(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Hihi everyone,

Wow, there's so much info going around. Really helpful and I hope I'm welcome here.
Let me introduce myself....I'm Angie and I have a baby gal, Ashley who jus turned 10 months yesterday.

<font color="aa00aa">new mummies,</font>
pls drop me an email wif the following..

Babie's Name
Babie's DOB
Mummy's Nick
Mummy's Name
Thanks, ur definition very clear &amp; graphic

I remember I think Angelia asking last time abt the puffs lah. I bought my stock already!
hehe, sharwyn so cute ah, can shake her butt when music is on

a pic of my brown rice porridge with egg yolk, tofu, threadfin, xiao bai cai

is this considered smooth consistency cantonese-styled congee?

the husk has detached from the rice grain but it remains as one whole piece still
Just want to find out how many of you are SAHM or working mum? I've jus started work for about a month and I missed my baby terribly! I used to be able to bathe and cook for her and I feel really lousy now that I can't be with her daily
ya, my mentality same as fruitcake, feed her 1st thing in the morning so rest of the day she is more or less on schedule

actually it's best not to disturb baby's sleep - just let them continue sleeping till they wakes up instead of waking them up for milk for our convenience, 12am - 2am still not so bad timing

nope, have not seen the magazine

thanks for the info on gerber puff; been going compasspoint everyweek but cannot find; united square cold storage and raffles city jason's supermarket also dun have

alamak!! so chim!!

wat is poussin, possum, spatchcock?

wah, u so upfront about your age! u know someone same age as you? hahahaha, was it me?? kekekekekekekek.......
angie, Help on Images

I'm a FTWM...
hey, criteria for newcomers is to vote for the Disney Babies first leh... have you done so?? *evil grin*... hiak hiak hiak...

huh, archived again?!? si bei siong...

<u>Campaign for Disney Babies</u>
A1 - Jiang Rui
A29 - Lucas
A64 - Yingxin
A76 - Athena
A82 - Jean

sms DisneyBaby <baby_code> <your_name> <nric> to 9111-5541
Wat is the dark brown pieces? Hehe, Meghan's porridge always looks green (fm kai lan) or orangy-green (if I use other veggie)
I saw fm ur list u cook snow peas, long beans also. I find it difficult to remove the strings, remove the strings before cooking &amp; even strain after pureeing still got strings. Got any tips?
Re: Chickens
I assume poussin, possum, spatchcock, grainfed, etc are types of chickens?!? hehe... dunno lah... I can't even tell the difference between the types of potatoes leow... dun tell me abt hens and cocks... hahaa...
<font color="0000ff">age</font>
erm.. puff, u same age as me ah? wahahaha..
am referring to my secondary schoolmate.. who ah? u all guess lor. wahaha.. :p

<font color="0000ff">potatoes</font>
i always don't see "Russell Potatoes" at NTUC.

they always say "USA xx" or anything else but russell!!
hi welcome and thanks for the votes!!

dark brown pieces are the brown rice grain husk
i dun remove the strings prior to cooking...i got no tips leh cos i puree them after steaming and i simply throw the strings away lor
welcome and thanks for the votes!

wah jen,
you are very on lei! thank you

medusa, jen, puff, jrboy,
my friends have helped vote for your babies
thanks for the pic! looks yummy and def good enough for me. but what are the brown specs of stuff there? the BR husk is it?
oooh, if that's the case i worry Dean may choke on it .... nev mind ... i am still determined to try some this weekend. At most if yucky, i will pour it down hubby's throat. Heee

LOL! i think you've been reposting the disney codes for a million times today! hahahhahahaha
this thread is really moving too fast!!!

ya boy .... grain fed, kampong, alfred hitchcock etc whatever ..... i'm totally confused now. All i know is NTUC chicken comes either frozen or fresh. *head spinning fr confusion*
dean will just have to settle for NTUC chicken.

i think cold storage (the larger outlets) have russell potatoes. but no russell, usa potato also can imo.
thank you thank you... forgive me... I'm quite bored now so even my MSN nick also got the voting thingy... wahaha...

wei, cody... i oni post when i see it kanna archived leh... want to campaign, all the way leow mah!! haha... anyway, join for fun also lah... cannot get in also can't be help leow lor... at least we got try mah... :p
welcome welcome!
i am a FTWM (but at the rate i am in the forum, i risk being fired!) .... only had 12weeks maternity leave, but erm, i dun ever miss my baby when i am at work leh ......

oops, am i a baddddddddddddddd mommy?
i am quite happy to come to work cos i can get onto this forum. weekends when i look after my son full time, i dun even have the chance to use the toilet in peace much less to log on!
jen, u damn farnee lah!
each time after you post, it kenah archived.

dun be mistaken, i'm not saying that you shouldn't be posting so often. I also support Jean &amp; all the other babies from this thread in that contest!
ashmum, WELCOME!!

I'm a sahm to my 11mth old Faye

Puff/ BROWN RICE, yar, thats what I mean- the husk that has been detached cannot be cooked till it disintegrates. If bb is fine then its great, but Faye is not fine, so I have to ground :p

Angelia, its russet :p

Cody, aiya not good or bad mummy lar. Just a matter of personality n preference lor. Some ppl must work wan, they will feel terribly stifled and suffocated if stay home take care of bb all by themselves. Others love being with bb everyday, one entire day! Diff strokes mah.
FLIPPING FAYE- My wrists beri beri painful ah!! I usually sling faye when we are out, and these few days she keeps flipping backwards IN the sling- she would arrrrchhh her back backwards until her head upside down and nearly doubled over and stay in that position for beri long! I nearly sprained my wrist a few times to catch her as she throws herself backwards very suddenly. Is beri cute to watch her, but beri heavy!
MT, just watched your clip, Tena is real confident in her attempts! I realised that when she was imitating 'book', she said 'booKK!' with a very pronouced 'K' cause when you pronouce it, u also pronouce the 'K'. Its amazing how they notice such details hor?

I relised that when Faye attempts to imitate, she also picks up very clearly the 'k' of 'back', the 'g' of 'dog' and so on.
issit? I tot she couldn't pronounce book in the video. My mum VERY HAPPY just now- Athena CLEARLY called her "por por"! Exactly! She kissed Athena, LOL!

I'm trying to catch A's "Thank You" on vid- it's rather cute :p .
Hee thanks...yah she's overweight. Abt 12kg, dunno wat to do. I almost always hurt my wrist when I carry her, esp when she struggles alot. Now my wrist hurts perpetually, do you all have such problems?
I also tried controlling her intake to a small bowl of porridge each meal.
Wah, 12kg! Athena's 10+mth, 8.5kg but not very tall. :p
She imitates "book, ball, bear, flower, thank u, hi, bye-bye"... but doesn't know the meaning. Knows and says "mama, papa, mam-mam"... the rest I'm not sure.
Unfortunately, when go to Baby Show, I dun tell the judge cos HB say judge will laugh in my face- Athena will quietly STARE at judge and not say anything!
welcome! i am a FTWM to my 11mth old son Rhyan! wow, yr bb is very adorable.

LOL! every morning when my hb sends me to office ard 7.30am, he will ask me if its too early for me. i will reply him "no lah, i got alot of things to do wan, like read forum!" hahahahaha ..

my office cannot "hear" the clip, i go home and watch again. but hor, yr darling is really so loveable leh!
what's ashley's height? rhyan is 12kg too, but not overweight coz of his height. 90+ percentile. hmm, he don't eat alot. 2 bowls of porridge and 4 milk feeds of 180ml each a day but also big size.
cody, haha... no lah... i try to help to pull votes for everyone lor... cos want one of the forum babies to win mah... haha...

berry, jean also flip like that... she especially does that if i'm sitting down... :p

angie, ashley is sooo cute!!! 12KG!??!?! peng ah...
angie, might not be a good idea to restrict her intake for weight reasons unless the PD specifically says so. Is she crawling/cruising yet? When they start being mobile, most of the excess weight will be lost, so no need to worry! Your girl looks really cute chuckling away LOL!
WRIST- try wearing a wrist guard- I had a case of very bad sprained wrist some time ago, wearing a wrist guard helped alot!

MT, wats her version of 'thank you'?
Hahaha...she's quite tall, abt 84cm. I only give her 3 feeds of 180ml milk and 2 small bowls of porridge a day. The larger side of a 'pigeon' feeding bowl. Am I starving my baby??
berry, thanks for your advice, think I'll get a wrist guard from the pharmacy.

Medusa, hee...all babies grow differently. At least you don't have a BIG baby to struggle with. She still can't walk yet but crawling around, so very tiring juggling her. She was born very tiny though, 2.8kg, dunno wat happened.
Already voted Jean yesterday liao!

Just send in support for all the bbies listed above! Good Luck to all!! Kapra .... kapra ....
i think she is very tall, i am not sure of rhyan's current height but i dun think he is that tall leh. are u sure she is overweight? like berry, i dun think you need to reduce her intake (its not alot leh) unless yr PD says so. are u and yr hb big size?

LOL! i must give athena alot of things next time, see whether she say "dang cue" to me or not. :p
Hi Angie,

What milk powder is she taking? She looks good. Sharyn going 11mths only 8kg plus. 70 plus cm. Sharyn intake quite a lot. 2 big bowl of porridge and 5 feed of milk at least 150ml each. Looks like sharyn "jia leow bi"
maple, thank you thank you... heheh...

puff, how u know?? is it cos angelia is as fierce as her sheng1 xiao4?!? whaahah... *siams ar-bish*
