(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Thanks to everyone who offered birthday wishes!

hi mummies,

sorry to interrupt..

i would like to ask if there's a blanche here? would like to contact her.

thanks for helping

2moro morning, suppose to go for photo taking BUT mummy is down with flu, sore throat and body aching. tis morning still hoping tat i will have a VERY SPEEDY recovery *by 2moro morning* even if not 100% recover, at least can pull myself out of the house is good enough. BUT, not so lucky, feeling worst and out of no alternative, i ring up the photographer to have it cancel and his next avail date will only be MID OF OCT!!!!! actually i wanted it to be as near t
o quinns bday and now......... becos i dun want to make it worst by FORCING myself and ended up real sick on 24th.......

how i cake ah, GOOD QUESTION! before the cake was being cut up, 1 bunch of kids were surrounding elmo and we count 1, 2 and 3, their fingers all over elmo, digging cream and its sooo terrible but FUN! wahahaha.... as for cutting, we cut up elmos's tiny cake first then proceed to his legs and so on.... :p:p

wah!!!!fondant icing cake always looks good!!!! and yah man, tat pattisier SUPER EXPENSIVE! i call and do some RESEARCH and the $$$$ comes out to be $300 for wat i want! hubby says he dun mind but *I* mind wor!!!! so ended up with ecreative, to me, good enough! but to satisfy myself, will head to pattisier and eat to my heart content!!

thanks for ur compliment! me now having the MOMMYS BADGE *dark eye cicle*

wahahahahha!!!! i also kena! tat day, quinn was biting me and i went "OUCH"! he stopped immediately and looks at me with tis strange look on his face as i was showing him how pain i was ...... before tat, hubby always teach him how to SAIYOUNG me whenever he cause me pain, like he threw his toys and accidently hit me. and after i OUCH and he stop, he knows i was in pain and he SAIYOUNG me!!!! hes patting my head! wahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!

BUT, jus now when i was changing him, i spotted teeth markson his leg! he mus have been biting himself instead! OMG!

after reading ur BB WALKING ISSUE, i really tik quinn belongs to the RISK_TAKER bb! my fren gave him a toy from combi *MY FAV BRAND* as his pressie. and its in cube shape.jus now, my tis little fren climb on top, on four balancing on it!!!! OMG!

i really tik quinn jus simply LOVES hp and phones!!! whenever he can get hold of 1, either real or toy, its amazing tat he simply knows wat is tat for, as he will hold it next to his ear! and whenever we are out, if anyone ard us *strangers* happens to be on their phone, he will FIX his eyes on tat person! till tat person feels his presence and feel uneasy i guess! was telling hubby *JOKING* maybe we should buy him a handphone for his bday pressie!

Hi Evelyn,
I think i'm sotong.I've been thinking the cereals are those corn flakes type,never think of Nestle type.Ya, My boy did eat cereals but not much though
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">FAYE!!</font></font>

And happy month days to those highlighted in <font color="ff0000">red</font>...
<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD>Babies' Name</TD><TD>Babies' DOB</TD><TD>BB Age (in mths)</TD><TD>Mummies' Nick </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Ryan Chan Yan Hui</TD><TD>05/03/04</TD><TD>18m 18d</TD><TD>ruffy_happy </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Gabriel</TD><TD>23/08/04</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">13m 00d</font></TD><TD>gab04 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Jiang Rui</TD><TD>23/08/04</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">13m 00d</font></TD><TD>junior </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Kiern</TD><TD>24/08/04</TD><TD>12m 30d</TD><TD>jer </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Sarah-Lynn</TD><TD>25/08/04</TD><TD>12m 29d</TD><TD>radiohead </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Keefe</TD><TD>31/08/04</TD><TD>12m 23d</TD><TD>cubbiebb </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>14/09/04</TD><TD>12m 09d</TD><TD>expecting_mum </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Tan Hong Wei</TD><TD>15/09/04</TD><TD>12m 08d</TD><TD>mom </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Keira</TD><TD>18/09/04</TD><TD>12m 05d</TD><TD>vaingirl </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Faye</TD><TD>23/09/04</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">12m 00d</font></TD><TD>berry </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Rhyan</TD><TD>24/09/04</TD><TD>11m 30d</TD><TD>littleprince </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Quinn</TD><TD>24/09/04</TD><TD>11m 30d</TD><TD>little_devil </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Keira</TD><TD>26/09/04</TD><TD>11m 28d</TD><TD>pcs </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Lucas</TD><TD>27/09/04</TD><TD>11m 27d</TD><TD>SLK </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Sharyn</TD><TD>28/09/04</TD><TD>11m 26d</TD><TD>pets </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Shaness</TD><TD>28/09/04</TD><TD>11m 26d</TD><TD>yingzi </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Carriane</TD><TD>28/09/04</TD><TD>11m 26d</TD><TD>blisse </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Arnav Neil</TD><TD>03/10/04</TD><TD>11m 20d</TD><TD>sun </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Rachael</TD><TD>04/10/04</TD><TD>11m 19d</TD><TD>are </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Lavigne</TD><TD>05/10/04</TD><TD>11m 18d</TD><TD>casros </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Samantha Ng</TD><TD>05/10/04</TD><TD>11m 18d</TD><TD>sherhino </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Shanice</TD><TD>08/10/04</TD><TD>11m 15d</TD><TD>angph38 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Ray</TD><TD>08/10/04</TD><TD>11m 15d</TD><TD>micky </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Gabriel</TD><TD>10/10/04</TD><TD>11m 13d</TD><TD>kelly </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Cayden Tan</TD><TD>10/10/04</TD><TD>11m 13d</TD><TD>feline </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Meghan Alyssa Francis</TD><TD>12/10/04</TD><TD>11m 11d</TD><TD>deniz </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Qian Ning</TD><TD>18/10/04</TD><TD>11m 05d</TD><TD>andrea ku </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Athena</TD><TD>18/10/04</TD><TD>11m 05d</TD><TD>mtmtmt </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Isabel</TD><TD>20/10/04</TD><TD>11m 03d</TD><TD>charsiew rice </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Gabriel</TD><TD>20/10/04</TD><TD>11m 03d</TD><TD>may may </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Nilay</TD><TD>22/10/04</TD><TD>11m 01d</TD><TD>august </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Justin</TD><TD>25/10/04</TD><TD>10m 29d</TD><TD>AC </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Anders Foo</TD><TD>26/10/04</TD><TD>10m 28d</TD><TD>cow </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Sharwyn</TD><TD>28/10/04</TD><TD>10m 26d</TD><TD>sharon </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Gabriel</TD><TD>29/10/04</TD><TD>10m 25d</TD><TD>gabby mummy </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>KJ</TD><TD>01/11/04</TD><TD>10m 22d</TD><TD>kelly (mona) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Cindy</TD><TD>08/11/04</TD><TD>10m 15d</TD><TD>yuru </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Isaac</TD><TD>09/11/04</TD><TD>10m 14d</TD><TD>cosmo </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Esther Tan Yun Ting</TD><TD>10/11/04</TD><TD>10m 13d</TD><TD>itsun </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Ying Xin</TD><TD>11/11/04</TD><TD>10m 12d</TD><TD>puff </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Calista</TD><TD>11/11/04</TD><TD>10m 12d</TD><TD>chihiro </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Rui Ying</TD><TD>17/11/04</TD><TD>10m 06d</TD><TD>KC </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Shannon</TD><TD>20/11/04</TD><TD>10m 03d</TD><TD>guess </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Amanda</TD><TD>22/11/04</TD><TD>10m 01d</TD><TD>seahorse </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Brandon Koh</TD><TD>23/11/04</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">10m 00d</font></TD><TD>Bing </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Ethan</TD><TD>23/11/04</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">10m 00d</font></TD><TD>kypf </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Tricia</TD><TD>23/11/04</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">10m 00d</font></TD><TD>peg peg </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>29/11/04</TD><TD>9m 25d</TD><TD>wooof </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Aaron</TD><TD>30/11/04</TD><TD>9m 24d</TD><TD>maple_leaf </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>01/12/04</TD><TD>9m 22d</TD><TD>chantelle </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Wen Wu</TD><TD>01/12/04</TD><TD>9m 22d</TD><TD>rochelle </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Natalie</TD><TD>02/12/04</TD><TD>9m 21d</TD><TD>TBL </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Allycia </TD><TD>03/12/04</TD><TD>9m 20d</TD><TD>emma </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Steffi Chia</TD><TD>04/12/04</TD><TD>9m 19d</TD><TD>LL </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Dean Awyong</TD><TD>06/12/04</TD><TD>9m 17d</TD><TD>cody </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Natalie</TD><TD>06/12/04</TD><TD>9m 17d</TD><TD>leo29 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Luke Ong</TD><TD>06/12/04</TD><TD>9m 17d</TD><TD>fruitcake </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Trixilia</TD><TD>10/12/04</TD><TD>9m 13d</TD><TD>sulivyn </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Declan Isaac </TD><TD>10/12/04</TD><TD>9m 13d</TD><TD>mngo </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Jeannieve</TD><TD>11/12/04</TD><TD>9m 12d</TD><TD>jen </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Andric</TD><TD>15/12/04</TD><TD>9m 08d</TD><TD>stephie </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Rae-Ann</TD><TD>17/12/04</TD><TD>9m 06d</TD><TD>lachesiz </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Linus</TD><TD>18/12/04</TD><TD>9m 05d</TD><TD>oranges</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Jodie</TD><TD>20/12/04</TD><TD>9m 03d</TD><TD>beanie</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Nicole</TD><TD>24/12/04</TD><TD>8m 30d</TD><TD>wendypooh</TD><TD></td></tr></table>
Changi Airpot Gd Idea. How come it nvr cross my mind. Tks :p

Tks for yr advice on the bf questions :p
Will tell my friend to hold on.

I loveeeee the cake. Simple and Sweet :p

DB Party
Will be on half day leave today coz there's too many things to be done. Imagaine I have yet to wash Keira's clothes which she is supposed to wear tomorrow. Aiyoh!!! **sweat**
Neil : HaPpY BiRtHdAy FAYE

and also in advance (coz mumma might not be able to convey my message to you tomorrow)-
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY</font></font></font> to <font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">FAYE!!!!!!!</font></font></font>
Thanks everyone!! :D

BD PRESSIE TO MUMMY- These days, faye loves to pick up tiny stuff from the floors and pass it to me (small pc of thread/tissue/paper/stray bread/etc). Today morning, she was examining a wall closely. Then of all sudden, she stared VERY hard at something (invisible to me), then squealed in delight v loudly! She reached out and plucked something from that corner of the wall, then very proudly gave it to me and said "TIS IS!!" I said "thank you sweetpea!"(I call her sweetpea sometimes :p) took over the mini speck and realised that its a DEAD SPIDER!!!!!!!! Got the shock of my life cause I'm TERRIFIED of spiders of all sorts and sizes and states(dead or alive!)! Replied to her "this is a dead spider! A spider has 8 legs!!" Then I quickly RAN to the kitchen and wash my hands w soap!!
Berry, LOL.
A did same thing just now- lucky she only plucked exposed chipboard from a dent in my door. Not spider... :p

Ur HB on leave 2day 2 celebrate?
Happy Birthday to Faye!!!! May you stay sweet sweet, healthy healthy, happy happy always.

*auntie skyblue gives Faye a flying kiss* Kieran gor gor will give you a hug &amp; a kiss soon...
skyblue, faye says "ok can! I will gib kieran spider too!"

MT, aiya no lar, hb cannot take leave in the end, casue this week on important course! Tomoro then we will go sit cable car and tram! :D

sharon, yar man! good lar, at least one of us is not afraid of spiders when hb is not around!

lil devil, aiyo, what a bummer!
Drinks loadsa water and rest more
Faye gives mummy such a "big" suprise.Hahaha :p
OTOH Faye is such a brave gal.

Before I leave for the day
<font color="0000ff">Happy 1st Birthday to Quinn</font>
<font color="ff0000">Happy 1st Birthday to Rhyan</font>
LOL! Faye is a BRAVE girl !!!
i can imagine your shock when you discovered you had a spider in your hands!

Erm you ran to kitchen to wash your hands with soap, did u wash faye's or not?
*Kieran whispers to Faye,"I not scare of spiders but mummy is terrified of spiders. We play wif spiders together. I wanna take cable car wif u!"
Dat time hubby suggested taking cable car ride when we went to sentosa but hehehe..i dun fancy the idea of being stranded in the air wif a wriggling son. I kiasi one, so in the end, kieran nvr take cable car.
wahahahaha!!! can imagine ur shock! las time i used to have a cat and 1 nite, hes meowing in very strange tone while i was sleeping. so i look at him and ask him wat happen and realized hes biting on something *reason for strange meowing as he cant open his mouth* and when i was abt to remove *IT* from his mouth, i on the light and SO GLAD tat i didnt touch TAT THING!!!! its a COCKROACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cody, I forgot to :p But spiders are not as dirty as flies/cockroaches rite? hehe

skyblue, LOL! Will tell u all abt my stranded-in-mid-air-with-wriggling-faye experience after tomoro!
wah... love the pics posted. So absolutely funny AND adorable

Happy Birthday to All babies having their birthday this and next week!!
wah... big boys and girls leow lor. One year old!! sigh... where'd the months go?

oh well... next year lar... we can start all over again from preggie stage :p
HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Faye! (sent u an sms cos dunno if i'll b coming online 2day, then realised i betta come online cos need 2 post abt e helium contact b4 it slips my mind again).
cant wait 2 c faye soon. she's like a big girl now compared 2 when i saw her when she was 3mths old :p

husband found tis company, oster trading...
jacqueline, 64383608
helium tank, $70, able to blow up 80-100 balloons depending on the size of ur balloons
NO deposit required
FOC delivery to &amp; fro ur plc (if ur party is on sun, they'll send on sat &amp; collect it back on mon).

husband suggests tat when they deliver the helium tank, get e guy 2 ensure they bring the NOZZLE &amp; teach u how 2 blow balloons from the tank. MAKE SURE e nozzle works too!
Happy Birthday to Faye

Little_devil / Liitleprince
Happy Birthday to Quinn &amp; Rhyan on 24 Sept

Happy Birthday to Keira
berry, AT LEAST faye hand it to u... hmm... think if jean found it, she'll quietly put it in her mouth and chew... *HORRORS* LOL...

so many baby birthdays coming up... pls forgive me that i did not go one by one to wish hor... very bz now...
Jodie had her 9 months development test this morning. So took her weight and height at the clinic.

My eyes nearly popped out when I saw the number on the scale. She's a whopping 9.9kg!!! Height is 72cm. No wonder my arms feel like jelly after carrying her nowadays :p

sent email to u already.
Actually wanted to wait till tomolo but jus in case i have no time to log in, here's wishing:

Rhyan , Quinn and Kiera a Happy happy birthday. May them be healthy, guai guai and happy always
Kelly: tks for the helium tank contact!

Jen: horrors!!! jean, that sweet little innocent girl eating spiders?!?!?!???

Beanie: hmmmm, my PD didn't ask me to bring my son in for an assessment at 9mths leh .... my next assessment is 12months which includes a vaccination as well (chicken pox and some others).

9.9kg? that's a sack of rice! my arms will be jelly too! my son is now 9.5mths and i think he's only just crossed the 9kg mark marginally.

There's a 12mths assessment meh? Jodie's next appointment is in March (15mths) for Rubella and other vacinnations.

Anyways, jodie's weight is at 90 percentile and her head circumference is 97 percentile. Now that's one big coconut! :p


It is easiest to feed jodie when she is sleeping. Put teat near her mouth and she will drink leow :p Hardest to feed her when she's awake. She'll struggle to get up.
dunno leh, that's what i've been told by my PD (at KK).

agree its EASIEST to feed when they're asleep, I do that to Dean too esp now that he's teething &amp; rejecting the bottle all the time!
hai yo.... its here AGAIN!!! ever since yesterday, quinn rejects his food. consume only about half of wat he normally take. and hes EXTRA fussy and cranky plus waking up in the middle of the nite crying, about 2 - 3 times
wonder is it teething again as his teething PROJECT halt for quite awhile liao.... telling hubby tat i HOPE its JUS teething. and tis morning, i make fruit mashed platter for him to go with his cereal *avo + kiwi + apple* and half way thru his eating, he fuss big time! but i was prepared for tat so i store part of the fruit mash in the fridge. now steaming apple cubes and gonna bring the mash to boil later on, make it into fruit sauce to pour over his steam apple cubes...... PRAY for me tat he will eat it!
cody... that SWEET gal stuffs everything into her mouth, u dunno meh?? when i got time, post the pics of her EPISODES... wahaha...



my PD doesn't do 9mth assessments as a practice either, next assessment is when i bring luke for his next jab, i think at 12 or 15 months.

little devil

oh dear, hope quinn will eat! and hope you get well soon too!

pushing mummy to make me "walk"! he crawls from behind me and starts pushing my calves with his hands, left/right/left/right, laughing/squealing hysterically EVERYTIME i'm "made" to take a step :p i feel like his giant wooden soldier, L-R-L, attention!

pushing the dining chairs all over the house! he would stand up against one chair, start pushing it till he hits something, my house v small, so v fast, kenna blocked one. then he'll leave the chair there, and go do something else. a short while later, he would do the SAME with another chair, and another, till all the chairs are all over the house!
<font color="aa00aa">sharon</font>
what about the name card of the aircon company or did the service personnel happen to paste a sticker with their contact on the aircon panel??

<font color="aa00aa">fruitcake</font>
hehe, can't help laughing at luke's new stunt
I'm sooooo happy today cause its Faye's birthday!
We didnt do anything special cause hb is at work, but I had a superb day with Faye on my own anyway! Went to kino and saw a book I've been eyeing for a while (saw it at borders before, but in tattered condition!) and they have a brand new wrapped copy! Faye lovesssss it v much! And then bought her a set of clothes from hush hush, both were the last piece in her size! Lagi happy!
And today Faye learnt a new 'skill'- can stick her tounge out when I ask her to LOL!
I bought the book "what to expect the first year" and found it to be one of the best books I ever owned- lotsa useful info that covers stuff on motor skills to health to food, to behaviour, and every other thing imaginable that would interest a mommy of a bb. Its one of the best things I've ever plonked $30 on!

Today, Faye turn 1 liao mah, so I went to buy "What to Expect the Toddler Years" ($32.43, price before 10% disc cause got kino card!) http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0894809946/qid=1127478871/sr=8-3/ref=pd_bbs_3/103-7289993-5353468?v=glance&amp;s=books&amp;n=507846

Its a VERY useful and easy-to-read book, not boring and wordy at all! Dont need to worry abt not having enough time to read it cause the info bits are in short snippets, so v convenient! also easy to refer to needed. I'll def recommend it to ALL the mummies.
from berry's post two days ago, gabe's obviously a risk-taker &amp; ineffective crawler.
tis evening, gabe walked 4-5steps unassisted
towards my husband (when husband &amp; i sat across each other encouraging gabe 2 walk) BUT when he walks towards me, he walked 1-2steps b4 lunging forward at me, as if he's very eager 2 get 2 me.

after walking to &amp; fro between us a few times, gabe suddenly learned 2 turn direction while walking towards husband. gabe would walk 2-3steps towards husband then SUDDENLY turn around n walk 1-2steps towards me then lunged at me. gabe tiks it's fun so he kept doing it until he lost his balance. wah piangz! talk abt risk-taker...

how's cindy? fully recovered?

auntie kelly sayang sharwyn when i c her soon ya! how's her BLK? almost gone? gabe's BLK took abt 1wk 2 b gone.

abt ur dry skin, ever tot of seeing prof giam when u bring sharwyn 2 c her on 8oct? hit 2 birds wif 1 stone lah...

my husband in e same plight as urs. gabe loves 2 use his pincer grip 2 "play" wif husband's nipples. he always has a gd time at it.

medusa, sharon, lil devil,
love ur bbs' big go-li eyes. makes me recall tat deniz's meghan has big beautiful round eyes too!

thks for ur book recommendation. can borrow ur kino card? :p

LOL! luke has become ur "marching commander".
thks to all mummies for wishing rhyan happy birthday!

hb and i were on leave tdy and we did a spring cleaning of the hse! LOL! actually, we only intended to clean the floor and change bedsheets lar but coz we were waiting for the air con company to come and service the air con so we decided to wipe the cupboards, end up wiping everywhere and so happy that our hse is spick and span!

then, brought rhyan to Chinese Garden just now to see lanterns! very nice place and no mozzies at all (i didn't detect any on rhyan or ourselves so far :p). rhyan was busy walking and running about with us there till he knocked out on the walk back to the car .. hehe ..

luke's new stunt makes me LOL!

lil devil
hope you recover soon! and, happy birthday to Quinn!

^ photos taken at chinese garden, i like the 1st row, 2nd pix coz they are south park characters, very cute! ended up hb bought a huge hammer and i bought a helium balloon there for rhyan.
<font size="+1"> <font color="aa00aa">HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO RHYAN, QUINN AND KIERA!!!!</font> </font>

kelly, I am so excited for you! Sounds like Gabe really cant wait to be running ard soon!
card- If we're at taka for kopi one of these days, remember to ask me abt the card!

lil prince, wahh you managed to take so many beautiful pics!!

<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">HAPPY BIRTHDAY</font></font></font> to <font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">QUINN</font></font></font> and <font size="+2"><font color="119911"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">RHYAN !!!!!!!</font></font></font>
