(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

yah, they are now 5 months old....
but stupid camera still repairing... uurrggg!!!!

tat day went to motherwork, wanted to see lamaze toys and end up buying tis as i also find it interesting. amd also there a mode when clasical music can go on playing for quite sometimes and meaning i dun have to KEEP prssing.... heee..... tat day my newphew saw it as i brought it to my mil's plc and he fell in love with it though hes already 3 yr old so they whole day hes playing with it. i rem the price is S$49.90 and i check some website and realized in U.S much cheaper but bo bian as they dun ship here

oh yah, later 12.30pm quinn will go for his jab, actually its 2molo but nurse called up yesterday saying tat clinic will be close 2molo so hav to make it today.


Growth spurt? U mean increase in milk consumption?


Noted, tks! How is ur gal, can sleep thru the nite? This 2 days, my gal feeding time haywire, wake up at 3am+ and 4am+ to ask for milk . Sad sad..... no more undisturb sleep
. This 2 days got hard time getting up.
i tik quinn is sitting quite ok as he will also topple after awhile, lets say about 5 mins or so. but lately he seems to know how to avoid lossing control, like if he feels tat he gonna fall to the left side, he will use his left hand to tahan on the mattress, so funny to see him struggle so not to fall.
my girl loves water more than milk too!! she even refused to take her milk unless she has a few sips of water first. i thought it was normal for a baby to like to drink water until my SIL told me that babies usually hate drinking it.
tis morning, hubby wake me up to see quinn and it gave me a shock tat i cant go back to sleep after tat!! i saw him still sleeping, but hes on the FLOOR!!!!!! as mine is a platform bed so his matressis also on the floor beside mine. his head is on the edge of the matress but his whole body is on the floor!! seriously hubby and me got no idea how he got there and the funny part is he can still sleep at tat situation!! ha!!! how i wish my camera is here at tat moment!!
coco, of course not lar. Milk intake has to be very sufficient before you can start solids, solids will not give bbs the needed nutrients and calories like milk at this stage. I started solids because she was having growth spurt (she was drinking 240ml per feed every 4 hrs and still hungry), now stopped liao and her milk intake decreased again as usual, so I also stopped solids for now.
If your boy rejects milk when he is awake then feed him when he is half-asleep.

Evelyn, yar, growth spurt will also mean increase intake of milk. But as the growth spurt tapers off, milk intake also tapers.

Yuru, the carrier can be used up to 12kg. Faye is oredi 5mth and 8kg, can only use for short while more so I bought a second hand one just last week.
you have a beautiful girl

you need to comb off the cradle cap after applying the oil. Mrs Wong from TMC taught us this method and it works for Lucas. Lucas's cradle cap was quite serious...
yes, my ger can sleep thru the nite alr. last time she sleep at abt 8:30pm but will wake up @ 1~2am for milk. but nowadays I will feed her again at ~12am while she is still sleeping, and she will only wake up @ 6am+ for her nxt feed. So after feeding her I'll prepare myself for work, the timing is just rite!

No lei, last nite she never finish the milk (4.5oz) that she usually ve, left ard 1 oz. Maybe becos of that, that y she get hungry at 4am+. Ve to monitor again tonite..... haiz.........
Ya loh.. tht is what we normally do.. but very tedious. No choice loh. I enjoy seeing Faye pic. She is such a sweetie. =)

That is gd! i was thinking if nat cant tune back her haywire nite feed, i'm going to wake her up ~12am to feed her. But my nat is dam lazy, when she sleep she wun drink.
ur boy may be teething and drinking fm bottle make him uncomfortable. Tat was wat happened to my boy. He will onli drink when he is half asleep. Tat lasted for ard 2 wks.
u are working right? Can pick up anytime (weekday) at night or evening.. This weekend Sat will be in the whole day coz ryan's having his 1st yr b'day party.. u have my tel no right? can sms me before you come
He is only 16 wk. Is it too early for teething? I am not sure but it is definitely more then two weeks liao. He is still rejecting milk. Only drink when half asleep.
morning !!
wow, long time nv come it, see that SB got a new look !

how's everyone??

tbl, jen, have u gone back to work?

calista is 3mths & 1wk old liao
juz had her 2nd 6-in-1 jab on monday..am amazed that she din wail after the injection, only gave out a soft whimper when needle poke her ..
but lucky that she's doing well without any fever lor..however, noticed tt her thigh is a bit swollen... will it go off huh?

was just abt to ask where to get swimming diapers, concidentally, jen also asked the same thing .. hee...

thanks berry for the info !

bought a stroller fan @ metro yesterday ...weather has been so HOT lately ..
sharon, this bjorn I bought secondhand from a friend, she bought this prob quite some time ago liao, so maybe this design not available in sg anymore. Bb bjorn actually comes in 6-8 diff designs as shown on their webside, just that not locally available, what a pity hor.

Evelyn, its like dat lar, some bbs just v erractic in terms of feeding and routine, v unpredictable. Faye also like that hehe.
I don't know if the bassinet is first come first serve..but if you are early and request for it you should get it..did you request for it via your travel agent? I will just use the seat belt for Ryan coz we are travelling by Jetstar ..no bassinets for this budget airline.

something I found on the net..save $$ on buying cleaners.
Cleaning with Baking Soda
Cleaning with Baking Soda
Lots of green cleaning power in a little orange box

by Nol-Marie Taylor

There are many non-poisonous products that can be used for basic household cleaning. Next to vinegar, the most useful of these is baking soda.

Like vinegar, baking soda has three major things going for it as a cleanser:

* It's non-toxic. Sure, eaten in large amounts it might make you feel unpleasant, but it's not poisonous.
* It's multi-purposed. The suggestions in this article are only a few of the many ways that baking soda can be used as a household cleanser.
* Best of all, it's CHEAP! The cost of baking soda (especially when purchased in several pound large boxes) is far less than that of any other, specialized cleaning agent.

Baking soda (or bicarbonate of soda, as it is also known) is a naturally occurring material, present in most organic life forms. It can be "made" from sodium carbonate, or soda ash. The soda ash is dissolved in a carbon dioxide rich solution, and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) precipitates out.

As its name suggests, baking soda can be used for cooking. It can also be used medicinally, and, as we will discuss in this article, for cleaning. For further information on its many uses, please follow the links at the end of this article.

In the kitchen

The kitchen is the most likely place to find baking soda. Don't stop with using it for baking, though!

* A box or small bowl of baking soda in the refrigerator, freezer, or any cupboard will keep away unpleasant odors.
* Similarly, baking soda will keep away garbage odors; sprinkle the bottom of the pail, and then sprinkle again after you put a new bag in.
* Grease fires can be put out by sprinkling them with baking soda.
* To clean surfaces, sprinkle baking soda on a damp cloth. Wipe, then rinse with clean water.
* To remove stale smells from food containers, rinse out with hot water and baking soda. If the smell persists, let the container soak overnight in the baking soda and water mixture.
* To clean silver, use a paste of 3 parts baking soda to one part water. Rub the paste onto each item, then rinse with warm water and dry with a soft cloth.
* To remove scuff marks or grease spills from the floor, sprinkle with baking soda and then wipe with a warm, damp cloth. This is even safe for no-wax floors!
* For burnt-on food in the bottom of pots, sprinkle with baking soda, then add hot water. Let soak overnight; the dried on food will come loose much more easily.

In the Bathroom

* To remove stubborn stains from most surfaces, use a baking soda paste (3 parts baking soda, one part water). Apply, let stand, then scrub or wipe clean.
* Hairbrushes and combs can be cleaned in a baking soda solution.
* To help avoid clogged drains, pour 1 / 4 cup baking soda down weekly. Rinse through with hot water.

All Around the House

* To remove scents from a carpet, sprinkle with baking soda. Let stand for at least fifteen minutes, then vacuum. Repeat as needed.
* If there is a smoker in the house, put baking soda in the bottom of each ashtray to keep away some of the stale smoke smell.
* Baking soda in the litterbox will help prevent odors.
* To quickly clean pets and remove "wet dog" odor, sprinkle with baking soda and brush out their fur.
* To help remove spills, blot as much as possible. Then clean as you normally would. When finished, sprinkle with baking soda. Vacuum. This will decrease the chance that some of the spilled item will remain in the carpet and cause unpleasant odors later.
* Children's toys can be cleaned using 1 / 4 cup baking soda in 1 quart warm water. Submerge in this mixture (or wipe with a cloth dampened in it), then rinse with clear water.

In the Laundry

* Replace half of each measure of laundry detergent with baking soda to keep clothing fresh.
* To remove grease stains, either add baking soda to the wash load or pretreat the stains with a baking soda paste.
* Pretreat diapers in their pail with baking soda. This will keep odors from becoming overpowering between washings.
* Baking soda increases the effectiveness of chlorine bleach. Add 1 / 2 cup to your laundry, along with the usual amount of bleach.
* If you keep a laundry hamper, add some baking soda every day to keep the hamper from smelling between emptyings.

Outside the House (Yard and Garage)

* Baking soda can be used to help clean up grease spills.
* To remove burnt food from the grill, sprinkle with baking soda, then soak. After several hours, the charred pieces will come loose easily.
* Lawn furniture can be easily cleaned with a rinse of 1 / 4 cup baking soda in 1 quart warm water.
* The children's pool can be cleaned and have mildew removed by washing with baking soda in warm water.
* Before packing away your camping gear after a trip, sprinkle with baking soda.

If you really get into using baking soda for cleaning, consider buying it in bulk; see if you can join a co-op or if your local natural foods or bulk store can order it for you. After all, it doesn't spoil, and the uses for baking soda are nearly endless!

Nol-Marie Taylor is a freelance writer located in Columbia, Maryland. Her work has appeared in many magazines, including PC Magazine and The Mother Is Me. A stay-at-home mom to two children, she is also the designer of several cross-stitch kits for children.

tried the baby bjorn at Mothercare at Suntec but its hard for me to get baby in and out becos his neck and back is not stiff yet. so in the end didnt buy since I cant manage the baby bjorn by myself. you should bring your baby to try at the shop. they dont mind and you would know if you find it easy to use and whether baby finds it comfortable.
yuru, if you havent got and looking for a versatile and economical carrier, do seriously consider a sling. Once you master the sling, it'll be one of the best items u own. Cause a slling is very versatile, you can carry your baby cradle position lyung down to sleep or upright if you prefer. You can also loosen it to form a loose pouch for your baby to sit in when you are sitting down having a meal and your baby wants to be carried. Also, easily washed and dryer-friendly. Plus its light and foldable and many designs to choose from. If you are getting one, get the MIM sateen sling, cause this is one of the thinnest around, much easier to use and not as warm as normal cotton ones.
gd morn mummies,
new look for SB forum...very nice

can u check wif SQ if they can reserve a bassinet for you? as for as i recall, they can do it. tell them how young ur bb is n u really need e bassinet. call their hotline.

nice pics of qian ning. she is still so girl girl after her head is shaved.

faye is such a cutie pie. she sure seems 2 enjoy sucking her toes.

u hv beautiful children. ur hubby must b missing all of u a lot.
<font color="0000ff">AC</font>,
Wah... Justin can go for 10hrs without a feed!! That's amazing. What amounts does he take per feed usually?

<font color="0000ff">jen</font>,
Yar... jodie's getting rather erratic with her feeding pattern too. She usually drinks 80-90ml every 2hrs. But recently, she can drink 1.5 bottles within 2hrs or go without a feed for hrs.

Last nite, she went without a feed for 6hrs!! That's a record. But that also means that she missed 2 feeds.

She used to have an internal alarm clock and cries for her milk on the dot. But now its a bit harder to predict. Damn cham... dunno when to start heating up milk bottle.

<font color="0000ff">yuru</font>,
We've been keeping a daily record of her feeding times since the 1st mth too. It's just that she feeds so often we lose track. In the end, we decided that it's easier to just write it down. Warming up milk bottles takes time. This way, we can pre-emp her cries :p

sigh... what can I say, I fret when jodie drinks too much. Now when she's drinking less, I worry again :p
hee.. than those ppl must be really puzzelled to hear such things.. hahaha.. only heard bb refise water right.. no bb would refuse their only food... MILK... hee... my hubby dun allow bb to swim.. say danger... now trying to convince him.. hee..

oh.. great to hear that Quinn can sit well.. NVM Rhyan jia you... slowly.. at least more than 5 seconds.. heehee...


bb oil din work for my girl.. I almost got the cradle cap shampoo from the pharmacy to cure her cc...

hee.. most of the times I trick her with paci, 'sayang' hold her close to me and talk to her... or simply put her in the pram and kept on coaxing her.. patting her on the chest.. my limit is 30 to 45 mins.. beyond that, I dun feed her... I jus let her do wat she wans.. (lying down and play by herself or sleep). the worst csase is that she refused milk for the whole day, I fed her with glucose water... I even tried feeding her while leting her sleep in the sarong... when is your boi born? looks like QN and he is about the same age!!

QN can go without milk the whole day if never use 'bo li'... though she's gaining weight well.. but I always heart pain when my firends see her and say.. "... wow your bb sooo small ah..." or "... wow so light..."

thanks for compliment. how is your Natalie?

hope MR F will not come for Quinn... how have you been?? able to handle Quinn alone now?? since he so stable liao? so cute on him trying to control over toppling over... so sad that the cam is spoilt.. or else you can capture the moments. did you put quinn on your mattress or his own?? hope he did not fell from the platform...

hee... ya sometimes I also feed QN with water first than slowly pull out and push in thr milk.. though it works sometimes...

thanks. I heard you are living near CCk?? that time wante dto arrange for west mummies to meetup.. but QN was to cranky and I so busy until now work liao.. hee... maybe I can find time and arrange again... hee..

how do we know if bb is teething?? your bb fight bottle for around 2 wks.. QN started when she was ard 11 wks til now... but now not so bad liao lah...

the swelling is common.. jus note that it shld not be too swollen...

Ooo... where you bringing sharwyn to?? I welcome her to the botak club first.. heehee.. thanks for the compliment too..

hey, nice meeting you and family... thanks for compliment...

I thought I read abt mummies dropping hair... well, mine drops like nobody business.. any remedy to reduce?? how long will the dropping last??
Hi Mummies,

Just came back from my shopping. Carter's stuff is real cheap in USA. Bought 3 rompers for my Gabriel and each cost US$5. Will go back to the shop and buy more tomorrow as my colleagues were with me earlier and I do not want them to wait for me. Any mummies interested in getting the rompers, I can help you to get them.
My boy born on 3 Nov. I stopped trying to get him to drink when he is awake cos he will cry whenever I put milk in his mouth. He keep cry n cry as though like I feed him with poison =P... no choice loh I give in to him. He only want water. Even can don't drink for 8hr but will cry for water. Nowadays I just feed him when he sleep at least he won't fight with me! =)

I saw the baby bjorn carrier in the mall just now. It is not cheap either in USA. Cost around US$80 else I can get it for you.
Anyone seen this music rocking pony in Singapore? Do u know how much it is selling in Singapore? Very tempted to buy and bring back to Singapore. The toy R us here in States is having sale. As long as u buy US$19.99 more of fisher price item, you get another fisher price item of your choice that cost below $US19.99 free.

hi little prince,

I am thinking of going to the shop and grab all the carter's rompers cos a few of my friends also ask me to get baby stuff. When I am back in Singapore next week, i will post pictures of the rompers that I buy and make the necessary arrangement for collection.
hi little prince,

I am thinking of going to the shop and grab all the carter's rompers cos a few of my friends also ask me to get baby stuff. When I am back in Singapore next week, i will post pictures of the rompers that I buy and make the necessary arrangement for collection.
hi, may
thats a good idea but if possible, pls buy bigger sizes else most of our bbs may not be able to wear for long ..

rhyan is already wearing 9-12mths clothes coz 6-9mths only just fit nicely on him .. if you can also look out for sleeveless rompers, tt wld be great .. hehe ..

anyway, thks for offering to buy .. will wait for your postings then ..
the rompers looks cool.. got any sweet ones for girl girl?? got saw the Rock horse before at toy r s in spore.. but long long time liao.. now doesn't sees like its available in spore?? you staying there (US) or hubby working there?
hi littleprince,

I agree must buy bigger else after wearing a few times, cannot wear. My Gabriel is wearing 6 to 9 months now though he is 4 months.

There is another brand call 'just one year' a division of carter's. Bought 2 of 'just one year'. It is slightly more ex than Carter, cost US$6.99 each.


I think i saw some sleeveless rompers, if can recall, they are slightly more ex. I was in a hurry, did not really look at each piece, will definitely go and shop again tomorrow after work.

I am on a business trip to USA. Will be back on Sunday. Yes there are much more baby girl clothings than for boy and they are so sweet. how many months old is your girl? U need me to get some rompers for your girl?

I am thinking of getting the rocking horse. It costs US$24.99 and then I can get another fisher price toy below US$19.99 free. I think it is a good deal.

I am on a business trip to USA. Will be back on Sunday. Yes there are much more baby girl clothings than for boy and they are so sweet. how many months old is your girl? U need me to get some rompers for your girl?

I am thinking of getting the rocking horse. It costs US$24.99 and then I can get another fisher price toy below US$19.99 free. I think it is a good deal.
these 2 rompers look nice too ..
.. if you do see the sleeveless rompers for 9mths and above costing ard S$10 - S$12, i dun mind buying .. thks!

Yu Guo is the one i mentioned for the tui na of backache (esp after taking epi) .. as for the kids tui na, my cousins all went there last time, its said tt his massage can help bbs to regain their appetites ..

i tried Divine Drops with rhyan and his 11mth old cousin, and had muscle aches at my legs for 3 days .. LOL .. i tried a few poses, so far okie .. u tried any with tena already?
the rompers are nice! if it's not too much of a trouble, can help me buy?? lucas needs 12-18 mths rompers. thank you so much! i've never seen the pony before. might be going to toysrus this weekend. will check out the price for you if i see it

i stay at bt panjang. yup, would love to meet up the 'west side' mummies
i bought it in motherwork and i like it and quinn also QUITE like it.... dun know y, he dun seems to be really interested in toys but when he sees a book, he will be super excited. and he only interested in those normal books and not those cloth material..... so i am trying to find a toy tat he really like.

thanx for the infor!!! i didnt know baking soda can do sooo much

u tried any of them b 4 ?

i tik quinn is simply tired of lying tats y want to learn sitting and now he want to stand, always straighten his leg when i carry him but i dun allow him to do so...... i always try to bend his leg!!!

pray hard hard tat MR F will be busy..heee.... oh, he sleep pn his own mattress but sooo scary leh, though funny when i look at him but still its sooo dangerious!! no, lucky he didt fell off.... his head on the edge of the mattress, like taking it as his pillow and his body on the platform...ha!!!!! and also me more ci=onfident to handle him liao. tat day hubby drove us to GWC and hes rushing for appt so i tell him to jus go and leave us in the carpark, then he was like "can u handle or not"?? i say "YESSSS"!!! ha!!! so the whole day i do everything myself and tat day also went to wisma and drink kopi, hubby also not ard and me still manage to cope, and alot of pp entertain him, the staff there, the customer there and those shoppers too, so he very happy lo.... and mummy also very happy....heee....

wah, good tat u can buy those clothes, every mummy here will be super excited!!
on second thoughts, i think it would be better if you can help me get the sleeveless rompers for 12-18mths instead, just in case .. erm, you buy if its convenient for you lah .. if no, its okie also .. but many thks ..

lil devil
like what berry always say, Happy baby = Happy mummy .. its great to hear tt you are coping well ..
quinn is only 8.05kg to date and 67cm long. and i ask pd why weigh sooo little and is it becos he drink too little?? then pd ask if i start him on solid? i say no then he says i SHOULD!!! but i told him tat i tot only when bb keep demanding milk and jus seems not satisfying enough then its time for solid but he says no and its a case to case issue. pd says mos probably quinn is tired of his everyday food "MILK" so its a good time to start. but i told him i wanted to change quinns formular milk and he gave me a tin of ENFAPRO. any babies here on ENFAPRO? how is it? but can only switch when hes 6 mois.
little prince,
no problem, i will spend my whole afternoon shopping tomorrow cos my meeting ends after lunch. Will look out for sleeveless rompers. Remember i saw a few just now but it is too small so i did not buy.
lil devil
hmm, this is the first time i hear PD encouraging to start solids before 6mths leh .. tt time i asked rhyan's PD, she also advised to start at 6mths but she said if i want, can start with cereal for now lor ..

Enfapro is those Step 2 FM?

btw, any bbs here drinking Mamil Gold Step 1 other than Sharwyn and Rhyan? PD told me tt time to upgrade to Step 2 when Rhyan is 6mths old, though the FM can states can drink up to 1 year old .. anyone knows?
yah lo... he says can start from 4-6 months with cereal....but i was like "ehh....."? so me still tiking.... for mamil gold, i like it as my sil boy taking, so nice, i tried tat time :p and i tot theres one tats for 6 mths up??

yah, it is enfapro step 2, the tin written so.


your rompers look very nice and reasonably priced also. would like to buy from you when you come back. my boy is almost 3 months now so will probably buy any larger sizes that you have on hand. i like carters stuff very much!
