(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

tbl, chihiro,

spicy food can cause heartburn.

feed swell since saturday so went to buy a new pair of sandals on sunday. swelling went down after swimming but didnt swim these few days so swell quite bad.

yawn....me very sleepy

going to take a nap cos did not sleep well last nite, woke up 6 times to pee plus water retention on arms, very irritating and painful
Aiyo, most of the MTBs here are actually looking forward to your EDD.. but here I am, freaking out whenever I think of the pending date!! Really want to chicken-out, i always tell hubby .. if only i can he can go thru the delivery instead.
hi hi!! u are here! how are u & how is yr work?
me not yet swell, but got a feeling it is coming soon...

swimming can reduce it huh? aiya, i stopped swimming since preggie... :p

btw are all MTB taking milk (hi-lo or full cream)? me seldom take lei. only once in a while take marigold hi-lo. these few days keep seeng mtb mentioned abt milk so a bit worry me not taking enuff milk, dunno will affect bb or not. guess i need to start now?
<font color="ff6000">puff</font>
kekekeke...can't wait to get the xiao jia huo out of u right?

<font color="ff6000">rochelle</font>
hello ! how hv u been? tink long time din see u in here

tink tt cld be water retention
did u put ur feet up at night while sleeping?
for me, it does help to reduce the swelling
hee...hee...if guys go thru pregnancy and delivery, think they will cry and scream louder than girls cos their pain threshold is lower than us...plus so many food taboos, this cannot eat, that cannot drink, think they will go crazy...cannot imagine

I didn't take milk throughout my pregnancy.. in fact, I still take my daily dose of coffee, chinese tea during lunch, pineapples..etc. Maybe bcause of all the caffaine, my haemogoblin level is below the margin. Was told by gynae to take more red meat.. esp. BEEF. But I don't take beef lah.

At times, I find myself very wierd.. taking things that most preggies avoid, having diff or no symptoms from most.. etc. *scratch head*
u can drink so much water and u still dun go to toilet in the middle of the nite? wow! i envy u.

ya lor, dr esther also does the usual stuff with me...she'll show me the thigh bone, heart, the big aorta, the umbilical cord, placenta, etc. she'll then say my amniotic fluid is good/sufficient.

btw, did she ever do a CTG for ur baby? i went to her today, telling her i didnt feel much baby's movement and she said if i worried abt baby's movement, i can go to ESH or MAH to do a check on my baby's movement and they'll charge me abt $50.

i was thinking, "oh my god, she doesnt even have the CTG stuff in her office meh?" now i'll wait &amp; see her delivery skills. if not good, i'm switching gynae for sure.

i've been taking beef once/twice a week, lotsa leafy veg (when i can) and anmum every 2-3days &amp; a packet of milk every day. pp kept saying my belly is big (as if i'm due soon), i also asked my gynae if i have too much amniotic fluid, she said no SO i always wunder if her estimated weight is even accurate.

my baby's weight is a concern cos if it's too small, i can do something abt it. if it's too big, i'll control my carbo intake but still take meat, fish, veg, fruits, fibre, etc.

my gynae did say i'm anaemic (did i spell correctly) so i may not bring enuff nutrients to my baby so from 5th mth onwards, i've been taking 2 iron tablets daily.

aiya, that's y i tot of changing gynae next time. it's my 1st pregnancy so i tend to be info-hungry. i like to know as much as possible but i always get the feeling that my gynae only entertaining (fu yen) me.
(EFW for my BB)
Week 32: 1.720 kg
Week 35: 2.50 kg - 2.70 kg
Week 37: 2.99 kg
Week 39: 3.20 kg - 3.30 kg

me and hubby small frame...
me before preggy : 43.5kg / 1.55m
hubby : 51 kg / 1.65m
What do you gals use to prop your legs up at night?? I'm using pillows but then within half an hour, all my pillows would have ended up on the floor.
lil devil,
how's ur checkup?

i dun plan to wash my baby's stuff til 36-37wks leh...a bit late hor? come to tik abt it, i tik betta be KS than messed up later on...
i'm reaching 34wks so i've gotten a load of baby clothes from friens &amp; relatives. i tik i betta start doing something abt them b4 it's too late.

u can put the newly washed baby clothes in ziploc bags. i planning to do that so it'll stay dust-free.

i'm looking fwd to popping, the whole labour process, etc. i cant tahan the pain in my hands as i cant sleep at nite at all so i cant wait to pop once my baby's ready.
ha!!me too, use pillow and they will end up anywhere but not under my feet, so i gave up liao, swell then swell lah...... anyway, pop up will decrease swelling for the earlier part of the day, later part, TREE TRUCK appear again.... so bo chap liao....

my check up ok, dr says water and bb is still ok, and he today did a cervix check for me...hes very funny, keep saying sorry when hes doin tat....
lil devil,
at least u have info on bb's weight and ur bb's progressing well...

b4 preggie, me on big frame (1.58m/74kg) and my husband is the tall type (1.75m/74kg). my gynae did say b4 my bb got long limbs so shldnt be so small right? (1.4-1.5kg@32wks+)

i've put on 11kg and both mothers kept saying my baby'll be big (looking at my belly) and told me to control wat i eat. hai...sian! dun feel my gynae is competent enuff...waiting to see her delivery skills b4 "sacking" her.
<font color="ff6000">littledevil</font>
oops .. still got to wait for a few more days
maybe u can start prep talk to ur boy .. lure him out with toys?

<font color="ff6000">bride</font>
at 1st im using a pillow, but too low, so put another bolster up to add a bit of height.. they r rather soft tts y can stack a bit
.. but when i wake up in the morning .. my feet is below the bolster sometimes
thks for the info.
in fact my gynae did give me enfamum but i just put in drawer, didnt touch at all. this time he gave me 1 tin of frisomum, think i will try taking lor.

wat is haemogoblin level huh? how yr gynae check on this? i avoid coffee during 1st tri. then mid of 2nd tri buay lun liao, start take coffee again. :p

for a KS ppl like me
, i think if u wash bb stuff on wk36/37 is abit late. if u free then can start washing liao coz later may be not so mobile to arrange bb stuff leh.

u are back! still got 4 more days by next tues. dun give up, may be bb prefers to out on wkend.
<font color="ff6000">kelly</font>
ya.. am planning to put those washed items into ziplog bags lor .. at least it still be clean when bb start using

<font color="ff6000">jen</font>
u n puff got the same appt date .. heheh

Nope, never do ctg b4. I've never complained to her abt any discomfort b4 thru'out this pregnancy... even the pains in my hand etc. Actually, I don't think I've questioned her abt anything at all. So Esther thinks that I'm very 'strong'/gung-ho.. all ready to go thru the whole delivery... Wait till she sees me on the DAY itself.. I'm afraid I might scare her with all the screamings mann. Even now, whenever I go for my scheduled appts, I'll have sweaty palms the whole morning... my hubby can't imagine what'll it be like when i go into labor.

work is okay. I take milk for breakfast and supper becos KS that baby not enough calcium. I just shake my legs in the water to reduce the swelling. I think as long as you "exercise" your legs before you sleep, the swelling wont be too bad.

aiyo, my husband and i always have lotsa of questions for dr esther. i always complain to her if i get pains anywhere. i tik she tiks i very "bao bei"...never mind lah, then she'll handle me gently during delivery. i'll be screaming my head off too if i'm not using any drugs. i tik the nurses at MAH will encourage me to use drugs so i wont scare the other MTBs.
chihiro, tbl

I sleep with two pillows for my head and one pillow for my feet becos if my head is lower than my feet, I get quite bad heartburn.

I switch to wearing sandals so that even if my feet swell during the day, I can easily take off my sandals. I am wearing Clarks sandals becos the support is better.

my blood pressure is 100/60 which is normal but becos baby is bigger so my next checkup is 2 wks time instead of 3 wks time. if your face and hands are swollen as well as your feet than you should let your gynae know immediately.
ummm.... at first i also worry as me and hubby small frame and scare bb weigh too little. so i drank anmum and maybe it helps but i also PUT ON alot from drinking tat. y u say ur gynae not competent? gynae says i cn induce anytime if i wan but he says my water and bb is doing fine, maybe give abit more time and see how.

ha!!! tats wat i do, and hisdaddy keep telling him to come out and play, at least got bigger space...kekekeke...........

tats wat the dr says... WEEKEND! ha!!!!a weekend bb!

i tik i will wait awhile more since only 4 more days...... will sure update u.
oh yah ho.... dun tell me becos i ate toooo muchhhh mooncake tats y bb want to wait til tat day??!!! i tik in total i ate about 7 -8 big bake ones......
bride0712 &amp; kelly,
i think i'll sure scream till the nurses buay tahan one. but will remind myself try to control coz heard that after scream hor, later no strength to push le.

yr bb bigger than expected huh? did gynae ask u to control food intake or for glucose test?
but why need to let gynae know if face &amp; hand swollen lei?

2 more days after mid-autumn then u can ask bb to come out liao. safe-safe got 12wks maternity tehn.
those who concern about their bb weight, tat scare bb will be too small need not worry. jus now i am the las patient in the clinic so my gynae casual talk with me. as las weekend i saw him and his family in paragon, and jus now he says tat 2 gals are his daughters and ask me to guess wats their birth weight?? from wat i see, they are BIG and tall, and guess wats their weight at birth??? one is 2.0 kg then the other 2.1 kg..... and his theory is bb need not be sooo big, as long as healthy, they will progress after tat. so mummy out there, NO WORRIES YA!!!!
Hi gals,

Talk abt screaming, when I was delivering, I could hear some mums next door yelling their heads off cos they didn't take any pain relief. Wah, I really admire them...
hi little_devil,
Still remember me? I've been monitoring your progress and read that you are due for induction next Tuesday if u dun pop by then. Hope you have a smooth delivery!

my urine test for sugar is normal and no diabetes in my family so gynae didnt ask me to control food intake. if face and hand also swollen then could be pre-eclampsia especially when the blood pressure is high.

my baby's head and stomach measurements are bigger than average so gynae being cautious.
little devil

you do have a petite frame! your bb is of a good weight already, can tell him that he's big enough to come out liao, no need to wait in the womb any longer


i don't drink much milk because don't like the taste but take calcium supplements religiously. so far, only very mild leg cramps once in a while and bb is a good size. but i'm gonna take enfamama soon because read that now is the time where my bb's calcium needs increase (i'm 29 weeks). can try taking yogurt also, good for calcium and digestion
yah lo.... i tell him to come out so tat he dun have to always stay in there alone, sooo lonely, and no toys too...ha!!!!! my gynae very naughty, says tat hope to see me in hospital and not in orchard shopping centre...
mt too dun like the taste of milk. but guess we really need to try for the sake of our precious bb.

hehehe... see! ur gynae oso know u cant stay at home one! :p btw yesterday u say feeling not so mobile, how abt today? after check-up went shopping agin?
haha...dr cheng so mean!

but i tik ur bb boy is enjoying all the shopping &amp; eating that's why still dowan to come out but Mid-autumn festival is a good day for him to be out wor...

yah, we must try! i find chocolate milk less yucky, more palatable.

little devil

hee, your gynae's so naughty! walking more is good exercise mah, easier labour also!
u got mail.

dun worry too much on yr GD.My hubby oso quite chubby when's young.But my bb weight is still on the smaller or average frame based on my mthly chkup.


Hw abt littleprince???
hee... no lah, me didnt go gai gai liao... scare bb anytime decided tat he want to see me.... so better be safe ah..... but i went compass point and eat then walk awhile.

yah lah, he always like to bully me.... but dun know when bb will wan to come out, maybe before the festive ah....

yah, today he say to me "u r really strong"!! mus be becos see me always go gai gai....
little devil
thanks for the assurance of baby weight, actually me not so worried cos i'm also of small frame but my hubby and MIL will scream their head off!! keke

so your appt is also 1st Oct...wat time??
lil devil,
maybe it's bcos berry &amp; lil prince, vaingirl not around...ha! ha!

i rec'd sms from berry. she delivered today to baby faye, 3.67kg after 36hrs labour.

little devil, kelly

so late and still wide awake? i'm quite sleepy already and going off to bed soon.

36 hours of labour!? wow, hats off to berry! can't wait to hear her birth story.
