(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Hi Angie,

You can look at the archive to see what some mummies posted. Till now what I'm giving sharyn is very standard. Porridge with cod fish/threadfin with spinach/carrot/pototaes/sweet pototaes/egg. She's taking spinach and fish porridge everyday.

see you all tomoro

wow, athena can imitate so many words! she's gonna be real good with language, just like you
aiyah, i can't seem to access your vid leh


ashley has such a contagious smile! and ya, she is a very good-sized baby. nice pic! i'm a sahm to luke who's 8+months


i've bought the red potatoes fr cold storage before, comes in a pack, but each potato is quite small compared to the russets, so just nice for one serving for luke! tastes good to me too!


i think poussin means young chicken and spatchcock is the australian term for poussin. possum is a marsupial which to me looks suspiciously like a rat :p
Wow, Ashley is really tall! She's really pretty, got very defined eyebrows.
She actually eats less than my little gal Meghan so don worry so much abt cutting down her food.
Meghan is 10 mths plus has 2 meals a day (lunch & dinner is one full bowl of porridge, pasta or cereal), sometimes got breakfast and drinks 240ml of milk 4x a day....weighs 9.2kg.

Meghan's been throwing herself back longtime already. My wrist used to hurt also, but I think now used to it already.

Athena really develops fast! Hehe...Meghan only know how to say "don buyi" ie. don bully, when she don get her way.
deniz, faye's been doing it for beri long also, but not as much as these few days. Last time she only does it here and there, in between got interval wan. Today specifically, she insisted on being upside down for almost 20 min while we were out! I nearly fainted LOL :p
i've sent the pics to your rocketmail account, pls check

eh, i've not seen angelia in person so dunno whether she fierce or not

but hor last time she mentioned she got her driving license in 1986, then "someone" teased her saying she got it when she was 12 years old mah...so more or less can figure out wan

yingxin also likes to arch her back and tilt her head whenever i carry her since long ago; both my wrists hurts too supporting her; i used to wear wrist guard and it does help but nowadays i'm immuned to it already

i cooked them separately; steam the egg till hard-boiled then put the grated yolk into the porridge

thanks for the explaination

^ this is the real me!!! which daredevil actually pose as me and enter into wat disney wat baby contest huh??? hmpt!!! never die before issit?? kekekekeke
must thank you for rallying support from the mummies!!!

maple leave
thanks to you too!!!

i've voted for all babies liao!!!!
for the past 2 months or so, i've been feeding her brown rice porridge with the husk and she has takes it well - she doesn't get choked and has no constipation problem

cody, how about pickin out the husk while feeding dean at the same time?? or try to feed with the husk and see how he takes it lor
so happy....yingxin now weighs 7.3kg, almost tripled her birth weight of 2.47kg!!! as for her height, i did not measure but estimated to be 65cm
Hi mommies,
Finally got some time to post....... =)

<font color="ff0000">Disney BB:</font>
Voted for all of bbs and hope that 1 of them will win.

Hi puff,
I also think that the photographer never did a gd job in taking YX's pic.

<font color="0000ff">Rhyan's naked pic:</font>
Hi little prince,
Rhyan really good @ looking @ the camera.... hehe. And I can see Rhyan's bahbahness..... =P

Hi wendy,
Don't need to feel so lousy. Everyone of us are limited by certain circumstances. I am very sure that u and yr hb have showered Nicole with lots of love too. Little prince's suggestion is very gd (coz we also passed frozen food cubes to our nanny last time) if u don't want to trouble yr mil. As for cooking porriage during weekends, how abt waking up abit earlier to prepare it? Or ask yr hb to prepare, u just voice remote control fr behind.

Hi yuru and AC,
I think we want form a support gp liao coz i also don't know wat does all those words mean..... =P

Hi Angie,
<font color="119911">Welcome!!! Welcome!!!</font> Wow.... Ashley is 12kg and 84cm @ 10 mth, she is the champion of the thread now *Esther guai guai hands over the crown to Ashley*. Btw, Esther is 9.8kg &amp; 71cm @ 9 Mth &amp; 2 Wk old (1 of the heavy wt bb gal in the thread =P). Oh ya, Ashley is very sweet looking..... =)

Hi medusa,
Athena sure can say alot of things hor.... so envy.
Hi mummies and new mummies

Looks like I m able to login in wee hours cos no need to juggle with jr when I m out of Singapore :p

Final, I managed to see JR's pic @ united sq.. you took for my JR, thanks. Will try to down by United Sq over weekend to see all the other 4 babies' nice pics.

Thanks for all the effort to help to rally for our babies!

I sent out emails to my hubby, colleagues and friends to vote for our babies liao.. KS! KS! and I will vote myself when I got back this Friday.

Ya, hope at least one of our babies can get into final
no need to go down united square to see pics, medusa already posted them on tuesday!!

sigh...yingxin's pic was lousy.... JR's better
Hi Oranges,
Don't mind i abit KP and post some linus's pic for u... =P

<font color="ff0000">When Linus Meets Esther (again):</font>

Linus to Oranges: "mummy, who is this pretty gal?" (Sorry, i buay pai seh, say my own dotter pretty =P)
Oranges to Linus: "That is Esther."


Linus: "Oh, u r Esther. U have a nice hairclip. Can i take a closer look?"
Esther: "....."


Linus: "Esther, yr hairclip very nice leh. Erm, what r u looking at?"


Linus: "Oh, u like my toy?"


Esther:"Linus, can u lend me that toy? I use my fav toy to exchange."
Linus: "Yr fav toy?"


Esther to itsun:"Daddy, take my fav toy here."


Linus: "Yr fav toy looks interesting. Ok, we exchange."


Linus: "Yeah, i got yr toy."
Esther:"Yeah, i got yrs too."


Linus: "Esther, yr toy looks gd. Can i have a bite?"
Esther:"Sure, go ahead."


Linus: "Yummy..... hehe"
Hi everyone, I didn't log on for a few hours and now I am completely LOST! So many postings and even though I know some mummies asked me something, I can't find the post when I tried to scroll back nor remember who asked me what. Sorry, if I missed out replying. How do you ladies managed this? Reading and posting feels like a full time job now! haha

OK, whatever I can recall now..

Organic food - I don't really buy organic for my son, though I was toying with the idea of organic beef and meat before. The organic veg in local supermarkets don't look good to me, not mentioning the price. I find organic yogurt though in Cold Storage or Tanglin Mall, unless I missed them?

Hi hi Angie, Ashley looks so cute in that picture. CAn pass off as toddler. I am very new here too. I am a SAHM to my almost 1 yr old boy Marcus. I was a BIG workaholic before Marcus was born and after my maternity leave, I quit. heehee... a bit naughty, but can't care so much lah.. Baby first!

Marcus's birthday on 3rd Sept and we plan to throw him his first party as we didn't do the first month celebration thingy. But now going nuts trying to choose a caterer. HELP HELP pls!! Who you recommend, anyone??

BB weight - Marcus weighs only 8.5kg though almost 12 months! I think he is 75cm tall. He eats 3 meals plus 3 bottles of milk per day (200ml, 150ml and 200ml) and sometimes also snacks! Not small meals leh... about 200g per meal! I don't cook him porrige but he does have loads of carbs, protein, vitamins etc.. in what I cook for him.. so also don't understand how he is so trim. He is very active though, so maybe he burns them all off.

Medusa - your bb can say so many words!! Wow I am so impressed. Marcus "talks" a lot, but most of them I can't understand his words though sometimes I know what he refers to. He can say "mama" and "mum mum" and he understands some simple instructions and will carry them out when I say "clap clap", "where's your head" and will touch his head, "milk" and he opens his mouth, etc... I am trying to teach him the "no more" hand signal that Berry taught her Faye too. But he hasn't got it.

Disney bb: I went to US early this morning to vote for your babies. My hubby too, though he didn't know why I said must vote for those few babies, but he just did what I said. haha... Sorry I know someone (sorry can't remember who now) asked if I could take a pic, but only read this posting now and I am in KL. Only back on Sunday. Will it be too late?

Angelia, have sent details to you.

Wendy, don't feel bad. You should post here more often. Though I don't post so much (mostly because it moves so fast and I get lost) and I am new, I can tell the mummies here are really sweet and supportive. They will give tons of help if needed.

fruitcake, you asked me something? Sorry, I can't find your post now when I tried to scroll back.
one more thing: I was advised by PD to give baby a Hep B booster jab as after a blood test, the level of antibodies he has is only 69 when the ideal amount is minimum 120. So PD said the level of antibodies won't last him for next 5 years (which is usually when they get a booster jab) and advised he be given a booster now.

But when I read up and check the info given by MOH, it only said a Hep B booster is only required for babies whose mothers are Hep B carriers, and I am not.

Anyone with similar experience, pls share. Or if you know more to advise, would appreciate to hear from you. Thanks.

yx's almost tripled her bw! that's great! yar, the disney pic does not do your beautiful daughter justice!


linus and esther got "fu qi xiang" and got chemistry! :p :p

domestic goddess

i asked u whether u buy organic food too, u answered liao, thanks :p hehe, i prefer to buy fr organic shops on the day their stock arrives, supermarket turnover perhaps slower so their organic produce not so fresh looking.
ok, since the last campaign has yet to get archived, i shall ceased to re-post... hiak hiak...

itsun, wondered where u disappeared to... haha... i agree that linus &amp; esther got fu qi xiang leh... hehe... see the 3rd pic, linus like sayang esther until so gentle leh... hehe...

puff, will u be at home tonite? if i can, maybe i drop by and pass u the things??
yest nite went compass pt and dropped by cold storage. btw, what is the usual price for a butternut pumpkin ah? they cost ard $5 at CS leh, i remembered it wasn't tt expensive previously. am wondering if there is shortage of stock coz i hv not been seeing it in NTUC for the past few wks.

then hor, i went to bb section and saw only 2 bottles of gerber puffs left! seeing tt it was sweet potato flavour, i placed it back on the shelf and few seconds later, a mummy just grab the 2 bottles and walked off! i was thinking "wah! so saleable ah!" coz deniz said she saw alot the day before then as i walked to the cashier, i saw a huge mountain of puffs. LOL! so those who wants to buy quick go hor, coz i think it will be gone very soon.

i think rhyan is teething again coz he cldn't sleep last nite!
he sucked his pillow till all wet and kept wanting me to carry him and whining. cld see he was sleepy but somehow cldn't get to sleep, and whatever i gave him, he bite very hard. so in the end, i gave him pacifier and he fell asleep almost immediately. sounds scary, dunno if he is teething god-knows-how-many- teeth again.
oops, almost forgot. compass pt cold storage has a fresh meat section, i believe can grind meat on request. open till 7.30pm at nite.

so &amp;$#$%((*)* hor. yx so pretty, they take her pix until like tt. eh, i think yx's weight is pretty good now. no worries anymore!

*rhyan quickly covers up himself with towel* :p

linus and esther's photos so funny, i had a good laugh! very nice narration!

my PD also mentioned tt there is no need for booster if i am not a Hep B carrier. maybe can get a second opinion from another doc?

i bought a kampung chicken fr ntuc yesterday for $5.50. my wet market sells for $10!!! but the prices of normal chicken are same or cheaper than supermarkets. so why the difference? anyone knows? my wet market chicken seller says hers really got no hormone injections one...
fruitcake- from what I know, hormones are not even injected (hehehe its beside the point a little I know :p). Hormones are added into their feed- sure saves alot more time than running all over the farm catching n injecting chickens in their necks!
Anyway, I think the wet market ripped you off leh. You speak ang mo or lousy mandarin issit? I always kenna cheated when I go market wan, which is why I do NOT go to wet markets anymore. Oh, or could it be they went by weight and she gave u a heavier chicken? The ones in supermarkets are tiny.

itsun, beri nice photos!! I think esther looking prettier and prettier! She really looks like her mummy.

hee, i didn't know the hormones are added to their feed! i don't think she rips me off leh because her regular chicken prices are better than supermarkets, eg i can get one BIG chicken breast for $1.50-2, bigger than cold storage. i go wet market precisely because i can get better prices and fresher food. u look too young and hip liao lar, i go wet market looking v aunty :p her prices really standard, and and and she is very nice to me! she does sell by weight but her kampung chicken is definitely not twice the size of the ntuc one or even thereabouts. aiyah, i wanna ask her "why like dat one???" :p
fruitcake, I go wet market also look beri auntie wan leh. Anyway I got cheated so many times, at the veggie stalls, at the chicken stalls, even at fruit stalls! So I've decided never to shop there again :p
little prince,
I lurveeeeeeeeee Rhyan's naked pics... Heheheh, so cute
Last nite, k was oso like R leh... I knew he was sleepy oredi but somehow he jus can't zzz. Kept whining &amp; he woke up a few times...I'm like panda bear today. He oso kept biting things which was unusual as he has stopped putting things into his mouth or biting for quite some time liao. Wonder if he's oso teething...

Wah, Faye trying to be acrobat ah? :p

I oso felt dat the pic was not well taken. YX is such a sweetie pie. I mean afterall, we've seen so many of her fotos here...

Kieran is oso approaching 1 yrs old &amp; the last i weighed him nearing to 11 mths, he was 8.3 kg. To me, his being small is not an issue to me as long as he's active n healthy.

Wahahhaha, i oso dun really miss Kieran when i'm at work. :p But i know for sure I'm not a bad mummy cos i give him all my time when i'm wif him. Like wat u say, during the weekends, when ur darling is wif u, no time even for toilet breaks.
i remembered my aunt told me before tt kampung chicken are very expensive leh. but 2x the price diff like very terrible hor? eh, i ask nanny tonite, see whether she knows why or not? :p
u get cheated so easily one meh? i thought u always ask many many qns before u buy things? :p

hehe .. thks! u know hor, last time we still can test his bite by putting our finger into his mouth. now cannot liao, my finger blue black tt day after i did tt. hoepfully our bbs are really teething and get over it fast, else i am going to be a zombie for one whole wk!
little prince, go market beri intimidating wan leh, the aunties there go "lai ah lai ah, ai buay simi??" and ramble and ramble in hokkien! then before I can answer they decide for me saying this and that is good, then always gimme more than I want and charge me more for it!! then I cannot pick and choose, cuase they very quickly grab and put in plastic bag and shove into my hands! waliao!
Berry / stretching baby:
Dean is also like that .... but he does it MOST in the car when he is trying to wriggle out of his car seat, or when he wants to climb to the seats in front. Very naughty!!!

I am contemplating to switch my car seat to face front. Dean REALLY hates his car seat now, and its so exasperating to get into the car with him!
He's almost 9kg but 8.5mths old only. I read its BEST to keep babies facing the rear till 12mths regardless of their age, but but but i think i can't tolerate much of his screaming!

besides, i think it may be better that he faces front now than for him to be used to being not in the car seat at all!

Angie: such a cute baby you have!
whoa 12kg, but she's v tall too! Its proportionate i guess.
i find dean heavy at almost 9kg now, and like you, my wrist will also hurt when i lift him out of his cot.
me too, always kenah cheated at the wet market.
eg i went to buy fish for baby &amp; myself, one store only spend $50+!!
same happened at the veg store!
the only place i could pick and choose was the fruit store, but i think he over charged me.
Just 2 hours in the wet market, and i spent close to $100!

and i only bought fish, veg and fruits!!!!!
when u told my MIL, she said i kenah cheated big time!

LOLLL! me and rhyan go market dressed very shabbily one, like no $$$ kind. then i buy meat, i ask for SMALLEST pce, fish also buy LITTLE BIT. veggie stall, i buy 1 tomato or 2 potato kind. i even contemplated asking if i can buy few strands of veggie, so no one dare to overcharge me. :p
Hi Cody: thanks!
Carseat: I changed my baby's carseat to front facing when she was about 7 months 'coz she kept crying (bored maybe, nothing to look at). She stopped giving me prob after changing and now I can sit in front with my HB.

itsun: the strip very cute and funny...hahaha!
little prince, I also wat, I wear OLD SLIPPERS with almost-wanna-spoil kinda soles okie! and wear bermudas and t shirt leh. I even ask for discounts and ask veggie auntie to gimme FREE onions. but no use wan, they overcharge me, refuse to give discounts and never give free onions also.
I can't imagine Berry or Fruitcake looking auntie *rolls my eyes and drop on floor*. U 2 ah.
Anyway I don't go wet mkt, cos though face and body can blend in, my communication skills very terok.
Go hawker order kambing soup get roti prata instead type.

about possum, :p

my mum keeps bugging me, say SHE hunting for it, tell her OUT-OF-STOCK, she keep asking me where's the secret place I bought it. :p

This morning brought Athena for her makeup swim @9am! And I kanna mozzie bite right on my face!

yeah ur darling is soooo much prettier in own photos! And she's very close to Athena's wt... Athena 8.5kg, bw was 3.6kg leh.

Hehe nice pics of Linus and Esther!

aiyoh Athena's butt rash (not vagina it's really the butt) not clearing up, doc say it's OK but very distressing. Not inflamed not red... but like SCAR. Mozzie bite on leg also SCAR (darker patch). I know bb skin scar easily but will fade off with time lah... but heartpain ah!

Athena repeating words-
eh Berry I listened again after ur input, I think so leh! boo-KER! :D ANd bah-L (tongue stick out!). I had thought she wrong!
angie, if I can get my mum/mil to buy for me I also dun need to buy. I buy is beacsue no one buy for me mah. Now I ONLY go to supermarkets.

cody yar lorrrrrrrr!! this stupid uncle try to sell me a SMALL apple for $1 EACH. Said is special breed! I bought 4, then went cold storage and found the SAME apple for $0.50 each!
Hi Mummies, bear with me today cos i going to post lot of pics because yesterday was Kiern's first birthday. Let us see how he have grow since day one.


One day old


One month old

OMG... spent $100 in the wet market!!! That is alot.... Did u buy alot of the things, eg 4-5 kind of fish/vege....? My mum spend less then a $100 to supply us-6 person 1 wk of food.
Medusa: RASHES, I know what u mean. My mum brought Ash to the beach the other day and came back with more than 20 bites (Sand flies I think) and the scars are horrible. But will take about 3 mths to fade. For butt rashes, desitin is very effective

i also got no one to buy food for me leh. but sometimes nanny buys extra fish or meat or veggie, she will ask me to bring home to cook on weekends lor.

next time we go market together lah :p

we only went to CS then left liao, coz no pram yest, cannot tahan walking for too long .. haha ..
