(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

<font color="ff6000">beanie</font>
tink tts heartburn u r experiencing.. v.acidic &amp; burning feeling up ur throat right?
i drank milk or eat ice cream to combat tt

<font color="ff6000">leo</font>
huh? got tis kind of thing?
hee.. but i oso bo chap .. no chilli hor, food like no taste like tt.. :p
i v.mao tun ... like to eat chilli n spicy stuff yet can't take too spicy for the fear of heartburn

think me will be using disposable panties too. save trouble. but dunno wat size to buy lei. too big worry later too loose to put on pad, too small then may not fit into my big buttock!! haiz... oso sian ah!

antacid safe for pregnancy or not? Or u wan to lun till u see gynae? is it due to the type of food u take?

hehe, i love nasi padang and thai food! i don't believe spicy food=sweaty baby, sounds like old wives' tale to me
of course, everything in moderation is advisable.
<font color="ff6000">tbl</font>
i went to OG and got the felacy brand wan i tink.. 4got how many pcs per pack (dunno 5 or 7)..
now OG got 20% disc.. so after disc, 1 pack cost abt $4+..
was worrying abt the size like u.. but tink again, wearing loose (w/o pad) is more comfortable than wearing tight..
so, i got their maternity size one lor..hvnt open up and see how big ixxit.. :p

oh.. according the saleslady, if panty is not stained still can be washed n reuse for another time
chihiro &amp; TBL, i dunno whether if its indigestion or heartburn leow. Totally confused :p

The acid doesn't burn but u can taste the sourness. Didn't get the back-flow of acid initially. Only started yesterday. In the beginning, it was just very uncomfortable stomach, like indigestion.

Wah piangz... today 4th day leow. Thought I could wait till tonight for appt with Doc. But it's getting really uncomfortable leh.

Peg was suggesting Gaviscon cos' her doc prescribed that. Am thinking that it should be safe.

Antacid is basically contains magnesium, calcium &amp; aluminium. It is the aluminium which causes the worry cos' it can be harmful to the baby's nervous system. So just have to get those without aluminium lor.

yah, aluminium can be toxic. better to avoid. some brands of antacids are also high in sodium which is no good. why not call your gynae to check that Gaviscon is ok for you? i also heard that brand is prescribed during pregnancy.
beanie, forgot to add, a home remedy i read about is 1/4 tsp sodium bicarbonate dissolved in water and taken between meals. can ask your gynae about that also.
fruitcake, i called 2x leow. Doc is bz at the moment. Been waiting for a good 30min for nurse to return call... sigh... think he can't be bothered
got maternity size one huh? then think i oso want to get that. can be washed &amp; re-use? then must take a look at the material 1st.

heartburn/ indigest for continous 4 days? aiyo, jialat. u must let gynae know liao! poor u. today take soup or porridge lor, dun take too heavy or oily meals.
beanie, i'm not sure if it does and in what amounts, but ice cream soda might be too gassy. try milk/ice-cream like chihiro suggested?
<font color="ff6000">beanie</font>
oh dear, better find something to curb ur indigestion/heartburn 1st
eat something light for lunch today ...see how it goes?

<font color="ff6000">tbl</font>
ya, they got maternity size...was tinking if i shd stand by a pack of L or XL... :p
tts wat i was told, can be washed and worn again..
tonight i go bac and cfm the brand i've bought and how many pcs it has inside/pack.. and let u know

hmm.. ya, littledevil has not reported today too..
like what fruitcake says, ice cream soda is too gassy &amp; may make you feel worse. Go get the Gaviscon since it's prescribed by my gynae &amp; the instructions on the bottle says it's safe during pregnancy...hope u feel better soon!
went for my gynea checkup last night. quite comical. gynea looked at me &amp; say i dun seem to hv put on any weight. next i lie on the bed for the scan, he saw my tummy &amp; told me i better go on a bit of diet!
he worry bb too big kena C-section. looks like i will have to stay away fm the "or nee" &amp; pineapple tarts for a while. sob. sob.

i was on antacid for a while. i think should be safe. in fact very freq prescribed for pregnant woman. but i dun really find it very useful for my indigestion &amp; bloatedness.
yah, tik antacid only provides temporary relief since indigestion &amp; bloatedness are very common &amp; will always happen throughout pregnancy...
esther didn't do the GD test on me too. Infact, did you do a triple test? I don't remember testing for anything else, other than the blood test I did in my week 12th... for HIV, Haemogoblin, Hep etc..

Hmm, my baby is not very active thru'out my pregnancy leh... so I really envy all the MTBs here.. I can hardly ever feel her some days.. that sometimes it really scares me. In fact, I'm thinking there's no way I can actually time/monitor her movements.. since she's so inactive to begin with.

I find myself always the odd one out leh... cos I've not had any BHC and I'm still not getting up in the night to pee leh... WIERD *SCRATCH HEAD*. The only thing I've is painful fingers!! and I got them very early.. at about 16weeks!!
hi bride0712,
when is your edd? it is definitely amazing to be able to feel our bb move once in a while, but frankly, an over-active bb (like mine) is no fun. makes trying to sleep quite impossible at times....or should i say many a times. LOL. and trust me, u dun want to experience BHC or get up in the night to pee. i get up so often, i finally understand wat my previously pregnant gf say. she told me she was almost gonna camp in the toilet at night! LOL
what wk u are in now? didnt see yr name in the list. btw u dun worry too much, coz everyone has diff experience mah. for me i still dunno what is BHC lei. Dunno whether i kena alr or not?

as for not getting up in the nite, u shld count yrself lucky mah! most of the time if i get up then have problem to sleep lei. during my 2nd tri, i wake up 2x per nite. but strange, now reduce to 1x per nite. tot suppose to increase frequency mah coz uterus becomes bigger. but i dun care lor.
as for bb's movement, as long as bb moves every day can liao. my gynae says the intensity (hard/soft) is not a problem. Dun worry.
Just bought Gaviscon &amp; drank leow. Effect no noticable yet :p

The nurse called back to say the Doc recommends mylanta.

Lucky both watson &amp; guardian out of small bottles. Only the huge double-strenghth ones are left.

Apparently, mylanta contains aluminium. So I got Gaviscon instead... hehe...

wah lau, how u all tahan the gastric/ indigestion?? I was groaning all morning in the office :p
Hi Vaingirl,

How does the procedure goes about for applying the levy? Is it troublesome? How much is the levy?

Anyway, i'll still PM u my contact number, i dun wan to miss out on a good confinement lady. They are hard to come by these days!
Juz few questions, is she a Cantonese?
Does she restrict you alot, like no bath, no this and that?
wah... feeling so shiok now... no more pain
relief finally after so many days. Should have gotten it earlier.

tbl, according to berry(?), when you've got BHC, your tummy will be so hard your fingers won't be able to depress it.

BHC is supposed to be painless.

I am rather confused myself but I think I started experiencing it from my 6th mth.

Bride0712, I don't get up in the middle of the night nowdays. Used to do that in the 1st Tri. It stopped in my 2nd Tri.

However, i read somewhere that it'll start again in the 3rd tri as the uterus starts expanding more rapidly. Especially when lightening happens.
glad to hear tat u feeling better now. but hor dun always depends on the med, if can tahan then try to tahan lor.

fm what u describe, then i think i oso got BHC lei! kekeke.... sorri i veri blur one. btw these few days i do feel my tummy harden sometime, just like rock lor. tot tat's due to bb moves very close to my tummy. kekeke...
<font color="ff6000">beanie</font>
oh .. din catch ur last post
glad u r feeling better

<font color="ff6000">beanie, tbl</font>
erm, when ur tummy hardens.. do u feel breatheless?
i dun feel breatheless when tummy harden lei. only feel like the whole tummy is heavier and tight.

must wear pad coz heard tat the flow is quite heavy. but like vaingirl mentioned she just use the normal night pad. I alr bought 2 pack of kotex maternity pad, think will try it first. if flow slow down then will switch back to normal pad lor.
im going to apply the levy 2moro with her as she's using temporary visa now. i hv to go to MOM 2nd level to complete an application form. the confinement lady needs to bring along her passport, I/D &amp; embarkation card. the levy is $345.

yes, she's cantonese. she doesnt restrict me but she cautions me a lot. hee... anyway, im the one who choose to follow "tradition." i've yet to take a shower (only wipe myself with warm water) &amp; wash my hair since i've been discharged. will try to tahan until the 11th day.

just to let u know, its her practise to collect $200 deposit fm those who wants to book her. i'll get her to call u later.
the cause of the pain in my hands is due to water retention. someone posted in tis thread b4 that it's due to carpal tunnel syndrome. i have to cut down on salt intake.

i tik i also didnt do a triple test. dr esther got me to do a OB scan at 5th mth and a blood test at 4th mth. my painful fingers didnt start til abt 6th mth.

hv u gone for a recent checkup with dr esther? did she tell u ur baby's weight?
hi chihiro,
when my tummy harden &amp; i happen to be lying down, i do feel breathless. very uncomfortable as i grasp for air. i will try to change to a position which allows me to breathe better. even when i am sitting or standing, i get it at times too.
u have an ingenious method to count baby's movements. i'm starting a chart with ur method now. if ur baby moves 20-30x a day, then it's very active, compared to mine. though i dun chart it but i tik my baby moves less than 20x a day. i'll start charting it for more accurate measuring. after the scare yesterday, i betta do so.
when dr esther said my baby is 1.4-1.5kg@32wks, she didnt even say if it's small or below average. my GF's baby is 1.6kg@31wks and her gynae said it's small and told her to eat more meat, drink more milk, etc.

that's y i wunder if dr esther is accurate in estimating the weight and wat shld i do if my baby's small? hai...stressed. i also scared i eat too much, put on too much weight myself as i'm already plump b4 i got preggie.
chihiro, i also dun feel breathless. However, tummy sometimes feels like its expanding so big &amp; heavy its gonna explode :p

jen, i read somewhere that if you're using stick-on pads, make sure your panties are not too loose and it gives proper support. Otherwise, the pad will move &amp; that is gonna hurt the wound big time.
hi kelly

when i went for my checkup at 31 weeks, my gynae told me my baby weight is 1.2kg but the baby growth is only about 28 weeks. So my doctor and my husband "ordered" that i take full cream milk.

with regards to puttin on weight, think more for the sake of baby...so long baby is healthy it does not matter if we put on weight...can always lose after delivery
<font color="ff6000">jen</font>
hv to wear pad right? coz we will be getting lochia/menses after delivery.. got to put pad
well, if while changing the pad tear the disposable panties, then also bo bian lor ..

<font color="ff6000">ziztine</font>
ya, i also do feel that when sitting or standing sometimes.. hee.. at least i know wat im experiencing is normal .. :p

had a bowl of cold ching teng for dessert juz now .. yum..
ya, i oso started charting coz 2wks ago panic till want to cry thinking bb moves too soft &amp; less frequent. so i think better chart so more "an xin". u will oso be able to track her pattern lor, see when is her most active time.
i dunno whether 20~30x is consider active or not. coz remember someone in this thread mentioned 50x. anyway i just remind myself every bb's movement diff lor.
My scan last week showed that my baby weighs 2.6 kg at 35 weeks. By the time I give birth god knows what would be the birth? I am excited to know the baby's weight today(exactly 1 week later) and hopefully that he is head down, because he has been breech for so long.
My girls weight at birth were 3.8kg and 3.7kg and my 2nd girl was very long. 56.5 cm..Hopefully this boy would be smaller..
<font color="ff6000">beanie, tbl</font>
i dun feel breatheless everytime tummy hardens .. but sometimes will lor.. juz worried tt if there's anything wrong with me.. ;p

<font color="ff6000">puff, jen</font>
so when's ur nx visit to gynae?
Hi Ziztine, TBL,

I'm already exactly 35 weeks today! Sometimes, I don't feel her at all, so I 'shake' my tummy hard.. but she still doesn't respond.. haiz, me always call her a 'lazy bum'. I used to wake up in the night too during my first tri.. then stop once I reached 2nd tri... third tri, I tot it's quite natural to need to get up at night but apparently, I'm not!

During the last appt, I didn't ask her abt the weight. In fact, it was esther, herself who'd mentioned about not being able to give the exact weight of the baby cos since it's always just an estimation.

Well, you know lah, her routine is to scan then tell you this is the thigh bone, the calf, the feet.. etc, the fluid level is good, show you the heart, the umbilical cord... then that's abt it lor. Haiz, at my last appt (wk 34), I've already put on 21kg!!! I just hate to go on the weighing machine each time I'm there..STRESSED!!

Alamak, I've not packed my bags yet leh. I've also not washed the baby clothes that I've bought.. and everything else are still wrapped in their original packings. I think I'm the most 'un-ready' MTB here.
my next visit is children's day, 1st Oct but was thinking whether to go this week cos worried about baby's development after he said baby is on the small side and 1 more kg to catch up!!
ya, i was worried initially too. so my gynea checked my heartbeat &amp; measured my pulse i think &amp; say nothing wrong. btw, certain medication can cause it too. in case u are on something other than the normal multivit &amp; calcium pills.

i am in the same week as u! where are u delivering? for me, MAH. btw, could your lessen loo trips have anything to do with low water intake? i understand that drinking lots of water eases the pain in your hands too? maybe your bb will be the kind to sleep thru the nights leh. then we will all be envying u!
kelly, puff,
maybe try to take more beef? since it is a good source of iron too. i am suspecting that apart fm the Anmum i take daily, it might be the beef that my greedy bb is feeding on which makes her size above avg! i was afraid of anemia and take beef at least once a week.
Unready MTB (bride0712),
oh, u wk35 alr! then really must pack yr bag &amp; wash bb's clothes liao! if ur bb decides to come out early then how? later u more kan cheong ah!
me planned to start pack bag &amp; wash clothes @ wk33. btw me a bit KS one lah!
u still got few wks to go only, nvr mind abt the wt lah. after gave birth then think of ways to slim down lor.
hi ziztine,

I'm at MAH too. I drink lots of water, even before I sleep. That's why I ???. The pain in my hands.. I'm almost immuned to it already, since I got it for a long long time .. from my 4th month.
<font color="ff6000">puff</font>
alamak..so fast nx fri is 1 Oct liao!
so fast Oct liao .. meaning we r closer to our EDD too!

<font color="ff6000">ziztine</font>
nope, im not on any other medication at all

<font color="ff6000">bride0712</font>
prob i will start washing bb's clothes frm 2nd wk of Oct bah .. even then, hubby still tink im doing this too early coz he tinks tt things will still collect dust even though keep in drawers.. so dun need to wash so early.. but juz dun wish to get caught unprepared .. KS lah
ha. who knows. we might meet up in MAH
wah drink so much &amp; still dun need to pee. how i wish i will not need to go to the loo so often.

i'm taking chicken and fish, dun really fancy beef though...cos i feel with gynae's prescribed vitamins and plus i'm taking full cream milk now, should be sufficient

ya, children's day....wow, seems like it was very long time ago i celebrate this!!
me getting a little impatient liao, can't wait for our EDD to arrive
