(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

mgteo: better take care and leave the reno to hubby. You really need time to recurperate and bond and enjoy baby. Can feel that you are really tired and stressed and with antibotics, your body will be even more tired. Is anyone helping you out? oh ya, how's Claira? I always remember her with her Japanese doll look.

For me, both my boys have big head too and consider huge for my height with smaller pelvis frame. I look big is because of fat, told my hubby because of passing down his family line, my petite size is forever gone. I always joked that my waist used to be 24inc, now this measurement is the size of each of my thigh. But really, it is no joke to have a difficult delivery bcoz baby's head is big. Luckily catz' sister and baby are ok. Blood can't clot also no joke, and how did the gynae find out? Blood test?

Tetra, she was in trouble 'cos the baby couldn't pass that kink in her pelvis.. only found out she was bleeding after baby was delivered.. that's why it was a good thing she didn't have a c-sect. she would've bled from the c-sect AND down under.
catz: aiyo, scary. I watched a live delivery on cable, and mum was doing ok in pushing baby until her baby was out but couldn't stop bleeding. Her heartbeat started to get faint and almost lost her but luckily the doctors managed to revive her back. Poor hubby was excited then go crazily worried...

It is really a blessing in disguise for your sis. She really must have gone through alot for this boy.

It was a total different thing for me. Luckily I went through a c-section as they found a cyst which baby blocked the view during scan. I was so prepared to go for natural delivery but it turned out emergency c-section.
Tetra, I also got cyst, going to get it removed sooner or later :p Aiks..

Yah, my sis spent about another 6-7 hours after baby was born getting stitched up and had to go for another surgery to stop the bleeding. She fainted dunno how many times everyday in hospital. End up have to stay for 7 days in hospital with baby.
Catz, Tetra my hubby can't take charge everything for the reno cos I'm quite particular of what I want.

Catz blood can't clot is so scary...it reminded me of this mummy who deliverd twins and died after that because of that problem. The husband went banging on the doors of Blood Bank to get blood for transfusion but of course they didn't attend to his request. He was so mad and depressed when they interviewed him on tv. Eeeks...so scary...Lucky for your sis now everything is over. Sinusitis? Yucks! It's awful!

Tetra, Claira is doing fine. Mummy feel bad for not giving her enough attention because of this little one but luckily she sort of understand. When she's at home, she will always look for my SIL and FIL for company. Now hubby do most of the wash up for her while I jaga the small one. Feel bad for not reading to her every night cos of tiredness and also because of Katie as she's a light sleeper got to minimise the level of noise.

I'm so glad that after the course of antibiotic, I can slowly stretch my pumping time from 3-4 hourly, 4-5 hourly then 5-6 hourly... Hope it will be a smooth one.
Oh dear, mastitis again. Do you massage your boobs when you're pumping, esp towards the end when the let down trickles down to one or two jets of milk? There's usually lots of milk accumulated at the sides, sometimes it can feel like a lump. If you massage pushing from sides towards nipple, it helps to get that milk moving. I'm v kiasu, always try to massage out every last drop. Don't blame yourself abt the bottle, even latch also can get mastitis. Just do your best for bf, don't let it stress you so much that you forget to enjoy motherhood.

Sherilyn drinks about 130-140ml x 4-5 feeds a day plus 2 meals of porridge and lots of snacks (fruit and bb biscuits). I think she might be able to drink more, but I don't have more BM to offer her. Night feeds reducing from twice to once now, but still erratic. She was also a really light sleeper when she was a baby, but it gets better as they get older. How are you going to manage the reno? Bb will get disturbed by the noise etc?

Cannot clot really v scary, thank God she's ok after the delivery. She's brave to want to have another bb.
babyD, yah lor.. she was in such bad shape post delivery. Plus her stitches got infected.. aiyah, terrible lah.. all of us are so scared of her subsequent pregnancies cos she was in such bad PND.

mg, aiyah close one eye lahhhhhhh... if not you shack also not good right?

My helper is coming 1 month earlier.. arghh, everything isn't ready!!! She'll be here tomorrow morning!
babyd, I'm now better with expressing already. now I'll always massage the breasts n most importantly nipple rolling to open up the ducts. If I can feel lumps towards the end of the pump I will then massage n express at the same time.

The reno is taking place at my new home. My first big investment.

Catz cannot bo chap leh cos hubby quite a bo chap already.

Poor Katie is having constipation for 4 days after drinking friso comfort w BM. I've totally stop giving her the friso comfort since Friday but she still haven't poo poo but fart a lot. I'm thinking if I should bring her back to PD.
mg, poor Katie! We've actually been to KKH A&E because Bethany had ultra bad constipation and was in such severe pain... do monitor her.. if she is in pain, then go seek treatment for the constipation.

Reno ah, try not to get too uptight over it. As long as you lay out the rules with your contractor. My reno will start in a week's time.. argghhh..just gonna close one eye to the mess. Luckily I can trust my ID.. and it's not major reno.. just for the yard area and one cupboard for Bethany's room.
Catz, I will bring her to the PD tomorrow. Yesterday she had her milk at 8plus and she didn't wake up for her next feed till 7plus in the morning. Moreover she didn't cry for milk, it is me who get her up for feed.

Oh so you are doing some minor reno...mmm...it's going to be dusty and messy man...
Tetra, Dr Khoo Boo Kian, rec by my paediatrician


What's wrong with Lucas' eye???

mg, so how is Katie?? Wow, she is doing well if she can sleep such a long stretch without milk. Lucky you!

Yah will be doing up cupboards in the yard and also in Beth's room. Need the storage. Lucky I got helper... *phew* If not I will be in a v baaaaad mood with all the mess.
Catz, I think it's because of her constipation problem that's why she didn't wake up for milk. Brought her to the PD and finally cleared her bowels. The PD recommended me to add more Friso comfort ie 60ml Friso comfort 50ml BM. Her constipation could be due to BM. *sob sob* I thought drink BM can pass motion better but he said it is not necessary so. But I didn't listen to him I still give full BM hoping she can pass motion. Today is the 2nd day after seeing the PD, she haven't poo poo yet. Do you think I should give her the Friso comfort? I already have excess of BM, now if she only takes 50ml per feed my freezer will be overloaded liao...So now I give 50ml of BM to Claira hope she can benefit from it.

So how's your helper so far? Yes it is great relief to have a helper but provided they don't give problems.

Tetra ya what's wrong with Lucas' eyes?
catz: It is a great relief that you have a helper to handle the chores, I am sure you will feel a heavy burden being lifted.

Lucas has a left lazy eye, same with hubby's mum. We brought him to see an eye specialist when he was 2plus but it was not so bad as to require treatment,just monitor. But lately, we noticed that it didn't go away, it is ok most of the time except occasionally when he watches tv or stare blankly. It is also around this age that he can take instructions if he needs to wear a patch. Apparantly if this is not corrected by 9-10 yo, it can only be treated by surgery.
mg, constipation due to BM???? In my opinion, I don't think so... haha but I not doctor :p Same for Beth, she had constipation once we intro'ed FM to her. Mother's milk is still the best lah.

Helper so far very very good. She's a really nice girl, very helpful and has a lot of initiative! Have to keep telling her to STOP STOP and go rest.. haha.. good problem to have. Everyone likes her

Tetra, lazy eye is v common.. strabismus or something like that? Did you manage to get the appt with Dr Khoo? I think he's the best pd eye surgeon in Singapore.
Think should be OK since you catch it earlier..

My darling boy warded in Mt A for bronchitis since yesterday
Going there to relieve my hubby of childcare duties now. Thank God got maid to help out with the cleaning.
Oh dear!! Was he coughing badly? Poor thing.... Hope he gets well soon.

My helper also gives me that type of good problem, even after staying with us for 5th year now.

Really....Lazy eye so serious? Must do surgery?

Sounds abit strange to say that mum's milk costs constipation. Are u getting very bad or even mildly constipated yourself? If not, your milk, i.e. what you eat, shouldn't cause that for Katie. Why don't you take some cranberry juice yourself, feed her the fresh EBM and see if she gets better? FM cause constipation sounds more logical. "Noodle Doctor???"
Poor Tim! Hope he gets better soon. Hope Beth doesn't catch the same bug. Glad to hear your maid is good.

I think Sherilyn has never gotten constipation and she's been drinking only BM since she was born. I think she's only ever skipped one day without poop so far. Also never heard that BM will cause constipation, was always told that BM v easy to digest and contains 80%(?) water compared to FM which is harder to digest. Is your BM the super thick thick kind?

Can't believe Claira agree to drink BM, even mixed with her usual milk. Sherman's taste buds really v power. He will only drink either his own FM or full cream milk (fresh or packet), no low fat milk for him. He will say he don't like or it's too sweet (huh?) and ask if I added water into it! I ever tried asking him to taste my BM, he took one lick and stick his tongue out in disgust.
Haha...I also find it strange to say BM cause constipation. But no worries liao today finally she pooped! Luckily not the hard one, is pasty type. Maybe she just have lazy bowels, like me...hee hee. Anyway, since yesterday I've stopped giving her the Friso comfort already. Will continue to monitor her.

Catz you better take care of yourself also. Can't imagine everyone in the family are sick...no joke man...hope all get well soon.
Hi ladies, Timo was discharged on Monday after 3 nights at Mt A. Then hubby came down with high fever.. Beth now got laryngitis. Honestly my pd bills were $1k this month alone, not including $3.5k hospitalisation which can claim from insurance and then today helper got bad tooth decay on 2 molars so another $255 burned. Pok kai!
Glad to hear that Timo was discharged. Must try to give all at home lots of water and a boost of vitamins. You take care and do get enough rest yourself. Your PD bills for Timo may be claimable....do check with your agent.
Piggy, BabyD, yah exhausted... now hubby contracted conjunctivitis on top of his sinusitis.. win already :p Beth has lost her voice due to laryngitis... but the good news is that Timo has been given the all-clear to go back to school on Monday after missing the entire term so far!

Piggy, thanks, think can only claim post-hospitalisation bills.. but will check anyway
catz: can't imagine how you cope - really a test for mothers. Your helper's early arrival is a blessing. You too must take care & take more nourishment. Poor Beth, is her food intake/ appetite affected by this laryngitis? Your hubby may have caught the bugs in the hospital. Take care...
Tetra, yah poor hubby.. I should not have asked him to stay in hospital for 2 nights with Timo but if I hadn't come home on Sunday, we wouldn't have known that Bethany had high fever.. 'cos hubbies, you know lah.. not so intuitive with kids. :p

Beth still eating as per normal but she's lost her voice and is on steroids for 4 days to reduce the inflammation in her voice box. Poor kid. Timo going back to school on Monday.. he's missed this entire 2nd term so far! Sigh.
catz: yah, how have you been? Hope that everyone is getting better now.

BTW, we are moving to Adelaide in mid May, now in the process of securing a tenancy. Really looking forward to it!!1
Tetra, WOW so fast.. you just settled into your Bishan, now you're moving on again. Really gotta salute you in following your dreams!

Piggy, thanks, back to normal. Timo is in school this week, hope to God no more drama for the rest of the year :p Beth's still a little hoarse but much much better.
Your immune system is pretty super, as the last one standing in the house surrounded by sick kids and hubby.

I spent the last 2 days cleaning and washing up vomit and diarrhea. Sherman came down with a really nasty virus, some stomach flu bug. Fever started on Sunday, went sky high on Mon plus he vomited everywhere. Had to use suppository.Poor kid cried when he saw the 5 bottles of meds on the counter after the doctor's visit. Getting him to take his medicine was sooooo difficult, never used to be like that in the past and we're just talking about panadol, needless to say he didn't even taste those 5 meds given by the doctor. Yesterday fever was a bit better but he had diarrhea the whole morning. Kept Sherilyn away these 2 days at MIL's, hope she doesn't get it.
babyD, aiyoiiiiiiii, stomach flu is by far the worst thing to catch although the worst of the diarrhoea/puking pans out after 3 days.. whereas coughs are usually pretty prolonged in duration.

Haha, yah I've got good immunity but when I crash, I crash :p

Hope Sherman gets well soon.. think if Sherilyn is staying at your MIL's, should be OK *fingers crossed*
babyd: good to put Sherilyn away from Sherman until he is better. I remember those tough weeks when Lucas got it, passed to Marcus then to me, maid and finally hubby. There were so much washing up to do until we run out of bedsheets. It is either Lucas having diarrhea or Marcus vomiting. The worst experience I ever had...

To build up Sherilyn disgestive system for prevention and yours as well, taking those probiotics may help and try not to take milk for yourself.

catz: You superwoman lah! Should wear a cape in the house. er, never heard of anyone move house 3 times within 1 year, as if running from loan sharks. ai ya this dream is like 7 years overdue.
Hi All,
Glad to see some activities here.

Wow, that's fast hor... mid May is less than one month away. Hope all goes well for you.

Yes, I think u deserve the WW cape. Did Timo miss going to school?

Oh poor Sherman. Where did he catch that bug? Thank God for mum and in-laws. Hope he is fully well by now?

L is complaining to me that one of his classmates is calling him "Baby" (btw, he has passed the phrase of calling himself that) After school, I heard that kid shouting at the top of his voice and calling him "BABY" aloud.

The thing is that xyz of father just stood there doing nothing, no attempts to stop his child from calling people names.... I have such a great urge to smack that dad!! How huh? How to deal with such kid huh? Hmm..... will monitor the situation n see how....
piggy: ya, everything is running full speed now.

As for Linus's classmate, maybe you can walk up to him and nicely tell him that "Linus is a baby to me, just like you - a baby to your daddy". I don't know what his classmate associate the term "baby" with. Sometimes, I even tease Lucas like "oh you poor baby" more like a sayang thingy.
Wow, hope everything turns out well.
Will miss hearing your laughter though.

I also wonder what they meant by "baby". Anyway, I think it will blow over. Now, I teaches him ways to cope with it.
Piggy, yes yes, Tetra's laughter is lovely.. will most definitely miss you. Must keep posting here k?

Tetra, you'll be missed!!!

Piggy, hmmm, they call him Baby 'cos he called himself that last year? Some kids are v irritating, just tell him to ignore them lah.

Me ah, haha, cape? :p Just thankful to have pulled through it in one piece.
Wah mid May, so fast! Can't believe you're packing yet again. I think I'd just go cuckoo having to pack and settle so many times.

Sherman is better now. Just as I thought he could go back to school this morning, realized he still has a mild fever, so kept him at home again. This is some kind of superbug, he has every symptom imaginable - fever, vomiting, diarrhea, tummy pain, runny nose and cough! Nasty...

Sherman also hates to be called a baby. I thought it was because Sherilyn was born and he sees himself as a big boy now. Recently, he started chewing his nails! I would call him "Baby" cos Sherilyn always put her hand in her mouth to chew when she's teething. The funny thing is, Sherman heard the song on the radio "Don't call me baby baby (echo)" and there was another song that goes "Hey baby, hey baby, hey!" So nowadays, whenever I call him baby, he will reply by singing "Don't call me baby baby". So we started retorting with "Hey baby, hey baby, hey!" It's quite funny.
babyD, yes there are a lot of awful superbugs around these days. When Timo was warded, the paediatric ward at Mt A was full of kids with the same thing - bronchitis/pneumonia etc. :p

Kids had a photoshoot today.. keep your eyes peeled for Timo, Beth, Ashton and Ayden on the NDP 09 website and posters
Wow...photos of the 4kiddos yah? Looking forward to seeing them.

Haha..your hey baby and don't call me baby is so funny. keke... I guess for L, he has grown up a little now, so calling himself baby is no longer trendy.
Last week, he was describing to me a girl in class who "put" her face on the table, across his seat...he thinks that she is very cute, just like his pet chick. HB & I can't help but laugh out aloud. How come we don't tell our parents such things when we were their age? Kids these days....
catz: me wow too, and cool! They will be well-known after the NDP 09.

I think our kids at this age is always full of surprises. Now that they can express better, we can at least get a picture of what they are thinking about.

Have to start packing my house again, still got many stuff to dispose after 2 previous packing. Already found a rented house, booked ticket, set-up bank a/c, identified the school for Lucas & furniture items. Me take care of all these while hubby packs and tends to kids. It is a blessings that everything has been running smooth, hope it will continue to do so. now major thing to do is find tenant for my place.
Hi tetra,
Sorry, missed so many posts. You're relocating so soon?? WOw! Do you think we can meet again b4 you leave us? Boo hoo hoo!
Angela: Supposed to move in Sep latest but since hubby has stopped work, might as well go there to look for new job or other opportunities. I would love to meet but my schedule has been full till my departure date. No worries, I am sure we will meet again and I will still log in here as usual. Plan to return for a visit end of the year if things go well. And how is things going on for you & your princess.
Tetra, Er no lah cannot send for modelling. Beth is not an easy personality! Yah she is classified as eurasian. Haha.

So how's the packing? Will you be freighting stuff over there or just go with just suitcase? Aiyoh feeling so nervous and excited for your big move! Your mom ok with the move?
catz: We will just be flying with our suitcases and send the rest of the boxes by sea freight. Not bringing any furniture from here since there are many options there as well. Mixed feeling - excited, stress, fun, and dunno what to expect. We shall just embrace whatever sets before us, be it good or bad.

As for my mum, I have a strong hunch that she is waiting for me to ask her to come along with us. And she has been very helpful and supportive during this period which I appreciate very much. But I have told my parents to come and visit after we settle down, probably in Spring. I prefer to establish our own family routine first before my mum impose hers on us. She did it with well intention and she can't control it. So to prevent another bad incident, I rather to prepare her first and that her role is to visit us, spend time with the boys. Not taking over the kitchen and family routine. Scary...

Tetra, hehe.. you are one smart cookie. So true that you must do it on your own terms! So she'll be able to stay with you for long term? I really take my hat off to you... I told my hubby and he was really in awe of you guys. All very envious green eyes over here
