(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Hi gals,

Can I ask a question? I am very phobia of letting Kristy eat her mama bite biscuit by herself. Which means I dun even dare let her hold cos I am afraid she will bite off a big piece and get choke. My mother in law let her hold banana by herself and she will start biting bit by bit. I am not very comfortable cos I am very worried given Kristy nature(she very "tam jiak") she will just bite off a big pc. Me dunno if I am too petty. What do u gals think?

I dun worry much about mama bite biscuit cos it melts in the mouth.. But for banana, it does not leh.. Even for watermelon, it is too hard for angel to chew and she chokes on it.. We always on standby to dig out any choking food from her mouth.. But for dragonfruit, it is very soft and she has no problem mashing it up in her mouth..
Dont worry abt mama bite biscuit, just let Kristy hold it and eat by herself, Kristy wont gets choke wan lah! Wilfred likes mama bite biscuit very much! I let him self-service!
He couldnt take Heinz biscuit at all coz last week I tried to let him take Heinz againOMG, his face and mouth turned red immediately!
Banana We usually mashed it then let him eat.
Heidi has nice features! So pretty!

I couldnt hang the mobile music at Wilfreds baby cot anymore coz he kept pulling it. If still hanging there, Im afraid that it might break off one day and hurt him.

So wasted you didnt record Sherman anymore. Why dont you buy a videocam to video him once a month?
I myself have no new born picture. The youngest photo I have was taken during primary school. I dont even know how I looked like when I was a bb. My mum kept saying I was very cute when I was one mth old and my face round like full moonhaha! Anyway, talk only no photo to prove leh. Therefore, I like to take picture for myself in my adult years:p You can see a lot of photo albums I have if you come to my hse. After married and have kids now, I like to take pictures and video for them. I would like to show them how cute and how active they are next time when theyve grown up.
We bought the videocam when my elder son was 6mths old, so wasted that we had missed some of the important milestones in him first six months. We can see his first six months growing progress from the photos only which really very different if captured him on video.

Your Jeryann so cute, I want to play hide and seek with her, must be very fun then. :p
Hi Eve/Yve,

Tks for your advise.. guess I have to overcome the phobia of letting her hold the biscuit and learnt to eat.

As for banana, I told my mother in law not to let her eat by herself, get it mashed up.
I don't give the entire biscuit at one go.. break into quarters so that can control the amt she eats.. She will hold the biscuit in 2 hands and bite bit by bit off.. and make those yummy noises.. Anyway, got to control the amt cos vety heaty to eat too much.. Must drink water in between chunks of biscuits.
HI Ladies!!!

Been very busy and sick for the past month. Very bad flu, till now still no voice.... my colleague commented that I sound like barbok over the phone and must have frighten away lots of customers.....

Hi Piggy, read your msg this morning and decided to pop in for awhile!!

Seeing so many pictures of beautiful babies really make my day..... but no time to read thru all postings.

BTW, I got 1 tin of Friso2 and Enfalac A+ from the Gombak baby show. Anyone interested??? Let me know and can arrange to pass to you during weekends or during our gatherings.....
I forgot how cartoon Heidi looks like already, been so... long ago.. when we're just kids! You think she looks like cartoon meh? hehe.

So nice to see pics. Mummies, post more leh!

Blueberries, sigh.... our babies are now very mobile & active. Sure kena bumps & accidents here & there. But no choice, got to let them explore, else they can't learn from experiences. Heart pain right?? Totally understand!

Yve, can Angel swim? What else does she do in the pool other than drinking water? haha.. so cute!

So sian, hb going away to Japan tonight! Will be home alone with bb for the next few days! Had wanted to go with him, but can't bear to leave my bb. MAybe next yr will bring her to Hong Kong Disneyland.

Still thinking about her birthday celebration. Anyone has any idea yet?

she uh.. Still trying to dip her head in the pool lah.. but her daddy dunno how to train her to do that.. thinking of buying those arm floats or vests so that she drink less water.. Saw a vest for bb at toys r us gng for $20.. So ex leh..
I think banana should not be given to let baby hold lah. if really choke, how to dig out? Very sticky one lah. Also hor, if Kristy is susceptible to cough, don't give banana. BANANA and ORANGE should not be given too much cos they cause phelm. (even in adults)
Why don't you get a digital camera instead of a video cam? Digitals are pretty cheap nowadays. Just buy a bigger storage so that you can hold more pics and videos.

Glad to hear from you.
Can I have the Friso 2? Keep it till we meet up next time, can? Get well soon.
Hubby and I talked about getting a video camera, but we find that pictures are still the best cos nobody bothers to take out the video recordings to play in our families.

We already have a digital camera, otherwise how to take photo of baby and send back to the demanding grandparents via email last time? =)

I usually peel the banana and leave one peel so that I can just hold the banana in my palm and scrape from it directly using a spoon to feed Sherman. That way no need to get a bowl and it automatically "mashes" up when you scrape. More convenient. I do the same with other fruit, just scrape directly and feed, then mummy eats the leftover! Haven't tried giving dragon fruit yet, think hubby will flip cos he absolutely hates it.

Sherman likes the mama bite cos he can hear it crunch, but we still hold it for him. Only let him take his own Heinz teething rusk, since most of it doesn't get eaten anyway and it's for him to chew on. According to my FIL, he normally gets it all over his clothes and face, super dirty.
<table border=1><tr><td>Baby's Name</TD><TD> Mummy's Name</TD><TD> B/G</TD><TD> DOB </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wilfred</TD><TD> Evelyn</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> 15Dec2004 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Linus</TD><TD> Piggy</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> 22Dec2004 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ryan</TD><TD> Sleepymom</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> 28Dec2004 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dylan</TD><TD> Slamdunk</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> 28Dec2004 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lucas</TD><TD> Tetra</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> 29Dec2004 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherish</TD><TD> Ocean</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> 01 Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Raymos</TD><TD> AhBunny</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> 02Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ashton</TD><TD> Blanche</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> 03Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Khayr</TD><TD> Sahsa</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> 03Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rayhan</TD><TD> Sasha</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> 03Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tim</TD><TD> Catz</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> 04Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Summer</TD><TD> Yvonne</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> 05Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Clare</TD><TD> ???</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> 05Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Phoebe</TD><TD> Emonster</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> 06Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Michelle</TD><TD> blueberries</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> 07Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angeline</TD><TD> syen27(yve)</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> 09Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Julian</TD><TD> Sunmoon</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> 09Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kristy</TD><TD> Twinkle</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> 10Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gideon</TD><TD> JayKay</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> 11Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jovann</TD><TD> Dolphina</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> 12Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ryan</TD><TD> Poh</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> 14Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jeryann</TD><TD> Ann</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> 15Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>E Tzian</TD><TD> iuiu</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> 15Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sherman</TD><TD> BabyD</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> 17Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Xiang</TD><TD> Yap</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> 18Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Heidi</TD><TD> Angela</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> 18Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Carine</TD><TD> Yvoyvo</TD><TD> Girl</TD><TD> 21Jan2005</td></tr></table>

Heehee. I never think of that. btw when are you leaving for Japan? How many days u will be away?
Poh, u r planning for no 2 now? Wow, 4 children? Initially hubby n i thinkin of 3 children, but sfter having Cherish, the thot of no 2 is abit scary... imgaine to go over pregency again....
R u still bf? But when ur menses not back yet, it does not mean that we r not ovulating leh! I heard that when we r ovulating, we will hv those discharge lor....

Yap, u see menses for 2 mths?? Does it mean that u r....
I wondered who will be the first one here to announce THE BIG NEWS!

Twinkle, if u scared, let Kristy have half or even less of the biscuits. I also do that to Cherish. When she finished, i give her somemore... slowly, somemore, she was still "bo ger" yet.

Oh, Cherish had just grow a tooth.... not fully emerge out, but see that it is crooked...

Wow Emonster, u better take care ya... Flu till no voice, sound serious. I did notice that it seem like quite easily to be be sick.... get well soon.
Oh, can i have the Enfalac A+? Thks!

Angela, Heidi is so sweet. Yap, i love that cartoon Heidi too. But then, what is the story abt huh?

Have A good sunday everyone!
Hi Mums,
Pics taken over the weekend to share with all of you. As you can see, the first 2 pics show my babboo sucking cotton buds, just like a lollipop.



The next pic shows him sharing a good joke with my doggie.
Forgot to share Xiang's update...
~ he is getting more and more bad-tempered, want to get his way or he will cried... stop immediately when u give in.
~ getting more active ie crawl 2-3 steps then lay down
and got few incidents of bumping his head forward and backward(very heartache) but he is very good in his walker (have walker will run).
~ shout a lot.
This weekend he enjoy himself very much with shopping trolleys.
Sat - He love the Little Tike car (Marina Sq shopping trolley got Little tike car attached FOC and he can sit in it though we need to watch out as he is like a drunkard inside).
Sun - enjoy his sightseeing in Daiso shopping trolley.
linus still looks so adorable. he is not afraid of the doggie?

A sweet family photo. Xiang likes to sit in walker? my girl also.
You look very good in the family photos. Where did you take them? How much did it cost you?

Linus scare my dog away. He will be so excited when the dog comes near him. He will be shaking with excitement. When I hold his hand to touch the doggie, he will retract his hands back very quickly and squeal with delight. Then he will extend his hands again, this time is to pull the dog's hair. The dog will get up quickly, give him a slurp on his face and run away. Linus will then blink his eyes a few times like" What is happening???" Very funny to watch but I pity the dog who is scared of this little human monster.
so cute.. linus.. my girl Jeryann also likes to play with our doggie. but yesterday i think the dog too excited and she also like Linus, blink his eyes and moved back..
Linus really looks more and more like you! Bb can suck cotton buds ah? He looks really cute doing that, but I worry about him swallowing or sticking it really far into his throat leh! And what's that on his wrist? Looks like a watch with a stuffed toy for a watch face! I'm going away for 5 days. Hubby went yesterday already.
Hi gals,

Kristy lately has been crying more at nite.. really very tired taking care of her at nite cos she kept waking up crying.. guess cos of teething.. she got cough and flu too.. haiz... Any babies also got similar symptons?
Really huh? He looks more and more like me? Everybody says he looks like my HB leh. My neighbours and even my mum says he DON'T look like me at all. I tell them I so gek sim that he don't look like me.

Actually, he should not be sucking cotton buds. Just that I have exhausted all toys. Even gave him lipstick, credit card, eye liner to play. Very very jialat. Play for 15sec, want new thing liao. Peng san. So mil gave him the whole box of buds and let him destroy.

My SIL started saying,"So disgusting. Why let him suck?" Then the doting grandma will say, "Nevermind lah, later let the grandpa use to clean his ears. Sure will be very clean after that!" kekeke

Ya, that toy is a wrist rattler. Can buy at many places. I bought a pair. One is a sheep head and another is a lion. He will chew on them...

If you feel that she is not well, better bring to PD or GP just to be sure. Take care.

Jeryann got a vote.
Hey Piggy, Linus is so darn adorable!!!! He does look like you lah. Trust me, MIL will always insist that their grandchildren look ONLY like their side of the family. :p Hehehehehehe... I love that Linus is good around your doggy. So cute lah!

Yap, you look good all dolled up
Min and Xiang are such good looking kids!

Ann, Jeryann got a vote too

Twinkle, poor Kristy.. is she teething, perhaps?

My son is having a sleepy day. He knocked out at 7.30pm till 6.40am, then napped another hour from 8.30, woke up, whacked a lot of cereal and milk and now he's down for his 2nd nap of the day

where's sunmoon ah?

Emonster, are you all better now? Thought you never report here 'cos you were preggers
Hey I also feel like buying the New Gen Ergo but just bought a Snugli backpack carrier (like those for trekking).. so not sure if my hubby will allow the purchase or not :p
Hi all...

Nice pics!! You look very good!

Linus very cute!

Anyone has ordered online from OldNavy using Vpost anot? I cannot get pass the address page.. Haiz, maybe fated not to spend money..
hi yap, nice meeting you and yr fren last sat. how's Xiang taking the similac? did u let him take the opened cans? wat a pity Xiang was going to take his nap and Raymos was bit cranky after waking up, if not they can play with each other.raymos though has quite serious stranger anxiety, but really likes playing with babies and kids. funny hor...

anyone has plans for your darling's 1st birthday? me and hubby has decided to throw a party on new year eve at home for raymos and three of us will go for a holiday trip to taipei on the very next day. raymos' actual birthday will then be at overseas. quite excited and yet worry cos really duno if can handle him on the plane as well as over there. anyone has experience cooking porridge on overseas trip? cos now raymos already taking 3 solids a day, one morning cereal and 2 times of porridge for lunch and dinner. dun think i can skip giving him porridge when we are abroad leh....
hi catz, agree with you that MILs will always insist that their grandchildren look like their family side cos i suffer the same fate as well...but mine even worse leh..she will say all my baby's good points/ features look like their family side, and all the bad points/ features look like my family side...terok rite? wat to do...close one ear lor
Hi all, thanks! xie-xie... that's is all due to the makeover, not the real me. Still like my children's photo though Xiang is cranky during the photo shoot, so no smiling photo.

Hi piggylee, I took them at i-Studio promo $99 for family photo @ i-studio - 15 shots, 15X2R photos, 4X5R photos, 1X8R photo &amp; 1X12R. 1 free makeover but got to bring own outfit (2 sets). I bought the soft copy CD for $39. They mention that promo is over but let me know if u are interested. I tried to call them.

Ah Bunny, nice to meet u also. Xiang is ok with the small tin. We throw away the opened big tin as my maid also said that it smell different. So better to be safe.
Too much, my girl and my fren's 2 kids were not around or Raymos will hv a fun time with them.

So nice, already plan for holiday. Rem to bring more clothing for Raymos 'cos it should be still cold during Jan's.
Don't worry, just be prepared and take thing easy for your trip. Follow the bb's schedule. Heard of people bringing small slow cooker to cook porridge so should be feasible. If it is for few days, maybe just give milk, cereal, jar food if u don't want the bother to bring the slow cooker.

Catz &amp; ah_bunny, same here...all good features will be from dh... I was bang when they described Xiang - body and leg short-short like her mummy.
Raymos very good at smiling at the camera... Angel will only make the grimace face or try to grab the camera..

I am interested in the i-Studio Promo leh..
very nice family portrait! Kids look so happy and papa mama so xin fu!

Piggy, Ann, Ah Bunny,
Linus, Jeryann, Raymosall so cute leh!

Hi mummies,
9mths Assessment
Yesterday 08/10/05 brought Wilfred to Poly for 9mths assessment;
<font color="0000ff">Growth</font>
weight 8.53kg (50%), length 72cm(50%) and head circumference 45cm(50%).
<font color="0000ff">Development checking</font>
Sit well? (without bobbing motion).
Stand well? (Holding on to a chair for more than 5 seconds).
Crawl well? (placed on his stomach, crawl on all four).
Hand (passes a cube from hand to hand).
Hearing? (responds to soft sounds, left and right ears).
Eyesight? (looks for dropped and moving objects, left and right eyes).

<font color="0000ff">Comments</font>
The above tests PASS and well done.
His weight and HC are within normal age range, while his length slightly higher.
<font color="0000ff">Advice</font>
1.Try to give your bb a small object or cut the fruits to small cube, let them pick up tiny objects with thumb and index finger(practice their thumb and index finger, pincer grasp), so that they wont have problem on holding a pen/pencil next time.
2.Give egg yolk (hard-boiled) to eat (above 10mths old or 1yr old). If not allergic reactions on whole yolk, then try whole white. If bb has no allergic reaction after try egg yolk and whole white, can give them take an egg three days a week till 10years old. Egg very important for children coz it contains cholesterol and essential nutrients that helps to form certain tissues, hormones and brain cells. Must remember let your bb try egg yolk before MMR vaccine.

Any bb here will go for 9mths assessment?
i really think Linus bears some resemblance to you, maybe the eyes and forehead?? I find that Sherman prefers to play with people rather than play with toys by himself. Somehow, the same toy is a lot more fun to him if there's some interaction. His favourite game now is jumping and dancing while wearing his new squeaky shoes, can't quit squealing and smiling. But he must do it in front of an audience, otherwise he'll lose interest quite fast.

Anyway, I think I lose the "look like mummy" battle liao... Everybody says my son looks mostly like Daddy with only a tiny bit of resemblance to me, even my own mother says that!
Oops, should be Saturday 08/10/05 brought Wilfred to Poly
The above 9mths assessment actually wrote on Sunday but no time to postsorry for my mistake. :p
Hi so many nice baby photos here... sorry i havent been very free to post or read all the text. here's some latest photos of Julian's to share...





Ann, i voted too!
just read your post... i am here... been busy lo. BTW, i brought julian for 9 mth assessment this morning too. Almost same results as wilfred. but he is lighter, only 8.1kg only... He is zzzz now so i can quickly log in!!!
Wilfred I have my mummys eyes, mummys nose, mummys mouth, mummys ears and mummys sweet and cute smiles! hahaha! Wilfred definitely has mummys looks!
But his sleeping pattern like daddy! He loves watching girls also, just like his daddy! Hahaha!

Sun Moon,
Julian looks so cheerful and cute! All the bb here look so big boy and big girls already!
thanks Evelyn! I agree Wilfred looks very much like you! julian looks mostly like his daddy i think... most ppl says that. i abit jealous leh.
will bring Jeryann for 9 month assessment the week after next.

thanks. Julian can stand very well. Btw, will he try to climb out of the cot?
sun_moon, wah Julian looks so grown up now
Same lah, Tim also looks like Daddy, I also jealous!!
Glad to know you are OK!

Evelyn, actually I did Tim's 9 month assessment 2-3 weeks back when he had those insect bites. He passed all those milestones then, thank goodness! Only that he is very very light.. only 7.82kg! Height is 71cm. You are right about letting them self-feed. Tim can self-feed those Gerber puffs with a pincer grasp since 2 weeks back. He can whack those Mama Bites biccies no problem also. Haha
Egg yolks I give him almost daily to fatten him up but still no effect lor.

Ah Bunny, Raymos is so handsome

First year party.. hmm... CONFIRMED not at my own place 'cos so messy with all my friends' toddlers running around. Will probably book poolside or function room at club.. less mess!
Oh, i brought Cherish for 9mth on Children Day. Everything is okay except Cherish doesn't bother about the sound. The nurse threw a thing in front, then behind, they ring something. Cherish jus cant be bothered. At the end, they said she like no reponse in her right ear and send me to see doc.

Doc tested, seemed ok, but as Cherish had fallen asleep while waiting to see the doc, she was quite frustrated. So, sometimes, she also cant be bothered. But when we talking, she turned to see us. So, doc scared and asked to come back for assessment again on 29/10...
Tested at hm during bath time, Cherish reacted to sound at the left and right ear.

But sometimes, when she preoccupied in her own little world, she din even wanna to look at me when i shout at her.... Urgh....

Now sometimes i wonder if one of her hearings got problem, or is it her attitude problem.
Since Cherish behaved like that, you should test her hearing more often. Try to place her in a quiet room and test her hearing. Hopefully she can pass both ears for the next assessment.

I think Tim is of adequate weight.

You give him egg yolks almost daily? Mixed with cereal or porridge? Or just egg yolk itself? Dont know why first time I gave egg yolk (mixed with cereal) to Wilfred, he had no problem at all. But last week we mixed it with porridge, he merlion out, the next day had fewer some more. But his fewer last for only one day, strange! Not sure is it due to egg yolk? Anyway, I will try it again after he is 10mths old.

Any bb here already try bb yoghurt? One of the mummy from other threads had recommended Petit miam bb yoghurt, can get it from cold storage. Wilfred had tried it, response not too bad, hehee!
Sorry mummies,
Now, am unable to log in as often as I wish cos office is coming down on surfing.. sigh. Will pop in as and when I can when ash is asleep.

BB yogurt
Ash has tried it. He's eating aabout 4 tubs per week and he's loving it! Give him this as he doesn't drink much milk so hoping that this will contribute a bit bit to his calcium intake. There's no added sugar. There's another brand of bb yogurt which has added suagr (Danone), just thought should let you girls know

Egg Yolk
Catz, we feed Ash egg yolk on alternate days too, together with his oats for breakfast. Haha, also hoping that he will gain weight

9Th month assessment
mummies, is the 9th month assessment compulsory? I called the paed and they told me it's not leh... told me to send for 1 year old one instead.

Let mummy brag a little ...
Ash can stand unassisted for more than 15 sec... hehe. so proud of my little boy

Babies photos
All the babies' photos so adorable!!! Everyone is looking more like a toddler nowadays.. time really flies...

1 year old Birthday
Mummies, any plans for bb's birthday...we got a chalet over christmas
Intending to celebrate Ash's. my dad and bro's birthday all at the same time. They are all within one week apart
So excited just thinking of it!

Hi pretty aunties,

I also joined the contest
Please support me by clicking on the pics below:

Yap, u looked very young and pretty
from the family photo. And my goodness, ur gal really looked like u. especially love the one that ur daughter is hugging Xiang one. So cute!!

Pigy, Linus is really very adorable. It does look like he is sucking lollipop, as if it is the best on earth. And alas, that is only cotton uds! Hahaa..
Hmmm.... everyone says Cherish looked like my hubby too!

Ah Bunny, Raymos got 4 teeths already? He is such a smiley bb and he can even say "hi"!!

Sunmoon, Julian looked like he is very happy and comfortable talking to someone like that. Oh, so cute... how i wish i got boy.... Yap, Cherish also like to stand up at the cot, but she is not as tall as Julian, so she can only bite the cot! Hahhaa....

Evelyn, dun noe leh... At birth, her hearing test failed.
But subquently at ard 6wks, we went back and she had passed the test. Cherish can hear for sure, but i really hope that is both ears.... Really wish is her attitue problem. I notice she sometimes will just listen and had that smile on her face when u wisper to her, but she wld not turn her head. And it happened that the right side is her weak neck muscle! Hmm.... so nice Wildfred and rest of the BBs had passed the test!

Oh yougurt, i let Cherish tried b4. Think is the Gerber Strawbery banana yougout. Quite ok. She even tasted the Marigold one, wondered if it is too sweet. But we only gave her little bit.

Will vote for Ashton and Jeryann. I do hope that our BBs here can get to the Tops!
Thanks Evelyn and Ocean for your votes.

I let Jeryann tried yougurt b4 but not the brand that you mentioned cos' that brand very hard to get. Have to go cold storage.

Oceans, dun worry. I am sure Cherish is fine. maybe you can try out what Evelyn had said. Monitor her and send her to see doc again.
