(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

realised a lot of kids (& mummies) sick recently... just to drop a quick note for all to get well soon...

he is very skinny... doesn't like to drink milk, but eats solid very well.

cannot talk yet lah! still crawling, i guess both siblings are the same, start to walk later.
hope both of you get well soon. i am having problems with Rhyan recently too, he is sooo clingy to me. i can't do toileting / shower even if hb is at home. then, when i shower after he has gone to bed, he also wakes up to cry for me to sleep next to him. in a night, i can return to my room 4-5 times while studying or doing chores. very jialat, how am i going to study at night then?

evan looks so boyish, very good looking.
he's playing peekaboo :)

heheh... thanks.

I started her on flexi-CC last monday. Since then, she's been having nightmare... i m not sure if it's related since she still cries when she goes for her class.
hello, CUTE mummy!!

little prince
same with Yingxin, behaving like a koala every morning when i drop her off in school and cries for me at nite when asleep, and insist that i sleep next to her, so i got to cramp next to her small bed
lovey pics of handsome Evan.
He is skinny???? U shld take a look at keira

I think he is just not as chubby as Isabel but he got a lot of pattern hor :p
<font color="aa00aa">pcs,</font>
hey, how's life as SAHM??

if u going to attend cooking classes, do jio me, i might oso wanna go.
Hello Puff! everytime i go to compasspoint, i hope to see you.

Pei Pei
Yeah, actual date hubby wasn't in, so we did another one a day later.

yeah, isabel very "big cat". i think some kids are not big lor, i accept the fact already.
hi hi.
I dono abt the rest of the SAHMs. I think mine is challenging and busyyyyy but FUN :p
Cooking lessons? I'm on too.Keep me inform if u find anything interesting
now that i am working, i seldom go compass point, unless on rare occasion (like when Yingxin is sick, I will bring her to the doctor at Compass Point)

SAHM fun hor....i'm missing those days
hubby can only shake his head at Yingxin's antics! then i will attribute it to his genes and his mother's genes!! all very fiery wan....ahahahah
I PM you my blog add... got quite a few family photos.. heheh.. me too shy to post here.

Can I link yours to my blog?

Sharwyn looks like a big girl!
Thanks! she can be both angelic and devilish....heh heh

wah, shopping paradise in Thailand! But now a bit unsafe leh....
hehe little sound from u for so long. Everyone all very quiet here nowadays too!
Shanice looks lovely with her cheerful grin- I can't get a pic of A doing so nowadays! Sorry I very suaku, what's this place? Looks exciting, lots of slides!
<font color="aa00aa">pawprint,</font>
hahaha, nowadays busy with the young lady. fetched her back to take care ourselves, cos sending her to PG near our place.

oh, we went to CCK Swimming Complex (beside CCK Sports Complex). it has a baby pool with simple playground-like facilities, another baby pool with see-saws, a spa pool, a wave pool (waves come only like hourly), a standard pool... oh, there's also a BIG BIG slide (think abt 1-2 storey high but we no chance to try cos gotta "swim" with shanice.

Per entry for adult is $2, kid $1. but we carry shanice when entering, so only paid $4 for 2 adults.
hi mummies wif maid,
i need ur advice...my maid arriving tis wkend so need 2 sort out some ground rules n stuff.

1) do ur maid use her own toiletries or share wif ur family?
u c, we hv a common bathroom & there r some toiletries for common use (any1 can use it)
2) do i hv 2 pay 4 her toiletries/sanitary ware then?

anything else i shld take note? aiyo, i've been tiking since tis morn n i only came up wif these 2 questions. got lotsa tots in my head but cant tik rt cos got a cranky edward (who's refusing EBM n probably teething) n a gabe who still wont nap up 2 now
(gabe dun nap = me no rest, dishes n mess in e hse not cleared, everything all piled up until 2nite n i "die")
My maid has her own set of shower gel, toothpaste, shampoo. We dun use the common toilet for showering except for my 2 boys.
We pay for her toiletries etc.
thks 4 e info. we also dun use e common toilet 4 baths except for husband who usually bathes after washing clothes/toilet. my other visitors do use e common toilet, such as my sis, bro, MIL/FIL.

btw, e reason y i asked is bcos e agent told us tat e maid will b using her own toiletries & paying for it. i can understand e part of using her own set of toiletries but she paying 4 it herself too...husband & i were puzzled at tat instance. i tot we had 2 pay 4 her, u c.
I'm not sure if maids usu buy their own toiletries. But imo, they oredi earn quite little, so it's abit 'chek ark' to get them to pay for their own. Anyway hor, u can buy shampoo/shower gel from watsons. Very big bottle yet not very exp
Hope tis helps.
Urs is Fillipino or Indonesian?
i thought i saw gabriel last nite (around 8pm) at one of the shophouse along Joo Chiat....maybe i am wrong?
thks 4 ur info. ros also told me tat her maid uses quite gd facial cleanser so she dun offer 2 pay. she did offer 2 pay for her maid's toiletries but e maid always buys her own.

so ur agent told ur maids e same thing hor...buy own toiletries. anyway, my maid's passport expiring next mar so she has 2 pay abt $350 to renew it. e agent told us 2 deduct a lil fr her monthly pay. i told husband tat if she does a gd job, we'll juz pay 4 her, take it as a form of bonus.

sigh! even my maid can get "bonus". i SAHM...bonus? wah, like long time never c liao.
i definitely didnt 4get abt e karaoke...now waiting 4 maid 2 come so i can do more things wif e boys. we fix a date once she comes ok? i getting more & more anxious, hopefully everything goes smoothly tis time round.

gabe was at home wif us last nite. hmmm...interesting 2 know tat there's another boy out there who looks like my boy.
icic...i tik we'll play by ear lah...offer 2 buy 4 her (hopefully she dun choose 'branded' shampoos like dove or vidal sassoon) 1st n if she dun fancy my cheaper options of toiletries (like L'oreal, Organics, etc) then she can buy her own.

my maid is fr indonesia. 23yrs old, pretty lass, wif 4yrs experience (2 in kuwait n 2 in s'pore). knows how 2 handle infants & tods. her work in kuwait was 2 take care of 3kids aged 5, 3 n a newborn. she handled e newborn fr birth til 2yrs b4 she came 2 spore.

when we interviewed her at e agent's office last sat, she handled edward well. she can converse in english well n understands wat me & my husband r talking abt (me & husband spoke as normal, didnt hv 2 really speak slowly or clearly). apparently, in her 2yrs in s'pore, she has learned 2 understand mandarin too. not sure if she can converse in mandarin but according 2 agent, she can speak simple mandarin. when we asked her if she has any questions 4 us, she can still tell us tis..."sir, mam, when u hv guests coming, let me know in adv so i can finish my work n help u out". she shared tat her present mam dun tell her so often rushed her which she dun like.

i'm paying her $300 wif no off days. husband insisted tat she dun hv any HP so we'll check her bags & 'search' her if necessary.

damn! we r expecting 2 'collect' e maid tis fri/sat but e present employer dun 1 2 let her go over e wkend n she also tiks tat tis fri-sun arent gd days (according 2 chinese calendar) *arbish her*. she'll only release her next tues/wed bcos those days r "betta". u c, i was bugging husband 2 check if we can hv e maid on fri (agent said fri/sat mah) so husband called. when i learned of e new release date, i was complaining. husband said "u handled both boys well for 8mths+, u cant wait for another wk?" precisely bcos i know i hv a helper coming, tat's y i dying 4 an xtra hand. if no helper, juz bare wif it lor.
I see. If she wants to buy branded toiletries, then it's reasonable dat she pays from her own pocket. Wah, planning to cheong once ur maid comes ah? Hehehe... ;p
ur helper sounds competent and u seem delighted, hope everything works out great for u
. Toiletries- I offer what I happen to buy for her, if she dun want, that's her perogative... she can use her own money for it then. I know she uses her preferred own toiletries on off-days. Sometimes I think they have some sort of strange pride, in the sense that they want to choose and buy for themselves certain items. So be it lor

Aiyah both kids ill
. A got bitten by dunno-wat insects (like the other time she got a swollen foot, except haven't turned BLACK like last time!), on antibiotics and fever been spiking.
both ur gals are so sweet!!!!!!!

wah, the pool looks super interesting too!!! heee.... and shanice really look so grown up !!!

good that ur maid is in soon!
at least u can have some breathing space

hope both both ur darlings get well soon!!! so A really sensitive to bites ah!? my mum told me when i was young i was like tat too!! and my legs are really so badly DECORATED with scarsss!!!!!! but she says that when ever i got some BAD bites, she will bath me in salt water and it helps abit.

hm..... lately hubby and me seems to get more times to go dating
as quinn will request to go MIL place *rather than go out with hubby and me* but i guess he really knows how to strike a BALANCE between time with us and them. when he knows we are going places like supermarket or so, he will requested to go PIL place so he can have FUN with nephew
*funny lah, both nephew and quinn will call each other, telling how much they miss each other then when they are both together, FIGHT & SCREAM starts* :p so while hubby and me enjoying what we used to do last time, like having coffee and nice chat or a nice long relax dinner, MIL urge us to have a second bb....... that weird as mil never never bothers about the younger generation. be it when to get married or have kids and such BUT this time round she seems to be in FULL FORCE! she even volunteer to baby sit for me, anytime! BUT of cos thats not my style lah. i mean i dun mind letting my kids going over to play or stay overnight *when hubby and me go for short holidays* but i really dun like the idea of letting them staying over for few days and such. she says if i have a second wan tats the way to DESTRESS myself BUT i don't want to. told hubby that even if i have 2, i will still be the so call FULL TIME care giver and only certain days of the week or so like go dating with hubby or frens outing, i will put them with her.hmm..... she says i am being stubborn and it will tired me out.... well......

last time i use to think tat babies are nicer to be with
can enjoy their every FIRST and they are exciting and now i realized that a mother will enjoy their WHOLE childhood!

quinn will do small small things and gesture tat melts my heart. now everytime before bed he will *MUST* kiss me and say he loves me and good night. and he will also tells me that he must behave else mummy will be upset and he dun want mummy to be upset! and whenever im very very busy and i will tell him that i nees to talk to him then he knows i am being serious and so he will really pay attention and listen to me. i will tell him wat i need to do *like taking shower and such* and want him to play by himself and no dangerious stunts and such, he will listen and when im in the toilet, i can hear him SINGING outside! so when im done and open the door, he will smile and me and says i smells good! :p so when i ask why he didnt play but sing, he says becos i will be all alone while abthing and its lonely!!
hi mummies
do take note that HFMD cases are on the rise recently again. rhyan caught HFMD from a kid in CC last week, in fact 12 kids in total from his CC caught it from 1 kid who got infected a week ago. it was terrible with him having ulcers all over inside of his mouth and some blisters on hands and feet. PD has certified he is fit to return to CC but i am only allowing him to return next week if there are no new cases this week.

lil devil
you sound better than your postings last time.
eh, can have 2nd bb already lah, since you have caregivers on standby. so sweet of quinn to sit outside and sing to you, rhyan used to be ok with me bathing and he play with his toys but few weeks back, he started to have separation anxiety of ME. i cannot shower, cannot close the door if i go to the toilet, cannot wake up in the middle of the night to study (he will cry for me if he discover i disappeared next to his bed) even if hb is at home. i hardly have time to study like that, practically go without sleep at times bcoz i keep shuttling between master bedroom and study room.
in case you are interested coz I read Athena gets bites very often, i recently signed Rhyan up for an additional insurance package that covers HFMD and dengue fever. it also covers falls that require outpatient treatment, and bites by insects. actually, rhyan had this package for 6 mths last time when i delivered him at Eastshore (i am not sure if you have this coz you delivered at Eastshore also right?) but i stopped since he was not going to any infant care then. realised i should sign Rhyan up for this package again since it does cover several illness that may happen during CC. at least got some reimbursements lor. His HFMD medical bill costs me $100+!
in case you are interested coz I read Athena gets bites very often, i recently signed Rhyan up for an additional insurance package that covers HFMD and dengue fever. it also covers falls that require outpatient treatment, and bites by insects. actually, rhyan had this package for 6 mths last time when i delivered him at Eastshore (i am not sure if you have this coz you delivered at Eastshore also right?) but i stopped since he was not going to any infant care then. realised i should sign Rhyan up for this package again since it does cover several illness that may happen during CC. at least got some reimbursements lor. His HFMD medical bill costs me $100+!
lil prince
glad 2 hear tat rhyan's fully recovered. can u pls share wif me tis ins plan tat u got 4 rhyan? i interested 2 get 4 my boys but cant find anything gd enuff.
thx for the heads up, will check with HB. Yah, the antibiotics for A's insect bite costs quite abit, but lesser than ur bill. She's almost well today, can dance liao, hehe! :D Glad R's recovered from that nasty outbreak, must have been so painful with ulcers!
