(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Good morning ao rather Good Afternoon to all mummies. Happy birthday for all tods this week.

It is an exciting week as we should be getting our keys and meeting up with a few contractors. Should start reno next week and hope all goes well.

I have started to tell Linus that we are moving to a new house soon and he seems to listen intently when I tell him what to expect. Haha... I wonder if he really understand me.

Dylan was taken care by your mum b4 you send him to childcare, correct? What is her reaction when you told her you will send him to childcare? Was there any objections or hints, etc?

Hihi Piggy, we are collecting our keys next wk and starting reno on the 16th
About same time lah
So you're gg to get contractor and coordinate the work?

Tetra, how's the SAHM thingie gg?
catz: at the moment, I am enjoying every moment being a SAHM. I am still trying to strike a good balance of play with him and managing the chores esp the cooking part. Today was great in terms of schedule, brought him to take MRT to Causeway then come back for lunch (using slow cooker to cook porridge 2 hrs before), then nap, I managed to wake up before he did, & by cooking a single dish (macroroni with stewed tomatoes, minced pork, celery & onion), I was able to complete the cooking by the time he woke up. After dinner, we went down for a walk along the river & move on to playgrd to meet his friends. We stopped after he pooed, daddy bathed him & play with him while mummy rest. So if everyday is like this, I am quite happy.

I called my colleagues, and heard some funny things going on. Made me pissed...but I am happy I am not in the ofc and embroiled in all this meaningless stuff, better time spent on Lucas and myself like napping. haha...
Hi mummies,
Dylan seems to be settling into childcare quite fine ... today I left the centre after 5 - 10 mins and did not step back in again till 6.15 pm. His teacher said that he is doing fine, ate all his lunch, took a 2 hr nap and was generally happy, did not cry nor fuss much. Of course he was super happy when he saw me and hugged me really tight, but am generally gald he is not showing signs of anxiety.

My parents love the boy to bits but they took it really well when I mentioned to them a month or so back abt childcare. Of course they were really worried when I told them that he was not eating much in the childcare last Thu / Fri and even called me jus now to ask if they could go and c him. I told them to let him settle in first and that he should be fine ... well, I still get my mum to prepare his dinner and we try to rush him back for dinner, at least they have the ease of mind that he gets a good wholesome dinner after being in school the whole day ...
Tetra, good for you!

slamdunk, glad that Dylan is adapting so well. He's got such an easy personality! BTW, do you want me to transfer the money for the Desitin to you or can I pay you in cash when the cream arrives?
We should be starting reno on 17th and hope to complete everything by the 26th for the moving. But should we not be able to finish the reno by then, we will move in early Feb.
I guess I will do the coordinating myself as there is not much to do. Only a study area, window grilles, ceiling fan, curtains and putting in furniture.

Good to hear that Dylan is adapting well. So good to have a childcare so near your workplace, such convenience. Your parents must be very understanding pp cos I am sure some will object to sending him to childcare at "such young age". I told my mum that I brought Linus to playgroup and she told me that it is a waste of money, no need for such thing.

I think office politics can be so depressing. Glad that you are having much more fun at home. By the way, when is your helper arriving?
Hi Mummies,

Happy new year & a blessed 2007!

One good news to share with everyone. I'm having bb no2 and bb due in early july. Also my new company decided to confirm me even though they know I'm pregnant... was actually quite surprise cos boss was not very happy when I told him about the news one month into my new job! Anyway, good for me, will at least get my 12 weeks maternity paid.

Angela, if you are interested to change to Yvonne Chan, you have to call her clinic ASAP. She will not accept any new patient once she hit the no of patients for that month. July is closed.
Congrats Poh ...
Wow, so many preggie mummies now

Think my parents also feel that Dylan can be quite lonely at times and I try to convince them that it is good for him to grow up with children his age. My mum feels kinda sad lah when she hears abt the type of food they serve and him crying in the mornings but she also feels that after a mere 4 days of school, he seems to be expressing himself a lot better. She rationalised that there are pros and cons.

No worries, u pay me when we meet
Can't wait to have u move in your new place soon. Dylan wants to chio Timo to go to the playground with him ...
Congrats!!! As for gynae, I think I might end up with Dr Chin again. Anyway, thanks for the info yah?

I might enrol Heidi into half day care as well, prob in Feb. Hope she can cope as well as Dylan!

Glad you're enjoying life as a SAHM. Cheers!

Gonna be busy for you both.. It's so exciting to design yr own home!
Poh, glad to finally see you here.. congrats again

Piggy, I guess we are really on the same time table but I have a lot more reno than yours - redoing entire kitchen (the most expensive part of the house 'cos we are doing it in black galaxy granite plus with dishwasher and all the bells and whistles) and all the toilets will be redone too. Super broke :p

slamdunk, yeah it would be nice for the 2 pals to meet up at the playground. Dunno why my son looooves kor kor Dylan so much

Angela, yah it's fun but soooo tiring. But looking fwd to having a nest of our own again. So paranoid abt ruining my sister's all-white expensive decor.
Haha. You really have lots of gadgets.
It is fun to renovate but not so fun to pay.
By the way, must not exert yourself too much now, okie?
Hi Mummies,

HAPPY NEW YEAR and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all Lovely Birthday Boys and Girls.
Have not been in here for some time as I have been very busy at work.
I have also been working on the designs for my handmade accessories sideline.
Feel Free to drop by at: ivbelongings.blogspot.com lah!

All our kids are grow up already! Is the time start to plan for them to school, right?

i also create a blog for e-tzian..
but i still feel not very good one lah! because sometime really don't know how to write down all the feeling..so just try my best lor!hehe! :p
Piggy, you are soo right.. we are sooo broke but we both agreed that kitchen very impt to have dishwasher as we 100% do not want a maid. Makes my life easier lah
poh: congratulations to your 2nd pregnancy and job confirmation. A good year for you. So you are in your 2nd trimester already, rite?

iuiu: Good to see you here again. Will visit the blog. Peifu for being so entreprising, good to have sideline.

piggy: My domestic helper is coming in early - mid Feb.
Thanks all for the well wishes!

Yes, now in my 2nd trimester, think I put on 5-6kg already,sigh... Dr Yvonne told me don't eat too much cos bb is very samll only. hahah..... Now must go on diet! How about you tetra? Your bb due in july as well, right?

Catz&Piggy,moving to a new place is always nice but very tiring. I hated to upack all the stuff! Catz, you better take it slowly & don't stress yourself too much!
poh, unpacking will be under my husband's purview. I just point and use mouth only. He'll put in all the elbow grease
Poh, congrats! must rest well and eat well....

Piggy /Catz,
Must be feeling very excited to move to a new place ya...Catz, must take care while moving ya.
You are really gd. I m in my 26th week but I can feel the pain at my rib cage and buttocks already.. really cannot do any strenous excercise or walking. Do u intend to go natural? I was thinking thinking if I want epidural cos I was w/o epi for Kristy. Kind of phobia abt the pain...but its a challenge hor, to go without epi.. ha aha ha haa...me siao one...

You are in week 7 or 8 now? Take gd care ya..
Hi Tetra.
Gongxi gongxi on your pregnancy again.so envy your current life leh!..really relax and enjoy! haha!
Thanks. actually is i wanna do something i like for my future mah!..so i choose to do some handicraft lor..and in future sure i will have some babies and kids items.:p

Gong xi Gong xi!! take good care nah!

piggy and Catz.
wah!..great!!move to a new place to start a Good new year..hehe
poh/ twinkle: I am now in my 12 wk, EDD 25 Jul. Have put on about 2-3 kg. Lost 1 kg in my last checkup. Is twinkle's 2nd pregnancy a girl (I may have read about your earlier post but can't recall)? How about poh?

iuiu: er...about relaxing, not really. Been SAHM, has its challenges too but @ least life is much simplier without the daily office stuff. Let's us know when you babies/kids collection start.
twinkle, congrats! I think Kristy will be a good cheh cheh.

slamdunk, nice bumping into you last night. Dylan looks so happy. It's so sweet how close he is to his daddy. Be seeing more of you soon lah, esp when reno starts on Tues.
Gooooood morning to All. Happy Birthday to all tods celebrating their BDs this week.

How is Sherman now? Has he recovered from the stickiness?

Linus New Habit
Linus has started to put his finger/fingers into his mouth. When I tell him not to do that, he will remove his wet fingers from mouth and smear them all over his face, and he will say,"Dirty Dartbin!!" (dustbin)

Also, I find that he absolutely love french fries. When we pass a Mcdonald, he says, "Go there." Then when prompted, "Eat something." and then again, "Eat french fries." Any kiddos here love ff too?
Hi, PiggyLee.
Ya..my girl also like french fies although she not really like outside food..but the french fries is the only food she will say "YES"!! Sigh!!

That's what ash does as well!! And I thot that he was mimicking his didi! Don't tell me it's a stage thing?!??! and he smears it on us then says yucky!
Angel loves Ikea fried Chicken wings.. She can eat up one wing on her own.. Guess cos she dun get much fried stuff lor..
Sherman still super sticky, no change. Every night he drags me to lie on his bed. No choice, have to stay in the room, because once I leave, he will panic and cry until v cham. He keeps calling "mummy?" to check I'm still in the room until he finally sleeps.

Sherman got different pattern about dirty hands, he will wipe his mouth with his forearm, then realise his hand is dirty and wipe on his T-shirt. If cannot wipe off (e.g. ink / crayon stain), then he will complain "dirty" and try wiping on sofa or us. I v buay tahan his behavior, so uncouth! He likes fries, but after taking a few bites, he will throw the remaining ff on the floor and wipe his hands clean (on his T-shirt of course). Really terrible twos...
Hi everyone,

Timo had gastric flu this weekend.. from vomiting and diarrhoea, now constipated since Saturday. Aiyoh, luckily his fever only last 2 days plus.

Yve, wow, Angel has strong teeth. Timo definitely cannot take non-minced meat yet 'cos he only has half his set of teeth

babyD, Timo also getting stickier but then again, could be 'cos he's not feeling too good. Guess you should think about getting a black sofa.. hehe
catz uh,
We tear the meat off and give it to her in bits..

Poor Tim.. Gastric flu is no joke.. take care that u dun get it.
Yve, wah so big boy already! Goodness, can really see the resemblance btw him and Angel. So darn cute

Thank God, Timo's better now but appetite still very small. Weight also reduced by 0.4kg just for 2 days of fever. Sigh...

Reno started.. rushing to get stuff done but should be completed by a few days before CNY. *phew*
Brian really really look like his jie jie.
How many months now huh?

Linus also lost weight the last time he was having viral fever. Now that he has recovered, he is eating non stop (and talking non stop too). He drank 1.3ltr of milk yesterday!! So not to worry about Timo, he will regain what is lost and may put on some too.

My reno starting today. Hope all goes well.
Hi all,
Brian is coming 8 mths.. But look and feels like 1 year.. My arms can testify that.. Last weighed 10kg leh.. piangs..

Angel celebrated her birthday at childcare on 9 Jan..
so good that angel can celbrate the birthday with all friends!!
agreed with piggyLee, brian really look like angel, can feel that he is a happy baby, smile until so cute! wah! cannot imagine brian aldy 10kg in 8 month! you are so strong..must be very tired when bring this 2 "bao bei" go out!!

* myanone.blogspot.com *
I did not bring Linus for such a check up. I did not know that this is necessary. As long as Kristy is well, I think don't need la.
twinkle, don't think it's necessary lah but I did Timo's 'cos we went to the pd for his last jab really late... haha

Piggy, how's your house progress? Mine will finish about Feb 10th but I think I would've popped by then. Reason being Yvonne will be doing c-section 'cos baby is small and low amniotic fluid due to placenta problems.. so cannot risk natural labour. On half weekly review.. so I guess I will be having her in the next 2 wks or so.
Piggy & Catz,

tks for your advise.

So fast popping... ya better listen to gynae's advise and proceed. Take care and let us knw when u pop
Catz, do let us know when u pop!

So sian... anyone sending yr child to playgroup? Might sign Heidi up for a half day program next month. She is getting really bored, restless with all her toys & staying at home... Any gd recommendations?
Windows grilles and air con will be fixed coming week, then I guess only waiting for furniture. I am putting up safety film for the glass area incase the tempered glass should shatter. I hope this can be done next week too.

YC wants to do c section for you? I think better heed her advise cos she usually very zai one. If she says must c sect, she means biz. What is her estimate weight of baby girl now? I remember Linus came out smaller than her estimate.

Linus gets bored very easily too. Just that I feel that he is not ready for playgroup yet so I didn't bother to search.
'allo Piggy, wah you're really making doubly sure of your windows being extra safe ah? Yah YC is quite clear about c-section so bopian lor.. just rather worried about the health of the baby. *sigh*

twinkle, thanks... dunno why this second pregnancy so troublesome

angela, sure, will let slamdunk and Blanche know when I pop.. should be in the next 2 wks lah.. before I hit 38 wks.
Can understand why u are worried since baby is small. BUT must keep yourself well fed and rested so that u have energy to take care of her when she arrives. Small babies usually fatten extra fast with mummy's milk. So don't worry yourself too much now cos there may be nothing to worry about.
Hi Angela,

I am sending Kristy to Tumble Tots on 26 Feb for the twice a week play grp prgm. Currently she is in the gym class(every sat). Tot of daily one but for a start maybe let her try out twice a week first. She is really bored at home and I too hope she can pick up more things in school. Before I pop in April, hope to send her to playgrp at least she wouldnt associate the arrival of her Didi and sending her away... hee hee

Really mus take care ya.. dont worry everything will go well for you.

You must take care k... everything will be fine. Keep us posted when you delivered.

Think it is good to go for 3-4 hrs playgroup at least they get to mingle and socialize with other children. A good kick start before they go nursery and kindergarten.
