(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Tks. The cake is 2Kg. Not very big actually.

At the party, most of my guest will say "Yr daughter very pretty hor, does'nt look like Daddy or mummy leh".
Dono whether to laugh or cry.LOL

pcs, hmmm not true leh, I've always felt that Kiera looks like you (apart from the fact that you are beri slim and she is quite chubby haha).
Happy Birthday to Keira. She look so sweet and pretty. I love Pooh cake, tot of ordering for Nicole too but during her 2nd birthday I will be busy doing my confinement.

Happy Belated birthday to Rhyan. Enjoy yur trip, hope Rhyan can sleep during the journey. The othe time Nicole sleep abt 3/4 of the journey there heng ah.

Happy Belated birthday to Quinn. Your cake is fantatics looking.

heng now YX is back to your care. Dunno why those old ppl cant tink leh, now even my fil oso lax wif Nicole diet last time he willcontrol my mil but now he oso give her all junk. thye can give her cream bread, wan wan jelly stick, ice cream,soft drink etc, my hb alway say a bit is ok lah but as day go by it will be alot

we can shake hand on confinment. This time round I will be doing alone too. Mil busy looking after nicole, they still refuse to let nicole attend cc. as for my mum, she is recovering from her stroke, i dun wna to stress her too much. so will be dloing all by myself tis round.

hope you and sharwyn recover soon.
Hope all sick darling recover soon.

need your help leh, nicole seem to be so rebellious recently especially the recent weekend. she wan all her way and insist to get the thing she wan. pil all complaining to me abt her naughty and i soon gog crazy. Is the evil 2 so scary?

thanks for updating. i expecting another princess.
for immunity, seriously i really dun know wat to do abt it too. tried quite afew stuff but seems not too promising too. but lately 1 of my close pal from another thread intro me to E EXCEL cactus juice, the product name is call MILLENIUM. i am quite so call LOST HOPE liao since sooo many product dun really work and i even starts to do tat theres NOTHING out there can help. my pal told me abt it long time ago but i was put off by the price plus some other reasons which i also dun know wat :p recently i tot maybe can give it a try, also for myself too as i fall sick quite frequently after give birth to quinn. has been taking tat for almost a week and theres 1 quite promising part abt it which i experience myself, i got a cold and it last for 3 weeks. it just refuse to go away, come and go and after i took tat cactus juice, i am okie since then, maybe its just QIAO (3) HE (2) but i jus take it to maintain my health.and also if i really chose to DUN BELIEVE in products like this, i might as well forget abt giving him any kind of SUPPLEMENTS.

and i really think sometimes what works on other kids might not works the same for ur own BUT of cos healthy diet is a MUST.

thanks alot for ur compliment.
hope wayne will be well real soon! yah, i rem wayne seldom fall sick wan

yah, u can try, i believe u will enjoy it!! why butterfly? why not? ha!!!!!! i am using GARDEN as a theme actually tat is why theres butterfly, flowers and bees...
TRIANGLE finally!
last nite quinn finally can pronounce TRIANGLE!!! he can recog. most simple shapes and know their names. round / circle, square, rectangle, oval, heart.....and for triangle, he can recog. but he pronounce it in a very farney way. so last nite when i remind him again, he pronounce after me and just now before his nap, i asked him again and he didnt forget, he says "TRIANGLE"!
wendypooh, lol you promoted your nicole from terrible twos to evil twos.
I do believe that its easier to work WITH them as an ally rather than start with a 'kid vs adult' mentality. Instead of working on making her obey and stop rebelling, maybe you can work on how to be on her side as much as you can, so that she will have lesser reason to rebel. Plus I feel that at this age, when they 'rebel' (esp alot and intensely), its usually for a reason that is worth looking into. Nicole wants her way all the time but dont we all? Maybe can work on finding solutions whereby both parties (nicole and caregiver) are happy with. Negotiation is a v good life skill to have and now is not too early to start letting her practise. Haha, since you ask, I'm just sharing my thoughts tho I am not sure this is what you wanna hear. :p I have no advice on 'taming' children or to get them to behave exactly the way I want cause I dont do that to Faye. hope my $0.02's help in some way.
talking about taming toddler. i myself DUN believe in tat. and yesterday when i was having dinner with quinn, our next table is a pair of parents with a 1 YO boy and tat lady is preggy. and while quinn usually dun really fancy sitting still in his H.C, i have to keep communicating to him and finding some activities besides eating his fav chawamushi. still hes quite noisy *not appear to me* BUT to the next table. i caught tat mummy giving him those unfrenly stares , maybe not really stare BUT sure not frenly to me. well, they leave pretty soon, as soon as they finish their meal. guess they cant really tahan us. to me, i cant be bothered seriously. its a PUBLIC place and i dun see why must i lecture quinn just becos of THEM.
<font color="ff6000">pcs</font>
hm, i also think your darling looked like you

<font color="ff6000">little devil</font>
i see...Garden theme; IF i really make the cake, will post pics here

Quinn so stylo....LOL on him wanting to wear the same specs
today not too good for me..... first, my index finger cut by knife. second i think my handphone seems to me tat it will retire soon. plus last nite i didnt sleep too well, kept dreaming so today quite tired. but just now before quinn goes to bed, we were doing puzzle then i ask him to count how many did he complete. he goes on counting and usually he knows his 1 - 13 quite well and hubby has been extending it to 20 lately *i think since sunday nite* quinn make my day just now by counting 1 - 20 without any help!!!! i am happy not entirely becos he did it, its mainly becos he looks sooooooo HAPPY when he knows tat he did it!! not a bad day afterall
oh yah, something funny came out from his mouth tis evening. when i was downstairs with him *just to let him run and play* some kids was cycling and 1 fell quite badly infront of us, then the next min, quinn says "GOODNESSSS"!! wahahahaha
lil devil, wahaha so funny (but that boy poor thing lar :p)! I also crack up completely when Faye says such thngs unexpectedly! The other day when Faye was bored, she asked for my box of necklaces (all costume jewllery hehe, dun wanna sound like I have a box of diamonds :p) to look at. After reminding her to be gentle with them, I gave it to her. Then she sat there and took each out one saying "this one good! nice! This one not nice, dun like! this one pretty! prefer this!" THen she wore ALL of them on her neck for a while, and then tell me to wear all of them on MY neck. Then she point to all the necklaces on my neck and laugh until she fell backwards (on the bed, so nvm hehe) and then said "soooo weirdddd!!!! funny!"
Berry &amp; Littledevil
U 2 make my day wif yr Quinn's GOODNESS and Faye's WEIRD stories. Wahahaha

tks for yr suggestion on immunity
How come Daddy specs look so fitting on Quinn??

U r so kind. Thanks

Tks for yr compliments.Congrats on princess#2.
hey berry, yah... i understand lah... thanks for sharing ur views with me...

pcs, 2KG?! it looks HUGE!! arbish to the guest who made such a comment!

wendy, congrats on another princess!! updated!!

lil devil, cute pix of quinn...
puff: thanks for remembering Janice BD. :>

Sharing some of her photos:

Hi all aunties, today is my BD, I going to celebrate with my playmates at my 'school'


goodies for my friends


my BD cake


so many looking at me, *mummy i dun like it, where are u*

hi berry

thanks for the advise. the "evil 2" is really so scary. after reading your sharing i feel more at ease. cos i feel exactly how u feel.
tink u all rem tat nicole is a weekend kid, nowaday eversince i pregant, she getting more "sticky" to me so i tend to more her back home more often such as alternate nite instead of weekend. she is very happy wif the arrangement and me too very happy to see her more often. at time i feel upset where i cant bring her back cos hb prefer me to rest a day then next day bring her back again. She can sit still to watch tv or listen to story if i am wif her. at time she is ok wif hubby once recently she cant. if she in good mood, i will tell her nicely tat i need to go bath, wash clothes or pack hse, she will accept it and it really sweet to see her return with a sweet smile.

it only at time i really tired and tat i loss my cool to her, but after tat i will tell her nicely why i so upset. esp recently wif my heavy tummy carrying her is a great challenge for me and i having bad bone ache and painful pelvic for a almost a mth.

really appreciate your valuable advise, u really a kid expert
the next day mini BD celebration at Ah Ma house cum steamboat dinner...


GrandPa helping me with cake cutting


mummy bought me an piano as my BD present


present for this year.
my gal burst into tears in front of a bday cake too... even when it wasn't hers! LOL! Overwhelmed by the singing.

so cute the "weird" comment hehe! Eh never snap pic of her playing dress-up? Hmm Athena never play with my box of diamonds... *KIDDING!*, but she imitates me when I put on my foundation cake. She'd just find some toy and press on her face too... :p

pcs, Keira does resemble u more than ur HB lah... am so envious of that!

lildevil, is BIY difficult to get to by cab (cabdriver will get lost? I wun b able to flag cab out?)? Cos I'm interested in the marshmellow pops- u saw the other design commissioned by the other mummy using lots of marshmellow pops?
I was thinking single layer http://www.thepatissier.com/webtop/Browse/index.phtml?action=browse&amp;id=9&amp;StoreID=1&amp; with some pops stuck in. Am craving for patissier cake...

butterfly cake- hopefully can do one *with* Athena for her daddy's bday. Then the daddy cant complain abt how bad it looks, hehe.

talking more abt cakes *my FAVE topic haha* - strawberry shortcake fans (DENIZ!) check this out! http://www.cherylshuen.com/special%20treats/strawberrycastle.html

ruffy, my HB found the soccer link u were asking abt- http://www.socatots.com/singapore/index.php?option=com_content&amp;task=view&amp;id=13&amp;Itemid=26
pcs, peipei,
Happy belated bday to Keira and Janice.

PD has a medi dat can reduce phlegm. Did ur PD prescribe dat for Sharwyn? Or mebbe u wanna try Eu Ren Sen's 'hou ning'? I find it pretty effective but it's very exp! Each tiny tweeny bottle is $50+. Like wat pcs shared, drinking lots of water helps too.

For me, if Kieran is the one at fault, I'll get him to apologize. Even if he knows/dunno the true meaning of sorry, i jus wan him to develop tis habit.

Keira's cake is so beautiful and huge.
Kieran used to take childlife's vit C. Now not so often. Jus started him on CLO. I tink he doesn't quite like it cos he showed the yucky face when he drank it. He's oso on a kind of medication prescribed by PD which reduces allergies. Told to let him try out a bottle 1st. If it's gd, PD said to give him for another few mths.
medusa, lovely cakes! hehehe... any idea how much does one lolly cost? u going down to BIY?

skyblue, yah... i oso trying to develop as a habit... this morning she woke up groggy and said "mummy, carry pls, thank you!" all in one breathe... was so surprised...
Same here, i always tch Kieran to say pls and thk you. These days, i'm tching him to say 'you're welcome' after a person says thk Q to him. Hehehe...
<font color="aa00aa">skyblue,</font>
what med did the PD prescribe for reducing allergies?

<font color="aa00aa">medusa,</font>
the lollies are so nice hor? me also tempted to go take a look, but am interested in their wafer butterflies :p
skyblue, wah kaoz! u got same thought as me leh! hehe... was thinking this morning it's time to intro "u're welcome!" LOL!!
<font color="ff6000">peipei</font>
i dun have such good memory lah, all thanks to Jen for the list so i can refer to see whose birthday coming next
I dun have the name of the medication now cos it's wif nanny. Tell u another time hor.

Hahaha, we're ILs mah ;P the way Kieran says 'welcome' always tickles me to bits. Kekeke...
jen, skyblue,
i introed welcome some time ago, but she wun say it most times, only occasionally she'd remember to say "welcome" after receiving a "thank you".
now I'm telling her, "bye bye! see u! enjoy!" when she goes off gai-gai with ILs... err, but she'd tell me "enjoy!" when I am stuck at home while she merrily trips off! :p
<font color="ff6000">Yuru</font>
Vit c is water soluble, so if over-dose, it will pass out as water; will not accumulate in the body or become toxins
I thought of doing that too.wahaha.

Janice is such a pretty gal.
Looks pretty even when she is crying :p

Tks :p I wanted to intro CLO to keira but think she will not be receptive to the taste too.

Tks :p
Wahahaha... A is so cute. Machiam gloating dat u're stuck at home.

Dats y i bought the small bottle to try.
Yuru, I give Faye nordic naturals CLO. I hesitated for quite a long time (several months haha!) before deciding to give her CLO is because I was v concerned abt the presence of heavy metals contaminants (mecury, lead and others I cant recall) in CLO. So only after I found this brand nordic naturals and read quite alot of reviews on it then I decided to go ahead. I read that its v important to make sure that the CLO is of the highest quality possible (very fresh and third-party tested to make sure its free from the above contaminants). I bought mine from Vitakids at forum.
pcs, peipei
happy belated bday 2 keira &amp; janice.

CLO does smell. in fact when i introduced 2 gabe a few mths back, i only brought the spoon 2 his mouth &amp; he quickly refused it, he didnt even wanna open his mouth &amp; kept saying 'no no'

abt a mth back, i decided 2 try my luck again wif the CLO. surprisingly he took it well (of course husband &amp; i praised him when he took it) and i've started wif giving him 2teaspoons everyday. in the past wk, gabe has been asking for more so i've been giving him 3-4teaspoons.

i started wif a small bottle of Scott's Emulsion CLO, finished in <2wks. Now i buy the big bottle.
ha!!!!! meaning she knows wats WEIRD!!! and also meaning she sure will NOT be one of those FASHION VICTIMS too, heee...... so maybe u dun have to worry abt the day faye INSIST on wearing something not appealing.

no lah, tat spec. belongs to quinn wan. its in his SAFE box hor :p his SAFE box got weird items too, 1 of then is a strand of MY HAIR! :p

not at all! its quite east actually, just tell them its somewhere near newton circle. and its facing the main road so its pretty prominent.

yah, i saw those, sooooooo nice leh, they are all FONDANT icing, initially wanted to try doing but becos if i chose fondant, i have to use diff. types of cakes and not soft fluffy chiffon. but i think i will still try one day, maybe do a very small cute 1....
and i think POON HUAT sells ready to use fondant but heard tat it better to buy WILTON brand instead of their IN HOUSE brand. texture acheived will be much nicer.

y not make a cake for A then buy a slice of patissier cake to satisfy ur craving :p

for phlegm, if its very jialat, quinns pd will usually make him do a nubrulizer *dun know how to spell* in his clinic, just once, before going home and it REALLY help alotttt!!!!!!!!

skyblue / jen
soooo cute hor when they say things politely??!! this morning after i pack his bag *we went orchard shopping with my preggy cousin* he says "THANKS" :p

YX really can be the commercial shampoo gal with hair like hers!!!

for the CLO, i find it fishy leh, but u can try the one tat has ornage flavour..... but hor to me i still find it smells.... :p i will feel like puking after i smell it. but its a very good brand i should say. u can go to forum and ask the pp there, they are very very very nice. they provide me with tons of infor and also give me some sample pac. tat was like when quinn is 1 year old. but must go there early as they close at ard 7pm.
me showed husband e socatots link n he said, "sign up 4 it if there's a class lor". too bad no class available. i've emailed the person 2 find out if there's more sessions for "walking-2yrs".
<font color="aa00aa">kelly,</font>
can let me know the outcome of the inquiry for socatots? maybe hubby will be interested to send shanice there.

she loves kicking balls, and her 1st proper 2 syllabus word is "poot-ball" (football)! i nearly fainted!

<font color="0000ff">CLO</font>
Shanice loves the original.. will ask for her "ah pek, fish" after lunch everyday.
for the orange flavoured, my GP ever advise not to give when having cough...
oh my, Athena asks for her Uncle Fish too, LOL!

oh really all full? darn, A likes kicking/ throwing a ball ard.

haha we read the same feedback abt fondant- that mum who DIYed is really something, yah? I wun attempt that lah, too tough! Wish I had budget to buy the cheryl cakes but well, I dun!

*HB's Bday cake*
Got Athena's help to decorate Butterfly shaped Birthday cake (just like in Hi-5 Let's Party!)... she stole some cake, some pretzel sticks, some sprinkles... poked the candles upside down (to her the sharp pointed end is like the flames in her book drawings?), poked and RE-poked til the whole butterfly full of holes. Candles all seng-ek (not straight) and so much chocolate smeared on the wick I cldn't light! But the huge grin of the recipient says it all? :p




Quite fun- $10 ($5 choc fudge cake fr Cold Storage, $3 sprinkles, $2 pretzel sticks), lots of leftover sprinkles and sticks for another session if desired. Fast too, I cut... she sprinkle and mutilate, I mean, she DO :p, the rest! She enjoyed licking her fingers, not for public consumption lah :p , but this morning she still wanted her "birthday cake!". I think she knows she "made" it, I think SHE feels a sense of pride and accomplishment.
puff, pcs, the nordic naturals CLO is not fishy at all and it comes with a natural strawberry taste. Nordic naturals CLO is also supposedly known for the v pleasant taste. I think vita kids do have sample sachets that you can ask for. I was completely surprised and convinced cause the first tme I gave Faye, I gave to her in softgel (super tiny ones, half the size of a pea! even if accidentally swallow wont choke) form, which was teh sample I took. Then I told her that 'this is something like candy, v yummy! See? it says strawberry flavour!' and Faye was so excited, shd popped one into her mouth and chew (I was holding my breath lol!) and GRIN and ask for more 'candy' hehe. But I didnt lie to her hor, I did say its SOMETHING LIKE candy, not really candy :p Later on I bought the liquid form (softgel too exp :p) and told her its the exact same thing thats in that 'candy gel' and she has been taking it ever since.
Wah liao, u're tempting me with the strawberry shortcake bday cake! It's beautiful but the price is scary man!
I love the butterfly cake Athena made!
CLO - i give the nordic naturals brand too and luke will only take it if i mix with the childlife vit c. my hb refuses to take it at all because he thinks it's fishy! personally, i think it is pretty palatable.
yes, its the same brand as berry says maybe when it comes to taste, its abit imo wan lah. i am those tat cant tahan abittt of fishy taste or maybe my taste bud too sensitive?? the only cod liver oil tat i tik not fishy is by KAWAI *a japanese brand* in soft gel / gums, banana flavour. as for scott, quinn likes it but dun take it well for sure so its OUT. so meanwhile its only NORDIC &amp; KAWAI for him. but i would suggest u ask for sample as sometimes u will be suprise how our taste bud and our toddlers differ.


and i KS, even search http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/dhp-mps/prodnatur/applications/licen-prod/lists/listapprnhp-listeapprpsn_e.html before giving the KANYU DROPS :p

wah, ur hubby must be very happy !!!!
yah, tat mum is really SOMRTHING!!!! but i heard fondant is EASY to manage, easier than buttercream and such........ *scratch head* but it looks tough for me though.
