(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Athena is a sweet name for a girl. Hey, congrats on having Number 2. BTW, I was also admitted at midnight for my 2nd child. It sure was odd admitting at that unearthly hour to deliver a baby. My hubby and I were like "did we hear the wrong thing, admitting into a hospital at 12midnight ???"

Sharwyn is sooooooooooooo sweet
I love her hair, frames her face so nicely. Kieran was making so much noise when he saw Wyn's pics. Kept on pointing...

Wah.... so fast kieran know how to look at pretty gal liao huh.... haha....


Sharwyn look so grown up. I like her last pix, she look like a little jap gal.
Have not posted for a while cause we just moved back last weekend and my PC wasnt fixed up properly plus we dont have a SINGLE chair in the house! Gave away every single chair but forgot to buy some :p So been sitting on the floor for meals till today when dining table/chairs arrived. Now beri hungry, cooked lunch while Faye slept, waiting for her to wake to watch me eat ( er.. I mean eat WITH me, except that half the time she prefers watching me eat, nible at some morsels then squish the rest :p). So yaaayyy we are finally moved in and mostly unpacked! :D :D :D

MT, sorry to post this late, but if you're reading, hope everything goes smoothly for you!

sharon, v v nice pics! Sharwyn has indeed grown alot, no longer the little baby but a big girl! :D

lil prince, maybr u can check ST classified ads for those WM repair people?

pcs, yaayyy for having finished yr exams! Got celebrate or not ah? hehe
sharon, thanks heh! Wont be having housewarming party, but got pix of Faye to share when my digicam software is properly installed, waiting for hb to do it these few days
Berry, Ethan keeps climbing up chairs and sometimes falls off.. last Fri he fell and hurt his eyelid and also bruised his nose bridge.. I feel like getting rid of all the chairs in my house as well!
Here are the latest pictures of Ethan which are on my hard disk.

At playgroup last Wednesday. Well, he's just sitting on a chair having a rest.

At the park.
kypf, waaah the grass looks really lush and lovely!
Chairs- yar I know wat u mean, Faye climbs chairs alot too, makes me quite nervous at times. Thats why we try to get only chairs that are very sturdy and doesnt topple easily. I also periodically remind her about safe ways of getting up/down on the chairs and not sitting at seat edges with her back turned round.
Berry, re chairs, the other day Ethan fell I suspect because he was using the chair as a "rocking horse", by the time I came running he already toppled. I guess it's good that you're getting new chairs so you can pick real sturdy ones. For me, right now every time we leave the room we put the chairs lying on the ground or tucked under the table (once he climbed up anyway and got stuck between chair and table, ha ha).
sharwyn looks so much like a jap girl. very cute. if i'm u, i a bit 'she bu de' 2 check her hair.

lil prince
how abt getting a plumber? if u need a contact, sms/PM me. husband knows a decent/honest plumber who recently fixed my leaking kitchen tap.

sigh! no pics of ur newly decorated plc. must b very beautiful & cosy. do post pics of faye though, long x never c her.

ethan's such a big boy now! auntie kelly sayang sayang for his bruises.

gabe's into climbing lately too. he was climbing sofas, his toddler chair some time back but now he's more adventurous. he's moving onto dining chairs, stools, furniture which was out of reach 2 him b4. once he's onto such furniture, he'll hop/move/dance abt on them. he has been giving me heart attacks lately n i've been running 2 hold onto him, just in case he falls off.
he even tried 2 climb in my fridge, stepping onto watever he can & moving up. luckily he couldnt progress far cos nothing 4 him 2 hold onto 4 support. *faint*
Congrats on yr reno done.
No celebrations but I pamper myself by buying $80 worth of CDs. Hehe

Oh so I should be feeling happy that Keira is physically on par with her peers. She loveeeeee climbing chairs/tables/window grills/metal gates/stairs/bed. I always tell myself "she is a monkey mah"

Gab tries to get into the fridge???? Wahaha
U manage to capture a pic of Ethan sitting on the chair. Don't think its possible for keira. She sits on the chair less than one min :p
sharwyn got mozzie bite on face again ah? she is so cute in the 2nd pix.

wahhh! new place finally done up! you must be so happy!

yes, i want the plumber's contact please. I sms u later.

eh, rhyan also climbs in the the fridge at nanny's place! he can't open my fridge at home yet.

what were you studying previously and for how long? you graduated already ah? i just took up a part time degree course, starting next month. gonna have a tough 1.5 years ahead liao .. haha!
Just finish my 1st semester, results not out yet though.I must have sounded so exicted abt finishing my exams so u thought I graduated. Pie Seh. Another 3 semester to go until July 2007.
Kowtou to u on taking up a degree.
There r many times when I'm loaded wif so many things that I just feel like giving up.

Yr lessons are twice a week??
I enjoyed my lessons a lot (minus exams). Hope u enjoy yr studies too (minus the exams) Hehe. Jia You!!!!
ehhh .. i PM you my answer hor.

hehe! i thought you graduated liao, but was thinking i remembered you only posted few months back that you were going to study. I think my classes are 3x a week, have not got the timetable yet. actually, i am quite excited about studying again. the only thing is, rhyan will have to wait for me to fetch him home on the nights when i have classes later.

thanks! and i hope you passed your exams with flying colours.
Tks er but I was praying I'll pass. Hehe.
Wah 3 nights a week its really tough...
Don't worry u have the whole weekends for Rhyan :p


Irvin's 3.82kg, 49cm length, 36cm head circumference. Deeper set eyes than A's but too early to tell anything else.
C-section recovery faster but just as painful, jaundice detected early so light treatment on 2nd & 3rd day- allowed to discharge today but to monitor. Latching 20mins each side, every 2-3 hrs, sigh. A's response to Irvin too early to tell.

Congrats congrats!

How's the GA csection compared to Epi one?

Hope you are feeling better already! Is it easier getting out of bed this time round as compared to last time?

I'm really really dreading my turn for csection in Nov!

Irvin looks like your hubby!
wow! u r back so soon! irvin's so chubbily cute & handsome too. he has a very high forehead too. cant wait 2 c him. u recovering well?
hope you are recovering well..
Irvin looks handsome!!really like the 2nd pic
Rem to post more pics of him as he grows.
take care!

little prince
admire that you are taking PT degree now.... 3 x a week..is going to be tiring.. that time i took a diploma course also 3x a week ..nearly gave up and was without kid that time..but am sure the interest in the lessons/subject should keep you going..

RY's fingernail has grown back already but it doesn't look like the original one though, it's very "bumpy" and uneven thickness. Luckily he's a boy so not important for his nails to look nice nice!

I think my case very similar to Medusa's, RY was a full term baby, also very big head and at full term his head was still very high up there. My 2nd one's head currently also quite big as compared to average gestation. For a successful VBAC, baby cannot be induced so likely full term again, baby's head cannot be too big which is not possible at full term and baby must be in correct position. I think I rather go for elective csec than emergency csec. Sigh sigh sigh!
I think Irvin looks like Athena leh. Hehe
I like the 2nd pic too So serious look :p
Hope u recover soon.
tat's true...boy need not hv nice nails. LOL

we r putting off e maid search for a moment cos if i continue being a SAHM, we cant afford a maid staying at home wif me (we did e sums...it's abt extra $800-1000/mth). MIL will help me wif my confinement n hopefully when i need help wif edward.

how's ur new maid so far? still not gd wif RY?

so there goes ur chances for VBAC too huh? edward's HC is 30cm+ at 32wks+. i also concerned if his HC will hit 36cm if i do carry him 2 full term, not 2 mention his weight. i asked my gynae abt naturally delivering a bb wif 36cm HC, he said he delivered b4 so shldnt b a problem. he'll assess my condition, closer 2 e date b4 advising e best mode of delivery.

tat's y lately i kept telling husband tat i really dun mind if edward pops anytime 2wks fr now (when i'm abt 36wks, me 34wks tis fri). it's harder 4 me 2 handle gabe now who is crankier, knows & insists on wat he wants, climbing everywhere (he just figured out how 2 climb my kitchen cabinet). my growing belly also not helping me 2 chase after gabe n getting cramps/backaches once in a while so physically not up 2 it.
Thanks ladies

Too early to tell Irvin's features leh. Athena's face was rounder and limbs fatter, Irvin longer face and limbs like slimmer?

HB saved quite abit $ with elective c-sect, rather than A's time where induction failed then emerg evening c-sect (evening considered after-office hrs more ex, and recovery so much slower in terms of hospital days). It helped that we pushed for jaundice treatment on 2nd and 3rd day, so bb cld discharge on 4th day, TOGETHER with me. A's case she stayed 6 days while I stayed 5 days!

H/e am so angry with HB. I tried to save his leave by choosing Sat morn op, so he takes only Mon leave.
I tried to save his energy by getting my mum handle Athena and maid, he only visit me, clean up the dog when he returns home in evening.
I tried to save time for him today (he's NOT on leave, rush to settle bills and help us home during LUNCHTIME) by settling everything else. I had told him EARLIER to move TV from living rm to bedrm so I can watch while bfg (latch 20mins each side, every 2-3hrs leh... very time-consuming!)... what did he do? Wait until today LUNCHTIME then move TV lor.

Then in afternoon, he YMed me saying "I'm tired". From soccer watching this past wk. Not from op surgery trauma, not from sleepless nights due to op recovery/ bfg hor.

He's NOT going to end up saving any $. If dun whack his account, I won't be happy!

Oh dear..... but how are you going to cope when your friend comes over to your place to stay with her newborn son, 2 mums and 3 kiddos with no helper may be a nightmare!

Maybe you can check with your gynae possibility of inducing at 36th weeks? At least higher chances of natural birth!

My new maid is getting on very well with RY now, but she's quite slow to comprehend things so it gets quite frustrating at times. Example last Sunday we were rushing out of the house so I told her we'd have instant noodles for dinner, but when I entered the kitchen I saw that she cooked instant noodles 3 packets plus rice for 3 persons! *Faint* Then last night she carried RY and sat on a small baby piano stool that looks very unstable to me in first place. The stool snapped immediately and they both fell. *Faint again!*
my frien not confirmed abt coming over so will wait & c. i not concerned abt her coming over n there's no helper. she manages her bb while i handle my 2 boys. i hope we shld do fine *cross fingers*.

in fact, me MORE concerned abt bringing both boys out at e same time. gabe went out wif me very often since he was 6wks old. i dun 1 2 deprive edward of anything or let gabe b stuck wif me at home. i know my MIL can bbsit edward while i bring gabe out alone but if i wanna bring edward out alone, i dun tik gabe'll wanna stay home wif my ILs.

i also finally got husband's approval 2 order tingkat dinner after my confinement. i told him recently tat he shldnt expect homecooked food when i'm handling an infant & toddler at e same time. i even looking around for tingkat lunch but i cant find any caterer tat delivers it anymore. Sigh!

ur maid is a filipino rt? she still having problems comprehending huh? she has been wif u for 1mth+ rt? mayb it'll help if u give clearer instructions. my cousin shared wif me tat she has 2 give crystal clear instructions 2 her indonesian maid, if not really *FAINT* all e time.
Medusa, congrats! When I first saw Irvin's picture, somehow I find his features very familiar, but can't place whether it's resemblance to you, your hubby or Athena leh. He looks absolutely gorgeous, enjoy your time with him.
Congrats! I think Irvin has a bit of ur features. Hehe...since ur hb is up watching football, can ask him to take over Irvin after bfg lah.

Been awhile since u post Sharwyn's pic.
She's so pretty! Agree she looks like a little jap girl.

little prince/pcs,
Admire ur determination to further your studies! I was thinking so long, way before Meghan arrived but never got around to it. Cldn't imagine having to study again, part-time for min 3 yrs!
Like father like son mah :p Wahahahah...

U go into msn to see kieran's pics lor... Hehehe... Find 1 sat, we go PP have lunch or BF
I usually go PP on saturdays to do marketing.
How's ur pregnancy progressing?

Wah, finally ur hse is ready. Post pics of ur hse leh.

I like the pics at the park

Wah, climb inside fridge

little prince,
1.5 yrs to finish the course? Dats fast

Congrats on ur little bundle of joy. Irvin is big. He looks more like ur hubby.
i tik Irvin looks more like ur hubby *for now lah* and hor, he got good features leh, tik as a boy, his forehead and nose is really good for him *for chinese features reading lah* and really nice nice chin *base on just looking great* :p u do have a very good rest and dun fedup, revenge on HUBBY account lor! :p its sure easy, as Irvin cant be taking A's clothes and belonging so...... wahahahahahahahaha!!!!! **SHOPPING TIME**
lately really seldom take quinns pix so tat day decided to capture afew.


LEFT PIX: he loves tis BUT i dun leh, so irritating when he does tis. *he got very bad haircut*
am looking forward to more pictures of both Athena and Irvin together .. hehe .. sure very lovely.

will pass wan lah, don't worry. i was more assured to further my studies on thinking i can still spend the alternate days and weekends with rhyan.

why / deniz
it took me very long to decide to study again too. but, was thinking its either now or never, so i decided not to delay anymore and went ahead to register. it will be tough but walk one step, see one step lor. hopefully, i would have graduated before i know it. hehe ..

sharon / skyblue
my course is logistics related and i managed to get the maximum course exemptions. so, only need 1.5 years to complete the course - save time and money .. hehe!
<font color="ff6000">deniz</font>
u wanna sign up Meghan for MyGym classes?

<font color="ff6000">sharon</font>
i like Wyn's pic showing her tum tum!! so round and cute....heheh, Yingxin is lacking this

<font color="ff6000">medusa</font>
awwwww, Irvin's so huggable!! i feel he resembles you for now, well, their features/look changes over time

<font color="ff6000">Berry</font>
it's always good to be back home yah...enjoy shopping for your sturdy chairs...Yingxin has yet to climb onto one, she's only up on stools so far

<font color="ff6000">pcs</font>
sure will pass exams with FLYING COLOURS wan, must have faith in yourself
<font color="ff6000">KC</font>
did RY hurt his fingernail? dun worry, the bumpy and uneven texture will soon go away once the nail grows longer
<font color="ff6000">jen</font>
sorry, won't be able to join in the pool party on sunday, already got prior appointment
Hi Medusa
Congrats on the arival of Irvin

Hi mummy
so sorry i seldom come in to post, but once i post i alway pour my sorrow. but i really really need some listening ear and advise.

my mum came down wif mild stroke 2 week ago but she can still move and do her daily chores except speech having problem. but her body is real weak and her emotiona and moral had been very low and she seem to suffer from depression.
yest my sis bot her out for a walk and had lunch wif me and guess wat she fainted infront of us and it seem her stroke relapse and i really caught in shock. till now the incident is still floating in my mind. Currently she is admitted yest again. I have a very weak mind and I am very close to my mum, now my family very scare i will fall into pre-natal depression.

Now we have 2 option,either hire a maid or sent her to day care centre. I need some advise from all of you as I understand you all have experience in maid, as I know lot of procedure and requiement is needed.

sorry for my long and grumpy post as i am totally lost

Hi Sharon,
I understand you have a maid looking after yur dad, how u train her to look after elderly? is the agency good, is the charges high?
sorry for asking so mnay qns, i am totally lost
IMO, day care centre provides professional service. your mum may not be too bored if she gets to go to the centre everyday.

Maid, issue on ability to take care of your mum put aside, your mum won't be too tired travelling almost daily.

Procedure of hiring a maid is not difficult

Just some of my general opinion.

You must take care of yourself well too. Must always remember how u feel affect your bb. i reminded myself constantly last time.
hi CSR

thanks for the advise.
I do consider all yur opinon and i oso feel tat day care sound more interesting but travelling &amp; cost is a problem. wif maid, at time can help to do soem hsework adn cook simple for her which we think more economical and I will be so tired out by the hsework.

I keep reminding myself to keep cool and relax dun want bb to be affectted but emotion just cause me to collaspe easily
Sorry for MIA... have been out of office... now dial up... no time to read forum... sorry for not being able to "show concern" to latest issues and news...

Quick One: Pool Party 25 Sun 10am
I'll be sending out the email for the address tomorrow... anyone else who will like to join, please email me instead as I'll not be checking forum... will be very bz at work tmrw...
My friend told me before that in hospital (don't know which one), they train maids in taking care of patients suffered from stroke. Perhaps you would like to check it out. Also, i think when u choose a maid, the maid's body frame you must take note. if you choose a very thin one, she might not have the strength to help your mum.

emotion, sometimes we simply cannot control. have u talked to your hubby about your worries? sometimes, best not to think too far ahead.
Wendy Pooh

Just to share with you, the training course that Charsiew Rice mentioned is by SGH. It's a short 2 to 3 days course meant for either maids or anyone who are responsible for taking care of elderly to attend. Maybe you can check out SGH webbie if you need more info.
