(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

don't feel guilty lah.... you've done your best for Tim already in bf and many other ways
In fact, I think you're brave. I've been pushing off weaning ash for teh longest time... and looks like it'll be that way till i wanna TTC again :p

me still pumping and latching too. was considering getting a electric pump but my better sense tells me not to... already so far down the road already...

Hi mums!

latest update on raymos: he had one more tooth out at the upper gum over the weekend. so total he has 6 teeth already, 4 upper and 2 bottom. lately we had all been kena bitten by him when carrying him over the shoulder..ouch..!! can see his teeth marking somemore
notty boy..

oh ya, slamdunk, nice meeting u, hb and dylan on sun at J8. did dylan just wake up frm his sleep? cos his eyes red red..raymos was sleeping b4 tat and i had a hard time carrying him, despite the fact that he has not reached 8 kg. i was waiting for hb to park his car and the queue was sooo long to go in the carpark. so i "act smart" wanted to drop off first to go jalan..in the end..so tired!
btw, i have stopped giving the Mamil Nite formula to Raymos. actually he could usually sleep thru out most of the days even before he wasn't drinking the Mamil Nite. But I have one sample tin leh.so just tot of letting him try. Ended up worst lah..woke up in the middle once or twice. but aso dunno if it's cos of teething or the formula. PD says if no gd just throw it away.
just curious to know if anybody has bought the OTO slimming belt..heard that it's quite effective and sellable. want to get rid of my spare tyre but lazy to do exercise!
Wah, still wear S size.. Can save a lot leh..

Your break in Japan sounds good! I need some couple time with my hubby too. 2nd anniversary coming up... *wink*
Wilfred is on L size now. Actually L size a bit loose but M size too tight for him leh!

I give Wilfred 3 milk feeds; morning 6oz, 2pm 7oz and night before bed 6oz. Btw, Nicole such a cheerful girl!

Ah Bunny,
Wilfred still taking Mamil Nite, actually even without Mamil Nite he could sleep well also. But so jia lat, I still have two unopened Mamil Nite, wonder how to finish coz only take one time at night.
Ah Bunny, The OTO thingy, my friend has it and she said it is quite effective. A few of her colleagues went out to buy after she told them. I am also considering leh. But now got the Osim one. So dont know which is better.

Catz, Ryan goes to sleep around 9pm, but he always toss and turn then wake up after 20 to 30mins. Then I have to either pat or rock him to sleep again. Does tim just sleep thru without waking up at all?

Any moment that he is asleep is bliss for lonely me at home, so I wont wake him up unless necessary! Btw, is Tim sleeping in his own room now? I am still sleeping in Ryan's room. Dont know when I can leave him alone there, esp he always wakes up at night. Sigh...

Re water, I give Ryan using the pigeon spoon. He also wont drink from bottle or sippy cup
Hi Mums,
I just ordered the Nepia diapers. Seems that you can mix and match. I ordered 3pkts of tape and 1pkt of pants diapers. They charge me the same too.

Your girl is so cuteeeee. She is names Joy Nicole, am I right?

You want a "Make in Japan" baby, is it?
<table border=1><tr><td>Baby's Name</TD><TD>Mummy's Name</TD><TD>B/G</TD><TD>DOB </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wilfred</TD><TD>Evelyn</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>15Dec2004 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Linus</TD><TD>Piggy</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>22Dec2004 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>Sleepymom</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>28Dec2004 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dylan</TD><TD>Slamdunk</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>28Dec2004 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lucas</TD><TD>Tetra</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>29Dec2004 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherish</TD><TD>Ocean</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>01Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Raymos</TD><TD>AhBunny</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>02Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ashton</TD><TD>Blanche</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>03Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Khayr</TD><TD>Sahsa</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>03Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rayhan</TD><TD>Sasha</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>03Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tim</TD><TD>Catz</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>04Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Summer</TD><TD>Yvonne</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>05Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Clare</TD><TD>???</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>05Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Phoebe</TD><TD>Emonster</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>06Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angeline</TD><TD>syen27(yve)</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>09Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Julian</TD><TD>Sunmoon</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>09Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kristy</TD><TD>Twinkle</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>10Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gideon</TD><TD>JayKay</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>11Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jovann</TD><TD>Dolphina</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>12Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>Poh</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>14Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jeryann</TD><TD>Ann</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>15Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>E Tzian</TD><TD>iuiu</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>15Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sherman</TD><TD>BabyD</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>17Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Xiang</TD><TD>Yap</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>18Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Heidi</TD><TD>Angela</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>18Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Carine</TD><TD>Yvoyvo</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>21Jan2005 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joy Nicole</TD><TD>Joymum</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>28Jan2005</td></tr></table>

Let me know if there is any mistakes.
sleepymom, which one is cheaper, OTO or OSIM? like very waste $$ hor..hb buey tahan me liao. Last time wanted to buy the OSIM massager now also seldom use..sigh.

Raymos still wearing M size Petpet..but thinking of upgrading to L size after he finishes the current one. The new packaging Petpet not bad. the material quite soft..comparable to Nepia leh. and I think aso more lasting than the older packaging.

can i check who's using NUK bottles? cos me having some problem with the teat sizing, would like to ask around.
There is a big difference between petpet M and L leh.. Angel's pee will leak when i use L, but M is too tight for her.. So using ntuc L size as a between now..
The new Petpet is better ah? Is it still those sticky tapes type?

Blanche, thanks so much for the kind words. Tim has been asking for the breast these past two mornings. Argghh.. I let him suckle for comfort. It's so weird 'cos my boy does NOT usually suckle for comfort. :p Since you've still got milk, then go ahead and BF Ash until you're ready for TTCing again lah!

Joymum, what a cheerful little girl!

Sleepymom, Tim sleeps through. He doesn't usually wake up in the middle of the night. If he does, it's just 'eh eh' and back to sleep. He's been in his own room since we started sleep training at 6 months. I don't think I can sleep with him!! I also need my sleep and couple time with hubby! Same, I will usually NEVER wake him up unless his afternoon nap stretches for too long and I'm afraid that it will ruin his night time sleep.
Just went for his 9mths Assessment today at Poly. Here is his results :

Growth : weight 10.3kg (90%), length 73cm(50%) and head circumference 47.5cm(90%).

Development checking : all passed except for
- finger-thumb grasp (ie pick up raisin with thumb and any finger);
- cannot stand holding to table>5sec;
- cannot pull himself to standing position by himself.

The funny incident happens... he almost fails one of the test... the nurse hold a toy and he supposed to look the toy moving to right; then left then down. This naughty boy keep looking at the nurse (yes, she is young and pretty. This happens for 2-3 times when she repeat the test. He passed when I do it (so demoralising).

Xiang just hv his 2nd tooth budding out few days ago. We also hv the same difficulty of M vs L diaper.

Now feeling demoralised as being sick for almost 2wks from flu then gastics. Finally, my gastics has been become better today after doctor give me very expensive medicine, $45 for 6 tablet yesterday.

Also felt very neglected by dh which is the norm. Very siah.... luckily got my 2 cute children to play with.

Hi Emonster, hope you are alright. Take care!
Catz, wat's wrong with the usual sticky tapes type? think u mentioned b4 why u dun like but I forgot liao..

Yve, really ar..Petpet L size too big? I know NTUC cutting smaller. NTUC M size was too small for raymos and if buy NTUC L size, PetPet one will be more economical when the price is divided by total pcs if we buy M size. (NTUC L = Petpet M)..so means i should buy NTUC ones again?
yeah, L too big for angel.. NTUC L is slightly bigger than petpet M. Once I carried angel when she was wearing petpet L and I kenna peed on..
Ryan also in between size now. M is too tight, but L too big.

Think he is at least 9kg now. The Babybjorn will be retiring soon.Anyone know of any other carriers that can hold beyond 10kg? And can carry front,back and side as well? So I can still go out with him alone,without the stroller. Thanks.

You can try ergo carrier, almost simiar to babyjorn but better cos it doesn't flatten his penis!!! hahaha....... Good quality and it really works well for bigger baby. It can takes up to 35kg.
poh, Does the Ergo carrier cater for carrying on the side, where the bb sit on our waist,as well? Where to buy? Do you know how much?
I am using a "BAOBEI" brand carrier, made in China. Can hold up till 14kg. You can find in many kiddy shops. Can hold front and back only. Not for sides.
piggylee, Thanks. Will go and have a look. How much does it cost?

poh, Wah you so lucky, got it at a discount.Quite costly. After the babybjorn, I dont know whether the hubby will faint if I get another one for $160+! But for us without car, a stroller is super troublesome to take bus with. And Ryan dont like to sit in it for long. I spent more than half the time carrying him. Useful only when he sleep in it.
today i brought Julian to GlenE to my his PD cos he is having a fever, and i actually managed to get a free copy of Oct's babyboom mag with Cherish as the cover girl! =)

Julian's fever went up to 39 last night... i am very sleepy now...he fallen asleep and i really hope he gets well soon.
What happened to Julian? I hope he recover soon too.

I can't remember exactly how much. I know it is less than $30.
Wah Cherish's magazine cover is out already ah? Must see if I can get a copy from MOthercare but they always run out so fast!

sunmoon, I hope Julian is OK. Get well soon, Julian!!

poh, so you're enjoying your Ergo ah? Lucky you. I think I will get one when I start working. Now cannot anyhow spend. Single income quite different from being double income! Last time I didn't even blink when spending $300 on facial. Now, haha.. lagi cheapo.

yap, I also lagi sian 'cos hubby has been on midnight duty for exercise since last week. So when he comes back, I have to keep extra quiet and then he wakes up at 6pm for dinner and goes off by 7pm. Feel very lonely. So I know how it feels. But yes, we have our lovely children to keep us company lor.
Hope your gastric gets better soon.

Ah Bunny, the tapes always get stuck to Tim lei. Somemore nowadays I have to change his diaper when he's standing up so lagi cannot use those sticky tapes type.
Hi Mums!

Been busy trying to get my gal to EAT! She hasn't been eating for a few days now..sigh.. I went to Bukit Timah to get the oatmeal cereal in desperation, hopefully she's willing to at least try. But she refused!!! How??? Only fed her milk almost whole day. Couldn't take it anymore, so today brought her to see PD coz thought she got ear infection or something, but nothing wrong lei. PD just say she is naughty.. sigh.. And maybe she is cutting more tooth. Could see more drooling these few days.

Yesterday morning even went to market to get plain "Chwee kway". She actually ate some, but later when I try, felt that it was too salty even for me! Really at my wit's end with this gal!!! She only wants Gerber veggie puff or rice cracker!! Headache!

Anyway, 9th mth assessment as of today...
Weight - 8.9kg
Height - 73cm
Head - 44 cm
Everything else normal, pass everything, BUT refuse to eat!

Sorry no time to read postings!!! Chao!!

You are not alone, I also have the the same problem.

Ryan refused all type of food as well. He will closed his mouth super tight so that we can't force it in. Ryan sometime even refused bottle feed milk, he will wait for me to come home to feed him.

Yesterday, my MIL switched on the bb einsten to let him watch while having food. ( we know it a bad habit to do but we have no choice...) and he sit there and enjoys watching and finished up his bowl of food!!! Haha, you might want to try with your gal.
Angela, poh, you are not alone. Tim is a terrible eater too. He just started eating as of last week. If he doesn't want, means he DOES not want. :p Yup, I also switch on Baby Einstein when he eats.
Heh heh, my Ryan also need entertainment to finish his food. Always on his Wheel On The Bus vcd during meal times. But when eating porridge, he eat very slow, up to 1 hr. Cereal half hr can be done. Must be my porridge not nice
Just to share. A friend gave us some Cheerios for Ryan as finger food. I have also read in another forum that it is healthy finger food. I gave some to Ryan and he likes it. He can pick it up and put in his mouth, or at least learning to. Some time can sometime ended up on the floor
Scan the magazine and post the pics here for us leh..... Babyboom not so easy to get.

Sleepymon, Poh, Catz,
Linus also must watch Baby Einstein while eating too. The mouth will keep opening and closing if TV is on. So can just keep spooning the food into him. But having said that, his hands must hold some toys also. Otherwise, the TV alone will not hold his attention.

This morning, I was bathing Linus and he was playing with a rubber octopus in the tub. He held it so tight and started to squeeze it, making a sound. He look up at me and started to give me a big wide smile, majiam like say, "See mummy, i know how to squeeze now, you know." I say, "Wow, you so clever, know how to squeeze huh?" You should have seen his face, beaming from ear to ear. kekekeke.... so young already love to be praised.
Hi Ladies,

Thank you all for your concerns. Surgery confirmed to be carried out tomorrow. Feel embarressed to answer most of your queries, but since our thread always attracts many 'invisible viewers', might as well let all know about this uncommon risk before opting for natural birth.

YC commented that she noticed the distance between my A and V is very short and that the skin around these areas are very tender, that explains why my labour was half the time of what FTMs normally takes. The tear I'm having now is internal, it's the area of flesh / cells which separates the A and V, YC commented that this area must have been very thin and when baby is decending, it was torn. I only notice the symptoms 3 mths after birth after AF have stopped and tot that it might heal up naturally, but I was wrong. Symptoms are you will experience gases coming out from the V and sometimess some traces of faeces there, but no pain at all.

So MTB, please check with your gynae on this area. Although it's very uncommon, it happens to 4 out of forgot how many thousands of woman.... No harm asking right... My husband was just surprised why this was not pointed out to us before delivery.... Apparently another client of YC also suffers this condition after birth last year. I hope she's okay now.

Was referred to Dr Francis Seow and he recommended a surgery to stitch and glue the tear. It's a very small tear and will need approximately 4 stitches and it will be done via V with GA and whole surgery will take an hour. We asked about future delivery via V and Dr Seow commented that it should not be a problem, but best to heed gynae's advice....

So that's it lah, my 'adventure'.... Dunno why, have already told my hubby where my insurances are, this and that.... Now old already, know how to be scare of DEATH liao.... Been feeling rather funny..... hmmmm. My first surgery is my life leh.. haha

BTW, Phoebe's teething her 5 tooth. It's making her so super cranky and teary. Didn't know about the new one, but when I'm brushing her teeth last nite, she cried out in pain then upon inspection, her top right side tooth is there.... must be real painful. See her cry, I also feel like crying...

Congratulations.. must post Cherish's coverpage for us okay. I'm so happy, Cherish is our Jan 05 first Magazine Cover Baby....
Are you going to celebrate??? If Phoebe is on the cover, I'll make hundreds of copies for all my friends and relatives... hehe :p

I'll be posting some pixs later....
Must buy the magazine! Btw, where can I get the copy huh? Or someone can scan and posted here please!?

Xiang is such a BIG bb!!!

Good luck and wish you have a successful surgery tomolo. Have a good rest and take care.
Wilfred finally willing to hold bottle when drinking milk. But when almost finish, he will in out in out the milk bottle.
These two weeks he seems like to bite things. Bite his pacifier, cot bar, stroller bar, walker bar, books, his cloths.heng ah, me still not his target yet!
Hey emonster, all the best for your surgery tomorrow. Wow, must be very uncomfortable for you. Must take good care of yourself and eat well after the surgery yah? Little Phoebe is so darn cute! Her hair is so nice and thick! Pretty pretty pretty!

sleepymom, yeah Cheerios are great finger food. I will try to finish up a few more tubs of Gerber puffs before giving Tim the Cheerios. Haha
okay lah, i have the mag but no scanner... maybe when Julian is better, i will use my digital camera to take a pic of it and post here ok. =)
julian has viral infection, and is better today as fever not so high liao. But sometimes still ard 37.8... so still giving him medicine.
Sun Moon, really? U see Cherish's pic? Actually i also dun noe if it is out cos Irene frm Tangerine din even inform me. Wonder if they remember to keep a copy for me, cos i noticed that they always dun hv the magazine.

By the way, do take care of Julian and glad to learn that he is getting better.

Dear all, do take care of ur BBs too as recently i heard quite lots of bb gettin viral infection
and some even ganna hospitalised!

Evelyn, cant buy the Baby Boom Magazine cos it is Free. I have actually register for the magazine via internet, but till to-date, din received any magazine...

Catz, Mothercare have those magazine? By the way, Cherish is opposted from Tin. She likes to eat, but not her Baby food
, she only likes to eat what we are eating. I think she felt that the food we eating are tastier than hers!

Emonster, good luck to you tml and hope u recover fast. Get well soon and must rest alot ok.

Wow, make hundred copies of the magazines? Wait till i get a copy first. I will laminate the cover page.
Aiyo, you are a pessimistic mummy. Your surgery will go on fine one la. Don't worry, ok? Come and tell us "All Is Fine" after your day surgery, OK?
Phoebe is such a sweet girl. Really love her chubby face.... Kiss kiss kiss.

Congrats! We are proud of Cherish!! She is such a pretty gal...

Take care, your operation will be a success.. dont worry too much...

Have a great weekend ladies...

Ya.. Must be positive &amp; get well quickly! Your little princess is so.......... pretty, and sweet!! Can post bigger pic or not? I got to strain my eye leh.. So jealous of her hair, mine still not much hair..
Ocean, since you havent seen it, i make the effort to quickly do it for you to see la. Here it is...

Cover page and the insert on the content page



She looks so pretty!!
Some recent photos of Julian... since i was working on the photos just now...


Julian in a Japanese Yukata...


Welcome to my new playhouse... it's landed you know.


I really love this house alot!

on the note of diapers,
Julian wears L for Pampers Premium, and i just bought huggies ultra thin to try. Anyone using this? It has the velcro type of tapes, stretchable somemore!
Julian is indeed a happy and smiley baby.

I love Julian's little playhouse. Where did you buy it? How much did it cost? Can you tell me how much space will it take up?
I brought Linus out this evening and felt that he is slightly warm to the touch. Came back at 8+ and took his temp, he is running a slight fever.
Hope it is just teething....

Anyway, some pics to share too...

My baby like to sleep like that leh. Any mums also have babies like that huh?

Another pic here of him watching the telly and waiting for food....

emonster, good luck for the surgery. remember to ask for lots of painkillers from the doc (juz in case....) my lesson learnt after my labour. lots of painkillers becoz' i scared of pain. no point suffering.

piggylee, from that sleeping angle, linus can pass off as my joy. btw, joy also makes the same pouty expression. do all babies do that? i thot only my girl. :p
