(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

lil prince, lil devil,
happy birthday to Rhyan & Quinn!

domesticgoddess, the version that is at popular is also paperback, but the design is slightly diff from the one I posted (click on link) right? Tho contents are the same I think, I prefer the one I bought casue the layout is completely different, thie one is much easier to read and not as wordy looking as the cheaper one. Kino sells both versions. So I bought the one I got instead, just my own preference lar hehe.
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">HAPPY BIRTHDAY</font></font></font> to <font size="+2"><font color="119911"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">KEIRA !!!!!!</font></font></font>
hi mummies,
need some help here...can someone pls advise me the following?
1) wat's the difference between rolled oats &amp; oat bran?
2) is it ok to give milo to bbs above 1yr old? (not those packed form but loose powder form) i tot of adding a lil milo 2 gabe's FM to try &amp; c if he'll fancy drinking FM tis way. i dun 1 2 buy chocolate-flavoured FM for fear of heatiness.
3) can we give cod liver oil to bbs >1yr old? (i cant recall the brand now but it's a common hsehold brand which u can find it at most supermkts)
4) can we give marmite to bbs? is marmite also known as bovril?
kelly, rolled oats are oats that are steam rolled and flaked. oat bran is the outer part of the oats.
marmite and bovril- they are basically the same stuff (to me), just different brands. I consider them to be pretty much in the same cat as msg, etc (yeast extract is the same thing as msg, and its the main ingred that makes these things flavour food). so whether to give or not, its your personal choice. for ME, I add a weeny bita sea salt or soy sauce, but never msg or bovril/marmite.
milo- milo contains wee bit of caffaine and added sugar. Its also up to you to decide if its alright.
cod liver oil- I'm personally concerned abt the high levels of vit A found in cod liver oil. but I know many ppl do give this as supplement w/o any visible problems?

1) these are oats tats being STEAM, ROLLED &amp; FLAKED meaning flattened. oat BRAN is the outer layer / casing of oat which high in soluble fiber and easily digested.

2) i tik its more of ur preference. BUT imo, i will not add milo into quinns FM. reason is wat if he likes it and starts drinking FM with milo and tats the ONLY way he likes his milk, i am not okie with it if hes gonna take his milk tis way. jus like when quinn rejects solid food, i never never take it as an option to SWEETEN his food or giving some treats so to get him eating. maybe to me is tat bbs / toddler always have some eating DISORDER (sound too serious lah) but its normal. especially when our bb is going to be toddler soon
its even more common. they might eat like u starve them for weeks today and manage to down a pea the next...... *I TALK TOO MUCH LIAO* so to me is if u too eager to get them eat the way u like them to eat, by sweeten their food *not in healthy ways* or anything like tat, it might becomes a NEW way of eating and who knows they will ONLY eat / drink tis way in the future?

3) for the scotts (hope the spelling rite), it stated 1 yesr and above. but for childs life, its 2 year and above. afew of my fren are giving their bbs scotts cod liver oil when their bbs turn 1. for me, i guess i will wait till i found a brand tat i feel comfortable with and of coz when hes ready.

4) marmite is a NO NO to me (imo) screened thru the ingredient, i can rem it contains WAXY MAIZE STARCH, SPICES, SALT........ though abit of salt is okie lah but not comfy with WAX and SPICES.
berry, lil devil,
thks for ur excellent info &amp; advice.

1) now i know e difference bet rolled oats &amp; oat bran. it's ok 2 give both to bbs rt? depending if they fancy it n how we cook/prepare it.

2) i tot of adding a lil milo, like <1/2teaspoon into 4-5oz FM (husband said, "add so lil, as if it'll make a difference"). u c, i 1 2 wean gabe off BM as he's biting very hard onto my nipples n when i nurse him 2 sleep, even though he's sound asleep, he often wont let go of my nipples as he's probably suckling for comfort.

btw, my nipple kenna bitten once until i had 2 use an antiseptic cream 2 fix it. damn jia lat.

using a straw in a cup, i've given gabe EBM, FM &amp; mixed FM&amp;EB. e moment he taste it, he spits it out.

tat's y i tot of adding milo since i saw chocolate-flavoured FM in supermkt.

3) thks, lil devil. i tik the brand name is scotts.

4) giving marmite/bovril was suggested by MIL. she told me tat she gave husband n SIL marmite in their porridge when they were bbs. i never eaten anything wif marmite until recently when i ate marmite crabs at seafood restaurants. YUMMY! i asked my mum abt it n she said she also never give me/siblings marmite b4.
thks again for e info. i saw bovril in supermkt but didnt check out e contents. i'll skip tis then.

wat's wrong wif high levels of vitA? not gd for bbs huh?

lil devil,
i share the same concerns as u. tat's y i still not adding e tender harvest's tropical fruit blend into gabe's cereal. wat happens if he likes such taste n will only cereal+tropical fruit blend in future? i prefer 2 juz add veg cubes into his cereal &amp; so far so gd.
yah, tat time quinn took once marmite, my mil gave it to him. after screening thru the ingredients, i inform my mil and she didnt give it to him ever since.

for the fruit blend, i dun mind adding into quinns cereal. reason is those EB / HT cereal is pretty bland. jus like when u use other cereal tats more sweet in taste to sweeten gabbys cereal, i use the jar fruits / fresh prepared fruits to sweeten. and also take it as adding more nutrients / vitamins into his cereal as the nutrients in cereal is quite standard, like iron, carbo...... so adding those jar fruits *when no time* or freshly prepared fruits seems okie with me. vege i will go with porridge and fruits with cereal, tats wat i normally do.
lil devil,
i get wat u meant. i'll slowly intro the fruit blend into gabe's cereal when he refuses all food. after all, it's a new taste 2 him mah. right now, he likes e fruit blend on its own so i left it as it is.

hai...gabe refusing solids since yesterday. how's quinn's intake now? i read he ate lil too. u feeling betta too? husband n i wondered if it's gabe's "end of e mth food strike". e last time he also on food strike during end of aug n only started eating on 3sept.
i also tried 2 check if he's teething cos suddenly he'll break into tears n put his finger into his mouth as if it's painful. when i tried 2 check tis morn, i kenna bitten by him n my index finger bleeding. i cant seem 2 find anything swollen or concrete in his gums leh. dunno if it's ucler or wat...sigh!
let's wait &amp; c if he continues refusing food.
20 Reasons Why Your Child Should Study Music
by Deborah Torres Patel

All you need to do is visit the kids audio/video section of your local CD shop and you will be bombarded with a multitude of educational enhancement products to buy. You may find Baby Einstein or Brainy Baby and an abundance of similar merchandise to make your child smarter. These types of goods can be a wonderful way to introduce music to your children before the age of three. However, nothing can replace private music lessons for a 3 to 9 year old.

The brain develops at a rapid rate between birth and three and is an essential window for the development of neurons. Therefore, encouraging musical exploration is an easy way to promote intellectual development. Before the age of three, toy instruments can be an excellent introduction to the real thing and group musical play classes can prepare a child for later study. Of course, singing at any age is highly beneficial.

From the age of 3 years old, a childs brain circuits are mature enough to begin instrumental and/or vocal lessons. Voice is probably the most important instrument because singing is a tremendous gateway to confident communication and full self-expression.

The piano is usually the best musical instrument to start with because it does not require any specific fingering to play. However, children should choose instruments to play by the sounds they like. Kids will practice more if they like the sound of an instrument.

If your child chooses the piano, inexpensive electronic keyboards are a good way to begin because they are very affordable and portable. Many brands on the market today will display the notes on a digital screen while music is being played. These types of keyboards can greatly assist a child to begin to read musical notes and symbols. They also often have built in rhythm and song functions that make singing and dancing along with the music easy.

Since Howard Gardners Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences in 1983 and Gordon Shaw and Francis Rauschers Mozart Effect in 1993, there has be much debate and research into whether or not music study can be linked to better academic performance.

If you do an internet search, you will find thousands of articles and websites discussing the advantages of studying music. For your convenience, the top 20 benefits reported for vocal and instrumental music study are listed below.

1) Music training has been linked to spatial-temporal reasoning skills. (I.e. ability to read a map, put puzzles together, form mental images, transform/visualize things in space that unfold over time, and recognize relationships between objects. These skills are often helpful in science, math, and chess.)
2) Musical symbols, structure, and rhythmic training utilize fractions, ratios, and proportions, which are all important in mathematical study.
3) Increases problem finding/solving, logic and thinking skills like analysis, evaluation and the linkage/organization of ideas
4) Optimizes brain neuron development &amp; circuitry
5) Assists motor development especially coordination of hands, eyes and body
6) Expands multiple intelligences and helps students transfer study, cognitive and communication skills from subject to subject in any syllabus
7) Group orchestra or ensemble activities help promote cooperation, social harmony and teach kids discipline while working together toward a common goal.
8) Music augments memory. For example, most people learn their ABCs by singing them. Repeating a tune in a predictable rhythmic song structure makes memorization easier.
9)Singing is a great way to aid/improve reading ability and instruction. Karaoke is a perfect example. Children may learn a song by ear (auditory) but words on a TV or computer screen provide a simultaneous visual anchor.
10)In vocal music learning rhythm, phrasing, and pitch greatly enhances language, pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary skills. This is especially noticeable when using songs in first and second language study.
11)Improves critical reading and writing
12)Raises test scores, decreases performance anxiety, and teaches kids how to handle/manage stress during standardized exams
13) Helps children channel unexpressed and/or negative emotions in a positive way
14) Boosts creative thinking
15) Reading music and performing memorized pieces help children to think ahead
16) Improvisation helps people to think on their feet
17)Solo performance is connected to self-esteem &amp; self-efficacy. (concept of self capacity) 18)Children learn to reach for their very best.
18)When kids prepare and consistently practice for recital or performance, they work to sing/play without errors. They generally apply similar determination and perseverance to many future endeavors academic or otherwise.
19)Improves understanding of homework and enables a higher levels of concentration
20)Children who study music usually have a better attitude, are more motivated and are less intimidated by learning new things
Strong music reading, writing notation, sight singing (solfege), music theory, literacy, and moving the body to music are solid, transferable skills. Learning is a two-way street. For example, one can assume that mathematics can also develop music. Academic achievement links positively with musical achievement and vice versa.

As early as the 19th century, the visionary Dr. Maria Montessori included music and arts into her worldwide school curriculums to greatly enhance and accelerate learning.

Lorna Heyge, Ph.D., says: "While educational leaders turn to early childhood music because it promotes brain development, they will stay with music because of the joy and stimulation experienced in actual music making. Music learning requires total involvement-that is why it appeals so much to young children"

^ When A is tired, she will voluntarily lie down like this... whether eyes closed or not is another matter :p .
Last night at party, she was so tired she lay down like this on mattress in chalet room, some other mums were quite amazed, LOL.


^ My very FRIENDLY Athena... The Other Toddler dao ah, ignore her! :p

oat bran - much higher in fibre than rolled oats so it might cause constipation in some bbs. you mentioned before that gabe already gets constipated on br right? hehe, if so, i think rolled oats is good enough.

milo - how about trying full cream cow's milk when gabe turns one? i know some kids prefer its taste to to fm.

cod liver oil - i'm thinking of giving luke also, the one fr nordic naturals (www.nordicnaturals.com) but more for the essential fatty acids. why do you want to give gabe ah? vit A is fat soluble and not water soluble like vit C, so the excess can't be passed out like in the bb's pee and too much can build up in the body and become toxic. sbf book states vit A toxicity in children occurs at 20,000 units and above, which is A LOT. toxicity only occurs with animal sources of vit A.

EDIT TO ADD: i'm still trying to find out fr other sources whether the levels of vit A in cod liver oil are acceptable, so would appreciate any other input! according to sbf book, seems ok leh.

luke does the same thing as athena! lying down on floor like that, but his is not because he's tired but more that he gets a kick out of feeling the cold hard floor against his cheek :p nice "conference" party pic!
MT, LOL!! I like the one with face plastered on floor!

kelly, Vit A is fat-soluble which means that if taken in excess (more than wat the body needs), its not easily passed out like water-soluble vitamins (like Vit C).
Quinns version of *WHEN I AM TIRED* wahahahaha!!! theres a small blue pillow in his playroom so i guess he put it in good use :p

our bbs all big gals and boys liao, but still so cute rite! :p *MUMMY THICK SKIN*



PILs bought a bike for A! They decided the tolocar (which they bought long time ago) didn't have feet, seat guards, not safe for neighbourhood jaunts.

These past 2wks, they bought diapers, milk powder, Gerber puffs (very funny, I bought 1 box recently, my mum also another box, now got 3rd box!), Dentinox, Gripewater (they heard from bike salesperson that it soothes teething- A suddenly sprouted 2 NEW ONES in past 2 days, total = 3 full, 3 half-out!), Teething toy (Pigeon soft green one that lots of babies here had a few mths ago- seems A particularly likes cos soft enough?), Haircomb set, Toothbrush set (they been bugging me about brushing her teeth but I procrastinated, so now they bought 1 themselves, haha), Fancy bathgel (not Johnson one! I always use Johnson and freebie ones!), that recording Parrot, some China-no-pass-any-tests toys and a bike!

Over dinner, had surprising revelation... Athena will not likely have any cousins leh. Hmmm. Mixed feelings.

Lildevil, hehe Quinn always so adorable in his pics!

Berry, I broke RESOLUTION today... this time no excuse. I bought Mothercare clothes for A! Her first pair of PANTS (pyjama pants dun count mah :p )... cargo style with satin ribbon belt! Marked down- even MIL said she thought Mothercare clothes very ex, but my purchases were reasonable and nice! :D
Berry, the "what to expect..." book at Popular has different cover from the one you bought but my gf who owns both versions (both were pressies from friends) said she prefers the one at Popular as she finds it easier to read!!?? I am *confused*. According to her, the content is the same for both. Anyway, I have not seen the contents of the one you have, so can't comment. But I have been reading the one from Popular for a few months now and finds it very easy to read. Like you said, it is all personal preference.

Kelly, the TH tropical fruit blend has 15g of sugar per jar. Gabe is Ok eating it?
tis is a super good buy jacket, but mommy duno buy for wat, so last nite went to fetch po po at airport, die die i also HAVE to wear :p




not i make tis pose, daddy "force" me :p
i agreed tat the WHAT TO EXPECT series of books are great. reading them since my preggie, from the one for pregnancy to the one talking about BBS FIRST YEAR and now the TODDLER...... but me got no choice of version as i got all those books from my sil. she even have 2 HUGE files which she collected all infors..... chapter by chapter and its all in insert form *guess she really takes alot of time and $$ buying and putting them 2gether* but its really really good! so most of my books are from her. whenever i need books, i jus have to go to her LIBRARY *becos she got 1 room JUST for her books*

this is 1 of the HUGE files i'm talking abt.
sharing quinns pix on his birthday!! *ummm.... i know tats alot but please bear with me* heee.....


^ MUMMY: snake!!! quinn, are u sure u wanna touch it?? u sure u are not afraid?
QUINN: ahh... jus a snake mummy... btw, wats a snake ah?



^ QUINN: "COOL" * very hip hop!




^ machiam motorcycle ride!

buay tahan the second las pix, looks like RIOT SCENE to me!!! wahahahaha!!!! and the woman in the last pix is the staff there, asking me how old is quinn and i say "today he is 1 year old"!! and shes soooo excited and even give him a pressie!!
little devil

wahahaha, what a fun way to spend quinn's bday! he certainly got the hip hop handsign thingy down pat :p hehe, i like your hair, v nice, is it a ceramic/digital perm?

YOUR BABY &amp; CHILD (Penelope Leach)

i saw two versions at kino as well, both soft cover, different publishers and the more expensive one was published later. i compared the contents, seemed exactly the same, page for page, so i went for the cheaper one ($30+ i think, the other one was $50+?) :p hahahaha, hope my cheaper copy doesn't fall apart on me or something :p
gorgeous pics! erm, not to alarm u, just me being paranoid- do wash bb hands after touching reptiles (snake, or turtle/ terrapins) cos salmonella risk. Avoid getting any fluids from them onto toys

My gf's bb kanna stomach flu- so was reading up... fecal bacteria, reptiles, pool water, person-to-person are some possibilities. Then again my bb also everything touch n put fingers in mouth... then got dogs running round the house sure got fecal bacteria... dunno whether to b paranoid or relax, since on other hand, exposure to less sanitary environment is gd for resistance.
yah, lots of fun but hubby arms SUFFER!!!! heee..... mine is a digital perm.

about tis paranoid issue, i was like "hey, dun let quinn touch tis" "dear, please stay away from there"....... almos half of the day till hubby "hey comeon!!! jus relax and enjoy the day"!!! but really, maybe as a mummy is diff from daddy, we tends to protect our bbs. and after touching the snake, i use wet towel wipe quinns hands, spray those antiseptic hand rub and clean again with wet towel :p:p hubby shake head! to me is its better to be safe than sorry mah. even during my preggy time when i was staying with my mum as my place is not ready yet, i have a cat with me, i jus avoid clearing his litter box or letting him sleep on my bed with me, also to be safe.
hi aunties... can u see me practising my kicking by myself?
mummy ask me to pose next to the 0.9m marking in the big pool cos i'm 9mths...

LOL! Luke's pushing is so funny!!!
I can imagine your joy AND exasperation to have dining chairs all over the house!

Congrats on faye's new trick, dun do it too often tho, cos she may just the the same with her food!

By the way, Hush hush clothes aren't v cheap in my opinion, unless they're having a big sale now? Or was it a BD pressie for faye?

Happy belated birthday to Keira, Quinn &amp; Rhyan!

LOL! your athena is so funny!
platered to the floor!

jean is such a darling! u mean she can STAND in the 0.9m pool ah?
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Happy belated birthday to Faye, Ryan &amp; Quinn</font></font>

<font size="+1"><font color="119911">Happy Birthday to Keira</font></font>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Happy belated birthday to Ryan &amp; Quinn!!

Happy Birthday to Keira!!

Happy 11 months to Anders!!</font></font>

Jean is holding on to the side of the pool by herself...
thks to all who wished rhyan happy birthday!
been busy for the whole weekend, then training in office tdy and tmrw.

rhyan had a great birthday celebration, except for the caterer who almost ruined the whole party!
the person in charge thought 24th Sept was a Sunday and only realised she was wrong when i called her at 6.30pm asking them if the delivery van would be reaching soon! imagine my horror and how furious i was, had to order fast food first while the caterer tried to prepare as much food as possible and rush down. made them compensate me of coz and thank goodness most of our guests stayed on!

will post rhyan pixs after i load them from my camera, did not have time to do it yesterday.
you mentioned luke is pushing your dining chairs nowadays rite? rhyan just suddenly decided that crawling underneath dining chairs are very fun, been crawling in and out over the weekend! i am just hopeful he won't knock his head accidentally!

rhyan had a partial solids strike over the weekend too! i was busy packing for the stay at the bungalow on Sat am and after cooking porridge, i fed him and he refused to eat. it was my first attempt in adding corn and heng cai to the porridge, with pork and IB powder but he refused to eat after 2 mouthfuls. i then poured away everything and cooked a new pot of porridge with pork, IB powder, heng cai and Heinz organic veggie mash (no more frozen veggie cubes) but he refused to eat after 2 mouthfuls too! in the end, i gave him FM.

then during the evening, he refused to eat his porridge initially too. fortunately, nanny was there to feed him while i was still busy decorating the place and he managed to eat the porridge very reluctantly. yest pm, he ate half bowl and shaked head again. then, he poo-ed in diapers and after cleaning him, i decided to attempt feeding the porridge again and he ate. last evening was pasta and he ate half a bowl, i didn't give him one bowl coz we brought him to swim and it was almost 8pm when he ate, gave him lesser so that he can drink his milk at 9pm.

am not sure if he is teething or what, he has been having quite watery poo for the last 2 days. and, in the middle of the nite, he seems to be warmer than usual. i checked with thermometer and no fever, still continuing to monitor him.

is gab still attending kindermusik classes?

nice pixs! will athena stand on the tricycle? rhyan does!!

i like justin's last pix, looks so BORING!

lil devil
nice pixs of quinn! he looks so loveable! and the two of you wore matching colour tops!

jean's holding on to the pool pix reminds me of rhyan at the pool. hb always disturb him by letting sit at the side of the pool, he will be very serious and trying to get off the side yet afraid he drops into the pool. hb will be waiting there to wait for him to dive in. hehe ..
lil prince,
i finally figured out y gabe's rejecting food...his upper left lateral incisor has cut thru, abt 1mm *blur mummy*
it's very hard 2 check if he's teething now. i checked him yesterday afternoon, kenna bitten &amp; my finger bled.

in fact, since last tues, his intake dropping slowly. he usually finishes abt 1/2bowl cereal/porridge at every meal but since last tues, e whole day's intake is only abt 2/3-1bowl of food. i didnt suspect teething then cos i suspected tat he's bored wif cereal so i dutifully cooked porridge at every lunch time.

then last sat, he totally rejected food but will eat bread, biscuits, cheese, etc. tis morn he still reject his cereal so i let things b...give him time. his last food strike lasted 8-9days during end aug.

btw, gabe's poo was very watery on sat morn. i tot he lao sai bcos i fed him pomelo on fri nite. i didnt suspect teething at all. me indeed 1 blur mummy. he hasnt poo since then. told husband abt it n husband said, "no intake where got output"
<font color="0000ff">Dog food</font>

Last fri nat ve a new tibit,
guess wat is that? Is.... dog food.... She pick
it up from the floor that was half eaten by the dog *fainted*
Lucky my sis saw it if not she sure kena choke-that dog food is around 2cm long.
Ai yoh, think of it really make my hair stand... she is eating the food that was already chew by the dog
And over the wkend, she ve lose stool, just wonder is it caused by her new tibit...
lil prince,
i hunting around for another different type of class for gabe 2 attend for e next 2-3mths b4 bringing him back 2 kindermusik for another term. husband &amp; i find kindermusik 2 b gd as gabe has shown tat he likes music. whenever music comes on, he flaps his arms real hard, he smiles a lot, even makes some noise (as if he's singing) when he hears a familiar tune.

btw, how hv u settled wif e caterer? partial payment or no payment at all? :p
<font color="0000ff">Kelly, Little Prince</font>
Does Gab and Rhyan totally don't want to eat or they will put the food in their mouth for a long time without chewing?
Cayden has been on a partial food strike recently too. When I feed him porridge, he will just keep the porridge in his mouth for donkey years without chewing..
I tried checking his teeth but dont see any cutting of a new tooth..
<font color="0000ff">Leo</font>
Oh my goodness, how is Nat's tum tum?
That was a close shave, but the thought of chewing on a partially chewed on dog food gives me the creeps...
gabe only puts food in his mouth for a long while only after he has consumed abt 80-90% of his food. it's a sign for me tat he's almost full. so far he dun put food in his mouth for a long while without chewing. i know wat u mean, as in he "kum" food in his mouth rt?
hi, little devil..

happen to see this thread and saw ur nice pics with your boy.

Can I check with you u worried abt dengue when you tot of being Quinn to the Zoo, cos this children day I bringing my girl to the zoo, but afraid of mosquitoes...can u advise me what precautions measure you took?

btw you were saying using antiseptic hand rub, wat is it and where i can get? btw if babies get mosquito bite, any special cream to apple?

kindly help me.

thanks : )

Yes, thats is exactly the right word.. he "kum" the food in his mouth for a long long time...
He used to gobble down his food like a ravenous wolf..
Does anyone of you encounter the same problem?

I used 21st Century Children's Repella on my kiddos.. you may want to check it out. They have a few choices over the counter at Guardian Pharmacy or Cold Storage..
Jodie has not been feeding well this week also.

Think its cos' she's teething again, plus the fact that she's ill also. Saw 1 teeny white tip erupting at the lower jaw and 2 very swollen points at the upper jaw. Sigh... quite sum tong that she's not feeding much. Spend so much effort to cook her porridge and she eats only 1/2 of what she normal does.

In normal times, she'll cry if you slow down whilst feeding her! When the spoon comes close to her mouth, her head will shot forward to receive the food leow :p

sigh... nowadays....

Anyway, jodie's ill AGAIN because of her very irritating daddy. Always working for days in a row. Then when body can't take it, he'll succumb to illness. What's worse is that every time he infects bb, he'll disappear from S'pore.

The bozo is outta town this whole week. Left me to take care of jodie alone again. Wah piang, I hardly got any sleep last weekend

I hope Cayden is teething as well. He keeps on "Kum-ming" the food in his mouth for sooo long.
I am sighing with you.. kids can change just like that.. so unpredictable.

Gosh, how is little Jodie? What happened? And you called the father of your child a bozo?? So funny... LOL
You gotto take care of your health too and stay strong for Jodie, okie?
Grin your teeth... your "bozo" will be back in a jiffy
hi there

about the zoo and dengue, yes im really scare..... so i started checking those dengue zone in singapore and it seems safe, also visited singapore zoo webbie for this http://www.zoo.com.sg/whatsnew/dengue2005.htm

when i was there, after getting off the car, i apply J&amp;J mozzies repellent on my boys skin *exposed area* and also spray mozzies repellent on his stroller, wheels and ard. abit kiasu but jus to play safe. and as for antiseptic hand rub, u can easily get them in watson or pharmacy, any brand will do but i personally prefer woodward's hand clens instant sanitizing form alcohol free, watson should have too. for mozzies bite, i normally ignore it and only if its quite bad, like swelling badly, i will apply some cream tat my pd gave me. but usually mozzies bite is no cause of alarm but maybe becos of the dengue issue, me very careful and rem to REAPPLY the J&amp;J mozzies repellent lotion every 4 hrs *i tik it stated at the back of the bottle* and also respray the mozzies repellent every few hrs on the stroller. oh yah, everytime we stop for a drink or milk feed, i will spray the surrounding with the repellent too, hope these helps.

and for the whole trip, we DIDNT get a single bite from mozzies!!!

cody, faye is OREDI pushing food out of her mouth since long time ago liao :p
clothing- hush hush clothing are priced similar to mothercare I find? But the quality seems alot better hor. I was thinking that faye now 1 yr old liao, READ that 1-2 yr old kids dun grow as fast as in first yeat, so maybe can last a lil longer hehe

little prince ah, u bz ah :p

feline, for a while faye also held food in the mouth for a long time before swallowing. Its just something they are experimenting with (like spitting or razzing durin meals). Just give it little or no attention and the phase will pass by soon.

little devil, beri nice pics!!
