(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Hi all,

Done my detailed scan. Everything ok. Confirmed mine is a BB girl.

Hi Medusa,

Congrats. Try to rest more now. I find confinement is most tiring. Wound pain, breast pain and spending most of the time latching. If I can take epi , which will you recommend? GA or Epi? Hubby prefers me to go epi cos he wants to go into the OT. Sharyn he went in, so exciting seeing the BB delivered. We even shouted the time in the OT. My friend also have the same exp as you. After her GA, when the nurses woke her up, she said the wound so painful that she cried. I'm so scared. Epi don't feel pain at all. Looking at the prices, seem like Epi cheaper. Did you stored Irvin's cord blood? Gynae told me can donate. Thanks.

OMG Faye is growing fast. SHe does'nt look like 20 mth old more like 3 yrs old with all the self feeding and action pics. Beri pretty gal :p
Is she better now?

Little devil
Hope Quinn recover soon
eh I tried both Avent manual pump and PIS pump... can't get letdown. And too sore to make further attempts. It wld probly work if I tandem (nurse Irv one side and pump the other at same time). Anyway trying to delay bottle feeding, still doing once or twice daily SYRINGE feeding- imagine syringing 30-60ml with a 3ml syringe... very tedious ah.

HB said *I'm* overfeeding Irvin, that I should "restrict". Wahliao, tell me *how* to restrict ah? I also want to restrict, latch hourly no fun leh! Last night Irvin drained both sides, then HB supplemented FM- Irvin refused some of the FM, kept crying though HB tried to rock/ soothe/ sing. In the end HB also handover to me, said Irvin used to breastfeeding liao. Asked me to settle. I tried... but really very sore and drained already, so stuck a finger in Irvin's mouth instead, hmmm... he fell asleep. I think he really wants a pacifier but he's only 1+wk old, so early introduce?

Nursing soup- the something with Papaya and fish in it (no idea recipe, my mum knows). I think I saw there's a thread in forum with the recipe on nursing soups?

really kowtow to u. I keep thinking if I din buy the PIS pump and all the nursing supplements and the BM storage bags, would have thrown in the towel. Cos if I formula fed, cld delegate to someone else, and spend alot more time with Athena. My wound wld probly recover faster (I creased my wound, arrghhh!!! My binder was being washed.) and I wld even run out to gai-gai with A!
Very stressed out with hrly latching (how to nap 30mins???). I cheated by getting HB to supplement so I can get TWO hrs sleep but Irvin not always cooperative.

wah very grown up 1st pic! Crystal Jade ah :p .

*pain* and I suspect it's alot of comfort sucking/ using me as pacifier. Sigh, he wun fall asleep other ways leh. Very sore

I used Cordlife- yes u can donate to public bank, have to contact KKH in advance, go KKH do paperwork and they will send someone to ur hospital when time comes.
If u can take epi, then take epi, then ur HB can participate. For Athena, I took epi... but had complications after bb out- they injected some extra-stinging drug thru drip, I made a fuss so knocked me out with GA in the end. So for Irvin, aiyah just chose to go straight to GA lah. Congrats on a girl
Epi and GA
Not to confuse 2nd time MTBs, but my cases were very different. i had terrible experience with epi, i just felt very giddy and when they showed me isabel, i didn't really feel very happy, just wished to get out of that giddy phase.

GA was good. no side effect later. dozed off sometimes but overall, truthfully, i enjoyed it a lot. only thing is hubby wasn't able to witness the birth of evan, but he was ok with that.
faye looks so grown up, so pretty. very different fr e last time i saw her (then again i saw her like 4mths back).

i agree wif PCS tat she looks like a 3yrs old tod. ya, is e cutlery fr e 1st pic fr Crystal Jade too. i recognise e kangeroo cutlery.

congrats on having a girl. closing shop?

i'm kinda freaking out by ur experience. if edward also latches every hr or so, i sure peng sian n will intro more FM feeds (was only tiking of giving FM at nite).
Hi Medusa,

Thanks. Save lots of money. I need not do any shopping. Hubby a bit disappointed initially I think now he's ok. I still hoping to try natural but gynae say wait till then decide. She might not let me natural cos I'm too small size. Most likely I need to C section. How much you paying to store the cord blood?
Hi kelly,

Thanks. For the time being yes closing shop. Will have 3rd one if few yrs later I miss BB times , have extra time and money. Will not because wanted to try for a boy to have 3rd one. I don't think I can take charlie angel, even I can hubby definitely can't . Hee......
when i cooked the green papaya and fish soup last time, i used any kind of fish (even fish head - costs cheaper, also can). adding peanuts into the soup is also good and if you are sick of fish, can use meat as well. i forgot how to cook this after so long, only refreshed my memory last month when my friend delivered and had problems with bfg, i almost went down to her place to cook this soup for her. hehe!

i really like the pictures of athena and irvin taken together, athena very gentle to didi hor? makes me wonder if its rhyan, will he be so gentle? last month, I brought rhyan to my friend's bb's full month and told him to give pressie to bb, he walked to the bb (lying on the rocking chair) and stretched out his hands with the pressie ON TOP of the bb's head expecting her to receive. LOL! i was worried he may just let go of the pressie if no one received on behalf!
lil prince,
can share wif me how 2 cook e papaya & fish soup? i checked out a recipe but so leh chey. i used 2 cook but my method very simple. throw papaya (cut up into smaller pieces), fish, a few pieces of ginger, cook everything tgt for abt 30-45mins n add a lil salt. soup not fragrant, nothing fantastic but i just drank it, supposedly 4 e effects.
hi pets,
i do still get "itchy" when i c girls around but hv 2 remind myself tat i cant handle 3 boys (in my terms...3 musketeers) and i'll b depressed if my #3 is still a boy. a girl is no matter wat different fr a boy so mummy can do girly stuff wif her daughter. for me, confirmed close shop even if miss BB times or hv $$ or time yrs down e rd.

i doubt husband mind #3 as boy but i mind.
kel, Pets,
hehe HB said I don't deserve to be cut up thrice. so he's thinking of getting a cat... keeps asking Athena if she likes cat. LOL!
Letdown means the milk 'dripping out' when u latch on 1 side? *sorry huh, me not very familiar wif BFding terms* Wah piang, syringe feed 30-60 ml? Won't it take ages? To maintain sanity, mebbe feed more FM or pacifier? Hehehe... i'm not an anti-FM/pacifier person so will make tis kind of lousy suggestions one.
Irvin looks so bah bah.

Congrats. Boy or gal most impt is bb okie

little prince,
Fish head ah? I scare of the stinky taste leh. Peanuts can be taken? I duno if i remb wrongly but i recalled i ever read b4 dat peanuts can't be taken. Wahahaha, mebbe u can help come my place and cook for me :p
remember reading that you're searching for those disposable toilet bowl covers?
i saw them in a camping shop ... near the bowling alley at marina square.

it was hidden in the camping corner...
(as you enter the shop, its in the inner left corner).
only 2-3 packs left on the rack.
10pcs for $3.
thx cody!
wah, 30 cents for 1- must make sure she *really* wants to go, then use, LOL! take it as pay-toilet, heh.

yah c how lor- thing is, i got helper + mum in daytime, considered alot of help already... must dong abit more. :p Mum came at 10am, by noon, already kanna pee-spray and changed 2 heavy diapers- she complained he pee/ poo alot, LOL. HB last nite helped diapering, he also complained. :p As far as possible, I dun diaper... or else I'd b real grouchy :p .

sianz- tried PIS pump again, still cant letdown (yah it's the gushing flow)... I really want to be able to latch bb AND pump for other times.
i think there are lot of varying methods for cooking this soup. My method is "dun4" kind, not cook. That time, i put green papaya, fish, a bowl of hot water and a tablespoon of red wine (self made by my aunt for my confinement, to remove fishy smell, not much alchohol effect after cooking) and dun4 for about 45-60min. Never put ginger (coz I don't like) or anything else. But, it did work for me though hubby says he want to faint whenever he smell the fishy-ness. Hehe! Probably peanuts will make the soup taste nicer? I just gulp it down in one breath.

green papaya means unripe papaya, can buy from NTUC (think theirs is solo papaya). my colleague (BF for more than a year) said peanuts can be taken leh. eh, it really stinks lah but when you are desparate for BM, you will do anything. :p Okie, if you really need me to cook the soup for you, let me know lor. Anyway, we stay so near to each other what.
u so good, offered to cook soup for skyblue... i should have requested your help as well!

U very steady leh, if me, will just give FM to supplement. i m not good in breastfeeding lah. as long as bb stops crying, i m happy.
MT, I think you are doing really great with your BF! For me hor, if I get preggie the second time rond, I'll definitely stress myself alot lesser and supplement as soon as I feel that its draining me too much- if I'd done that with Faye back then, I might have lasted much longer (BF).

puff, I trim her hair when she's awake, usually get her some yummy snacks to keep herself busy as I trim hehe.
Tying hair- It started when we were at my mum's and she developed heat rashes at her neck area cos of all the hair that stuck around there. I persuaded her to have her hair tied up and told her that she can remove them 5 min later if she chooses so cause the hair was giving her itchy rashes. Persuade very long then she agree. Initially she would pull it off quite soon, but after a while I tihnk she gave up liao cause I keep hanging ard her to re-tie :p These days she still doesnt allow me to tie her hair everytime, just once in a while only heh.

MT/kell, yar unhealthy crystal jade heh :p

MT, looks like tena and Irvin getting along prety well so far :D

pcs, yar Faye seems a lil better liao, developed a cough over the weekend but today coughing slightly lesser.
Hi Skyblue,

Thanks. Yah most impt is bb ok.

Hi Kelly,

At least I don't get itchy when seeing ppl with boys. I only envy with saliva....... Hee..... Since you love girls, can get a god daughter.
Hi all,

Need mummies advice. Does your kid love to brush teeth? Sharyn hates it. I tried buying those winnie the pooh auto tooth brush. She only allow us to brush the front few . Refusing to open her mouth wide. Anyone can advise me how to make them brush teeth? Thanks in advance.
pets, you tried kiddy flouride-free toothpaste? That was what I used to get faye to first agree to open her mouth. Those are sweetish and pleasantly flavoured. Also, try some interesting made-up songs etc. I do this "down down, up up, down down, up up, don don, dom dom, dom dom eh?!" thing with Faye, really silly yar but it makes her laugh and let me brush a little :p
Also, maybe can try to line her furry toys in a row and get them to 'brush their teeth' one by one, then lastly its mommy's turn then its her turn?
Hi Berry,

Thanks. I tried making her laugh but the moment she see the toothbrush she will seal her mouth refusing to open. She also got a bear where she always brush teeth for the bear. Where to get those toothpaste? Need to rinse? Thanks.
Hi Berry,

Thanks. So this fluoride-free toothpaste can swallow? Where can I get this toothpaste? Till now I have not started using toothpaste on her. Thanks in advance.
Brushing teeth

I started Ethan on brushing teeth last week (because have been giving him sweets as bribes..). I bought Macleans Strawberry toothpaste for milk teeth, he loves it, practically eating the toothpaste then scream for more.. (though I don't give him anymore). I better check the toothpaste is fluoride free.
<font color="ff6000">Medusa</font>
so heartwarming to see Athena and Irvin together and esp Athena gently stroking the little brother

was at my fren's place for his daughter's 2nd birthday; the wife is preggy again and due in October, while another girlfriend desparately trying for no. 2 for the past 4 years with no avail, then they kept bugging me to wait no longer and hurry me to get pregnant
<font color="ff6000">Pets</font>
you should be able to get the toothpaste at Kiddy palace; i bought an orange flavoured toothpaste by Pigeon, also fluoride free
Berry/ Skyblue,
hmm actually u know who's giving me most pressure to bf? HB.
He complained last time I only bf Athena for 3.5mth (then I went on slimming pills mah, hehehe :p). The 1st time I supplemented FM to Irvin, he *SNATCHED* the FM tin from me ah! Wanted to whack his head. Latching is still very painful but after a minute, the pain goes off. I try not to switch left-right-left-right too often haha, cos that means more frequent latching pains. :p

Sample of this afternn (this morn I cant recall liao, LOL):
12:30 latch one side
*I showered, napped*
3pm latch other side
*he dozed then massive poo*
4pm latch other side
*awake then moderate poo*
5pm latch other side
*awake then miraculously fell asleep on his own*

according to LC @ hospital, 20mins each side. H/e, Irvin sometimes takes one side only, sometimes both sides- I can't predict *WHEN* or I wld have pumped other side at same time. Initial few days no need so long cos ss not that much, dun traumatise ur nips- 15mins enough.
Hi Medusa,

Your hubby very cute. He wants the more the merrier. Hubby prefers to have kids than to have pets as kids. Too much. We can't afford to have 3rd one.
MT, tell him lar, if you bend yourself backwards just to BF and in the end gave up sooner than expected, or worse, developed post-natal depression THEN need to go on meds, also means Irvin wont be getting much BM anyway mah. Might as well do it slow and steady, do wat you can withn your capability, then can last longer. Plus, not like a depressed TBF mummy will do a newborn baby any good :p

pets, as long as Sharwyn still cant rinse and spit, any fluoride-fee toothpaste is good. I bought mine at unity pharmacy.
sigh. 7pm latched both sides + 20ml FM... and HB complained abt the FM again. Keep telling me latch more, more ss... blahblah, he can become LC liao.

Pets, Puff,
hmm difficult to catproof a home... a cat can climb/ reach ANYWHERE. HB thinks a home shld be "busy with activity".
sharon, sharwyn also looks like you- she looks like a cute lil Japanese girl!
hair- maybe her hair not long enough for her to feel the discomfort yet? Faye's hair (apart from fringe) has never been cut and its past her shoulders liao, so when not tied up in non-airconditioned rm, it really plasters onto her neck, very uncomfortable.
little prince,
Hehehe, so nice of u. On lah, if i evr nid u to help to make fish &amp; papaya soup, sure sms u. Kekeke... U know my take abt breastfeeding, not exactly desperate. If can, then BF. Not a do or die thing :p Jus dat tis time, I'll try harder.

Dun get too flustered from the pressure. Most impt is u must be mentally ready since u're the sole caregiver of YX.

Ahbish ur HB. He wans to cut costs from buying FM ah? :p Y is he so insistent on u bfding Irvin? *hope he doesn't read tis posting, if not next time when he sees me, he'll glare at me
Y not u pump the other side oso when Irvin latches on? If he still wans to drink after latching on 1 side, then syringe feed wat u pumped out. If he has had enuf from 1 side then leave the BM for the next feed. At least then ur breasts can have chance to 'breathe' :p

I oso find the chicken rice ball so so only. I love the satay in Malacca though.
Hi Puff anf Berry,

Thanks for the info. I will source for it this weekend. Can use daily right? Thanks.

Hi medusa,

Wow busy with activity. Will also make your very bo eng (busy). Don't stress yourself too much in bf. Take it easy and at your time. During Sharyn time, hubby making me very stressful in bf sharyn. My supply was low and wanted to give up during the first 2 weeks. I feeling so stressful and hubby kept encouraging me and pressing me to continue. Hubby very pro bf. I cried few times because of bf. I tried very hard and managed to partial bf sharyn till 10mths. bf really good especially you have good supply. PIS is a very good pump. I use that. Try few times , letdown will come. Your breast need to adjust to pump. You still got sore nipples? Apply your breast milk to your breast and air it. Or you can get nipple cream. Initially I used to pump until blood. Nipple crack. Especially your breast already sore, with using the pump makes it even more painful.

Hi Sharon,

Thanks. Me too cracking my head on the name.
charsiew / kelly
my friend and i know each other since Sec 1 mah, and she is the 2nd one among all my friends (i was the first .. haha!) to get married and have a kid. so, i became her SOS everytime she need help, from the time she prepared to get married till now, with a kid. on some days, she can ask me more than 10 questions via sms. hehe! if i can help, i will try to help lor. we have all been through breastfeeding and know how tough it is.

still not easy for Rhyan, its always a war when we bring him for haircut or i trim his hair for him.

Brush Teeth
also not successful, me also not persistent enough lah. must work towards it liao, but i doubt Rhyan will like toothpaste. he is still very not interested in sweets, chocolates, ice creams, sweet drinks etc, don't think he will fancy toothpaste lor.

thinking back days when i was struggling with bfg, gives me the shudders leh, although there are nice moments too. if i have a second kid, i think i will still partial BF only (continue giving FM last feed and first feed of the day) but hopefully continue longer than 6 months. i think that was my very best liao.

wah! sharwyn looks as if she was watching a movie at the cinema with the titbits! LOL!
wow... nice getaway!

eh seems i've been reading Irvin wrong
... everytime he cries and opens mouth, I assume he wants to feed more. Last night my mum stayed over and intervened, she took him over and realised he's too full lah. Got air trapped (burped already, how I know got more burp stuck hehe). She managed to burp him and he koon. Hehehe. Aiyah I'm so hopeless in reading babies.

I'm trying to be less uptight abt privacy... last time die-die wun bf in public/ not in front of my mum either, now... aiyah, hole up in my rm all day latching wun see Athena much mah. So bohbian lor, latch in nursery, can see Athena at same time
. But I doubt I'd do so in MIL's presence :p .

Later going gynae remove dressing... then pop to United Sq to lunch/ gaigai with Athena :D . Mum will have to tag along lah... I sling Irvin, she keep eye on Athena lor. I dun think I shld attempt solo yet, haha.

sometimes I find my own HB so irritating tho admittedly well-intentioned. Last nite Irvin latched both sides, fussed, I thought he wanted more, HB thought he too full... then HB *CHANTED*, "It's okaaay-ay-ay-ay" for 1.5hr. Wahliao, I had a splitting headache from the chanting, told him to cease and desist! I'm sure even Irvin wld get a headache from hearing SAME LINE chanted for 1.5hr.

Then hor, since my delivery, HB's been complaining he wants to go out, cos HE has cabin fever. Even tho he's gone out alot more times compared to me!!! Makes me feel worse!
Love the pics of Athena &amp; Irvin esp the one where Athena is touching him so gently!
Don get too stressed out by ur hb over bfg lah. Bfg already tough enough!

Wow wee! Faye is such a pretty gal! She looks really big now.

Initially Meghan din like tying hair or putting clips in it, but now she seems ok. Dunno y suddenly change but I'm not complaining

Nic pics of Sharwyn! She's really into barney huh?
how abt getting a bird? my husband can advise u wat type of bird 2 get. he used 2 rear a few breeds of birds until i buay tahan e noise. confirmed more activity &amp; noise cos some birds chirp early in e morn (abt 6am).

i agree wif e other mummies tat u r doing VERY WELL in BFg. for me, i would hv just given up (no helper n a part-time MIL 2 help me during confinement), do PBFg n give FM.

lil prince,
thks 4 sharing ur method on ur fish soup. did u contact e plumber? how's rhyan's latest bruise? hope he is all well.

regarding public cord blood banking, i understood fr another mummy tat only if u give birth in TMC or KKH <u>AND</u> u must give birth after 36weeks, then they'll take ur bb's cord blood. if both conditions not fulfilled, they wont entertain u. u'll also need 2 pay for e transport charges fr TMC to KKH.

u may wanna call e organisation 2 find out more.
Anyone prone to keloids &amp; went for c-sect? Share a tip from my gynae (my #1 c-sect got bad keloid, now cut away... trying to avoid for my #2 c-sect).
- Put "steristrips" (avail. fr. pharmacy) to hold the wound line together. Keloid scar tissue formed cos the wound is being stretched apart- the body responds by making more skin tissue to hold it together. Cover the steristrips with waterproof dressing (exactly the same as used by gynae, avail. fr. pharmacy too)- can last 1 or 2wks depending on whether water leaked in/ itchiness. Normally gynae will let u wear this for 1st wk, change it to new one for 2nd wk... but those keloid-prone shld replace their own for subsequent wks (he never say how many wks- I think see how the wound heals?).

Back from gynae n gaigai. I think fat hope of me coping with A &amp; Irvin, solo, for a LONG time. Out for 3.5hr, latched Irv 3 times, changed 1 poo diaper... luckily my mum was around to entertain A.
medusa / kelly
wahahhhaa! i am trying to imagine medusa's house with a dog, 2 kids, and a bird's noise level altogether.

didn't get the plumber in the end, i called to check price and thought my problem seemed too minor to warrant a plumber to come. so, i went to those hardware shop and told the owner about my water leakage problem, he taught me how to check and repair. when i was taking out the screwdriver to repair the tap that night, my hubby saw and told me he will do it later. i said i am not going to wait liao and gonna do it now, my hubby bo bian, came to help and we managed to repair the tap according to the shop owner's instructions lor. saved the money!

rhyan's bruises all recovered, hopefully no more for now ..
lil prince,
not forgetting 2 or more adults in medusa's hse...

glad 2 hear abt rhyan's bruises. ya, betta 2 fix e leaking tap. i heard leaking tap not gd cos it meant $$ leaking out of e hse (if u believe in fengshui lah).

i dun tik it's FOC leh...betta call e organisation 2 check out.

that day when my washing machine tap leak hor, my air con also leaked that night leh. i told my colleague the next day, he told me that in cantonese, leak water means leak money. so that means my house got alot of money. pengz!
