(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Hi all,
Thanks for voting the Disney Babies, hope one of them proceed on to the next round!

rhyan really looks very ba-ba! let me guess... is he around 12kg now? Lucas is still 10+ kg, no progress :p

your girl is very chubby too! i love chubby babies!

sharon, littleprince, skyblue,
i can join your sleepy gang, lucas also woke up and refused to sleep last night *yawn*

Happy Birthday Kiern!

I am bringing Lucas for his virgin trip this evening. we are going to bangkok! will try a short trip before going for a longer trip this year end.

Sharon: hahaha...u like me, never go to wet market wan. I oso kenna from my HB that I should learn to buy food. I tried going to wet market (pass by only) at Pasir Ris the other day and almost puke. Think I cannot make it, Mummy!!! Help! Think will rely on my mummy for a while lah
must EMAIL Rhyan's Nekkid pics!
From Young Parents Sept issue- "That's My Baby" photo section...
"for oct issue, show shots of babies in birthday suits". Email the photo to [email protected] with full details. 300dpi high resolution (DUN resize ur pic smaller).

I haven't taken A's naked pics for so long, if got time tomolo I snap :p
lil prince,

which is the vege stall that u often patron? They nvr said anything when u buy little of this n that? I always buy frm the 1 that is near the flower stall. But hor, got once the lady comment.. y u buy so little, very diff for me to charge u leh... In my heart i was saying... if diff to charge then give me free lor....
it's not urine rash lor, so doc gave something else (not desitin). But heartpain see the scars.
Eh...agree wif MT, errrr, i can't imagine u looking auntish :p Even if u dress shabbily, no way will u look auntie at all.

little prince,
Eh, i ask my hubby to ask for few strands of veggies n the uncle really gave leh, but of cos lah, we bot some other stuff from his stall.

Kiern is so cute
i still can remember some of his fotos dat u posted b4.

Hehehe, maybe Sharwyn will really give u a surprise.

I changed Kieran's car seat to front facing oredi. Now he's much betta sitting in the car seat, unlike last time...

YX tripled her birth wt oredi? Sorrie huh, i still haven got time to scroll thru the numerous postings, only see so many pple congratulating u. I'm so happy for u
have a gd trip with Lucas!

when baby prattle, very cute hor? My mum & PILs get thrown off though, they dunno how to respond, so will just say, "I dunno what u saying leh."
How does ur family react to Wyn's prattling?
yar, weighed rhyan last Sun, 12kg. think my hands will really break soon if he dun start walking by himself. :p

really ah? thks!! btw, TBL's Nat appeared in Babewatch of TP mag for Sept. she won a prize also, just bought the mag last nite and saw her in it.

i can't remember the stall near where leh, but they got sell organic veggies also. no one commented on anything leh though i can feel the seller not very happy lah, but i ignore coz if i buy so much, then what to do with the rest? actually, i buy veggies more from the Econ Minimart than market coz i usually buy in advance and batch freeze. i only buy meat and fish on Sats.

wah! must ask yr hb how come he can get free veggies. :p
happy holidays!

oooh, i wanna send in!!! did they say how many pics we can send it? is there a limit?

yesterday there was this girl who came into this thread, asking for photos for her magazine. I emailed her asking for details, eg name of the publication, what company she's from etc, but she evaded all my questions. Will try asking again, but if she evades again, then forget it.
Dunno what she's going to use my baby photo for!
can i trouble u .... what details must we submit to young parents for the That's My Baby photo section?

I dunno what details, cos that's all they wrote, and no idea any photo limits either.

I *guess* basics like NRIC, address???
Athena was looking at magazine, my mum wiping her, me on laptop... and Athena went "Mam-mam". I thought nothing, my mum exclaimed, "she see the food pictures in magazine and said mam-mam!" LOL. Foooodie.

Which hotel are you staying? I just came back from Bangkok over the weekend. The weather is killing very hot. Are you bringing a pram? You intend to visit the weekend market and Chinatown? There's a night bazaar you can go. Just playsafe, buy mineral water to boil for lucas. I had diarrhoea. Things there real cheap. We bought a whole suitcase of stuffs for sharyn.
So fast archive oreadi.
Thks for posting linus & esther photo.No lah u're not KP lah. Fruitcake wrote they hv fu qi xiang. haha... i hv a gd laugh.
angie, medusa, cody,
thanks thanks

wow! rhyan is indeed a big boy!!! same here, we were hoping lucas will walk before this trip, so that we don't have to carry him all the time. he can only walk a few steps now. *we are too ambitious*

i'm staying at Nai Lert Park Swissotel (near Central Shopping Centre). yes, bringing a light pram. still have not decided if we should go to chaktuchat or the night market. you reckoned we should go? hey, where is the best place to get kids things? thanks for your advice, i intend to buy mineral water
hi mummies,
thks for ur concern...me feeling betta but my voice is gone. woke up wif hoarse voice yesterday morn n gabe was *blur* for a brief moment y mummy talks like darth vader.

forgot 2 share my excitement for u now tat kieran can walk...YIPEE! more & more bo eng rt?

welcome! i'm a WFHM to a 10.5mths gabriel. i used 2 b a workaholic (6.5days work wk, long hrs, etc). after i gave birth, contemplated for a long while if i shld b a SAHM. wif husband's support, i tendered at e end of my ML.
abt going 2 mkt, we can shake hands...LOL!
my mummy buys stuff for gabe's porridge & our meals every wk. her argument is 1) i dun go & hate 2 go 2 a wet mkt. 2) if i do go, sure kenna keh-tok by e hawkers & end up buying not-so-fresh foodstuff. 3) by e time i go (abt 10-11am), all fresh stuff gone liao
ever since i'm a SAHM, she stocks up my fridge so tat i hv stuff 2 cook for my lunch & dinner for husband & me. ever since gabe turned 6mths, she bought even more stuff so tat gabe has "liao" for his porridge. i appreciate my mummy's efforts a lot so never complain, juz give her more mktg $$ lor.
btw, y my mummy does so...partly bcos i still on TBFg so she 1 me 2 eat well so her bao bei grandson gets e nutrients thru my BM.

SLK, lil prince, skyblue, sharon,
when ur bbs wake up often thru out e nite, tik of me...gabe's still on a wake-up-every 2hrs mode. last nite, he woke up almost every 20mins bet 1230-230am...interrupted me watching "constantine". i cldnt figure out his problem so juz nursed him back 2 sleep. by e time he woke up at 230am, i buay tahan, didnt 1 2 watch e remaining, switched off e tv & slept wif him. urgh!!!

enjoy ur holiday!

very nice pics of esther & linus. they really got fu qi xiang...

Enjoy your trip to Bangkok. BTW how r u going to settle Lucas meal? I am bringing Gabriel to Bangkok and Hua Hin this oct, now when i think of his meal, i have headache.
i think you meant to ask Pet who just came back fr BKK...not me lah.

Angie: thanks for the info on the young parents magazine!

may i revive the issue of blenders?
I want to buy a handheld blender ... anyone got a recommendation?
Thank youuu!!
i left the mag at home, will try to bring to office tmrw and scan if i hv time.

LOL! i thot of AC and justin, tt one really the ultimate. :p

athena wun try to grab yr cam when you video her?
oh dear.. please take care.
how come gabe is still waking up every 2 hrly? is he still TBF? could that be the reason? maybe he needs more milk? i say this cos my milk supply is dropping and i realised that lucas has been waking up more these days

i understand, i also cracked my head over this.
in the end, i went on an organic shopping spree and bought organic fruit puree (comes in packs of 4 like yogurt), organic canned food (beef, vege etc), organic brown rice cereal etc. Will mix the canned food or fruit puree into the brown rice cereal. i am hoping that the hotel will have porridge for breakfast. if i think it's clean enough, i might give him the porridge. if not, will stick to what i bring there.

I bought most of kids stuff at chatuchak, the night bazaar and the patumnam area the market. I find the stuff in the morning centre around the same price as in S'pore. If you want to get cheap stuff go to the chatuchak, the night bazaar and the patumnam area the market. But with Lucas my advise better not. Unless your sling him. Let him try for the first day see how he respond first. I'm very glad not bringing Sharyn there. I know she can't tahan the weather there. You can try chinatown where they sell wholesale shoes. Cheap but you need to buy half a dozen if you don't mind. You going for how many days? Intend to go for massage? Enjoy shopping. Have a good trip.

Wow..the hotel looks posh....U book it over the internet yourself? how much did u pay for it?..i have yet to book any hotel. was thinking of pratunam princess but looks like the price difference between this hotel and pratunam princess not much difference.
thanks for the advice

yes, i'll be bringing my sling too.
i'm going with another family, so should be able to buy half a dozen. i'll be there for 4 days, should be going for massage. any good recommedations?
To irregular "regulars" (eg Jer, Pets, maymay), bypassers, readers who never post, etc... i'm just doing my "job"... haha...

<u>Campaign for Disney Babies</u>
A1 - Jiang Rui
A29 - Lucas
A64 - Yingxin
A76 - Athena
A82 - Jean

sms DisneyBaby <baby_code> <your_name> <nric> to 9111-5541
my friend works in Raffles Holdings, so we benefitted from her staff rate. we are paying USD65 per night. this hotel is good cos they are very pro-kids, lots of children's things. i will let you know if it's really that good after i come back from the trip.
BF mommies *SOS*

I got a frend who EBM and today while she is expressing in office, she shockingly found that her BM turn into strawberry color. To her horror, its her blood dripping into the BM and it also dripped onto her skirt.
Anyone know what has happen or what she should do?

tell your friend not to worry...it happened to me before..traces of blood. i called mrs wong and asked her she told me that my pump pressure is too high. U might want to check with your colleague and ask her to reduce the pressure or the speed of the motor.

Thanks thanks...the cheapest rate i can find for this hotel on the website is USD$75. enjoy your trip. Have fun shopping, eating and good massage.
forget to mention that Mrs Wong even told me can still feed baby with the milk. She asked me to feed immediately, dont store in the fridge. But I kian si, throw the milk away.
were her nipples already sore before she started pumping? it's actually ok even if the baby drinks 'strawberry milk' (i called up BMSG hotline when my nipples bled last time). but she has to try and heal her nipples.
must be the skin at the nipple that tore ....
maybe she didn't position her pump properly, causing stress to the skin that eventually tore?

it could also come from cracked nipples, but if she had that she would have known even before she started pumping.

nothing to do except to air the breasts to let them heal naturally. apply some of the breast milk to help it heal, but more importantly got to air it.

ouch!! poor girl, i cringe at the thought of it.
my sis also has a problem with cracked nipples, and sometimes she produces "Strawberry" milk (fr the blood). but her babies (she has twins!) still drink it leh...

It's ok. I had this experience before. I still feed Sharyn with the milk. Mine not very strawberry colour. Only few blood drip.
i read so much about it, but i can't seem to find it. I just went to The Marketplace Supermarket at Rafflec city basement 1, but they dun have leh.

Since its so popular with the babies here, i also wanna try. Tried surfing the gerber website ... is this the one?

yes this is the one...the bottle not very good...after a while the puff gets soft..

I voted on either monday or tues
anyone knows how many pieces of diapers there are in each box? any size will do, i just want to calculate which is cheaper ... the jumbo box or the normal pack...


GERBER puffs
wow, these puffs are really very elusive huh?
i shall HUNT for them at the next supermarket i go to!
notice the smaller supermarkets eg Shop n Save dun even carry such a product!
thank you mummies for complementing yingxin is pretty and the pic taken at united square was lousy!!! hiak hiak hiak....i totally agreed!!!!

domestic goddess
i was the one who requested to help take picture A29 at united square - it's alright cos medusa already posted it here

littleprince, skyblue, sharon, slk
i also suspected yingxin maybe teething cos she woke up crying until very cham and whining early in the morning for up to 5 times and she drools quite excessive too; she has been eating very little porridge these two days and extra clingy

earlier on i feel that her forehead is warmer than usual but luckily she wasn't running a temp

i tried to put my fingers in to feel but she dun allow me and even though i managed to touch the gums, i can't seem to feel any sharp edges

aiyo eh....if only my mum is so understanding. she dun bother about wat double or triple birth weight wan; she only believe in her eyes that baby must be FAT visually then consider cute and healthy and flesh must be hard when pressed

hi hi,can sense your happiness when you post kiern's pics, i particularly like the 2nd month nake pic

for rashes, you might wanna try hazeline snow cream or cetaphil lotion

wah....bangkok!!! lotsa bargains there, happy holidays ya
come in and peep abit..had a busy days..hmm..
ya cody, the puff was nice..used to feed my gals with banana, sweet potate..and apple/stawberry ..Tried all the 3 flavours..but the bottle really not good...soft easily..N ..when i transfer some to my tuperware, also turn soft in abt 2wks time...cant seems to find it nowadays..n..i had store 1 more bottle at home...hmm

Stop the feeding ever since my gal get fever...hmm..she used to eat 1 bottle a week...hehehe


my tupperware also cant make it for the puff, will turn soft...but for other baby biscuit, no problem..hmm...my baby took 1 wk to finish in the past..(i did help her lar)
