(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

little prince, I have absolutely no idea what time they deliver :p I normally get home after 8pm, so never had chance to see leh.

Mine comes in plastic containers. No extra charge at all. I dispose them after makan :p Too lazy to wash leow... hehe...

The type of dishes for Jessie catering is very similar to YSL (http://www.ylscatering.com/tingkat_page.htm). Price is the same also.

Think u get what u pay for lar :p First cuisine looks good leh. But also have MSG. Was considering Four seasons. Theirs is supposedly MSG-free.
little_devil, ziztine,
i love yam too! esp 'or nee'. yummy!
and i've been eating yam throughout my pregnancy.
so little_devil, hope the 'sissy' theory is not true :p
i think first cuisine can allow special requests etc, maybe can ask them not to put MSG? i am thinking of ordering w/o rice since i can cook the rice myself easily .. hmm ..
yah, listen too much make our life miserable

oh u tried.... maybe i will try if i dun pop by tonite......

HA!!!! yah ho...u also having boy boy. i also like to eat leh.....
did u try putting vaingirl's method? hot towel breast compress? btw hor, my gynae did 'warn' hubby & me if we BD hor, hubby better dun suck my nipples or else it will trigger hormones that will induce labour lei! err.... may be u wanna ask yr hubby to try?
thks for the list.

u are back!! all of us tot u pop liao.

abt the yam things hor, i heard ppl say it contains "du" (poison in chinese). so may affect bb's complexion lor. btw i still take leh! :p cant resist lah!
i'm back from my lunch

little devil
i have not heard about "cannot eat yam thingy"....i still eat and quite a lot too

little prince
i chosed to have my lunch packed in microwavable plastic containers, and they sealed it up with plastic (similar to those bubble tea top seal)...lazy to wash the 4-tier stainless steel metal containers...mine do not charge extra for plastic container, but i know some charge like $5 or $10 extra
depending on where you stay, delivery time will be different, they will usually press the door bell and if they do not see you at the door, they will just hang it at the gate
umm.... good idea, tat ime i ik a month ago, me and hubby stop BD as i scare bb will come out too soon, maybe i can try tat method. i didnt yet try vaingirl method also....hee.........

ha!!!! soon, but then during confinement also will face lots of those DO & DUN!!!!
thks for all the info abt the tingkat, maybe i will try it out and see how .. think microwavable containers easier, coz no need to wash up after tt and can put inside microwave to warm up food also ..

u can try lor if still no popping news by tdy .. me tried out a few ways liao but nothing works, think its just tt my bb dun wan to come out lor .. at nite, he also dun wan to sleep .. keeps playing ard in my tummy .. going to spank his backside when he is out ..
actually there are a lot of myths about food taboos etc.....like eating crab will give birth to babies who are more "touchy" and eating durians will give birth to babies with rashes or drinking too much coffee, baby's skin will be dark and eating kangkong will make mummy shiver, and drinking soya milk will make babies puke milk in future!!! it's all nonsense la, to me...

just eat in moderation lor
I didnt know there are so many myths.

I also think anything eaten in moderation should be fine..
I feel like eating chilli or black pepper crab
<font color="0000ff">eh, eh, eh.. me dun wanna pop so soon leh *LOL* purposely came late so that skip the fire drill. dun need an "induce" labour by walking down 7 floor of stairs!!
yeah, me still wanna tahan till 1st OCt for my 12 wks ML.</font>

<font color="0000ff">yam</font>
me oso took a lot of yam. yam rice, yam mooncake, etc... only heard took too much yam will cause "wind", but... dun care lah

<font color="0000ff">EDD</font>
quite a no. of pple was telling me, if boy, will come out earlier (1~2 wks) b4 EDD. if gals, will be nearer (~ 4 days) or later than EDD. but, seems like the boy boy here dun really like to come out early, yeah?

<font color="0000ff">cervic dilation check</font>
supposed to do it on last visit, Monday (wk 38), but gynae says since i want to "tahan" till 1st Oct, then better not do it cos it might irritate the uterus and result in early labour.

now so diff to plan my ML.. gotta work out for 8 wks &amp; 12 wks.. then plus leave... sianz man!!

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ wk 20-Sep
.. .. .. .. .. . EDD .. . Week.. . Where

peipei ......... 20/09/04 wk 40 . TMC / G
mom ............ 20/09/04 wk 40 . MAH / B
littleprince ... 20/09/04 wk 40 . ESH / B
little_devil ... 21/09/04 wk 40 . MAH / B
berry .......... 22/09/04 wk 40 . TMC / G
bebechic ....... 26/09/04 wk 39 . MAH / G
ww ............. 29/09/04 wk 39 . KKH / ??
pets ........... 03/10/04 wk 38 . TMC / G
angelia ........ 04/10/04 wk 38 . TMC / G
SLK ............ 08/10/04 wk 37 . GEH / B
yingzi ......... 10/10/04 wk 37 . MAH / G
heather ........ 10/10/04 wk 37 . GEH / B
blisse ......... 11/10/04 wk 37 . GEH / G
are ............ 12/10/04 wk 37 . MEH / G
sraikh ......... 17/10/04 wk 36 . GEH / B
mtmtmt ......... 18/10/04 wk 36 . ESH / G
august ......... 21/10/04 wk 36 . MAH / B
dee ............ 22/10/04 wk 35 . GEH / ??
micky .......... 23/10/04 wk 35 . GEH / B
yeeyee ......... 24/10/04 wk 35 . ??? / ??
mel7728 ........ 02/11/04 wk 34 . TMC / B
AC ............. 06/11/04 wk 34 . GEH / B
cosmo .......... 08/11/04 wk 34 . USA / B
kelly .......... 09/11/04 wk 33 . MAH / B
cxope .......... 12/11/04 wk 32 . ??? / ??
yuru ........... 13/11/04 wk 32 . GEH / G
cirtusfruits ... 16/11/04 wk 32 . ??? / ??
sharon ......... 17/11/04 wk 32 . MAH / G
young jes ...... 18/11/04 wk 32 . MAH / G
joyful ......... 20/11/04 wk 32 . MAH / B
kikojoy ........ 20/11/04 wk 32 . GEH / ?
puff ........... 20/11/04 wk 32 . ESH / G
peg peg ........ 22/11/04 wk 31 . MAH / G
melbb .......... 26/11/04 wk 31 . ??? / ??
deer ........... 29/11/04 wk 31 . ??? / ??
chihiro ........ 02/12/04 wk 30 . TMC / G
leo29 .......... 02/12/04 wk 30 . MEH / G
TBL ............ 02/12/04 wk 30 .. RH / G
rochelle ....... 02/12/04 wk 30 .. RH / B
chihuahua ...... 02/12/04 wk 30 .. RH / ??
wooof .......... 03/12/04 wk 30 . ??? / G
seahorse ....... 04/12/04 wk 30 . MEH / G
crumpy ......... 07/12/04 wk 29 . MEH / ??
plong .......... 08/12/04 wk 29 . KKH / B
kypf ........... 08/12/04 wk 29 . GEH / B
emma ........... 09/12/04 wk 29 . ??? / G
jen ............ 09/12/04 wk 29 . TMC / G
fruitcake ...... 10/12/04 wk 29 . NUH / B
chantelle ...... 12/12/04 wk 29 . KKH / G
guess .......... 12/12/04 wk 29 . MEH / ??
mngo ........... 12/12/04 wk 29 . MAH / B
stephie ........ 14/12/04 wk 28 . TMC / B
wendypooh ...... 15/12/04 wk 28 . KKH / ??
beanie ......... 17/12/04 wk 28 . TMC / G
melody ......... 20/12/04 wk 27 . ??? / ??
oranges ........ 22/12/04 wk 27 . TMC / B
jov ............ 05/01/05 wk 25 . ??? / ??
TSH ............ 05/01/05 wk 25 . MSA / ?

<font color="119911">**** POP ***** POP ***** POP ***** POP ***** POP ***** POP ***** POP ****</font><font color="ff0000">
.. .. .. .. .. . .. EDD . . Where . .. Pop
jer ............ 04/09/04 . MAH / B . 24/08/04 3.170 kg kiern
radiohead ...... 22/08/04 . ESH / G . 25/08/04 3.570 kg sarah-lynn
cubbiebb ....... 12/09/04 . MAH / B . 31/08/04
expecting_mum .. 12/09/04 . TMC / B . 14/09/04 3.620 kg ryan
vaingirl ....... 20/09/04 . GEH / G . 18/09/04 3.200 kg

</font><font color="119911">**** MISSING ***** MISSING ***** MISSING ***** MISSING ***** MISSING ****</font><font color="ff0000">
aurora ......... 08/09/04 . ??? / ??
</font><font color="119911">*************************************************************************</font>
<font color="ff6000">
* GEH - GlenE, MAH - Mt A; MEH - Mt E; ESH - East Shore; RH - Raffles; MSA - Malaysia
* send me a private msg (cos not much time to check forum) if I got any info wrong or missed out

* PM me ur mobile to keep in touch when u pop
agree with u, my gynae usually tell me to eat in moderation too though still best to avoid pineapple ..

btw, who was asking abt fish head curry the other day? sakura is hvg a promotion, $12 for one .. i wanted to order the other day but sold out, maybe u all can try ..
true. but after 9 months of pregnancy, 1 mth of confinement is considered short? hehe...positive thinking!!!

interesting fact. but how does pork lard comes into the picture of a sweet desert? strange. ...I didn't hear anything (continue eating).....hehe
ziztine, yam is usually very sticky. So to smoothen the texture and to make it softer, they normally add lard.

Same thing for traditional lotus paste mooncakes.

Sigh... sometimes it's bliss to be ignorant :p
these are chinese myths, so perhaps you are not aware....actually the lists goes on and on.....ha ha, very scary
my cousine's wife still ate pineapples during her pregnancy, whether it's raw or those cooked type (on pizzas)....i think pineapple tarts should be fine...since it's cooked....me also very tempted to buy

anyway, raw salmon and oysters also can eat, so why not pineapples?? ha ha...
my gynae says pineapples are very "li" (chinese meaning sharp) so better avoid .. think the cooked pineapples shld be okie, i take them in pizzas and tarts too .. but in moderation ..
as for raw salmon &amp; oysters, i so far very "guai". have been avoiding them. including cockles. but i told my hubby that after confinement, i MUST go for buffet to satisfy my oyster crave! good food basically. cos can't eat too much now, will feel bloated &amp; dun want to kena heatburn
i've registered for the public forum <font color="ff0000">"concers of mothers - newborn"</font> at East Shore this Saturday from 1 to 4pm....so if you were to pop say on friday or saturday morning, i'll be able to see your little darling!!
littleprince, puff, ziztine,
i had pineapples (the raw kinds) throughout my pregnancy. even in the 1st trimester. i asked my gynae and he said it's ok. in fact, he said pineapples has lots of Vit C, so no harm taking.

you are finally 'here'
this is the first time i heard that gynaes encourage taking pineapples....
my hubby forbids me from taking raw ones, but cooked ones are fine
juz got this from TMC

<font color="0000ff">*********************************************</font>
Thomson Medical Centre presents a Public Forum on Celebrating Pregnancy and Parenthood

Dear folks
We are pleased to inform you that TMC will be organising the abovementioned public forum on 25 September (Sat).

The topics covered at this public forum are:
* When Husband &amp; Wife become Dad &amp; Mum by Mdm Evelyn Khong, Family Life Educator &amp; Program Executive, Fei Yue Community Services
* Towards Healthy Mum &amp; Baby by Dr Beh Suan Tiong,
Consultant O&amp;G, TMC
* Looking Good, Feeling Good by Mrs BB Wong, Senior ParentCraft/Lactation Consultant, TMC
* "Be Inspired. Show It Off" Maternity Fashion Show by Mothers Work
* Pregnant &amp; Loving It! with Phillip Wain

Date: 25 September 2004 (Sat)
Time: 2pm to 5pm
Meritus Mandarin Hotel
Ballroom, Level 6
Admission Fee: S$12nett per person (including refreshments &amp; goodie bags)

To secure a seat, participants may register by sending a cheque made payable to Thomson Medical Centre Pte Ltd to the attention of The Public Forum at 339 Thomson Road, Singapore 307677 by 22 Sept 04. They may also call 6350 8896 / 6350 8894 or fax to 6253 4468 or email [email protected]

Do encourage your friends, families and contacts to attend this forum. Should you require more information, please feel free to contact me at x1208.

Please pass this message/advertisement to those who do not have access to email. Thank you.

Best regards
i never ask gynae abt the pineapple but so far guai guai stay away fm the raw one. however keep taking those cooked type when taking pizza. :p

btw my supplier just sent me hagen daz ice cream mooncake!!! yummy yummy!
<font color="aa00aa">beanie,</font>
i sent to technologytrends addy..

ya, sending u the formatted copy, with all the fonts &amp; color &amp; formatting
my gynae didn't encourage me to take but said it's ok to take

i can't help it, cos i love pineapples too much :p
hagan daz ice-cream... yum!
hi all, i'm back! so hot outside, if only i can take a shower &amp; a nap! hee...

Pineapple - i also took some in pizzas &amp; canned fruits...

you have the contact for Four Seasons?
peg peg
i have the four seasons catering brochure...is this wat you looking for?
tel: 63833003

it's at 3rd floor, health education centre...nope did not sign up the class....my stupid hubby spent his money on his car!!!
Hi all,
Today took off and at home
but called PT maid she is too slow its going to be 5 hrs and she still needs to clean kitchen feeling like scold her but no choice
my fren told me tat philipine women eat pineapple thru out their preggy so to hav healthy bb so we are thinking, dun tell me tat pineapple regconized nationality..... tat singaporean cant eat...ha!!!!!!
no news from berry? has she pop yet? any sms from her?

congrats! congrats! hope u &amp; ur girl are doing fine. sorry, couldnt congrats u earlier. PC down since sun.
hi slk,
while ur gynae said pineapple is ok, my gynae said it's not ok. i take the sarawak and canned pineapple once in a while after my 1st trimester. one day, my husband asked her if i can take pineapple. she shook her head and said no, no. strange hor!
oh, the HE centre .. u need to take the lift on your left, near the cashier .. its at the same place where the antenatal classes are conducted .. nvm lah, u read up more books abt the labour part then since not attending the antenatal class ..

btw, who was the mtb who said her wrists hurt the other time? not to frighten the mtb but my wrists really hurt like mad tdy, to the extent tt i can get tt wrist kenna dislocated feeling when i need to scratch my back .. i can't even open an umbrella w/o pain mann .. really hope this will automatically disappear once i pop .. *real torture*

I think eating raw pineapple later in pregnancy would cause dilation, and chinese myth is if eaten during early in pregnancy can cause miscarriage right Ladies?
