(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Strangely enough, I don't think I've seen any of you Punggolites (except for little prince of course) at punggol plaza.

I have breakfast there every weekend without fail, so how come I don't see any of u har? U girls hiding from me ?

oh i rem tat evening.... think hubby went ta bao with quinn so i can take a shower *pampering kind with no disturbance* :p as hubby will be out again after dinner till next morning.

WAH!!! im sooooo shock reading ur post! didnt know such parent actually living in our island!!!! i mean i can understand if a toddler behave in a way tat we dun appreciate BUT with an adult doing tat was really way beyond my acceptance! i cant imagine wat sort of adults HER toddler turn into?! maybe her boy will become those husband who beat his wife up or so!! me soooo ji(1) dong(4)! well, i guess its so call HER upbringing lor, good luck to her then!

heee.... i also seldom bump into anyone too, except sharon, little prince if i didnt rem. wrongly.
<font color="aa00aa">little devil,</font>
yalor, me also very shocked by her behaviour.
1. didn't reprimand or stop her son from hitting my girl
2. say her son is crying (more like acting-no tears), so my girl should come down and let him sit on the swing
3. stop the swing that my girl is on
4. tell my girl to "come down or i kick you"

but whenever i recall the part where she asked shanice to come down and shanice said NO, i couldn't help laughing, hahahhaa..
wah such exciting encounter! I think I wld have reacted similarly except I wld have *really lost it* once that boy hit my girl. Eh what happened to the other swing, no other mummies ard to help?

missed ur posting- oh dear poor Nicole coughing in the night? Yeah must worrying when our kids fall ill. Try to segregate the kids somewhat if you can- ur baby princess looks sooo sweet!
This is the latest picture of isabel. picture not clear, download from h/p.

On CC, I am sending isabel to one in bishan since my mum stays there. so i don't really know much about punggol area ones, paiseh.

Little Devil
I was telling hubby Quinn's mummy is very pretty, but we have never met :)

Birth Announcement
Blisse gave birth to a bb boy last week, weight at birth: 3.44kg.
angelia, omg I am torn between falling off my chair in shock and wanting to laugh at that ridiculous mum for being such a blatant bully. I think I would hve pull out my phone and told that that if she repeats her threat one more time I'll call the police, immediately and literally.
Hi Beanie,
Dun mean to intrude. I've been following this thread since it started but seldom post... Actually have not posted for almost two years.
Read that you are looking for a child care ctr for Jodie. I went to Bright Kids at blk 173D and was not very impressed cos the ctr seems quite small and the interior seems kinda dark, not sure if it's the lighting or wat.

The teacher-student ratio also not ideal. Their PG had one or two teachers to 10 kids and the kids eat, sleep, study at the same allocated space. Things might have changed i'm not sure.

In the end i sent my daughter to NTUC Child Care at blk 166 quite near punggol plaza... in mid jun, jus before i gave birth to my son in jul.

I was abit put off initially cos NTUC mah... doesnt sound high class. hahaha... But i was wrong. The ctr is quite spacious and they even have a designated dining area for the kids. When i sent my daughter there in Jun 06 the ctr was still quite new and everything was new.

The teachers and Principal are great. Can see that they are very committed to looking after the kids.

I think must do some homework before sending your daughter to a CC. Go visit the ctrs you shortlisted and see which one you are comfortable with. Talk to the teachers too and get a sensing of how committed they are.

One sad thing is after i sent my daughter there, she seems to be falling sick every month so like what the other mummies suggested, do start your daughter with vitamin and build up her immune system.

Sorry if i seem v long winded.
Yeah, she looks very different with hair tied up... i prefer her not to tie up her hair, more baby to me.

yeah, my brother's doggie... my mum pet-sit her during the day when "parents" are working.
Thanks very much for your feedback. Most useful indeed!

Yar, I was kinda put off by the name NTUC, but I guess I shouldn't be biased like that. I went to a PAP kindy when I was a kid too

I will definitely go down to check out the places b4 I decide. Just that I've got to see when I can afford to take leave to check out the cccs. Can't go to all in 1 day. I read somewhere that its best to go either at 7am or 7pm to see how the teachers cope with the influx of kids.

Charsiew rice,
Isabel and Jodie still looks alike! eh... u still staying somewhere else or have u moved back to punggol? Must put our 2 kids together to see if they look alike in person :p
Btw, have u girls noticed that the sky seem to be rather hazy recently?

Don't think I've seen any reports on forest fires yet.

Am getting worried for jodie's sensitive airways leow. She's almost recovered from her last bout, don't want her airways to act up again... sigh....
angelia, i am so shocked when i read what you posted about the encounter at the playground. Good for you and Shanice for not giving in to such rude behaviour. I would have threatened her (fiercely) to call police if she doesn't leave immediately.

well, i know that its not advisable to quarrel with anyone during this time BUT i really cant just let it pass!

TIME : around 4pm
REASON BEING THERE: had not eaten a thing for the day and quinn was so tired that he nap in his carseat.
WHAT WE DO: we decided to catch a really quick munch and park our car just next to our table so we can eat and keep an eye on quinn while he slpt in the car.

after our food served to us, hubby and me start eating, trying our best to finish it asap. theres table opposite us *2 men, ard age 40. 2 auntie, ard age 40 too and 2 teenagers*. even its nosiy there, i can hear 1 aunties says this "SO INCONSIDERATE" then i look at her and she repeat herself again, towards his group then look at me. then i realized MAYBE shes talking about we turning our engine ON instead of OFF. so i tot maybe her purpose of saying tat LOUDLY is so that we can hear her...... then i stood up, walk towards them and she seems shock by my move, anywhere, the following is our conversation:

ME: um... sorry about not turning the engine off as my boy is sleeping in the car.

AUNTIE: oh okie *smile* ( but i can feel that shes still NOT happy about it lor, just that shes not prepared about my act)

UNCLE : well thats ur problem actually!

ME: i didnt expect a man at ur age to say things like this.

UNCLE : u are causing pollution by turning the engine on and so near to us!!

ME: theres lotssss of EMPTY SEATS around BUT the seat i pick is the ONLY seat where i can park my car near and i can have a view of my son! *almost yelling at him*

AUNTIE: but tats CARBON MONOXIDE u know!!??

ME: thanks for aducating me about that and do u know wat made up a stick of CIGRETTE??!! *those uncles are smoking* (i dun attack them becos they are smokers as we smoke too)

ME: and for ur information "SMOKING KILLS" and if happens that u cant read well, theres pictures printed on all boxes of cigrette! and by having u smoking with all these NON SMOKERS ard u *his family members* u are being irresponsible and inconsiderate too since its not NON OF UR BUSINESE as they are ur family members!!!!

then i guess he has nothing much to say but give a gesture like shooing me away.

ME: HEY!!!!!!!!!!!! dun show me this sort of attitude of urs and please set a good example before voicing out!
cool down
eh I tot no smoking outdoors now too?
I have grievance too- an aunty "ying4 ying4" (insistently) kidnap Ahboy even tho he not happy (and she can see it). Only when he wail then she surrender him. MIL made Ahgirl become performing circus monkey...
Quite fun reading the 'conversation post' it gave me a nice idea on how to handle thing should it happens to me! but i do hope it doesn't

Anyway, i m new to this forum. I have a 19sept04 son, James. I hope i post in the right thread, can't find a specific thread for 2004/09 baby??!
new year woes

i also have my grouses....

New Year Eve - Yingxin fell ill on new year eve with flu and fever, but we still have to attend the reunion dinner with hubby's extended family (about 20 of them)

While i was feeding her halfway, MIL just took her off without asking me and demanded that Yingxin greet the elders one by one around the table, I told MIL that can be done AFTER Yingxin finished her food, but MIL just ignored me!

before attending hubby's family reunion dinner, i brought Yingxin back to my mum's place and my mum kept nagging at me saying that I SHOULD give a BIG red packet to my PIL since they are helping me to take care of my daughter now that I have started working. in the past, i am jobless so i have excuses not to give. My mum said heed her advice and i will not go wrong - if i give red packet to PIL, it will make them very very very happy and they will be very very very very good to me and my daughter!! I rebutted her saying I dun need them to be good to me, so long MY HUBBY is good to me, that is enough!! and my PIL SHOULD be good to my daughter because she is their granddaughter!! I told my mum even if i were to give, PIL will not take from me, and by right, it should be my hubby who gives them, not me!! She said my hubby should give, and I SHOULD give too, otherwise, MIL would think that I am not a good daughter in law and that would reflect badly on my mum, meaning to say she did not teach me well on how to behave!! wah liao, what old thinkings!! i told her me and my hubby is one entity, and my hubby will take care of this, she doesn't have to worry about this. Instead, she blamed me for being stubborn and in turned blamed herself for not doing her duty as a mother to teach me the ways of being a daughter in law!! She said in the past, her MIL insisted that my mum give red packet every new year....but then again, my MIL also ill-treated my mum wat, all the talk about giving money will make them treat you well!! bullshit!!

my mum said if i got no money, she will contribute from her own pocket and give me the red packet so i can give to my PIL!! to which she really did and stuff it in my bag without my knowledge! only after i left the house, she called me up and told me about it! then she said when i give them the red packet, i must say nice nice things to them, as if i dun know!! who in the world give red packet and say bad things wan!!

anyway, the red packet is still in my bag lah....wonder how i should tell my mum about it???

1st day of new year, we were supposed to visit 5 places (all of MIL's family and relatives and friends), but because Yingxin is unwell, we were spared the house hopping and only went to 3! Yingxin was sneezing throughout the day and did not napped at all, so I kept reminding hubby we need to bring Yingxin to the doctor so he can convey the message to his mother, but his mother still insisted that we follow them around for visiting (cos hubby drives and they can have free transport!!)

they even made stupid suggestions that we can dun go up the house, but sent them there and wait for them to come down after visting - which could last at least an hour!! i showed my displeasure to hubby and luckily he did not give in to his mother, told her that we need to leave right after dropping them off!

2nd day - went to pick up hubby's family to visit yet another of their relative's house for dinner, when they got in the car, MIL kept asking Yingxin to greet her and Yingxin did....shortly after, MIL asked again, not once but several times. But Yingxin just kept quiet and MIL said my daughter is very stubborn!!

dinner started at 6pm and we finished at 8 plus. MIL was yakking away till 10 plus then we were able to leave

upset with my hubby too - I told my hubby that Yingxin is tired and need to rest, maybe we can leave first and PIL can catch a cab home themselves; but hubby quite relunctant to leave, said to wait for them! he even suggested that he send us home to sengkang first then come back to bishan to pick up his parents and brother and send them back home to joo chiat then he will come home!!
Lildevil, cool down...

Puff, I *tot* you had the same argument with ur mum about this giving of $ to ILs last year? aiyoh... hope this will not be an annual event... if not super sian...

My grieviences, dad's laptop crashed yesterday with last 1 month of Jean's pics plus CNY pics... duh...
Happy New Year to all mummies & daddies, i back to work now.
thanks for the concern on nicole ad jeralyn

yes nicole cough very bad at night. she throw up almost every nite after milk and med. now we stop all western med start on chinese med and is slight better now.

sorry cant help u on punggol cc. nicole attend school in east coast rd
<font color="aa00aa">Here's wishing all kiddies not feeling well will get better soon and all mummies not too happy will have a reason to smile soon</font>
puff, why don't you just give your MIL ang pow, so you have 1 less thing to argue with your mom? maybe a small one will do?
i m not working, so i never give MIL ang pow, but she gave me ang pow, before new year, so that i can put it under my pillow. My hubby gave me ang pow too.

Happy CNY!
winter, welcome! are you a sahm? My daughter Faye is almost the same age as your son, she is born on 23rd sept 04

Oven- mummies, any of you here bake regularly? I need to get an oven (not built-in type cause no space), is rowenta a good brand? I heard that stand-alone ovens arent as good as those built-in types when it comes to baking cookies/cakes, I wonder if its true, does anyone know? Any tips for me when it comes to picking an oven?
Happy CNY, everyone!

Rhyan caught stomach flu last Tues and I caught it from him on Thur night, both of us were unwell till 2nd day of CNY before we got our appetites back. I was on leave last Wed, urgent leave on Thu and MC on Fri. What a week!

Puff - I also have my grouses lah, from MIL and nanny + granduncle giving Rhyan mahjong tiles and cards to play (when they know I do not allow) to ferrying people around. Hope yx recovers soon!

I have a conventional oven, Sharp brand. Can bake cookies / cakes but not too big a cake, those 0.5kg kind is ok. I think those standalone ovens have better temperature settings compared to the conventional ones, and better equipped with baking features. I am quite happy with the one I have during the times when I baked like once a week or alternate weeks.
I agree with littleprince.
I have a 3 in 1 but when I baked my chocolate chip cookies, it did not turn out as nicely as when I baked at my in laws with the stand alone. However, with stand alone, you need to use it often, if not the thermostate will become faulty. You need to turn it on at least once a week. No comments on rowenta though.
hehe next time tell YX she needs to greet ur MIL several times cos poor of hearing and memory :p .

aiyah for home baking, built-in or stand-alones equally fine ;) . For space constraints- consider ovens with microwave and convection, can use as m/w, can use to bake too. Just abit more troublesome in terms of usage (must read manual lor). But u dun use m/w function at all hor?

Welcome winter

Aiyah, today am so irritable, so bad-tempered with my girl. My girl also extra whiney mood too, so partly her fault too! Plus HB piss me off so his fault! Everybody at fault except me! (sarcasm here lah).
lil prince, how much u paid for yr oven ah? Got any special features? I saw this rowenta one at 439 (or something like that), has this fanning function, fan will circulate the hot air so that the heat distribution is very even. Its in a v compact size, which will fit well on my kitchen countertop, but I am wondering if I will have problems fitting in regular baking pans later on. So wondering if I shd get a bigger oven instead of a much smaller one?
btw, my conventional oven is with microwave. i paid around $500 3 years ago, now may have newer models. my aunt uses the same one too. can bake, can steam, can grill, can "cook" stuff in claypot etc. it came with 3 manuals that have recipes to teach you how to use and what to cook, and the baking recipes turned out quite well. hmm, i don't know / can't remember though technological features. the turntable inside such ovens are usually round and i think most of them cannot fit regular baking pans. if you need to use a certain size baking pans, bring the pan along to try.

the price should be lower now or better when there is a sale. if i don't remember wrongly, sharon has the same oven as well.
gabbymum, you say you have a 3-in-1, wat do you mean? As in microwave cum oven ah? When you say stand-alone, you are referring to those countertop types or built-in ones? Many thanks!

MT, I do use a microwave now, but v limited use- I only use it to warm up barley water or cold milk from fridge, thats it. I've bought a tiny s/s pot for this purpose, so I guess I can do w/o a microwave.
my neighbour uses a standalone oven but i cant recall e model n i only know she paid $200+ for it. it served her well cos it helped her bake tons of CNY cookies which she sells.
let me check wif her e model of e oven n advise u later 2day.
omg, something v farnny- Faye has been drawing humpty dumpty lately (she ADORES and loves this egg since a long time ago) She would sit there and spend up to an hour drawing enough humptys to fill both sides of a majong paper(got some variation, like some wear mittens, some wear shoes, some going grocery shopping, some wear 2 hats, some wear 5 :p)! And just 5 min ago she drew one with nipples lol!
haha, u got good memory....this year worse lor, cos she made me feel guilty by using herself as threat and got the red packet ready for me!!

MIL will not accept the red packet

little prince
thanks! so did u tell them off when they give Rhyan the cards and tiles?

is Rhyan any better?

kekeke, even if i tell Yingxin to greet several times, i dun think she will...cos she has character!!

LOL! did u teach her that?
i'm using National conventional microwave....now known as Panasonic, able to bake cakes and cookies but i have yet to try....no time
Yingxin is feeling much much betta now!! Thank you for the concern....no more fever and running nose, but still blocked though and has problems sleeping at night, so I am affected as well
now very tired!
puff, er.. no leh, I've never drawn anything with nipples before :p But then again she also draws belly buttons once in a whille, so she prob think that nipples are as common as belly buttons, not knowing that usually ppl dont really draw nipples when they draw a pic haha :p But of cos I didnt say anything negative abt it or wat, I only went 'oohh this humpty has two nipples like all of us!'
puff, yar lor, when toddlers are unwell, mummies often suffer just as much. Do take a good break if you can? Like maybe apply half day leave and go off by yourself to get a massage/facial or simply go shopping alone or something?
my 3 in 1 comes with steam, bake and microwave option.... can grill but dont know if its a dif one. Stand alone are those not built in. inlaws one quite good can even bake cakes that look and taste great. Since you have a microwave, why not get standalone.... unless you want to configure with basic carpentry to make way for both microwave and oven
Thanks for the welcoming everyone

it funny, this thread contains lot of things..kind of confuse .. hehehe

Ok, i always adore ones who knows how to bake cake!! what i do with my oven was reheat KFC!

puff, sorry to say, but your MIL very troublesome le.. i wonder why she doesn't accept red packet. It's just a way of sending blessing and good luck for the whole year!

My sister make James kiss and hug everyone when she brought him (i was not there) to her in-law's house. It's kind of annoying to hear that, but i try not to make a fuss out of the issue. When James is old enought, she will stop asking him to kiss people.

Lukily my hubby side no relatives in contact, i don't have to do visiting. Only 2 place to go, my sister's house and hubby's ex-colleague house.

23Sept, that's very near. I met someone exactly the same day as James in the playgroup. We were so shock, and both in the morning too!! Straight away i asked, what hospital? - what a waste it's not the same :D But i do envy her, her son is so much taller and bigger size then James!

i realised no point to tell them off since there are always people playing MJ at MIL's place especially during CNY. even on normal weekends, SIL sometimes chio ppl to MIL's place to play MJ. so, whenever i know there is a MJ session going on, i will not bring Rhyan over. hb can go and play if he wants, i rather stay at home with Rhyan on my own. for cards, its a definite NO for Rhyan so i will eye like a hawk and make sure he does not take them on his own. if someone gives it to him but too late for me to stop, i will take it away from him (with lots of persuasion and explanation) even if he cries about it. hb's relatives all know i am very persistent about this so most of the time, they do not dare to give it to him.

Rhyan is well already, back to CC today! But, i lost my voice and am down with cough.

Did yx return back to CC today as well? i heard most CCs were closed on Wed and only reopen today.

National Convec Oven - my SIL has this, i think it works the same way as mine.

there are quite a few of us with kids around James' age. Rhyan and Quinn (little devil's son) were born on 24 Sept.
