(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

not to harp on the whole "praise" topic or repeat what Berry already said, but when i read the section on "praise" in the book, the points that stuck out to me that made me understand and accept the rationale behind NOT praising are:

1. With the concept of "good" comes the concept of "bad".
2. Kid will need to be praised to feel good about themselves.

The thing is, before reading that I really did praise excessively. Since then, I've caught myself when about to say "Oh, that's very good going up the stairs by yourself" or "Good boy for drinking all your water". I think Ethan must be thinking, I'm just doing something normal, what's so good about it? Even if I'm not thirsty, I have to drink all my water to be a good boy? (So Yuru, if you think u've been "lousy" then I've been absolute rubbish..) So now I'm trying to "cut down".

What the book recommends is to use "acknowledgement" instead of praise, which I suppose would be along the lines of "You went up the stairs by yourself didn't you?" or "You drank all your water! You must have been thirsty!"

Like I said, I won't cut out praise completely, simply because it's so widespread. I don't want Ethan to only ever get praised by others and wonder why Mommy doesn't ever think he's good or clever. And we hang out with other moms and kids, who obviously don't read the book and follow their principles, so they praise their own kids to high heavens; I won't want Ethan to think that Jennifer is so clever and good because her mommy thinks so, but I'm not because mommy never tells me so.

LOL on the part abt ur neck ;P Hehehe, at times when I'm bo liao, i oso browse thru archives. I agree wif u dat Kayden does bear some resemblance to Kieran. I noticed dat when i was looking thru Kieran's album, & esp when Kayden wears Kieran's old clothings. Kayden's cheeks have the pinch factor. In fact i like to jingle his cheeks.
I read b4 dat the con of giving pacifier is dat we dun give them opportunity to vocalise like wat u mentioned. It's like trying to shut them up and then they'll not learn how to cry to tell us their needs. But, I'm oso guilty of doing dat. Cos sometx he eh eh eh, end up he wakes himself up. Kayden has a strong need to suckle, so it's either my boobs or the pacifier. So of cos, i let him have the pacifier.
Erhhh, i have split sleep arrangements. Kayden sleeps with helper while Kieran sleeps with us.
Irvin is so bah bah!!!

We always err together. Kekeke... It's ok one lah *IMO* No big deal :p

Kieran was on a super high on his birthday. We tell him 'Say cheese' or 'smile', he repeated after us. Then in dat pic of him and Kayden, i guess he felt ticklish cos his arms were under Kayden's hair and his little bro was moving his head around. Hehehe... Ur turn soon...
kypf, I read that kids who are used to being internally motivated usually have higher self-esteem and are more confident about their capabilities. Hence they know that they are good/smart/etc, they dont easily doubt their abilities just because they dont hear praise constantly. But of course I can totally understand what you mean, after all, (imo) it IS quite weird if a child grows up in an environment whereby all praise of any sort is eliminated, I do feel that in such an extreme environment, lack of praise may backfire.

yuru, hey please dont! You are such a devoted mummy and you are doing so much for Cindy, there is no reason why you should feel lousy at all. Parenthood is such a long long journey, along the way we're bound to realise that we shd be handling certain things differently than we are, right? Anyway its really all a matter of perspective lor. I am sure for every one book that is anti-praise/reward, you can find 5 books that is pro-reward/praise and that teaches you all about sticker and star systems! Anyway, Cindy is not even 2, you've def not done anything so 'wrong' that warrants real worry hehe. These are just theories we are discussing, as for how to carry it out and how far to follow it to, its really your call at the end of the day.
Too much of anything, is not a good thing.

Even adults, we want to be praised once in a while to make us feel good, and be "motivated" to "keep up the good work".

That's motivation in one sense.

Of cos, like what everyone agrees, too much of praises, the child may turn out to be one that is motivated to do certain things only when there are certain rewards for them ahead.
True enough, children who are praised too much, will link 'good' or 'bad' to their actions. Thus they tend to miss the opportunity to learn appropraite actions or moral lessons and be motivated from within when they act in the future.

My hubby likes me to show my appreciation when he does the dishes, my little gal also likes it when i applaude her effort when she put away her toys. But I always let them know that it not cos of the actions they do, that I love them or that they are good or bad. I love them for them and that their actions are the ones that I am commenting about and not them.

So maybe next time, applaude their actions and at the same time explain your encouragement. Like when she shares her toy with a fren, highlight why sharing is impt. Or when she stops shouting, acknowledged her efforts that she stopped and telll her why we should not be shouting.

but just like we want to hear from our hubby, "my dear, you look lovely in that dress." I am sure our little ones would like to hear that they look great from their clumsy effort to comb their hair.

my 2 cents worth...
ummm... so much of ALMOST pulling hair out mummies lately, heee. i think its becos our toddlers are of same age hence we are all experiencing the same thing and facing similar situation. for climbing and all that, i think quinns HIGHEST *height* attempt is when i discover him ON TOP of my TV !! i almost faint on the spot, dun dare to shout or talk loudly to him, i just smile and walk towards him and get him down.

and as for praising, ai yor, too much is no good and if non seems weird, so confusing

quinn starts to behave like an adult, very fun to look at. when hes on the phone with my mum today, hes was sitting on sofa and answering "UMM" "ok" "yes i know" "dun jump on bed" "yap"..... i guess my mum was trying to remind him to avoid jumping on bed :p and while talking, his fingers tapping lightly, so farney.

the weirdest place (not highest) i ever found ethan was in the toilet sink.. think he climb up the toilet sink and into the sink, was happily sitting in there cross legged and playing with toothbrushes and stuff. but wow amazing how Quinn got onto the TV!

And LOL on his talking to ur mom on the phone!
Forgot to mention, the toilet sink incident was 6 months ago, when he was 16 months. Think about it now it's actually quite funny, should have taken a pic..
Kayden and Irvin r so cute...
These few days I saw a lot of babies less than 6 months old, in this forum, my colleague's baby & my neighbour's baby. Suddenly began to miss my little boy when he was that young... I miss that smell of a little baby :p Maybe in few year's time, I may considering being a childcare or infant care teacher... Then I will have lotsa babies...Hahaha

Although my boy is as active as a monkey, he his highest height attempt is the door grille at my mum's place.
MISSING BBS- Looking back and without thinking too hard, is there any particular period/thing you miss most about your tod when they were smaller? When I hear talk about ppl missing their bb's younger times, the first thing that came to my mind was the image of teeny Faye in my sling as we roam the town wahaha :p She never wanted to sit in a stroller much, so I slinged her everywhere we go. Now looking back the closeness we shared was amazing (actually NOW I am glad she never liked a stroller, if not I'd have missed out on that), partly because that was the stage before she could even crawl (before 7 months I think), so she didnt really wanted to get down. She just sat happily in my sling and followed me everywhere I go! And I can even get away with eating ice cream with her in my sling w/o having to give her a lick! Those were the days hehe.
Hi-5 again. I oso prefer tod Kieran than bb kieran :p

When I read ur posting, the image of Faye in the carrier comes to my mind, not the sling.

yar, bbies smell great. Tods smell sweaty :p
One of the things I miss was that baby Meghan was much easier (read "lighter" ;P) to carry ard in a sling than tod Meghan. Meghan still likes the sling leh but carrying her 12kg load ard these days very siong!
Hee hee, totally agree abt the food sharing part!

Looks like I leave the gym just as u come in. Hee, mebbe one day can just meet to chit chat awhile.
Like what skyblue said, I miss the nice smell of my little boy when he was younger. Now, I always said he's very smelly cos he loves to run around and is always sweaty. Also, I am able to carry him or sling him when he was still a baby. Now, I have to chase after him when we went shopping.

Hee, ya maybe we can chit chat some day. But hor, I dunno how you look like leh :p
Littledevil & Kypf
LOL on the TV & the sink episode.

I miss keira's chubby face and thighs. Miss her blur blur look. Miss the times i could rock her to sleep in my arms. Miss her coos.
I prefer bb keira to my dare devil keira tod. hehe
Wahaha on the eve of Faye's 2nd Birthday, she gave ME a present!

Her first letter- "O"!

Her first drawing all done by herself- a Bunny!

Berry the video very advanced Faye ah! And very cute her swimming hahaha
. Eh ur home very nice too.

Sharon have a gd trip! I wanna go too, haha.

thx for compliments on Irvin's bahbahness, he IS overwt... by 500g, LOL! But no need to restrict, just continue as normal

Missing bbs... I miss being Athena's sole caregiver (my mum pops by but falls ill just as often), I miss slinging her when she was more roly-poly (now more toddler build). The smiles she gave. But I also love Athena tod when I hipcarry her, when she snuggles to me and calls "mummmmy" in super-sweet and manja tone. Even when she pretends to be hurt, she'd come over for a hug and pretend-whine, "pain, pain, mummmy" and gets all happy when I fuss over her and sayang, hug and kiss her!

I'm also enjoying Irvin's babyness now
sharon, thanks for yr BD wishes! wah hb and you gonna drive up to JB with sharwyn?

lil devil, Here's wishing Quinn a v happy 2nd birthday!

MT, yar lor, this stage is so sweet! When faye comes to me and goes 'maameeeeeee.....!!' I melt into a puddle also. But hor, sometimes when faye has a boo-boo somewhere, she dun wan me to kiss, she wants her hello kitty/winnie pooh/table/chair/books/thomas engine to kiss her instead haha!

lilprince, Wishing Rhyan a beri beri happy 2nd Birthday!!
berry, little devil, littleprince,
Here's wishing Faye, Quinn & Rhyan a very happy 2nd birthday!

Eh, how u know the drawing is a bunny?
deniz, hehe cause I always draw bunnies for her, then yest she told me 'baby draw bunny!'(she calls herself baby, I have no idea why) and then she said 'draw eyes... draw mouth...draw ears..' then I verbally prompted her to draw its hands and legs haha! Then after finishing she kept saying 'draw bunny! self! draw! self!'(as in she drew herself)
after reading you account of faye's attempts at drawing, i cant help but break into a smile...
so sweet and clever

babies vs toddlers
I miss gabby when he was a baby as he was so easy to feed. My Si'en will take at least half an hour to eat. I also miss the time when I just sling him and went shopping.
Having said that I do love him now when he puts on all his antics and sweet behaviour... I think I love them at all stages....

hahaha... greedy me
SOS!- Any mummy knows where I can find ty Pooh bear/ Thomas e engine Pyjama sets at a reasonable price (less than $15/$16 set got or not?)? Er, not pasa malam please, simply because pasa malams are all located at places that are v far for me and I dunno how to drive to(unless there's one near a major central mall?). Faye suddenly decided all her pyjamas are "not nice!!" and I am having trouble dressing her warmly at night. So am desperately needing some new and nice pyjamas, I think she'll love pooh bear/thomas ones hehe.
can try mothercare for pooh bear pyjamas as I bought a set for Gabriel but that was sometime ago.

I saw Thomas the Tank stuff there too
i got some in taka kids department and some at united sq, but forget which shop. can go check it out.

very nice video of faye, i always didnt get the rite timing to capture quinns FIRST event wan.....
hey, quinn also call himself BABY too!!! he will says "BABY hold" "BABY cook"...... though i always call him either Quinn or Darling :p
yesterday went to see my gynae, some check up then hubby meet me later as quinn is napping. later on he shows up with quinn and my nephew!! and he got to leave them with me as he needs to get something done. me almost faint when i imagine both of them with me alone, outside. BUT to my new discovery, its NOT tat bad actually
my nephew CONSTANTLY keep an eye on quinn and also make sure he dun perforn any dangerious act. even urge him to drink more water *quinn always listen to my nephew* and also point out nice things ard to him. i even can do shopping for myself, buying clothes and such :p and quinn is willing *though not 100%* to sit in McDonald highchair as my nephew sit next to him. both enjoy eating, all by themselves. and my nephew even hold quinns hand tightly and stay on the side of the pathment when theres too many pp and both of them HUGGING / KISSING each other cheeks to show love...... so MUMMIES WITH 2 CHILDand while the second wan is still young, maybe u will face more stress and challenging events, HANG ON!!!! its really differnt when both are slightly more grown up!! sometimes it even make ur day MUCH easier since the young wan has a example to follow *the elder wan* and the elder wan has a part to play when it comes to caring for the younger wan and they sure feel good when they know they have some reponsibilities...... :p my yesterday outing is really a FUN and NOT stress at all!!!! slot of strangers even ask me are they both my kids and also smile when they see how they LOVE each other
U know wat i love abt Kieran now? I love dat he can hug/kiss/share food/talk to me. Hehehe...

little devil,
Wahahahah, i tell u wat it's like in a few yr's time ;p But seriously, i tink i'll enjoy it then.
Pooh bear PJ shd be easier to find. United Square 2nd flr got 1 kiddy store, not branded children's wear shop, sells such PJ if i dun recall wrongly.
Hee hee, now i understand. I was looking at it all angles & still couldn't see a bunny!
Think can find the pjs in most dept stores but dunno got her size or not. Think ur best bet is mothercare but dunno can find less than $15 a set.
Eh how come faye likes thomas the engine?
deniz, I have NO idea why Faye likes thomas haha! She has never even seen Thomas on tv ever(even I didnt know its he's a TV train till v lately) and sees thomas only at places like dept stores, thomas kiddy rides and thomas merchandise selling everywhere. Its kinda love at first sight I think, so later I bought her a small thomas and he's one of her best friends now hehe. Oh btw, out of curiosity I went to check out some thomas books and I find them quite surprisingly unpleasant! I didnt read much in detail but the few books that I browsed were about how bad tempered and jealous some other trains were and how they tried to set the other trains up, and there was this guy called fat controller who controls the trains- I feel that fat is quite a rude term right? Then the other day I bought her George the steam roller (a character from the thomas series) and this card that came with it said that george is a bad tempered roller whose greatest wish is to flatten all the train tracks?! Anyway I chucked the card and told her that George is thomas' friend and they have playdates all the time heh.
CLOTHING- Just wonderng, if your tod one day asks to buy a piece of clothing item that you really dislike (er.. like maybe u think its darn ugly or wat hehe). Presuming the price is not the problem, will you get it for them and allow them to wear it? Like specifically, if for those of you who have girls and your girl asks for a spider man T shirt/short set?? Or if you have a boy and he asks to wear some v pinkish/girly stuff that you personally cant stand? Haha I always tell myself that when the day comes for ME, I'll grit my teeth and let Faye choose her own clothes if she really wants to (provided its within budget and suitably warm/cool enuf). So far I managed to find her clothing thet we BOTH like, hope it stays that way haha!

skylue/lil devil, ooh ok I'll go check out united sq soon.

gabby's mum, after you posted I called up mothercare and was told that the smallest size they have is for age 3/4 and the bottoms are shorts instead of pants and it retails for $35. Darn exp, I cant make myself pay so much for PJs that I dont even personally like haha :p
deniz, haha yar, her bunny looks more like a potato man to me actually! But I'm oredi v pleased that she can draw the ears/eyes/hands/legs at the right position hehe. I used to wonder why ppl keep old scribbly drawings of their child, now I know why these are so precious! I think I'll be one of those mums who keeps all the stuff Faye draws and makes for me in future heh.
u will sure enjoy in future!!!

hey, i am 1 of those mummies lor, who kept all of quinns scribbly drawing. imagine i even keep the FIRST "DOT" tat he draw and his FIRST circle *abit like oval* and square *more like rectangle* though they are not perfect, its perfoect ENOUGH for me.

its time to share with mummies my HARD work..... total of 5 hours spent. not easy but really fun, especially with hubby helping, we really had a great laugh and fun whenever some difficulties occur.


Oh, I din know that abt the thomas the engine series. So far, only looked at the train sets but like quite ex also.
It's always nice to keep mementoes of our precious little ones. When she's bigger, u can show it to her. Will u be starting a scrapbook?

little devil,
Wow, i'm impressed! The cake looks beautiful!
tats wat i tot too *DECORATE* the cake but ended up, its more than tat. thecake comes out in vert ORIGINAL / RAW state which i need to remove the top layer *is it call skin* and not easy as its very soft and fluffy. need to size it to my liking and shape it well. and i need to layer the cake, i took chocolate and vanilla so it will looks nicer when we slice the cake. and also theres 1.5 hour of freezing the creamed cake *after filling in the cake and smooth on a very thin layer of cream as a base coat* and this will prevent crumbs coming off when we do the icing. and the most challenging part is icing, as its a round cake i need to acheive flawless look, making sure its smooth and even. alot of work but fun!! quinn was soooo happy when he saw his cake in the resturant! his face brighten immediately, and cant keep his eyes off it.

this is my first attempt, think its quite okie but will want to improve it.
lil devil, waaah I had no idea that so much work is needed to 'decorate' a cake LOL! Where did u celebrate Quinn's BD? Then how u bring the cake over to restaurant since its quite tall and fragile?
Decided to get it snap as a memory since quite abit of hardwork.


^ second pix is mixing in crushed oreo cookies into cream, this is for the filling in between the cake.

^ filling in between layers.

^ the bottom part of the cake is 3 layers while the top is 2.

^ second pix is after the first coat done, freezing.

^ MOST tough part! :p

^ the dark top part is oreo crushed cookies too but using seive to do it so to get very fine texture.


< finished cake
thomas the train series has been around for 60yrs liao.. Some of the stories- as what Berry said- are not that nice..coz they deal with quite unpleasant characters- but they do teach that we do not meet with pleasant characters all the time. Ryan does have some of the story books/ 2 train sets / Undies, PJs, and VCds from the series..The wooden series is very expensive.. the TOMY one is cheaper. btw the IKEA + Imaginarium track can fit their TOMY train series but not the die-cast models. I got him that track instead as works out cheaper + one TOMY train set (battery operated).
i bot a BIG box for the cake and i hand carry thru out the journey lor....:p
its just a family thingy. initially planning to go east coast but VERY VERY last min. change venue *FIL change venue 3 times for this* and initially we will be paying for this celebration dinner BUT fil SUGGEST going to Imperial Treasure (Teochew Cuisine) at ngee ann so he says it will be on him *i cant imagine if WE have to pay for it* i really ALMOST faint when he suggest tat resturant in the beginning, as i plan to have a SMALLLLL celebration and more over, its just a dinner and not a PARTY for quinn and frens hence NOT willing to part with $$$$ for tat. but fil nice enough to pay for it. infact he always hold very PROPER bday dinner for every family member wan.

talking abt this, its quite fun actually, as my fil knows the pp there, when its time to sing quinn his bday song, the manager and some pp there sing along, VERY loudly, in 3 diff languages *canto, english and mandarin* and quinn face was like "EHHHHH......" but the most FEELING good part is when next table ask me abt my DIY cake!!! *i feel so proud* :p
lil devil, haha can imagine your pride! If I spent so much time on a cake and made it look this good, I'll be v proud of it too. I still cant imagine how u carry it cause it looks v big in the pic hehe.

OMG. I am completely blown away by your cake! It is very impressive! I don't think I have seen a better one even in shops.
u are making me soooooo HAPPY!
i like it personally :p maybe becos its really alot of work. but its fun! alot pp tell me maybe tis will be my first and last time i do tis as i will GIVE UP after trying once.... but i quite enjoy it though, now thinking of doing a XMAS LOG CAKE for tis december :p

hubby will be away for his reservice..... me miss hi suddenly, the feeling is like last time when we were dating :p but its good though, at least we know tat we still feel the same for each other
after having quinn, life is simply HIM *not tat we dun like it* but things like tis when he needs to be away give us a chance to miss each other as we see each other many hours aday.
Hi little devil,
Your cake is impressive and most important.. full of love!

hahah... yeah, my hubby went back for reservice and we sort of like went back to times when we were dating. its hard to keep the spark. sometimes, i do think if i am doing enough..especially so when all most of our time is around our little one.

Happy Belated Birthday to Quinn, Rhyan &amp; Faye!!!
Sorry a bit late but i'm sure the little ones has a fantastic birthday!!!!!

Agreed wif Kypf the cake looks fantastic.
Now i know why Quinn can paint so well :p
Reservist also can book out at nite rite??
