where it looks better than photos. If you are really keen in doing it, I can refer you to my agent. Sometimes they do organise seminar on this. Perhaps with more info, you can make make more informed plan and may turns out not as complicated as you thought.
Piggy, make friends lah! Hehe... look for people that you know.. I've already added you
Blanche and slamdunk are on too.. I'll send you some friends request

Tetra, sigh, I don't think we can.. dont' forget about my husband's unbreakable bond. But we'll explore this about 5 years from now. HOPEFULLY!!!
catz: so strange here, suddenly my English speaking skills has jumped by leapfold. They were commenting I speak very good english and most of them didn't know that our 1st language is actually english. My english is not even there yet... haha...

Winter is coming and I heard that the flu here is quite serious. Have not gone for flu jab yet, still thinking about it, not sure it actually will impede the immunity system to fight the virus. any flu vaccine craze going on in Spore? My friend told me she has to visit 3 pharmacies to get the flu antibotics.
Tetra, hurhurhur...
Oh trust me, when I was studying in the UK, all the brits came to me to ask me to proof-read.

Yah better do the flu jabs for all of you 'cos winter might be extreme, you never know. Singapore flu vaccine running out like hotcakes, got waitlist. No need to stock up on tamiflu though...
catz: hmm, will check out om the flu jab here.

Funny, isn't it? I think this is one of the benefit of having British Colony during Spore pre-independence days. I mean, just look at India, the people can easily fit into any english speaking countries.
so true. In fact, we may have better command of english than supposed native english speakers. Guess their schooling standards have dropped.
I heard the weather in Spore has been quite terrible. How's everyone there?

As of todate, there at least 1 case of swine flu in Adelaide. All kids under 18 returning from Japan, North Amercia, Canada & Mexico, has to stay away from the public for a week.

Over here, it is easy to be cut off from the rest of the world. It is as if living on a separate planet. I missed my CNA update on TV, you get more news on Spore and Asia. Over here, there is lots of news update on weather and sports. And I missed the Ch 8 9pm TCS aunty show. I think I should get my own antenne to receive program from Spore.
Tetra, we are all dying from the horrible heat and terrible humidity :p Swine flu in Adelaide, gosh!

You're right about 'local' news.. it's v v LOCAL! hehe.. how about MobTV?
catz: haven't check on mobtv. Have not been into online tv yet. should start exploring now.

There are already 14 cases of swine flu cases. I just created igoogle and have included CNA and Straits Time Interactive for Spore news. The news about the man throwing his wife from the flat in stirling rd caught my attention...
Stirling Rd was a while back.. now is the court case...

MobTV got quite a few local stuff I think, I didn't look either 'cos I am happy with terrestrial TV for now.. too cheapo to pay for cable TV.. haha.

Wah 14 cases just in Adelaide? ?Eeks...
Sorry huh.... I'm still trying to find time to navigate the Facebook. Find it confusing...:p
Will put up some pics when I find time.

Went thru the pics of your place. Looks very nice n cosy. I think the kids will love the loft area. Just that how do you watch them n prevent them from climbing huh?

Do you know the Ashton & Linus are in the same chinese class? I spoke to Ashton last week asking if he remember me? He seems so shy.

School Hols...
Any mums bringing kids overseas for holiday?
piggy, this new facebook format is less intuitive than the old format. Take your time

Small world! Hehe. So Linus goes for Berries at United Sq too!

Piggy, we're gg church camp 3 to 7 june. Praying the kids won't succumb to germs cos got so many kids plus the hotel I've heard is not too clean. Will be pumping them with twice daily sambucus n probiotics. Celebrating my hubby's birthday as well as my aunt's 60th while we're in KL as well.
How about you?

Tetra, i love your loft! Is it noisy cos of echoes? Can't keep any secrets in an echoey loft. Haha. This is a rented place right? Looks well maintained. Toilets v modern.
Catz, No, not U Sq, at Bukit Batok.

We are likely not going away. May book sentosa stay... not sure yet. We went to stay last holiday at Pan Pacific. L was so happy. Soak in tub for hours.... ordered room service and simply enjoy. Such a huge bed to jump up n down. So we may likely book another place this time.
Piggy, oh if not for church camp, we won't be gg anywhere either. Too much risk :p Staycation is a good idea but maybe keep out of the pools, too much germs!
We chose this place mainly because of the loft design which is the only one at this budget. Yes, you can't have secret, maybe the only private place is in the toilet or outside the house.

We are planning to get the safety barrier from IKEA, not sure if it will fit with the staircase though. Currently, the boys are only permitted to go up to the 4th steps and there is no reason to go up except to shower in the bathroom. Our beds are not here yet so we are all sleeping in the living room. There is nothing for the kids on the 2nd floor and we are with them all the time and the place is really small, so it is not to hard to watch them.

Lucas love to project his voice like a tenor singer because of the echo. Can be quite irritating but you know where he is.

Lucas used to attend the Berries at Jasmine Road, I must say after attending like 6 - 8 lessons, he is more open to Chinese and sometimes will recite some chinese ryhmmes.

Piggy: you good life! soak in the tub for hours? can imagine how pampered you felt.
Not me. It's Linus that soak in the tub!!

Yes, we usually don't use the pool. Anyway, L is a luxury lover. Will request for ice cream or choco cake for dessert when I order room service. Every morning, he will eat like 3-4 choc muffins for breakfast + a bowl of Jap rice + miso soup.
And when I told him that we are going to hotel, he is so excited when asked to pack his luggage...haha... It's so funny that his luggage consists of toys, books n bolster n toy chicks. No clothes, no essentials like milk, etc..Really funny to see..
Tetra, thought your beds were arriving last Tuesday? Haha.. I think loft living takes getting used to but so unique. So this is your permanent place that you bought?

Tetra, I think if I enrol Timo, it will be at Jasmine Rd which is super near my place. Hmm.. good or not?

Piggy, your L is really luxury lover.. and wow, he can eat 3-4 choc muffins and all that? WAAAHHHHHHHH!

If u are asking about berries....Good. L really has no head n tail about the language. Now, can tell me a few chinese idioms. haha..
Yes, if food is to his taste, he can eat an adult portion. But if not to his liking, 2mouths, then, "I'm full."

Ya, this place is what you bought?
