(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Sorry ladies, I was so busy yesterday.
Btw, thanks to all! Im ok now. My grandma (my dads mum) is a Christian, so the funeral was Christian style-most of the time prayed and sang.
Well, just sharing with you gals some strange encounters when we were in Msia

<font color="ff0000">8.30pm</font> left Spore home. OMG, so heavy traffic at the causeway point, reached my parents hse almost 1am.

<font color="ff0000">2.30am</font> My dad dreamt my grandma looked so peaceful with wearing a white clothes and telling him that she is going to a very far place.
4.00/4.30am - My elder son woke up and told me mummy, car car spoil and Taxiblah blah blahdun understand what hes talking but I know it was just a dream. (who knows in the end.it really turns real!)

<font color="ff0000">7.30am</font> Im announced to my family abt my elder sons dream as to what he told me that my brothers car breakdown!

<font color="ff0000">12noon</font> very sunny day, the heat was so intense that everyone had to carry an umbrella. Strangely that although it was a sunny day, when the workers were about to put my grandmas coffin insuddenly rain poured cats &amp; dogs! Everyone was shocked - you looked at me, I looked at you.why huh?

<font color="ff0000">1pm</font> My brother tried to park his car to another place, but he couldnt start the engine. Left with no choice, he asked my nephews to help push the car. Halfway thru, the rain got heavier! We were all like wet chicken! After that he tried again to start his car, it worked! Suddenly, the heavy rain came to a stop! Strange! Anyway, we all laughed at my brother and said my elder sons dream came true! car car spoil! (who knows got part two some more!)

<font color="ff0000">3pm</font> After lunch, my brother sent us back. We were chatting happily when we noticed a taxi in front of us suddenly jam brake. His car hit the bump of the taxi. The impact was so heavy that my bro's car bonnet was shamed. Initially, we thought he could make it to avoid the accident, who knows.anyway, luckily everyone was safe, thank god! The taxi driver didnt even ask for compensation coz his car still in good condition, so strange coz the bang quite strong!

<font color="ff0000">8.30pm</font> My elder son played lantern with cousins in front of the house. Suddenly he screamed and said Butterfly very big! Im scare scare! Those present looked at each other and wonder how come? Grandma came back to see us? So len huh? I went out and asked my son, where is the butterfly? He pointed to me but none of us could see! I thought he was seeing things hence I asked again, same! He pointed to the same direction and told me he saw a very BIG AND BLACK BUTTERFLY! Strange leh, why we couldnt see huh? When I bent down, asked him again and looked at the direction he pointed. Oh, I see! Finally I also can see the BIG AND BLACK BUTTERFLY! Guess what? It is the shadow of banana leaves in the dark near my neighbors house. We wondered how come the shadow of banana leaves look exactly like BUTTERFLY.

<font color="ff0000">3.30pm</font> On the way back to Spore. Just left my parents hse less than 15mins, the car aircon couldnt work! Alamak, imagine still have 3 to 4hrs to go, so long journey! how to tahan sit so long in the car without aircon? The strange thing is if my brother drives abt 60, the aircon is ok but if he drives more than 60, it cant work at all! The funniest thing is when we reached Spore, no matter how fast my brother drives, the air con had no problem at all.

<font color="ff0000">7.30pm</font> Reach Sbwg. Actually we wanted to eat chu chau, who knows every stall are open except the chu chau stall. No choice, Ive ordered prawn noodles soup for myself, chicken rice for my elder son, western food for my brother, kuih chap for my hubby, mee goreng for my maid and hand noodles soup for my sis.

<font color="ff0000">3.00am</font> Pain! Pain! My abdominal spasm! I couldnt sleep at all. Went to the toilet several times! Oh no, I have diarrhea!
Im so weak, no more strength to walk. But have to go to see doctor anyway.
<font color="ff0000">12noon</font> went to see doctor. Doctor told me I have food poisoning and asked me need to rest. Checked with others, they all ok except me. Why huh?

Sorry for so long story..

Hi mummies!
Sorry for not able to chat with u all... recently very busy in office and not convenient to log in... and by the time i home, already very late liao....

Thanks for all your well-wishes on Cherish! It is sort of unreal..... Hubby was telling me i really very hardworking, bring her for shooting, wasting transport, taking leave... for no returns... So tell him it is sort of once in a lifetime thing... And BabyBoom Magazine is difficult to get cos it is FREE! I also dun noe when it will be published...

Oh, Evelyn, are u feeling better now? So what did the doc say abt u?

Blanche, Ash is growing up to be such a handsome boy!
He looked very happy sitting inside the "mobile trolley"!

Tera, Lucas sure looked different! But he is getting more and more handsome too! It just makes me realised how much our babies had grown when we compared their pics! Some doesnt even looked like them now....
Hi mummies.

I have been reading all your posting for quite a while and find you mummies are a bunch of very fun and interesing ppl.

I would like to get to know you mummies and learnt more from you gals.

Firstly, let me introduce myself. I'm mummy to Ryan Lim who is 8months old now. He is born at 36weeks (14th Jan) due to mummy shopping too much! hee...

Hope to meet up with all of you soon.
Hi poh, welcome to you and Ryan #3!!
So are you a SAHM or FTWM?

Just had my first semi-taste of working life. Had a job interview at 8.30am this morning so my hubby sent Tim to my mom's and I was left alone at home. Felt like crying when I saw hubby carry Tim away.. then driving I also felt like crying 'cos I missed his silly noises in the morning. Now back at my mom's place with him. When he saw me, he gave me such a big smile and snorted so loudly (he snorts when he's extremely happy / excited).. aiyah, heart melt.
Hi Evelyn,
Your story is very interesting. I enjoyed reading it.
Hope your tummy is ok liao... Actually, I very peifu you and hubby. Can bring Wilfred and brother to Malaysia. Sometimes, I put Linus on a 20min journey only, I buay tahan him.

Nevermind lor, when you got time, you log in here. Must tell us when magazine is out, ok?

Half buffet very strange concept... kekekeke. Like I can only eat half full cos I pay half. funnie...
Welcome. Really, we have 3 Ryans here.

Your hubby so sweet huh? Buy you a eternity.
Aiyo, when you finally go to work, you will cry buckets in the beginning... Did you miss your mummy very much when you first got married?
How was your interview this morning?
Waah.. Ryan has so much hair! I think Tim has lost his crown of 'most hair'(haha, corny) to Ryan already

Anybody stocking up on Nepia? I already bought quite a few packets. Hehe.. Esp their pull up pants.. very worth it. I find them better than Mamypoko pants which tend to cut Tim around the front area.

Ann, Jeryann is getting so big now! Pretty girl. Is that Oscar the Grouch she's playing with?
yve, wow 6oz hai... very good to drink so much milk at night cos like that baby can sleep much better in the night.

maybe is becos of the cold weather in genting highland that why he like to wear all those thick cloths. Normally is Sin, he wear either sleveless or very thin cloth.

Poh, welcome!! We are all "Ryan" mummy!! "Ryan" is so lucky to have 3 lovely mummies so far...hahaha... Your Ryan look so adorable &amp; got so..baby look!! When I bring my Ryan out, stranger always thought he is 1yr old liao....think he got a very 'boy' look instead of baby look! Ya, your ryan got so much hair!! mine only hv tiny little much hair &amp; very messy cos they are all so fine so went to The Forum to cut his hair today &amp; guess what??? He cry &amp; cry non-stop the moment they cut his hair, but end of the session, he vomit all his ceral out on my maid cloth &amp; sleep immediately on her chest!!! Baby are really funny human being.....
hi all,
hope everyone and their beautiful kids are fit and well

we have arrived in malta safely, it is still surprisingly warm here but cooler than singapore so its quite nice.
we had quite a breezy flight. the boys slept through most of it and had no problems during landings and take off. they were a bit jet lagged last night...woke up wanting to play at 4am (malta time)but we managed to get them back to sleep and they woke up at abt 630am then. i think today they are back on schedule so we are very lucky.
so far enjoying these next few days wt hubby and in laws then meeting the rest of extended family and friends. hubby starts work on monday so hopefully can cope wt 3 of them by myself...ahh stressed already thinking abt it!

hope you are all having a great weekend. sorry didnt manage to read all the post but will try to do so when i have more time

take care and will be in touch!
Sasha, glad that ur boys r back to their schedules! U take care ya!!

Poh, Ryan got lots of hair hor! Unlike my Cherish, she also lost most of her hair...
Catz. i remember Tim got lots of hair too right?

Ann, Jeryann looks very big from this pic, hor? How big is she then?
thanks.. oh yeah, she playing Oscar. hee.

she looks big? hmm maybe cos' it's a close-up photo. this photo taken when she 7 mths plus.
Hi mummies
Thank you for your concern. My ankle is getting better, still got a bit swollen, no choice have to walk around mah.

Welcome to the group, welcome baby Ryan!!

Take great care in Malta, do enjoy yourself yah

Wah, your hubby so romantic!!! so envious

I brought my kids to swim yesterday @ SAFRA Mt Faber. Quite a nice place. Summer enjoy herself very much. She dun fears water, so she likes tap the water and going around in her float. Forgotten to bring along the digi cam, or else can take some shots!!

It has been quite quiet recently. Everybody busy??
Glad your flight there is easy. Do enjoy and come to post if you find time, okie?

Jeryann looks very sweet.

Ryan got very nice black hair. Can do shampoo ad liao.

Nepia got discount now? Where huh? I find that the normal diapers only up to L size. Only their pull up is up to XL size. I feel that the L for Pampers is slightly tight for Linus now. I want to find something looser. So I tot to get Nepia XL but only got L leh.

Summer girl enjoys the swim huh? Such a waste you forgot your cam. Next time must bring cam hor... Then can share pics with us.

YES, Recently this thread really very quiet. Hmmmm, where did all the mums go to?

Tomorrow, I am going for a threadmill test at the SGH heart Centre. Wonder how the outcome will be. Never been on a threadmill before. hehe.. Any mums did such a thingy before?
Halo! Nope, i'm not from msn.com

Why are you going for the ECG stress test?

I'm on leave for these 2 days
cos my mum going to KL for jalan jalan. Still have not plan what to do for these 2 days leh. Waiting for my hubby to plan, most likely to see new/ old cars. His backside itchy, thinking of changing car before Nov this year, which is before our car's 7th birthday
Hi mummies,

Thanks for sharing my woes.. Been busy with daily chores &amp; haven't been on the net for quite some time.. Any mummies want to meet up one of these days? I met some SAHM from my church &amp; it was quite a fulfulling meeting.. Went to Tanglin Mall &amp; have breakfast.

* Heidi's pic is up for voting ( Aug's cutest bb contest )Can I have your supports please? Personally, I'm not too happy with the pic, but it's the ONLY one with her smiling. She was very tired &amp; sleepy that morning when they took the pic coz it's her nap time! Anyway, here's the site to vote...


Thank you, thank you...
morning mummies..
So tired today.. Angel woke up at 12, 3 and 6 last night.. I kicked my toe against my sofa and now it is blue black and swollen..
Brought angel to swim on Sunday.. She wore her new swimsuit with a cap.. Machiam like she gng to compete in some swimming competition.. Will post some pics soon..
I have congenital heart problem lor. Need to go for routine checkup. So need to do this ECG thingy. Very leh cheh.
Thank you. Im feeling better now.very scare of food poisoning! Since the incident happeneddun think I would eat outside anymore (I mean in short period la, hee!)

Ya, my tummy is ok liow. Thanks.
This is second time Wilfred went to Msia. Same as first time, he very well behaved on the way to Msia but when on the way back to Spore..better dun say la.hahaha!
Next trip think should be in End of Dec coz my dads birthday!

Blanche, Tetra
Your boy boy..Wow! handsome! handsome!

Jeryann looks so sweet and pretty! Her name pronounces as Jer Yann rite?

Take care of your toe hehe!

Heidi so cute, love her lovely smileand I just voted for her!

aiyo, remember wherever you bring your kids to, must make sure that the digi cam inside your handbag, ok? (my digi cam always with me wherever I gohehee!)
Heidi is cute. I voted of her. hee. i bought my girl for the photoshoot last Friday. I will be going down to see the photo this Friday. Never realised that the photo session is so fast. (less than 5 min)
Angela, voted for Heidi!!
Wow, really hope that one of the BB here gets to the top 5! Good luck!

Piggy, what is threadmill? initally, i thot is the jogging threadmill!
I hv ever went to the Heart Centre to do the scan and ECG. So dun noe which one u talking abt. but it is sure uncomfortable to have those sticky thing stick near the breast... felt very embarrassing even though that time is done by female!
Voted for Heidi too!!! It's a nice shot lah... don't worry
She's smiling so sweetly. I like the name Heidi, sounds very english

You going to see the photos this Fri? Aiyah, I'll miss you. I brought Ash to this month's shoot last week too but will be seeing the photos this Thurs, pm.

Nice to see your post. Glad to know your trip went fine. Just last night, I was taking out the photo album of Malta to view. It's a nice place, cosmopolitan yet historic. Will probably visit it once more when older
I stayed at Tower Palace hotel, quite near Valette when there... like the Christmas atmosphere...

Hmmm... holidays are so fun

Great to hear that you're better!
Piggy, wow, stress test ah? My mother went on it also.. she was super 'heh' after that.. couldn't talk for a while. Take care.. will you be on leave the whole day? Nepia XL, yah, I seldom see it but I guess you can call up their office to order? Tim is still on M and I still have to fasten the tabs at the '1' section. So I bought 5 packets of M.

Tim is having very bad allergic reaction to any insect bites. He sprouted big huge red spots again yesterday so went to the GP today for more cream. Sigh.

yvonne, yah lor, my hubby really surprised me. But hor, erm, the ring wasn't very practical 'cos I have a lot of special occasion rings and I'd wanted something that I can wear daily. So went back to change for another ring.. turns out he spent quite a bit so I ended up with the ring I wanted PLUS a diamond cross. Haha
I think hubby very 'du'.. hahah. Heard SAFRA Mt Faber is very nice. Are you a member there?

Angela, there is a meeting up for SAHM this Friday at Plaza Sing. Might tag along 'cos one of my church friends is also going. Maybe you wanna go? There's a thread in the forum for SAHM meeting up

yve, oh dear.. hope your poor footsie is OK now.
Thank you for all the welcome note.

I'm a working mum but buying Toto every week, hopefully can strike and can be a Sahm soon! Are most of the mummies all SAHM?

May I know what is the number to call to order the Nepia diapers? How much is it per pack?

Also, my Ryan is 8months 3 weeks now and he still refuse to crawl? I read most of you mummies mail, it seems that most of the babies here are crawling already... not sure is it cos he is born 36 weeks, he seems to be very slow.
Angela. Voted for Heidi. One of my fav name, cos I love the Heidi story.

poh, my ryan, 9mths in 2 days, still wont crawl also. So dont worry. Everyone is telling me every baby develop differently. I think my Ryan dont crawl cos he dislike tummy time so he doesnt spend much time on his tummy for him to learn to crawl. I just enjoy my 'freedom' while it last.

A few sahms here. Me,sun_moon,catz,sasha,angela?. Anyone else?
Oh ya, welcome Poh and Baby Ryan!

Hmmm, let me share my little darling photos to you gals, personally I love these photos very much!


Wilfred was performing his mouth &amp; eyes skill when on the way back to spore


How's little Timmy? Feel so bad for introducing you the place and timmy kena bitten

Ash is also nepia "M" an will be on it for some time :p

And guess what, he fell off the bed on Sat night, at 4am. Scared the hell out of mummy, but he was pretty cool about it. Feel asleep 5 mins later... sigh, boy I guess. I was so paranoid, thought he concussed on something. HB said I shouted so loudly he thot a thief had broken into the house :p
Poh, Sleepymom,
Ash is not crawling too... commando crawl only. I suspect it's cos he thinks he can get around that way much faster than crawling on fours; he doesn't seem too confident yet :p

Don't worry, on time on target lor. I've heard of bb who skip the crawling stage totally and proceed to walking. Maybe ours like that lah, haven't take "O" level wanna take uni degree :p
Blanche, no lah, S'pore mozzies also gave Tim the awful bites.. hehe.. don't have to feel bad at all. Aiyoh, poor Ash. I am super paranoid after letting Tim crawl off the bed once. He has no fear. If he sees anyone near the bed (and he's on it) he will lunge for you, like super baby. Terrible. Even when I nurse him lying down, I hang on to one of his legs, just in case. Is Ash OK? Just check for any concussion. But I think your boy is super strong. Usually after wailing like banshees, they will conk out very quickly
Don't think you need to spend $50 on Dr Ong's magic touch for this round

Don't worry about not crawling. I know of babies who scooch around on their cute little butts and walk really quickly. Crawlers might procrastinate on walking. No need to panic.

Poh, the number to order Nepia is at the bottom of the pack, on the sticker. Sorry I can't give it to you right now. Need to watch over my boy who's sleeping down here in the living room with me.
Xiang finally make his crawl 2-3 steps last nite... 8mth 1wk.
He fall more than crawling and he also cheat => will lunge forward at the toy.

Should we let them crawl on the floor or just on mattress?
We just try him on the floor and u should see 3 adult hovering around him - right, left and front.
Ended up he still fall and we are unable to catch him, luckily did not hit his head.
His knee is also very red.
Linus also like to suck in his mouth like Wilfred.
I will let you gals know what is the outcome after my test on Wednesday. Hope it will not take up too much time.

The doctor wants to know how my heart function under stress lor. Aiya, I hope it is not a waste of time. Oh, the appt is on Wednesday, not Tuesday. Me blur blur...
Actually, this threadmill is like jogging one. Just got many wires stuck on you to record your heart beat. I think will not be comfortable one lah. I think you are refering to ECG. Hmm... this is not so embarrassing cos very fast over liao...

I must go call Nepia. Thanks for the info.

Wear a knee guard for Xiang to prevent bruising?
Blanche, aiya. will miss you then. hope our photos will turn out nice.

Evelyn and piggylee,
Wilfred and Linus has grown bigger but still look handsome.
Piggy, Linus' hair has grown so much. he looks so grown up
I have the same pink laundry basket too. Tim likes to pull to stand on it. Sigghhh..

Yap, congrats! Tim doesn't like to be on the mattress.. haha. Nowadays he will crawl everywhere. No fear wan.

Does anyone have a good bottle brush to recommend? Avent not very good for teats, those bristly ones splash all over the place and the sponge Piyo piyo one became all straggly bits in just 1 week!!
He does looks like toddler now. Make me miss his baby days.
Yes, Linus wears cloth diapers at home. I only wear disposables when go out and at night. Save $$.

Yes, his hair has grown. I very cheapo one. Cut his hair myself. Tot will wait till he is one year old then bring to hairdresser.
Also, I use a hanky to stuff into the teats and twirl the hanky. This way, teat will be very clean. But soak teat in detergent for a couple of hours before you do it. All the stains will come off easily.
piggylee, can I check with you how much cereal does Linus eat per meal? Like do you follow the instruction on the cereal box/tin? Porridge as well. I am trying to gauge how much should Ryan be eating now. He can manage to finish 2 tablespoon of nestle brown rice, but can still drink 150ml of milk after that. So I dont know whether the 2 tblspoon is enough for a meal. sun_moon suggested that I should not feed him the milk after that so he will slowly learn to better finish his cereal else he will go hungry till the next feed!
And how long does he take to finish his cereal/porridge? Thanks.
Piggy, I also cheapo.. apart from his first month free haircut at Fantastic Sam's, the rest of his haircuts are done by Chez Mummy. Sit him in his Bumbo (WHAT A GODSEND!) and snip away. This time didn't do too well.. got a few holes here and there. Haha

Har? No need to use teat brush ah? Oh ok.. so what kind of brush do you use for the bottle itself? Those stupid bristles keep splashing all over the place. Piggy's suggestion sounds good. If not I will end up with 100 bottle brushes, all of which I am not happy with.

Are all babies taking 2 or more solid meals per day? Tim was on solid strike since we came back from Batam.. so sad.
hello all mummies and bbs,

hope all of you here still rem me. longggg time no post liow.....very busy with new job and little rascal!

nevertheless will still try to come in and peek at the postings....

keep me in the loop for any gatherings ya...

oh is it too soon to brain-storm for our darlings 1st bday huh?? heeee being KS lah..anyone has anything in mind yet?

thats all for now folks...

Somedays, he can use about 15pcs of cloth diapers. Someday, only use 6 to 7 pcs. Not very "jun" one.

I have a "Menu" written for my maid to follow. I go home, then post it here for you, ok?

As for how long to feed, very siao siao one. Now, I have baby Enstein to let him watch and feed at the same time, this is a half an hour DVD. He watches for 15min to 20min max, don't want liao. So I try to feed in 20mins. If cannot finish, then I try to give toys to amuse him.

I try not to drag more than half an hour per solid food feed. Otherwise, feeding time can be stressful for baby. Also, if he likes the taste of the food, 15min can finish ALL and ma jiam want to eat more...

Linus is on 2 solids a day now. Except for Sundays, I give 1 feed if I bring him gai gai.

wah, can save quite a bit lot..

angel is on 2 solids a day.. But she is not so keen on solids recently.. refuse to sit in her high chair.. MIL has to carry her and entertain her to feed.. she has her up and down days lah.. She is eating better these few days.. Oh, she loves dragon fruit!
