(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

feeling desperate to lose weight... baby not out YET... then year-end got all those nice weddings and x/mas gathering parties, particularly my wedding ANNIVERSARY! I keep looking at my calendar... each day the baby delays means 1 less day to slim down, cannot make it in time liao

Don't even know whether can make it in time for Chinese New Year when my MIL will definitely DRAG us around to show off the baby.

Then no need to think about Manyue/ full-mth celebrations... as I'm getting fatter and fatter I'm less wild about the idea of showing off my fat self- thought distribute stuff can liao. But NO, my MIL now insists MUST have full-mth (hello! MY BABY!!! Insist what?!), worse still she dunno what rubbish in her head- we haven't even thought about venue but she immediately announced she DISALLOW it to be held at my mum's place cos it must be at the male family side. This kind of thing also must fight territory. Made me so mad!

Now I'm thinking if my baby should have hyphenated SURNAME- mine as well as my hubby's. After all baby is MINE. Want to fight on such archaic rubbish, fine, I give baby hyphenated surname!

*venting :p *

<font color="0000ff">*** RePoRtInG ***</font>
hiaz... still waiting at home...

<font color="ff0000">*sob sob* those EDD later than me alr delivered *sob sob*</font>

gynae did another cervix check for me last nite.. told him will till latest Friday and will induce if bb not out by then. however, gotta note bb's movement from 9am - 6pm (at least 10x) from now on. he kept telling us there's no benefit to wait, but then, i only ask to wait till this Friday mah

hubby nearly wanted me to induce today, we even "sisscors, paper, stone" to decide whether to induce today or Friday. hubby won, but later he changed his mind, saying "feels weird to fix bb's birthday for her" so.. end up waiting again...... giving her a "last chance" to choose her birthday. if she's too lazy to do that, then we'll fix it to this Friday lor

hiaz.. if we move <font color="ff6000">bebechic &amp; ww</font>, who's alr overdue by a wk &amp; prob delivered, to MIA list.. then i'm top of the list liao... bb, bb... come out leh.

<font color="aa00aa">casros,</font>
dun think we'll meet leh.. though i very much wish so.. me still at home. think my girl super comfy inside..
wish u have a quick &amp; smooth delivery

<font color="aa00aa">sharon,</font>
think it should be enuff, cos we can store EBM in EMB bags, dun hv to store them in bottles. i have 4 x 4oz, 2 x 9oz if i rem correctly. how much bb will drink differs.. i've got 1 fren who switched to 9oz bottle ard 4th mth, the other ard 8th mth.

as for detergent, maybe u wanna get Pigeon bottle wash, specially for milk bottles &amp; bb stuff. can find at Robinsons/JL and Kiddy Palace, too.
gd luck to u! u defintely will do well n ur little one is coming out!

actually my hubby can take leave, but i scare that if he take so many at one go, wait later part need leave lei. so asked him maybe once in awhile take. Its good that ur hubby can stya with u for 3wks so that anything u not happy, can tell him! wow so good, u got alternate days arrangement!

i mean my hubby can cook, so if u just tell him wat to cook for confinement he can lor...hahaha. i didnt get as my mil offer to help lor, say dont waste money, but somehow i feel paiseh at times.

thks! yar he has been very supportive from the time i m at hospital till now. That time i dont have bm, he tried to look for lactation nurse, go n buy the bf pillow. sure i will try n i am getting better now.
dont worry...the ss will slowly come in. i didnt have till recently. Tell u good news. i manage to bf her twice this morning liao. later afternoon i will try again. Lets work hard together.
Her name is Carriane.

yar my frens also called the massage lady after 3wks for csection case. But then yest when i asked my gynae, how abt 1mths plus later, he says he dont recommend as we wont know when there is internal bleeding lor. so i also donno wat to do, when cant cannot call massage lady, how to slim down? btw, is ur tummy still very big? mine i slike as if 5mths pregnant! really very big woh. did u use any binder?

for me, now i didnt even dare to use the stretch mark cream on my tummy. as scare lei. I will wait till later then see hows the condition. Perhaps u can try the massage when u r ard 3 or 4 wks later.

u face the similar condition as me. Rem i told u all here that since the day i delivered, i been crying everyday. Then suddenly i become ok. At each pt, i might feel scared n fear. I will think back the days when my hubby n i were just courting, proposal, marriage to being pregnant. those days where i wan to go with hubby can just go. Then now sometimes wll think things will be so different. Hubby assurred me that he will still love me as much n told me i cannot be so selfish. Baby is the fruit of our love. Then coming in here toking n sharing with u all make me so much better today. I am really looking forward tp go out shopping, eating with hubby. Told hubby that next time we must have couple time. dont think so much...maybe next time, we all have some gathering, at least we wont feel so bad!

u know that day i told hubby that i regret! he said that by saying that, it is really selfish of me to think this way. As baby is our love. right now, i m coping better. n improving on bf also. i have sorted out, although cant total bf, at least can partial. its also good to moxed so that baby can get the fats from formula as i see alot of chubby babies r from drinking formula. So when i think this way, i become better.

dont feel depressed! go out with ur hubby and enjoyed those great food! n tell yr baby that u gg to bring him/her to nice food. after eating tok to ur baby! its really great feeling u know? i rem those days when i was pregnant, every fri to sun, my hubby n i sure go n eat nice food n enjoyed the 3 of us company. so easy! listen to music.
dont feel guilty! u know one mistake i made at hospital is i am overstressed n eager to bf my baby. Partly is becos i didnt have the chance to have natural birth, so before giving birth, already told hubby no matter wat i wan to bf as thats the only bonding i can give her! as my case csection, i wanted epidural also cannot, i wanted the feeling of holding my baby the very moment she is borned is so strong that i feel very depressed. But now looking back, i tell myself, the more impatient or depressed i m, i wont have any bf, it would make me even worse. so that time i stopped a few days, then i picked up again. I tell u each day will slowly different although now still cannot total bf, n i have already feel that i dont think i wan total bf liao. Will do mixed feeding! as u know usually babies drink formula r much bigger, looking at my collegues' babies. N u really have a good gynae. i didnt have a gynae or pedi to comfort me, both r so busy. Anyone has recoomendation of their pedi who is caring, got time to encourage?

yar bf is not easy! it needs alot of time n patience. Some pple r more blessed, the moment they gave birth got milk!

dont worry! when the time comes, u will be trained automatically one. or u can attend the course during ur stay at hospital. for me, i didnt attend any antenatal course, but slowly i learn.
<font color="0000ff">okie, going to watch TV, read novel liao.. (alr finished 2 3/4 out of 4 books borrowed)

will try to log on later in the afternoon
hi hi,
i need some advice...
1) can i take barley water everyday? will it be too "liang"? my gynae said i have excessive water retention so barley shld help to an extent. i've also cut down on salt intake for some time but my legs started to swell last mon.

2) can i see a dentist now? i'm 35wks. i tik i had too much ice cream &amp; choc so now my tooth's hurting badly. my husband said it's not advisable 2 c a dentist now. is it true?
that time i drank two pots of barley when i was abt 35-36 wks pregnant! its ok lei.
Then that time, my mil say dont drink coconut water, i secretly drink also...hahahha
hi hi ladies...

little devil and blisse
understand how u feel ..i feel the same way...especially during the 2nd week where my mother has to go back and work cause her workplace short of staff and my hubby is working...so i am left alone with ryan in the afternoon.....i that time tend to feel very stressed ..feeding him . patting him to sleep...carrying him all the time...but must think of the bright side so that we will feel better lor...

and one more thing...my friend did mention to me that dun ever feel gulity that you cant breastfeeding ur baby...if not you always feel bad...so let natural take it course....

another thing, you now giving ur baby formula and at the same time you want to bf him..my pd recommend us to get those bottle nipple that resemble a mother breast nipple...she recommend the brand - NUK...so that the baby wont feel the difference....

as for the massage... i also start at my 3rd week of confinement...just start yday...today is my second day of the massage...i did not feel any pain around my c-section wound...but it better that you check with your gynae first....
for my gynae, when i see him one week after my delivery for the check on the wound....he say i can start to plan for my second baby or exercise after 2 weeks later...
i drank daily. actually when i was pregnant, i drank it quite often as my office there also sell lor. as no other drinks, i always drink barley one lor.
Feeling like crap today, I think I'm falling ill. I have a headache, very stiff joints and neck, and my nipples are very very very sore and painful cause baby kept wanting to nurse non stop yeserday, even after she is full, she just wants to be attached to my breasts! I wish I didnt have to say this, but this morning I was wondering if I will give up and just give FM.
Feeling a little feverish, hope I get well soon. Made barley to drink.

Felt so bad, last night I snapped and screamed at hubby when he made an innocent n unimportant mistake while changing baby. He's been so supportive and wonderful and I feel so bad when I lose control and take it out on him.

My MIL keeps carrying the baby and rocking her! Initially my baby can lie there by herself, but thanks to this, baby is now alot fussier and wants to be carried all the time. And in my condition, how the heck can I carry her ALL the time if my baby gets used to it?! I told her already not to do it, ans she says okay, but still does it. very pek chek.

I really want to get better soon so that I can start my massage asap. NEED to get rid of all my loose skin/flab/fat.

kelly, Maybe you want to take barley water 3 times a week instead of daily? And make CHINA barley, its diuretic but not really liang. The liang one is normal western barley.

blisse, 'jia you' on your BF!

mykono, these blue feeling are duie to stupid hormones, and plus ALL the new things/routine/changes to cope with, I guess thats why we're blue.

mykono, little devil- I'm doing my DARNEST very super best to be positive, but not easy, eso when its so irritating that I still cant walk properly, cant even sleep on my sides, cant do so many things.
thks for the info...i used to drink a lot during my 1st &amp; 2nd trimester cos i buy it from my office area during lunch time.

i moved off in my 3rd trimester so i stopped drinking. now my water retention quite bad and since i'm home, i can boil the barley water myself mah...
i m using avent lei.
at which week then u didnt feel the wound pain? btw, do u have alot of lochia? i didnt have lei.
har u mean ur gynae asked u to plan fo ur second baby after 2wks? u know my gynae so afraid that i will get pregnant so fast that he yest asked me not to use condom method as very dangerous. He recommend the newly introduced stick on type lei, or injection type. But then as for csection, no sex for 2mths at least, so hubby n i say will wait n see how lor. no need to fast think lor. Then he told me cannot exercise for at least 3mths woh!
thks for the info...i'll go &amp; buy the CHINA barley then. i can get it from the chinese sinseh shop right?

i tik ur MIL is already spoiling ur girl...it'll be harder for u to care for her in future. i'll take note of tis and make sure my MIL doesnt do the same thing too.

that's 1 thing i hate abt MIL/own mummies taking care of our babies...i dun mind them spoiling me but if they spoil my baby, it'll be harder for me to exercise discipline in future. i'll end up looking like the bad person.
hi gals,
i am back! started my massage last friday, so am always too 'oily' to log on to the PC :p

i took barley water throughout my preagnancy.

read your postings. take things easy ok? can always call me anytime if you need someone to talk to

same here, my weight loss is really slow though i'm BFing Lucas. according to my friends, we won't lose much weight during confinement month if we ar BFing cos we are still taking all the confinement food to build up our body and milk supply. after which, we will lose weight gradually. i really hope so as i'm far from my pre-pragnancy weight.

my sis had c-sect and she started her massage 2 weeks after delivery. i think you can start as long as your woung doesn't hurt anymore.

i was still wondering if you have popped. your princess is really comfortable inside mummy's tummy
Hi all
Today dint go to office, having abdominal cramps and backahe but the frequency and intensity i varrying so cant conclude anything... Just coming back from dr's clinic, he said cervix is abt 1 cm dilated but still tubular so its quite insignificant. Again said the same thing that I can go in labour anytime may be 2 days or next week Aiyah this situation is really troublesome

BTW beannie if you wish to modify, casros's baby wt is 2.98 kg. Wow she delivered the bb in 4 hrs that too w/o epidural only gas... me getting more hopefull to copeup w/o epidural

I know this waiting game is too tiring and stressfull but we have no choice hopefully you dont need to wait till friday, bb might decide the b'day before that
its good that u can bf ur baby! but if u really feel so uncomfortable, maybe do it lesser! dont b so stressed ok? u r doing very well and a great mum!
i just told my hubby that u flared anger ur hubby, n he said wow at least u will feel bad, thats good woh! thats the pt of a men's view! so dont feel bad, ur hubby understand it

me also cant walk properly as my wound is pain, cant sleep side or move side on bed too. u had csection? i cant even bend to pick up things.

i tot ppl say that 3rd trimester must drink some liang stuff so that bbay wont have rashes. Thats wat i heard lar. donno how true lor.
but if u scare, drink alternate days or once weekly lor.

For those who are having b'feeding problems.. let me share wif you my experience.
I'm a mother of 2 girls, and now expecting my 3rd.

Breastfeeding is not an easy task to begin at first.. latching on is very very important. If u ever feel sore or painful, that means baby is not latched on properly.. Breastfeeding is not painful, so if u feel any pain, there must be a problem. Seek assistance immediately.. if not, sore nipples arise..
If u're having sore nipples.. let it rest for 2 days, air it often and keep it dry.. but keep on pumping.. at least every 2 hours to keep your supply up... dap some breastmilk on your nipples (before and after pumping) as it'll help sore nipples to heal faster..

If possible, try to direct bf, cos that's the easiest way to keep the supply up.. For the 1st 5 days, supply is always very low.. that is why the more hardworking u have to be to keep the flow coming.. so every 2 hours pump your breast.. whether there's 20ml of milk or 100ml of milk, it doesn't matter.. this is to motivate the flow..

The most important thing that u've to bear in mind is.. your emotion controls ur breast milk flow.. So try to relax and stay positive.. If you're stressed and is unhappy.. u'll find that you'll not pump much BM for your baby..

Remember to stay HAPPY .. dun worry so much... All will go well if you're happy!!

If you need more advise.. pls feel free to ask..
was surfing the yahoo forum you mentioned last time- read about the latching/ nursing for comfort/ jaundice/ eye infection issues... dear, you're taking too much upon yourself. Body not recovered fully you are bathing and doing everything for baby! Take a breather for a few days at least- all my friends get someone else to bathe and diaper change at least for the 1st week.

As for baby being carried too often- I think it's a really grey area. I'm utterly confused as to what I want. On one hand I want HB to bond/ carry/ massage baby as much as possible, on the other hand, I'm worried it's too much. Victoria's baby's case is alot of visitors and "pampering" but they don't carry her- just left lying on her own while they coo at her, so she demand cry to be carried. Another gf's case was the whole family kept carrying the baby until now he refuses to leave anybody's arms at all.

Your breastfeeding pillow can be used to "comfort" the baby cos it wraps around the baby- ie. leave her cocooned in it instead of on a flat mattress. See whether it'd work?

I thought you can start massage anytime already- yours not C-section, I think it'd be beneficial... something like physiotherapy
to start ASAP even if not totally recovered at the moment.
A lot of people seem down with flu/ cold *sniffles*... weather and virus, take care. One good thing is that since you caught a flu/ cold, you are developing the antibodies to flu/ cold in your breastmilk and HENCE passing the antibodies to your baby, offering her protection.

Better than she catch it first then pass to you or someone else pass it to her while bypassing you. ;)
Typo- I meant Vic's case her baby only cooed at NOT carried so she does NOT demand to be carried. Whereas the other gf's baby carried all the time by various family members, so demands to be carried 24hrs now.
cute and alert baby!
So charming!
Time flies, one minute they're inside, the next they're already 1 week old, and soon they'd be having full-mth!
welcome back! hows lucus? u manage to bf how many times? thats really a good news! n i would say that u look great that day when i went to see u..u r so energetic n looks normal. u know i cant even talk properly when i was in hospital. sometimes not enough energy to talk. And hows ur maid also? btw, ur lucus looks like daddy, handsome boy

so which massage lady did u engage? can u help me ask her for csection, how does she massage?

wish u have a smooth delivery soon

wow casros really a heroine! without epidural, really wonder how she can take it.
yah I'm surprised you can capture such an alert expression. Cos my gf's newborn very cute too... and lovely eyes, but it was very funny- me and my gf were trying to take a pic of the baby with eyes OPEN... wah... very difficult. Didn't succeed. Cos most of the time sleeping, and open-close eyes too fast for us to catch with our cameras. :/
angelia, you're beginning to sound a bit like berry before she popped :p eh, dun stress yourself out woman. Relax... heard that its easier to pop that way :p

little devil, me at punggol. I was thinking more of support group for those who has popped around the same time. This way, all of u going through the similar situation, can encourage each other better

August, amended my data already. Thks!

mtmtmt &amp; blisse, i totally forgot abt the parentcraft session after birth :p geez... bad memory as usual.

hmmm... dunno why my tongue keeps feeling odd. It was like that in the 1st trimester too. Went away in the 2nd trimester and its back again.

Keep having need to put sweet or savoury stuff in mouth or else tongue taste extremely bland. Sensation's a bit like when u loose your sense of taste after a long illness?
i can understand how u feel...... and me lucky dun hav to face my mil as we are not staying together. but yesterday they talk about the man yue thing also, actually i dun intend to but i tik my fil wants tat..... me soo stress,there will be tons of pp then and i dun like it......also dun know how........for weight lose, dun tik too much, me at first also keep tiking but now i jus do my best and dun let the issue bother me too much, i mean i still will feel sian about my body but i tell myself i can do it!!

yah, me also tik like u, its like soooo sad tat we and hubby will not like before.... and theres fear and worries involve..... i also feel like crying but i didnt, but i definitely have fear..... as for massage, i will call my gynae and ask him....... i really agreed tat we shall meet up maybe even hubby also join in, at least we all have common topic here
u mus be strong and if u really feel like talking, can always call me.
yah, my gynae always take care of mummy as well, he will make sure mummy will not gain too much weight by controlling us and also will try to relax mummy and also very caring, he says preggy is a beautiful experience, so y make it sooo stressful..
as for pd, my sil praise 1 tat is in hougang, hes cring and nice, so i might go to him.

thanx for all the info.
maybe i will do my massage in the 3rd week........ yah, i tik i will forget about bf liao.... i also feel sad, its like i dun have much of my own time, thogh i hav a cl with me, but since yesterday, i try to change diaper for bb, feed bb, burp bb.... as i dun wan to leave everything to her as now if i dun at least learn, when she go back, i will be dead meat man!!!!!!

i really wish we can all be positive too but wat u say is true..... its difficult....
but u mus encourage urself as i really tik u are a great mum......
really!!!!!i also very scare pp rock my bb, and i will tell them in a nice way pls dun do tat...... my sil also told me before tat some bb will want to jus attach to the mummy breast as its very comforting.... guess u need to adjust her habit abit.....

my wound ah, not much pain laio but i tell u, tat time the nurse shave my "hair" and now it itch like crazy!!!!!!
ai yooo........ lucas soooo cute!!!! yah, bb nowadays different, Quinn also open his eyes and look ard when my hubby first saw him....
I oso dunno why bb is kicking so hard these days, kind of worry. and u are worry abt yr bb may not kick hard enuff? hehehe.... see, no matter how bb behaves, we will still worry one. my gynae did tell me as long as bb moves everyday, intensity not important, so I just remind myself lor. u oso dun worry too much ok? btw when is yr next check up?

gynae did give me some cream when i have rashes on tummy. tonite i go back &amp; check the brand and let u know tomolo.
btw i discovered i start to have STRETCH MARKKS!!!! total 3 black ugly lines at the lower tummy!!!! haiz.... hope it wont 'spread'!!!
thanks for your compliments. i was alert but my friends all said i look too pale... like lack of blood :p your case is different, cos c-sect mah. my sis was like you when i visited her in the hospital last time
hey, i wanna see your princess. the nurse said looks like you, so must be very pretty with big round eyes

for the past few days, i will up before 8am. after breakfast, i will try and let lucas latch on. afterwhich will try and pump out the remaining milk. then the massage lady will come ard 9.15am. after the massage, i will be super oily and 'dirty', so i won't try to BF. will shower ard 3pm (supposed to take out the wrap at 6pm but i really cannot tahan!). then will try and pump out after shower. then will take a nap till dinner time. after dinner will try and latch lucas on again, and the last pump ard 11pm before i sleep. that's my routine now. how abt yours?

my massage lady is Amy. most of my friends use her. she is good!
let me know if you need her contact. oh my maid is ok so far. she is learning alot from the CF lady

we tried very hard to capture lucas with eyes opened last week too. but these 2 days he has been openings his eyes for at least half an hour when he's awake.

dont take any tea or coffee to avoid water retention. can go see dentist. only cannot x-ray.


will go and get the baby rash cream or moisturiser.
thanks. same lor... we are also facing problems with the man yue thing. my in-laws want to invite the whole 'kampong'!! i am really against this idea

hey same here, the nurse also shaved me, but only abit at the bottom.

according to the nurse, it's up to the gynae whether they want you shaved. before they shaved me, they looked through this list of gynaes and told me i need to be shaved.
My gynae requires shaving if c-section, no need to shave if natural delivery.

I guess they are more careful with c-section.

better go see the dentist to get treated before anything serious like gum disease develops, not good for mummy or bb. i went to see the dentist last week for bleeding gums, mine really bled A LOT. she cleaned it up for me and now i'm ok! like rochelle said, avoid x-ray.
congratulations SLK! you're back too I see

snowflakes, always good to hear practical tips from experienced mothers
Got other tips to share or not... hehe...
ai yooo........ lucas soooo cute!!!! yah, bb nowadays different, Quinn also open his eyes and look ard when my hubby first saw him....
hi all, so busy at work...no time to log in &amp; haven't really gone thru all the previous postings yet...

my tingkat caterer is okay but like i've told u before, the soup is too sweet &amp; taste the same every day even though the ingredients are different but other dishes are okay...
wah, first cuisine charges $10 more for disposable containers? tiking of changing to them after my trial with four seasons...but i'm oredi getting a little bored with rice &amp; dishes every night...if only they can serve noodles/western food on some days...hehe..

BTW, haven't recd the list yet leh...pls resend. thanks!

Thanks for the pic! What a handsome little boy Lucas is!

ALL mummies,
Can imagine that it must be difficult getting used to the little new member of the family &amp; the uncertainty of things but please hang in there &amp; stay positive! i know how depression is like as i got it a couple of months back - really scary!!! (tik i'm very prone to getting it after my delivery too!) Pls seek medical help if necessary ok as it can be really dangerous. Good luck!
wow ur lucus really looks cute woh. n he open his eyes full har. my ger only open half half like that woh.

yar i agreed! its hard to capture baby's with eyes open.

thats a good idea! but most of us r still in confinement woh! dont worry abt the taste bud. take something to suck. me also keep on sucking the fishermen.

thoink we r the sort that need hubby attention n support alot! hahhahaha, my hubby says i m big baby, n he needs to settle two babies every9. If not the big baby will suddenly cry again. Yar i agree we shld get the hubby join in as well. The more gathering we have, the more we shared n we will feel better! if not we talked to those iwthout babies frens, we will feel so much worse one. me really looking forward to a getaway with hubby! hopefully ard next yr June lei. Yar ur gynae really very nice lor! its good to have someone to tell u wat to do!

Induction so early? 1 thing about induction, the closer the induction date to your EDD, or the later it is, the more successful. Because medical science still not quite there yet for chemical induction, sometimes the labour process is not kickstarted effectively/ body decides it's still not ready and with-holds some functions despite the chemical inducements... then labour may end up being prolonged. Sometimes labour prolonged will lead to c-section.

In a nutshell, induction more likely to lead to c-section compared to natural labour... I think "ba zi" date is less important than your gynae's expert recommendation.
