(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Yoghurt, Tim didn't like the tart taste.. prob need to mix with Frisocrem or something to make it less 'erk' for him..
But I think I will only continue to give him the Petit Miam brand as it's meant for babies. It still has sugar though.

Blanche, congrats on Ash standing by himself!

Oceans, I think Cherish should be OK right? Tim also is too distracted at the pd's office sometimes.. if they're OK at home, no worries lor!

Eve, sometimes it's too thick when we mix the egg yolk in. Tim also coughed a little bit and vomitted once when I made it too thick. Did you make sure that no egg white got in accidentally?

Hi mummies,

I gave Heidi one small tub of petit miam yesterday and she reacted by having diarrhea 3 times!! Do we serve it cold? She also had rashes on her nappy area, wonder whether is she allergic to it? Also, can we feed our bbies cheese? I also bought the party cubes for her but don't dare to give it to her after yesterday's episode..

Blanche, what kind of oats can they eat? Don't know which brand to buy..

All the bbies so... cute... have my vote!! Btw, my Heidi din get into top 10. All the best for the rest,ok?!
Thanks for all the compliments for my babboo. This mummmy's head very swell liao.

I am going for Echo for heart and review tomorrow with heart centre for the silly threadmill. Don't know what the doc will say. I think this gadget is a waste of money. Is it to evaluate the stamina or the heart function?

AhBunny,Sunmmon and Catz,
All your 3 boys are very cute! Look at those smiles.
I will have a hard time having to make a choice if I have a daughter.

As long as Cherish responds well at home, you don't have to worry. Let us know her results of her re test, ok?
Tim very big boy already too! Time flies!

Later i am going to view the pics that Julian took at KZ, for the mothercare contest... when i collected them i will post it here. Hope i wont end up spending too much buying the photos... =p
poh, hehe.. you very funny lah.

sun_moon, I also haven't collected Tim's photo from KZ.. aiyoh, so long ago.. keep putting it off!!

Piggy, hope that tomorrow is not a waste of time for you. I think treadmill test is to see how well your heart holds up under stress lor. My mother was super heh heh after her treadmill.

Angela, I don't think giving things cold will make baby have diarrhoea. In fact, I usually don't give Tim warmed stuff. Was it the Petit Miam yoghurt or fromage frais? Yoghurt is gentler on the tummy. FF has more lactose.. and most Asians are lactose intolerant so perhaps that's why the little one had diarrhoea.
Hi Yve & Piggylee, i-studio's reply as follows "Actually the promo. package already end. But since your friend is recommended by you, we allow your friend enjoy this offer, but must do the session by this month."

So call them up if u are interested. The contact person is Ben Chong Tel: 633-44-136. He know me as Mrs Chua.
Address : 251A, Victoria Street
Bugis Village S(188035)
Cross the road from Bugis Junction Seiyu taxi-stand. See Burger King on the right, walk lil further, u see Long John Silver, look for 251A and go up the staircase.

Also kindly note that the photo taken is digital format.
no he doesnt know how to climb out of the cot yet heehee. but he likes to bite the wood of the cot nowadays.

Voted for Ash too.
Catz, I gave petit miam yoghurt to Heidi leh.. Maybe she's lactose intolerant. Do u think I should give her another go?
Hi Mums, thanks for your compliments on raymos too. actually he doesn't really know how to say Hi lah..it was just a coincidence. But occasionally he will wave bye bye when he's in gd mood, like most of the babies here.... raymos started to crawl ..but he drags his tummy to crawl forward and not on fours..bit slow on this hor. oh yah, but he knows how to go down from the sofa slowly. he will turn to the right direction and start to drag backwards with his legs down first..

Catz, Dun keep worry'g about tim's weight.cos u know y? think raymos is slightly lighter than tim..he had lost quite bit of weight last mth..went to visit pd regarding his eczema and realised he oni gained a mere 200g from 6mth to 8 1/2 mth..i was so depressed during tat period.., esp when sometimes he oni drinks 10oz of milk per day. Haiz...
hmm..i have also considered having raymos' birthday party at poolside or function rm but decided not to cos worry tat he might want to take a nap halfway..and it's kinda diff to bring his toys there for his entertainment leh..and since we already decided to bring him to taipei on his birthday, so might as well tone down for his party and not so elaborate

oh btw, can i check the Leap frog toy which u all previously mentioned about, is from which brand? cos i tried looking for it but couldn't find
Thanks for the compliments on my naughty boy
Yah I am trying not to obsess about his weight... at least he's been taking his solids better these few days. He'll never be a big eater, I have to resign myself to that. Will try not to get depressed over it!! At least he's healthy lor.

Ah Bunny, poor Raymos. You'd better check if his eczema is triggered by diet. My friend gave her kid ikan bilis very early on during weaning and it triggered off very bad eczema. That's why I am very cautious about wheat, soy, gluten and seafood for Tim. As for the Leapfrog toy, which one are you referring to? Leapfrog is the brand. You can find it at KP in Parkway Parade, Toys R Us, erm, not sure where else 'cos I always get my Dad to buy from the US.

Hmm.. yah naptime quite shack if it's his own birthday party. Bopian lor. I will try to time it after lunch or maybe lunch. Having holiday is a good idea too. So envious!

Angela, I think no harm giving yoghurt again.. maybe just give less - mix with cereal. I also don't give Tim plain yoghurt.. I mix with his HT organic cereal.
Hi gals,

Brought Kristy to the PD yest cos her cough did not subside. PD says she prob got allergic nose also.. She has been cranky at nite...

Hardly got time to read thru all postings cos busy at work and at home.. really hope I can take a break from work as I can sense my stress level is extremely high now and I am jus holding it there praying hard.

Will post when I got time. Take care gals
hi mummies,

thanks for all mummies who voted for Ash.

Sorry can't post much cos can't really surf at work now; company getting tough on those who surf during work time.

anyway, here's Ash saying THANK YOU! hee...
okie.will keep a lookout on the leapfrog toys the next round when we go jalan. i think ikan bilis should be safe for eczema rite? the pd actually encouraged us to add the powder in his porridge..she just mentioned to keep his bedsheets clean and also to avoid "dried scallop" which we have tried on him previously. btw can i know all the babies' average milk consumption per day?
btw, i've let raymos tried on the jar yoghurt (can't remember whether it's Gerber or Heinz). It's strawberry flavoured and he finished up the whole jar at one go. did not warm it and neither did i store in the fridge since it wasn't opened. just to let all mummies know of another yoghurt choice.
Thanks for checking on the promo..

Angel takes min 16 oz a day.. recently her appetite has not been good.. not able to finish 4 oz of fm at one time and only eat half bowl of porridge.. hope it is teething lah..

Update on 9 mth assessment..
weight 8.8kg
height 70.5cm
head circum 44cm
And passed all the tests..
Voted for Ash and Jeryann.

Re 9mth assessment, Ryan also dont have. GP said will do at 12 mth when he goes for the MMR shot. Anyone know whether MMR shot will result in fever or any side effect? Cos Ryan's shot will be 1mth b4 CNY so wondering should I wait after CNY in case he got whatever side effect or cannot eat anything?

Er, Ryan still cant crawl yet, neither can he sit up when he is on his tummy
((. Any other baby same same?

But he can clap now. Small accomplishment compare to what all your babies are doing now. But I am happy
btw, anyone usimg mozzie net for their bb, for the cot? Can share where u get it from and how much ? Ryan has been bitten quite a lot lately
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Catz,</font></font>
Tim is such a handsome boy! Long time never see his photos, he has grown up oredi!

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Twinkle,</font></font>
Take good care of Kristy and yourself too!

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Ah Bunny,</font></font>
Thanks for sharing other brands of yoghurt.

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Sleepymom,</font></font>
Not too sure whether MMR will result in fever or any side effect, I think depend on individual lah. Why not check with your PD?
No, I dont use mozzie net. Why dont you try Anti Mosquito Patch, find it not bad.
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Hi mummies,</font></font>

<font color="000000"><font size="+1">Wilfred new milestones</font></font>
-stand without support for few seconds.
-can hold and drink from the MagMag straw cup.
-when I read numbers, alphabet, shapes, he will happily pointing here and there.
-uses the word mum mum (food) when he is hungry.
-climb up junior bed and ikea bonde bench.

<font color="000000"><font size="+1">Things he still cannot do</font></font>
-walk (Can walk but too lazy! Walk few steps, sit awhilelet him walk again, totally refused to stand up! Very lazy boy!)
-grow teeth
-grow hair
-clap but without sound, hehee!

Hi evelyn, does wilfred walk himself or with u supported his arms?

Things Raymos can do
-stand w/o support for few seconds
-call "mamamama" when he wants me
-clap w/o sound
-wave byebye when gd mood
-has 5 teeth already...3 top and 2 bottom
-walk with us supporting his arms
-always use his forefinger to point at things
-"click" his tongue to make those clicking sounds
-slowly move down from sofa with feet touching ground first

I'll let him try learning to drink from the MagMag strawcup this weekend. anyone using baby's toothpaste to brush their teeth? just bought one and it's sooo expensive. MIL says raymos like her using the finger brush to brush his teeth/gum..always give ticklish laughing sounds when she brush his teeth using tat..

Yve, when angel takes min 16 oz of milk per day, how many solid food she takes also? currently raymos taking 1 bowl of cereal for breakfast, 1 bowl of porridge for lunch and dinner each and sometimes will drink 16 oz of milk in total, sometimes oni 12 or 14 oz. i'm so worried if this amount is enough for him.
She takes porridge for lunch and dinner.. Oh, Raymos takes 3 solids uh.. then he only drink fm in the afternoon and before he zz? have u checked with doc if this is okay? I see angel is putting on weight, i also cannot be bothered if she dun finish her milk or porridge.. just very sayang lor.. FM and fish so ex..
Ah Bunny,
Of course walk with us supporting his arms, Wilfred still not so smart can walk without our help.

Wilfred bo ge but likes to brush teeth, hahaha!
At home now, nothing to do.share some photos of Wilfred recently..

Oh no, take photo again? Dont want lah!

Want me demonstrate how to stand without support? Ok lor but let me warm up first!

Ok can start now

Here there are


Finished! Why nobody clap hand???
I use mosquito net for baby. Also, I put on anti mozzie patch. Very KS mum here. the net came with the cot. But I know, you can buy one from IKEA. Very very cheap. Don't buy from departmental store. They murder you there! But the Ikea one, you need to have hook on the ceiling to mount it up. I think it is $20 per set.

Mums, will post more later. Just came back yo office after a whole day at SGH....
Ah Bunny,
My daughter had some rashes on her forehead &amp; body when we gave her ikan bilis powder. Maybe you can try to give bit by bit first to see how she reacts to it...

How come you are at home? Skiving huh? hahaha.. Wilfred can stand!! Wow! Good job! So fun to see the pics!

Ok, I'll try to mix with cereal. Btw, can mix with fruit? Thanks.

Mums, I have not gone for 9th month assessment. Can I just show up at "Rafffles Women &amp; children" instead of going all the way to her usual PD at Gleneagles? Pls advise... Do all of you go back to own PD for this?
After checking still go back to work, so hardworking leh! Hows everything?

My elder son not feeling well and doctor advised not to let him play with Wilfred, afraid he might pass the germ to Wilfred. Bo bian, maid definitely cant cope well with 2 kids, so me applied few days leave stay at home lor. So glad that you enjoyed see the pics.
Wilfred has a health booklet, we just follow the appt date fixed by the Poly. Some PD checked if your bb is healthy and active enough, they will ask for come back for the assessment when bb is one year old and not 9mths old. Maybe your case is like that?

Any bb try Marmite before? Yesterday went to Causeway Point Shopping, bought some CNY cloths for elder son and Wilfred (kiasu mummy). After lunch asked my maid what Im supposed to buy at Cold storage, how come suddenly couldnt recall? Maid laughed at me and said Marmite! (At home, Im already told her I wanted to buy Marmite at Cold storage.) So sad, Im used to be proud of my memory but now..old lady lor. Btw, mixed a bit Marmite with porridge, hmmm yummy yummy! Wilfred loves it!
Ya lor. Got some email to send out urgently. So must go back to clear work. Anyway, doctor says that my heart function is ok now. Just that I may need a valve replacement in a couple of years. So got to monitor and follow-up in half a year's time. See how lor, when the times come then decide. I don't believe in operation one. Unless very very necessary, I will say NO NO.

Hope your elder boy gets well soon. So this few days be SAHM, should be very good hor? Don't have to rush in the morning.

My PD gave me a printout of the possible side effects for all jabs. For MMR, effects include fever, malaise, runny nose, cough. It will happen 1 to 3 weeks after jab. So I think you should time the jab to prevent clash with CNY. MMR can be given when bb is 15months. So no rush.

I will not bring Linus for 9mths assessment. Wait till more than a year than say.

Yesterday, my maid gave Linus Jarred Apple with strawberry. He doesn't seem to like it. Make funny faces. Only finish slightly more than half.
Piggylee, Thanks for the info. I dont go to PD for the jabs, just the gp nearby. No info given about the jabs, but I heard or read somewhere MMR jab got more side effects or more prone to side effects. I will call the gp to reschedule then, else CNY very stressed.
Seems like all our babies are making good progress. Last night Dylan make us so happy coz he stood up using his Hippo push walker and started walking aound the house. We used to have to push the walker along with him so that it doesn't go too fast. It is amazing the way they just pick things up overnight.

Wilfred looks like he is trying to walk without support leh. So clever and he looks so cute.

Ah Bunny, sunmoon, catz
haven't seen photos of raymos,julian and tim for so long, they look so happy, really brightens up my day to c them. We should do another gathering soon.

voted for Ash, he is one handsome boy, hopes he gets into the top 3 ... I am bringing Dylan for a photoshoot as well. Not really keen in the competition, more keen to see how my boy turns out in the photos ...

I did not bring Dylan for the 9 mths assessment coz I din noe that we had to. c la, lousy mama ... but I think he is developing fine, so probably won't go for one even though I noe now that lots of u bring your kiddos for the assessment. Will wait till he is 1 year old then c how.
Haven't finish my post

Will submit some votes for jeryann too. make full use of all the different email add we have.

Have u left for your trip, miss photos of sherman leh. U noe I recently saw a boy who looks a lot like sherman but most likely not lah coz the parents sure din look like u and your hubby.

Linus is as cute as ever.

Oh ya, we just made passport for Dylan, finally !! N here is his passport photo ...
Just a quick post but arrggghh.. Dylan looks so adorable in his passport piccie
Wah he's so advanced! Tim is too proficient in crawling so now he's not interested in walking, even when we hold his arms. Lazy bum!

No lah, 9 month assessment isn't compulsory for private pds.. I just happened to bring Tim 'cos of his insect bites.
slamdunk, catz...
both your princes are so adorable!!!! Dylan is so cute while Tim is so handsome... a bit of mixed blood type of look. CAtz, look like you'll have a lot of suppers to eat when your boy turns 18... kekeke

I feed Ash oats from Healthy Times or Earthbest. It's more digestable than the quaker ones.
Oh, I see.. Used to give her Earthbest brown rice cereal, but now, nestle &amp; Frisocrem. Ok, thanks alot, will try to get it soon. I think she is sick of always eating the same stuff.

My gal woke up 3 times crying last night.. Wonder whether is she cutting some more tooth?? Will they react this way? She has 2 teeth at the bottom &amp; 1 'side' tooth on top (instead of the usual centre ones infront) Mums, is this common or not?
Back to work yesterday, busy busy busy!
Oh no, how come business so poor yesterday? Most of you also very busy like me?

Today this mummy on leave again (clear leave)! I might go to Raffles later, anybody keen to join me pls call me hor! Ok, have to go now! Chat later.
HI mums,
I brought Linus to Centrepoint yesterday and let him sit on this new Fisher Price bouncer. He absolutely love it. Was happily jumping up and down on it. The sales lady came over and started to ask him, "Jump and let aunty see" He started his jumping and somemore scream in delight. kekekeke.
Then I brought him to Mothercare and there was a 50cents operated fire engine and HB let him sit on it. Wah, love it men!!! sat for quite a while till a little girl comes over and keep smiling at him to see if she can charm him to let her have a go.
HB lifted him up and he started to CRY BIG TIME. Big fat "I have been bullied" tears start to roll. Aiyo.... We started to laugh cos it was a funny sight. I hope that we can continue to laugh like that when he is bigger....
Good morning mummies,

Ryan is 9months old today!!!

Naughty mummy, trying to let him crawl on the floor and he bumped his face on the floor and get a red patch early morning! Got scolding from husband early in the morning! Sigh....

Here are some of Ryan pix...
Angela, Raymos aso had the one side tooth at the top initially. After some time, the 2 centre ones came out. now he has 2 bottom, 2 top and 1 side tooth. My auntie last time said why so funny the side tooth come out first..but seems like it's quite common hor..

OH! So I did saw you, hubby &amp; Linus at centrepoint yesterday!
Was telling my HB that the boy looked like Linus...hee hee... We were also on our way to the children's level at Robinsons. Think I'm able to recognise the babies when I see them outside liao...

I bought my healthy times cereal from Earth Nuts. They're at Bt Timah, just b4 sixth ave. Or you can try the organic supermkt at Tanglin Mall too...think they carry the brand too.

my HB decided to play around with some of ash's pix few weeks back...and here r some of them. hee...



