(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

<font color="0000ff">AC</font>,
Li Ming sent 2 young girls to your place to clean? Wah... she's getting serious with this cleaning biz huh :p

Anyway, I just saw another flyer pasted at my block yesterday for PT cleaner. This time, the charge is $7/hr. Wah competition is heating up in punggol... very good! hehe...

<font color="0000ff">peg</font>,
yup, started 1/2 day work since 13th Feb.

It's been exhausting rushing to/from work and taking care of the bb from afternoon onwards. Hmm.... think it's more tiring then working full-time.


By the way, Jodie started to change her feeding pattern 3 days ago. She used to feed every 2hrs regardless of day or night.

A) 2 days ago
-9pm 80ml
-1am 80ml
-3am 80ml

B) Last night
-9pm 80ml
-1am 80ml
-4am 80ml

For the rest of the day, Jodie still feeds every 2hrs.

She's sleeping slightly longer at night but she's not making up for the missing feed with more milk. I tried to increase her milk but she doesn't finish it. Worried if she's not getting enuff.

Did you all have similar encounters? Jodie is 10wks old now.

Please advise.
sharon, thats a KFC highchair she is sitting in, to watch her mummy eat sinful food :p

lil prince, yar, Mac also got the same chair, this one is at KFC.
dun need to worry, bbs are very smart .. they will wake up to ask for milk if they are hungry .. some of our bbs here are sleeping through the nite now, for 8hrs stretch w/o milk .. you shld be happy tt she is sleeping longer ..
little prince,

Of course I'm happy Jodie is sleeping more lar :p Just that she seem to be drinking less then recommended amt for her weight.
KC...i mainly take pix on wkends coz daylight looks nicer :p

Beanie...it's ok dat baby dun increase their feed eventho the interval is stretch longer, my boy last feed is at 11pm and he can sleep from 12+am to 8+am, wake up and din fuss on the way to his nanny
beanie... i really dunno what is "recommended"... i've given up calculating... just feed jean when she cries... jean is slighty more than 10 weeks and she takes between 100~140ml per feed (depending on her mood)... but she feeds around 3~4 hours apart... sometimes cranky, will cry for milk in less than 2 hours even though she drank 140ml last feed like last nite... sometimes she also can drink 200ml within 1 hour apart, especially before bedtime... and sometimes her naps are very long... 3~4 hours... and this morning she woke up only at 10am though last feed was 5am... hmm...

ladies of older bbs, is it advisable to let her continue this "irregular" pattern or try to standardise her schedule?
Alamak, I just bought Sassy stuff from OG last week, 25% off only :p Anyway Robinsons didn't send me a mailer, dunno why.

Vaingirl, can I ask you about taking plane with baby.. do all airlines allow you to push the stroller into the plane? Then what happens on the plane? Baby doesn't get his own seat right? I am also thinking of bringing my car seat over but if the airline doesn't allow eg if too big or whatever, then I'll have to leave it behind.
My 3 months 1 day old boy still doesn't sleep through the night
And hair also dropping, the cradle cap is not helping either!
my mom also bought the delrosa. of cos, meghan gulped it down the 1st time i gave it to her. but when try to reduce the amt of delrosa, she refused to drink it.

thanks....looks like have to persevere &amp; try to outsmart her.

is the dress faye is wearing from carter? it looks like the one i bought.
for cradle cap, you can rub some baby oil on it, and comb it off the next morning. must do it for a few consecutive days. lucas had that last time too.

your SIL not working? it's nice of her to help you out
for cradle cap there is dentinox cradle cap shampoo..I used to use it for my son.. only used abt 1/2 bottle then he was cleared..now the bottle is collecting dust in the cupboard.

NTUC having offer on Mamypoko(normal ones) $16.95.
the shampoo can be bought at guardian pharmacy.. I think abt $10 per bottle.. long time didn't use it coz Ryan had it when he was 3mths or so. I don't really comb his hair..but I do have those bb soft brush for combing his hair if I want.. I used to shampoo him once a day.

my dentinoc cradle cap treatment shampoo bottle can still be used..expiry 07 2006..so if you are okay with it can pass you the half used bottled.
wah...yr faye can sit so straight up!! my girl machum pisa tower....lean here lean there. faye is really getting prettier like the mummy.

keira went for her jabs today. i opt for her to take the 3rd DPT &amp; Hep B together, the former on the butt &amp; the latter on the arm. i thot might as well get it over down with so she need not see the PD til June. she took both jabs well. heng!

PD advised me to start her on cereal only when she turns 6 mths. he said he'd rather let the disgestive system matures a bit more than to stress it early. but i very bad mother...i just tried feeding her KFC's whipped potato w/out the gravy &amp; she enjoyed it tremendously.

u free next week? i havent been out for chit-chat with gfs for soooooo looooonnngggggg cos' i pai say to impose on my MIL but apparently, she's getting bored at home &amp; has offered to fetch my boy fm school...heee...

isnt it nice to know that u dont look yr age? i always tell ppl that im in my early 30s but my hubby loves to tease me, saying i gave myself 10% discount on my own accord. sometimes when im at the supermarket &amp; complete strangers will approach to play with my girl. w/out fail they'll tell me to "have a 2nd one &amp; try for a boy." it gives me great satisfaction to see their embarrassed face when i told them that i have an older boy already.

come to think of it, im sometimes quite offended by ppl who asked me to "try for a boy". maybe im being sensitive but i think they are being nosey &amp; conservative.
the changi airport's ground staff took away my stroller at the depature gate &amp; it was waiting for me at the arrival gate when i disembarked. sames goes at medan. i didnt bring along the car seat cos' i wanted to put keira on my lap. they offered me an infant seat belt &amp; after take-off, a bassinet but i didnt want it. u can bring along the car seat if u want but as i was traveling alone with the 2 kids, it was simply too cumbersome for me.

btw, remember to get her bottle ready &amp; let her drink it when the aircraft takes-off or descending. it'll take the pressure off her ears. keira wails a little when the aircraft was landing but other than that, she was ok thru'out.
Ryan and I are flying off next week..last time we flew I used the bb carrier coz we were going to HK..this time also HK so not bring pram.. pram is good if you are pushing long distance..btw where are you travelling to?
He had an infant seat belt..belt to my seat belt..this time will be the same..btw..there is weight limit on bassinet..and prority will be given to the smaller bb on board.
U can also give ur bb water to drink or something to chew on while the accend and descent if they have ear pressure..my boy is okay..no pressure..just give him soemthing to occupy himself on the flight- biscuits/ toys/ story books etc.
If you get a car seat I think you need to pay for additional seat instead of the xx% of adult price for the infant ticket..best to check with the airline you will be travelling to..also v.bulky and ur bb may not like to be restrained in the whole flight ..unless ur bb is very young.
vaingirl, re: boy/girl... it really pisses me off when my GMIL plays with jean and say "meh ni wu di di..." (next year got brother)... hiaz... last time when i preg, she say "seh ta por..." (born boy)... when i inform her it's a gal (cos we scan leow) she said "wa kiang ah si lou kun kiang?" (i smarter or doctor smarter?) of cos doctor smarter lah!! hiaz... but now when i hear i keep quiet cos old pple tend to favour boys lah...
MIM Sling
Hi, i am selling my sling at S$25.00(not the satin type, dark blue). let me know if you are interested (i really don't know how to use...).


Mai Chap her lah, boy or gal not depend on u but ur hubby. Don give urself pressure. I remember once when my MIL was looking at natalie thigh and said, next one is a boy. I smile at her and said next one will be a gal oso. She buay da han, hahaha.......
i can understand some old folks prefer boys as they still believe in "chuan zong jie dai" but i find that girls grow up closer to their mommies than boys.
i brought along her teethers for her to chew &amp; also her jacket as it can get pretty cold inflight. as the bassinet points are in the middle of the aisle &amp; i hv no use of it, i request an aisle seat so i can carry her &amp; get out easily to go to the toilet. the flight wasnt full &amp; with the window seat unoccupied, my boy sat there &amp; i had extra space in the middle.
evelyn, yah yah!! they look at the line(s) on the thigh... during CNY, she was prying Jean's thigh to see one or two lines... haha... acherly i think boy can also be mummy's boy... hehe... gal can also be rebellious... (like me!) haha... i used to be closer to daddy... now getting closer to mummy cos i oso a mummy oredi so more understanding of her behaviour...

vaingirl... chuan my foot lah... his elder bro oredi got a son leow... so oredi chuan leow... but frankly i'll also like one boy one girl lah... hubby also wants a boy cos he say he know how to play wif boys cos he also a boy... haha...
TBl, sale is storewide.

Vaingirl, yar, my pd also said best to start solids from 6mth. Wah Kiera must be the first baby on this board to taste mashed potatoes LOL!
Aiyo I having headache about faye's routine and daytime naps. Kinda all haywire these days, so starting this week I'm trying to 'routinise' and sleeptrain her, so cant meet up for now.

Deniz, yar that is from Carters
hi girls,

wow.. so active... difficult to catch up liao...

will try to login.. sigh.. either busy at work or baby.. jus to update my girl.

Shave "botak" on the 4th month

finally mummy got me my very own bumbo!!! so exciting
yr girl is really pretty, botak or not botak.. has double eye-lids somemore. me envious!! she's so attractive smiling like that in the smaller top left pic!

i burst out laughing when i read yr post... ya la, to hv a boy &amp; girl is really nice. i just dont get it y some old folks so badly want the 1st born to be a boy.
Since I have 2 girls, everyone wanted my 3rd to be boy..but i kept telling myself it is a girl..even when 20 week u/s and she said its a boy, i didnt believe! My hubby really wanted a boy. I remember feeling sad when I had my 2nd girl, and people were oh never mind lah gal also good!
I was like hell it doesnt make a d ifference to me.
I thin Chinese and Indian have same mentality, family name and all that bs nonsense.. In this day and age, son/daughter makes no difference I think!
thanks for all the advice, you gals are great, i only wish i can access the net everyday.

cradle cap: my boy has it for so long already.. maybe 4 weeks? i tried the baby oil method for a few weeks and didn't clear, then during cny all my aunties were telling me to use olive oil instead.. i don't know if it's more effective or is it because it's been so long but now the cradle cap is clearing up though not completely.

i never heard anyone mention before their baby has cradle cap so i was pretty upset that my baby had..

travelling with baby.. i'll be going england with my husband and baby in April.. 12-13 hours flight, no joke.. thanks for all your advice.. must write down otherwise forget..
u can also request to hv yr meal inflight ahead of others so that u can coincide with yr bb's timing. once the flight attendants start their meal service, they may be too busy to attend to yr needs.

i heard that the brand Dentinox (u can buy it fm guardian pharmacy)is effective at removing cradle cap. my boy had it too but out of ignorance, i peeled them off by hand.

i think a lot of ppl who are gender biased dont realise that having a healthy normal baby far outweighs watever preference they hv or the need to carry the family name.

one of my gfs had a miscarriage &amp; i cld empathise with her pain. so when i was pregnant with the 2nd kid, i told everyone that i dont want to entertain any "gender guessing" game. when my bbs were scheduled for the 21st wk scan, i was more anxious to know that they were well. i cldnt even bother asking abt their gender and it was the gynae who revealed it w/out me asking.
heee..... the pix when faye read her book so nice, she really can sit very well!!! and again her las pix with eye close i like it as can see her attractive long lashes!!

sorry if i did miss any of ur gal pix before as tis is the first time i see ur gals pix, shes veryyy pretty, very nice features she got

quinn will be going for jab so tat means another worrying day as i scared MR "F" will visit (fever).....

bought quinn a new toy, i like it myself and i play with it...ha!!!!!!
Andrea / Berry
Nice pixs of QN and faye .. wah, faye's book looks good hor ..

Lil Devil
Our bbs are 5 mths old today! quinn going for jab today? hope he is okie ..

hey, the new toy is nice .. where did u buy it and how much does it cost? looks interesting ..
hi hi,

morning mummies....

hey, thanks for the compliment for my girl..

not sure if someone relpied you on the gathering.. jus to update, the marche gathering on the 19 feb was a good one.. me and family, jen and family,kelly and family, mngo and family and puff and bb was there... the 4 bbies were very well behaved except for my girl again... fuss when feeding time.. the other mummies and me had a good laugh when they 'witness' my girl suck water like milk... but cry when put milk into her mouth... was really a struggle...

3 lovely girls you have...

faye is so steady... her day looks fun..

congrates on your bb turning 5 months old.. can they sit up like faye??
hi... good morning...

when can i bring jean to swim huh? she's 10 weeks... is it too early?? where to get the float which they can "sit" in from? and where to get swimming diapers?
hi andrea... yeah... for days after the outing, i keep telling people ur gal behaviour for the water and milk thingy... but i know for u will be tough... hang in there!
quinn can sit quite well, rhyan can't yet .. he can sit by himself for only abt 10-15 seconds before he will start toppling .. LOL .. but nvm lah, let him take his time to learn ..
Faye says 'thanks'!

Sitting up: I found that the Boppy pillow(the U-shaped brestfeeding pillow) is excellent for helping sitting babies maintain their balance, those of you who have this do give it a try.
Actually Faye still cannot sit forever lar, will still topple after a while hehe.

Yuru, you can get BB Bjorn at Mothercare, $150++. I like how user-friendly it is- v easy to slot baby in/out.

Jen, swimming diapers available at cold storage.

Andrea your lil girl is so pretty even though she is bald hehe. I love her eyes
Andrea and kypf,

Thanks for the info on cradle cap.


Ya, my gal got it but not very serious, just a small portion infront of the head. This morning already ask my mum to apply bb oil on it. Hope it will clear off soon.


Gd morning.........

Ai yoh, don know wat happen to my gal. Yty wake up at 3am+ and today wake up at 4am+ to ask for milk. Before hand her timing is quite fix at 6am+ and 7am+. Hubby was saying maybe she get hungry easily when she sleep in aircon room(She seldom sleep wif aircon on).
Evelyn, I dont think it has anything to do with aircon leh. Could be a growth spurt?

Andrea/Coco, LOL! Faye also another one that fights the bottle. Its v common, nothing to worry abt. As long as weight good and they are still happy/healthy and thriving well, no cause for concern.

yr girl has very nice features!

For cradle cap PD advice me to apply bb oil 1/2 hr b4 bathe. Then during bathe just use bb body shampoo to wash bb's head. Rub gently while washing coz bb's head is still very soft. I did for my Natalie and it works.
