(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

so long as after the movement, there is a stop and another movement continues again, then its two liao .. the extreme is if bb only moves less than 3 times in 10 hrs then u need to alert yr gynae .. ya, hv more faith in yr gynae .. dun go and think abt what other ppl says, trust yr instincts .. maybe bb is still very happy inside yr tummy and still want to enjoy an extra day or two?
i also thot u went to pop liao!

hey, dun worry lah...must have faith in Dr Cheng! i'm sure he knows what he's doing...
oh, so its 10 movement in "10" hours..... yah, me also want to go MIA. i tik go walking is good!!! only thing i scared is waterbag burst in public......

i'm ok lah, just sick of the nausea, indigestion, fatigue & upper backache! dragging myself to work every day...

really? Next week is my 32nd week so ok, will try the tea..thanx!

my hubby advised me to start my m-leave one month earlier & yah, i might do that lor bcos he also find me very cham!

btw, forgot to tell u that one of my gf was 10 days past her EDD before she delivers so dun worry ok?
Does anybody have some good recommendation on some good home meal delivery caterer? tiking of starting one as so sian to think of what to eat for dinner every day...thanks!
sigh... tummy still not feeling good. Was reading up at babycenter. It says that heartburn & indigestion very common in 3rd tri.

Think mine is indigestion. So darn uncomfortable. Dunno which type of antacid I can take also.

Already brought forward doc appt to tomorrow. Hope he can give me something to allevate it.

Oh yar, read from same web-site that Rasberry tea Leave can be taken from week 32 onwards but no earlier cos' it can trigger off the uterus.

peg, I'm using Jessie catering for tingkat dinners still. Too lazy to change earlier this month :p They serve diff dishes for whole month. The same dishese are served on the following mth.

Only complaint is that the soup has quite a bit of MSG.

i've been there before, very ulu place, very far in from expo mrt, tollyjoy building is just next to the PIE
i also dunno where is the giant hypermart, my guess is around bedok mrt aree
my gynae gave me gaviscon liquid for heartburn & indigestion so you might want to try that too...

thanks for the info on tingkat dinners - will check it out.
huh, 10 days ah???? from dr cheng too??

if i am u, i will start early as u not feeling too good and its good to stay at home and relax abit before bb arrive, tats wat i feel.
<font color="0000ff">hi gals,</font>
juz a quick "report" b4 i go lunch

today company got fire-drill, so i came late (dun wanna walk down 7 floor of stairs.

after fire-drill, hving discussions wif colleague till juz.... and it's time for lunch!!!

still hvn't catch up wif the post, will do so after lunch.
peg, i just started my tingkat lunch for 1 person on monday @ $125 for 20 days (monday to friday), 3 dishes + 1 soup + 1 rice....not bad lor, just that i find the soup a bit peppery
no, she's not from dr cheng...
yah lor, better to start early hor..counting down now!

which caterer do you use?
me back, went downstairs to buy my HL milk and china apple drink ..

i also intend to start using the tingkat dinner after i am bk fm confinement ..

rest earlier if u can, its no joke going to work so xing ku ..

Changi South is near SIN Expo and Tanah Merah MRT Stn, maybe u can catch a cab fm Tanah Merah MRT to there direct - shldn't cost u more than $3.00+

Giant at Bedok is opp the MRT stn, near KFC .. u shld be able to see Giant when u alight fm the train at the platform ..
okie, see you later!

yah, getting more and more xing ku waking up and coming to work...better to stay at home so that i can rest and do whatever i want...

hope my boss will approve of me starting my m-leave earlier...
jessie catering - not able to see the menu, are the food choices good? it will be good if we know what we are going to eat for dinner ..

the first cuisine one looks quite good, only need to notify 3 hrs in advance for any cancellation for the day ..
little_devil / peg
i never hear ppl say cannot take yam or mint leh, i took them anyway .. ppl say cannot eat mutton but i like mutton satay .. hehe ..

btw, those tt are ordering tingkat dinners .. any idea how they pack the dinner? in tt metal container or microwaveable containers? if u hvn't reach home, then they leave the containers outside our door? if get stolen, how?
yahor, i just realised something .. those with bb gals hv popped but those with bb boys are still here .. other than those who went MIA for quite some time, only little_devil and me are hvg bb boys and hv not popped .. hehe .. tts cute ..

"IF" lets say u hvn't pop by yr next chkup and gynae asks u to choose a date for induction, will u choose an immediate date or rather cont'd waiting?
Hi sharon,

Seems like my spec is tighter. Before meal is 5.6mol. 1 hr after meal is 7.8mol. So everyday have to control what I eat. But sometimes play cheat a bit. When non testing day, I will eat slightly more. After testing, my weight gain not much. Even lost weight. Gynae said it's ok as long BB is growing and I'm controlling my sugar intake.
ha!!! i know, pp also says cant eat crab but tats berry fav!! sian ah, later lunch dun know wat to eat??

yah lo....alot of saying when it comes to wat can eat and wat cant eat..... these days (this 2 days) i feel some difference about myself. usually i very energetic, but these 2 days like not so liao, like abit not so mobile, dun know y and the BHC is sooo often...... and at times y heartbeat faster as if i am sooo tired like tat...... and also more pressure down there, they could be signs but i am still here leh....
i fall in love with the yam dessert in compass point foodcourt, seldom see tat in dessert store but tat day hubby buy, wow, good man!!!!!!
i see...i'm also very curious abt my bb gal's weight..dunno if my gynae will do a detailed fetal growth scan when i see him this sat..

actually i also think that can eat anything, just moderation will do, i guess...

tingkat dinner - tik we can choose the type of conainer they use and yah hor, i also wonder what happen if i haven't reach home...
do u remember doing the detailed fetal growth scan at your 31st/32nd week?

okie, my colleague finally came back, now's my turn to go for lunch! starving now! talk to u gals later!
littleprince &amp; peg,
whether u reach home or not, they will just leave the food outside your house. if stolen, we have to pay for it lor. i think they charge more for use of microwave containers.
btw, if you're worried abt the chinese perspective of eating yam, why not go to eu yan sang at compass point to check with them? they should be able to advise you...
hi all,
angelia is in office. but she's too busy to log on. and she had fire-drill this morning too. so she's not missing
i tik dr cheng will let u know on tis sat checkup as my first bb weight given by him is in week 32. tat time my boy boy weigh at 1.72 kg.
yam desert at Compass Pt! is it like "or ni"? the ginko thingie? i love that! must get my hubby to tabao for me to try. actually i stay in SK too!

my little princess is due 25 Oct. BUT i have stopped my medication to ease the early contractions....so anytime now!
can feel increasing pressure on my bladder. somemore i read that increase urination is one of the sign that delivery approaching. the loo is my 2nd home now!
whoa... suddenly so many postings.

Puff, your list of tingkat caterers looks pretty good. Think i'll switch next mth :p

little prince, most of them give u option to receive in metal tingkats or plastic microwave containers. Mine will hang my dinner on my gate. All I had to do is put a hook there.

So far my neighbours ok lar. No missing dinners.

Ziztine, you sound like my ex-colleague. She luvs all things yam. Even bread also must have yam fillings :p

Aiyar angelia, thought u pop leow :p
i think have to depend on where u stay. cos they stick to a certain route daily. my neighbour stopped using one cos it came way too early! more like ready for tea time.
yah, its the yam thing, but i tik tat one dun know got put ginko nuts or not but i know they also put in soft cubes of yam....very yummy!!!!
what time does yr caterer deliver yr tingkat? think u usually reach home quite late, rite? then we need to wash the metal tingkat container and hang back for them to collect the next day?
