(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

i long gave up on checking rhyan's teeth .. hehe .. sure kenna bitten!

buffet - they asked for 50% of buffet cost, excluding fast food bills. i paid 35% and the fast food bills, told them they can take it or leave it!

OMG! i wonder how does dog food taste? :p

rhyan will just shake his head and refuse to eat the food at all, usually he does this only when he is full. haiz, he seldom reject his milk and porridge thats why when he does, i will get worried.

oh dear, you take care.

lil devil
wah, you are very well equipped for chasing off mozzies leh. we brought rhyan to chinese garden on fri nite, was worried abt mozzies too but still went ahead, luckily no mozzie bites .. hehe ..

after seeing all the recent bd boys and gals bd pictures, here's my gal 1st bd cake on 24th sept too :>
Hi, little devil..
thanks for your prompt reply.
I already printed wat you have advised me and to get it ready for this saturday.

Hope my mum and sister in law will not say i Kiasu..heee

btw your adult aso apply the J&J??

hey sorry another qn to ask u out of curiosity...

i see the pics where Quinn was playing on the mat. then is it a chore if you want to mop or clean the floor?

at first i put, but every time i want to clean the floor, i will have to remove everything...
wah!!! ur gal such a good swimmer! i mean not swim lah but she can hold on to the edge herself and u very very brave, leave her alone there! come to tik of it, i guess mus bring quinn for swimming liao.

after reading wat hap on R bday, i was like "gosh, luckily u call them* i cant imagine if tis happens to me... i guess i will jump like mad and sure scream over the phone!!!!

ha!!!! yah, me myself very scare of mozzies as they seems to LIKE me alot!!!! and especially now the dengue thingy, im EXTRA careful and KIASU / KIAXI! :p i guess the government will spend lots of $$ and time jus for this. actually before the outbreak of dengue, my neighbour already warned me abt tat, they saw alot of children and bbs in hospital due to dengue.

wahahahahaha!!!!!!! if my cat is still ard, i will not be shock to see Q eating my cats biscuit.. :p


yah, i keep spraying the mozzies repellent on myself *legs* and apply the J&J on my srms... i even keep spraying hubby

for the mat... ummm..... quite easy for me leh, as hubby lay them very neatly and nicely, the whole room and theres NO gaps at all, meaning its like flooring for the whole room, covered with those mat. so when its cleaning time, i will vacuum and mop it *i have 1 mop tat i use for tat room and sleeping area and a seperate 1 for the rest of my house* so its quite okie with me.
SOLIDS - hee hee, luke's solids intake seems to have gone down after i started him on 3 meals a day!
dunno whether it's because the timing is not right, he doesn't like the new food, i'm feeding him too much starchy food so he's too full, or maybe he's teething. heh, so many possible reasons. his milk intake has also dropped without a corresponding increase in his solids. never mind, i'll just keep experimenting!

little prince

what an irresponsible caterer! luckily your guests were understanding :p hehe, you know ah, luke knocked his head TWICE today liao, once when he was seated and opening the kitchen cabinet, it swung and maybe it took him by surprise so he swung along with it :p, but v gentle fall so ok. the second time, dunno how, he was standing at his bruin table and my back was turned away, then THUMP, on floor liao. aiyoh ah!


eeks and lol about the dog food! once, my friend's 1 yr+ baby came to our house and kept on kneeling at our dog's bowl, wanting to eat the food and drink the water, dunno why :p
later i reply others...

eh lilprince, my HB said if him he wun pay. Then I mentioned to MIL... she said not only dun pay, must have compensation. *faint*
Turns out I'm quite a sweeet character in comparison hor, can't make caterer lugi loss that much hor, they also must "eat".

Wahahaha.... ur frd bb so funny, i think maybe he wan imitate the dog behavior. I tell u, im not surprise that 1 day nat will do that oso...
caterer- hmmmm if it was ME, I think I'll prob agree to pay 20-30% of the food, EXCLUDING fast food charges (they screwed up, so they take care of it).

fruitcake LOL!! yar man, so many possibilities hor! I'm in a faye-must-start-eating-nutritious-food!!! mode now :p

^ Mummy stopped my Kindermusik lessons, so she bored, sign me up for another contest. BUT MY OUTFIT NOT FLATTERING! Make my legs look so short >.<


^ Never mind, I practise stretch to elongate my silhouette.


^ Got look TALLER in the studio anot? *grin*


^ Bumped into another forum baby (guess who? I dunno how to spell name lah). :p


^ Then mummy brought me jalan- and I stand there... poooooo.
lil prince,

wat im curious is how is the dog food taste like with the dog saliva.... *fainted again*

<font color="0000ff">Milk Intake Drop</font>

Sad Sad... nat milk intake has drop since last wk. Hope is just due to teething n not other reason....
lil devil &amp; prince, me brave? no lah... my dad was beside her...
she was enjoying herself too much and kicked away my dad's hands...
when we realised she can support herself, I quickly took a few shots lor...

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I think ur "tum tum" is refering to tummy rite? So far she still havent poo.... She funny gal lah, always like to poo b4 she go to bed
Jen looks so steady in the pool, I've never tried letting A hold to side on her own, heh.

Fruitcake, Luke's so cute, eh, it's like some bbs pull an adult's hand to help get them things... he's pushing you to get around the house! :p

Lilprince, yah A will stand too in bike. :p

Evelyn, LOL! Dog biscuit!

cody, Berry,
A experimenting with spitting. She likes to bend over, SPIT saliva on the floor and stare at the saliva pool interestedly.
Mothercare "reduced" rack- $23 down from I forget what. Top is 2 for $17! :D First time buy Mothercare.
Needed receipt for Mothercare Trendybabes contest (and have to clothe bb in it... at 1st was hoping borrow clothes from my gf, then receipt just chalk up other neccessities).

eh that day my HB said Wyn wear polo ralph dress (i peep left-right, cant see label n dunno y din ask directly)... my HB observant hor? Very nice! I like PR too, got 2 hand-me-down from gf, but size too big at the moment. :p
Hi medusa,
Wow... Athena so cute, willing to lie down voluntarily like that. Esther will make those "kill pigs" sound if I make her to lie down like that.

Hi AC,
That jacket looks nice but like abit too thick for s'pore weather hor. Anyway, Justin looks good it that.... hehe.

Hi little devil,
Wow... looks like all of you had a very nice day in the zoo. How long did u spend in the zoo? We thought of bring Esther to the zoo or bird park or sentosa on her bd.... still have not decided yet.

Hi jen,
Jean looks very steady in the water.... hehe.

Hi little prince,
Wau lao.... how come the caterer made such a horrible mistake? That is so unprofessional and still dare to ask for 50% payment.

Hi beanie,
Yr hb out of town again? You get to take care.

Hi evelyn,
Nat likes to poo when she is abt to ZZZZZZZZZZ? Esther likes to poo when she is having her meal...... =(
<u>Some recent pics of Esther:</u>


Hello Aunties and Uncles, Daddy says I long time never show face liao.... so I decided to pop by and say HI.


Daddy and mommy brought me to take bus. Oh... U see my teeth, don't come too near ok coz i BITE... hehe.


Erm, driver uncle...... I want to alight here. Thank you.


My teeth pain pain.... daddy says this penguin will help.
happy birthday to Lucas!

i was very mad and didn't want to pay lah, but my hb didn't want me to be so mean lor. and since our guests ate about half of the food, so we pay half lor. also, my MIL (grrr!!) kept saying she want to tabao food back so didn't want the caterer to think we are trying to fleece free food. anyway, next time if i order food, gonna remind and remind! :p

eh, i prefer athena to wear dress lah .. hehe .. that baby next to athena looks familiar leh, and similar to esther. who ah?

i like esther's "want to alight" pix, very like it!

saw cindy and gabriel (gabby mum?)in it. erm .. also got other forum bbs, i think. :p
haha HB was joking must call few days in advance to ask, "buay cai already?" (buy groceries already?), then morning itself ask, "cook finish already?", then 1 hr b4 ask, "pack finish ready to come anot?"

Morning Mummies
I'm back!!! Its a super tiring weekend but happy :p
<font color="ff0000">Thanks for all your birthday wishes</font>

Very Important must post 1st
<font color="0000ff">Happy Birthday to Lucas</font>

I nearly choke on my breakfast when I read that Jodie is 9.9Kg!!!! Pei Fu u can handle her alone.

Little Devil
Very nics pics of Quinn's brithday zoo trip :p
And I nearly fainted when I see the SNAKE pic.

congrats on Gab new stunts. He will be walking around entertaining his guest on his birthday yah :p

LOL when I read that u did spring cleaning on Rhyan's birthday.
The caterer really jiat lat leh. Cannot imagine u r so busy on that day already still need to worry about food luckily u r calm enough to handle this. I would have fainted from shocked.

U must be "you(4) hao(3) qi(4), you(4) hao(3) xiao(4)" when luke do his stunts :p

I'm v v v impressed wif Jean. She can float by herself!!!! She's such a confident swimmer.

LOl at Justin si pui sian pic

I loveee yr gal's cake. So sweet.
I loveee yr gals' eyes. V pretty gal.
wahahhaha, yr hb very humourous. :p

i spring clean the hse on Fri, Sat am had to cook porridge twice coz rhyan refused to eat his porridge. Sat pm rushed to bungalow to clean up the place and decorate and realised the caterer got the date wrong in the evening. wa liao, i didn't eat or drink the whole day, except for 4 pces of chwee kueh in the morning. when i woke up on Sun am, no voice and now got flu.

^ shots of some friends who came to wish me happy birthday! no chance to capture much coz mummy was busy with the caterer who didn't deliver food for my friends.


^ picture slightly blurr and change of clothes coz he had loose stools and stained his clothes.


^ woke up next day at 9am, wanted to try walking on his own .. hehe ..
Congrats to all babies in magazines!!

wow... rhyan got a great birthday...
hmm... was the one who did the poster medusa?? haha...

yuru, i think ur floor so shiny cindy want to kiss herself lah... my mum always scold jean when she kisses the floor... she will ask jean "u muslim huh?" wahaha... oops, no offence to muslims though...

itsun/why, esther still as chubby as ever!! hehe... ur pics came at the rite time as pcs is back... keke...

thanks auntie sharon, auntie medusa, auntie pcs &amp; uncle itsun...
Wahaha. I love the lie down pic. So yang or.

I love Esther 1st pic. Blur but sweet look. LOL

Yr pic so funny. Reminded me when once I bring keira to Kiddy Palace and she nearly KISS the floor too :p

Wah u invited 100 pple hur. So look at the presents. LOL.
LOL!!! A is so adorable!!!!!!!
spit saliva??? LOL, where did she learn that from?

*aunty cody sends e-hug to A*

Today's parents:
someone / mommies pls post pics of your award winning babies! i wanna see!!!
eh, where are kiera's birthday pixs? do share with us!

i didn't buy YP so not sure. TP has quite a few bbs, i think. i got the TP mag but i dun hv scanner here.
lil prince, beri beri nice pics!! I love how happy Rhyan is! He *really* love balloons hor?? I think your cake beri big :p

itsun, LOL about the 2nd last pic!!!

MT, I like tena's pants v much! I saw these in mothercare sometime ago, wanted to but for faye but dun have her size.

BB in MAGS- I also wanna see pics of gorgeous bbs! someone please post? :D
Eh, lilprince din post enough pics of Rhyan's BIG party, not shiok enough, haha... :p

So here are more! Of cos mainly got my A lah. LOL!





Caught a HANDSOME boy here!




Lilprince, u know my HB went Kieran's party, said very grand for "just 1 yr old birthday wat", then Rhyan's party cater 100 guests!!! HB all along think my plans for Athena's party very kua-zhang... he can't stop shaking his head. He told MIL that I kua-zhang is expected, but seems all the people around me also like that, LOL! MIL defended, said grand party is perfectly fine for 1st year, just cannot subsequent years lah. :p
sooo nice and adorable, especially T in tat pant, i got 1 similar from esprit, wahahahahaha!!! very well dress bb!!!

quinns milk intake also drop..... from 240ml to 210ml and even 180 at times..... sometimes reject solid too. las nite went to pd, as i smell a very strange adour in his rite ear...very slight tat hubby says "NO LEH" but i jus want to make sure. after checking, pd says hes ok, jus some ear wax and hes perfectly fine. so the only reason is teething liao.

haa!!!!! yah, tat zoo trip, quinn touches snakes, butterflies and some frenly animals.

we really enjoy ourselves alot though tiring. umm... quinn nap till quite late so we reach there about 4.30pm. so start off with the day zoo and proceed to nite safari after 7pm. reached home at abt 11pm. at first wanted to go sentosa but after some consideration, hubby says zoo better but i will still go to sentosa one of these day :p

esther leg!!!! so bah bah!!! tat day was talking to ur wifey and she told me esther appetite is very very good, ha!!!!!

snake ah? i guess our bbs not afraid becos they dun know wat is it exactly! during tat moment whe n quinn touches the snake, i feel as if my heart is stuck in my throat!

lets forget abt the stupid issue of the caterer, u see, R sooooo happy, can tell from his pix!!

another thing to update, to avoid being the target of mozzies, please AVOID wearing BLUE!
my mum just came and I showed her the pants, she scold me! Said I stingy cos I bought size 12-18mths for more mileage (verrry long must fold up alot lah, and waist very loose like last time people fashion show underpants leh)! Wahaha, 1st time got anyone say I stingy over A's clothes hor? :p
talking abt balloons, the helium balloon i bought for him disappeared!
my god daughter almost brought it home and i happen to see her at the door and barter trade with another balloon. then, i left it in the living room again but that nite when we were cleaning up, cannot find the balloon liao.

eh, the cake only left 2 small pieces hor. MIL brought 1 piece back, we brought the other piece back for own consumption coz i didn't get to eat. :p

thank you very very much!!
i no hap so many photos mah, luckily you took some! must ask skyblue to see handsome boy's pix.

LOL! actually hor, i only intended to hv decor for that pix i took leh. then hor, we bought a pack of balloons (no intentions to use all lah!) and my friends blew them all up (with their breath!) so, i told them to decorate in any way they want and ended up they put up balloons all over the place. but yar, i will only hv this kind of party one time, if every year, i will faint!
little prince,
Wah sey, Rhyan really has many pressies
n he looked so happy wif all his pressies. Heheheh..nice cake

In the pic which little prince posted, u n Faye seemed to sit same pattern one...LOLLLL...

I wan dat pic!!! Got more pics of party? see liao very shiok leh.

Wah, so long nvr see esther's pics liao. I like her grin

little devil,
Wow, nice zoo pics wif such a beautiful mummy in it :p

Must go airport more often to get mileage for dat jacket u bot.
little prince,
Same here...if every yr, i peng sang liao. N our dear berry, still ask me to have party on sat next yr. Ahbish her :p Dat balloon disappeared? K was still playing wif it during the cake cutting. Wah, ur cake boh chun ah? Mine left lots :p
Ur fren very gd leh, use own breath to blow. SO many some more. Heheheh...
I have some pics oso but haven d/l.
PARANOID mummy- haiz I also quite paranoid at times I admit :p Faye's milk and food intake dropped by 50% since over the weekend for unknown reason (guess could be teething cause I cant think of anything else! plus she kept poking at her gums and she IS teething molars, can see and feel swollen gums). And she kept scratching at her ears, so yesterday I decided if I wanna sleep well at night, I better bring her to the GP to look into her ears (if really got infection then bring her to PD immed for prescription n advise.). I think I asked teh GP at least 3-4x "so her ears are really 100% fine? nothing at all, no redness, not even a dot?" Thank goodness nothing (but hor, I think the GP not beri happy that I so lor-soh but who cares :p)! Heh, not bad, I paid $10.50 and can sleep well at night :p

MT, lol!! your mum very er.. encouraging and supportive I guess. :p
hehe, i noticed faye and mummy sat same pattern too! yr cake 3kg for 50pax, mine same weight for 100pax of coz boh chun mah. :p

you know hor, my fren wanna cry when he saw the kids bursting balloons outside at the end of the party, all his breath gone! haha ..
if a baby keeps touching his ears, just poke finger in, no scratching, may be infection or not? rhyan keeps doing that leh, but seems more like for comfort than for relief. i asked my GP before, when i was sick and went to see him, he said ok so long as bb's ears do not hv visible wetness. any idea?

rhyan is still hvg his watery poo since last week and a lil running nose since yest. me down with sore throat since Sun am till today, lose my voice coz of tt stupid caterer. can't see a doc yet coz i hv training these two days and hb working late for this whole week, nanny and her hb like also not feeling very well. then, last nite he woke up so many times, i think coz of his nose and i woke up with him. si bey cham!
eh Athena keeps cocking her head to her right (ear touch her shoulder), like act cute but I scared ear infection... saw alot of ear wax so I used cotton bud. No more ear wax that I can see, but still same action. No smell, discharge leh.

A also likes poking finger into ear, 1 small scratch mark leh. But she also likes poking into MY ear lah.

yesterday A pooed twice with runny poo... otherwise fine. I suspect teething cos she quite upset abt her teeth, whine alot, keeps biting teething toys very hard. Will bite and cry!
little prince, I read that some bbs like pulling n scratching their ears simply because its there! Like some boys like to tug at their genitals just simply cause it sticks out (like their ears also sticks out) :p
hehe, my mum scolded me again. Said A wore her supposed Birthday dresses too often, asked me to buy new dress.
I dun care ah, as long as nice &amp; good, never mind if not brandnew wat.

rhyan will poke his finger ... into my .. NOSE! we are suspecting teething too but can't check his mouth, and he will bite very hard too at his bolster!

okok! hehe .. didn't link with tt.
