(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Thanks ladies!

Feel so guilty coz we seldom pay visit to my grandma, so sad that this round we visiting her at her wake.

Ladies, life is unpredictable! So always live everyday to the fullness & clear concussion, like its the last day of our life. Then we will have no regrets! Remember must treasure your beloved one.

Everybody take care too.

We went around Katong/ Telok Kurau area scouting for apartment. I liked one at Ceylon Road, but don't really like the scenery outside, so no deal.. We might consider Loyang valley coz it's very near my aunty's place ( she can help babysit sometimes! )

Sorry to hear abt your mum... My mum passed away in April this year, when bb was only 3 months old. She had contracted 4th stage cancer too. Within 4 weeks & she was gone. It was very sudden & painful for all of us. In addition, I was not totally well at that time as I was still struggling with post natal blues. Understand how it feels... Give everything to God & take care of your little one... Must be strong.

evelyn, Sorry to hear abt yr grandma too... It's not too late to start treasuring your love ones from now on..
Hi twinkle, take care... this will be a difficult period.
It will not be easy. Treasure your times with your mum.
Good that your mum is feeling positive. Don't lose hope..
miracle still happen.

We have gone thru with my dh's brother 2 yrs ago
and we still miss him.

Hi catz, went to Fox at Suntec on Wed. There is no more promo
but the new range is very new. Just admire only cos Xiang
has enough clothing though it is very tempting.

Hi Eve, sorry to hear abt your grandma, take care.

Hi piggylee, better be careful.
Sorry, don't have any idea on how to secure the gate.
Can also consider carpet the stairs.

Need to vent on my maid :
Between a new maid and >3yrs experience maid, we choose the experienced one.

Remember my previous post on which maid to choose and we chose the one with 3yrs experience.

Well, she work for 5days and last nite, she call up the agent to bring her back.

She is basically not happy to work in my place and also not suitable.

She is not happy with the following incident :
~ I ask her to cut her hair shorter from long hair to mid-length as it is messy.
Her hair keep dropping out of the hairband and she will pull the fringe away
from her face.
~ Ask her not to apply cologne. She does not have body odor. She listen and
did not apply. "I'm sensitive to smell"
~ Ask her to wear longer T-shirt as her current one is short and will come
up higher whenever she carry the baby or reaching for thing.
Then she will pull her T-shirt down. She continue to wear her short T-shirt.
Hair and T-shirt are impt issues as one of hand is either touching her hair or
pulling her shirt down.

Yesterday afternoon ~4pm, saw her supporting my bb with one hand and
reading the newspaper on the side. I ask her not to read newspaper
while taking care of my bb as he may eat or do something dangerous.
She said ok.

~5pm, saw my old maid trying to make my bb to go to sleep.
She is sitting at the floor, reading 2 sets of Today paper.
I told her off, why is she not helping to make my bb to go to sleep?
How will she able to take care if she don't do it?
She said that 'cos my bb does not want to sleep.
I tell her that she has to try as bb need to sleep as he did not sleep for >7hrs.

~7pm, Xiang is aleeping; my old maid and new maid playing card in the living card.
I told both of them off again. I questioned the new maid (experienced) that
she is the one that told me abt catching up with housework during bb sleeping time;
why is she not doing that ? Also angry as asked her to tidy up my laundry basket
area and she did not do it despite few reminder.

Angry with such maids who are not sincere abt working.
Have told them b4 to reject me straightaway if they cannot handle
my household instead of wasting my time in training.

I have talk to her face-face abt my household and also told her that
it is tough to manage a household with 1 bb and 1 active child.
She work in my agent house which is very relaxing as the kids are
already grown-up. She keep saying ok that she can handle.
Ask her on Wed again and she still said no problem.

Also feel disappointed abt myself, if there is anything wrong with me?
Am I so bad that my maid left me?
I do not want to lower my expectation on safety and hygiene for my children
in order to keep the maid.
Hi everyone,

Hope you are all in fit and well. My boys are finally home. Khayr was discharged on Tues and Rayhan was discharged yesterday evening. At the moment, Khayr seems to be back to his normal self and Rayhan still seems weak.

I am now preparing things for our trip, sort out some last minute stuff. A bit nervous abt the trip since am worried that this might recur again especially wt the change in weather when we get to Malta. So as a precaution, we hv gotten my SIL to find us a good paed on standby over there.

I hv not managed to keep up wt all the posts except for Twinkle's. I know that this must be a trying period in your life, so I hope you be strong and cherish the last moments you hv together.
Hi Eve,
Sorry to hear about your grandma. Lost all my grandparents within 3 years. Always felt so pampered when I'm with them, now nobody to pamper me... Take care!

Hi Piggy,
Speaking of old people, reminds me of my dad too. Very stubborn fellow. he's someone who loves good food and although he has high blood and cholestrol, he just could not eating 'banned' food. Now he's suffering mild diabetics already... Sometimes he skips medi too.. I find him like little kid...

My MIL is feeling better now... Thank god. Just got a bad news that my frd who visited me last week, her whole family kana chicken pox. Her son was already infected days before she met us, but she did not mention at all. Would have skip the session if I have known earlier, somemore she still carried Phoebe... One more item on my woe list.... Never ending ah...

that's the problem of getting experienced maids. They have lots of pattern. Hope you can lay your hands on a good one soon. I think you are right about laying rules first like what some mummies said before, so problem is not on you lah, don't think so much....

Hi sasha,
Glad to know that the twins are discharged and you are set for your trip.

Catch up later
hi all, so many posting today,...

evelyn, dun be too upset, at least your grandma live to a ripe old age. Take care.

twinkle, dont think too much and kust focus of spending time with your mom and your little one.

yap, maids are usually ungrateful no matter how well we treat them. This is a warning one of my friend gave me when i told her i want to embark on hiring a maid few mths back. I guess to some extend it is true. They are here to work, they can never be part of our family, so regarding the kids and the house, you will always have to be alert and on the look out. No choice. You are not wrong to set such expectation... if i were you i would too. Finding a good maid with some initiative is by luck... so i can only wish you luck lo! Cheer up.

Sasha, good that your kids are ok now and do enjoy your trip!

Hope i didnt miss out anyone....

It's one week down, one more week and my hubby will be back, still counting down and looking forward. Think he said he bought me something from Paris... heh heh.. Tom I feel like going to Paragon and Tangs. Anyone going there? Julian's third teeth on the top has cut thru! And he is getting better at crawling on all fours ( use to drag his tummy mostly ), and i think i want to buy him a pair of kneecap guard.
Be strong too, your grandma will know that you all love her..

Very glad to know that your boys are out of hopsital. They will recover well and have a safe trip yah.

My dad told us that Summer tried to climb up to the sofa! She is standing at the edge of sofa and trying to reach for toy on the sofa. So she lifted her right leg (always right one), trying to climb up. After several attempts, finally got up!! Wah, now at home I need to ja ga more closely! How to bathe with the 2 kiddos playing & hubby not home yet??
Hi ladies,

Evelyn, my sincerest condolences. I lost my grandma when I was in the UK - the only time that I decided not to head back to S'pore/M'sia for Christmas hols and something happened to her. I understand how it feels not to say goodbye for the last time. Take care.

twinkle, hope you're holding up well.. you are such a good daughter and your mom is so lucky to have you.

Piggy, hehe, old people all stubborn one lah. Like my mom.. *sigh*

Sasha, thank God the boys are out of hospital. Hope you have a great trip to Malta!

sun_moon, woohoo, just one week to go then you have your 'ai ren'..hehe
OOh.. I love Paragon too. Went there this week already.. hehe. Wah Julian so many teeth. Timothy still bo gey.. teeehee.

Yvonne, wow, Summer so clever, can climb ah? Tim is good at cruising but cannot climb yet, thank God. I also need to get kneepads for him.
hi, you pple stressing me out again with babies crawling and cruising and climbing up the sofa! Ryan is still in sitting phase! Can enlightening me whether do they suddenly just start crawling or cruising or need our help? Now I put him sitting down to play. He hates tummy time. Is that the stumbling block?

Grouchy baby crying liao. Bye. Have a good weekend.
Hi gals,

Hope all mummies and babies are well.

So sorry to hear abt your mum's condition. Be strong for her. Your mum and Kristy need you.

Sorry to hear abt your grandma's demise.

Will post some of Michelle's 8 month old pictures once I download them from my camera. Bye.
Hi everyone,
hope you gals and your babies are feeling good and healthy.

Twinkle and Evelyn,
Take care and be strong ok! Ganbadei!
Hi Mums,
Gooooooooooood morning. Hope you girls have a good weekend. Anyone have special celebration for moon cake festival? Actually, I plan to bring bb to Chinese Garden but with this dengue thingy, I tot better don't go. Hope to bring Linus next year.

One more week, you will be united with your hubby. What have you "achieved" in his absense? Got drive to more places or not?

Glad to know your boys are home now. Happy preparation for coming trip! I think looking for a good PD to standby is a wise move. When are you exactly leaving and coming back? Keep us posted and if possible, log on the net while you are there to chat with us, okie? God bless.

I think maybe easier to strike lottery than find a good maid that have all the pre-requisites that we want. Sometimes have to learn to be think like a man , LOOK at the BIG PICTURE. As long as baby is fed and not sick, close the eyes to other aspects. Bo bian. Or quit to be SAHM. Hope you have better luck next time.
Angela, sorry abt your mum...
Haiz... it is really sad to learn abt that.... Hope u have recover from your sadness.... It is not easy. It took me quite a few years to not teared whenever i think abt my dad. Take care and be strong too!

Twinkle, I hope you are coping well and cherish the moments that you have. You have no choice but must to be strong for your mum and your family! Jia You!

Yap, dont be angry at your maid and even yourself. I guess your maid does have abit of attitute problem and appeared to be lazy. As for reading of papers with one arm carrying Xiang, as long as she is sitting on the floor, then not so bad, but on chair... then i will worry! Abt the hair thing, i know that it is very dirty and unhygenied, but maybe instd of asking her to cut her hair, u can actually try to put it that she shld tie her hair. Think she must felt angry abt u "critising" her....

Anyway, pls dun feel bad as it is not your problem. I agreed tat certain things cannot conpromise! I wish u will be able to find a reliable maid soon.

Sasha, gald that ur 2 boys are discharged!
Really hope that Rayhan will recover soon just in time for the trip. Btw, when u leaving?

Oh, Emonster, dun worry so much!! Take things as they come. Phoebe might not catch chicken pox... My sis jus have chicken pox too. However, her 3yrs old gal din caught the virus. That time when i had chicken pox during my poly's times, none of my family members caught the virus. So maybe Phoebe wun get it lah!

Yvonne, little Summer is really fast hor!!
My Cherish now only know how to pull herself to stand up. She still cannot climb yet! Hmmm... maybe climb on mummy's tummy, body, pull mummy's hair, then she can!

Sleepymom, dun worry about Ryan's development. Every BB got their own pace of growing. See, my Cherish is still as light as feathers. Only 6.3kg now, but as long as she is healthy, i dun worry too much. So u also mus learn not to worry too much as long as Ryan is within the growth development chart!

Catz, like Tim, Cherish also still "bo gey"! But she can still munch biscuits! Must salute to her..... Hmmm... wonder when will our bb grow their first tooth!

Piggy, din do anything on Mooncake festival. Just laze ard at hm on Sunday. But Sat, i went Sembawang Park BBQing!! Woried abt mosquito and thus apply lots of Johnson mosquito lotion on cherish body and SIL stick one insect repellent sticker on Cherish cloth. So really it is working!
But also maybe cos got lots of pple and thus mosquitoes got more "food"!
Blueberries, quick post Michelle pics leh!!
I want to see.

Ann, yap, i guess to be healthy is what we, mummies wish for our babies as well as for our loves one!

By the way, just to update. Think i din update hor... Cherish din make it to the top 5 for the Cutest Babies!
This mth, they even add in another 2 babies, making it 50% chances, but still.... Cherish is not cute enough, i guess.

However, she was actually selected for the Baby Boom Magazine Cover Page.
Not too sure which month she be in... but she had already gone for shootings. Think the pics might not be that nice cos Cherish was having fever and cough when we went for the shoots last wed.
Congrats on Cherish being selected for Baby Boom Cover. You will be a proud mother to see her face on the cover when it is out.

Thanks for info. I also got the brochure but seems like nothing much hor?

Why this forum so quiet this 2 days huh?
Ocean, Congrats. Yea, must let us know when the mag come out.

Piggylee, yes, not much on the brochure. But maybe there are some more bargains there. Am thinking of getting more wet wipes,baby clothes washing detegent,bottle washing detegent etc. Btw, does anyone still wash their baby's clothes separately? When can stop huh? Also the bottles, do you just wash with normal dish washing liquid or the special one for bottles? I am using the pigeon one. Running out so am wondering should buy or just use normal dish washing liquid?

Can someone also recommend which 'no tears' shampoo is good cos am going to start washing ryan sitting down soon, instead of the football hold now. Thanks.
eve: so sorry to hear about your grandma. hope u will be back to post your update soon.

sasha: thank God that your babies are well & out from the hospital. can look forward to your trip to Malta. Have a good & safe trip.

today on MC, had fever, cough & flu since last Sat. so now got time to post. every week, I will try to bring Lucas to my PIL & my mum/grandma's place every weekend. And I try to capture as much pix of them together with Lucas for keepsake. Don't know how long they will be around. My 3 grandmas (including 1 god=grandma) are still around and they are about the same age as my PIL. Babies do bring so much joy to them esp to my paternal grandma when Lucas will finish all the porridge she cooks every weekend. so actually every Sat & Sun very busy for us. But on Sun afternoon, we must have our precious nap time together before we prepare dinner.

Lucas has been giving me surprises...sometimes when he wake up, he will crawl to my face & give me a "slap" to wake me up or he will be sitting on the floor, sit up & wait for me to wake up(as if waiting for me to open my eyes).

then if in the morning, I will make up in the attached bathroom while he sleeps. the next moment, he will be banging on the bathroom door, push open the sliding door, crawl up the kerb & down to the toilet floor. with him crawling around, it has made it more difficult to do your own things but to keep watching him.
Sherman is sick. Poor boy got 38 deg fever for 2 days now and some diarhoea. He absolutely hates taking medicine, need 3 adults to do the job - 1 to hold his hands and cradle him lying down (or else he swats the syringe away), 1 to hold his head still, 1 to feed the medicine! Still remember when he first got flu at 3 months, he guai guai lie still and smiled after we syringed the cherry flavoured paracetemol into his mouth! Now he screws up his whole face, cries and yells. Think he's better today, apparently no fever at all this morning. Mummy, Daddy and maid all panda eyed. Had to feed him paracetemol last night at 2:30am. Even though he was sleepy, he knew it was coming and looked really buay song. Took him more than 1 hr to go back to sleep after his milk.
babyd: poor Sherman. Hope he will recover soon. Think this is due to teething. exactly the same thing just before Lucas's top 2 teeth came out. feeding medicine to Lucas is also the same ordeal. very buay song. medicine very sweet wat so dun understand why they dun like it. one thing I observe is that he hates to take medicine which is cold (stored in the fridge).

sleepymom: I am still using the Mustela Cradle Cap shampoo (not finish yet since we bought when he was 3 mth old).

I will be posting some pix of Lucas since now got time. so bear with it...
Tetra, Was surprised to see your hubby on Sat! Hope you are better now. Fyi, if you din notice, next week got no class, Jessica will sent out sms to remind. I also din notice it on her schedule to us. Lucas looks so happy in his stroller. Where did you go?

Babyd, Poor Sherman. Must force the med else wont get better. Ryan was sick with fever and cough and running nose last week. I couldnt sleep for 3 nights cos his cough might trigger vomitting. Now he is better, still coughing a bit though. Recently, quite a few of the babies here got sick, mummies too. Hope everyone take care.
Forgot to report that Ryan has a little bottom tooth already. And a top one is sprouting now. Thought 2 will come out on the bottom first, followed by 2 above? Anyone's baby's teeth came out like this?
after his fever & diareahea, he is not as chubby as before.

sleepymom: yah, suppose to come after I visited the clinic but waited for more than an hr. so boh biang, hubby took over. he also said quite tiring. oh, the one with the stroller was taken outside my babysitter's flat. Her flat is @ the same level as the roof garden. Those plants also belong to her.

another pix of him @ 6th mth & 7th mth old.
Hi mummies, was away from singapore for the past one weeks to malaysia & Genting highland. Wow.. so much posting, really have to catch up since i am so new here..

Angela, sorry abt your mum...Be strong as you have your mummies friend here to support.

Yap, understand is difficult to 'ta han' your maid rubbish but sometime hv to be 'chin cai' abit lor, tie up long hair or used handband with net support her hair.(what my maid using) Most importantly, she must take good care of your son. Anyway, hope to get a better maid next time.

Ocean, congrats on Cherish for Baby boom cover. When the cover is out, pls remember to post it here & show us!!
I think both our Ryan baby is growing at the same stage! My baby also has two little bottom tooth already & a top one is sprouting now, so he is now drooping again....got to use up so much bibs. Think why your Ryan sick last week is due growing of top tooth. Just like to share my Ryan photo during our trip to malaysia.
angel 3rd teeth at the top is out too.. It explains her food and milk strike the whole of last week.. Now she is back to her gobbling self.. She even upgraded to 6oz of FM last night!
Yes, Lucas really looks like a big boy. The one on the stroller shows a toddler, not a baby anymore.
I particularly like the second pic with the yellow shirt. Those huge eyes can melt one's heart.

Your Ryan so kuai. Let you put the hood over his head. My boy will probably tear it off if I do so.
Hi mummies,

How's all the bb here? I hope everyone is doing fine.

I'm just came back at work today, will catch up with the postings later and tell you girls abt what was happening to us when we were in M'sia.

Chat later....
Ann, piggy & yve: thanks. yah, looking back, Lucas has kinda of outgrown his "baby" look. the picture of him when he is a few mth old baby is far from my mind. can't really remember how he looks like.
Hi everyone,

Back from Batam. Poor Tim got some huge insect bites on his ear so just brought him to pd ($51!!) to get it checked out. Aiyoh, he's only 7.8kg leh. Thankfully he's whacking 6-7oz milk each time nowadays and getting better at solids.

Tetra, hope you're feeling better. Wah Lucas looks so grown-up already. He's got such a charming smile. I'm same as you - cannot remember newborn Tim.

Angela, so sorry to hear about your mum's sudden passing. I think you are a very strong lady to cope with your 3 month old baby at the same time.

BabyD, poor poor Sherman. What kind of fever is it? Due to teething?

Oceans, wahh.. I think it's better to get the magazine cover deal than the cutest kid one! Must let us know yah? Very hard to get hold of Baby Boom though. Seems like all I can get it the old old issue with Evelyn Tan on the cover.

sleepymom, not to worry about Ryan's development OK? Maybe you can help Ryan by giving him more tummy time.. let him play with things when he's on his tummy. I cannot imagine bathing Tim in football hold.. he will squirm and yell! For shampoo, I like Mustela. The Gerber one is OK but leaves his hair a little dry. Johnson's is lagi drying.
Sherman's fever has gone from 38 deg C to a milder temperature, still giving paracetemol. He still has diarrhea, but is his happy and playful self except when he poos or needs to eat medicine.

Tetra & Catz,
Hubby and I really don't believe that teething itself causes fever and diarrhea. I actually read a baby book that says there's no medical evidence for it. Babies and children cut teeth all the time, don't tell me they are going to be continuously having fever and diarrhea for the next few years? The only logical explanation I can think of is that babies and kids have a terrible urge to chew and bite on things when they are teething, so they are more likely to swallow something dirty and get sick from that. Otherwise I just can't imagine why growing a tooth would cause a tummy upset? He has cut 3 teeth so far without any fever.

I think on Sat nite, Sherman chewed on an old toy from one of hubby's young cousins that hadn't been washed when we visited his great-grandma and swallowed something dirty then, cos diarrhea started on Sun. He's too fast nowadays, things enter his mouth before you know it. Sometimes I get a bit frustrated when relatives give him things to play with and they tell him "cannot eat" because they know it hasn't been washed, but of course he still puts it in his mouth and then they cry " no no " and snatch it from him, making him cry, then they have no choice but to give back to him and the whole cycle repeats itself. What to do, cannot say anything, wait ppl say I'm too protective and don't allow them to play with my son.
babyD, what you say is definitely true to an extent but actually they believe that teething diarrhoea is due to excess saliva being swallowed. But yah, I really find that it's hard not to appear neurotic and overprotective. I HATE it when people just grab Tim's hands and play with him 'cos he always puts his hands into his mouth. Sigghhhh
Hi all,

Juz a short post before I get on the plane. Hope its not gonna be a nightmare wt 3 kids
Anyways, will catch up wt the postings as often as I can frm Malta.
Take care and keep in touch
Hope that Sherman gets well soon. I hate to give medicine too. So I have to put it into milk to feed. I split up the milk into 2 parts, say 40ml and 140ml. I give the 40ml with paracetemol inside, then give the 140ml. This way, I will be sure that he finishes his medicine.
I can understand the frustration about toys, etc. When I bring Linus back to my mum's, I will inevitably bring him to wash hands quite often. So good thing is if my mum ask, I can be very straight and tell her so many things very dirty.... But I guess I can't do so with relatives.

Did you and hb enjoy yourselves?
Hi all

Going for a on course, so a quick post.
I fell & sprained/ twisted my ankle 2 days ago
I was late for the course so ran, then trip, fell, sprained! very dramatic, so painfully. Only realise the ankle was swollen when reach mum's place (i was wearing track shoes so didn't remove to check when I fell). She wanted to bring me to chinese sinseh to rub. But my hubby, being a medic, prefers to bring me to A & E to check in case of fracture. So drove off to Changi General Hospital, did an X ray. Thank God, everything is fine. Need a few days before the swelling subside. Thot of learning in line skating the next day
so guai guai go home & rest.

Summer cut her 5 tooth!
on the left top, beside her incisor.

Yah need to run, post later
Have a safe trip!

dun run dun run.. sprained ankle leh.. I sprained my ankle when i was 20 weeks pregnant leh.. It was so painful..

Any of your bbs pinching daddy's nipples? Angel started to do that this morning..
I did not latch on to Linus for many months now. But recently, I try to offer him breast to see if he wants or not. He look at my tits and start to smile, then his hands come to PULL it. Wow biang... very pain leh.... I started to scream Ouch Ouch Ouch... He thinks that that is funny and started to giggle. (My tits ma chiam like toys....)

I hope your sprain is fully ok now? Better be careful, such injuries may recur. Once u sprain 1x, very easy to sprain again. You so happening huh, can still learn line skating.
Hope your ankle is better already... must be painful. take care

Ash also like to play with the tits... haha. cheeko pek boys we have! There was this once I was lying on the bed, trying to make his drink his milk (so it's expose lah), and he was rolling about... he decided that he wanted to stand up and you know what he did??? He pulled it as support!!! My god, never know it could stretch so much!! These boys ah!!!

Teething Fever
For Ash's case, seems that teething is associated with cold/flu? Maybe cos resistance lower?

never used special detergent to wash Ash's clothes or bottles since young. The prenatal fella in TMC says no need to, so I listen.. hehe. so far so good

As for shampoo, Ash's uses JJ. After hearing what Catz says, maybe that's why his hair is standing up... haha. Machiam got static..

How's your trip? Sorry to hear about the bite
Hope he's feeling better... Did Rim manage to sleep?

Over the weekend, brought Ash to Sofitel Palm at Senai, Malaysia, About 30 mins drive from second link. The rooms there are nicer and so is the pool. Would have recommended you there if went there before Harris :p

Congrats on Cherish's win. She's sucha sweetie, so demure and gentle looking with those big eyes

Lucas really look like a big kor kor laready
Handsome and macho looking

Brough Ash fo his photo shoot yesterday for the cutest bb contest. He enjoyed it
Think he more pro than daddy and mummy, smiling all the way... even chuckle out loud sometimes.

Mummies, must support Ash when his photos are out yah... hehe

Sneak pic into what he wore


Blanche, Ash is so handsome in his Fox attire.
So I gather you really enjoyed Sofitel? I enjoyed Harris, except for the horrendous bites that cost me $51..haha
Tim slept quite OK. I realise that I CANNOT sleep in the same room as my son lah.. Even though we put his crib quite far away from my bed and blocked it with the sofa, it was still sooo loud when he cries/whimpers in his sleep. next time round, we're getting somewhere with a huge walk-in closet and dumping him in there. haha
Was the food at Sofitel any good?

Aiyoh, yah my boy also very ham sub. When he's hungry, he will look for me and try to pull at my bra. So embarassing. So far he doesn't pull Daddy's one lei. :p

Speaking of Daddy, my hubby surprised me with an eternity ring for my birthday. Nearly fainted 'cos never expected him to go out and get one. Fwah say.. didn't expect my hubby to be so romantic still. Hee

yvonne, oh dear.. must be careful yah? 'Cos once you sprain your ankle, it's easier to sprain it again. Wah Summer has 5 teeth? My boy still not teething. Asked Dr Ong yesterday and he says that he knows of a few cases where the kid is about 2 years old then only got teeth. I think my kid might break the record! haha..
Glad you enjoyed the trip! Was afraid that my recommendation wouldn't be good :p

Fwah, eternity ring ah!!! Wah, pretty pretty. I must hint really hard to my hb that 30th birthday, must have trilogy, 3-0 mah, so three diamonds... kekeke. Hope he reads this

Harris has better italian food. only ate at sofitel for one meal. had lunch buffet. the funny thing was, we were thinking of having ala-carte since not veyr hungry, so asked the waiter. He told us, not hungry ah, then we have half buffet, at RM21.90 (UP RM32). Then we asked, so what can we have for half buffet, he said, the whole buffet spread!!!! Hmmm, scratch head, don't know how that works out. Figured that they really trusted us when we say that we're not hungry. HB was saying, for dinner, we should tell them, after the lunch buffet, we're not hungry... hehe, anymore half buffet ?!??!?!

Hehe.. Blanche, half buffet? So weird! Yah I guess Sofitel is more upmarket but well, we've never been to Indonesia before so OK lah! We didn't get to try the pizzeria though. It smelled lovely though. My only complaint was that the whole place was swarming with smoking spitting Koreans :p Yah yah, better hint to your hubby... haha. He already bought me a trilogy bracelet but he couldn't remember! It's good that his memory is so rotten then I get to gain more bling bling.
