(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Piggy, I agree that feeding time shouldn't be more than 20-30min. If Tim doesn't want, I will give up even though the worried mummy in me feels like forcefeeding :p

yve, Tim also having highchair rebellion but no choice 'cos it's such a mess if we carry him to feed. Dragon fruit? Won't there be a lot of little seeds in her poo poo? Hehe
Dragon poo poo.

I tried giving cloth diapers to Tim once when he already poo poo and pee pee one big dose. Erm, disaster 'cos he ended up poopoo and pee another time. YARCKS!!

piggylee, Thanks. Can also share how does linus spend his days? I am really at a loss of what to do with Ryan, besides feeding. He can play with his toys for a while only. Then I just carry him around the house most of the time, or when he is in a good mood, can sit with me while I read the posts
Any other mummies can share their babies' typical days as well?

yve, Wa angel gets to eat dragon fruit. I 'kia see' mummy, until now just feed ryan cereal and porridge only, and baby bites. No other fruits or food. What else can I let ryan eat now? Poor deprived ryan
dolphina, long time no see!!
How's your J doing? You didn't tell us you were getting a new job!

sleepymom, hehe.. my stock answer - Baby Einstein DVDs play in the background.. then we play with his toys, read books together, go walking around the compound. My boy like a shadow.. follows me everywhere so it's hard to get any housework done at all. But I try to have a routine for him lah. I am also another kiasee mom.. Tim only just started eating fish porridge yesterday
I highly recommend the SUper Baby Food book if you're out of ideas.
Catz, thanks, will take a look at the book. Ryan cant crawl so he cannt follow me around! Blessing I guess, but which means I have to be his 'taxi'

Which series of Baby Einstein DVDs you have? I have seen different type in mothercare and other shops so din buy, quite ex too. I recently bought a Wheels On The Bus vcd. Ryan seems interested, only played twice for him so will observe and see.
Hey sleepymom, wah enjoy Ryan's immobile stage hor... Now I super bo eng 'cos everywhere I turn, he will be following me very closely. Last time blur blur, can leave him Now once he realises I'm not in the same room, he'll go roaming all over the place and get into mischief. :p I have the whole range of Baby Einstein actually but the ones he loves are Baby Mozart, Baby Bach, Baby Da Vinci
I totally empathise with you. It's hard to be a SAHM and have one shadow clinging to you all the time lah.
catz, Thanks for the support. I really kow tou to all SAHMs, esp those with more than 1 baby! Before being one myself, I always thought SAHM, good life, dont have to work, stay at home all day. Now I KNOW!

Good to know I am not the only kiasee mummy. I treat ryan like baby still, dont dare to let him eat anything except his milk and cereal/porridge. So you have baby proofed the house already since you let tim roam everywhere? Does he open drawers and doors?
haiyah.. I should have peeped at her poo this morning to see if there are black black seeds hor.. :p I cut into small 5mm cubes for her.. Angel will chew the fruits then swallow.. Think cos the dragon fruit is very soft leow..
I started to mix apple juice into her water.. She makes the sour face everytime she drinks it.. haha..
Oh dear... Ryan is already on 3 cereals a day. He will have brown rice cereal mix with avocado in the morning. Lunch, will be cereal with brocoli with fish. Dinner will be cereal with pumpkin and fish. In between, he will has his desert of apple or banana. Is it too much, or too fast???

He refused bottle feed when I'm back to work after my 3.5month maternity leave. His milk intake was so low (from 140ml dropped to 60ml) until the paed asked me to feed him cereal or fruit juice when he was only 4mth old.

Now he is only drinking 60ml per feed... very little right? Saw my friend's daughter who is same age as Ryan is drinking like 170ml per feed!

As i will be away for biz trip(4days) next month, I start to give him formula but he refused to drink! Tried 4 difference brand already... he still don't want to drink! Any bb here refuse to drink fm? So worry, he will just drinks air when I'm not in town! hahaha....
poh, My Ryan is opposite of yours. He doesnt like cereals/porridge. Have started since he was 5mth until now still dont like. Wont open his mouth when the spoon is near leh! You should be glad your Ryan likes his solids so much.

Er, why you go away for biz trip, he must drink milk?
Poh, wah I envy you. Actually our babies should already be on 2-3 meals a day and should start dropping off milk intake. However my boy is lazy. Anything on a spoon and he will reject. It's easier to drink from bottle or to eat finger food :p Yah 60ml is quite little. You are pumping for him? Like yve said, mix increasing amounts of FM into your BM lor. Thankfully my boy didn't really 'hiam' the taste of FM but he doesn't like Mamil only lah.

sleepymom, tell me about it! I really take my hat off to those American women. I know this lady with 5 kids (!)... she's the chairman of the neighbourhood La Leche League plus dunno what other volunteer work at her kids' schools and she resumed her LLL activities when her 5th baby was 5 weeks old! PLUS these American women can do craftwork, bake cakes for their friends etc.. arggghhh...

Speaking of babyproofing, yah it's more or less babyproofed. Thankfully not really opening drawers yet but I have given him some no-go zones for eg the coffee table. He will not dare to touch it
Linus is so cute!! He's got such a boy boy look... Phweet phweet, handsome boy

Typical BB day

Okay, I will attempt to lump all reply to postings in this post... hehe, posting on amount to eat, typical day, solids feed...

Ash would be out of the house at 7am to get to mama's house. Will reach at about 7.30 then he will nap till 9am. He will then take his Healthy Times Oat cereal (4 tbp)with BM. Then, will have some story time. Noticed that he is quite attentive when story time nowadays. I use it to tame him down when he gets to wild or "activated". Followed by morning bath, a litle bit of BM, then sleep. Wake up, have lunch (porridge), then play or sometime a walk downstairs or west mall. come back, have milk, then sleep again. wake up about 5pm, have porridge at about 6pm, then will go home about 7.30pm. In the meantime, play with his toys or play hide-and-seek (his fav game now...)When we reach home, we try not to play with him much, for him to tone down. We'll lie down on the bed with him and talk to him or tell him stories. then he'll sleep about 9.30 to 10.

Serving size for cereal
Pd told me before that 1 tbs is one serving size. with that, no need to top up with milk feed. As for porridge, half a rice bowl for bb is one serving.

Hmmm... your bb sounds like Ash. He also takes at most 70ml per time. We call him the "70ml bb"
automatically, he will know 70 ml is up ?!?!?? Tried Nan and Similac on him, he prefers similac but i mix up BM. He also initially refused BM altogether. I think I intro too late, about 2 weeks back. So every night, I make him a bottle and let hom take. first day, refuse. second day, few mouthful, third day, 10 ml and so on. I think they have to acquire the taste.

Me and hb use to say Ash is low maintanence.. haha. What we do is to give him more solids since he likes it and takes quite a lot. Gives him snacks in between, like steamed potatoes, sweet potatoes, avocado, apples, yogurt etc. Sigh, but still so small

Ash loves Wheels on the Bus, esp the song and dance part. I put that on when I feed him. Sometimes, have to forward to a certain fac [art then he will eat.

Feeding him is getting tougher. After about 20 mins, he is restless and tries to escape from his seat. wiggle here and there, hands flying here and there... sigh. When he does this, I stop feeding, let him play a while, 5-10 mins, then resume with him on his meal. Trying not to have the habit of him moving around when having his meal.
yve, my boy also doesn't like juices. He will make a YARCK face and pooooi
He prefers plain water. Which is a good thing, right? Actually you are the first person I know who eats dragon fruit leh. In all the gift baskets we get, nobody will touch the dragon fruit. :p Next time I will pass it to you and Angel.. hehe
My boy absolutely refused to be bottle fed for 6 months. I had to run home every 3 hours from work to feed him. Lucky my work was flexi and we were living just 10 min walk from work as we were in US at that time. After we came back, couldn't do this anymore, so with much difficulty, managed to either spoon feed, syringe or sippy cup feed him EBM for about 2 weeks. At that time, his milk feeds would be 3-4 oz at most and would often take a whole hour. His grandparents and my maid had to do song and dance to make him drink milk. Then suddenly he changed his mind, and took the pigeon peristaltic nipple, finishing his milk in 5 min! Maybe he got fed up of how slow he was getting his milk. Now he loves the bottle and finishes 6oz of milk in 15 min. I believe babies can be trained, although you should have seen how despaired we were when he preferred to go hungry for 7 hours without milk (mummy couldn't make it home) than drink from the bottle when he was just 2.5 month old. I had nightmares about what would happen when we came back to SG.

Have you tried different bottles and nipples? My boy absolutely refuses to drink from Avent nipples. When he finally agreed to take the bottle, it was the NUK bottle that succeeded, but he still took 45min-1hr. Then I tried pigeon peristaltic and it was like magic. We haven't had any more 1hr bottle fights since then.

My boy is quite easy to entertain. He gets bored of his toys, but if someone plays with him, he can play for a long long time and will laugh and laugh. For example, he likes to pick up and drop handkerchiefs. He can do that for 1hr if someone is trying to catch the hankies he drops, laughing everytime you miss! The same goes with his big beach ball. He also likes to play peek a boo and cathing (one person carry him and jog, another person chase). My FIL also takes him out to sit on the see saw and swing in the playground, which he loves. As for cereal / porridge, have you tried different consistency? When Sherman started out, we gave him rather watery cereal. Now, he refuses to eat and complains loudly if his porridge or cereal is watery. It has to be thick, otherwise he will refuse his food. But he loves to eat and always opens his mouth when he sees us eating something.
catz, yve,
I love dragon fruit! It was the only thing that prevented constipation when I was preggie as well. I missed it a great deal when I was in US!

Hey mums,
Dunno if I'm nuts or what, but my boy eats a lot more cereal than 1-2 tbs! I think he's eating 4tbs of Dumex or Nestle rice cereal at the moment. We make it up quite thick, so the amt is about 1/2 to 2/3 a normal rice bowl. He eats around the same amount of fish porridge.
ash eats the same amt... it's the amt recommended on the tin lah...

I just tried the pigeon one over the weekend. but find the slow very slow. ash drinks very very long but still little, but he seems to not mind the teat too. prefers it to avent. he simply hates it! majority of time, sitll on NUK

Dragon fruit
It's my saviour too... better than prunes for consti
on birthday celebrations.. options are book downtown east chalet.. have bbq over 2 days for frens and relatives seperately... the other time for the one month celebrations. I had 40 guests at my house.. hardly got time to spend with everyone.. either 2 days 2 bbqs, or one day lunch buffet and then bbq.. either way, cannot cut 2 cakes right? and we are celebrating my MIL's birthday too.. so have to get 2 cakes.. haiz, complicated leh.. and i still thinking of diy the bbq.. *head big big*..
Fwah so many dragon fruit fans ah?
Guess I"m the odd one out. Don't like so many seeds lah.

yve, wah 2 day celebration? I think I will need a long vacation after such stress. Was thinking of having a poolside party for Tim at the country club.. but not sure yet lah. Can you imagine, we were talking about first month celebrations not too long ago and now it's one year old party time?!

babyD, Blanche, yve, lucky lucky you.. wish Tim ate his cereal all the time too. Just had another major food fight with him. :p
Piggy, Linus looked different on the one playing with cotton bud and game.... Sure is Linus?? Kekkee....

Oh, i did ECG and also a full mamo- dun noe wat scan whereby there is a scanner like those for pregnancy one. still think is embarrassing, and that time still got one doctor want to test on me after the scan. I told her off. Asked her since already scan, y was she doing that again. She got a shock and think another very snr came, and i complained that if they wanna to teach, pls asked for permission!!

Dolphina, long time no see. How u n all boi doing?

Bz... still in office....
Here is the Menu:
Day: Early meal, Late meal
Monday: Gerber Vegetables, Frisocream Rice
Tuesday: Porridge, Jar Food
Wednesday: Gerber Mixed Fruits, Frisocream Wheat
Thursday: Porridge, Gerber Chicken
Friday: Gerber Fish, Frisocream Rice
Saturday: Porridge, Jar Food
Sunday: Anything that mummy fancys

Porridge is either fish or chicken. Jar food is always different, e.g. carrots, apple, peach, brocolli, etc, etc.

Frisocream Rice: 4 tablespoons + 170ml water
Frisocream Wheat: 4 tbsp + 150ml water
Gerber: 4 tbsp + 90ml water
Jar food: One jar per feed (Stage No. 2 foods)

Linus wakes up at 6+. am.
Bath at 8+ am
Sleeps at 9+ am
Wakes up at 10+
Early Meal at 11+ or 12+
Sleeps at 12+ or 1+
Wakes up at 2+ or 3+
Late Meal at 5+
Bath at 5+
Sleep at 8+
All the time in between is play time. Play time includes walk at the park nearby, watch DVDs, crawl about, play with toys, feed dog eat bread, watch birds, see maid wash clothes, go out with mummy and daddy, etc.

I hope above is useful for you.
hi catz and oceans,

thanks for still remembering me

catz.. yalor still under probation so dare not come to the forum that often yet in the office..hiak hiak hiak.

ocean...poor thing still in office till 8 plus...dun work too hard ya!

little rascal refuse to nap this PM hence decided to sleep early today (this rarely happen one hor, he usually sleep at 11!)so finally manage to come online now.

just a little update - Jov is still "bo geh"..wah piang almost 8 months 3 weeks still toothless and not crawling yet. he is one lazy bum (perhaps like me lah)dun even attempt to lift his butt, only interested to get us to hold him while he struggle to walk..very bad for our back i would say. oh one more thing, he is simply too lazy to even hold his own bottle and bb biscuits....pengz

not tat he dun wan to eat, he is very very greedy. he will move his mouth whenever we adults are eating and indicated that he too wan to eat. guess wat, we relented and fed him eventually seeing his innocent and so pathetic face on most occassions..hahaha

he love his porridge but not so much of his cereals and been on milk strike very frequently these days and he avoid/refuse plain water at all costs. will pretend to get choked and cough till so chiam then we stop feeding him water...terrible right, so manipulating.

and he love most fruits-apples, kiwi, bananas,dragonfruits, strawberry etc etc.. as long as they are edible he will eat!. on some days, my mum will feed him bread for breakfast, even mee sua sometimes coz he see that she is eating and wanted some too..

hey any bb here very demanding and short/bad temper?? if Jov sees something he fancy, he must get hold of it else he will scream his lungs out and cry with BIG tears drops.. scary man, gonna have a hard time discipling him in future i reckon...

sorry for the long winded post. will try to come in as much as i could..
hi. of course still remember you. Btw, Dr. Chong is going private.. his new clinic will be in Gleneagles. So he can only deliver baby in private hospital next time.
thanks ann,

heee this forum is so addictive, once started cannot stop..

oh really huh. alamak so the yearly pap smear next year i will have to see other dr liow....

will u be following him? let me know more details of his clinic ya. can email me at [email protected].

piggylee, Super big thanks for sharing your detailed feeding and daily schedule!

Thanks to all the moms for sharing yours too. Will need to go print out and use as reference. Dont know how i will survive this baby business without all of you.
Really, Pigeon slow?? What sized NUK teat are you using for Ash? When Sherman was 6 months, I tried Medium and he took 1hr to finish 3-4oz. Pigeon peristaltic S sized teat took just 5 min. Now he uses only Y cut pigeon peristaltic with Avent bottles. Imagine I bought every sized teat to fit Avent and end up using none, lucky the pigeon teats fit the Avent bottles.

Wow, you've certainly exposed Linus to a lot of different types of food. I think we have to do that more with Sherman cos he's getting too used to fish porridge and threadfin is sooooo expensive! Yesterday FIL used a bit of beef stock to boil his porridge in attempt to let him try beef taste, he Yacked at the porridge even though it contains all the usual stuff. After a few mouthfuls, FIL tells me he swatted the bowl away! Last weekend, Hubby fed him some mashed potato, he made an AWFUL face and then stopped asking for any more. I haven't tried wheat cereal but Sherman does like to eat bread - he gets little morsels at breakfast.
When does Linus take his milk?

Angel hates jar food leh.. So I still have some jar food in the cupboard..

Yeah, angel looks at us hungrily during meal times too.. She sits in her high chair while we eat.. maybe next time, we try to feed her during our mealtimes.. i will give her some plain rice to chew.. During breakfast, she will also ask for some bread or pao from MIL..
Angel has a bad temper too.. If we take away one of the toys that she is holding to, she will wail! Those silent before loud wailing kind.. Machiam like we bully her..
Wow! Linus has tried so many type of food! And he can finished a bottle of the jar food!!! Ryan takes 4 days to finish one jar.

My lazy Ryan finally decide to craw yesterdayl!!!

By the way, are any mummies going to bring their little ones to little gym or any place for exercise again? Saw some of the photos, they looked so fun!
Thanks. haha... didn't really notice leh, was too excited when i see him lift his tummy away from the ground and move. Think he sit up from tummy position and he crawls a few steps to the edge of the bed.
hi poh, congrats! Under your excitement & relief ;-)

hi Piggy, yes, wow! Linus hv tried so many food.
U seem to favour Gerber brand? Why?
Why to buy the knee guard ? How much? TIA.

hi yve, we need to feed Xiang sometimes while we are eating or else he will complain (by shouting away). We do give him plain bread or rice or bb biscuit or cereal.
Xiang has a bad temper... he will shout and cried very badly when he does not get his way; also will kick his 2 legs in anger. Now I got 2 bad-tempered kids

BTW, my 4yo girl and me love dragon fruit. Did not know that bb can eat also. Worry abt the black seeds. Will try on him soon.

hi sleepymom, also feed my boy with milk/porridge/cereal only. But going to try the jar food soon

hi dolphina, don't worry, his lil tooth will pop out when u least expected it.
Same as Xiang, does not want to hold his own bottle or bb biscuit (he will look at u and open his mouth only)??
Smart boy - can pretend and manipulated your poor mummy.
Hi5! Xiang also bad temper.
Wilfred love Gerber Chicken/rice very much but I couldnt find in NTUC recently. Where did you get huh? He doesnt like Gerber mixed fruits and any kind of Gerber fruits, think he doesnt like sweet things.

You can get the knee caps at Kiddy Palace. Btw, I saw Xiang is in the Todays Parents Oct issue, congrats!



That is really Linus leh. I did not have twins. hahaha. You mean he looks very different from the first 2 pics?

His milk intake not fixed at all. Suka suka one. SOmetimes, 2 hours drink once, sometimes 3 hours drink once. Only the one before bed must be given at about 8pm. Day feeds can range from 100ml to 180 ml. The feed at 8pm will be 180ml to 240ml. At night (usually 4am), he will wake for one feed 120ml. So very difficult to say when drink milk.
As for jar food, why don't you add a little to her porridge to see if she is ok? If ok, then add half jar per feed till finish all the jars lor. Very ex you know, these jar food. I can't tahan to buy all organic one, so mixed with non organic to have different taste.

Aiyo, where got forget you. Must come to chat with us more often. We tot you are too busy to come in. Still got Yvoyvo also never come in liao.

I think we should finish one jar within 2 days of opening leh. Cannot keep upto 4 days. Congrats on crawling Ryan.

Don't know why I always buy Gerber. I think maybe he is ok with them, so I stick to them lor. Knee guard can be brought in Robinsons, Metra, Taka, John Little. Just that I think they are quite tight for our babies. I suggest you take one pair of old socks, Cut the toes area away, then "wear" them for Xiang at the knee area. That way, don't have to buy liao.

Threadfin very expensive! 1kg = S$22 !!! But when you calculate, it is definately cheaper than jar food. As for Gerber, one box is equal to 5 feeds. I feel that cereals very convenient. Just add water and the meal is done. Cooking porridge requires more effort. I try to have a wide repertoire so that should I want to bring Linus for holiday in future, I don't have to worry about cooking.
This mummy is lazy too... Oh, I will buy a jar of mamite to try if he likes it.. kekeke
Suddenly so many postings to read!!

Piggy, Evelyn
The boys are sooo adorable!!
very big boys oredi

Yap, Poh
Congrats! Your little ones are starting to wonder about. Keep an eye on them!!

Catz, Piggy
Summer got little hair. They fell off quite a lot when she is around 4 month+, till now, there isn't much hair. Except the edge near the ears where my mum snipped once or twice

Halo there! Drop in more to chit chat
Summer also very demanding. Especially when she wants to sleep. she likes to follow me, or want me to carry everytime I'm busy with housework. Cannot tahan!! She likes to bites things, from handkerchief, toys, floor mat to wires of electrical appliance! Can put everthing into her mouth, so horrible. Dunno is teeth itchy or what??

Summer likes to eat fruits too. Or maybe is forced by my hubby??!! Her poo poo is always very hard, so my hubby always feed her fruits - banana, honeydew, watermelon.. dunno whether is it her milk. She is drinking Mamil Gold Step 2 now. Got free sample from Similac & Promil. Will let her try after she finished the mamil.

Summer takes 4 tbs, sometimes 5 tbs of cereal!She has no probelm finishing them most of the time. Past 2 days she is very por thing cos mum & dad busy looking of new car. Most of the time are outside and forgot to bring her creal
poor fella, dunno got lost weight or not??
Hi Evelyn, thanks for the picture. Wilfred look very cute as usual. Like his big round eye very much.

IS IT? We are lucky 'cos I thought that the submission is lost as I got the bounced msg that the email address is wrong. Then I forward it to TP general email address who advised me of the right one (but the slow mummy realised it 2 weeks later which is past submission date). So I assumed that it is not being sent.
Going to buy and keep it.
Doing it for Xiang 'cos he is always being neglected. Min got her pic in TP magazine for >6-7times 'cos I was very diligent at that time.

Hi piggy, oic
U just open it and give to Linus. Don't need to warm up?
Thanks for the idea on the old socks but worried that it will slippery as my flooring is ceramic tiles.
hi mommies,
havebt been posting lately cos very busy busy. since Julian started crawling, i have NO TIME FORE MYSELF! when he falls asleep, i also too worn out to do anything. Good thing hubby is back, but he doesnt really help out much in weekdays since he is working.

regarding the topic that we are discussing now, i think piggy's timetable is almost exactly the same as mine... only diff is the food julian eats diff. I try giving him 3 solid a day, breakfast at 8.30a, lunch at 12.30pm, and dinner 5.30pm.

breakfast : heinz multigrain cereal, or banana cereal

Lunch: alternate bet brown rice, millet and porridge.
with puree vegg, fruits as side dish

dinner: same as above

hardly take FM, he doesnt like. so i still latch whenever he want nan nan... nowadays, when he gets really hungry and desperate, he will cry and say 'nang nang'... also seems to be calling me ma-ma sometimes... i very happy. =) daddy came back feeling abit left out =p

brought julian for photoshoot for the mothercare trendy bb contest on monday... hope can see the pic soon. =)
seems like most of our babies who are taking cereals are eating around 4tbs. Blanche, how come your pd said 1tbs is 1 serving? For a moment I thought I'd been overfeeding Sherman! Yet he's not as chubby as last time leh.

Totally agree with you. When we go out and it's not possible to bring his porridge along, then cereal is really convenient. I haven't really been using jar food, because he eats porridge most of the time. I really like cooking porridge for him personally.... makes me feel very mummy-like, seasoning the porridge with lots of love. Pity I can only do it on weekends and holidays. Haiyah, when my hubby reads this, he'll say I siao again.

BTW, any babies out there sleep early (like around 8-9pm) and don't get up for night feeds until the next morning around 6am? I've been told by several mums that I should be able to wean Sherman off his night feed by now even though he sleeps early. Thinking of reducing the amount he drinks at 3am slowly. Catz, you don't feed Tim at night right?
Hey girls,

Typed out a loooong message and my computer hung :p

BabyD, yup, Tim has his last feed at 7.50pm then sleeps at 8.10pm and wakes up around 6.40-7am. No need for night feed even though he sometimes only drinks 5oz instead of his normal 7oz.

Piggy, I love Linus' menu. . You're lucky your boy is so good with solids. Every mealtime I am so stressed that Tim is not eating well.
Hi all,

Wah...Suddenly so..many postings!!!

Evelyn, Blanche, Ocean, Ann & sleepymom... thanks for the votes!

Blanche, sleepymom.
This name "Heidi" is inspired by the story "Heidi". It means "cheerfully noble" (German name) I even bought the VCD and let her watch. She's really active & rough like boys.. I let her bang her head here & there.. Want her to be tough.. ha ha ..

I measure her cereal intake using the scoop Similac provides. Each of the cereal tin has a scoop, I usu. leave it inside the tin.. She takes abt 5 scoops each time. MOst times got to trick her into eating.. Recently, I realised she might prefer her porridge/cereal to be slightly more watery..will try that for a while..

She likes jar food too.. maybe sick of the same food everyday. I'll try to change her menu & expose her to more variety!

For the gathering for SAHM, I pai sah leh... Blur blur don't know anyone.. Will think abt it.. wat time & which part of Plaza Sing? Got to ask hb whether free to fetch us there..

Been busy looking for a new place.. Went to Savannah ( Simei) today & it looks good. Will go again bringing in-laws tomorrow...but.. Sigh...think in-laws really wanna stay with us. MIL kept hinting that she wants to rent out her apt & stay with us..sigh.. Don't know how leh???!!!

Anyone staying with in-laws??? One thing good... MIL can help to look after Heidi while I go out or go back to work. But no more FREEDOM & PRIVACY!!!! No choice leh.. my hb is the only son with one sister only.
Dear All,

Have not been reading your postings as too many to catch up. Jus wanna say a very big thanks to all of your encouragement given and yes I will be strong.

Hi Angela,
Tks too for your encouragement. I must say you are very strong.

Very glad that all of your babies are doing fine and are crawling well...

I will try to post a pix of Kristy tommorrow. She knws how to say bye now and is always screaming at the top of her voice. She drools whenever she see us eat and is always eager to eat... ke ke..

As for my mum, she is staying at my place now and has went for 2 chemos so far. She is taking chinese medicine hence the side effects greatly reduced. Hope I can be with her a few more gd years. I am doing what I can now so that in future when I look back, there are no regrets.. think most of you would agree with how I feel.

Ok, thats all for now, have to get back to work. Recently kind of slacken in my work but luckily boss very understanding. Take care gals, will post Kristy's photo tommorrow and catch up with u again...
Hi Angela,

In fact, there are many +points staying with the inlaws. We used to stay on our own and now moved to stay with my MIl. There are many things that you don't need to worry about. She will take good care of your little one when you go out or come home late. You doesn't need to leave home earlier just to bring your bb to her home etc...

Maybe I'm the luckily one, my MIL is very open and she knows what she should & should not do. She always give me & my hubby our own space. Before we have a maid, she will also do all the houseworks and iron all the clothings for me. Basically, I don't really need to do much when I go home from work. hee..hee..

So look at the bright side, it is not too bad to stay with your in laws!
yeah, staying with ILs got advantages lor.. No need to send and pick up kids..

u lucky leh.. MIL iron your clothes for u.. Does she cook too? For me, MIL spends the entire day with my active ger.. So boh bian, she only got time to mop the floor daily cos bb is crawling.. She cook a simple lunch for herself and we order tingkat or buy dinner home daily.. Maybe cos FIL not around anymore to help.. Then on weekends, we try to give her a break and bring her out with us to gaigai..

have u ever order from oldnavy or babygap through vpost? I am trying to order using my visa credit card but they only accept a USA billing address. I am putting my friend's address there but just wanna check with you ... will they really go and send a bill to my friend's address with my credit card number inside ? thanx hor... sorry to "intrude" over here...
Jar food with meat and those with vegetables (e.g. Garden Carrots, Sweet Peas, Brocolli, Sweet Vegetables), I microwave for a short while before giving. Only till it is slightly warm. (Don't want to microwave too long to lose the goodness)

Jar food with fruits (e.g. Peach, Apple, Pear, Mango,etc) I submerged whole jar into hot water to warm them. Then serve.

Actually to make it easy, if Xiang can finish one jar, submerged into hot water and serve will be good enough.

Your girl very good. Can sleep so long. Envy...envy..

Last night is the FIRST NIGHT since birth that Linus did not wake up for night feed. I wonder if it will be the first of many? "Pray Pray"

I was thinking of you yesterday. Good of you to come up and update us of your mum's condition. Your boss is so good to you too.
Sometimes in adversity, you find real friends.

You are the first mummy to tell me that you let baby bang head here and there to toughen up. kekekeke... HEIDI is a very nice name. I love that cartoon too. Use to sit in front of TV when I am a little girl to watch it every Saturady at 3pm. But you beware hor, will your Heidi start to hide bread in her cupboard? hehehe.

I am also staying with in-laws. Have been doing so since getting married 4 years ago. Got alot of benefits like not having to worry about food and toileteries. But I guess alot depends on the character of your MIL and yourself. Will your characters crash? e.g. Some MIL insist on giving baby certain food and you will not barge cos you think that is wrong. Or MIL thinks that it is Ok to wash clothes this way but you think not, etc, etc.

Like Poh, my MIL is very automatic. She will not want to determine when and what I should feed baby with. As for ways of doing things, she will consult me when it comes to Linus. As for house things, I will let her have her way since I stay at her house. But if she stays with me, I guess I will want to do things my way and hope that she can follow.

I also have 2 SILs and FIL staying under the same roof too. Of course, I hope to have a place of our own in time to come. But for now, I want the convenience of staying together. When I go to work, I know that my maid will "behave" cos MIL is in most of the time.

However, I think it will be good to talk to your hubby to lay down your own house rules with him first before your MIL moves in. This way, should there be any conflicts, your hubby will be the bad guy as you have already told him what you wanted.

Actually, I feel that problems will come only much later when any of your in-laws are sick to the point of immobility. I see my hubby's grand parents going thru this phrase and the problems that arise from there....I really don't hope to have to face such problem in future.

Below is an update of Dengue for you.

Location of Active Clusters as at 27 Sep 2005

Amber Gardens - King's Mansion
Ang Mo Kio Ave 10 (Blk 419 , 417, 415)
Ang Mo Kio Ave 10 (Blk 463, 464, 465, 466, 468)
Ang Mo Kio Ave 10 (Blk 471, 473, 470)
Ang Mo Kio Ave 2 (Blk 248, 249)
Ang Mo Kio Ave 3 (Blk 120) / Ave 6 (Blk 123)
Ang Mo Kio Ave 3 / Mayflower Lane
Ang Mo Kio Ave 4 (Blk 112, 256)
Ang Mo Kio Ave 4 (Blk 118)
Ang Mo Kio Ave 4 (Blk 171, 173, 175)
Ang Mo Kio Ave 4 (Blk 614) / Ave 5 (Blk 643)
Bangkit Road (Blk 257, 35, 272, 274 , 275, 277)
Beach Road (Blk 14, 6, 17)
Bedok North Ave 3 (Blk 401, 506)
Bedok North St 3 (Blk 501, 504)
Bedok North St 3 (Blk 533, 534, 535, 536)
Bedok Reservoir Road (Blk 605, 606)
Bishan St 11 (Blk 145, 148)
Bishan St 12 (Blk 126 - 128, 122, 130, 125)
Bishan St 12 (Blk 141, 144) / St 11 (Blk 146)
Bishan St 22 (Blk 236)
Bishan St 22 (Blk 239, 242, 248, 249, 250, 251, 253)
Bukit Batok Central (Blk 101, 102, 104, 105, 107, 9, 111, 110)
Ceylon Road
Ceylon Road / Crane Road
Choa Chu Kang Ave 3 (Blk 401, 404)
Choa Chu Kang Central (Blk 207, 211, 233)
Circuit Road (Blk 60, 50)
Coldstream Avenue
Commonwealth Drive (Blk 61, 65, 73)
Eunos Crescent (Blk 8, 11)
Eunos Road 5 (Blk 417)
Gambir Walk
Geylang Bahru (Blk 54, 59A)
Guan Soon Avenue / Harvey Avenue
Henderson Road (Blk 93, 94)
Highland Road
Hougang Ave 1 (Blk 234, 230, 232, 236, 237, 233, 238, 231)
Hougang Ave 1(Blk 108, 114)
Hougang Ave 10 (Blk 412) / Hougang Ave 6 (Blk 423)
Hougang Ave 3 (Blk 251)
Hougang Ave 8 (Blk 544) / Hougang St 51 (Blk 547)
Hougang Ave 8 (Blk 653, 655)
Jalan Bukit Merah (Blk 12, 13, 14)
Jalan Geneng / Surin Lane
Jalan Ikan Merah - Thomson Park
Jalan Kembangan
Jalan Kukoh (Blk 2, 3, 8, 4, 10, 9)
Jalan Malu-Malu / Jalan Serengam - Sembawang Springs Estate
Jalan Sukachita
Jellicoe Road
Joo Chiat Road - Sea Breeze Apartment
Joo Chiat Terrace
Jurong East Ave 1 (Blk 332, 339, 340)
Jurong East St 13 / 21 (Blk 107, 210)
Jurong East St 21 (Blk 226, 224)
Jurong East St 32 (Blk 311,313, 314)
Jurong West Ave 1 / St 42 (Blk 443, 446, 452, 447)
Jurong West St 41 (Blk 475, 498)
Jurong West St 42 (Blk 545, 546)
Kaki Bukit Ave 1
Kang Ching Road (Blk 134C, 345)
Kent Road (Blk 54) / Rangoon Road (Blk 239)
Kovan Road / Highland Road
Lengkong Dua / Jalan Kembangan
Lor 29 Geylang / Geylang East Ave 1
Lor 34 Geylang (Blk 51)
Lor 37 Geylang (Blk 6, 8, 12)
Lor 7 Toa Payoh (Blk 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14) / Lor 8 (Blk 231, 232, 233, 229)
Lorong 8 Toa Payoh (Blk 217, 218, 219)
Lorong Lew Lian (Blk 1, 2, 3 , 5, 6, 4, 145, 417, 416)
Lorong Stangee / Duku Lane
Marsiling Crescent (Blk 212, 213, 214, 217, 216, 218)
Marsiling Drive (Blk 205, 206)
Marsiling Drive (Blk 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 25, 29)
Marsiling Lane (Blk 12)
Moonstone Lane (Blk 25) - Moonstone Residence
Palm Grove Avenue
Pasir Ris St 13 (Blk 147, 152, 154)
Pending Road (Blk 230, 231, 226, 232, 225)
Pine Close (Blk 12)
Pipit Road (Blk 92, 94, 54, 72, 71)
Playfair Road
Potong Pasir Ave 3 (Blk 139, 142, 144, 142, 136)
Richards Avenue
River Valley Road - River Valley Apartments
Rivervale Walk (Blk 114)
Rowell Road (Blk 639)
Serangoon Ave 3 (Blk 231, 232, 234)
Serangoon Central (Blk 257, 258)
Simei St 4 (Blk 232) / Simei Road (Blk 155)
Sunshine Terrace - Bartley Rise
Tampines Ave 5 (Blk 939, 940)
Tampines Road (Blk 109) - Fortune Park
Tampines St 72 (Blk 738) / Tampines St 73 (Blk 12)
Tampines St 11 (Blk 124, 126)
Tampines St 32 (Blk 303, 304)
Tampines St 42 (Blk 451, 452 , 455)
Tampines St 44 (Blk 469)
Tampines St 71 (Blk 714, 721)
Tampines St 83 (Blk 831, 833)
Tampines St 83 (Blk 866, 867, 864, 864A)
Toa Payoh East / Lor 7 Toa Payoh
Upper East Coast Road - Tong Garden
Wilkie Road
Woodlands Ave 3 (Blk 348, 350)
Woodlands Ave 4 (Blk 618, 613) / Drive 53 (Blk 556)
Woodlands Avenue 9
Woodlands St 13 (Blk 101, 104, 105, 113, 108, 112)
Woodlands St 13 (Blk 177, 178)
Woodlands St 32 (Blk 321, 322)
Yishun Ave 11 (Blk 350A, 351, 354, 355A)
Yishun Ave 4 (Blk 666) / St 61 (Blk 632)
Yishun Ave 6 (Blk 390, 388) / Yishun Ring Road (Blk 388)
Yishun Ave 7 (Blk 172, 173)
Yishun Central (Blk 302)
Yishun Ring Road (Blk 236, 238, 240)
Yishun Ring Road (Blk 309)
Yishun St 11 (Blk 133, 134, 139, 144, 132, 142)
Yishun St 11 (Blk 150, 151,153, 154)
Yishun St 71 (Blk 713, 715, 714, 710, 709)
Yishun St 71 (Blk 717, 719, 721, 720)
Yishun St 72 (Blk 754, 755, 756, 757, 752, 758, 759, 760, 762, 749)
Yishun St 81 (Blk 840, 841, 848, 833)
