(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Pet, I can't cos as long as I put supplement in my mouth, it trigger my nausea and I want to vomit....Even I have difficulties in taking folic acid....it also make me wan to vomit.

<font color="aa00aa">SLK,</font>
huh? ur EDD 4 days later than me but u can see gender alr??? we went for appt last nite, did the scan but still can't see leh. hubby so kan-cheong asked the gynae "erm, the gender..." while doing the scan, the gynae replied "now still too early to confirm.."

ya, agree with <font color="ff6000">pets</font> that hubby prefer sons cos can "watch soccer" with them. hubby even say next time muz ask him support "Man Utd" but i say <font color="119911">"ooi, dun forget me liverpool, arsenal fan hor"</font>

me prefer gals (as usual) but think if 1st bb is boy, then i dun need so stress. cos i kept seeing those at Yew Tee with 2 kids, usu it's either 2 boys or 2 gals... so if boy 1st, then 2nd one boy, at least no need to "chase" 3rd one.. but if both gals, then jia-lat.. sure will be kenna pressured to try for another "boy"!! hahahaha..
Yee Yee,

Ha... Then you have to get the replacement from food. I have difficulties swallowing the multi vit and calcium. So big. I kept drinking lots of water after that.
<font color="aa00aa">yeeyee,</font>
if it doesn't make u throw up, then i think u better try to take the supplements &amp; "force" urself to keep it down.

i think i'll also feel a bit nausea after taking the multi-vit, dunno is it pyscological or what, but i try to suppress the nausea feel &amp; keep them down. maybe keep urself bz &amp; u won't think of throwing up.

think of this, if u dun take enuff nutrient, scarly u need to go on drip, will be worse!!
yeeyee, you only throw up when you eat certain items like pills/plain water, right? Can you take other normal food? I saw my gynea on Sat and discussed about prenatal vits. I'm in 2nd tri now, but he didn't offer me multi-vits, I had to ask for it. He said that if I'm eating normal, actually there is no real need to take a multi-vit. Nevertheless I asked for it so that I can take it on days when my diet is not very balanced. He also agree that no need to take everyday. I guess for you, the main thing is to take diff types of food as much as possible. Eat lotsa diff fruits and veggies to supply your body with the nutrients you need. For decades women have given birth to healthy children even though they were never given multi-vit during pregnancy, so I really think that multi-vit is a supplement, not an essential.

angelia, aiyo, dun scare her,I doubt she will go on drip because she dun take her multi-vits keke...

are, I love durians! Too bad I cant take it too much because of its heatiness.
Hi YeeYee... I think I can shake hands with you. Because I have the same problem as you too.

I feel a bit nauseous whenever I take my multi-vitamins and to make it worse I cannot swallow pills so need to bite it to break it into smaller pieces. It is the taste and the smell that I cannot stand... realised that it tastes like milk and I don't quite fancy milk.

Read from a book that some pregnant women will feel nauseous from multi-vitamins and the suggestions given were to take it every other day or take it at night before bed.

If its really that bad... speak to your gynae and let your gynae suggest other alternatives as a replacement for those multi-vitamins.

Maybe I'm not as jia lat as you so I managed to find a solution to my problem. I will just take a few bites of my breakfast... have a half-time.... take my folic acid and multi-vits (I drink warm water with my pills as it covers the taste and smell more) and then continue with my breakfast to cover the taste and smell of the multi-vitamins. I still feel a little nauseous once I have the multi-vitamins in my mouth but at least I won't throw up since tummy is still fairly empty :p

I avoid milk in the morning now. I realise that I tend to feel nauseous and get giddy spells more often in the morning. So I take it in the evening instead.

Milk plus multi-vitamins is lethal to me... so better take them separately at different time of the day.

Not sure if it will work for you... but you might want to give it a try
hi pets,
i prefer girls but hubby prefers boys.

hi yeeyee, odie and pets,
same here. i have problems swallowing pills too. was very good at taking medicine until i am preggie. these days i feel like puking at the sight of pills

hi angelia,
don't update the gender of my baby cos it's not confirm yet. gynae said it's from what he sees... still early. btw, i'm not in my Week 14... only Week 12 now
will be into my 2nd tri this thurs. really can't wait!
<font color="aa00aa">berry,</font>
i think it's essential to take the pre-natvit during 1st trimester cos that's when we dun eat well.. so how to get enuff nutrients from food leh? kekeke... but come 2nd trimester, it'll be different cos it's supposed to be the "honeymoon" period of pregnancy where one's appetite improves &amp; can eat better.. thus will be able to take in more nutrients for bb.

well, sometimes muz think of the worst case scenario to make us do what is necessary
hi yingzi and heather,
which hospital are you going to deliver?
i will be at gleneagles. since our dates are so close, we might end up seeing each other if we are going to the same hospital
<font color="aa00aa">SLK,</font>
i think 2nd trimester starts wk 16
sad to say, i read it from a book that the gynae gave me.... hiaz.. now oso dunno is 2nd trimester starting from wk 14 or wk 16 ?!?!?!?!
oh angelia,
i forgot to tell you that i've changed my gynae.
i am now seeing Dr See Tho Kai Yin from Gleneagles.
Berry, ya, my gynea also told me that supplement is not essential as long as to eat food to supply my body with the nutrient. That's why he tells me not to eat the supplement if it make you sick. He said no point taking something that make you feel uncomfortable. But the problem is now my appitise not good, afraid can't eat enough food also....Sigh....wonder what will happen if my baby didn't get enough nutrients from me.

Odie,at least you are better than me cos you still can take your supplement. I have not been taking my supplement since my 6 weeks of pregnancy except folic acid....Now I even don't feel like taking the folic acid....I hate the smell when putting the tablet on the tongue....yuck...and make me wan to vomit.
angelia, my gynea told me that multi-vit is usually given only during 2nd tri cause baby doesnt need that much extra during first tri, and what the baby needs is derived from the mother's body (basically the 'store') and not so much of what she is eating during that period. I guess I believe more in being as natural as possible, like what my gynea advises. He told me, no need to be too anxious about everything, nature has its ways of providing for the baby as long as the pregnancy is normal (ie, not an exceptional case). Unnecesary stress is no good either. Just take it easy and be happy. Eat as much variety as possible and everything in moderation.

angelia and SLK, but I read that 2nd tri starts from week 14 onwards. Maybe its a give or take kinda thing? Anyway, if your pregnancy has gone well till 14th week, there should be no cause for worry right?

yeeyee, in our mother's time, they didnt have multi-vits either, and due to poorer circumstances their diet was probabaly worse than ours, but babies still turned out well, right? Dun worry so much, relac and have faith in your baby. My gynea says that the baby will not allow itself to go hngry/deprived of nutrients in a normal pregnancy.
gd morning gals,

it seems like headache is one of the common symptoms in pregnancy....

i also get headache easily...i guess is due to the heat...somemore we pregnant women scared of heat....yesterday afternoon was walking under the big sun to my friend car....once in the car, can feel my head a bit heavy("chong") liao.....maybe we are too heaty...dat why we are prompt to headache....

my brother teach me that when i get headache, try to rub the ears for a while....let the blood ciculate will ease the headache...i try a few times....its works for light headache...so you gals dun mind trying
Angelia n Berry,
And my book says 2nd trimester starts 12th week. LOL! Whatever lah, as long as 10 wks up I feel more relieved. Cos 30% of 1st pregnancies miscarry in the 1st 10 weeks (some unknowingly pregnant cases).
hi berry, mtmtmt, angelia,
so confusing. i shall not bother abt when the start of 2nd tri is. just tell myself that i'm in my Week 13 this thurs
thanks for all your adice anyway

hi adeline,
thanks for the rubbing of ears method. i will try that soon. btw, my friend just told me that we must watch our blood pressure cos headaches could be due to high blood and it's no good for the baby.

btw, anyone going on a trip before giving birth? i may be going to sydney in may.
<font color="aa00aa">berry,</font>
is it? then why did the gynae gave us multivit during the 1st trimester?? hiaz... somemore he ask me to take at least alternate days if i can't tahan it.

we so excited to go into 2nd trimester cos it's supposed to be the "honeymoon" period mah..
so can't wait to experience how it feels

<font color="aa00aa">slk,</font>
aiya, nvm lah, as long as u feel better, dun hv to bother is it 2nd trimester alr or not.. me still not doing well, that's why hoping will "reach" 2nd trimester soon mah.

<font color="aa00aa">mtmtmt,</font>
hahaha.. ya, ya.. as long as pass 10 wks, shld be quite safe.

me so far still not feeling 100% well.. dinner still a problem. can't take much. think i was better during wk 8~9.. wk 10 onwards, dinner appetite not that good. hiaz...
<font color="aa00aa">slk,</font>
me juz back from Melbourne abt 2 wks ago

was thinking of taking a wkend getaway to Bintan sometime in Jun/July but guess gotta see hubby's "soccer watching" schedule...
hi angelia,
i've been suffering from indigestions lately. so can't really take dinner too. have you put on much weight? i think i've put on less than 2kg so far. hubby wants me to put on more weight cos he's worried abt the baby *selfish* :p
Morning gals,

I am on 1 week MC this week. Had 2 jabs in 3 days...my bum (left, right) hurt like anything. I'm literally counting down the weeks to start of 2nd tri. Is it true that vomitting is actually a good sign as it means bb is growing?
hi angelia,
yeah i know you just came back from melbourne. same lor, also have to cater to hubby's 'soccer watching' schedule. but this time, i insist on the dates, he has to give in to me
btw, anyone knows the length of ur bb?? for mine, it's

<font color="0000ff">wk 13 + 2 days ==> 5.9 cm</font>

a bit worrying cos 2 wks ago, it's 4.7cm. 2 wks only grown 1.2cm??
hi joyful,
do take care and rest well durng this one week's break. i heard that vomitting is a sign that baby's reacting to the hormones, not sure if it's true though.
So fast and u can see the gender...tat's great! My sis and frenz told me gonna wait till like wk 16 onwards, so I tot still hv a mth plus to wait. Oh, I'll be delivering at Mount Alvernia. Haiz..I oso tot I'm stepping into 2nd Tri from this sat onwards.

Really ah, then I feel more relieved. But I think we still need to be careful throughout the entire pregnancy and will be more fang xin when we see our little darling on hand.

Thus far, I onli take folic acid and after taking for the past 2 mths, I realli feel so scared of smelling and swallowing it oso. Realli cannot imagine when more supplements come in. Think I will hv the same prob as u too.

We sama leh, my MS starts on wk 5 and last week at wk 11, started to lessen though it does comes back like last night after dinner..feel so nauseous after taking the chicken noodles. My frenz oso told me my MS will slowly go away, appetite improves and not so tired. I'm realli anticipating cos now still no mood to eat and do a lot of things.
<font color="aa00aa">slk,</font>
nope, i did not put on any weight.. in fact, i think i lost abt 1 kg. but the gynae says "it's okie, as long as bb grow, mummy dun grow never mind" maybe u can tell that to ur hubby too

<font color="aa00aa">joyful,</font>
well, some say at least ms is an indication that bb is still doing fine &amp; healthy. wait till u reach the stage when u dun feel any ms, u'll be worrying if bb is fine
guess we're all "stressful" mums

however, too much vomitting is not good as it'll lead to dehydration. maybe u take note of what food u take will cause u to throw up, then avoid the food in future?

dun worry, guess the ms will subside in a couple of wks time
meanwhile, do rest more &amp; take care.
angelia, just like even diff books have diff ideas on issues of pregnancy, diff gyneas also have differ opinions. Just trust your gynea and do what he says, you'll be safe.

joyful, vomitting aka nausea/MS is considered a good sign because these are triggered by high pregnancy hormones, and the higher your pregnancy hormones are, supposedly the safer the pregnancy. That's why when preggies get spotting, they are given hormone pills/jabs to support their pregnancy. But of cos, there are some people dun have any MS at all and their baby is still 100% alright. It just means that their body is very adaptable to the high levels of pregnancy hormones, hence the body does not react by having nausea/MS.
hi angelia,
my baby was 4.3cm at 11 weeks 0 days and 5.4cam at 12 weeks 0 days. i went to see my gynae twice in 2 weeks cos i was down with flu and cough.

don't worry abt the length. sometimes they grow faster, sometimes they slow down in their growth
Hi gals,

The problem is i haven't display any nausea signs yet. Some people tell me it depends on your mom also. My mom had no nausea last time at all....she assured me i won't have this problem. But now i looking forward to it leh...Should be about time to start i thought.
hi yingzi,
your sis and frenz are right. we'll normally be able to confirm the gender of the baby from Week 16.

hi angelia,
my weight fluctuates too. sometimes will lose abit. aiya, hubby just gan cheong over baby. first time father ma :p nowadays when he calls, he'll ask 'how's baby?' followed by 'how are you?' sigh...
hi joyful,
i had no nausea signs too, and no MS so far. both my sis and my mum had no MS too. so the theory may be right
looking forward to it? hmm... i don't think you'd want to experience it :p

your info very comforting..me on hormone pills and jab...so wondering why not enough hormone yet to start vomit? Everytime after the jab i feel abit nausea..but other times i eat a lot.
Hi All,

I am new to this thread as well.
SLK, i will be delivering in Gleneagles as well. My EDD is ard 11 Oct.

For me, i usually feel the worst when it is evening time. wonder is it the timing where my baby wakes up...usually around evening, my tummy is bigger as well. asyone has same symptons as me?
hi joyful,
same here .. no nausea signs too
my appeitite still as normal...
still can eat for dinner
i just have some giddy spells at times .. not very jialat one ...

sometimes i can't help but to wonder whether am i still preg or not

perhaps i shd ask my mum tonite if she experience any nausea during her pregnancy ..
blisse, my tummy is usually much tighter and larger at night. keke...I think its more because of the food I ate after one whole day compared to daytime. I weigh heavier as well in evenings.

chihiro, its great that you still have normal appetite, eat as much nutritious food as you can. Do you suffer from breast tenderness? Its also one sign of pregnancy.
Welcome blisse

My tummy is obscenely big but the foetus is only 2cm at 9wks, oops. Not too worried abt size, cos genetics come into play. Eg. Mine is abt 1cm shorter than the "usual" in my angmoh-book (which does state asians have smaller babies).

I think I unknowingly consumed MSG yesterday cos had horrible headaches whole day despite 2 panadols (not at same time) and even puked (I normally dun puke). Hopefully today I'm more careful!
<font color="ff6000">berry</font>
yea , i still do feel that i've got tender breast

yea, so for my meals now, i will try to gorge myself with as much vege as possible ... oso got meat and fish too...
SLK, maybe it's true...of cos too much MS also very cham lah. Keep my fingers cross lor.

Chihiro, yeah check with your mom 1st. I get hungry every few hours...my meals still same qty but i eat more meals now ard 6 i thk. i always standby biscuits and bread now.
<font color="aa00aa">joyful,</font>
ya, dun think u wanna experience ms.. how we wish we're all ms-free

imagine i've got an aunt who, on both pregnancies, gotta stay in bed for the full term!!!

<font color="aa00aa">chihiro,</font>
dun worry... maybe it's still early. during very early pregnancy appetite will still be alrite.

<font color="aa00aa">blisse,</font>
welcome aboard. guess when we reach wk 10 ~ wk 12, like not much appetite in the evening..
Hi wendyl,
MS/ vomitting is triggered by hormones produced by the baby, sometimes the stronger the hormones/ the baby, the stronger the MS. Though some people don't have MS cos their body can adapt to the hormones.

The hormone jabs and the hormone pills increase the hormone levels in u and stabilise the baby... therefore will sometimes increase intensity of MS/ vomitting.
hi blisse,
welcome! we might bump into each other if we are due together
hey, i also feel that my tummy is bigger in the evenings. maybe it's cos of dinner.

Hi blisse and SLK,

Me too. My stomach becomes smaller in the morning when I wake up. Stomach will become bigger and night time worse, stomach the biggest.
