(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

<font color="aa00aa">beanie,</font>
alamak, there muz be another beanie in my address book.. jua-lat, hahaha..

okie, will resend

u are rite. chinese believe take pineapple in early stage will caused miscarriage. during menses oso best to avoid or else the flow will be very heavy.

ask yr hubby to ta pao for u later lah. u now not so mobile alr rite? better be good girl stay @ home...
i am the one lo... with wrist pain, yah, its reallyyyy painful, i dun even hav the strenghth to wash my hair or open a bottle cap, can imagine tat!!!!

from the day i preggy, i go to my chinese dr, she says no cooling stuff and PINEAPPLE so i dun dare ti=o eat lo..... till i am in end of second trime, i rem i was chit chatting with her and talk about wat can eat and wat cannot, shock to hear from her (a chinese dr) tat after second trime can wat PINEAPPLE liao.... as she tell me the reason for dun eat it in first trime is tat bb not stable yet, after tat, its ok. but again CHIN CHOW ia no no, if can keep out then keep out.

i think diff gynaes have diff views. it's really up to one to believe or not. i can only say that my MIL freaked out when she saw me eating during my first trmester :p
i also heard chin-chow is a no-no. but i didn't ask my gynae cos i don't like it anyway.
other no-nos include soft cheese, aloe vera, mutton etc.
very very painful hor, i now both wrists also pain leh .. even taking up a bowl needs effort, let alone carrying things .. if this pain dun disappear immediately after i pop, how to carry bb?

aiya, if can avoid then avoid .. eat at yr discretion but if can dun eat, then dun eat better ..
li devil,
for u, it's wrist pain. for me, it's my 10fingers which are swollen. i cant even wash my hair, wash dishes, open a can of soft drink, wear my bra early in the morn and the worst...i cant sleep at nite. i'll only sleep soundly for abt 3-4hrs and from 4am+ til 6am+, i'll sleep lightly, not sound asleep cos the pain is unbearable.

i told my gynae abt tis problem since my 6th mth checkup and the last time i met her (@32wk checkup), she can tell my situation is quite bad so she'll prescribe me with medication if my condition dun improves when i see her tomorrow.

i'm 33wks now, praying hard that i'll pop anytime from 38wks.
hmmm.. peg, the dishes are similar to Jessie &amp; YSL except no MSG. For that they charge $20 more??

Think i'll go with First Cuisine. Food sounds more appetising leh :p
lil prince,
my gynae said the pain'll go away once u deliver. i dun even know if the pain'll go away immediately once u pop. let's see then ok?
what did your hubby do for your birthday?
And I wanted to ask you is your mil/mother coming from India? And what are you working as? sorry so many questions
hehe..you got a point, din't know MSG cost $20 more! :p

okie, i'll try Four Seasons &amp; let u know how i feel &amp; you let me have your comments on First Cuisine?
hav to eat tat for dinner as hubby cook lunch, fish and vege. but weird, now suddenly dun feel like eating laio...maybe becos jus now hungry... HA!!!
hi everyone!

i'm so sleepy and it's so hot but cannot bathe because part-time lady is here and she's still cleaning the bathroom.

i didn't know cannot eat raw pineapple later on in the pregnancy leh. i've been eating maybe one piece every two weeks, i love it! think i'd better stop, don't want to deliver early.

littleprince, kelly, little devil

do u know what's the cause of your wrist pain? is it water retention or just like pregnancy hormones? sounds very bad, very poor thing.
beanie / peg,
i also think first cuisine is better leh, four seasons use quite alot of canned food .. for me, i am more particular in the type of food they provide - whether fresh or canned food .. then for soup, whether its something good .. so far, only first cuisine looks good to me .. i had a leaflet which i can't recall where i kept it, they hv specials on Wed - like western food, jap food etc instead of rice with veg everyday .. let me try looking for it again, will share with u all once i found it ..

my gynae told me if my wrists never swell up, then its okie .. but it hurts like mad lor, i can't sleep at night either coz i can't even lift up my bolster or blanket .. she told me the pain will go off once bb is born, but i wonder how immediate ..
peg... its a deal! :p My current catering ends only at the beginning of next mth. So got to wait 2 more weeks.

Four seasons charge $20 more, not jessie catering. So use sugar &amp; cook longer instead of adding MSG more costly to them lor... hehe...

how much is the 10 day trial for four seasons? it's good that their food is msg-free, if i eat too much msg, i will kenna body aches, then have to drink coke as a cure, very weird.
i also dunno which but my hands are not swollen though can see the veins very clearly .. at times, i try to massage the veins but need to do tt for a long while before i feel better ..
oh, aloe vera also cannot?i didnt know but i didnt eat either.....

yah, if still sooo painful dun know how. but mus be prepared as my fren also like us and it will not go away straight after deliver, will take some time....

me too... fingers joint also pain, tat day i ask gynae, he says it is water retention tats y like tat....
yah, but it will afetr some time, we will suffer awhile. at times when i feel really pain and see tat my finger swell, i still laugh like mad, my hubby also cant tahan me....ha!!!
i got all bad things in the very las min, dun mention about stretchmark, kena on the 38 weeks too, ard my belly button...... anyone got it at tat time??
i got my hurting wrists since my 6th mth pregnancy leh, from one wrist to both wrists now .. stretchmarks so far only on my butt, nothing on my tummy ..

nvm lah, going to be end of pregnancy and start of parenthood liao ..
dun scare me leh...u mean they use sugar to replace MSG?

okay, my catering should be starting next Mon so no problem, i can wait for you to change &amp; compare...

they charge $190 for 20 days for 3 dishes + 1 soup + rice so 10 days is $95 &amp; they use disposable containers so no need to wash! hehe...

I also cannot take too much MSG, will feel giddy &amp; nausea after that...

lil_prince, will let u have my feedback too...
so pain rite, its true to say tat its like dislocate feeling..... and i cant clench my fist leh, all fingers like so hard and will kena stuck!!! tats y i told my hubby if bb come out earlier, like 37 weeks, i will not have the pain and stretchmark liao..... urrggg!!!! nowadays keep surfing the web for stretchmark solution...ha!!
Sorry to hear tat u're diagnosis wif mild GD.Pls take note of wat u're eatin.I did OGTT b4 &amp; is really a torture but luckily i'm alright. try to go sugarfree if u can. My dad got diabetes therefore my gynae always remind me to be extra careful wif my suagr intake.Btw,do u hv any family history?
Hm...if i'm wrong u oso thyorid problem,juz like me,right?

Sorry won't be able to take over the updating chart cos nw i'm sharing computer wif the temp staff so hardly can login.I hv printed out all the posting,tink will go through everything later. Fortunately, beanie is taking over the duty.

Beanie... thks for takin over the charts, no pic is ok lah.

Berry....pop oreadi ????

We went out for dinner...
my in laws will be coming somewhere ard 16th oct, I keep on telling my baby to wait tillgrandma is here but not after that
I am a microbiolgist I think thats why I am a bit fussy abt hygiene n all... whenever I am discussing with my husband abt keeping things sterilise for the use of baby he laughs and ask me how about sterilising the air as well so that he can inhale pure air

BTW u r planning to go to tollyjoy tom hope will be able to get good bargains...
thks, i will most prob start after my confinement only .. so will be glad if u all can let me know if the caterer is good ..

nvm lah .. stretchmarks are not a big problem .. let bb know how wei da u are to sacrifice yr tummy for him mah .. hehe ..
littleprince, little devil

luckily you are at the end of your pregnancies liao, the swollen extremities and accompanying pain will disappear soon! i think i read somewhere that water retention will disappear after pregnancy but gradually and you will find yourself peeing/sweating more as the excess fluid dissipates.


thanks! i might consider using them during the second month after confinement if i cannot cope, or even the last month of pregnancy if i get too clumsy or kenna pain here pain there.
no problem!
yah, i need to get lunch caterer as well after my confinement so might as well do my sourcing/trials now...
no problem!

well, as for me, i'm so sick of thinking where to go &amp; what to eat for dinner &amp; i only want to rush home after work bcos so tired!!!
ha!!! maybe i am still not willing to sacrifice my any part of my body...atas y sooo upset. i know stretchmark is nothing but i jus dun know y i jus cant let it go... hubby also say buay tahan..... i everyday console myself....

yah, hubby jus now set up bb palypent liao... tell him tat everything is ready for him, please come out...ha!!!!!
hi ladies,
me going home soon. hope lil_prince &amp; lil_devil will be missing tomolo. that means both of them going hospital to pop liao!

chat to u gals tomolo, ta-ta...

Me too not willing to sacrifice any part of my body. Keep asking hubby do i look fat here and there, do i look ugly...... My hubby oso buay dahan me hahaha.... What is BHC? My stomach this 2 days oso very hard but i never encounter any pain. I tot is bb back .
allo gals!
any new baby has arrived? Berry didnt report today ah?

im enjoying my confinement period. i dont think i can lose weight this month cos' my confinement lady is great at cooking &amp; keeps shuffing food into my mouth!! not only that, she insists that i take afternoon naps so that i will get better milk flow.

just took my girl to the paediatrician. she didnt hv jaundice &amp; today's check-up is to ensure that she is cleared of it as jaundice is believed to surface on the 5th day.

i booked gleneagles single room &amp; glen E is known to be on the expensive side.
yes, my tummy always go hard but i dun really feel strong contractions .. at times, i wonder is it possible to hv contractions but i dun feel it .. coz i dun feel anything intense lor, its bearable to me ..

berry didn't fall in, most prob go and pop liao .. left me and little_devil .. great tt bb got no jaundice, so coconut drink helps? oh, yours is single room .. no wonder the price is higher .. must be enjoying life now ..
i donno whether coconut juice helps to prevent jaundice but my gal didnt hv pimples like her gor gor. so i guess the drink does dispel "heatiness." according to my PD, boys are more prone to jaundice than gals.
that time my gynae also measure my baby tummy, n say on the big side. But he didnt do a GD test on me. Now i am rather afraid as donno if i have GD. sometimes i feel my gynae just didnt do thorough test enough.
Hi Vaingirl,

Is your confinement lady good? Heard from your posting she cooks well?
How much did you pay for her?

I'm juz a kiasu mtb.. EDD next year.. hee hee, but i'll like to find a good confinement lady as soon as possible.
Pls advise.
great to hear ur ger is fine n no jaundice as usually they say 90% baby has that..n me been reading up wat causes jaundice, n there is no reason. Me will drink coconot to9..hhe
how many did u drink n how often?
next week i m gg to give birth, so far, i only drank once
ha!!! we the same, preggy still sooo vain.... me too, keep asking hubby the same old question... tats the reason i still hav not give up hope for the cure of stretchmark!!! found some, hope it will help....how many weeks are u in now?? BHC is braxton hick contraction tat will cause tummy harden up, like stone.

yah, i also wonder..... mealso tummy harden almos all the time and feel the PRESSURE down there.....
did u go n see this elancy one? there is a promo pack $69.90. the saleperson told me can apply after we give birth, says its useful. Now selling at pharmacy, wonder if its good?

that time u buy those at TNS, how much u spend n wat u buy? i went Bishan and there is no TNS there
the elancy one i heard so so lo... its more like prevent but some pp still get it and if u got it liao.... sure no help..... bishan has, junction 8 has, i bought it at 56.90 but dun like it too, sensitive to it, redness and tingling sensation....i tik all the market products will not cure.
oranges, no problem lar. Someone's got to take over from Angelia
Just hope I can be as diligent... hehe...

Now that u mentioned it, I just remembered that I'll also be getting a temp in to cover my duties in Nov. She'll prob be sharing my PC too.

hmm... long time to go still. We'll think of solution when it gets nearer.

wah piang, indigestion for whole day leow. I sure hope it won't last 3 whole months

Peg, thanks for the Gaviscon recommendation. Will get it from the doc tomorrow since I'll be seeing him then.
wat cream u referring to? the one i saw is a tube like glass one, the liquid is green in colour one. for TNS, is at which level? i tried to find dont have lei.

Another one my sis told me for slimming there is this sensation selling at Unity Pharmacy, she says got buring feeling lor, so is useful! me also been sourcing for all these products before i go n deliver so that i can use during my confinement.

Are u enaging the malay massage?
i called two of them. One is the local malay masage while the other is the Indonesian one. But the price of Indonesian is double of local Malay massage. can anyone advise?
blisseblisse, u talking about the elancyl stretch-mark cream? I got it for $49.90 only. Its normally sold for $60.

The cream not very good leh... must add that it's not greasy though :p Think i prefer the Mothercare cream. Skin feels nicer but it's greasy lar.
the one i am toking abt for the $69.90 is not the stretchmark one. Its i think for slimming one. That day i went phrmacy the salelady showed me, The tube is transparent n the liquid is green in colour. She says rub on our tummy once a day after we delivered.

as for the stretchmark, i am using this elancy one. how much u buy the mothercare one?

the one u refer to is not for stretchmark, its more for firming and cellulite. me engage one after my delivery. mine is $55 per session.
