(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

catz: I find the berries at Jasmine Road is good. Revision is required but not much homework, just recite with him will be sufficient. We started him in Nursery instead of K1 since he has no background in chinese. Check with them if it can be arranged though not encouraged.

We rented this place for a year. Buying is a whole lot more complicated. Will explore once we established some sort of stable income. Probably will but one in the city, something small with the plan to rent out in the future. see how it goes.

tetra, piggy thanks for the feedback on berries

Tetra, so in the meantime your hubby is with you all the time until he finds a job? Must be nice, like long holiday! So your loft is far out of city area? Property prices high?
catz: yah, hubby have been with us all day long since Mid April. It definitely makes the preparation work, packing, researching easier for me. Nowadays, he is in charge of the kitchen department while I tend to the boys and co-ordination work with external parties i.e. movers, banks, agents, etc.

My place is actually in the city. For a 2 bedroom house like mine, was recently sold at $327K. A 3 bedroom loft cost about $450K to $550K. Cheap for a city living, located along a safe street, near to parklands and amenities. Most people live in the suburbs but we wouldn't trade the convenience we have now for a bigger house in a suburb unless it is like a holiday resort with can-die view at an affordable rate.
Tetra, nice lah. Good family-time! The prices of the houses are not bad, not as crazy as Perth or Sydney I guess. So the cost of living in Adelaide is actually lower than those major cities right?
catz: Yes, property prices is lower than Melbourne, Queensland, Sydney and Perth. But so is the wages, about 20% lower than Melbourne and Sydney.
catz: yes, you are right which is why those young adults who are seeking fast career climb, will prefer to move interstate to Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. But with the recent recession, many of the locals have also moved back to Adelaide because of lower cost of living.

Today we went to a friend's house, the house is located on the hill overlooking into a valley, with a creek running below. Beautiful as it is somehow very near to the sky, they actually will take out their astronomical telescope to look for Jupiter. We don't get this in the city though you can see more stars when it is not cloudy.
Tetra, wowee, telescope and creek and all, sounds just fantastic. But out of the way, I guess.

I've got friends currently working in Sydney but catch 22 lah, earn more but everything costs more. Heard that most Aussie yuppies barely have any savings and it's hard to actually own your own place, mostly ppl rent?
Most people rent, and you are right that most doesn't have savings especially when it is on 1 income family which is very common here. Most mums doesn't work, they receive parenting allowance and usually spend more time involing in the school activities.
Tetra, guess it's a totally different way of life. Here in Singapore, everybody's striving to cover mortgage, car payments etc.. kids get left to grandparents and maids...
Hi Hi...
Wow...to be so near the sky must feel like living in heaven.

Hey, now with your place more or less settled, I think the boys will be due to school soon?

Enjoy your camp.

Haven't seen babyD and MG???
catz: I think over here is a different set of lifestyles & challenges. Very common to see single parents, they receive good subsidy for raising kids on their own.

piggy: visited 1 school yesterday which is about 5 mins ride. One of those non main stream school. Checking out a public school in our zone, high no. of students from different cultures/ nations. - like ms universe pagent or like UN world meeting.
Been busy. We went for a short family holiday in Bintan last week to chill out. Sherman also like Linus, pack "his essentials" like bolster, favourite bedtime books, swimming float, toys, etc. He has a school project about seashells and so he made me collect lots of seashells for him while he played with sand and water by the beach. Sherilyn also got to go swimming in the hotel pool and was pretty happy.

A loft sounds great. Must be lots of fun, glad you're still reporting over here. Think school in Australia is probably a lot more fun than over here, they learn broader stuff. Singapore school system really rigourous and tough.
For one thing we will miss is the kind of beach holidays in Malaysia (@ half of exchange rate).

Winter just started this week, temperatue is hovering about 16 degree. It gets chilling with wind or when you are at the hills.

We visited the public school about 10 mins walk from our place. Most likely we will enrol Lucas here, only pay $250 a year for annual materials. For this fee, it is very value for money. We didn't consider the catholic school opposite our house. I believe we have to pay like $5k-$6k a year for a 5 yr old education. Over here, it is quite common to send the kids in public year in the early schooling and then to private high school when they reach 13-15 yo. A private high school can cost like $12K a year exclude building fees, uniforms, sports and extra curricular activities. In the early schooling, not much difference with a reputable public school and a private school.

The public school that we are looking at, is the only public school located in the adelaide city, so only residents within the zone can enrol. Those who stay outside the zone, will be on waiting list and the school has list till 2013. Other than it is quite a good public school, this school is located in a small premises, so not much space for more students.

High no. of students from different cultures - africa, europe, philippines, china, AZ, indonesia, Japan, etc. We were visiting the school and they have a translator/ Support office to conduct one to one lesson with this girl from Afganistan who arrived 2 wks ago. So it is a school with great diversity, focusing alot on learning the world culture, tolerance, working with people from different background. Lucas just expressed that he doesn't like certain skin color, so that came to us that he is discovering that he is different and some other children. Thought this setting will align his perceptions and we told him that like M&Ms, we look different outside but we are all the same inside. He seems to understand it since he didn't mention it again. Hope it gives him some thots in this.

Most likely, to enrol him in this community kindy near our place. Their law is either a 2 full-day program from 8.45am to 3.15pm or 4 days of 3 hrs lessons. Mainly just play time, discover self, world, concepts. They don't focus on literacy and numeracy until they are 5-6 in the primary school.

Very different education system, still discovering...
Tetra, yah Aussie accomodation is horrendously expensive. Private sch is horrendously pricey over there. Wowee :p Anyway your public sch sounds really great! Lucas already goes to normal school , not kindy??? Or am I reading it wrongly?

Sorry v tired, I drove most of the way back from KL.. now backside painful, head throbbing. Just v happy that my helper is doing the laundry and unpacking. Hehe.

babyD, which resort in Bintan? I'm always on the lookout for good CLEAN resorts. Our church camp was held at Palace of the Golden Horse.. erks.. FILTHY.
catz: welcome back. saw from facebook tt you mentioned the palace is yucky. supposed to the very grand when it was first opened many years ago. Never had been there before but there used to be business meetings/ conferences held there because of its space.

so good to have a helper at times like this. How's is your helper getting on? My helper still sms to me once in awhile.

Over here, the kids will go to the reception class in the primary school after they turn 5 (by birth date, not calendar year). The reception is very much like kindy but operate in a formal schooling environment. It helps the transition & getting the kids to buddy with older kids and know the teacher. If the kid turns 5 in Jun, then he will go to reception in term 3, not the start of the year. I thought this is good. Once they spend like a year in reception, they move to Grade 1. It is quite flexible, moving to grade 1 depends on the child's readiness and discussion between the teacher and parents.

Kindy is when he is 4-5 yo, not compulsory. You have a choice of having 2 full day/week (8.45 to 3.15) or 4 half day/week (for 2.5 hrs).
We went to Bintan Lagoon Resort. I paid a bit more for a nicer room ($120++) because it's bigger and has a v large platform almost the size of a queen bed instead of sofas. The platform is cushioned so what we do is just get bedsheets and blankets so that the kids can sleep there. We push the bed against the platform so there's no chance they'll fall off. We've been there a few times, it's clean and the breakfast is decent. This time we even got the newly renovated rooms with nicer flooring and the bathroom had a rainshower and bigger bathtub.
BabyD, hey that sounds do-able.. thanks!
Avilion was great too 'cos of the extra daybed.. we brought along a safety bedrail and it was simply fab

Tetra.. yah PGH was really disgusting. The carpets haven't been cleaned or vacuumed in years.. when you walked the carpet, there was a crunchy feeling. YUCKS!! I think it used to be v grand but erks, not for the past 5 plus years lor. The food was quite awful too, even my helper complained.

Helper v good, month 2 and I think she's become v indispensable, no matter how hard to I try not to. Hehe.

Ah, Aussie system quite different hor.. quite good since it's according to birth date not calendar year.. then Jan kids don't have to dingdong around for so long!
Aiyoh, beach resorts cannot have carpet! All that sand and seawater. At Bintan Lagoon Resort, all the floors are tiled. The newer ones are better, no gaps between the tiles so it's smooth and sand doesn't get stuck in between.

Don't worry, you'll adapt and cope if you have to let your helper go. Everybody thought I wouldn't be able to make it when my first helper left and I was pregnant, but I still managed to clean and iron until the last 36 weeks. Got my current helper just before ML ended and she's way better than the first one. Guess what, Sherilyn is turning One next week. Time just flies doesn't it?
babyd, pgh isn't a beach resort n it's already so dirty. The crunchy was from all that accumulated dirt. Horrendous! I definitely prefer tiles or hardwood flooring, more sanitary. That being said, I've had encounters with less than clean floors too but still it's less gross than dirty crunchy carpet.

Sherilyn turning 1? Goodness, babies grow up so quickly, esp the 2nd n subsequent ones. Haha.
Any big party for her?
Sherilyn's daddy wasn't keen on a big party, so we had the celebration last week when relatives went to MIL's for their usual Sat dinner. He didn't want the relatives to buy presents or give ang pows because of the economic recession, so we kept it hush hush until they arrived. I got a big 2kg Mickey cake cos Sherilyn likes Mickey. I cut out lots of colourful Mousketool shapes and Sherman helped to put them up as decor. She's a simple kid, likes to eat even though she's a bit small, was just happy that she got to eat chocolate cake. Thankfully there were no severe allergies to cake (didn't give her any cream of course).
yah, I agree that the 2nd one seems to grow up so fast. Now Marcus wears 1 size smaller than kor kor, and sometimes they would share the same tops and jackets.

Marcus's bd is about a month away from now. Probably have a private birthday celebration for him. He loves mickey mouse too, dunno why, maybe is the shape of the 3 circles. The bd celebration is a stressful thing here, the parents usually organise a theme birthday party like fairies, monsters, trains, clowns, etc.
Tetra, your situation sounds like Blanche's Ayd and Ash.. they are around the same width. Hehe. My 2 monkeys too.. but of course they cannot share clothes lah.

Ohhh I saw my friend's parties in Australia, wah all home-baked and Star Wars theme. Stressful stressful.

BabyD, wow, luckily Sherilyn isn't allergic to chocolate but that's unusual given her milk allergies.
Hi Hi...
PGH really that terrible? I heard that the place was grand a couple of years ago.

I like your analogy of M&Ms chocs.
I hope you can finally get the school / kindy you want. So have you been missing the food of Singapore? My SIL went to US recently and is lamenting about missing food and the convenience in Singapore.

Sherilyn is turning one...wow!!
Happy Birthday to Sherilyn!!
Post us a pic of her & kor kor? (do they still look alike now)

Linus is getting quite good in drawing now. I am contemplating sending him for art class but with his character of only drawing what he likes, I wonder if by going to such classes, he will be "forced" to draw what the teacher asks them to?
Any mums have experiences on such classes? I don't want his creativity to be stifled yet I think he should be encouraged to learn proper techniques or expose to more ideas....
*sigh* Sherilyn just fell sick, got intermittent high fever, just before she turns one. I virtually didn't sleep last night. I must go and look for a picture with both of them to post up. They look more different now that she's bigger and looks more girly, but still very similar cos she doesn't have much hair, just like her kor kor when he was her age. Comparing their same age photos now, kor kor is much chubbier than Sherilyn and his face shape is rounder. You can definitely tell they are siblings.

I send Sherman for art class for one term and never regretted it. He went from totally cannot draw to bringing home decent art & craft pieces.

Sherilyn's allergies seem to be getting better. Did you know that milk solids are found in bread? We found that she could eat this and other milk containing products like biscuits and was ok. It was only the non-HA formula milk that caused it. I'm trying to stop expressing BM for her and give her more NAN-HA formula milk. Managed to reduce from 500+ml to 300+ml in 2 weeks. Should be able to stop in the next 1-2 weeks.
Piggy, it's pretty run down and shabby.. shabbiness I can put up with, not dirtiness!!! They never vacuum the carpets when they service the rooms.. really yucky.. the curtains got lizard poop. Yes it used to be grand, a loooong time ago :p

BabyD, my 2 didn't look much like siblings when Beth was first born too.. but the resemblance is getting stronger and stronger, esp after Beth turned 1. Odd that she's allergic to milk but not to milk solids but that's something really good lah. Well done you for BFing for so long!

Piggy, my boy got no interest in art and coloring :p I think Blanche sent Ash but I'm not sure where.. you can check out her blog. Anyway they have gone to Korea for hols.
Poor you... She got a viral infection?
When you do her BD celebration, snap a shot of her with kor kor so that you can post the pic for us?

Wow...korea sounds fun. Thinking of going there during winter for L to experience snow.

So are you "addicted" to your helper's help? Can spent much more quality time with 2 kids with someone else to do the chores, isn't it?
babyd: Is she teething or her molars breaking out? Is she better now? Must be very tiring, I haven't get over those days when both boys were down.

piggy: Lucas will start his kindy on Monday. The most he can attend is twice a week from 8.45 am to 3.15pm. It will be every Monday & Wednesday and it is about $14/day. If we put him for another day, it will be considered as childcare and that will be $56/day. Childcare is expensive here but most parents have subsidies or allowance to offset it. My friend paid about $1K a month.

As for the school, the place is confirmed as we fall within the zone and the public school has to take in kids within the zone. He will only start in Jan next year. For awhile, we were contemplating if we should start him off with an international education program or a catholic education. We will visit a catholic church near our place this Sunday.

Still learning about the family lifestyle here. The values are very much different from ours. You find more single mums here, some with kids as young as 1-3 yo. Staying together in a marriage and with kids growing with the same set of parents, are not as common as I thought. So I think it is good to expand our network and continue to test my hypothesis.
Piggy, yah my helper is really intuitive.. very happy with her. She's made herself pretty indispensable in the past 2 months.. haha.

Wah nice to experience snow. Beth is just a leetle too young.. else I would love to go back to UK.

Tetra, yah childcare is horrendously expensive!! True about the Aussie family values eroding.. ah well.
SOS!! Sherilyn started rejecting the NAN HA milk when she was sick. I tasted it and it had a bitter after taste. Did you ever notice that? I'm getting desperate cos I was halfway to stopping BM so now not enough for her if she refuse to take the formula and drinks only BM. This happened just as all the frozen stock of BM depleted *cry cry*. I also wondered if you kept your kids on HA milk after they turned one, and for how long? The supermarket doesn't seem to carry NAN-HA step 3 milk, so did you keep them on Step 2 even after they turned one?

Sherilyn is down with a virus - roseala or something like that. It's the fake measles that most kids get before age of 2 yrs. Sherman had it too, high fever for 2-3 days and then once the fever breaks, the rash comes out all over the body. She's super irritable, can't sleep well and can't eat well. As for teeth, she only has 6, still waiting for the other front 2 teeth to come out at the bottom, dunno why take so long. Not expecting pre-molars before those turn up.
Hi babyD, sorry didn't see your SOS. My hubby has been in hospital since Fri night. NAN HA does taste v yucky.. hmm, so was it a new can? Nope, no NAN HA 3 so I kept them on NAN HA 2 till they were like 18-19 months before switching over to Gain once I knew the milk allergies had gone away.
Oh dear, what happened to your hubby?

How did you know when they outgrew their milk allergy? Just test from time to time?

These are the two most similar smiles I could find in short notice. Think they still have lots of similarities but now it's clear who's the boy and who's the girl. They even have a dimple on the right cheek in the same spot!
Prostatitis brought on by mycoplasma infection. Sigh. Would you know anything about infection control for mycoplasma? 'Cos it's slow growing, need to take another round of antibiotics to whack out the 'baby' mycoplasma in 2 weeks' time. A bit confusing, can't seem to find much through Google.

Aiyoh Sherilyn does look like Sherman but in a girly way.

Yah I kinda tested from time to time.. too chicken to really take the plunge any earlier than 18 months.
Mycoplasma is bacteria without cell wall so it's resistant to most antibiotics and can be very hard to get rid of. Your hubby seems to see the urologist quite often, didn't know mycoplasma could cause prostatitis. He's back from Afgan? So poor thing, when can he be discharged?

We think Sherman got respiratory mycoplasma before. There was only one antibiotic (v yucky) that could fix it, v ex too. Once in a blue moon, we get mycoplasma contamination of our cell cultures in the lab, but most of the time we don't even know it's there until it's too late and the cells are all sick and dying, because they are smaller than bacteria and can't be seen under the microscope unless you culture them separately on special agar (which we don't bother, just throw out everything and decontaminate the place if it happens). It also means it's quite difficult to diagnose. Horrible bug... one of nature's crooked evolutionary games... how can any cell have no cell wall!
Is he discharged now? Is Prostatitis painful? Oh dear... with this H1N1, the kids will not be able to see their daddy in hospital.

They look similar but Sherilyn's shape is not as round as Sherman's, isn't it? She seems to be more "oval" in shape but both the smiles and the noses are very alike.
You're right, Sherman's face is a lot wider and rounder. She's so petite, kor kor is so chubby. By this age, Sherman was 10kg or so, Sherilyn is barely 8.5kg, probably lighter after this virus is over. She never tripled her birth weight by 1 year old and only just started wearing 9-12 months clothes. Their solemn "what's up" look is also v alike. When Sherilyn wears a wide rimmed hat, I have deja vu of seeing baby Sherman in the same hat. =) Hubby asked me to have another baby this week... anyone brave enough to have No.3?
Go for it.
If I can turn back the clock, I will have min 2 and hopefully 3!! They are so so cute. Their sense of wonder, excitement for new things, etc, etc...is so fun to watch and see. I know the fatigue for mums are great but with help, I think it is manageable. At least in Singapore, domestic help is available, that takes away a great deal of burden for us, so why not? (plus the tax rebate now is good too.
) Maybe I should go work for MCYS...keke..

By the way, Sherilyn appears to be more mischievous than Sherman, am I right?
Serious ah? I keep thinking if I have another kid, maybe it would just about end my career prospects. Dunno what my boss would say. Apart from my boss and his right hand woman, nobody else in my group has kids and certainly not 3 kids! Actually Sherilyn seems to be less mischievous, less noisy, but she is a bit more stubborn, so maybe when she's older she may be more difficult.
Piggy, yah it's super duper painful.. there was so much blood. Now he's resting at home. On MC for the rest of the month.. and there go the June hols :p

babyD, yah mycoplasma is such a pain in the butt!!!! The antibiotics really knock him out cold.

3 kids, NO THANK YOU. Only Tetra and Blanche considering, right?
Sherilyn definitely has the girlish look - from her smile and eyes. They seemed to have the same shaped nose and mouth. Baby this age is always so cute.

catz: your hubby's condition sounds really serious. can't imagine the pain... good lah the antibotics knock him out then he can rest & sleep well.

As for having a 3rd child, well... at this juncture, no thought about it. In fact, I was just discussing with hubby if we should even stop at 2. I think it's because I have not felt 'settled' enough to ignite my procreation urge. I would prefer to wait for another 2 years when Marcus is about 4 and Lucas going to 7. But it is too long a wait because of my hubby's age. So it is like next year or never. We shall see how it goes.

Over here, it is also quite common to see the AZlians adopting asian kids from China and Korea. I met one couple who waited for like 5 yrs and now they have 18 mth baby girl and planning to adopt a 2nd child from korea. I think they are great parents, the way they handle the child. And perhaps staying in a 6.5 hec of land in the hills without any kids, just seems uncomplete. hmm, maybe if we can afford another child in terms of time, energy and money, we may consider adoption if we are too old to have our own.

But I must say babyd's hubby is so optimisstic and positive to have another child, maybe it's good to go for it. As what piggy say, you will have support from the grandparents. Maybe by then, there is opportunity for you to have flexible working arrangement.

If you ask catz now, she will definitely just stop at 2. She may change her mind later on, at least until her hubby gets better. Blanche is the 1st mum here who have her 2nd kid so may be good time to try for a girl... oh, i would really love to have a girl, even got name for her - Charlotte. The names I come across here is Piper, Vicki which I have not heard in Spore.
I think must ask yourself if career prospects is that impt to you. It's hard for others to say, I believe ultimately, I want to be judged by how well I do my work and not how many kids I have.
My career will end when I retire or quit. My family will stay with me till the end.
It's a good thing that your boss and right hand woman has kid/kids, if you are the only one, then you will feel more pressure.

Aiyo....terrible... bloody from there? Oh dear....ouch ouch ouch...

I believe this is not time for you to talk number 3. Once you are settled down, you will find that with all the land around you at your disposal, why are you waiting? hehe..
Charlotte is a nice name. Piper? Hmm..., not common at all. Then again, my gf (teacher) told me that her students are called Channel, Dior and even Cartier. Makes Piper sounds very human.
piggy: lol, straight away the scene of me in the Sounds of Music, came to my mind. Me dressing in a milkmaid attire, singing and running down the hill. Think I must train my vocal first so that I can call for the kids 'hai zi men, hui la chi fan' (children, come back to eat).

Dior, Cartier? Who don't name them like google, yahoo, or even twitter? Thot something like Google Goh will definitely stick in everyone's mind.
wah... so many advocates for 3 kids except Catz. I agree with piggy in essence. I'm actually quite contented having 1 boy 1 girl. Tetra and Blanche both have 2 boys, so naturally they may want to try for a girl. I'm just not sure I have the emotional and mental capacity to nurture 3 kids. Already, I feel I don't read as much to Sherilyn as I did to Sherman when he was her age. Will No. 3 get even less attention? And then there's all that talk about middle child syndrome, which I don't want Sherilyn to go through.
Hai zi men, hui lai chi fan.
Bie rang Die Niang deng. (don't let dad & mum wait)
Land too big, need lots of advance time given. keke...

If you are contented, then stay as it is.
Just that daddy like not contented enough hor.
Btw, which part of US did you last go to? My SIL also went 2weeks ago to MI.
hehe I'm the lone dissenter huh?
Beth's emergency csect was a really scary and painful experience for me plus since we're not intending to have a helper for long term, having 3 is no joke. I think my patience is very limited these days, prob too tired. Haha.

BabyD, husband's deployment has been pushed back to Dec. As with all things army, you never really know anything till last minute la. Anyway hope he can rest well the next couple of weeks without having to worry about work. I think he was overworked hence the compromised immunity and sudden downward spiral.

Tetra, so envious. Your life now is like one long holiday. So nice
Beautiful surroundings, your boys n your hubby.. No wonder you look so happy in all the pictures!
Hahaha... I can't really imagine you wearing the milk maid attire and singing "the hills are alive..."

Yah lor, hubby always wanted 3 lah. I told him if No.2 is a girl, I will consider No.3. If we already have 2 boys, then No.3 out of the question. Possibility of having 3 boys far too scary. I haven't been to US recently. Last visited Canada and UK 2 years ago. Wouldn't want to go with all the H1N1 going on.

How, is your hubby getting any better? Discharging soon? Running to and fro hospital is pretty tough when kids are on school holiday. Thank God this didn't happen to him in Afgan! Sherilyn is much better today and the rashes are starting to fade. She didn't wake up every hour last night and drank up her NAN HA without a fuss this morning. Hopefully she'll continue to take the NAN HA, otherwise I really don't know how. Milk supply going down down down... once I reduce to pumping 2x a day, there's no reversing the supply drop. Will monitor for another 2-3 days, then attempt to stop mooing by end of next week.
Crazy names for kids :p I like traditional names.. hate weird spellings.. and I hate it when names get all chinesemangled.. like Javier which is supposed to be har-vier and people pronounce it jay-veer. Urks. :p Chanel ah, sure turn out ah lian.. or some kind of agent.. kekekekeke.. ok I think I better stop my rant if not sure got some angry people flame me.

babyD, yes the husbayd is better. He was discharged on Tuesday so he's resting at home and disrupting my schedule :p Yes thank goodness he's not in Afghan right now, he might end up dead!!

Sherilyn good girl huh.. hope you can stop the mooing on target!

Lots of people coming back with H1N1.. heard from a teacher friend that MOE is talking about keeping schools closed for an additional week.
catz: I heard alot about how things can change when working with national arm forces at last minute. Well, at least your hubby has time to build up his immunity system. Really no joke if he is at Afghan now. Jia you for taking care 3 babies now. And so true about the names, I have met a few...

yah, I think Babyd is right that once you have 1 boy and 1 girl, more likely to stop. The thot of having 3 boys does also daunts me at times.
piggy: LOL, I will start practising now, maybe so good even animals from afar also respond to my calling.

My freight finally arrived @ my place yesterday. Only takes 2 guys to move 71 boxes within an hour. We still have 40% of boxes to unpack. Very sian to move (our 3rd time within 1 yr). If our neighbours are selling their house, we will seriously consider it if it is cheap but must grow a pot of money tree first.

Haha... at one time, we were brainstorming for names starting with Sher and I came up with Shernelle! Weird spelling and derivative of Chanel. Hubby didn't like, so it became Sherilyn although I actually preferred Sheralyn. Was just thinking if I really decide to have No. 3, it will be so difficult to find another nice Sher- name, esp if it's a boy. Still having cold feet... giving myself another month or so to decide.
