(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

mine was epi and then after bb came out, GA cos some complications. Everyone seems to have recovered faster than me! I think I stayed 5 days, and Athena stayed 6 days, yikes.
That means likely be long hospital stay again.

HB doesn't have enough leave-days, I was hoping if Fri morning c-sect (he takes Fri offday), wkend he can help me... but dunno judging from my case can recover by Mon? Cos my mum wun be free to see me much @ hospital, she still gotta jaga Athena.

i dun fancy soya bean drink in tis pregnancy leh so hv been avoiding it. i've been drinking more milk so not too bad.
huh? i tot bbs drool a lot bcos mummies couldnt satisfy their craving. tat's y husband do anything 2 satisfy my cravings. mayb tat's y gabe dun drool at all, except at times when he's teething.

i tik i'm definitely ask for COKE too once i pop. LOL!

medusa, pets
i didnt know delivering by c-sect so leh-chey 1. i delivered naturally n was walking around a few hrs after i popped.
Hi kelly,

Right if you controlling your diet. Can't eat the food you craved for , bb will drool. Sharyn doesn't drool a lot but she's extremely greedy. Yah C sect very leh chey. And the recovering is slower than natural. That's why no one wants to C section.

Hi Medusa,

Is it also depends on the hospital or gynae? Cos the next day morning, after gynae checked me , nurses asked me to start walking.
yah different gynae & hospital this time round, mayb will b faster *fingers crossed*. Was thinking maybe schedule Sat, then HB just take leave on Mon. Have to maximise his leave!
Mine was midday C-section coz Ryan was born about 12noon.
Oh.. we are expecting another boy.. just went to check up with Gyane today
pls PM me e diet fr raffles hospital. thks!
btw, mdm chan fr dr ang's clinic told me 2 apologise 2 u for e long wait. i went 2 c dr ang on mon n i chatted wif her abt e new system. she remember me recommending u 2 dr ang n she said 'pai seh 2 let ur frien wait tat day, tell her sorry hor'

congrats on having a boy! i recall u saying tat u love 2 hv a boy for #2.
Medusa, sorry for late reply:

Fri morning GA c-section...
which day drip removed: 2nd day.
which day catheter removed and mobile: 2nd day.
which day can start taking food/ fluids: 2nd day soft diet.
which day allowed to discharge? 4th day.

BTW did u TBF first wk? no, i prefer partial.

My first one 5 days too.
thanks alot! Really helpful... hmm seems MORNING c-sect cuts down the duration stay quite abit. Really reassured by ur case cos ur #1 also 5 days like mine, HOPEFULLY I'd have a faster recovery with #2 like urs.

was wondering if my slower recovery was due to stronger painkillers administered via drip (but it was darn painful even with requested painkillers!). And I heard subsequent operations require increasing dosages of painkillers. Will ask gynae about all these today.
You are going for elective c-sect?

My c-section was at around 12.30pm. Yes, earlier it is, better. i started to fast at 6am that day, not that bad too.
Thank you Mummies for the compliments on Yingxin

<font color="ff6000">Sharon</font>
the last time we met was the outing to Science Centre in April, and yes, Yingxin has become more cheeky and more difficult for me to handle her alone whenever i bring her out

<font color="ff6000">charsiew</font>
how come u only start to fast in the morning at 6am when the op is at 12pm?

i was asked to fast the nite before 12am and my scheduled op was at 8am!! was so hungry by evening 8pm i beg the nurse to give me some drinks even though not allowed
<font color="ff6000">charsiew</font>
think for most op, need to fast the nite before, plus i puke twice after i went back to the ward; that's why i was starving by dusk cos i went without food and drinks for 20 hours or so
Talking about without food and drinks. my first birth, i was so thirsty that i wanted to drink those hawker centre lemon juice!
puff, CSR,
hehe for 1st c-sect, the pain was so terrible for ONCE in my life, I was fine with the no food/ fluid on 2nd day. LOL!

went to see gynae- did scan, VE... bb head almost 36cm (34cm or less gd chance of natural), 3.7kg (heavier than Athena was), head still high and floating up there. So can't induce NOW, yet labour likely overdue to 41wks... basically gynae confirmed this time that I'm not likely to get a VBAC (last few visits always "wait and see").

Elective c-sect this Sat early morning! I haven't stopped EATING since it's been confirmed. Must see whether can get anybody to buy me DURIANS. Must fast after Fri midnight.
aiyoh cannot resist- I haven't had durian whole pregnancy leh. I'm just gonna pig out til Fri night. Hmm might as well eat CRABS too. Tomorrow must go eat, even if I'm going to be a Solo Pregnant woman at a buffet restaurant.

Forgot to answer timing- I asked for early morning so 7:30am op... which means must report in wee hrs of morning.
huh Evan's scanned wt was much lower than real wt? Eh dun scare me! 3.7kg TODAY scanned, shld be still ard there by Sat morning, no?!
I thought the scanner usually plus/minus something (I forget what- braincells all preoccupied by food liao).
hehe I already begged gfs to bring some durians TONITE.
where to go for crabs ah? Chilly, pepper and cold all can!

Must fast by Fri midnite, so left only FOUR meals. :p
CSR not scaring you lah.. was same for my case.. they said ryan would be 3.2-3.3kg came out 3.7kg.
Looking forward to you posting Irvin's pictures
<font color="ff6000">Medusa</font>
best to admit yourself into the hospital at 12 midnite so you won't need to report there in the wee hours and do all the paper works, cos the other time my gynae told me to admit at 7am for my 8am op but the nurses there said i should have come the nite before so i can save a lot of time
Wah, finally u're going to see Irvin.
U dun have much time left to pig out. So tomolo must make full use of time. May u have a smooth delivery.
Hi Medusa,

Enjoy your buffet today. After tomorrow will be a busy day for day. Did you buy any present for Athena? My colleague taught me must buy 2 presents. 1 for older one and the other for younger one. Pass to her at the hospital telling her it's from Didi. So that she will love Didi more. Wishing you have a smooth delivery.
I bought finger puppets- 5 for $10, going to put 1 for each day, in the plastic hospital cot for Athena to discover when she visits Irvin/ me. And a hand puppet or else she'd be bored. Easier to squeeze in hospital bag.

yah was told to admit after midnite rather than 4:30am latest.

Thanks ladies for well-wishes
. Am going to bring helper &amp; A to my mum's place, then bring A for GARFIELD MOVIE :D . And eat crabs lah. I think got nothing else must-eat liao, yest nite OD on durians, feel abit feverish oops.
aiyo seems the scanner discrepancy quite bad, well, i think my gynae will be quite malu if Irvin turns out to be SMALL headed :p . Can "tear" signboard liao *evil thought*. But he very safe one, protect backside, never say NO CANNOT, just hint and hint and dun complete his sentence. Win lor.
Yeah, my gynae said normally bb comes out bigger than estimation from scanning.

Have a great day tomorrow! I am sure u will enjoy the birth as much as I did. Look forward to your posts and will sure to miss you these few days!

Have a smooth delivery.....

BB weight

Ya... normally bb actual weight will be heavier than scanning weight. Last time gynae told me nat will be ard 3kg when she is out but her actual weight was 3.27kg.
Wow, deliver tomorrow...So excited for you.

CSR, Mt, i am surprise that both your boy so big!! must be quite tiring for you gals during pregnancy.

Hi ladies,

No time no SEE! I have started TRIXILIA on half day school before she turns 18mths. However, she has become more sticky to me and cry alot more before going to classes. NOW, she cant even enjoy her Shicida as she thought i will 'dump' her IN..haiz..The pros, she is more vocal now and learn more. Cons, she is more sticky and does cry alot!
I remember u brought YX to My Gym sometime back for trial. Are u considering sending her for class there now? I did a trial today for the gymsters class &amp; Meghan really enjoyed it. Might consider signing her up for it.
<font color="ff6000">Medusa</font>
u opt for epi c-section?? relax while in the OT and have fun with Irvin...

<font color="ff6000">Ruffy</font>
yeah! congrats to you for having a boy for #2
<font color="ff6000">Deniz</font>
brought her there last August when she still can't crawl; very tempted to sign her up for the course cos i see that she's having so much fun but no budget
thks for e email on GD. got it. thks a lot too for e photo-taking pass tis afternoon.

gabe enjoyed himself n probably tired out too. he KO in e car on e way home.

contact number
eh, anyone knows who can i seek help from to repair water leakage fm washing machine huh? the connector between my tap and small hose that connects water to the washing machine keeps leaking water leh. it was once in a while previously but recently, my kitchen gets flooded each time i do laundry. very frustrating! i am not sure if there is a crack on the connector or what and hubby is never free to check for me, anyone has any idea who can help me to repair? thanks!
