(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

AC, I wld be very reluctant to wake lor, what abt burping after every 50ml (provided he's not furious he's paused before he's had enough)?
peg, how's tricia's sleeping pattern? Was joking to Berry that I want to deposit mine in "night" nanny :p ... she gets cranky ard 7+pm n needs to sleep by 8pm (or she will raise hell, even if she just had nap an hr ago), can startle (either pat back to sleep or start over) ~3 times before midnight, feeds at ~3am (either falls asleep after or cries for full hr before falling asleep), and wakes ~6am.
Also must see parental personalities- if HB had to cope with her alone "after office hrs", he would still choose to have her around. But he'd probably sleep-train (possibly thru CIO method as well as pushing her sleeping hrs later to accommodate his), and then there wldn't be such problems
. He's alot more tolerant of her crying than me.
Tena's romper I bought at Gap online. It was pink... but had a laundry accident :p.
skyblue, ruffy, lilprince, Kieran's very handsome, I 1st look at him, knew must chope quickly, LOL!
Ryan must have enjoyed himself, u're very capable to be able to bring him around for more challenging activities, whereas I wldn't be able to handle tena alone for excursions or swimming, only shopping mall haha.
Rhyan's swim pics r great! I like the chased by daddy scene, hahaha!

Tena skipped her morning nap and still can't sleep (now supposed to be her 2nd nap). Oh well.

I would suggest to get toys for 6mths +.. coz 3mths they normally just have rattles etc.
These are some I will recommend
-Learning Patterns Touch & Squiggle Sammy
-teething toys.

want to go shopping today? Me thinking of going to kino... just want to see can chio other mummies to go along also.
KC, toys that faye prefers are the ones with lights/sounds or has nice smiley faces on it hehe. Get something that baby can activate, eg, hit a button to trigger lights/music, most babies shd be quite amused, plus got learning value.
hee...Tricia's sleeping pattern almost the same as Tena. She's trained by my mum to sleep at abt 9-ish & will wake up at abt 2-3am for a feed (will be awake for abt half an hr then get sleepy & cranky & finally cradle to sleep) then another feed at abt 7am but i tik it's not established yet as she manage to sleep thru from abt 12am to 6am for 2 nites last week then back to the norm...dunno when she'll sleep thru the nite...

hey, can't believe the romper is pink ;) but the laundry's accident's not obvious at all, looks nice in white too..

thanx for the info on Robinsons sale. I need to get some toys for Tricia too but oso dunno what's good & useful to get.. ;)

I can't remember exactly the brand, got it from vitakids at forum. i bot the organic brown rice. isabel uses avent bottle and teat #2, so, still quite ok 'coz didn't put a lot of cereal into it.
Ruffy, so sorry can't go shopping... Tena's grounded :p. Cos alot of exposure during CNY (whereas b4 CNY when I brought her out, she was mainly interacting with only me even tho in shopping centre environment). And I'm still getting her used to her schedule, so it's better to sort of ground her, less disruptive.
peg, actually definition of "sleep thru the nite" is an uninterrupted stretch of 5 or 6hrs (can't recall which). Just that Tena and Tricia choose to have that stretch starting so early in the evening (eg. 8pm-3am = 7hrs, or 9pm-2am = 5hrs), which is not accommodative to the usual adult's sleeping hrs :p.
HB is trying to do something abt it this week (he won't be ard next week including weekend, oh shoot). Yesterday Tena slept 8pm, he woke her 1:30am to feed, and she slept til 6+am. Slowly pushing her usual 3am earlier to 1:30am, then even earlier til it's 12mn feed. Going slowly, cos I fear if we suddenly woke her 12mn to feed, she'd just wake up again at 3am... then we end up with more trouble- 1 additional feed, LOL!
How's ur HB's reaction to tricia's crying? I tend to be more distressed by tena's crying if I'm not handling her, so I do get quite upset. If ur HB's like me, then even if he's not helping on weeknites, should tricia cry while u're taking care, he may get stressed out (on top of his work/study loads).
Thks! receive yr PM and I called the nanny alr. Will discuss wif my hubby again coz the nanny needs to fetch her P1 daughter from school every afternoon, me a bit worry lei.

the robinson sales is on today only?
slk & peg... thanx... hehe... here's another shot taken just 5 days after her birth... that time no time to upload... just for laughs...

Gimme a big BURP please...

The Robinson's sales is their member's sales (ie with their Robinsons credit card). Think tomorrow got as well cos got frens who received the mailer for tomorrow. My mailer is for today leh. In the mailer is a voucher for $20 for $100 spent.
SLK, i got your request in yahoo. but then hor... my office block yahoo messenger. DAMN IT!
u got msn or not???
<font color="aa00aa">tbl,</font>
i asked Robinson b4. they say it's "selected" only. based on spending period or something like that. also might be bcos they go by batches, co maybe u'll get ur mailer soon.. think they usu spread across a couple of weeks...
i see...ok, will ask my mum to try ur HB's method. well, like you, i get distressed when she cries esp. when i'm not handling her...dunno why but she tends to cry until very cham in my HB's arms whenever she's cranky/sleepy but will calm down once i take over! LOL! On some nites, she'll be so awake after her feed &amp; i've gotta spend more than an hr to put her to bed..

Aiyo, soooo cute!!!

I dropped by Robinsons Raffles City but dun see any sale leh..

I'm also holding the robinson credit card but never receive any mailer! gg to write an email to complain liao!
TBL, Peg,

The Sales is tonight between 6.30pm to 10.00pm at both Raffles City and Centrepoint. As long as got the Robinsons card you will be entitled to discount. But without mailer means no voucher means no $20 off $100 loh.
my girl oso like yr girl lei. whenever she is cranky or sleepy-but-cant-fall-to-sleep, will cry non-stop in my HB's arm and only calm down when i take over!! so i cant really 'fang xin' to leave HB handle natalie. so till now i nvr leave natalie alone wif HB. Poor HB, can see he is trying his best alr, but still...
Last time did u have any problem contacting Kelly? I called her but she not around, left msg she oso nvr return call...
hi hi mummies...

its been long time since i posted......

just wan to tell you all some updates on Ryan...

He is 5mths plus now....trying to learn to crawl but only know how to use his hands so always go backwards.....2 times he fall down from my bed where i cant catch him in time...so be careful when your son/daughter start moving a lot.....yesterday worse....he fall down from the sarong when he is at his nanny house, think just wake up from nap....his nanny also cant figure out how he fall down from the sarong....aiyoo....now then i know how fast my son is growing without we notice......

already feed him on cerals once....think he is ok with it...but he fall sick last week with running nose and coughing so his nanny stop feeding him on cerals first...

By the way, I bought the Gerber Juice for him and let him try....he dont seem to like it...i make ribena for him...he also dun like it...

May I know what kind of liquid should we give them ?

will post his recent photos after i upload them...
Found this http://www.4basicessentials.com/posture.php

"... Second, avoid placing infants in a walker, jumper, or other restraining device that allows him/her to stand. An infant's spine is not completely developed and these devices can cause permanent damage. Instead, one of the best positions for your baby, during waking hours, is on his/her stomach. In addition to developing the muscles of the neck, this position lays ground for the proper development of the lower back's secondary curve. Crawling also helps to develop this important curve of the spine. Exercises such as these allow for better physical growth and encourage strong spinal musculature."
I see..hiaz..that means i'm gg to miss the sale liao...

ha! really? LOL! So far my HB hasn't had a chance to take care of Tricia all by himself although I would LOVE to leave her to him for a day so that he'll know it isn't easy! hehe..but then again, yah lor, cannot 'fang xin'..
If anyone has too much time(with babies, no such thing as free time) and wants to read my blog, which I started for fun, here is the url. I started it as away of recording my kids growing up and as well as my hubby to keep track of our lives in Singapore, while he is away!

Is the sale in the evening?

PAI SEH! I just checked my Yahoo email and realised that you've sent me a note. I've sent u my details. Thanks!
Hi, i been MIA for long time as i moved back to punggol flat where i don't have a reliable internet access and anyway too busy with baby to log on.

What I want to ask is, has little_devil started her baby clothes sale? Little_devil, can you sms me as i no longer can log in regularly
allo ladies,
i hv not logged in for a long time cos' my laptop has kaput. i just went to medan to visit my hubby &amp; lucky my 2 kids were ok on the flight or i'd hv pulled my hair out. garuda flight attendants were very helpful, helping me with my luggage &amp; pram.

really no joke packing for a traveling baby. luckily only gone for a few days. if not, think the plane's cargo will be overloaded with baby's diapers &amp; milk powder.

i remembered there was suppposed to be a gathering on 19th feb? there has been so many postings since i last logged in &amp; i gave up trying to catch up liao.

do u still want the sassy bath toy holder? maybe u can pm me yr address &amp; i'll mail it to u?

anyone's baby here is not too keen on cereal like mine? she used to like it but now she always turns away whenever i feed her. i tried to introduce diff flavours, adding mashed bananas or sweet potatoes, but she still wasnt very interested.

she is not drinking a lot of milk too. for a 5 mth-old baby, she's only drinking 160 ml every 4 hrs and that is considered her "good appetite day" liao. both my hubby &amp; i are gluts yet she's such a small eater.

i was packing keira's health booklet for her impending jab later this morning &amp; i cant help but marvel how much she has grown when i went thru' her gowth chart. i cant wait for her to sit up, walk &amp; talk but yet at the same time, i know im going to miss her baby yrs terribly. just like i did with my older boy.

My PD gave me some packets of cereal sample from Nestle and ask me to feed using a spoon instead of using the bottle. I am in USA now, else I will take a photo and show u the sample. I was told to mix 1 ounce of milk with the cereal.
Good Morning,

The Robinson's sales was good, at least for the toys department! I was there for only half hour and before I left the whole Sassy shelf was gone. Not a single piece left! People even snatched Sassy's feeding spoons, warmer plates etc. So if you're there today check out Sassy first - 50%. Next to go are the Fisher Price big items like activity centres etc - 25%. Oh and just a suggestion, if you want to use the voucher and may need to make up the amount to $100, try to grab some pigeon wipes ($9.95 - not great price though) as the whole shelf of pigeon wipes gone by 7.30pm! I even saw fathers digging for pigeon wipes from other's shopping bags placed near the counter.

The Robinsons sales for members still on today (another batch of members).
sharon, wahahaha LOL!

vaingirl, maybe kiera still dont really need to be on proper solids since her milk intake still low? No rush, wait till she is ready lor. Faye is also on and off solids, she likes it alot, but everytime I start feeding her solid, her milk intake will drop, so I'll stop solids, the milk intake up again, then feed solids, milk intake drop again! So I'll kiv for now hehe.
i think yr blog is great! i believe yr hb is reading it faithfully everyday

wah .. u really go and buy ah? disappointed tt result shows negative? lol ..

btw, i dreamt last nite tt i cld feel movements in my tummy leh .. like got bb inside moving .. woke up this am and felt my tummy again .. haha .. maybe i was hungry last nite?
going to the mothercare sale at marina square later and than go to robinsons sale in the evening.

going to get the baby bjorn carrier becos baby getting red marks from the mothercare carrier even though we put until very loose.

aiming for the Sassy stuff also at Robinsons so going to be there at 6:30pm and grab what I like first if the price is good
hubby thinks fisher price is still over-price even after discount so not buying any.

Thank you! He said I write too many personal stuff.. But I am like whatever!

Charsiew Rice,
Yes I would be going in 1-2 months time,, Its still quite cold there and I want Neil to finish his immunization as well..up till his 5th months.
Nice to see you posting.. I agree with the time flying by. I cannot believe that I have a 6 year old.. Actually, most people I meet assume Neil is my first baby and when I tell them nope, he is my third, and her age, they get shocked!
And time is a 2 edged sword.. Happy to see your baby achieve the milestones and yet sad that he/she is growin up too fast and wouldnt be so dependent on you!

need your advice....how do you get your babies to drink water?
my gal refuses to drink it from the bottle. so i tried giving her water with the spoon, worked for awhile but now she just spits it out.

she's just starting to wean so i try to give her water after she has eaten.

only at marina becos its moving out sale.


i give my baby 80ml of water with 5ml of delrosa rose syrup. he likes it and in-laws are happy becos they are the ones who want baby to drink delrosa

How old is sharwyn? I heard bb and mummy will start to drop hair when 4 mth. Don know how true! You still breast feeding some bf mum will nt ve menses so soon.
i been to marina square mothercare moving out sale beri long time ago! before i even deliver, why is there such a sale again?? weird...

Sometimes i will feed natalie her milk. Me cunning lah, know she is hungry, so she will just gulp it down, hahaha..... But she will stop when she notice it's tasteless.

Peg n TBL,

I think bb feel more secure when mummy carry her, bf bond. My gal oso the same, when she is cranky and keep on crying, hubby will try to cool her down but none of the times is succesful. Poor hubby, can sense that he feel so sad when she pass natalie to me. But my hubby had look after her alone and everything is ok.
Deniz, you'll just have to get your gal used to it. Fays initially also doesnt like water, but after I persisted for a while she's alot more receptive. Just feed her some water as and when you can. BTW, if she already dislikes plain water at this stage, try not to feed her sweetened drinks- health reasons aside, this will only make water seem even more unappealing in comparism.

hahaha..... as wat u said, woman mah....

Balding like nobody business, sound scary. I think i better shave natalie botak when she is 4 mth old. I notice that she already start droping hair, she is only 2 mths+.
Ruffy, Sharon,

Me got a Fisher Price Activity Centre for my baby to kick at. It is completed with lights and sounds (thanks to Berry for the suggestion). Also got 2 teething toys (thanks to Ruffy for the suggestion) and 1 doll from Sassy. Think Berry's Faye has the same doll. My baby was smiling at the doll the whole night, must be the doll's big eyes and smiley face.

Hmmm..... today very quiet here no baby pictures. Hey Berry, Medusa, Lil prince, AC etc, post some baby pictures leh.

Will start the ball rolling. Here's RY doing his tummy thing.

hi all
busy taking care of Allycia and not much time to post here.

I am returning to work soon and she seems not willing to take bottle. we had a hard time feeding her.


Shaving bb botak
rhyan's hair grew back so soon, i dun see any worries tt bb will not hv much hair left after shaving leh .. or it applies to my bb lah .. now, his hair is thicker and softer ..

faye sitting on the Mc Donalds high chair? she looks good in it .. the dress she is wearing very nice leh ..

wah, good buy ..

i posted all my pixs on Mon liao, me working lah and camera not with me .. so no pixs to post
