(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

what are you buying fm kiddy palace? :p

enjoy yr holiday!

currently, i only know compass point cold storage hv. since they just had new stock, not too sure if the other cold storages also hv new stock. i refrigerate the puffs to prevent it from turning soft too soon.

eh, the puffs are pretty heaty leh (IMO). tt day rhyan ate slightly more, ard 10pcs and next day poo abit hard. now, i limit him to eat abt 3-5pces once in a while (he dun eat it everyday). erm .. definitely takes more than a mth to finish a bottle coz i dun like him to snack too much.

hope our bbs' teeth quick quick sprout out. actually, rhyan suddenly started drooling excessively again recently. on some days, he poo many times with the watery kind. then, yest got rashes also. i did feel some sharpness when i cleaned his teeth last wkend but cannot determine exactly if its his current teeth or new teeth. haiz, gotta wait and see lor.

J got 7 teeth liao

he has 5 teeth for quite a while, then last wk suddenly come out 2 more
fruitcake: where do you buy organic food from?

littleprince: thanks. was thinking of doing that too.

berry: on stimulation, I do the same too. but sometimes I will wonder if I do enough with him, especially as a SAHM.Will you enrol Faye in playgroup later?

SLK: are you planning to buy mineral water to boil for your bb? Sorry can I kaypoh a bit- mineral water is not good for babies even if we boil them as they are usually not sterilized and may contain very high levels of sodium and other minerals which are not good for babies. Boiling only kill bacteria, but not alter the level of minerals. Best is to use bottled drinking water
provided by hotels and boil them. Also, where do you go to buy organic food?

BRUSHING TEETH: littleprince, how do you get started on brushing Rhyan's teeth? When did you start? I must get started this weekend too as Marcus has 8 teeth for a long time, but he just won't let me put my finger into his mouth! He bites.

Posted this yest but no reply.
so reposting...hoping...
Marcus's birthday on 3rd Sept and we plan to throw him his first party as we didn't do the first month celebration thingy. But now going nuts trying to choose a caterer. HELP HELP pls!! Who you recommend, anyone??
Skyblue: ARe you throwing birthday party for Kieran? Still BF?

Just curious: are there any mummies here who stopped BF before your bb turned 6 months?

I must really kowtow to those who are still TBF... wish I could do that still. Think it will be one of my biggest regrets for the rest of my life..... sigh...
I dunno the chinese name leh.. but English is camoline lotion lor.. just went to GP with ryan coz he has rashes all over his body..dunno if allergy to food/dirty thing. they gave him that to apply to his whole body..say the rashes should go away in 3-4days time.
<font color="aa00aa">cody,</font>
i also hunted almost every supermarket i went to.

forget abt NTUC, Shop N Save, think they don't carry.

Giant @ IMM oso don't have.

Isetan @ Scotts don't have

Cold Storage @ Novena Sq don't have. don't remember which other CS i went to, all don't have. i look at the shelf to see if they have the price tag label to see if it's sold out or they don't carry and those i went to don't have the price tag label!!!

Yuru: I bought my whole set of ABC and number mats from Kiddy Palace at Toa Payoh. Comes with edges too... very pretty lah.

Puff: yes, I am looking for caterer. hey, YLS is also what we were looking at last niwht What extra can you get? I must ask my hubby later if he has booked online earlier.. didn't get replies from forum so think he mumbled something about going ahead to book.

Berry: like your wet mrket trip to buy apples...haha

For the Gerber puffs, did you mummies try and store the remaining puffs in those Lock N Lock containers? They are rather good as very airtight.
calamine lotion is white in colour, need to shake before u apply and is very cooling

should be called "re fei yao shui"
SLK: is the organic fruit puree you bought the Santa Cruz brand? They are really yummy.. have you tried?

Angelia: thanks.. will check out lavish.com.sg later..
My gal loves to eat than to drink her milk..she couldnt never finish 180ml unless she was 'starve' during day time for 5hrs or more...she dont drink much in the morning (the first feed after sleeping thru 8-10hrs), about 120ml..so in the past, i will throw the puff into her milk n feed her lor..thats how, she finish fast..

*I used to get from Katong cold storage / Parkway Giant
carrefour carries gerber puff? i go there almost every week but never see it before leh

paragon supermarket also dun have
Angie, Baby Ashley so so cute...*want to hug her liao*

Btw, my gal was big size...she is 8mth++, her last wt was like 9.2kg, ht ard 70+cm...but she dont drank much since birth..but her wt kept increasing...n till now, she never finish 700ml per day..PD said its her genes lar..*daddy n mummy fat lar*
Yeah 1st time he get rashes the whole body..also dunno what is allergic to.
Calamine lotion not the same as cetaphil lotion..different product but similar function.
ABC mat..can try Kidsmall suntec. may have.
rhyan usually puts the whole puff in his mouth but once in a while, dunno how he bite and end up half a puff left .. hehe .. sometimes he rub the puff on the floor *faint*, then i eat it up lor.
yar, i put the whole bottle in the fridge. then i pour some into the food jars to give him. i always put ONE puff on the food jar cover and he will take and eat, finish then i put another. in the past, he picks up the cover to play instead of eating the puff. now, he picks the puff up and leave the cover alone.

i just started abt 2 wks ago only, after some mummies here talked abt brushing teeth.
i didn't do anything much, just gave him the toothbrush and guide him to use his hand to put the brush in and rub his teeth and he just do it himself (usually he bite the brush though) i dun dare to put my finger in anymore, his bite hurts!

CATERER - i am still deciding so hvn't confirm on anyone yet.

BFG - i partial BF rhyan till he was 6mths old.
calamine lotion vs cetaphil lotion:
no lah, these 2 are totally different products!
calamine lotion is used to treat rashes, it will relief the itch.

cetaphil has a range of products, ranging fr hand wash to cream to lotion. Cetaphil is basically ph 5.5 and suitable for those with sensitive skin.
can try other brands ...some have XL like tollyjoy. I changed all Ryan's to tollyjoy..however now have new problem..he is biting through teats..so still considering what to give him coz cannot totally remove the bottle at this stage.
Sulivyn, thanks! Got chance next time, u can hug her, and she will give you a kiss too! She kisses everyone, no exclusivity.

DG: I BF Ash till about 6 mths and I stopped 'coz she started teething and she bites...OUCH! I still shiver from the pain....arghh!

I saw the ABC mats at Carefour, B2 Plaza Sing, quality quite good, can check it out.

Caterer: I used Four Seasons Catering for Ash's 1st month and the food is very good. You can check out http://www.fourseasons.com.sg
cetaphil lotion is in cream form
calamine lotion is in liquid form

if you only wanna smoothen the skin then can try cetaphil or hazeline snow cream
Happy Holidays!

I guess must be teething. Isabel had fever over the weekend too.

I stopped bfg before bb turns 6 months. at first, felt quite bad, but after a while, i m ok. i tried my best and i believe FM can be as good also.
GERBER PUFFS- I'm using Cheerios to replace gerber puffs as a healthier option(plus its alot less sweet) and also cause I think its a better training finger food. Puffs dissolve too easily whereas Cheerios require more chewing.

FEEDING CHEERIOS- started off giving her like the way I give puffs- place one individually on table and let her pick it up herself to eat. Few days ago I decided to give her one large handful on her highchair try. She beamed and grabbed a fistful and tried to stuff everything into her mouth! But after she sarted chewing and realised that she cannot handle so much food, she spat it out and took a few pieces and tried again. After a couple of times, she learnt to regulate the amount she puts into her mouth (meanwhile I stand her and kept reminding her to 'EAT SLOWLYYYY') hehehe

(PS: of course I do this only after I'm *very* sure she knows how to spit food out promptly if unable to handle)

DG- yar I'll be bringing Faye to a playgroup when she turns 18months. Will prob start from 2x weekly, then increase to 2x then 3x then perhaps daily gradually. Babies at this age learn subconsciously, so at this stage I still dont feel that I have to consciously teach her seomthing all the time. She'll absorb and learn by doing stuff together with me, when we have 'conversations', when we read, when we go out and meet others, etc.
Are you planning to send your boy to a playgroup soon?

i go to the ghim moh one, the stallholders are generally quite nice, will give free spring onion/coriander in generous amounts, the chicken lady even does free home delivery and i think got fish stall which does the same. hehe, maybe i can skip going to wet market if they can deliver! and many of them speak english, especially the younger ones!

domestic goddess

for fresh produce, i usually buy from eat organic at bukit timah rd (next to hwa chong jc), the organic market at dempsey rd every sat, sometimes bunalun at chip bee gardens and sometimes cold storage if i happen to be there and there's stuff i want. for dry/packaged food, i buy from brown rice paradise at tanglin mall and eat organic. do u know of any other good places?

wah, you cook 3 meals a day for your son? how do you manage? what do you cook since you said you don't cook porridge? pasta? i give luke 2 meals, one cereal and one porridge and it sure keeps me busy :p
eh!! that's the wet market i went to!
that's the wet market where i spent $100 on just fish, veg &amp; fruits!!!
my MIL tells me that's the rich man's market (district 10), that's why their prices are sky high!

tks for your recommendation on the blender!
I have the same braun I think... works well enough
. BTW mine got extra ice grinder can make ice kachang? :p

Thanks for all the votes :D .
thanks medusa!

think i will buy 1.
will use slow cooker to cook brown rice.
if the husks don't disintegrate, then i will use the handheld blender to puree everything!


thanks everyone!
ladies who go to ghim moh wet market:
on alternate sundays, there is a lady who will sell factory over-runs.
she hangs them up on racks outside the SINDEE electrical store (facing the wet toilet).

the lady boss is called AMY. she has 2 regular shops; one in Thomson Plaza the other in United Square.

Her stuff are cheap! rompers arae usu $5-6 each.
but you must go early, as early as 8am to get all the good stuff.

really?! aiyoh, maybe you went to the wrong stalls. i go to the ones my mil recommends and which have the most customers. and hor, i never spend more than $50 which lasts a whole week and more, and i end up cannot carry all, must make 2 trips to the car! hehe, maybe the items you bought are inherently expensive, i.e. pricey everywhere, like codfish, threadfin :p
dang! now i feel like an idiot!

erm, so can you tell me which store to go to for pork / fish / veg / fruits / yong tau hu etc?

maybe, just maybe they cheated me???
as in they inflated the prices??


no lar, you are not an idiot! i had my mil's help so not so bad. and hor, maybe it's really because i buy different things from you. yi fen qian yi fen huo mah. i would love to tell you which stalls! but a bit difficult leh, the wet market got so many stalls, i cannot name row/stall no. leh. but generally i frequent the ones on the perimeter. tell you what, next time i go (dunno when ah :p), if i see the stall numbers i'll tell you!
little prince,
Okok, the next time u see my hubby, ask him how to get free veggies :p U started brushing R's teeth? I haven got down to it, but i tink it's high time i do it cos whenever i try to clean his teeth wif a wash cloth, he nvr fails to give me a hard bite, esp recently.

T really very advanced in terms of toking leh...

Lucas can walk oredi? Wow, congrats...

Oh dear, u take care... Hope u recover soon...always no opportunity to chat wif u over msn
Yar, i very bo eng cos scare Kieran walk to the edges n konk his head or smthg. Hehehe, like little prince, when Kieran wakes up in the middle of the nite, my 1st thot is always of AC n her Justin :p

Yar, u beri nice to eat...yum yum :p YX is sick? Was she sick previously when she was teething? Kieran is down wif a very slight cold today, exactly the same as when he was sprouting his upper 2 teeth. Furthermore, he's having loose stools recently. Though i tried to feel his gum *i very brave to put fingers in*, felt nothing oso but still i got a strong hunch that he's teething again.

Yes, i'm throwing a bday party for Kieran. A mini one for relatives n some frens. I stopped BF for a long long time oredi. In fact *pls dun be shocked* i only BF for 2 wks :p To me, can BF is of cos the best, but even if can't, it's no big deal oso, though everywhere/everyone is ALWAYS saying dat BM IS THE BEST :p I'm considering neo garden for their buffet.
*floats up hiiigh* yes my baby beri cute n beri clever! :D :D :D

yah when A wakes up in nite, I also think of AC. LOL. Aiyoh life wld be so much easier :p if the bbs din wake up in nite and be awake or crying inconsolably.
MT, u beri buay pai-seh wan! U supposed to say "wahh thanks! your Faye also beri cute and smart mah!" To which I will reply "wahahaha I agree! My faye IS beri cute and smart!"

Eh, why the mushroom house got silver fish stuck outside wan??
